The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

The ten-year depression has started.

At least I’m far from depressed.

See with your own eyes, not someone else’s.


Anwar al-Awlaki reportedly killed, bringing al Qaeda from a terrorist group to a criminal org....maybe.  Ron Paul & supporters against this.  Major bombmaker killed.  NM is where drones take off, where cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is from.

Afghanistan: 3 svc members killed by road side bomb.

U.S. envoy—footage of mob scene in Syria, people running after white vehicle.

U.S. cyberattacks on utilities ind.

Euro falls to 1.3388 (18:26E).  Eastman Kodak closes down over 25% in one day.

37 people arrested in raid at Boeing plant near Philly.

Listeria linked to 72 illnesses, 16 deaths in latest outbreak.  Avoid chopped romaine lettuce.

Murray trial: witness says doc hid meds.

A lot more UFO activity than usual.  I haven’t seen any, personally, but busy/lazy.

Nicolas Hill’s pot brownies and shroom food: cops confiscated, ate some pot brownies...

Obama Fundraisers no longer selling out in seats.

Captain hindsight: Frank&Dodd&Durbin leads to screwing of the poor people tomorrow; ironic.

Over 250 Christians arrested in Iran for practicing Christianity.  Yousef to be executed for ‘apostasy’ (converting from Islam, baptizing).

From Extensive Supervision to supervision, so many gangsters are ‘turning their life around’ when...killed.  It’s always the enabling ‘friends” that say those ‘kids’ are good kids.


“I Never Thought I’d See the Day!” by David Jeremiah.
BUSY: Being Under Satan’s Yoke.  The great deceiver is the Great Divider.


Rain storm, thunder—7:30 p.m.

U.S. ambassador and staff attacked in Syria; trapped by mob; other ambassadors impacted; also targeted at home, as country is feeling the pressure over the killing of its citizens.

Progressives downplay Herman Cain, as GOP... “brainwashed” blacks... whatever.

Bombing in Russia kills 8.  Dagestan.

Sirte, Libya: battle continues.

Lettuce, grapefruit & beef recalls due to poisoning cases.  Tomatoes, eggs, canteloupe—3rd worst in history?  Avoid bagged salad... and USDA is getting cuts, from the already under 5% inspected.  At least CostCo can notify customers who’ve made purchases of recalls.  It takes up to 2 mos. for food poisoning to take effect.

FCC mesure to “stop broadband companies from denying legal content” (not really happening) goes into effect Feb 20.  It would not restrict phone companies.


Matt & Trey documentary on 10.09.

Kevin Kline appearance may deserve an Emmy...  Like Sophie’s Choice, McDonald’s Tragic Meals.

One Life to Live ends 1.20, w/ The Revolution making its debut the following Mon.

Donating Heroes now “Redacted” in the CR scroll for the SuperPAC.  “What’s the difference bet. a C-4 and money laundering,” says Stephen Colbert to guest.  Response: “it’s hard to say.”  90% of Karl Rove’s donation tally: 3 billionaires.  Anonymous donations.


Enough war— especially at home.  Blessed are the peacemakers.

Afghanistan, off Waziristan: missiles fired at militant compound(?).

Iraq buys F-16s, training.

Egyptian elections to start 11.28.

Turkish “diplomats” clash with U.N. security.

41-yr. Manhunt ends: George Wright nabbed Mon.; broke out in 1970, hijacked plane to Algeria.

FBI arrests Rezwan Perdaus(?), saying he plotted to detonate remote device at Pentagon, other U.S. location(s).

Health insurance costs jump as Obama-care legal battle crawls; worker w/ family of 4: $15K.

Obama supporters chant down a man who finds Obama playing God with Four More Years!

Susan Sarandon kills time before flight by joining Wall Street protest.

California: New Jersey governor Chris Christie delivers key note address at Reagan Library.

Utah “boxers” rebellion: sea of young adults in underwear, messages scrawled.

Conrad Murray trial: prosecutors play tape of slurring Michael Jackson, weeks bef. his death, wanting fans to remember.  Go.  Go.

If you’re an illegal alien: free tuition in RI, free emergency care (with translator) in VT/MA.  Same-day voting in ME overturned?

Even though it’s a near-certain win for Obama, David Axelrod says getting him reelected will be a Titanic struggle.  (Trick or treat.)

TV, Movie

At nearly 100 years old, Andy Rooney is stepping down from his role at 60 Minutes.

“Elliot Stabler” is now officially off Law & Order: SVU; new opening sequence.

Comedy Central feeds “Weird Al” Yankovic’s Apocalypse Tour, Sat. @9 p.m.

FNC celebrates turning 15, the Factor at #1 for 100 mos.  The “bear hitting trampoline” video is 8 yrs. old.  Word of the Day is tergiversate: to apostatize, or equivocate (evasive language).

TCM: The Group (1966) is like The Women meets Sex and the City ...in the late 1930s; no fire escapes, one dies trying to spot war planes out of a window.


Yen rising from 76.33.

Bahrain: arms deal questioned, reports of torture, protests and Saudi reaction.

Brutal messaging: Syrian woman returned beheaded, dismembered, possibly skinned.

Mexican woman killed for blogging abt. a cartel; 48K ppl. killed in cartel violence since 2006.

3rd major attack on Afghan capital in weeks (this month).

Amanda Knox could be free next week, despite lies and name calling.

Creator of Doritos™ dies at 97; Doritos chips will be sprinkled on his grave.

Nashville, TN university in a battle over religious freedom: Vanderbilt non-discrimination policy versus new restrictions on something protected by the First Amendment.

It’s unclear who’s behind many online loan (sharking) businesses, hiding behind “Indian tribe” or state laws, as pay-day loans are banned in many states.  Federal laws may be crafted.

Twitterers react to Occupy Wall St. footage of a woman screaming after being Maced by exposing personal info of the cop, sending lots of pizza.

Herman Cain reacts to Morgan Freeman’s comments: good actor, but non of these people who criticize the Tea parties have ever been to one.

Obama’s gaffes: inter-continental instead of transcontinental...under Lincoln, highway before railroad.

TV, Movie

The Colbert Report was an hour long for Radiohead.

Erin Burnett is now perm. at CNN w/ OutFront, next Mon.  Update: she brought her NBC B.S. with her.

FOX execs. say thinking about launching a 24/7 Simpsons (almost 500 episodes) channel.  Yeah...of those cheap enough to cancel a show after one episode.

Rachel Maddow tells the story of the slowly growing electric infrastructure in the U.S. (not until the Carter admin. did 90% of the country have telephone svc.) for... like Solyndra, any investment in electric infrastructure ‘must’ be a scandal.  Nothing like listing the Democratic party as a creditor...as at least one politician has done with Solyndra.

