The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

Socialism always brings out of control governance, whether it be state (communism, fascism), corporate (bail-outs, whatever-ocracy), or “special” groups.

Burn to disc, preserve and conserve.  Keep hard copies of evidence, footage—DO NOT rely on the internet.  Web hosted-video, even pages are being scrubbed at a breathtaking pace.  The smears and unreal accounts tracked by universities as fact proves that you cannot rely on them, as history is written w/o vital information.  The billions are there to buy much of the net, not just hack it.


Scary: currently under 44 emergencies under Patriot Act, where if the banks had to be shut down, you would need a Dept. of Homeland Security to supervise in getting your safety deposit box.

Homicide bombers target U.N. in Afghanistan; 6 dead.  NATO suffers biggest blow in Kabul.

Officials: chemical weapons sites found in Libya.

Syria says the whole region could burn down.

U.S. cuts UNESCO after Palestinian membership vote.

CME suspends MF Global; trading partners need new guarantor; Jon Corzine may leave w/ $12M severance.

1 bn. in 12 yrs.: U.N. estimates world pop. is now 7 bn.; U.S. Census says it won’t be until Apr.-May.

2.5 tons of Turkish pine nuts recalled over some turning up w/ Salmonella.

FDA: black licorice contains glycyrrhizin compound (lowers potassium), significant amt. unhealthy for those 40+.

It was the Bush admin. that signed into law the 2011.12.31 deadline for troop withdrawal.

Tracked down stolen iPhone: Phoenix flight attendant found dead; Mexico City nabs suspect.

Kris Jenner breaks silence, saying she let Nicole Simpson down by not coming fwd. abt. O.J.

160 mn. at risk of ID theft every day.

AZ: Millions of dollars in drugs seized, 70 arrested.

Boston Globe followed up on story that 80% of drunk driving drunkards in MA get off.

Edwards facing 2 cases; criminal (campaign fin. misuse), civil (failure to return property).

Kim Kardashian files for divorce 72 days after $10M wedding.

SunTrust becomes latest bank to ditch debit fees.

Tony La Russa retires.

26K MPH meteorite: a blast so huge it made a crater, and melted by the force of the heat.

Huntsman daughters spoof Cain “smokin’” ad, and Cain said China could go nuclear...(went nuclear in 1964).

U.S. govt. now admits to food inflation, w/ higher prices soon; 3.5-4.5% projection (wheat), where the 1970s 2+% projection turned into 5.5%; price of peanut butter to rise 40%.  10% in a short amt. of time.

“Anonymous” threatens notoriously violent Zetas cartel w/ exposure, hacks; innocents could be killed in guilt by association.  A U.S. govt. agency, and now drug cartel(s)?

Coca-Cola changes can label in temporary partnership w/ World Wildlife Federation, a group powerful enough to force World Wrestling to change its name.  For the polar bears—give me a break.  People eat polar bears, and their population is still growing.

Read The Coming Insurrection (“kill the family”), call evil by its name

More and more cases of rapes in Occupy protests; lawlessness means not letting police do their job.  One man threatens to stab a Fox reporter.  And they say shining flashlights in their faces is brutal.  Some are okay with secession, and the revolutionaries are growing tired of waiting for the ‘liberals.’  A chance to ‘overthrow the system, the oppressor’— hey, poser Democrats that side with them, they will burn your property down.

Violence and vandalism grows, as more want a confrontation, intimidating police— not just throwing things, hand-to-hand confrontation, was well as a motorcycle being pushed over.  “The time of white man is over,” and “they’re trying to kill us” in Oakland.  Fewer dropping the radical pose to the radical ends.

Yoko Ono supports Occupy despite John Lennon making it clear that he was against revolution; Revolution (circa 1968) was released on B-side of Hey Jude, written in India while meditating during the Tet offensive.  Hey Mr. Tax Man, and show me the plan.

Anti-competition, anti-business stagnation (if you weren’t paying attention)

More “experts” saying govt. regulations are better because they level the playing field...buried under soft drink “discussion.”  Don’t trust anyone who doesn’t make the truth all-important, especially those who mock, equivocate or sell (proven) knowingly-fraudulent information.

Michelle Obama becomes more involved in the class warfare, and will attend a former ENRON executive’s (John Arnold) mansion for a fundraiser.  “They’re taking money from you,” the reason people aren’t succeeding, yet, “We’re not begrudging,” says Barack...  Paul Krugman was an Enron adviser.  The most corrupt administration of all time.

Cain sings after speaking at National Press Club

Herman Cain advocates peace through strength and clarity, that We have lost our focus and clear support of Israel.  —[T]he economy, which is on life support, has an anemic GDP of 1.6%.  He also said the tax code is unfair and unclear, and costs us billions of dollars … so we throw out our current tax code.  There are no hidden nines in the 9-9-9 plan, and no loopholes, along w/ poverty and opportunity programs—not entitlement.  If 10% is good enough for God, 9% is good enough for the federal government.  “Now I know what it feels like to be [at] no. one”...wall-to-wall-to-wall coverage of few facts on CNN.  At least Cain acknowledges the existence of a smear campaign...on HLN (CNN sister network).

The left, media promote Mitt Romney, as he’s the “Wall Street candidate,” although Rick Perry has the final say (conservatives won’t vote for Romney)— with only big differences of Pharma instead of Oil, apparently he still drinks, may I project virtual Bush admin. #3.  Perry admits he’s not the best debater in the world.

Guess what those Cain gestures “not overtly sexual in nature” were: a height comparison with his wife.  Not even giving the finger, but the media are proud to speculate on what never happened.  “A high-tech lynching,” to use Clerence Thomas’ words.  A black man who knows his place, said a lefty who used the racism stereotype of conservatives to inject a racist comment.


Official storm nos.: 3 deaths blamed, well over 1.6 mn. [still] in the dark across the northeast after 3.1 mn.

Portugal & Spain urge U.S. to help ease debt crisis.

Aus. court ends Qantas strike, fleet grounding.

Reports: prosecutions are going up for war zone crime.

Pregnant woman in hit-and-run dies after giving birth.

Police: FL pizza workers burned down rival store.

Reformed skinhead removes tattoos, enduring hrs. of agony.

Diverted JetBlue plane stranded on tarmac for 7 hrs.

Rescue efforts suspended at KS grain elevator; 3 missing after blast.

Buffalo: Dem election official(s) accused of ballot tampering; forensics team(s) “welcomed.”

Boston Bruins lose 7 out of 10 tries.

The moment you share...Facebook friends can track what you read.

After canceling Bob’s Burgers, FOX tries Alan Gregory, and In Living Color redux.

In 2010, before meeting with Rupert Murdoch, Steve Jobs said the problem in the media isn’t liberal/conservative, but constructive/destructive, naming Hannity and Beck as the ‘destructive.’  What a way to gloss over...everything.

