The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

Only 5% of all mankind in history has had actual freedom

Cakes and services: as Rome fell, the empire distracted the people.  Much the same is happening with our government.  The govt. is manipulating to the point that they will be regulating all human activities that may affect the environment.  There are going to be splits in churches due to how terms are defined.  Why would atheist George Soros invest in faith?  Because he knows how to use people.

It will only get harder from here on as the storm grows

A man that saves a life saves the world entire.
We promised, never again.  And now that threat is here again.  Stand up for Israel and the Jewish race.  Only love conquers hate.

Breakdown of society: the mobocracy, organizing for crime via the internet, where the normally polite become thugs defending the accuser with no footing in reality.  The “evil, rich” owners can take it, they say in breaking morals, then break laws.  No one can take it.


The world is changing, and it’s going to change in the blink of an eye.

More Islamic clerics reflect Saul Alinsky tactics in saying, it doesn’t matter if you fight for the the immoral clerics; do you want the strong guy?  (“Strength” is critical in the Islamic world.)

Syria uses tank(s) to crush motorcycles.  At least one village was shelled.

Violence in Tahrir Square, Egypt.

6th Court of Appeals...HC law survives first round of reform appeals.

NBC’s Chris Hansen, known for To Catch A Predator, may have his own cheating scandal.

Flight Attendants Union drops complaint against pilot who frequently makes salty rants.

Obama reelection campaign breaks another campaign law.

Casey Anthony trial: judge holds man who flipped off court in contempt w/ 6 days in jail.

MAD is when the enemy was war, and hope was “tying everything together.”

George Soros is forging a stronger alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Open borders, Open Society.  Not a lot of agreement there, but compatible enough to finally end the capitalist system and the western way of life.  Yet another capitalist that shuts the door.  The last capitalist hangs himself with his own noose.

Honest, personal exercise that does not violate others’ rights is to be protected at all times

Texas and Veteran Affairs battling it out on First Amendment rights: religion is to be censored in funerals of U.S. soldiers.  Even the expression “God Bless” must be removed.

Let me make the First Amendment clear.  It explicitly states, Congress shall establish no laws promoting or prohibiting religion.  This counts as law, therefore this censorship is what violates the First Amendment.

South Baptist Church, that opposes gay marriage, became the target of a hoax with that Dick and Jane movie approach.  The hoax: launch a South Baptist Workers website with working phone numbers, but pro-gay marriage, and get to the media before they find out.  Posing as them, they’ll have to follow through on it now.  Nope.  It instead brings up the history of false lawsuit settlements that crashed company stocks.

Wisconsin, where the Progressive movement started: Prosser, another judge, and an alleged assault.  The colleagues there, the supposed witnesses, are also divided on what happened.  What an awful place.

Bills...(Hiram) Ulysses Simpson Grant, on the $50, yet he was the biggest crook in history— not for the time, in all history.  And Andrew Jackson ($20)— he killed the native Americans for “Manifest Destiny.”


Glenn Beck wraps up.  He let his contract expire to prevent fame from getting to his head—“never want too much of something,” after meeting Bono.  “I traded my soul before; I’m not doing it again.”

Credits written on a chalkboard: the staff were given more deserved airtime, particularly Oscar (keep the chalkboards— it’s your staple) and Jack, the sound guy, who was angry during the 1st black founding fathers ep. because the history isn’t taught in schools.

Over two dozen writers make The Daily Show, yet the only writers for this show are Dan and Pat.  21 min. monologues, only 7 min. for the HLN show (the network appointed someone who was deaf as a sound manager...).  After 5 yrs. of television experience, that’s it.  Moving to GBtv, an internet-based, HD broadcast from Mercury-1.  The people who still fail to understand “are so arrogant, they’ll never see it coming.”  You have to be all that defines media or you fail.

The time slot is being replaced with The Five (voices), 7.11.

As many as 400 USO shows: Gary Sinese appears on multiple TV shows, today on Hardball and the O’Reilly Factor (guest-hosted by L. Ingraham, most of the week after J. Williams).  The CSI: NY actor will be doing about a dozen USO shows for the troops this year.  LtDanBandMovie.com.