TCM: Solaris (1972) is less expensive than 2001: A Space Odyssey, and less boring.  Neutrino-system life forms?


Three pillars to a free world: Responsibility, Individual Liberty, Incentive.

Consecutive blasts in Iraqi city kill 10.

Record no. of cattle auctioned off in TX.

Saudi King Abdullah to grant women privilege in 2015 to vote and hold administrative positions after persistent protests of women driving (police didn’t stop them).

Turban bombs: hiding explosives in the cloth in Afghanistan, taking advantage of Islamic customs again.  The real infidels.


Literally pulse-pounding episode of Breaking Bad (heartbeat SFX while Walt was in the crawlspace): Gus promised death to family members if he interfered w/ the cartel finally taking out DEA agent Hank.  He interfered.

60 Minutes: after terrorism threats in NY, Nazism and alcoholism lead to a the son killing the father, and the creators of South Park and Book of Mormon have a 6-day deadline for each episode airing on Comedy Central.

Boardwalk Empire (HBO): Nucky speaks to a black church and the Klan w/ the same message.


Geithner and Boehner want swift and bold action from IMF “leaders”...warn of “domino effect default world-wide.

40+ deaths in Yemen due to fire, pro-govt. forces.

Bob Ward convicted of 2nd degree murder of wife in 2009.

Father-in-law of Susan Powell arrested on child pornography charge(s).

FBI pays $2.1M for Bulger tips, 2+ people.

Hognappers hit Midwest.

NBA cancels preseason games.

Herman Cain wins GOP straw poll in FL; national recognition, now?

Tropical storms Ophelia and Philippe in Atlantic.

All 26 fragments of the fallen satellite have hit ground; NASA now looking for landing sites.

Researchers say Neutrinos travel faster than light...

Italian prosecutors at Amanda Knox appeals ask for sentence to to be increased to life in prison.

Vladimir Putin has agreed to run for Pres. in Russia’s March 2012 race (a near-certain win), returning him to the position he had for 8 yrs. before, w/ the current Pres. as PM.

Continuation of Day of Rage: NY police arrest some 80 protesters outside stock exchange buildings.


TCM: Sweet Jesus, Preacherman— rather violent for 1973.

SNL season premiere pokes fun at the fact that the media’ll only focus on Romney and Perry.

Up w/ Chris Hayes (of The Nation) on MS-NBC.

All My Children off the air, but lives on-line.

World-wide Day of Play (Nickelodeon) had no programming till 3PM...SpongeBob Square-pants Movie w/ David Hasselhoff.


A line has been crossed.  Expect something big to happen.  Something life-changing.

Gold steadily plummets to 1,639.8.  Worst since 1983, almost 10% down in one week.

Solyndra execs. take the fifth, refusing to disclose $535M loan.

Despite low TV ratings, advertisers are paying more.

9.30 deadline looming on doling out ‘green’ loans, $9B.

Jurors sworn in for Conrad Murray trial.

TX prisons end special last meals.

PeTA plans to create porn website...to promote the ethical treatment of animals.

St. Joseph’s holds its first blood drive.

The lost moon rock found...in Bill Clinton’s possession (yesterday).


John Kasich on Your World: in fact, we’ve lowered taxes on risk-taking.

Morgan Freeman shows his true “color”: the Repubs.’ “make Obama a one-term Pres.” is a racial thing.


Rain.  Rain.  Euro/USD, 1.3455 (5:24 ET); Platinum, 1,738 (5:41).

Ahmadinejad speaks at U.N. Gen. Assembly, many walk out to the offensive speech.

FedEx is fed up, getting out; deal w/ China isn’t working, stock down 8%.

HP names Meg Whitman for CEO.

WA teacher strike may come to an end.

UK to compensate families over 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre.

WI lawyer in divorce and 2 sons hurt in car bombing.

Chris Christie fights “Snooki” bill (tax breaks for for the makers of The Jersey Shore).

Facebook still hasn’t made an iPad app.

McDonald’s hiking its dividend as stock drops 4.8%.

Intel upgraded to buy from Neutral of BofA.

Michael Moore only ‘prefers’ non-violent theft of “the rich’s money” (taxes).

Soros tells CNBC (and the woman says, it’s a good idea): 2/3 countries may default in EU due to crisis.  ‘Help plan.’

Some “leaders” call Troy Davis’ execution a A legal lynching.  As if everything isn’t already called racist.

The defense rests for the mansion millionaire Bob Ward trial: I just shot my wife. … I shot my wife.  With the shot 18+ inches from the head, it couldn’t have been suicide, so the defense was “a struggle.”

DoJ has already said they don’t see/expect the right to privacy: a case income tax evasion—not terrorism—to test “stingray” in hunting down someone for a law that doesn’t even exist.  Government out of control.  No privacy for actual citizens in AZ.

MA photo ID bill: $25 more to vote.  “Jim Crowe” law, Ds call it.
The real problem: teens get around it for beer; it’s too easy to fake, and voting should be free.  How about fingerprint identification?  It’s easy and reliable.

Hair-puller of a gem: Diana DeGette (D-CO, Denver): new EPA regulations will create new jobs.

How is Liz Warren doing after working with George Soros for so long?  “There is no man who got rich on his own!  Put your money in and pay it forward (for a kid’s education)!”  Faith in capitalism.

How bad is CNN?  Guest: there’s not much the fed can do to help the economy.  They can’t help the economy!  “Quantitative Easing” can only increase inflation.

Most of poorest states are Republican (Cafferty).  All of the years, Progressive governorships.


Fmr. Afghan Pres. Rabbani assassinated in Kabul.

Typhoon drenches Japan: waters 10-30 cm of high.  Tropical storm Roke passes.

Freed U.S. hikers speak after arriving in Oman...call for ‘pol. prisoners’ in U.S. to be freed.

10-yr. treasury note yield falls to lowest level since 1940s, under 1.8%.

JPMorgan falls 5%.

Federal Reserve using treasury: “spur.”  “Operation Twist.”

Bill Gates tops Forbes 400 again @$59B, $5B more than last time.  Warren Buffet is #2.

Pres. Obama walking the line on Palestinian statehood.  And the photo op flub: waving his hand like the narci— the perfect moment, obstructing Angola’s(?) rep. with his hand in the photo.

On death row since 1991, Troy Davis, convicted of killing a cop, may be put to death with little more than testimony that’s recently been taken back.  And at 11:08 p.m., Davis was given lethal injection after the last minute appeal failed.

NYT: $10 cookies and $16 muffins...each.  DoJ cash.  Gettin’ money back?  And Canada spends $90K for...money-saving advice, while efficiency has been upgraded to one printer per person in the U.S. govt.


Jim Cramer plays Sims in real-time... Facebook, 11 mn. users.

