The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

Don’t be swept away by the normalcy bias.  Do your homework.

Evil is believing you’re good while dismissing or glorifying the destruction

Vengeance shows only destruction of thyself.  “Eye for an eye” is not in the original scriptures; it was added during hand-copy of the Bible centuries ago.

World of identity theft: fake/abusive debt collectors, fake police officers.


There is no “democracy” in the Islamic lexicon; they’re still quoting scholars of 800 A.D.
Convert to Islam or die—a leader referring to Sharia.  “We are building the gas chambers” signs in Egypt still ignored by the mainstream press here.

Up to 600 pro-al Qaeda anti-Qaddafi rebels released...

Daryl Hannah arrested at White House.

Anti-bullying law to go into effect tomorrow.

Officials put Irene death toll at 43.

Under 1/6 polled say HC law will lower costs.

Some Cos. pay more to CEO in health than in taxes.

Playground Park, NY reporter, county, people w/ certain veils not allowed on certain rides due to safety policy; fight broke out anyway, and there comes CAIR to the rescue...  Baseball caps and scarfs are also not allowed.

No clergy or significant mention of al Qaeda allowed at tenth anniversary of 9/11.  Terrorism of the world.  Saudi Arabia, among many other countries don’t find al Qaeda irrelevant.

Then you have the “honor killing” by the father of two daughters that were raped by Qaddafi forces, part of the aftermath of rape squads—rebels killing the “dishonored.”

Giant lie “reported” on HuffPo: cutting up quotes, putting words in Glenn Beck’s mouth.
Katherine Thong(?) did couldn’t offer any video this time.  An easy smear, as nobody may “defend” a “creature.”  People regardless of background are standing up against these people.  Some excuses last only a little while, Beck said on his radio program.

Even radio is in trouble in the tuning-out, as the answers aren’t given, the repeating of common/old messages, becoming unreliable overall, as if the media are reliable now.  It’s just empty in my view.

The reelection will come down to race.  Race riots are what the Weather Underground wanted, and so that will be the agenda.


Turkey: no confidence in Syrian govt.

Iranian opposition leader missing for 6 wks.

Qaddafi’s daughter allegedly gave birth in Algeria.

Syria has one of world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons.

“Tax the rich more” Buffet catch-up: Berkshire looking to pay missing payments to the IRS this year.

August marks deadliest month in Afghanistan; 66 troops dead.

Trop. storm Katia expected to become Cat-3 hurricane.

Over 2 dozen redundant regulations identified specifically, $60B wasted in fraud w/ top 2 wars.

Ed O’Neill gets Hollywood star outside DSW shoe store.

New Obama “jobs plan” looks like last year’s.

Remain Peaceful

One socialist calls for Tarir Square-style uprising in Washington Plaza, however “strictly non-violent”?  The model is Cairo, as Obama said, “Rise up.”  Dubbed October 11th movement.  OccupyWallStreet.com isn’t U.S.-only.

The exposure of an earlier NYC conference with Stephen Learner thwarted some short term damage, and now there’s “occupy Wall Street” with David Swanson, saying, actually shut things down, while the WDC talking point is to call Tea partiers nihilists that “relish a shut-down.”  “One big swarm of people,” naming exactly what they’re going to do.  We are actually going to interfere, Block buildings.  Make sabotage, and have fun with it.  Reaching out to the youth in a fragile society.  And it’s bad now.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing, organized, as Congressional Black Caucus declared war.  “All you f—ing Tea party baggers,” with cheers and an “Amen.”  In the fourth war: ads are running in Los Angeles on shutting down the government while the media portray Tea party members as anti-government and in-control?

The lies of the left will blare out in desperation.  It’s imperative that you don’t strike back.  They are revealing themselves.  There is no survival in hatred.

With evil all over the world, only love can conquer.  John Quincy Adams wouldn’t quit on anti-slavery legislation because he knew he had responsibilities.  With rights come responsibilities, and we must make up for lost time.

Being manipulated, any?

U.S. State Dept. blew up vigilance, “particularly in and around Jerusalem,” bet. 4-10 p.m., essentially banning govt. employees from attending 8.24.


Man plows through Israeli checkpoint, goes on stabbing spree.

Texas has droughts worse than parts of Africa.

21 deaths blamed on Irene.

Obama’s uncle arrested.

Detroit “free press” says MLK sent hurricane Irene over “pornography and racism.”  Al Gore says the hurricane rolled through because Earth doesn’t have equal rights.

Insane methods continue in resolving “carbon problems”: using lava, turning the CO2 into acid, eventually forming lime stone.  Turning into stone...


Now a cat.-1, Irene was as big as Europe.  All NY transit shut down.
2AM (8.28): 9 deaths, and flooding through Hoboken, NJ.
6:30: 3 mn. w/o power, making landfall again—Jersey Shore...
11AM FDNY responds to ofc. fire in midtown Manhattan.

4 million w/o power, 18 deaths blamed on Irene.  Major flooding, some bridges destroyed.

Homicide/suicide bombing at mosque.

Yoshihiko Noda elected as leader of new ruling party in Japan.

6-yr.-old faces suspension for “long” hair.

Lady GaGa went drag, playing a male rocker at the MTV VMAs, Adele got 3 awards.

Beyoncé is pregnant.

Alan Krueger to be added to Obama admin—the Senate hasn’t bothered to look into the background of everyone else.

The Last Heart Attack w/ Sanjay Gupta

A similar conclusion of a non-nutritionist, non-heart doctor to the zero cholesterol, zero added oil (well, the last one isn’t part of the other diet I talked about before).  How easy arteries are blocked comes down to how small the LDL (lousy cholesterol) particles are; larger ones are pushed through.  Zero heart attacks after within years.

Bill Clinton got the best form of scanning/testing of the time.  He didn’t get a calcium coronary scan (CCS) until a few months after leaving office.  For the tests he did have, the results gave a false positive.  Clinton couldn’t run 3 miles w/o having to catch his breath for the rest of the distance.