Stephen Colbert, on being allowed to use his show’s resources for a Super-PAC, mocking the Supreme Court ruling that corporations are people: I AM a Super-PAC, and So Can you!  The FEC coverage was boring, to say the least.  The video on CNN then screwed up.  And So Can Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu-Yu.

U.S. Open Champion Rory McIlroy on Piers Morgan Tonight.  There’s little point in putting up Exclusive when no one’s watching...and Sanjay Gupta hosts The Last Heart Attack, 8.21 on CNN.

TIME’s Mark Halperin, MS-NBC’s “Senior Political Analyst,” was forced to make a formal apology after saying Obama acted “kind of like a dick” on Morning Joe, being let on with a “7-sec. delay” that never happened. But that, plus all of the laughter, and a complaint from the White House, was not enough; he was suspended.  Joe Scarborough apologized for the entire show.  Only for today’s show, though.

MS-NBC regular Eric Burns of Media Matters on Cenk Uygur show (low on PolitiFact’s truth meter), prior to Ed Show: “It (really) was the progressive movement that drove (Glenn) Beck off the air,” also stating that “we don’t (perform) the creative editing that the right does.”  Wow, what  a  liar.  Twelve seconds, Beck basically saying, “Hitler is my idol,” removing, “do you know what people would do/say if I said that?”  Well, it is difficult to call what they do “creative editing”; they can’t come up with new ideas on smearing people.  It’s just him in his own words, cut up.  And their mission was changed to “War with Fox.”  Just a fly on the wall, eh?  And Soros money is perfectly clean.

They took the risk of showing a lot of footage.  Regardless of the slanted context, of course blaming him for the Tucson shooting, showing too much footage— people might learn that he means well.

Wow, was this episode of Louie a downer.  Daddy issues, and the decapitation of a hobo via moving truck...which doesn’t happen—it technically doesn’t work like that.


Caliphate conference in the Netherlands.

More violence in Greece over austerity bill.

Lagarde tapped as new IMF head.

150 counties in TX have banned fireworks due to fire risk; up to $500 fine.

Casey Anthony trial: days after grandmother Cindy sheds tears on the stand, grandfather George breaks down, told of his suicide attempt over Caylee’s death.  “I needed to be with Caylee.”  Casey was again selective on showing emotions, only doing so during certain testimony.

Supermarkets only have a 3-day supply

The author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad says we will either enter a depression or go into hyperinflation, also recommending that you get a gun because he recognizes that the job of the police are in the response of crimes, not so much the prevention of them.

Mike Bloomberg is probably the most anti-gun governor in the country, and that’s saying something.  Progressives know you can’t just come out with it, you need a device, something to sell “protection,” even though it erodes self-defense.  “The latest terrorist plot instructs how to buy guns in America.”  Hello, they’ll still buy it some place else!

Council of Foreign Relations, the common place that high-paid “journalists” go to practically mix government and media, includes Fareed Zakaria and Katie Couric.

there’s no honor in TV

Colbert Report intro caption: TIGHTY RIGHTY.

Frontline focuses on the subject of bad forensics findings, lax/zero standards, and how Shaken Baby Syndrome was the most common conclusion for infants without regard to disease or physician involvement.  Denial of guilt from caregivers has been seen as guilt.  One child died of sickle cell anemia, but the bruising caused by doctors trying to save the child’s life, that included using needles was blamed on the mother.  In another case, the effects of DIC was instead ruled a homicide from sexual assault, with pathless “vaginal lacerations”—the hymen is completely intact.

Mister 33 weeks of golf Barack Obama interrupts everything for a speech that repeats the millionaires and billionaires tag, blasting other politicians for not doing “enough.”  Even the hypocrisy is a distraction.  Tax breaks and corporate jets...  The “subsidies” that don’t exist.  Class warfare and the fact that the corporate jets loop hole, repeated twice on NBC, came from the stimulus bill, largely ignored by the media.  Taking it for vacations...  “I don’t want to be accused of using scare tactics,” and in the same speech, the children will suffer because of tax breaks.  Yes, through intimidation, the press won’t accuse him of anything.