Tomorrow’s tabloid news: Politico breaks story of harassment allegations made against Herman Cain in the 1990s under Natl. Restaurant Assn. after 10 days to respond.  Since when does character matter after media smeared Obama’s competitors before, and do it again admittedly w/o all the facts?  John Edwards and Jesse Jackson had love children—they buried those stories as much as they could.  Kennedy on top of a woman in the French Riviera — not to be confused with the 2010 burglaries of the wealthy there, baubles and bags taken after gassing the victims.


Voter rights advocate Al Stene dies of heart attack; mentally challenged son’s name allegedly used in voter rolls (fraud), where no charges were filed.


I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien; I’m an American in the U.S.

More spectacular attacks by Taliban: today by a female, a car bomb convoy attack; 12 Americans among [17] dead.

Iran sees diplomacy only as a ‘dumb tool,’ dismissing talks.

Higgins wins Irish presidential election.

White Halloween (stay indoors): cold and snowing rare Nor’Easter for the record books.

Marijuana advocates say feds are cracking down on pot dispensaries.

John Edwards case closer to trial.

1st or 2nd in IA, NH: Cain predicts he’ll win SC.

Bully pulpit Obama: Truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress.
Republican obstructionism...Democrats also voting the junk down.

Prescription drug abuse sometimes results in higher deaths than car accidents, even using vehicles to bus people across state borders.  Doctors become enablers, prescribing drugs first thing, along with patient sharing, blind Pharma promotion.  Propofol prescriptions went up—the drug that’s only supposed to be used during surgery, as it doesn’t really put the person to sleep (not reparative/REM sleep).


Statue of Liberty turns 125 today.

Assad crackdown, protester raids kill 4 dozen; U.N. estimates 3,000 total deaths.

Aden, Yemen (port city): car bombing kills senior police commander.

Euro, 1.4149 (18:43E).

NASA launches Delta II weather satellite.

Carney, Obama offer no apology for going around Congress, others ‘laugh’ at question.

Biggest crackdown, “major corruption” of police, 60 involved: ...fixing traffic tickets.

Assigned to act like fin. judge, gets paid more: Liz Warren, $372K/year.

Adele to undergo throat-related surgery.

Mainly garbage made in USA...
Hershey’s (possible renaming, Semi-good Mexican Candy Company), Gillette are moving most or all remaining business to Mexico.

Winter storm warning...new enemy for Occupiers.
Occupy San Francisco: We have a condition; it’s called going to the bathroom!  So much in common with Tea parties...

“How many more have to die?  Unfortunately, many more.”

“This is the path; I dedicate myself to Allah,” and to denounce casualties is an affront to Allah; “I’d do it again.”—woman released in prisoner swap, who bombed a Sbarro.

Occupy Phoenix, “You can become a cop killer.”  The police are the bad guys in every case, that there is good reason if killed.  The advocating of murder as ‘justifiable homicide’ is too long to put here.  Equating freedom of expression and resistance to killThere is no other option when you’re oppressed.

Dangers of Dependency

It’s a ‘struggle’ for one teacher making $7,700...a month in pension(s).  “Collapse the American government!”  And things will be better?  Compared to the plight of the Egyptians— now that’s offensive...and redundant.  Isn’t it weird that the global warming/cooling— whenever it’s convenient—people are the same kind of people trying to collapse the system?

Occupy kitchen staff, volunteers sick and tired of “working 18-hr. days for dressed-up ex-cons and professional homeless people,” providing food for people who don’t work.  Those who don’t have outside lives being served duck l’orange, other expensive foods besides peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, chips and hot food.  The irony...You couldn’t write this.  How do you shake them after being the only source of nourishment?


Boy who identifies himself as girl wants to join girl scouts, initially rejected.  Women of The Talk (CBS) applaud overturn.

NPR director, fundraising, “Bernie Madoff was only jailed ’cause he stole fm. the rich; the banks stole fm. the poor,” etc.  Stickin’ it to the man...beside the begathon.

“Like giving a BJ to the PD.”  The nuts are out on denying the police had a right to tear-gas.
It was a Mother Jones writer (online, of course) that admitted to violence first from the protesters, and the comment postings blew up, even questioning whether the writer is part of counter-terrorism, as if the money and resources would be put in for something that doesn’t compare to the random acts of violence from the Weather Underground or the old Black Panthers.

Now I catch local propaganda in Halloween theme.  It’s best you don’t listen to conservative talk radio for 48 hrs., preferably more.  Wow, I feel like I’m living in another country.


All flash, Hollywood-style: Merkel reaches a deal in the next line of Euro bail-outs.

Murray defense to wrap soon: last of witnesses.

Occupy this: what Van Jones is worked for.  A vet gets a fractured skull in smoke grenade fire after conventional items were thrown at police in Oakland.  Oh, and they’re hanging bankers, etc. in effigy now, along with reports of stabbings.

History revisionism to break trust at all fronts.
If you thought it was difficult getting single-sourced copies, just wait until the extremists go the extra mile in destroying as much as they can.

Created by a man who left Apple: the Nest thermostat; color, circular display, smart tech that remembers when you leave; $250— what they claim you’ll save in a year.


Stan Lee’s Superhumans season premiere tonight @10 p.m.

Government standards aren’t really standards: the false sense of protection.
Stossel takes on consumer protection, starting with old footage of his own, taking on scams, what made his career.  The consequences of fair-trade and American-only, that they eliminate international competition, and that “sweat shops” tend to be the best option out of many bad options—$3+/hr. even.  Legislators forcing people to be fired doesn’t help.

Government is involuntary (enforced), but the guy from a progressive think tank did took marketing as something voluntary, and used Nixon as an example to ‘get across’ something based on the Fox News/Republican stereotype.  Richard Nixon was a progressive Republican...

Responsibility is the key here, that Martha Stuart bears some responsibility for a design flaw for a line of chairs that may take off the tips of your fingers.


D-Day for the Euro zone.  Hand-outs and corp. socialism.  8AM: Oil, $93.58.

Dismantling of our nukes, one year ahead of schedule.

The admin. is now bypassing Congress for student loans.

Army Ranger dies on 14th deployment.

Police: 2 boys were held in wire dog kennel.

Woman charged with killing sons, ex-husband for insurance.

Insider trader charges: ex-GS director surrenders to FBI.

Fake/decoy pipe bomb used in robbery.

Obama appoints Wall Street lobbyist to W.H.

Hearing underway over HC law class...act.

Efforts to curb Occupy drumming...a schedule in NY.

Pick-up truck crashes into home; 85-yr.-old man in serious condition.

Man thought to be John Wayne Gacy victim found alive.

Final COD ruling: Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning.

Andy Rooney in serious condition after undisclosed surgery.