Heart attack-proof: vegan.  Diet and diet alone will do it.  The key to good heart health is not ingesting cholesterol.  Insects are cholesterol-free...


Left-hander Mike Flanagan dies at 59/60.


Meteorite seen falling in the sky.

Isolated tornado warning: hurricane Irene’s path is predicted to cross southern Maine on Sun.  Board up.

Halliburton hiring thousands of workers, most from ND.

Gold hits 1,776.

Govt. trying to shut down guitar shop using environmental policies as excuse.  Gibson Guitars was raided.  The DoJ never sleeps.  This is not the first time fish and Wildlife bullied a company... and their manufacturers?  Wood trade said to be the same as blood diamonds?  You could lose your guitar if any little piece is “illegally” obtained.

How can the govt. not give money to the people?  A woman says she’s ashamed that more people aren’t taking advantage of government ‘benefits.’

Proven right: Business Insider produces global map of food riots...the results are eeirely close to the map of (guess).

State-Transmitted Diversity (STD)

President Obama signed an executive order to create an office of Diversity and Inclusion.  Mark Lloyd again.  Do you think anyone in their right mind likes to be forced into positions?  Not just forcing them— bleeding an opposition dry.

Programming interrupted for warning msg. on mild Irene.  “People hope for the best, but we should also prepare for the worst,” said Obama.  “FEMA will be keeping people closely posted.”

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandella didn’t give in, didn’t invoke rebellion

They locked him up for 20 years, he won.  If you’re the one holding to the truth, your opposition has already lost.  We’re seeing global movements for freedom, but stay away from racist groups, and promote personal responsibility either way.

In Cape Town, S. Africa Beck was supposed to be in Venezuela, but Chàvez needs total control of the message.  A stop in Egypt (and how unpleasant that is)...going to Venez. anyway.  And Cape Town will affect the U.S. in a number of ways.  The worst “interview” yet in that area: all non-questions by the Cape Town interviewer, about how Beck is a “right-wing nutter,” affiliates himself with white supremacy groups— the works, the garbage of garbage websites.  Not at all what people heard when actually listening to a speech given there (people were surprised).  And that is how the left have already lost; they’re desperate, using everything in the arsenal, every name they can throw out there with no proof, no reason other than to try to stop a movement.

Not one of the 370+ stories “reporting” on 8.24 mentioned the “Human Responsibility Movement.”  Media corruption on a grand scale, doing all they can to prevent hearing a message.
Next stop, Dallas, Texas.


In Sharia, lying is encouraged when there’s a reason/excuse to promote Islam.

Currency going the way of Zimbabwe.  Why not?

Pakistani police release Warren Weinstein.

Casey Anthony reports for 1-yr. probation at secret loc. after order was given for her to show.

Possible conclusion to spelling Qaddafi’s name: name passport reads “Gathafi.”

“Human rights” councils and panels—diplomats “submit” surrender to falsehoods, extremists.  The actions of the fearful and cowards.

Stupid claims of Israel being an apartheid state (by British reporter) because of fencing— gee, there hasn’t been any suicide bombers walking in to blow up memorable sites, have there?  Just a little more.  They can take a little more.  Bad.

Base everything in love.

It was an operation, getting the performances on without violence...gun sights on all of the walls going out.  The only Arab there, on stage, couldn’t sing words to prayer song—just hummed—because he would’ve been killed.  And the song: Israel, Israel, God is calling.

Basic human rights are in Jeopardy when basic human responsibilities are not exercised.  Accountability, honoring the rights of others, especially through humility, if necessary.  Don’t try to reach down into hatred; try to be better, never give up.

TV, dust bin

Tim Allen is back: Last Man Standing, Tuesdays this fall, on ABC.

NYT in the dust bin, “reported” “hundreds” at 8.24... Sold out: 10,000 overall, only 1,700 could be allowed in one area (packed).


Closing below 1,800, at 08:07 EDT, gold was at a high of 1,847.2/oz.

Train accident in CA; liquid propane burning, melting cars.

Hurricane Irene now Cat.-3.

Most rapid growth of debt: $4T under this admin., and we’re only 3 yrs. in.  $10.6+4.9?

Barack Obama refuses to take credit for economy even after saying he will.

Leftist groups not supported by any Israeli majority.

The corruption on Wall Street and the power of the Federal Reserve: over 18,000 SEC documents were destroyed.

No one knows where Qaddafi is, but reporters are trapped, apparently via snipers on building roofs.  Dead or alive, $2 million for the man who has all-female bodyguards.

“Freedom from Religion Foundation” gets KY to ban football prayer in schools.  Refer to establishment clause.

Major drop, 45% to 25% among independents, for Obama’s approval numbers.  The press still do what they can to justify everything, and vilify dissent.

Jeff Immelt got the job for jobs fm. the admin., and they send employment overseas in partnership w/ biz in China.  Joe Biden thinks he understands population controls in China.

You’ve been warned for years now.

75 new major regulations, adding $38B, including goat herding: goat herders require windowed housing.  No problem for 100 years until Cass Sunstein got in.  Little by little, the intrusive regulations become suffocating over time.

A sleazeball like Mitt: Rick Perry was involved w/ a drugmaker where the CDC revealed...

Event, TV

8.24 began at 10AM, setting off the Human Responsibility Movement (must act on responsibilities to keep rights).  Neither Fox News nor MS-NBC were there.  Glenn Beck performed w/ live orchestra, however with 23 instead of 30 due to late cancellations over threats on their life/livelyhoods.

Al Sharpton’s now a perm. for “Politics” show at 6 PM.

10 never-before-seen episodes of My Wife and Kids on Nick at Nite.

PBS is running the NOVA: fractal math program again.  Nature dominates via fractals: cancer bloodwork is chaotic while normal bloodwork is ordered.  This can be seen with ultrasound.

Pope John Paul II said in 1985 when he visited Morocco, and for the first time an Islamic site,
We worship the same God, the one God, the living God.
In order to bring the world to a one-world community, one-world governance, there has to be a united organization of religion, said another in 1995.  The second charter writing in 1998.