Do your jobs, he says.  I agree.  Do your job.  Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Two and a Half Men execs, in replacing Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher, may kill off the Charlie character.  Just like Coach...except for the hookers and booze.


The new rigged world order.

Multiple explosions: Taliban claim responsibility for attack on an intl. hotel in Kabul; 10+ dead.  Black helicopters fire on militants in the area.

Tropical storm Arlene on it’s way to Mexico after causing some damage to Cancún.

San Francisco now trying to expand the goldfish ban to all pets.

Only 5% of U.S. small businesses say they will expand.

The now religious Prince says Islamic women are “happy” to wear burqas.

The most controversial Newsweek cover— princes Diana standing next to Katherine?  We’re All Socialists Now is somehow okay...

Ironic anti-Semitism: Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, has a Counter-Terrorism conference at the U.N., naming the U.S. and Israel as countries plotting terrorist attacks.  And the U.N. thinks price fixing of oil is a good idea.

Those that preach diversity had better mean it: gays in San Francisco attacked for not siding with the left.  Bigots shout people down in front of family members, “accidentally” ruin things.  More pawns for Soros.

As if it’s okay to even joke about: some want tattoos on people who oppose action on climate change.  Mao Tse-tung put numbers on people so they could be identified as such, and oh, the Biblical implications...

Tom Petty sends a cease and desist letter to the Bachmann campaign for use of American Girl.  The last time he sent a letter to a GOP candidate it was to Dubya...a don’t think his letters have done anything.

Hitler was no Christian; he was a pagan

A warning in 1939 to the American people: for the Hitler youth, Adolf Hitler called Christianity, a religion for slaves and fools, that Christianity and Communism are identical (competing with the Reds), and Christianity does not differentiate between white people and Negroes.  The New Testament is a Jewish lie written by four Evangelicals. “There is no Christian culture; Christianity has spoiled the German people because it taught them ideas such as adultery and theft, which they’ve never known before.”  Christianity is only a substitute cover for Judaism, invented by Jews in Rome.  Jesus was a Jew.  Christ died [w]hining on the cross.  That’s what was being taught to children worldwide, and it is happening again with the likes of terrorist organizations like Hamas.


Wow, George S. (from the Clinton admin.) tried to trip up Michele Bachmann by asking a question of “who are you taking it from.”  She’s another fascist, as We’re All Socialists now— if not toward communism, toward fascism...


The teaching of hatred in the classroom, and anywhere else “for democracy.”

UPI.com: latest mob attacks of violence as well as robbery; “run, run!” before legs were broken.
Ages 11-19 storm a Walgreens, organized on a social networking website.  Saul Alinsky didn’t have Facebook.  We should be more like Europe, the Progressives said.  Well we are.  Less free, and about to witness more violence from the left.

Nuclear lab in the line of fire: wildfire in Los Alamos forces evacuations.

Citigroup lost $2.7M in server hacks; customers not liable—another bailout means everyone is.

Chinese ship battered in tropical storms, rescues made.

Kissimmee, FL: massive hotel fire near Disney; 12 hospitalized.

TSA responding to the threat of reality: 95-yr.-old woman w/ cancer told to remove diaper.

First Amendment: Courts rule violent video game ban (to minors) in CA “unconstitutional.”

You soon may need to get an ID to get a tan.

The Dodgers filed for bankruptcy.

We could be seeing worst teen unemployment since 1968.

MD: “Turning Point” Methadone clinic to see 150 addicts a day.

Michele Bachmann launches formal presidential run, got 22% in Des Moines Register on the weekend.

George Soros: European Union needs “Plan B” to avoid disintegration.  A controller stating the obvious at best.

It would eliminate borders drawn by imperialist nations (like Soros’ Open Society): United States of Islam.  The Muslim Brotherhood is proposing a caliphate, and how dare you use the word “caliphate” to describe...exactly that.  The real language used: against freedom of expression, women’s voting rights, ability to criticize the existence of God.  For the uneducated, against freedom, not knowing that all of those “scary” things have already happened.