Giant 8' Lego man washes up on beach.

Disney artist uses photo(s) of real women to draw animated characters.

Ron Paul trashes TSA, calling employees ‘thugs.’

There is no moderate Sharia law, but tell that to...
FL court won’t challenge Islamic ruling over an economic matter, mosque transaction.

Oakland protesters tear-gassed by police due to objects thrown ( rocks, paint balls, plates); arrests in two cities bring the total to over 2,000, 200 in Oakland.  Van Jones wanted more violence.

Tactics of propaganda: man yells, “There’s no honor!  What are you doing?!  They’re unarmed!” during a time when nothing’s happening, hands in pockets.  At the right angle... “Kill Pigs” at least.  Throwing things like fun and games, entitlement delusion to grow.

Chaz Bono booted fm. DwtS: “I came here to show [America] a different kind of man.”

Conditions under Communism, North Korea. and former Soviet Union

Holodomor (holocaust under Stalin): 7 mn. killed in one year over impossible quotas, in a brutal and intentional exercise of power.  Mass starvation under collectivism, where government caused a famine so great that many mothers killed and ate their own children.  Before Stalin and Mao, Robespierre killed people—especially the infirm—to raise employment numbers.

‘Occupiers’ are oblivious to real history.  One woman actually says, in response to how things would work w/o capitalism: death is a part of life.  Excused and dismissed...history of atrocities.  More starvation going on as we speak.  No relation, yet fitting to the beginning.

Revolutionaries the strong suit, among “99 percenters”

“Diversity” after plausible deniability: interrupt the hetero, white male.  I don’t want to hear Christian values or words.  Drugs and sleeping bags at Occupy WDC.

“I have handcuffs, and I know how to use them!” a man yells to the police.  A lot of people who smell, practically live on the streets, and some conveniently placed hot chicks with expensive make-up for the cameras...

Louis Farrakhan: watch your enemies, ’cause bad things are coming.  Even thousands of pinheads is a dangerous thing.

Germany to pay for Greece again, fights of Italians in European congress.
A “mutiny”—the 81, conservatives in English parliament called ‘rebels,’ unlike those actually blowing things up, w/ tyrants that promote the expansion of powers over the voices of the public.

Bigot: one who pushes beliefs of stereotypes.

Labels will be meaningless.  Darkness only needs you to compromise on your integrity, especially resorting to violence, slander.  And only by a little bit before you’re enveloped.  Don't attack, destroy; allow them to destroy themselves.

Television is a lie: it’s usually the ‘genuine’ ones that are the worst.  The meek are attacked, in all competition of who will fight back dirty.  Sound familiar?  Jon Huntsman’s words were cut up w/ the excuse of, “editing for time”—ABC.  An hr. down to 3 mins., where only the convenient, one-dimensional aspects are left.  TV is nothing but a A funhouse mirror.

There’s not much left.

Bank centralization and the Great society led to the outsourcing of employment, Bretton woods and eventual global socialism.  Don’t think collapsing the system will magically resolve things; Soros & Co. already have a system to replace it with.  More things for more lies, and giving up.

If you think employment and corruption are bad now...  They said the world could collapse if they didn’t do things that...have not changed anything where it counts.

Strip down to the fundamentals; forget about politics and do the right thing.


4PM: Yen, 75.86; Gold, 1,705; Oil, $92.9.

Consumer confidence index, Oct: 39.8/90, lower than last month.


HPV vaccinations recommended for boys.; $360.

Northern lights seen farther south than usual.

Digging by hand: 2-wk.-old baby and (grand)mother pulled out, as Turkey is still looking for people in quake rubble.

Big brotherisms

VISA, MasterCard looking into tech. to track purchase ads; privacy concerns rise.  Future tech: advertisements based on the DNA of a person.

Mislead and misinform on the books: DEA, ATF—DoJ stretches, twists something from 1980 to lie about whether documents exist, in Freedom of Information requests.

The cool and the desperate

Rick Perry does presser for 20% “flat tax”...an addition, complication: option of current code or his plan.  And Cain released a cheap ad: campaign manager smoking Herman Cain Chief of Staff smoking as he normally does w/ music after making a small statement, Cain smiling...that’s about it.

Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges made their propaganda debut on Charlie Rose, with Amy on disparities, and Chris on the fascist elements of the ‘Tea party.’

Taking Halloween seriously: one area moves it to the last Sat. of Oct., and then there’s Jesusween...Bibles instead of candy, white costumes.


Media lie more about direction than where we are: No recession ahead.

Turkey quake death toll triples, possibly quadruples (340).

Tunisia votes.  And the Middle East heads toward Sharia law.  “Democracy.”

North Korea’s nukes: talks in Geneva.

Chemical bombing, Occupy Main camp.

Forced entry in latest sorority sisters rape: 4+ in Dallas.

Suspect in plot to kill Saudi envoy pleads not guilty.

Real-life “Jaws”: serial killer shark (suspected) sparks new hunting on top of millions killed each year...

About a quarter-million Harley-Davidson bikes recalled, 2009-2012 models, for possible faulty switch controlling break light and rear break; affected by exhaust heat, fluid leaks also possible.

Tehran chant: Death to Wall Street, Death to America.  Iran, with its objective of chaos, knows.
Russia Spring took 100 yrs. to bring communism.  The progressives are impatient w/ American Spring.  The plan from the 1920s executed today.

When people are accused of betraying the movement, things go bad, people are killed, at least in reputation...the Occupy crowd are now claiming betrayal, reaching that paranoia.

Union and mindless breakdown.  Former marines are joining the chaos, in uniform, different design, authority and— what was Homeland Security warning about?  Oh, yes., vets taking it out on the police.  Read up on the history of the Brown Shirts (hated and killed before being used).

Exercise of total communications control, 3 1/2 minutes

From administrations past: the feds/Homeland Security & FCC are scheduled to temporarily black out (shut down) all communications, including cable and satellite at 2 p.m. Nov 9.  FCC got rid of analog: interruptions already used in states like IL.  Reason to get a HAM radio...the vacuum tubed kind are the least susceptible to EMPs.  I«m not sure ‘hobby’ would even work anymore at getting around the totalitarian attitudes.  It’s just a test, with useful data.

Reagan said America is never a single generation away from extinction.  Well, in title.
The cartels infiltrated 150 levels of the Mexican govt., and ours is loaded with irresponsible people at least.  Only three power grids, and everything is up for grabs.

Clearer every day: the love of money is the root of all evil

Yen, 76.03 (16:46E); Euro, 1.3925 (:48E); NetFlix falls over 26%.

Talks of Quantitative Easing-3 spurs buy-off trend (taking the inflation edge, like a bail-out)

S&P 500 VIX mimics 1998 pattern.