Fareed Zakaria wants an English-style parliament, when people here don’t want destruction.  In a full-blown democracy, your vote doesn’t count because it’s diluted among millions, while in a republic, national-scale decisions are carried out electorally; you actually matter.

Jeremy Ben-Ali of J Street (Soros) goes on Last Word w/ guy fm. The Nation.  The same predictable crap on Beck, doing much the opposite of what they’re saying (game changer).


About 20% of the Libyan rebels are al-Qaeda.

More mortars and rocket fire in destroying al-Qaddafi’s compound.

S&P Pres. steps down just a few weeks after downgrading U.S. credit.

Billionaire Rich Branson’s mansion burns, Kate Winslet saves his wife.

D.A. in DSK case: charges should be dropped...and then they were.

Amy Winehouse had no illegal drugs in system at time of death; alcohol played a role.

On the road to using nat. gas: 25% of U.S. buses.

Katy Perry attacked for simple Pray for Israel tweet.

Marco Rubio, holding Nancy Reagan’s arm, stops Reagan, 90, from falling on the floor after she tripped.

5.8-mag. quake hits just North of Mineral Va. in middle of 1PM.  Reactors shut down.
No deaths or serious injuries, but certain sites, such as the Washington Monument, are closed indefinitely for repairs.

Indictment of the left and the media here: the Egyptian Nazi party openly carry swastikas, but not only is the growing evil cut out of the picture, but the people addressing the facts are called Nazis and hatemongers.  It’s completely upside down and corrupt that the press will tell you with a “straight face” that the invader is the good guy and the property owner defending him or herself is the bad guy.  And “24/7 News” means they lie to your face around the clock.


Biblical texts, 700 Club: Sudan, Persia (Iran) and Libya/Egypt to stand against Israel, the nations of the world follow in cowardice, and God will defeat them, showing them the light.

No later than Sun 8.21: patenting of human genes on 60 Minutes—patenting of life forms began in 1980 (court ruling).  Struck down in Mar, 2010, Myriad is/was appealing breast cancer gene patent overturn.

I literally had a jaw-dropping moment when I saw the promo for “William & Katherine” a couple of days ago.  Unbelievable— just a couple of months later?  A lame take on a lame story.  Wow.


Jerry Leiber, 78, co-writer of “Hound dog” and “Jailhouse Rock” dies.  Mike Stoller is apparently still alive.

Joey Vento of “Geno’s Steaks” died Tuesday.


France throws its support behind a new provisional govt. of Libya.
Just hours after rebels capture Green Square, its renamed Martyr Square, and the state-run TV network goes black during Libya’s version of The View, eventually replaced with a feed from Qatar.  The rebel replacement appears to have people calling in from within Libya.

Iron Dome intercepted 5 out of 6 missiles so far.  Superior to our national defense, the accuracy and precision of Israel’s interception exceeds catching a blade of grass on the highway traveling 60 MPH.

The downside: the extremists, Twelvers will see this as a need to going at them with more force in numbers.  Even when it seems like it’s tapering off, the large numbers breaching the border only grow.  Palestinians to take it to them Sept. 20.  The civil war brewing in Syria, and ties being broken— well, Turkey certainly isn’t an ally, unless you’re talking Iran.

Driving a car into the living room: attempts to derail 8.24 only make it clear who the bad guys are

After all of the anti-Israel propaganda, al-Jazeera tries the “Glenn Beck is exploiting Israel” routine.  The only good Jew is one with their head chopp— oh, I didn’t know you cared...  And Hillary Clinton calls the network, “real news” because you don’t have debates or interruptions.  A hard-line leftist refuses to see evil.

Political Correctness out of control: you can be arrested for entering England.  Hate speech, which is protected under the First Amendment here, is used to “justify” considering people as terrorists in the new Progressive world...while Islamic fundamentalists do whatever they want, especially minding loopholes.


Note to the press: smiling in the face of chaos is evil.  Do you get that?

Pro-al-Qaeda rebels fight w/ heavy gunfire in Tripoli, take over Green Square.
NATO airstrikes have already destroyed much of al-Qaddafi’s compound, and now the rebels have captured two of his sons and over 90% of Tripoli.

Egypt promises to withdraw ambassador to Israel.

Trop. storm Irene could become a hurricane.

Chicken prices drop due to oversupply.

Protesters are arrested in breaking dumb lemonade stand law.

Dick Cheney Revealed: George W. Bush says the man who served under 4 presidents was willing to step down in 2004.


Pakistan blast, plus 8 killed in Afghan-U.K. compound blast.

Qaddafi goes on Libyan TV to rally support.

Canadian plane crash: 737-200 goes down near Resolute Bay, killing 12.

IBM unveils new chip that “behaves like the human brain.”

Ron Paul wins NH straw poll, getting ~45%.

“West Memphis 3” freed: celebrities gave money, DNA put unknown person at scene, doubts raised.
Judge accepted a plea deal of “guilty” with certain things thrown out.  They were accused of murdering three 8-yr.-olds in 1993.


Pope arriving today in Spain despite mass protest.

Another Israeli border breach; 6 civilians and 1 Israeli soldier dead.

Goodwill game turns into a brawl: Georgetown and China, members benched out.

Storm at Belgian(Norwegian?) concert kills 5.

James Bulger’s girlfriend, Katherine, to not cooperate, says attorney, pleads not guilty in aiding/harboring Bulger.

Predictive Policing, 27% crime reduction

The same type of algorithm used in predicting earthquakes, forecasting criminal activity “hot spots,” is being used in Santa Cruz, where cuts have been made to the police force.  Arrests have increased, and so has the interest of other U.S. cities to use the math.


52 years ago today, Cat.-5 Camille devastated the Mississippi coast.

Libya: heavy shelling in the morning, snipers set up, car-loads of people leaving Zawiya.

The no. arrested by English police over riots tops 1,000.

Oppressive India: man denied right to go on hunger strike, others follow in his defense.