Season premiere of The Simpsons (Sun.) features Kiefer Sutherland.

Even after 9th Emmy® in a row, The Daily Show still distorts “fairness” to the nth degree.


“Ground Zero mosque” ready to open tomorrow.

U.N.: Syria death toll hits 2.7K.

The Fed ‘gives’ U.S. dollars for 3-mo. backing of the Euro.

Ger.’s Rösler vows to ‘stabilize the euro.’

Dangerous phase: the West, outlook negative; 1.6% growth...what, in baseball bats?

CEO fined for hiring too many workers.

New hotline for illegal immigrants.

NYPD teaching nightclubs terrorist spotting.

Jury finds Fleishman guilty of conspiracy in insider trading case.

Tony Bennett’s words of 9/11 suitable for Howard Stern show: “we caused it.”

Doctors w/o borders: mostly Christians, like scientists

Bruce Glasier “to make this a better world,” and Bigotry in children’s book (all religion is the same, insane, unreasonable, irrational, Christianity is pol. incorrect)— Richard Dawkins compares Sunday “Sun worshiping” to Aztecs sacrificing people.  But wait, it gets worse.

Some want to put scientists on trial for manslaughter over failing to predict future earthquakes (L’aquila, Italy).  “Rational science,” it’s called.  Every time they bring up Christianity, they show how much worse they are, distorting history, the actual messages.

Stephen Lerner: we are heroes, create crises.

Actual incitation of violence from SEIU, the left, telling people to break laws: You are never going to be able to convince the other side.  From the power of persuasion to the persuasion of power, ditching logic and reason: nudge, shove, shoot.  Fortunately, the rest of the world is ahead of us on this organized monster.  Exposure may prevent the worst.  With the anarchists laughing, you have no idea how much has been defused... Taking personal grievances out on the rest of the community, inspired by the organized, Saul Alinsky or worse.  Some sworn to secrecy: if the insiders live to tell the story.

Written by men with God complexes.

Not covered (complicit press), promoting the uprising in Libya: the Pres. giving a speech.
Again, it would be Hillary Clinton to ‘step up to the plate’ to ‘fix’ the created/exacerbated crises, as part of the Shadow Party plans in controlling the masses, believing they’re doing the right thing, as Progressivism is the offshoot of Fabian Socialism.  With the help of Soros, collapse the system into something ‘more fair than fair’ (rigged).  Just wait until his crony capitalist friends take...oh, I’m not giving that away.  Tell people what?

We’re not our government.
You know it’s the death of an industry when the company asks for special favors from the govt.  Oh, the pain and suffering of...dial-up.  Lobbying for high-speed internet, now.

TV, Movie

Colbert Report intro title: FROM C TO SILENT T.

Invitation To a Dance(?) w/ Gene Kelly...most of it used matte process, mixing live-action w/ animated.


Abbas to file for Palestinian state recognition at the U.N.

5.8 quake hits Guatemala.  Rubble and volcanic activity.

Greece close to reaching bail-out deal.

10th person dies from air show crash.

Military officially ends DADT.

‘Deficit plan’ includes 5-day postal svc. (ending Sat.).

Fighting DSHA(?) over trainer’s death: hearing for Sea World today in Orlando.

“Warren Buffet principle”: more ways to bleed private sector workers dry.

Perry is however liberal on immigration...‘borders secure.’

S. CA: attacks on God not covered: secular ‘humanists’ ripping pages out of the Bible.

Tech: HDDs now ~2¢/GB.
Memory cards with Wi-Fi: needless, and possibly invasive.

Afghan police officer responsible for border crackdowns of Taliban & Pakistani militants hurt by explosion outside his home.

If you want to expand in China, you’ll have to spill secrets, to say the least.  Chinese knockoffs of U.S. tech sparking security concerns.

Charged w/ conspiracy to murder...a lawyer with an electronic ankle bracelet— to treat someone innocent until proven guilty, shocking him whenever Paul Kergrin goes near the jury?  And he can’t appeal, even after acquittal.  Instead of mounting evidence, treating people like dogs.

Collective salvation means govt. knows best.
Nothing like trapping people who don’t on TV (you never see the victims) with more regulations, and the excuse of, “they’re not poor.”


Metropolis (1927): Damn!
HEADS and HANDS need a mediator—the heart.  And the tower of Babel wasn’t nearly completed, as it was built on the backs of slaves— people who spoke the same language but couldn’t understand each other.

An android made to look like the woman of the master’s son’s love, used to destroy his beliefs, his love, his Christianity.  For her, all seven deadly sins.  Work of death.  She calls for the death of the machines by the masses, although she is one, and the people are dependent on machines.

You have a condition known as being a cynical assh—.  New season of South Park, 10.05, along with Nick Swardson’s Pretend Time, and other shows.

Pizza politicals (less is more), Dylan Rat...igan show: the different tastes in pizza among Ds and Rs.


Yemeni forces open fire on protesters; 26 killed.

Strong quake hits India, Nepal; 16 dead.

Police: trucker killed 3+ prostitutes across South.

Missing CA nursing student search: remains found.

ID/MO border: wounded grizzly kills hunter.

Surprising wildfires, TX & AZ, plumes of smoke over Milwaukee and Chicago.

Serious NFL injury: Jamaal Charles (Kansas City) carted off field.

Heated words end Floyd Mayweather Jr. v. Victor Ortiz.

New hunger strikes at CA prison.

1.8 mn. gallons of booze/brews/drunkenness at Oktoberfest.

3-D Lion King knocks of thriller at B.O., w/ $29.3M.

YouTube math lectures work...well by some people.

Greek protests, maybe...
900K down to 20K?... Only some 300 hundred showed for non-business day “Occupy Wall Street.”  College students and aged hippies.


Obama signs patent reform bill.

Iran: sentences of 2 hikers commuted.

8 spectators and one 74-yr.-old pilot killed from air show plane crash.

W.H. probed by House Repubs. over ties to Lightsourced(?).

Boys, ages 9&11, save drowning, paralyzed man.

Woman attempting Cuba-to-U.S. (FL) swim stops after 29 hrs due to asthma attack.

Pat Robertson: I know it sounds cruel, says divorce is “okay” if spouse gets Alzheimer’s.

One of the Kennedy granddaughters dies at 51.

SEC tried to stop crowd-petitioning (or whatever you want to call it) of Blue Ribbon Pabst beer by fans.  It looks like fans will get their way.

W.H. launched Watch.com this week for people to “report” on dirty laundry on dissenters...people made it into a joke instead, w/ comments of GOP spooks behind ATMs, or something.


Palestinians want U.N. seat.

Plane crashes near grandstand at natl. championship air races near Reno; 75+ injured.

Execution of Duane Buck stopped at last minute.