How the system can just play “craps” with the money.
The entire global economy is $65 trillion.  The derivatives market has blown up into $1.5 quadrillion.  If you didn’t study prefixes in school, ‘quadrillion’ is a million billion.  Like 1,000 Iraqs in war cost...maybe.

Even the Vatican, the Pope decide to compete with ‘neo-liberal” nonsense, overlooking the Book of Revelation: they’ve come out in support of a global bank!  Update: not the Pope, but a radical leftist group in the Catholic Church.

Avalanche of hatred with the means to control, as they believe they’re the good guys.
“Yes We Can” is now “We Can’t Wait.”  Some in Occupy repeat “just print the money.”  Add more traps: with no reason to consult Congress, it’s now “easier to refinance” a home.  Corrupted municipalities, unaffordable pensions...

17 other victims in letters, however dismissed by judge as too “vague”: Hayes (CT home invasion case) brags about harming other people.  After the execution of Komisarjevsky and conviction of Hayes, police are now putting resources into linking Hayes to other crimes.


Phone hacking scandal: James Murdoch to testify for second time.

Security issue, anyone?: “Torch Cam”: a camera mounted from the Statue of Liberty.

Janet Jackson cancels dates to appear in final days, hours of Conrad Murray trial.

Rpt.: NBA plans to cancel more games this season.

Authorized bio, “Steve Jobs” released.

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey: a black guy named Kevin?

New episodes of Beavis & Butthead, Thursday.

Cable svc junk: all channels were QVC for a few seconds a pop after it hit 2 p.m.

Rick Perry talks to Donald Trump, then says ‘I don’t know’ on the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate...

The meaning of conscious intent

The Meaning of Madness by S.I. Rosenbaum, in the Portland Phoenix:...Hearing Voices Network has become a part of care for the mentally ill in the UK, and it has gone international, with groups in at least 20 countries.  With mostly story on two women, a history of what’s come to be known as schizophrenia is detailed, even pointing out the fact that many people who hear voices without diagnosis or have a problem with the unintended (synesthetic) imaginations.  [R]esearch papers on auditory hallucinations will take it for granted that there’s a portion of ‘normals’ who hear voices.

The longest election day ever: La. lawmaker gets metal piece fm. grill stuck in vocal chords, hid it surgically removed, and his wife goes into labor while he gets news that he’s leading in the polls.


Mag.-7.2 quake hits about Van, Turkey; 85 dead.

Rating agency says U.S. likely to be downgraded again.

Islamic Sharia law declared source of new Libya legislation.

Georgia soldier kills deputy, self.

Police use pepper spray on Haka dancers at football game.

Tunisians turn out in force for first.

Fox News signs on “hiking the Appalachian trail” Mark Sanford as contributor.

The new Batman game got 10/10.

Reliable Sources: Amy Holmes points out what she found: no feminist groups in Occupy.
Dylan Ratigan email leaked: colluding w/ the protesters.  The final guest was Jim Lehrer, on his career, mostly of the debates he moderated.

Any reason to listen to a Kwak?  Debt and Dumb by Simon Johnson and James Kwak, in Vanity Fair, slams Tea partiers with....more lies.  Its leaders claim that the federal government is illegitimate or unconstitutional, a view popularized by media star...Glenn Beck, again.  Don’t I know the purpose of this?  Not just slander, perception— so people identify with progressive beliefs, even if that means putting the anarchy or what-have-you in the mouths of “the enemies.”  Being surrounded with the conditioning (if you take the media seriously)... that’s the dfn. of brainwashing.  Unavoidable, deliberately altered information, following Ed Bernays’ method of making the information “more than legitimate,” or otherwise ‘ordinary’ or professional (e.g., doctors recommending cigarettes and “bacon and eggs,” invented by Bernays), the people will consider anything if it’s entertaining enough.


Unable to reach immunity deal, U.S. troops to leave Iraq by 12.31.  What about the mercenaries?

Human world population now roughly 7 bn.

Qaddafi had an “eerie fascination” with Condi Rice.  U.N. calls for death investigation.

Chinese toddler hit by car dies, ignored by passerby.

Taxpayer money has gone to a car asm. company...in Finland.

News Intl. to compensate family of girl in hacking case.

Senate blocks votes on jobs bills.

Yen to USD falls from ~78 down to 76.43 (8:49E).  Palladium, 619 (14:03E?).

Efforts to make something part of the Constitution?

Honoring fmr. Sen. Bob Dole...on C-SPAN.  Bad mic problems.

Protests planned for outside police station(s).

MC Hammer launches new search engine.

Jack Daniels distillery in TN faces another tax: barrel tax.

Reagan failed trying something similar: buy a house, get a Visa.

Clinton joked about Qaddafi death; we came, we saw, and he is dead.

Search warrant issued for reentry in baby Lisa case: cadaver dog finds human remains.

60% disapprove of Obama economy.

Danish study finds no link bet. cell phones and cancer.

Put all eggs into IA basket: Michele Bachmann’s VA camp staff quit.

Occupiers become more violent, threaten reporters.  Over 900 arrested in NYC so far.  Dog attacks, alleged rape in another city.  Saul Alinsky says: anything goes.  Oh, great— now, Occupy Wal-Mart.

CA official not stepping down after lying to voters of being divorced; she’s married to a convicted murderer(?).

Perry: ass-kickin’ improved my game.  After Perry announced a flat tax plan, Cain exposes the ‘opportunity zone’ part of 9-9-9: the 9-0-9 part.  Media start the lie about it being a ‘tweak,’ when it was already there.  How to tell who’s read the plan, and who hasn’t...  And then there’s the ‘abortion controversy,” where Cain is pro-life, but zealots pick apart how he won’t force it on others, and shouldn’t.

Paul Ryan speaks truth on how Obama has shoved people into classes, victims, dividing.  Class warfare.  Crony Dems. simply deny the existence of the class warfare...

Visiting ‘scholar’ for New York Times: Cain has a minstrelsy over whites.  Writer for TIME calls him a buffoon, curdled milk.  Washington Post carries a lie about Marco Rubio, that he claimed to be fm. parents that escaped Cuba, when he never said that.  Put words in mouth, then call ‘liar.’


In completely uncharted territory.  Freedom is a fragile thing, libertarians; you can’t just collapse the system and think things will turn out well.  Who will control our military, own our land.  Will the spine of the internet still be there?  If the West falls, what will that mean?  “If I’d only known.”  Blame yourself if you’re ignorant.

Bangkok Set down 3%, 17% for mo. since flooding began; BoT says they’ll keep interest rates low.

CDO trader: “a collection of dogsh—.”  Citi settles w/ SEC.

OH: 18 Bengal tigers killed among exotic animals, four dozen total according to the sheriff.  The man who released the animals shot himself in the head.