Tampa police arrest teen threatening/planning on bombing school; materials found.

George/Cindy Anthony did an interview w/ Dr. Phil, asked only for a charity donation.

Sanitation salt truck dangles out of a building/garage for 6 hrs.

Euro, $1.4414 (06:05 EDT?).

Merkel-Sarkozy summit: Germany’s Angela Merkel doesn’t see the “magic solution” of making Europe a single government as such a good thing.  And by the end of the decade, it will be that push for a one-world government, as if the lack of centralization is the problem.  Only smaller works, but this is what corrupt, insecure “leaders” do.  “New solutions” that aren’t original, don’t work—all to call the people in the way the problem.

The “leaders” here say, Welfare is Stimulus.  We’re at an all-time high for food stamps, and the Dept. of...something apparently corrupt says it amounts to “job creation.”  Unemployment is high, and they’re playing the numbers game...$12 makes...less in return...  And now there’s something “new and exciting” on the way.

Billionaire that offered $1M for students to drop out of college to make start-up companies... building oil rig-style platform “libertarian” cities...  Libertarian means less structure, not more.

Vanity Fair writer James Wilcott explores the career of the biggest Telethon fund-raiser: Since 1966, Jerry Lewis has helped raise nearly $3 billion for muscular dystrophy research.  When Lewis sings ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ at this year’s close, it will be the end of a showbiz era, a proud reign of pomade.


Ridicu-list: last time Anderson Cooper cracked up, now he couldn’t stop laughing to Depar-Du.

South Park, “Le Petit Tourette” ran completely uncensored.

Next season of Breaking Bad will be the last.

TRMS: “All Government is Bad” is wrong, and no one in their right mind considers that.  Big government is colluded at best.
One of the programs nixed in Feb. is a program that buys highly-enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium before it hits the black market.  4 pounds of HEU were bought from a South African nuclear facility, bringing the tally to 3,091 kg.

Talk about “a”-kissing: Suze Orman, asked by “P” John King, approves of Warren Buffet’s very particular “tax the rich” plan.  As the words come out, you can tell a part of her is saying, no.


ECB shelled out 22 bn. euros in govt. bonds last week.  The franc is overvalued.

TX: grass fire flares, burns 10 homes.

Trash attraction = bird strike: sanitation facility near LaGuardia airport draws fire.

After ending the shuttle program, NASA decides to do a test mission...back to the ISS.

WI election ends: Bob Wirch (D) projected to retain seat; Holperin (D), 54%.

Bashar Assad cracks down on Latakia, Syria, after warnings; people caught in crossfire, apparently including a 2.5-yr.-old, shot in the right eye.  The tradition of burying relatives taken advantage of with sniper fire; wires are still used to drag corpses out of the streets.

“Politics” worsen, lies and propaganda worsen

Millions spent on dirt digging— Chris Matthews knows what I’m talking about, as he says the press should put all of their resources into finding out who “the real Rick Perry is.”  Iran is doing whatever it can to destroy Israel, but the corrupt media...

Treasonous politics: using record amounts of the people’s money for elections.  And the left say, it’s to save the economy...and it gets worse, blaming others.  They have zero credibility, zero honor.

“Bad luck”?  Obama encouraged the Arab Spring, literally encouraging uprisings.  “More responsible,” he says he’ll be.  As if.  Only the responsible should apologize, right?  Global apology tours.  Oil’s more expensive because of inflation, and the England riots were predicted— rigged systems don’t work.  And so they rig it even further... talk about evil— acting on Soros’ behalf, hedging against the U.S., if not the world.

As the world falls into decrepit-cy

Seek, act on the truth; let the chips fall as they may.  Popularity comes from consistency in what people associate with; build, and fight the wrongs.  Get all of the crap out; be ahead of those who wish to “grow” their credibility by harming yours.


Chinese officials shut down chem. plant over massive protests.

Rpt.: Pakistan gave China green light to take HD photos of UBL raid chopper wreckage.

The relatively quiet for Ramadan is broken when coordinated attacks hit Iraq.

83-yr.-old Hosni Mubarak back in court, wheeled in.

Muammar Qaddafi calls on his people to root out anti-Qaddafi “traitors.”

Sev. companies announce acquisitions(?) once prices drop.

VA allows guns in bars.

Mr. Sociop Obama gives campaign response to Tea partier who’s sick of the admin. calling the “right-wing” terrorists.  Approval nos. dip below 40%.

Warren Buffet wants “the rich” taxed more (and leads by example), and Ben Stein shows his lack of sense in how the federal govt. works by saying taxes are similar to charity...


IN State Fair stage collapse: Sugarland concert, bef. band appeared; 5+ killed, dozens hurt.

FDA issues warning about fake “morning-after” pill Evital.

Fmr. CNN exec. joins Olbermann, now competes with CNN.

Tim Pawlenty drops out.

Easy 3G piracy: streamlining cable via Slingbox.


Chaos erupts in streets of Aleppo, Syria.

Police standoff ends in IN.

Apple Inc. becomes largest U.S. company.

TX Gov. Rick Perry announces Pres. bid on Sat., as planned.

IA Straw Poll: Michele Bachmann, 28.5%; Ron Paul, 27.6%; Rick Perry/“Parry” got under 4%.

CAIR, in using intimidation as a way of trying to promote Islam, wants events of “all religions” after a baseball org. held a Jewish event.

Newt got angry at the debate —I didn’t bother to watch— when Chris Wallace asked about his financial hole.
No non-progressives allowed at MSNBC: Joe Scarborough this morning raises his voice on how illegitimate he thinks Bachmann’s campaign is.  Oh, and Gingrich’s is?  Michele Bachmann is a joke.  I will pass it on to you—...her candidacy is a joke.


Copper, 4.0085.

AP: Portraits emerging of Navy SEALs Mason, Workman, Tumilson, Bill, Duncan, Hamburger, Strange, Brown, Vickers, Campbell, Spehar, Carter, Day, Zerbe, Faas, Robinson, Vaughn, Reeves & Kelsall killed in the twin-rotor Chinook Afghan crash.