Army Corp.: 2011 floodwater/disaster damage to cost est. $2 bn.  Another $2B?

There’s now a Facebook poll for “Occupy Wall Street”.  More reason parents to be embarrassed.

NFL wants to start “enhanced” pat-downs.  Tom Brady wants fans to drink up.

New species of dolphin discovered.

Morgan Stanley chairman steps down.

Goldman Sachs to lose Global Alpha Quant fund at month’s end.

RIMM blames falling shipments on fewer users going for their phones.

30-yr. mortgage rates dive to 4%.

Gold, 1,782 (5:26 ET); Pound/USD, 1.5791.

Al Gore’s 24-hr. “open” debate ended Thu night.  Even “believers” say it was overdone with speculative slideshows (vision of the future) to the point of “death by PowerPoint.”


TCM does a birthday tribute to Sophia Lauren (Sofia Villani Scicolone), Tue. from 7:30 a.m.

Paul McCartney & fiancee to marry at same place he married his fmr. wife.

Barry Manilow supporting Ron Paul.


Stepmother gets 15+ yrs. for killing Zahra Baker.

Soros writes op-ed calling for end of the European Union.

LE bailout: Federal Reserve to put “aid” Europe since Germany is sick of doing it.

Rogue trader hits UBS; the Swiss bank loses $2B.

Mobster Antonia Pelle on the lose; escaped from Locri hospital in Southern Italy.

Geithner says he...wants to be fired?

Obama admin. proposing ban on electronic cigarettes.

Lawmaker pushing for halt on new regulations.

Mickey Rooney sues relatives for defrauding him?

People: Casey Anthony is getting psychiatric treatment.

Yavapai county, AZ: farmworkers try to move 200+-lb. killer bee hive of over 250K killer bees.  Deaths reported after swarms came out, including a half-ton hog.

The admin.’s promotion of Solyndra is looking to be a bigger scandal than...well, not really.
Joe Biden in 2009: the place for permanent jobs.  People close enough to the company selling $6 panels for $3 knew it would collapse by September.  It crapped out on the 6th.

Movie, TV

Original Ghostbusters returns to the big screen next month.

Charlie Sheen, rehab: looking back on prev. show, I would’a fired my ass too.


All night into morning was spent evaluating what I may have.  Good news: no legions on the brain (no stroke damage).  Bad news: nerve damage is happening, but due to pressures instead of blood clots.  To alleviate symptoms, I’ll need to take a break.

Pakistan: heavy flood kill 233; millions affected.

Gerald Seib knows how the Iranian regime works on capturing people.

NASA’s new space rocket will cost billions.

Memphis doctors perform 13-hr. procedure, separating 8-mo.-old twin boys.

DNC spokeswoman says the NY loss to Bob is not of things to come.


Lee will cost millions, with roads gone.  Like the world collapse, but with money not people.

Kabul attack: gunmen fire near U.S. embassy.

“Humanitarian reasons”: after the Ann Curry interview, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says some hikers may be released.  Like CNN with Saddam Hussein, leaving out the evil in the picture for an interview...  So much death, in Arabic.

Debbie Wasserman S. (DNC) said it’s unfair to say that the bloated state pension plans are what dragging us down...even though it’s true for many states.  And the class warfare that followed.

Perry: we need to have a legit conversation, not scare seniors; it would be criminal if it were done in the private sector—that’s in your book, he said to Romney.  Private employees in Galveston, TX can opt out of SS, and it’s been used.  54-40 of the gen. public say yes to the option.

Mitt Romney blatantly lied through the thing, and that’s how he’ll probably be nominated—saying what the media wants him to say.  The poker response drew mixed reaction.  California has all the “aces,” but they’ve been voting in losers.

MN’s Michele Bachmann never opposed of her own state laws that limit parental control...Turns out she has some already-existing mandate(s).

The loser: Ron Paul.  He put words in Rick Santorum’s mouth, and showed how ignorant his “convenient” approach to foreign policy is.  Are you saying all Muslims attacked us on 9/11?  If it weren’t for us having bases in the Middle East, Osama bin Laden would have never...  Yes, believe a terrorist on pol. motivations—that’s smart.  You have to heed the warnings of what they do, and ignore the “reasons” of psychopaths bent on domination.  As Laurence O’Donnell said (and violated), you can’t pick and choose your facts.

Obama: teaching in a trailer is wrong; high-speed internet is cool.  Zombie Highway.


Looking up two things on WebMD, it’s clear I’ve been having ministrokes (Transient Ischemic Attacks).  The numbness from yesterday has not gone; permanent damage has occurred.  If only anyone cared.

S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD (U. of CA, San Francisco): speedy recognition is important because it allowed the patients to be treated with clot-busting drugs that can only be given within three hours of stroke onset.

Robert Adams, MD, professor of neurology at U.GA, says stroke activity appears to be greatest during the first 48 hrs. following diagnosis of TIA.

Argentina: 9+ dead, 212 injured in bus-train crash.

AP: Iran sets bail for 2 jailed Americans, says lawyer.

Reuters: Iran has banned half-naked men, love triangles on TV.

Al-Qaeda chief: 9/11 paved way for Arab Spring.

Reuters: U.K. to recall James Murdoch in hacking probe; employees contradict his claims.

Hague court urged to investigate Pope over sex abuse.

Distracted driving kills 11 in KY: trucker on cell phone at time of crash, say NTSB.

Bystanders rescue man from fiery wreck, putting muscle together to lift it.

OH couple pleads guilty in duct-taped child case.

Atlanta rapper Gucci Mane pleads guilty to battery, gets 6 mos. in custody, plus probation.

Routine traffic stop turns up $10M in coke.

AP: DHS has new airport security policy for 12-yr.-olds.

Huge tortoises seized from New Jersey home, taken to zoo.

International alarm over euro zone crisis grows.

JPMorgan Q3 trading revenue falls 30%.

Elusive, quirky tycoon who owes over $100M turns up in the Caribbean after 20 yrs.

Best Buy hit hard by online shopping, repairs.

Cochlear recalls hearing implants.

U.S. drafts Alzheimer’s plan.

U.S. to test beef for 6 kinds of E.coli bacteria.

Est. 366 mn. people have diabetes.  Census: 46 million people are ‘poor.’

AIDS research?: scientists make glow-in-the-dark cats.

Newly found “super-Earth” could potentially support life.

Star-studded concert event for...Bill Clinton’s charitable work.

Andy Stern at American Action Forum: this is a revolutionary moment.

Easy mistake, “Jeffrey Schreier” spelled “Jeffery” on 9/11 memorial site.

AP: Bristol Palin’s got pregnant to get back at mother, Levi Johnston writes.

Press take Ron Paul fan & personal responsibility applause as “death to hypothetical uninsured man.”

