Ribbons and “Unity”

Another nice-but-fraudulent speech — the reality never matches

What did President Obama take from reading Ronald Reagan’s big book over Christmas break?  Only the power of words again.  And a shout-out to two guys that make shingles...
A cartoon State of the Union, and a cartoon media to call it great.  “Now is the nation’s Sputnik moment” he proclaims...after gutting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach and global warming studies hodgepodge.

Investment (spending) in bullet trains, green, clean energy—no to oil, nuclear power.  Obama used the word ‘investing’ thirteen times.  We have only one railroad system, and the AmTrak system is a bust—no one is using it.  Companies need to get behind it—need to be forced to get behind this plan.  Tax and regulate people, bring the price up for 99% of the economy—the energy tax cuts make transportation affordable.

Austin Powers’ Dr. Evil held Earth ransom for only $100 billion

The last time Barack Obama said “our infrastructure was failing,” he asked for a trillion dollars in “Stimulus”.  Now Obama says the infrastructure is failing again.  So where’d the money go?

The innovators need the federal government to get out of the way—but they believe that throwing money at the problem, plus all of the regulations in place, will magically get us to compete with China.

Government doesn’t, cannot produce—they can only get in the way.  The only time the pvt sector doesn’t get it done first is when the game’s rigged.  Just like now.  We’re pioneers; we cross mountains.  And only regulatory mountains are on the way.  More regulatory mountains.

Parents are the most influential on a child’s life

The teachers are the most influential on a child’s life.  Who’s picture did Abraham Lincoln put up the wall?  His mother; he was home-schooled.  Progressives define ignorance; Obama touts Lincoln, but knows nothing about him of value.

With Cass Sunstein, combining government agencies, what you get are professors that tell students what to believe because the regulatory system doesn’t work.

We need to out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of world [applause].  It can’t be done under this environment!  And all they hear is we need more regulations!

The Carter years looks wonderful in comparison now

Electric cars of the future...yeah, where does the electricity come from?  As usual, mostly coal; wind Power makes up only 0.6%; Solar, 0.1%; Wood makes up 2% of the U.S. power supply.

Prices would necessarily skyrocket, said senator Obama.  To make things painful without any leadership is something a bully does.  But what do they do in response but attack you.

If the ‘green’ technology was so efficient it would’ve already taken off.  The people surrounding Obama are so delusional that they’d have to believe CEOs are secretly scheming against itGreen is currently less efficient than what was already in place.

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