Sirte, Libya: after the rebels isolated Qaddafi forces, and reports of capture, Reuters and Libyan TV say Muammar Qaddafi has been killed by rebels.  Trying to escape his hole, bunker, he was shot in the leg.  He died from his wounds.  A NATO airstrike stopped his convoy.

With Qaddafi dead, all of those missing shoulder-fired missiles are bound to be in terrorist hands, turning them against us.  Al-Qaeda all over again.

Athens, Greece: police to deploy 3K officers.  Record no. of protesters in front of parliament over ‘controversial’ austerity.  The country says it’ll run out of money mid-Nov. w/o yet another bail-out.

TCM: Robert Osborne to return after vacation, 12.01.


Greece: Gas bombs thrown at police.

U.S. student loan debt exceeds credit cards.

Metro area edges out Silicon Valley as richest.

Politicians “ask” Baseball players not to chew tobacco.

Weather affects Thailand’s hard drive manufacturing—over half the world’s supply.

Name “Blessed by God” (B.H.O. in Swahili): Using taxpayer money for reelection.

Admin. goes around Congress in giving certain amnesty to illegal immigrants.

MTV looking to recruit Occupy protesters for Real World.

Lindsay Lohan ordered back to jail (county jails packed, slap on wrist) by judge over missing community service hours; posts $100K.

Joe Biden: if you don’t pass this ‘jobs’ bill, rape will rise, murder will rise... pretty low.  Stats show a drop, even with less police.


Decoded: the Statue of Liberty is a “lucifer”—in this case, that means, “light-bringer.”  Guards at Fort Knox aren’t so much armed because there likely isn’t any significant supply of gold there, as many on the inside say.  This time, it’s Mount Rushmore, and the private area in Lincoln’s head.  Natl. Park service is reluctant to let anyone in due to terrorism concerns, especially with cameras.  The Decoded people got a look sans cameras and mics.

LibertyNewsTV is partly funded by...Soros— anything worse than corporate sponsorship is corporate money made off of the collapse of currencies, and countries, along with other ethically malignant activities.


Kenyan forces advance on Somali rebel bases.

Afghans, NATO launch ‘new push against Haqqanis.’

FTSE closes lower on inflation high.

Jordan king responds to protests, wants easing of security on people.

U.S. study: Mammogram results are often wrong.

First python fossil unearthed in Germany.

Home design architecture contest calls for zombie-proofing.

IA caucuses to be held 1.03.

Stimulus for teachers, first responders went to things like iPads ($80K) and AL prison ($118).

TX: 70 MPH winds make a sand storm black out the day.

477 Palestinian prisoners released for one released Israeli soldier; remaining ones later.

H. Clinton wants Qaddafi’s head—“this is Libya’s victory, and it belongs to you.”

Record “high”: 50% polled want legalization of pot.

Apple sales $100B, however short of estimates.

Exotic animal breakout in OH; bears, cheetahs, tigers on the loose.

NJ is holding a Woodrow Wilson wknd.

A McDonald’s has to deal w/ a convicted violent felon employee responding to customers at the front desk jumping over and starting a fight by cracking skull(s) with a metal rod.

Kevin Sorbo suffered aneurysm and 3 strokes during Hercules; it was a struggle to do anything, nearly dying.  Not many people know until now, with his new book.


You can’t drink the water. ..It’s coming from Mexico.

Suspected militants kill 8 Pakistani soldiers.

Google engineer calls Google+ a “complete failure.”

Disturbing: Church tithing at record low.  A 41-yr.-low.
It was the churches that made America good, but charitable services are down, demand is up.  Fill the food pantries, “be the standard.”  Prepare for when the banking system shuts down, the dollar’s no longer used.

Indy driver Jon Wheldon killed in pile-up during race for $5M share.

Long-term health care nixed in reform act.

Jobs had plans for iPhone 5, to be released some time next year: different design all around.

Lowe’s in Biddeford closed, staff moved.

Real Steel (PG-13) #1 @ B.O.

Sothebys(?) auctions called “shopping mall for the rich”...protests spring up there.

ABC: Obama mocks Congress for not passing ‘jobs’ plan.

Kelsey Grammer on Piers Morgan tonight.

Zachary Quinto comes out over bullying exposure (CNN).

The anti-Semitism is popping up in the crowds.

Grabbing the pendulum — an administration will do it.  The same pattern of the top encouraging or ignoring the Marxist and socialist groups; under Wilson, F.D.R., during the 1960s, and now.  Obama admin. endorsing Occupy, just as CPUSA and American Nazis have.  Yes, endorsements include the American Nazi party, among revolutionary groups.

Well, someone on the “GOP” side sides with Edward Bernays in writing for a publication how to control the people, best when they don’t know it.

Guess who was assigned to run the U.S. Postal svc: Ron Bloom, the guy who said, he of all people “gets the joke of capitalism,” that power comes from the barrel of a gun, and that Mao was right.

“Stolen valor” act (2006) challenged under ‘First Amendment grounds.’  Not a necessary law— fake badges, metals for gain was already illegal (fraud).

Mika B.’s father acts like George Soros by in how the “rich” should be exposed and left vulnerable.  Don’t demonize, but pressure and humiliate the speculators that don’t pay back their ‘fair share.’  He also called for a new international financial system...

Geraldo Rivera inspired the crowd, and in return, You’re liars, you’re liars, we’ll set your ass on fire.  Geraldo: Don’t let the jerks steal your movement.  As if he’s one of the...morons—they are the jerks.  So he was active before, excusing the protests here.  Paranoia to think anything bad about the connections, how planned out and global all of this is, to a word-for-word degree.

TX: with the Mexican flag up all over, a Spanish class is told to recite Pledge of Allegiance, Natl. anthem of Mexico.  Brenda Brinson(?) phone-camera’d a class.
You know it’s indoctrination when you’re intimidated not to speak out in the process of the “programming.”  Student that refused— her grade is affected, as the teacher adds on to her requirements.  And if you disagree, you’re a racist.  The Nazis also gave 45° salutes.  (Mex. salute is 45° over heart.)

Carr on Obamavilles: dozens, always dozens of protesters for the Occupy stuff.


Barrow from other nations, eventually you become the tail, not the head — the Bible.

Youcef Nadarkhani facing execution: Ayatollah(?) weighing in.

Meningitis-carrying snails wreak havoc on FL, holing up in trash, on stucco, even in coconuts.

Art Laffer says he liked the 9-9-9 plan.

MLK Jr. site thing opens today, after Irene delay.  It exemplifies the modern, progressive, God-like (iconic) and imposing instead of the real man, the one looking to serve.


Media finally recognize global aspect of Occupy; Italy is on fire—so much arson.

7 killed in Yemen strike, including son of al-Awlaki.  3 militants killed in compound hit.

NYT: radioactive hot spots point to wider problems in Tokyo.