Boston man murdered inside Brighton apartment building.

17-yr-old who murdered his private sch. principal warned of his desire to kill her.

Navy jet missing of San Diego; coast guard searching.

Stature of Liberty will be closed from Oct for 1 yr. for $27M renovations.

Crystal Cathedral bankruptcy sale sparks bidding war.

AP: WA girl risks life, paddling to save boy in turbulent Pacific waters.

Portland: Street flooding near Washington Ave. and W. Kidder.

Strange planet orbiting distant star is blacker than coal.

U.S. debt supercommittee gets last members.

Debate kicks off pivotal days in 2012 GOP primary.

The Ticket: Romney in shouting match w/ crowd at IA fair.  As if this changes much.

Austrian museum employee fired for washing himself w/ his own urine.

“Kid” fm. Kid ’n Play arrested; connected to 2010 drunk driving conviction, he skipped out of court.

London vows to restore order after riots, start raiding houses.
3 killed in car impact(s) and looting.

Charla Nash, 57, who underwent a face transplant after a 200-lb. pet chimp mauled much of her original face off, has a new nose, new lips in a new photo, released today.  She is the third of a kind in the U.S., at the same hospital of all three.

Pray every time you enter a tunnel: you can go in or over w/o noticing cracks.  Thankfully no one was hurt when the Montreal tunnel collapsed.

TV, Movie

Stephen Colbert wants you to write in Rick Parry (with an ‘A’) in the Iowa GOP straw poll...

Rescue Me memorabilia to be at Smithsonian, alongside Archie Bunker’s (All in the Family) chair.

Must I be reminded of The Big Lebowski 2 w/ Tara Reid?


Don Imus’ brother, Radio personality Fred Imus, 69, dies in Tucson, AZ.


Famine/malnutrition: 30K children have died due in Somalia in the past 3 mos.

China launches its first aircraft carrier, a retooled Soviet ship.

Reflecting a weak USD, Euro rebounds, Yen falls (76.67, 04:43 EDT), and Gold crosses 1,800.

Dow, Nikkei and Australian markets plunge.  Bank of America down nearly 11%.

French bank stock support falls over rumors of French downgrade(s).

Viagra...patch.  “Safer, fewer side effects”?  That doesn’t sound dangerous...

First Wisconsin election(s) over... R’s win... D’s now on the chopping block.  Haters lose.

No ultrasound: new blood test could read fetus’ gender.  Critics say it could lead to more “undesired sex” abortions.

There’s more exposure on the money changers, the Frank&Dodd mess, and how the bad regulations are there, but the funds aren’t, yet the offices are... attempts to regulate the big three credit rating agencies.

Rise above the corruption

The media obsession over the Rick Perry prayer gathering continues.  The world’s on fire, but the bastards have to exploit thatRick Perry may share Pastor John Hagee’s beliefs, says a Texas Examiner Observer talking head.  Or, Hagee was hired because he’s a speaker.  And out of all the other things— I’m sick of it.  It’s wrong.  You’re insane if you react with blind hostility when confronted with the facts.  Rachel Maddow is the type of person to actually put her hands over her ears and make sounds to block what she’s hearing.  (Take the footage of Real Time With Bill Maher, for example.)

The people on television care so much more about getting paid that that they’re insensitive to the pain they cause to others, if not vengeful (off-screen).  I shouldn’t even give advice— there’re only sociopaths in the “press” now.  “Pressing harder” doesn’t compensate for others not listening.  I should know.  You bring more information, with a broader approach, not isolating on the smaller things and the lies, a.k.a. the political views.  It’s upside down.

And they wield the corruption, what people are supposed to believe.  You know what, never mind.  If you’re so far down the rabbit hole to be even more callous than before... I spend too much time on this.  At least I care.

Bastards: if you’re an adult, act like it.  Otherwise your parents, in their right mind, would leave you.  Change.

Add new brackets for millionaires and bill...

MoveOn.org, with Van Jones (as in, all Soros media), uses yet more children for indoctrination purposes—the “American Dream” stuff.  Although real children never buy into the über-crap, it’s still dangerous to use children (empty vessels).  Failures dragging others down...

Fears of genetically-modified foods grows

Chances are you’ve had it without knowing: genetically-modified grains, oils (including canola), and now fish.  The dangers only grow as inevitable cross-breeding destroys races.  Thousands of fish escape each year.  Profit over life into playing God, the results are scary, abominable.  In reality, nature always has the upper hand...we’ll be sleeping with the genetically-altered fishes if we don’t stand for common sense and morality.  Restaurant chefs have to know everything that they get, and they make sure the food that goes on the plate isn’t made of GMOs, but it’s becoming a blur.  Pigs that can’t walk, hens that can’t nurture their young (and intentional of the corporation), and most GMOs result in something that can’t even reproduce, given that reproduction is the most sensitive area in the genes.  Every time I hear the story it’s a quick fix, short-term profits for long-term damage, even for millions of years.  You have to put your foot down.


Jane Lynch will be hosting the Emmy’s® on FOX.

CR intro-caption: FREEBERTY.

Redeye theme changed, music is more metal.

Charlie’s death on Two and a Half Men already planned out.

Zack & Miri Make a Porno, “uncensored” on Comedy Central, Sat.  (I know how Viacom standards only allow buttock nudity.)  Update: I was right.  It was uncut, but Katie Morgan’s chest was blurred out.


The future of Europe rests on Germany’s shoulders?

London: police force triples in size in face of anarchy.

Beijing acknowledges missing the 4%+ target for inflation; last month it increased 6.4%.

To be the 1st trillion-dollar Co.: Apple’s capital in midday topped Exxon-Mobil.

“Rip your face off rally” photo op.: p.o.’d broker sends small plane over S&P building.

CA says Facebook will remove prison inmates’ pages.

Wisconsin election...recall after recall.

All it takes is the mentality, organization.

