
The seven deadly sins: Anger, covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, and sloth.
I’m guilty of five of them.  I admit to serious anger problems, conceit and filth.  I shan’t go into lust, not because of self-imposed restrictions on sexual content, but rather because the list’s long.  I don’t covet or envy, as I tend not to care by much.  You’re a big boy...or girl.  That feels like a cop out.

Even after improvements, what I’ve written in life is too lazy, let alone messy.  I’ve a long way to go, but there’s no time or support.  That leads to anger, fear.

Amygdala: the almond-shaped gray mass of the temporal lobe, anterior portion

Anger is a just basic emotion, yet without that internal regulation, the fight-or-flight mechanism isn’t subdued, “crimes of passion” (a.k.a. temporary insanity), even war ensue.  From Moses, to anger management, The Seven Deadly Sins (History Channel) lays out all of the drama.  A subject of vengeance—conscious or not, anger gets the best of people, though it can be paused or stopped on scene… by prayer.

Some of the nicest people you’ve met fall for the traps of rage.  It’s part spiritual.  Needless to say, shouters, screamers on talk radio often fall prey.  But until humility breaks the illusion of weakness, some have a difficult time admitting that they have a problem.

The Downfall becomes literal: irresponsibility makes an end of days

With questionable accuracy and heavy dramatization, Spartacus (Starz) does a good job of telling a story.  The Thracian that was broken, the gladiator that led slaves to defeat the Roman armies.  Crushed at Lucania (71 B.C.), Spartacus was killed, and many of his troops were crucified.  And boy did morals go out the window for Rome, a Republic-turned-empire, just as the Weimar Republic made Nazi Germany.

For the United States, the collapse of the dollar will mean a global collapse.  We are a Republic sitting on a tinderbox.  The “Experts”—those that have rather fake credibility—say birds falling from the sky over Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Sweden... are “starting to go crazy,” even committing suicide, as what children are supposed to believe with the global warming indoctrination — Birds don’t commit suicide!  Trust in media is gone.

Catch-22: You tend to get what you want when you stop wanting it

“Stuff some rehash in there,” a part of me would say.  I at least look for problems within so I can correct them.  But then you have the incoherent paranoia, the obsessive nature that stems from denial.  A shooting in Pakistan, and a shooting in Arizona.  I already hear the impostors dragging Tea parties into it.  Major changes overnight to fit a lie—What role do White supremacists play...  Ack!  All of this— the result of insecurities!

Why,…why couldn’t it have been Glenn Beck, Bill Maher joked the last time a needy nut who ranted on YouTube tried to storm the Pentagon.  The nihilistic audience applauded.  Again, we’re almost an Empire.  For years, the ignorance’s been overwhelming—the material is a lie!  And with a false sense of history, more extreme acts, which brings us back to another shooting— Wake up!

The frozen desert: The cold kills far more than the hot

Exotic organisms may fail in hotter climates, but everything dies in sub-zero temperatures.  All of the adverse effects that visible pollution make amount to the climate change that people’d be concerned about—the blocking of sunlight makes a colder climate.  And since evaporation occurs only with light—not heat—gunk like soot from a tail pipe promote droughts, floods, generally any weather involving water.

Like the cold, alcohol constricts blood flow.  And then there’s addiction.  And then there’s no giving up on the things that kill you.  And then there’s facing what’s killing you.  And then there’s your children having to clean up the mess that you put off on dealing with!

On the naked flesh, the flies lay their maggots.

Congratulations!  You are dead.  The End.  Sayonara.  Roll the credits.
Expected an “internet ID for Americans,” the tragedy that begot another tragedy—the nine-year-old that was murdered was born on 9/11.  Maybe we’re all dead.  Well, some are dead on the inside.  Superficial hacks— you should stop before some think that you’re disturbed.  Yeah, maybe we should ban music too—ban metal ’cause someone criminally insane listened to Let the Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool.

Fire the liars

The distortions—I can’t concentrate even on it because the media are factually inept!  24/7/365 garbage.  So now I call for their firing.  The First Amendment does not guarantee a right to lie, and so liars should be fired.  Demand honest discussion.