AZ: Outrage over shooting ban in practically deserted land.

U.S. to court more foreign companies.

NYT: Kansas City bishop indicted in reporting of abuse by priest.

Flights fro Key West, FL to Cuba now active.

Prez met w/ Natl. Ass. of Evangelicals.

Bush 41 tapes revealed.

MA grade school (JFK) teacher bans fall holiday decor.  Over disgust of Columbus, promotion of...witchcraft with Halloween.

Anita Hill testimony 20th anniversary...covered on C-SPAN.  Keynote address @2:45 p.m.


Do good, be seen doing good.  Example: rake leaves.

Copper exactly $3.40.

iPhone 4S officially on sale today.

Bank debit card fees continue to rise... Google profits over G+ racking up 40 mn. users.

Opie of Opie & Anthony shouted down as a “pervert” — the crowd didn’t know who he was.

FL lawmaker(s) want to bring back firing squad death penalty.

“Scene’ averted...well, not really— violent ones decided to confront police anyway.  And the private owner of Zuccotti park was intimidated into postponing “clean-up”—even Bloomberg admitted that.  Mobocracy, indeed.  Last of the “Stimulus” money going for the Occupiers.  “People with broomsticks” trying to break into Wall St.  Bottles, garbage, fists, Occupy everything is tomorrow.  Pray for the police and the constitution.  You have not seen what pressure looks likeEverybody’s trying to exploit something.

Cops, get out of the unions; they are the driving force behind the activity, and on the global scale (Occupy Wall Street on all but one continent).  Brookfield has a girlfriend of Bloomberg, major lobbying.  Forget Solyndra— this is a scandal.  “But if it doesn’t happen on TV, it doesn’t happen.”

Glorifying and encouraging: Donny Douche(?) brings up Kent State (ended in shootings), and ‘Occupiers’ chant ‘Revolution.’  Yeah, dismiss violence in the 1960s reaction.  What a—.

Tim Geithner starting starting to look more like Stan; eyebrow horns, but only early in the process... exceptional amount of makeup.

Get out of New York: Revolution in the streets.

Treasonous media: to deliberately deny coverage, make sure people aren’t prepared.  Heading in to a depression at best, blackouts for months, years are easy.  Paint the people who call for smaller govt. names.  There aren’t enough prison cells.  No warnings, only smears, no hope of survival watching.  And to encourage what led to violence?!

Jesse Jackson says the Pres. should just put the Constitution aside and make Congress irrelevant.  This goes with the now zero cabinet member attendance with the admin.—consulting outside groups only.  All leftism.  “When the govt. decides (what goes) and the people can’t decide what’s ‘too far,’ that’s a dictatorship.”

Obama meets up with...La Raza.

Puppet show.
Top-down, bottom-up and inside-out.  Two branches of the same tree: the Occupiers, and the Van Jones “American Dream” thing, meant to look like the Tea parties.  Don’t fall for anything. A part of the game I see is to paint the opposition as what will eventually happen with your own crowd.  And now that use Beck for “one-world religion.”  One of the goals of the Babylonians, in conforming like a brick with the mortar of materialism.  Even the “well-informed” can’t believe that they’ve missed so much on what’s going on.  Being played, mostly by the same forces, growing more desperate.  We are going to stay as long as we can to get our message out, one says.  What message?  Capitalism is beyond repair...

Evidence on internet is being scrubbed—all of what’s been shown, including Craigslist snapshots of recruiting for Occupy.  Look for the history, even old books, but be careful—the agendas, of social and misleading of the writers on the sides of socialism (communism, national socialism), especially after being discredited.  Save and preserve current information as well—even posters.

Take on Soros, get burned: station forced to change platforms, “technical glitch” at Reuters that loosely connected Soros to Occupy Wall Street, and then officially removed.

Onto the next phase, the personal plan.  Lifeboats are going into the water as the world is plunged into darkness.  The light is God.  As Stephen Lerner blows up....

The same outcome, purpose.  Trust no one in this system.  Some true colors are coming out on ‘how to treat Israel.’  Mediocrity, not the silencing, shaming, hard violence and homicide.  We are seeing the children of the ‘entitled’ generation.

8 arrested for selling lemonade near capitol building were told to give urine sample (felony only), may get 180+180 days in jail.  Govt. out of control.  And feds refuse to pay back $750K cost of Ferrari in evidence to owner after crashing it.


TCM: Heavy Metal (1981), after Stunt Rock (1979).


Thai rain flooding death toll over 283.

Euro closed $1.3783.  CNBC co-host thinks end of Euro-zone is sooner than guest.  AUD hovers ~$1 US.

8 dead, 1 hurt in Salon shooting in S. CA.

Oakland, CA: 18+ hurt in Amtrak crash.

Guilty verdict in Conn. home invasion trial—the other guy to be put sentenced.

8 arrested in House building protests.

Big RIM BlackBerry backlog: service restored worldwide after many started switching to iPhone.

NY ‘culture,’ including Occupiers leave pot cloud; people shooting up on the street.

Obama calls Ed Henry a spokesman for Romney camp.

“It’s probably safer to eat your cosmetics than to war them.”—local programming.

If you work at MSNBC...there’s something wrong with you: Joe Scarborough lectures the audience on what Christ was about—let the strangers (blah) ...on how its govt.’s job to take care of people.  Morning Joe: defining ‘pretentious,’ five days a week. And like Jon Stewart, Joe can’t tell the diff. bet. metaphors and analogies.

Zuccotti Park: protesters get 7 AM deadline for “clean-up,” as the stench is bad.  Bloomberg supports the crowd, as well as unions, Communist Party USA...

CEO of bankrupt Solyndra resigns.  Brian Harrison stepped down Fri.  The next Solyndra: SunPower divided $1.2B among 15 employees.

CNN source, and the laughs: Greek monks collapse Greek govt., talks of socialism for the top (banks), how no one should support bail-outs...and veers left (CNN, the least watched name in news—boring while insulting everybody)...  And John King can’t believe conservatives say Romney isn’t conservative ‘enough,’ puts on a guest all to say that Herman Cain may be the perfect racist ’cause he’s black.

Talk about eating your own B.S.  Progressive and conservative, blind polls, blind spots.  The devil you know over the devil you don’t: I’d vote for Obama over Romney.  I’d rather the country not have an excuse to go to sleep with another progressive Republican.

Ashton’s nightmare: Two and a Half Men dropped from 28 to 15 mn. viewers (premiere to now).

Killing Lincoln: did you know that John Wilkes Booth’s wife was leaving him for Abraham Lincoln’s son?


IEA cuts global oil demand forecast by 50K BPD for 2011.

Study: high doses of Vitamin E may increase prostate cancer risk.

OK prison riot leaves sev. inmates injured, 16 hospitalized.