Angola’s Leila Lopes crowned Miss Universe.

WarmingGlow: ABC to squeeze out another Belushi turd, You Won’t Even Know I’m Here.

9/11 memorial photo takes Twitter by storm, taken down: Opening up Skies (2010, John de Guzman).


Longtime film studio chief John Calley, 81.

British pop artist Richard Hamilton, 89.

All My Children star Mary Fickett, 83.


Germany is sick of bailing out Greece, so now they’re calling it quits on that.  Stocks sent reeling worldwide.  Let them default.

Djokovic beats Nadal, winning U.S. Open championship.

Gas pipeline explodes in Nairobi, killing 77, flattening houses.

Resort attack: Somalis coming ashore, kill a Briton.

Surviving member of Russian hockey team died—update 44.

Abdulmuttallab to face charge(s) of conspiracy to commit terrorism.

Euro, 1.359; Yen, 77.33 (16:29E).; Gold, 1,809 (14:52E)

Major averages have not had a winning since April.  Crop outlook mixed.

French police get their turn to question Straus-Kahn.

Direct-to-mail: Post Office wants more junk mail, ads, to keep out of bankruptcy.

China investment corp. to buy Italian bonds.

Fire near Greek monastery in WA destroys over a dozen homes.

BofA cutting 10% of its workforce.  And the pol. games.

WSJ: GBtv membership surpassed OWN viewership.  That’s not an accomplishment.

Asian “virility”: an est. 100 African elephants are killed each day.

Even Apple played politics, denying approval of the GBtv iPad app until the last hour.

Paul Krugman (where the aliens argument came from) shows how close NYT is to Al Jazeera (“let’s ban the memory of 9/11”): September 11th is “a moment to reflect on our shame.”  As if the “truther” garbage wasn’t enough.  We caused it.  Ground Zero isn’t hollowed ground, it’s defiled ground.

You get this when the truth isn’t “mainstream,” only vetted file footage played.  You know they’re corrupt when facts don’t matter, and “opinions” must be equal.  One opinion, One World Trade center — port authority nixing “Freedom Tower,” with the excuse that the name makes it a target?  “World Trade” center made it a target!  China’s pocketbook.  Opinions must line up, or else.

Conformity, fascist.  They won’t be satisfied once the failure occurs.  Did Krugman actually go to a firehouse or a police station?  “U.S.A., burn in hell”— one sign during the memorial weekend...

Blocks empty at the memorial, and Bloomberg says there isn’t enough room for the 9/11 families?  He cites “separation of church and state” in the Constitution (crap), but Neil Cavuto ended up playing the game.

Constitution Day is this Friday.  Did you know that?  Hand out a pocket constitution.
Song: everything washed away, but people aren’t destroyed in a day.  We have been bled over time.  Islamic crusade: “Islam will dominate the world,” “Democracy is hypocrisy”— seen the signs?  Black and white fades to gray.

Who has a 92% accuracy rating?  Overton window, moving the Constitution Center to the right, as if personal responsibility is a “right-wing” thing.  You’ve moved.

Pediatric Journal: SpongeBob Square-pants promotes ADD in 4-yr.-olds.  It’s a TV-Y7 program!  Meant for ages 7-13, Parental guidance is suggested.

ABC was first to mention tapes of Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy (courtesy of Michael Beschloss), in materials scheduled for full release in 2025.  In 1964 she considered MLK Jr. a communist who had orgies at around the time of the speech at the Lincoln Memorial.

Niece Alveda King begs to differ.  She says he’s a Republican who would’ve disagreed with Al Sharpton’s goal of “force everything to be equal”...  And as before, the speeches MLK wrote show that he considered Marxism/socialism “godless,” that he would not be supporting the invalid sense of “Social Justice.”

Speaking of Social Justice, Jesse Jackson wants the new-Dept. of Social Justice to look into Scott Walker’s railroad project thing because it “denies minority jobs.”  Progressives need to show they own Wisconsin, including the people, right?  And I’m the cracker?

Onerous: 10 regulations per day, 25K regulations dealt by employers, farmers.  11 mos. to read through the last year.
Proper disposal of lip balm on farmland— one of the new regulations, a whole paragraph.  Regulating animal farming out of business as part of the intent (they wrote about it), tweak here and there, little by little until an unbelievable amount of text is generated, pig farmers are feeling the pinch.  Holdren and Sunstein are not fans of animal meat, to say the least.  Down to even manure.

“Obama’s” ‘Jobs’ bill sent to Congress, called “easy revenue.” Yeah, deficit spending is revenue.  Oh, magic if it wasn’t for the opposition.  It’s simple math— more like simpleton math, like global warming is simpleton science.  Just add the ‘ton,’ like another ton of pages.

Tim Pawlenty endorses Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal throws his weight behind Rick Perry.

Dissent that’s “not anti-Obama”: just add on top of what doesn’t work, then it will...still fail: Gregory Meeks on Dylan Ratigan show.
“If a tree falls” premieres at 10 p.m. on PBS tomorrow, or some day: Earth Liberation Front.  Eco-terrorism downplayed on MSNBC— “no one’s getting hurt.”  ELF has been #1 on FBI most-wanted list.  Terrorism: unlawful attacks with the purpose of terrorizing, especially for political means.

Budget Control act, U.S. debt & deficit reduction: “$1.2T is peanuts,” says Simpson of Bowles-Simpson.  Big or bold, but now all at once.  See how warm and responsible the people in charge are.

Musical, TV

Sally Struthers as Paulette in the musical version of Legally Blonde...

Lost to Samantha S.: Serena Williams fined $2K for ‘choice words’ at the umpire, Wed.

Next season of Boardwalk Empire (HBO) premieres 9.25.

Special 1-hr. premiere of Modern Family.

Charlie Sheen roast done, “winning” done (he’s “already won”), and to premiere the same day as Two and a Half Men (9.19).

With Anderson on NBC at 3 p.m., Cooper is on for 3 hours a day, not counting encores.  3,8, 10 p.m.


Andy Whitfield (Spartacus) dies of cancer, leaving wife and 2 children.


Taliban attack: 77 U.S. troops wounded, 2 Afghan civilians killed.

Flight plans changed, F-16s scrambled— strange behavior by some passengers.

2,983 names on display, in order of location.  Bronze-encased waterfalls and a horizontally-placed flag on an unfinished glass tower.  U.S. flag draped vertically over a side of the Pentagon.


On 2001.09.11, 343 fire fighters lost their lives saving lives, not politics.

Israeli PM condemns embassy attack in Egypt.  Situation calmer: protests led to 3 deaths.

Ferry carrying over 500 accidentally capsizes off Tanzania; nearly 200 dead.

Cherokee tribe expels about 2,800 descendants of slaves.