Showing the police we can do what we want—a giddy female rioter, calling the burnings, the destruction in London a fun time.  Masses of young adults wearing concealing clothing, throwing rocks, committing arson— with such breakdown in morality, the empire is seeing the downside of organized socialism and anarchy firsthand.  Three days with police at bay, leaving an entire building complex on fire— a whole string, seen with a helicopter shot.  Some had to jump out of buildings, others who asked the shouters to stop got punched in the face.  A beaten man robbed by the guy who “helped” him up.  Over 500 arrested.

The top level is dead wrong to call this, nothing more than basic thuggery.  It is persistent, hell-bent on reacting to disparities, with zero appreciation for life.  There is no excuse for violence, but people asked on “why” gave excuses.  Wake up.

Organized crime in the U.S. pales in comparison, but we have rampant crime in Philadelphia, where flash mobbings and gun violence are inspired and organized, particularly over websites as with “Arab Spring” areas, including parts of Europe.

The Philly mayor [Michael Nutter] gave a piece of his mind on the ‘urban problem,’ that the kids are crazy, with saggy pants, tattoos all over, speaking only in grunts, only to blame not being hired on race (‘dem white folks’).  Philadelphia lawyer (n.): a lawyer skilled at exploiting legal fine points and technicalities.

August 4th marks this sh—!

Al Gore shows us again how red-faced nuts he is.
On paid-for “scientists” (and not his paid-for “scientists,” It may be volcanoes.  Bullsh—!  It may be sun spots.’  Bullsh—!  ‘There isn’t any warming.’  Bullsh—!

Carr: That’s not how a leader of a religion acts.  Pope Al.

Cornell West shows how he can’t even follow a question on Democracy Now!
The poverty line is pretty high as far as how the U.S. government sees it.  Heritage Foundation and Stephen Colbert slam the line.  Cornell West takes Amy Goodman’s question as the Heritage Foundation is responsible, so he responds, it’s part of the institutionalized “right-wing lies.”

...And the left are getting more impatient with Pres. Obama.  From op-ed pieces to...Chris Matthews: tax the frickin’ rich!


No time is the time to panic.

Birmingham unrest: 200+ involved in the city center.

Tackling the aid problem: African forces now have some control of Mogadishu.

G-7, ECB signal readiness to intervene to stop meltdown, buy Spanish, Italian debt...

Gold soars +57 to $1,709.3/oz. (07:31 EDT); DJIA down 634 to under 11K; oil below $84/bbl..

U.S. treasuries trading higher.

Wikipedia continues losing contributors.

Department of Innovation logo: 3 gears— can’t turn.

With access to the then-secret mission, new Seal team six to be released 3 weeks bef. the 2012 election.

How important is Standard & Poor’s?  Well, they’ve downgraded Fannie/Freddie and anything else govt.-controlled debt...S&P has downgraded individual states.  Moody’s and at least one other agency still puts us at AAA.

Harvard’s faculty out of India: Subramanian Swamy under fire for anti-terrorism material.
Terrorists target residential area in India, and 200 people sign a petition.

Somalia and Kenya: AC-360 runs 1992 footage of Anderson Cooper.  Famine, then and now.  Basic necessities..


Saturday marks the worst combat day in Afghanistan: Chinook helicopter apparently shot down by Taliban forces, killing 30, including a Seal team six unit of 22 (but not the same men who got bin Laden).

S&P may downgrade again in 6-24 mos., wants $4T in cuts over next 10 yrs.

U.S. releases sanctions on al-Shabaab terrorist group to increase civilian aid.

Riot in Tottenberg, London over police killing an armed man.

5 shot in shooting spree.

Mystery substance comes ashore on Alaskan village.

CA: quickly-moving brush fire traps 50 cars.

U.S.’ first underground zip line unveiled in Louisville.

Calls on smart phones come 4th in what people do w/ them.

Yemen Pres. Ali Abdullah Saleh to return home after Saudi Arabia hospital stay, surgery; people cheered his early-June exit after he was wounded in an attack on his palace, thinking it’d be the end of his 33-yr. rule.

Talking point carried by Kerry, Axelrod: Tea party downgrade, as if that’s what they wanted, as if there’s any real picture presented in the news anyway.


C-SPAN sits down with the host of The Alyona Show (Russia Today America) — Glenn Beck Halloween costume...

Canceled soaps like “All My Children,” “One Life to Live” continue to run with new episodes online.


“End of life rights” crusader Norman Morse, 91, dies one week after falling at an OceanView retirement cottage, seriously injuring his head.


Standard & Poor’s downgrades U.S. fm. AAA to AA+.  Given in 1917, this is the first time in history of a downgrade by a major credit rating agency.  Higher interest rates means requiring more money to pay for things, not to mention the already existing inflation caused by the Federal Reserve.  Remember the so-called experts that said downgrades would never happen.

Authorities release new video of a bus shooting in Philly.  Like violence in Somalia—teens with automatics (two of them carrying) wanting what they want of a passenger bus, not getting it, getting off, then shooting at it.  Fortunately, most of the damage was taken by the bus.

Libya denies report that Qaddafi’s son Khamis was killed by NATO, rebels nab fuel tanker.

Nigeria, Shell under fire after U.N. details oil devastation.

U.S. opens ways for Shell drilling in Arctic Ocean.

Japan vows to continue nuclear plant exports.

Maastricht cannabis cafés to ban French, Italians.

Norway: polar bear kills 1 Briton, injures 4.

Italy pledges reform for ECB support.

AP: 2 journalists get inside look at daily life in secretive North Korea.

Piccoli family to receive WWII soldier’s lost Purple Heart, planned for Sun.

$872.96 rent: NY’s Jimmy “The Rent Is Too Damn High” McMillan candidate faces eviction.

Medicare prescription premiums said to not rise in 2012.

Windfalls for MA hospitals in question.

Line forms at Melville job fair for recruiter(s).

Mysterious NY-based firm vanishes after (pro-)Romney gift.

Reuters/New Orleans: fed. jury finds 4 police officers guilty, charges related to post-hurricane Katrina shooting deaths of civilians and a cover-up.