Sony recalls 1.6 Bravia TVs over...heating to the point of melting.

Occupy Oakland out of hand, expectedly.

U.S. aims to punish Iran for Saudi envoy plot.

British users have to “opt-in” for porn.

There is no Rick Perry plan.

Debbie W. S. dares to show herself to be a liar and hypocrite again.

Roseanne got new NBC show for trailer tras—, while Hank Williams Jr. got “turned inside out.”

Hamas to release Israeli soldier...in exchange for 1,027 Palestinians, over 400 of those responsible for violent attacks on Israel.  Soft, are we?

Senate rejects ‘jobs’ bill, and so the special interest of an admin. will break it up and pass it in pieces, buried in other bills.

Mark Ruffalo wants people to support Occupiers...to restore dignity.  Crapping on cars.  He will be the Hulk in the next Avengers movie.


Senate voting on prevote, new stimulus bill.

Ed Rendell wants occupiers to go home, on Laura Ingraham program.

Perry has leading funds in GOP race ($16-18M).

Silver, 31.665 (7:32E).  Copper, 3.2775 (19:00E).

Bears defeated.  By the Lions?

Russian PM en route to China for $1T gas deal.

Mandatory drug testing causes welfare rolls to drop.

David Cameron refuses probing into Catholic lawyer’s(?) death.

AT&T, Sprint execs trade insults over T-Mobile merger.

2 schools give perks to students w/ highest test scores, including not having to wait in line.

U.S.: we’ve foiled a plot by Iran to assassinate Saudi ambassador to U.S.
56-yr.-old man arrested on 9.29; terrorism being one of the charges; undercover DEA agent as a cartel member.

Astounding 1 mn. preorders for iPhone 4S despite “unfresh” reviews.
No autopsy performed on Jobs, COD ruled respiratory failure resulting fm. pancreatic tumor.  It seems like the Mac will go with him.  Oh... I forgot what I was goign (sic) to write.

Mindless, with double-standards: Occupiers go to homes of wealthy down New York, block traffic, but leave millionaire celebs alone.  Al Sharpton has the nerve to say the people in crowds streets not followers.  Looking for a hand-out.

Occupy Wall St. has Wall St. donations from DCCC and Nancy Pelosi.  With friends like Hugo Chàvez— “oppression,” he calls it.

Straight from the SNL skit: Christie endorses Romney?!!!  Way to get media to hammer Romney??  Stop with the games.

Venezuelan city hires mimes to “Police” traffic; traffic down, murder rate up—the the first thing you want to do is drive over them.”—Shibani Joshi of FBN on Redeye.


Europe to crash: Spain, Greece and Italy, then France—big Saturday, and, eventually the American SpringHouse Democrats embrace “Occupy Wall Street.”  Et voilà.

Euro, 1.3592 (7:21E).

House committee to subpoena AG Eric Holder over “Fast & Furious.”

40 tons of silver in a bust?  Silver dips below $32; Euro, 1.3642.  Sirius-XM up +5%.

Iraq PM Nouri al-Maliki tries to strengthen role of Shia by aligning w/ Bashar Assad, some forces in Iran.

Steve Jobs’ biological ties to Syrian pianist that was beaten by the govt., forced to give child up for adoption.

Egyptian army clash w/ Coptic Christian protesters: 26+ dead.

Monster hurricane to tear up Mexico.

Herman Cain says racism isn’t holding back America.

Would-be underwear bomber on trial Tues, representing self.

Wrestling quadruple amputee that completed martial arts training to climb Kilimanjaro.

Don’t add chaos, add solutions.

2006 Warnings of In the end, the Marxists will kill you comes up again.
Top-down, bottom-up and inside out strategy in the works for Occupy.  They won’t reason w/ Pelosi, don’t believe in the parties.  Head of a bank, head on a pike.  New Yorkers are already calling for govt. to step in.  Worse than the French Revolution: the French were more independent than this crowd—they repeat what ever the ‘leader’ says!  Why kill yourself when you can kill your parents?—one of the signs.

YouTube video of people going out into the streets, committing crimes—not covered by the press.  Teaching you to obey— and they call you a fascist.  Police can’t fix this— media exposure is needed.  The Arab Spring was predicted to cause chaos, and who was right?  Four weeks in to this thing, seen earlier this year.  The Top’s ready to make a move.  The major crash hasn’t happened yet.  Enforcing the laws of Patriot Act and beyond...ugly to say the least.

“Tell us how you feel with your hands tied.”  What kind of loaded—.
Simon sez, useful idiots, zombies.  Jerks on twitter, etc.: support these people...that take craps on cars.  Easily manipulated, and manipulated they show they’ve been.  “People’s assembly”: consensus of a few (rulers), and call it Democracy, drowning the people out.  Ironic— the motto of “Democracy Now!” is “with exception to the rulers.”  No, Soros is one of those rulers, and oppre— standing strong.  Global mobocracy.  Is there a hand signal for that?


New Zealand: weather makes oil spill management difficult.

Over Coptics: Cairo riots flare up.

Killings interrupt trade bet. China and Thailand.

‘Too many’ U.K. residents relying on charity to make ends meet.

Paul McCartney gets married; daughter designed dress(es).

‘Occupy’ group kicks out John Lewis in Atlanta.

Obama ‘jobs’ bill adds to debt despite ‘rich’ tax on millionaires.

Sen. Dems. have not passed budget resolution in 2 yrs.


Flashpoint picked up by ION; new episodes start 10.18.

Pup-Up Video is back.

On Breaking Bad, it looks like Walt was responsible for the poisoning of the kid... he got Hector to martyr himself to get back at Gus for killing his family.  Face Off indeed.

After mouse ep. of Threes Company, feeding w/ our mice...d-CON.
Squeeze ball off ceiling (bounce) to deter mice there.

Tea party movement the opposite of the Occupy crowd, the collectivist/entitled movements— one of the few that call for smaller govt., a balanced budget.


Ousted BofA execs walk away w/ ~$117M in severance.

Ron Paul wins recent straw poll, Cain train #2.

Raiders owner Al Davies dies at 82.

“Even if you threaten them with deportation it doesn’t matter”—immigrant, in Spanish, about ‘getting back at the boss,’ w/ help of United Steel Workers and AFL-CIO.

Those that believe there is such a thing as a free lunch end up getting poisoned... like the mice in this house.


SNL took the lie that Tea partiers are anarchists, and ran with it for the F&F mock-up.

Van Jones on Up w/ Chris Hayes: “Not risky enough,” after being led on by host’s comments of the “inevitable crony capitalism.”


The singularity is seen.  It only took the right combination.

Definition of a bear market keeps changing... Pound, 1.5558 (17:57E).

Soros can’t overturn his conviction in Europe...yet.

Perry supporter, conservative ‘leader’ Dr. Jeffries(?) calls Mormonism a cult, Perry strikes that down.