Officials: 14K rounds of ammo missing fm. Fort Bragg.

9/11 families worry lives of those lost will be forgotten.  With the new ungrateful generations?

Jermaine Jackson: “We had an escape plan for Michael.”

Short circuit in an AZ substation caused widespread blackout on the West coast—two states, part of Mexico, 5 mn. in the dark, people constantly refilling gas.


The Coming Insurrection is here.

Possible “credible threat”: car bomb, 3 figures, 1 civilian.  Tunnels, bridges.

Euro falls: $1.3803 (7:44 ET), $1.3656 (18:03?).  S&P 500: another completely red trading map.

Report: Syrian forces snatched O.R. patients.

VA Obama-care repeal denied; first state to file suit.

Flooding: 70K evacuated from eastern PA.

AFL-CIO’s Trumpka uses 9/11 for pol. opportunity, steps up left’s war while blaming the right for everything.  Despicable: he tries to mix heart with slander.

Carol Bartz, fired from Yahoo (following a visible stock uptick), may have violated the non-disparagement clause in her termination settlement.  She might not get paid for calling the Yahoo board doofuses.

If it’s rammed through during this admin., you know it’s bad/evil.

The new patent law, a result of six years of “debate” (lobbying), about to be signed by the president, requires constant patent filing for each step/change/improvement of a product.  Only giant corporations like IBM and Johnson & Johnson, baron Myhrvold and corrupt political figures support it.  The press, including CNN, applaud this “new” monstrosity.

Train stations in San Francisco: anti-capitalist free-for-all in Bay of Rage.

Corrupt unions, gangs and cartels.  All growing, all similar, similar reasons.  Turf wars brewing near a town near you: the Longshoreman hostage taking—controlling transit.  Six guards tied up in WA state, equipment destroyed because people were in the “wrong union.”  And these people had restraining orders.  Explicitly anti-capitalist in name, they also said they’d be back.  Billy clubs and baseball bats—only the tip of the iceberg.

Same political games, less faith and credit in the U.S.

We would not have had the terrorist attack we had on 9/11 if we heeded the warnings of 1993; they said they would use planes next time.

“This anniversary of 9/11 is worse because we have lost our resolve, and are told to forget.”  And boy is that being proven.

Wherever you are, go nationwide to appreciate firemen and police who risk their lives each day.  Let’s remember the heroes, shall we?  The governments of the world may stand against freedom of religion and Israel, but we are not our governments.  We are not defined by our govt.  Build, not destroy; peace, not chaos.

Their arrogance will destroy them: Woodrow Wilson campaigned, and campaigned until he had an aneurysm.  He had his wife hold his hand up to the signature line.  You have this President making the same mistakes.

Greater than great, his own advisors say he’s a better speech writer than his speech writers...and everyone else.


Bill O’Reilly gave it to the press secretary on how the admin. is using Warren Buffet as an easy target, however comparing one tax to another, as if sales taxes are the same as corporate.  And of someone who joined w/ Bill Gates to give 90% to charity?

If you haven’t seen Penguins of Madagascar: Return of the Revenge of Blowhole, you’re missing out on something.


Note to HuffPo: Defamation of Character + Lawyer = Lawsuit.

AP: Ger. police detain 2, search Islamic center.

AP: central TX wildfires destroy over 1,300 homes.

AP: nearly 100K north-easterners ordered to flee flooding.

AP: Feds execute search warrants at CA solar firm.

AP: Federal court tosses lawsuit over health reform.

Geithner urges global action to boost growth.

Police arrest friend in death of missing CA student.

AP: Fidel Castro breaks long silence with interview...Venezuelan TV.

Britain lifts ban on gay men giving blood.

Gold is getting large mood swings.

Reuters: National Archives sits on 9/11 Commission records.

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell has cancer, ends her TV show Wed. w/ plea to all women.

AP: Reese Witherspoon hit by car during jog, resting.

Cheney talks up a 2012 H. Clinton campaign.

Dutch woman calls ex-boyfriend 65K times.

Fox Sports cancels show after video airs mocking Asians.

Ben & Jerry’s finally unveils Schweddy Balls (from SNL) ice cream.

Reuters: VA nuke plant got 2x what it was designed for in quake.

AP: dead NASA satellite will soon plummet to Earth.

Cassini orbiter gets picture of Saturn.

NASA going back to the moon?  What’s underneath the surface, they ask.

LiveScience.com: accidental discovery of closest ancestor may lead to possible step rewrite in human evolution.

F.D.R. said himself that it would be irresponsible to continue Social Security past 1980.
“Garbage from pinheads”: Romney said, you can’t say that to tens of millions of Americans.  You have to tell the people the truth.  Social Security has to be phased out.  Pay those who put their money in, and phase it out.  Actually give people the ability to opt out.  Like the out of control pension plans, it’s certainly a pyramid.

D: war conducted by other means; R: head in sand.

Ds say “go bold,” and so Obama does.  Another (slush fund) stimulus, dubbed American Jobs act.  This time more brazen (stronger tone), more offensive, yet half the cost, “already paid for”...with later administrations.  From $300B to $447B+.  Congress must Pass this bill— 18 times in the speech.

Absurdly far from reality (as progressives destroy themselves): Bob Schoeffer used the term Kabuki theater...but in defense; the press cheerleaded again.  12% GOP support = “supported by Democrats and Republicans.”  “Grass roots support.”  It’s not political grandstanding, it’s not class warfare, it’s simple math.  Members of Congress actually laughed at that one.  You can ban calling the President a liar, but you can’t ban laughter...or can they?

Can you tell the difference between the first “stimulus” and this one?  Well, the GOP are considering it in Congress.  Obama doesn’t buy into it.  Like captain Kirk, “it’s an—...outrage.”

Fake compassion and cries of racism, hatred, barbarism: what the Progressive left/right are left with in the next elections.

Perry will have to answer for the exec. order to force HPV vaccinations, and other progressive moves.  However, overall, Perry has promoted parental rights.  The HPV executive order was overturned.

Book: A Point In Time

David Horowitz on GBP: even when I was a Marxist I hated Bill Ayers; he was a rich kid with only destruction in mind.  Raised under hard, authoritarian communism, David wouldn’t have imagined that the left would be supporting Islamic Nazis today, like Hamas.  “Fascist” is too light a word.

What it’s like to be a true conservative: human souls were ejected from Eden, and we have to learn life’s lessons, get spiritually fit to get past the gates.  The left only see the U.S. being in the way of a “perfect world” (utopian mentality).  And the politicians just know how to buy votes... big pharma, anyone?

Horowitz sees beyond mere bad foreign policy with Ron Paul: he’s an anti-Semite, with no concern for Israel while under constant threat of destruction.


Gallup: 80% of Americans wanted no involvement in WWII until Pearl Harbor was attacked.