AP: Senate approves bill to end aviation shutdown.
IRS: no tax refunds for passengers who flew during FAA shutdown.

AP: the impact of a series of eruptions on the sun began hitting Earth, and could affect some communications for a day or so.

Market chaos: Highest close for CBOE volatility index (VIX) since 2010.07.

July unemployment rate (excluding those not looking for work): 9.1%.

Blank check: Fannie Mae loss widens, asking taxpayers for $2.8B more.

Wells Fargo mortgage buybacks could top $1.8B.

Japan: scientists coax sperm from stem cells.

Indian doctor creates sparkly, gold-plated...diamond contact lenses.

Flickr hits 6 bn. photos.

AFP: NASA scientists find evidence suggesting salty water may flow on the Mars’ slopes.

Honda to recall over 2M vehicles in US, China.

Intel’s McAfee product leverages old chip features.

Gene mutation can leave people without fingerprints.

Spread completely thin: few watch porn on TV now.

The $200K Harvard Mark I debuted 67 years ago.  Now calculators are <$10 and can fit in your hand.

Mike Patterson returned to the Eagles’ camp Fri. 2 days after a seizure during practice.  There’s no timetable.

More focused on fill-in-the-blank “justice”

John Kerry cares little for First Amendment rights, wanting “the other side” to have less air time.  Kerry accuses other people of not being real or serious.  They don’t deserve...

98% of western European countries don’t fluoridate the water supply since fluoride is a neurotoxin that causes blindness and loss of balance; it’s a poison that’s meant for the germs in your mouth—not to be ingested.  And BPA causes chromosomal and nerve/brain damage...used in some plastic bottles, baby bottles.  The EPA are letting legit deadlines pass by.


Fox plans to bring back Cosmos science series.

Chris Christie slams fearmongering over Sharia law.

Fox News: New lava flow at Kilauea volcano.


U.N. reacts to Syrian unrest, govt. slaughtering its people.

Tropical storm Kelly brings heavy rains to Haiti, Dominican Republic.

Aretha Franklin to give free NYC concert.

7 GOP-run states now have voter ID laws.

R-rated resignation: Dem. Louis Magazzu caught sexting.

IL education cut across the board due to Shaw’s “equity and social justice.”  CBS makes “racial equality” a part of the B.S. when crossing guards for the children are cut.


Hundreds dead in Syria.  No electricity in Hama.

DNA evidence may link Ted Bundy to another crime.

Oil drops to $86.96/bbl.

Euro crashes from >1.43 to <1.41 in a matter of hrs, gold follows.

Markets plunge as...most trading these days isn’t “fear” but software-driven on expected highs/lows.

16 nations file protest to new AL immigration law.

Springdale, AR production suspends Cargill, 26 states— a no. dead from salmonella poisoning.

Warren Jeffs found guilty of having sex w/ children, ages 12 and 14; jury deliberations were quick.  Jeffs spoke only once— near the end of the trial?

Al-Shabaab group in Somalia stealing aid in worst drought in 60 yrs.  Children are dying, and those that flee the rebels are rejected aid anyway.

Sketch artist rendition of 3 witnesses for alleged man carrying what looked like a gun at Va. Tech; school was temporarily put on lock-down; no such person found.

Operation Shady Rat

Spear phishing: acting like a hacker, where agents may use personal info...  All signs point to the socialist republic of China for the modern hacking; China and Russia are the only ones capable, and the attackers avoid China.

Reason to support advertisers of those that report the truth

84th street in Milwaukee blocked by violent teenagers, and it got worse when police arrived.  Blacks specifically targeting whites, but the press mention only a vague “racially motivated.”  The agenda forces them to either make it sound like whites targeting non-whites or not mention motive...or not even report the story at all (corrupt).

American Spring

Al Gore calls for “American Spring,” as if we have the kind of tyranny that Egypt has.  Yes, reject the Koch Brothers/Fox News-driven, ultra-conservative, right-wing, racist, xenophobic, (insert other stereotypes reflecting bigotry of the left here) Tea parties, go for lame, completely useless (other than being under Gore’s control) partying in the streets where no one will be mowed down.  Why don’t you travel to one of those “Arab Spring” locales, then tell me how bad it is here, how evil the—so on...  And some corrupt political figures dishonestly do...


Panetta politicizes military by tying one-way ‘debt crisis’ to natl. security.
A global “stability” sham, as even Fareed Zakaria says the Euro is over, where Italy will go back to the lira...before going into the “Tea party members of Congress are hostage takers, blackmailers” bull.

PeTA celebrates Rise of the Planet of the Apes, as if in doing so the apes won’t do as they do and rip their faces off.

According to the Ed Show, Mike Bloomberg and George Soros are “job creators.”  Yeah, taxes that push you out of state, and web-aided destruction— the capitalist billionaires that change the rules in favor of the select few.  Just like G.E....


USDA recalls 36M pounds of Cargill ground turkey over potential salmonella food poisoning.

Trial of fmr. Egyptian Pres. Hosni Mubarak underway in Cairo.

Witnesses in Syria say the govt. is cutting of besieged Hama with tanks.

More than 50 arrested in “horrific” child porn ring bust; babies among alleged victims.

DWI suspects shown on billboards due to the large no. that never show in court.

Prosecution rests for Jeffs trial.

Study: men most likely to cheat during weddings.

GM sold <180 Chevy volts last mo.

Gold, 1,666.3 (17:27 EDT).

8 straight days down in markets; DJIA finally rises; S&P 500 down for the year.

Hearst to launch “Cosmo for Men” on iPad...

North Dakota constitution failed to include the swearing of the oath; it’s required for ratification, so ND may not be a legit state until said an amendment is made.

Say anything and be accused of racism...again

Another politician to use the term “tar baby,” and is forced to apologize because Obama’s in the picture, but no one ever questioned John Kerry’s usage.  After Bre'r Rabbit and the Tar Baby, an Uncle Remus story by Joel Chandler Harris, the term means, situation or problem from which it is virtually impossible to disentangle oneself.