New carbon tax schemes round the globe.

Cast of The Simpsons agree to take pay cuts.

Mayor Menino’s made it so you need a permit for everything.

Marco Rubio says he’s not going to be the VP nominee.

Seein’ paid-for protesters again: some can’t read the signs they’re carrying.

Friday document dump: WH emails disclosed on dealings w/ Solyndra, 9.26.
Obama conference call to stop giving the Co. money.


Great depression era: Mortgage rates hit historical low, 65.1%— down 1.1 pts. in 10 yrs.

Doctor that helped in assassination of UBL charged w/ treason.

Guns in churches?  We’ve already guns in bars.

FL man trying to legalize “dwarf tossing.”

Kim Jong Il’s grandson gets attention over Facebook page.

Sniffers in hospitals, next step toward banning cigs: people paid to smell shirts for smoke.


Greeks in public sector go on strike over austerity measures; empty airports.

Euro, 1.3302 (4:09E); Platinum, 1,454.6 (:22); Gold, 1,23.5 (:23), below 1,603 @ 5AM (exactly).

Drunk driving down...well accidents down, a low for 2 decades.

Listeria claims 18.

Dozen of baby seal pup deaths on the East cost: no human involvement found, examination finds.

Adele cancels U.S. tour dates.

Friendly’s files for bankruptcy, closes 67 out of +500 chain restaurants.

Unions openly join thousands in Occupy.

“Family comes first”: Palin explains why she won’t run for 2012 GOP nomination for Pres.


What’s going on over at WCSH 6?  The news team are getting wacky, one yelling off camera.

Dogs That Changed the World (NOVA): shows how selective breeding is the only way that wolves could become dogs.  It took eight generations, 1% at a time, to domesticate foxes.  Behavioral traits were bred first, before learning traits (aggressive wolves don’t respond).  Less fear from lower adrenaline, and tame meant shorter, curly tails, even some with floppy ears.  There are over 400 genetic breeds, and only the boxer genome is mapped.  That research has gone to cardio myopia treatment.  The tracing for the DNA leads back East Asia.

Redeye: Gingrich camp rips off Babar the elephant for...a guy in a costume—the promo looked like a part of the FNC show.


Co-founder and former Apple CEO Steve Jobs dies at 56.  Your time is limited, so don’t waste it with somebody else’s life. — Jobs from June, 2005.  This Steve is one that sees better ideas (e.g., the simple mouse), and puts them into action, often disagreeably.  Update: his final words: “oh wow, oh wow, oh..wow.”

Arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, 82, dies in Hialeah Hospital in FL.  He was released several yrs. after helping the Clinton admin. unsuccessfully break up a counterfeiting ring in Lebanon.


Corrupt media cheerlead, excuse and dismiss.  Occupy Wall St. comes to ME.

Mogadishu: truck bombing kills over 50.

4 injured and 1 dead in NYC copter crash.

Ben Bernanke spoke today, didn’t really answer questions, but spoke.

Prosecutor says he’ll appeal ruling overturning conviction(s).  It’s not over.

Child porn site IP trace leads to arrest of sch. employee; explicit photos, children appear <12.

Euro, 1.3313 (18:39E).  Yen heads back down after crossing 77 mark mark again.

Gold still above the mid-1,600s.

Apple unveils faster iPhone 4S.

Fannie Mae got insider info, heads up bef. an investigation was made into them years before meltdown.

Napster said to buy Rhapsody, Since beginning of yr., airlines down; AMR down 75%, and Yahoo climbs.

Roseanne plays with French revolution rage: millionaires that refuse to give their money should be sent to reeducation camps; if that doesn’t work, behead them.

Robert Reich at “Grassroots” & Progressive Movement thing yesterday, pointed out dif. bet. median and average (mean) incomes.  “Hall of Shame,” “corporations and people”—“when they start executing corporations” got applause.  Hypocrites and bridge burners.

Bernie Goldberg says Andy Rooney’s TV appearances weren’t his best moments.  The honest liberal is pressured to at least lie, at best not talk at all about sensitive subjects.  He came out to say Don Rather is biased.

China threatens trade war over currency crap-out— wait, the country known for currency manipulation?

Media beat dead horse over whether Chris Christie will run for Pres. in 2012 (now it looks like I’ll have to actually commit suicide).  Jokes over weight abound.

News of ‘testerday’: Eric Holder shown he may’ve been paying attention to “Fast amp; Furious.”


3PM: Eclipse on wall, tired.  Euro, 1.3335, buy-off and sell-off..

Denmark introduces world’s first “fat tax,” taxing foods high in sat. fat.

IL man plead guilty to poisoning wife w/ fish poison.

And the Nobel Prize goes to a dead man: died shortly bef. being awarded for his method of extending longevity.  He was old.

Rich Trumpka was on C-SPAN Fri., talkin’ about how blah are destroying unions.  Yeah, ruining them like Trumpka and Stern.

Hank Williams Jr. makes bad analogy (Obama v. Boehner in golf like Hitler v. Netanyahu), gets pulled from ESPN football shtuff.  Fox & Friends gives him the “hook and apology.”  He’s been working there for 20 yrs.  Worse than Don Imus treatment— instant firing.

Protectionism of credit unions, even local.
Kevorkian wants to protect you, like free remote controls w/ cable... $60-90/mo. bills.

Appeals jury listened to Amanda Knox’ testimony, and cleared her of murder and another charge.  Knox gets time served for slandering police, even though they lied to her about having HIV (posing as a doctor, getting her to write down all men she’d sex with), deprived her of sleep for a harmful 56 hrs.  She is virtually free to go.  West Memphis 3 were also accused of Satanic rituals (virtually useless activity).

More Occupy Wall St. protests scheduled.
Van Jones, earlier today, got applause from those who’ll buy into anything when he said people are trying to make the “American Dream” their own and steal it...  Uh, no, that title was always Progressive.  You’re the one who’d being stealing.  Sick and tired?  Con Artists International.

Perry family long ago painted over name of ranch printed on a rock.  “Niggerhead”, it reads— printed in Washington Post.  Cain demanded an answer for the insensitivity, got one, and everyone let it go.


After taking the trash out from under the sink, the mouse barked four words over it not being there.

FL moving GOP primary to Jan.

30(?) soldiers killed in attack.

Rain & turbulence brings down a plane.

Amanda Knox appeals at best to meet...more appeals.

Husband of missing UT mom temporarily loses custody of children as police look into him as a suspect.


NH may be voting in primary as early as Dec. this yr. to one-up another state doing it in Jan.

Ibrahim al-Asiri bombmaker, thought to be killed.  Propagandist as well.

C-SPAN: “of remindering me,” the 20th Anniversary of the Bill Clinton Presidential campaign.