44 dead in jet plane crash, killing a top Russian hockey team.

UBS banking in Switzerland, end of international financing, break up—oh, possibility of civil war.

Taiwan man arrested for stealing 35 skeletons.

Judge tells Conrad Murray & lawyers to zip it.

NV police looking for motive in IHOP shooting that left 2-3 Natl. Guard members and one civ. dead; gunman killed self.

How progressive: NYC gun ban leads to 67 shootings, leaving 10 dead this month.  It’s the 7th.  And like any Progressive “leader,” Bloomberg blames everybody else, every other state.

Every time, “just disturbed”

Every time, leftist or socialist exposed, the media bury it: WV shooting was blamed on...wait for it...the right, “the Tea party,” until they read on the “quiet” kid’s Facebook page that he describes his philosophy as Socialist Agnostic.  Everybody that “knew” him was so shocked, taking and running with the double-standards, the Zombie game, where you get to shoot figures meant to look like right-wing talkers, blood and gore and all.


In the finale of Rescue Me, Tommy read Lou’s letter after his death (closest to explosion), unlike Lou.  Character overview inserts and loose ends tied.

Jeremy Sisto as has gone from Six Feet Under (HBO), to Law & Order (NBC), to... Suburgatory (ABC).

Largest applause at the GOP “debate” (MSNBC): when Brian Williams mentioned, 234 prisoners executed in (Perry’s) state of Texas.  After Perry clarified how Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme, Romney (says all the “right” things, endorsed by the press) eludes to SS being a failure as before (the people who run SS are “criminals”) but slams those who explicitly call it such.

After that ended, It’s not about Obama, it’s about your mamma. — Al Sharpton’s bumper sticker slogan for the next election...and the childish smile on Maddow’s face.


Morgan Freeman’s worst line ever read: Swim, fish, swim!  Dolphins are mammals!

Minivan plows into gas station; alcohol-related; toddler saved.

FBI spied on Israeli Embassy in WDC.

Largest fire near Austin, TX has burned nearly 500 homes.  3.5 mn. acres.

Libyan rebels (“good guys”) are now blindly targeting, killing black people.

U.K. parliament grills top News of the World editors.

Over 4% drop in Aug. markets; last 3 days: -4.1%.

Roads to misery: “New” “jobs plan” includes road construction and mortgage...meddling.

Closer to Britain than you think: calls for anti-discrimination laws to include “ugly protection.”

Illegal immigrant tax credits went from just under $1B to $4.2B.

Petraeus sworn in as CIA head.

Droughts: mass cattle slaughtering continues by farmers who can’t afford them; beef prices dip.

Berlusconi, on being wire-tapped, manages to insult Italy: I’m leaving this sh**ty country, of which I’m sickened.

Tone hypocrisy: Debbie W. Schulz dodges language question, Jimmy Hoffa Jr.’s.
Jimmy Hoffa Jr. steps up the language, possibly drunkenly.  Take these son of a bitches back to where they belong.  What a way to get people to take something serious like a joke.  More war.  And to say Tea partiers or Republicans don’t work—we didn’t start this war.  Uh-huh...  Give America back to America where we belong.  Little coherence, but all misled union pride.  The second Labor Day pride speech this president has done.

56 years isn’t enough for bad policies to sink in?

Like most Progressive mayors, Mike Bloomberg is out of control.  Not to be confused with ‘R’ mayors (8% of the time), NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Philly...sanctuary cities, ripe with gun controls/bans— now Bloomberg wants the cops to be defenseless.  And don’t forget the clergy/evangelical ban at the 9/11 memorial service while Hindi, Muslim and Buddhist...Baptists can attend.  Opinion bans around the corner— well, more bans, as political speech will cost you online in certain areas.  Wake up!

For the shareholders: even Fox News stepped up content regulations.
Head of a major broadcaster spoke in private, said, frankly, “it would be irresponsible to tell the people the truth; they would act like animals.”  That’s the reason for the silence in the media today.  Corrupt.

Progressive “right” promote Romney, and by next year all media Rs will sell out again.  A... 59-step plan by Romney proposed today.  Obama is not a bad guy.  You’re both bad!

Democracy Now: guest says Sharia is Islam, that anti-Sharia legislation is anti-Muslim.  How about unconstitutional?  Refer to establishment clause.


Thunder.  Rain at 5:55 AM.  Lee spins slowly inward.

Postal service nearing default.

NASCAR event postponed due to active rain.

Plane crash sparks wildfire in CA, homes threatened.

Missing explosives, red things in a pack lost at an airport.

The Help remains #1 at B.O., $122 total gross.

First witnesses testify in fmr. Egyptian Pres. Mubarak trial.

Libyan rebels about to enter Bani Walid.

CA wildfire(s) destroys a dozen homes, with 650 in path.

Mexico: teacher & tutor arrested for tweets (or re-tweets) that’d “trigger chaos,” as if.

Week 8 in Israel: infiltrate protests over “not raising taxes” even though everything up to everybody’s health care is already paid in taxes.

Flash near $1/GB.

04:42 EDT: Platinum @ 1,895.1; Euro/USD, 1.414x; Yen, 76.6x.  Gold, 1,903.8 (5:51 ET).

Final push of Libyan rebels, giving Qaddafi until weekend.  China giving arms...


WTF: All day, past midnight, Dance Moms on Lifetime.

Calculated, 14.5 hours of How I Met Your Mother, given FX Labor Day marathon.

JVI: New World Order Rising — this was in 2009!
The two Rs: “Rapture” is not in the Bible but “Revelation” is.
Cleansing follows new bodies, more godliness?

Like a white blood cell, the second coming will capture the two forces of Satan.
The poser is a genius in so many areas, yet he cannot say certain things.  Christ-like, yet beholden to the “greater” money & power-driven ideologies, man-made Babylonian government.


Driving slower, FL drivers may be ticketed, “impeding traffic,” even if going the speed limit...

San Bernardino County, CA desert fire 60% contained; some homes destroyed.

U.S. suing 17 banks over mortgage-backed securities.

Slate drops media critic Jack Shafer for “budgetary reasons.”

iPhone 5 prototype missing (again), and Kinect (MS) mirror-cam...in your bathroom?

HP said they’d discontinue the Touch-Pad, all to sell thousands more.

Twitter is worth $8.4 billion.

AZ to do its own “running of the bulls.”

Jerry Lewis not included in this year’s MDA Telethon, running tonight.

Dick Cheney was unconscious for 5 weeks during Bush admin., as part of heart valve replacement.

Dan Aykroyd gets key to Niagara falls.

“We The People” online petition fm. the White House—no clock saying how long it must get the signatures...