Ads for free cell phones.

Free cell phones to people on welfare/food stamps; Insurance Wireless.  “It is a right to have peace of mind.”  Where is that in the constitution?  What am I kidding— it’s probably in the Soviet constitution.  New tires, new batteries, even if the current ones are fine—sold for drugs; the entitlement system grows, and people wonder why contributions to charities are down.

95K illegal immigrant influx expected for IL, and the state can’t afford anything as it is.  Might as well take the cash out of the scholarship fund for citizens like in MA...


Once Parker/Spitzer, then In the Arena, now the 1st hr. of AC-360, officially starting Mon.

Joan of Salon.com calls tax cuts ‘giving money,’ as “Milton Friedman thought it was a good idea, but now it’s socialism,” on the backs of the middle class.

MSNBC “analyst” on Al Sharpton’s gig: the Tea party members of Congress aren’t terrorists, that wasn’t even the term that was used; they’re technically hostage takers.


Syria tosses its citizens like trash.

Obama signs debt ceiling bill, ending ‘crisis.’

U.S. credit downgrades, sooner prediction: Egan Jones, to AA.  Moody’s outlook “negative.”

Yen, 77.11 (17:28 EDT).

Major motel fire creates dangerous conditions for firefighters, knocks out power.

Boston airports to use Israel-style behavioral profiling.

Gay candidate for Pres. of Ireland withdraws over scandal.

Mother who killed own children gets released on insanity defense, shared custody of stepchildren.

Facebook adds “Expected Child” option; when the callous media say it may be going too far...

Newt Gingrich has paid-for fake followers on twitter.

Territory of other people—super panels, caucuses— territory?  What are these people, spiders?!

All of the media carry water.

Joe Biden took after another in calling Tea party members of Congress terrorists/hostage takers, wielding weapons of [economic] mass destruction, and Kelly O’Donnell(?) of NBC on Today carries water for him by saying he only agreed with the other politician that the members acted like terrorists.  It only takes one bef. mindless progressives parrot the line.  I fear to imagine the next admin., how socialist it will be, that the press will carry water no matter how bad things get, like Sean Penn denying the fact that Hugo Chàvez is a Socialist dictator, no matter how Hugo takes over the Venez. media to the point of even doing TV aerobics.  And Today puts on DNC spokeswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but never ask her about Gabby Giffords’ return to Congress, how the media here used her to call conservatives every name under the sun, leave it at ‘tone’ in a one-sided manner, and just forget about Giffords.  Only ten minutes total, and they still point the finger at Sarah Palin instead of Jared Loughner, the actual shooter —that doesn’t even listen to the news.

Only good at changing names, strategy to turn on people who can’t think for themselves.  “Revenue” (taxing the rich more) is now “balanced budget approach.”

NYT: why don’t the working people think that Democrats are their friends?  Uh...maybe ’cause they know they’re not?

So many progressives in the 1930s were Hitler supporters as they bought into the propaganda, the color footage, the “humane dictator,” as things were dressed up to look better than actual, even for death camps.  The progressives of today buy into the propaganda of today.


Pawn Stars on Lifetime.

CNN lays out the Obama agenda.

Sat.: Celebrating Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday (if she’re alive), Hallmark to run I Love Lucy (1951-6) marathon, TCM to run Ball movies.


Somalia: no more food for sundown feast in fast.  U.N.: 2-6 regions may face famine.

Kenya: Dadaab camp designed for 90K now houses ~440K refugees.

Syria: 80 killed in Hama.

Israel PM ready to discuss border “package.”

S. African soldiers battle rhino poachers in Kruger.

Reuters: Venez. Pres. Hugo Chàvez appears w/ less hair due to his Caracas cancer treatment.

AFP: Open letter by 16-yr.-old boy to Norway gunman: “you failed.”

Putin: U.S. is “parasite” on global economy.

Chile: snow, rain hit world’s driest desert.

“Community tourism” means shearing llamas in Bolivia.

U.K. PM praises Aus.’s carbon plan.

Joe Biden collecting rent fm. Secret Service, $13.2K, Washington Times reports.

Kate Hepburn’s fmr. estate on sale for $28 mn.

AP: Ford to recall 1.1M pickup trucks due to gas tank falling off, causing fires.

Air Canada reaches tentative pact w/ union.

BOJ easing likely if Tokyo intervenes in FX market.

AT&T to throttle data speeds for ‘unlimited’ hogs.

Eco-goats are latest “graze” in MD.

NASA’s Juno to circle Jupiter to see what makes the planet tick.

Space Needle wants to send a person to suborbit.

Recognizing voices is harder for dyslexics.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) shows in the House to vote Yea on debt ceiling bill.

Debt ceiling bill passed House, 269-161.  Worse than before, it would raise the debt limit by $2.4 trillion in 3 steps, where the pseudo-credit card would hit the limit by the end of 2012, when Obama may be out of office.  And the left complain about “revenues” (not taxing the rich more).

The CBO deficit “cuts” estimate includes the expectation that the Bush-era tax cuts will expire.

HHS Katherine Sebelius on insurance companies now being forced to pay up for birth control products: For Too long, too many Americans have gone without it.  And now they can afford it.

It’s indefensible…: Sheboygan, WI mayor admits to 3-day drinking binge, says he’s getting help.

Free solo climbers conquer cliffs w/o rope.
Knock-off Ikea store in China.
Translucent “Ghost Car” (internal parts visible) sold at auction.
Girl in HI finds message in a bottle from OR.
Oslo: Norwegian flag placed at makeshift memorial outside Cathedral in honor of victims.


Rep. Cleaver was the one who called the debt deal a “sugar coated Satan sandwich.”

FCC seeks more channel choices in cable lineups.

Actress Sissy Spacek gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Cowboys and Aliens gets #1 spot over Smurfs.

Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson in Paris.  A lot of accents, a lot of bus touring, and a CG bus-through-the-city map sequence.

As misunderstanding is hatred’s core, you cannot tolerate indoctrination