Wars may top $3.7T...probably already have

Jack Van Impe left TBN because he could not be frank, could not talk about Islam, within the information developed.  Some content:

Wars and terrorism, the false prophet and merging of religions.  “Chrislam.”

Earthquakes to become stronger and multiply (already seen).

U.S. said to Russia, if you control Iran, we won’t set up bases.  And that leads to the split, the division of Jerusalem—triggers World War III.  A `Peace Treaty” that will last 42 mos.  It is at the last moment of great war about Jerusalem that the greatest quake occurs, and Christ’s kingdom comes to fruition.


U.N. arrives in Libya.

Military plane carrying 21 missing in Chile.

Tensions in Tripoli: checkpoints, guns, no real authority.

Ozone regulations ($90B) cut from long list of environmental— the good regulation removed.

Obama plan speech moved to Thu after picking Wed (GOP debate).

3,000 panties scattered all over OH highway, some used.

Labor Day weekend?!  A storm, pointlessness, and another delay?

Kathy Baker on Coast To Coast AM

A death and a C-section: A Room Nearby: clinically dead for 8 mins.
A near-death experience (NDE) enhanced Kathy Baker’s psychic abilities, even adding more.  She went from a vague reader to someone who could identify illness of the relative of a caller (your sister has cancer; I don’t know how I know, I just know).  The abilities got so strong that she had to learn how to tune out.

At one point, three beings came to her and gave numerous revelations.  Being average in spirit, she didn’t really know why, or what to do, but now she appears on the program.

One revelation: the financial collapse that started in 2001 will start to converge into the worst seen in recorded modern history.  It becomes visible after 9.15.  That’s right—this month, and the financial “doom” will last ten years.  World disorder begets a cleansing period...an ethnic one if we don’t wake up.  Definitely not pleasant, but all money-oriented, however leading to starvations.  There’s going to be starvations, there are going to be Earth changes... massacreous(?).

A surprise guest showed at the end of the program, gets George to swing at him, thinking the “intellectual ability” of brain control would stop the swing.  The guest was wrong.  At least you have some good teeth left...


Teaching and training films, as well as films based in India on TCM.

CNN carries Al Jazeera/CAIR smear against 9/11 coloring book that explicitly depicts radical Islamic Muslim extremists as if the extremist characters are ordinary Muslims.


Be prepared: water all bought in stores during Irene.

Hezbollah allowed to set up a base for external operations.

Libyan-born American doctor freed from prison, was beaten.

First human case of EEE, a mosquito-borne illness.

77% of people polled want Federal spending cap.

3.3+/-3% of those polled approve of Congress.

’68 org. wants face riots, 1968-style.

Probe into “Fast & Furious” expanded, still no probe into Fannie & Freddie.

11 states on east coast w/o full power.

Teacher Amy Patterson feared dead.

New Federal Reserve probe into BofA’s health.

New tropical storm Lee in the Gulf.

August unemployment rate, 9.1%, with zero net “jobs” gain for the first time.  “Experts” put recovery at 2021 for 250K net gain...  QE-3 is starting, and foreign banks are getting out of the dollar, into gold, at 1,877.5 (11:57 EDT).  Platinum @ 1,882.1 (12:43 EDT)—Modern Marvels (History channel) had it at ~1,250 way back when.

Man may serve 15x3 (45-75) years in prison for recording police in public, IL, first on his property, then with judge’s understanding—“eavesdropping” after asking.  You don’t get 75 years for murder.  Nazis arrested people for merely looking out the window to see police in action.

OH cop-threatened citizens, now it’s, “I’m gonna kill every one of you, m—f—rs.”  It hurts the police than helps to ban cameras.  You have to be able to identify who the bad cops are.

Black Panther “survival training” teaches kids to harm, use machete to decapitate... hand-on-throat/groin, make cure he doesn’t get up so you have complete control.  NBPP and related anti-Semites also called Fox News “Fox Jews.”  Like SA Brown Shirts training their society, starting to grow, so they can be used; Brown Shirts weren’t liked by Hitler at first, but used to have people executed, having the media applaud.

BBC live event, Palestinian protests at Philharmonics.  Israelis in Germany and Poland—Jews want full EU passports more than ever to have a way out.

Rebecca Zahau/Nalepa death ruled suicide, even though only homicide makes sense (handwriting isn’t hers, depression makes tunnel vision, making complicated, nude-bounded hanging impossible).  I wonder who/what got to the police... Rebecca had blood on her, hemorrhaging of the scalp.


Martin Bashir, w/ dictatorial guests...quagmire in Congress when it functions; Progressives tell Pres. to “end half-measures.”

CNN caries smear job of Katt Williams; another comedian forced to apologize, this time over a Mexican joke, and will have to explain his apology.  When is a joke really hate?  When are you going off air?  Give CNN a piece of your mind.


Monopolizations of currencies into fewer or one, conformity of subordinate ideology.

Mel Gibson settles with ex-girlfriend; shared custody.

WikiLeaks confidential sources leaked; Brit journalist denies passwords leak.

More of the left demand Pres. act like a dictator.

New day, new step further into hell.

39 homes destroyed, 160 in path of TX wildfires, now in OK too?

NJ flooding remains.

New court docs reveal terrorist flight details, manufacturing of jet planes (rendition).

Joran van der Sloot officially charged with first degree murder..

Hockey raffle money shot, where the wrong twin won $50K...disqualified.

Hadnan Bakkour, Hama Attorney General resigns over Syrian actions against its people.

Warren Jeffs out of ICU.

Alligator pulls in 90-yr.-old woman by leg (eventually amputated), man shoots gator bet. eyes.

Allen West threatens to leave CBC over bigoted comments smearing Tea party members.

George Clooney dropped movie for Obama, pro-Obama pressures.

Prostitution tax in Bom, Germany, parking meter form.

Colleges across the U.S. are going 100% smoking-free.

Manufacturers lost track of ~15K guns since 2009.

Obama gave over a billion in taxpayer money to solar panel-making plant Solyndra; bankrupt over a year later.  A number of these companies got money, but on one knows where the money—China—went.  Instead of helping employment losses, they hired P.R.

Helping Hands for HIV patients—money went to Stadium Club...nude dancing, and a Helping website that goes to Stadium Club.

The pressures in Salem, and the end

In the U.S., witch trials lasted only 2 mos. (longer in other countries).  And it was the religious that did justice: you’re not reading the scriptures right.  It shows you the negative power the media have, that the McCarthy “witch trials” lasted longer, and all of the other ideological warfare by the likes of Soros...decades.

They do all they can to make it seem like you don’t have a voice, but you know what?  Only the gullible buy into the intimidation tactics, the name calling, the love of money (root of all evil).

TWC will no longer support analog come middle of October.

Where I live, it’s already poor-to-bad in quality, and digital isn’t working.  No more TV.