The naïve and ill-informed (people like Obama) think that a Thomas Jefferson will just appear in a revolution for this “freedom,” not knowing that the founding fathers weren’t really revolutionaries; they studied the mistakes of past governments and were previously representatives of Britain.

What does Democracy look like?  This is what Democracy looks like.  Video: Egyptians hurling large rocks at police cars.

“Educational” to get 501(c)(3) status with the IRS: Media Matters For America, the initially an institution for progressive Dems...and that hasn’t changed— they changed their mission statement to “War with Fox (News),” and are still getting taxpayer money (a .org site) for attack ads worse and more frequent than the DNC.  David Brock claimed to be a conservative only to burn bridges (just like Mr. Ed).  So...was he lying then or is he lying now?  (A.: Both.)

Just how crooked are the feds in Boston?  Bulger went back multiple times to “take care of business.”  Why would he be in Iceland, where they supposedly looked?

Another Illinois gov. to become a convicted felon, four out of the last seven: Rod Blagojevich this time found guilty on all but three charges, could get up to twenty-something years in prison.  Last time, the jury was deadlocked for all but one count.


Warlord by Ted Bell tells the scary truth.


Hugo Chàvez reportedly in critical condition.  Reportedly.

500 acres burn in AL wildfire, another supposed campfire.

Souris River may have crested for Minot, ND.  Josh Duhamel named honorary...something.

School bus flips over in PA; all of those hospitalized are in stable condition.

Death toll for semi/Amtrak crash rises fm. Fri.; fiery explosion, data recorders irrecoverable.

NY same-sex marriage fall-out: a gay pride parade in gov. Andrew Cuomo’s honor.

Most American airlines have some sort of deal with Saudi Arabia airlines but not the govt.-regulated kind, restricting Israelis, Israeli symbols.

TV, Movie

BET Awards: Chris Brown wins for Best Male R&B performance.

C-SPAN: Filmmakers John Papola and Russ Roberts on Q&A.  The network played the well-crafted rap video, “Keynes and Hayek,” about the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes (insufficient consumer spending met with deficit spending, a.k.a. stimulus), and Austrian Friedrich August von Hayek (simple, shared 1974 Nobel prize for work on the theory of optimum allocation of resources).

I called “garbage” with CNN programming, and then I hear them talking about a woman getting info out the garbage!

Bad news, everyone.  The Proud Liberal (local, this time recorded 6.22) is becoming more Progressive, with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth used to prop up glib talk.  The zero budget.

Cars 2 beat Bad Teacher and Green Lantern, topping the list with $68M at the B.O., weekend gross.


Two years after the King of Pop’s death.

The IRS, the most powerful collection agency in the world, comes out to say that taxpayer data are more vulnerable to hackers, that the protection software is running out.  Sunshine is coming whether you like it or not.

North Carolina wildfire(s): 68K acres burned.

Judge Mum delays Anthony trial until Mon.

NY becomes the next state to allow same-sex marriage.

One school will be requiring Environmental Literacy.  How about actual literacy?

One minute is now about 700K Google queries, 700K Facebook status updates, 100K E-mails.

Yes, there’s another Transformers movie.  “Dark of the Moon” adds Patrick Dempsey.

“Lulz Security” has been going after websites hostile to WikiLeaks.  It’s a good thing I’ve been fair to Assange in my reporting— oh, what am I kidding.  The hypocrites attack anyone exposing the exposers.


On Huckabee: Scott Flansburg (self-named dot-com website), the Human Calculator was on to divide the debt into the population—over $40K per person.  Then, the Obama impersonator that’s been called “racist” by shills all over the country, who also had a white mother and black father.  And then Newt Gingrich (skip)... — Thaddeus McCotter can play the guitar!


Ex-CNN sports reporter Nick Charles Nickeas, 64, dies of bladder cancer.  He won three CableACE Awards for best sports program during his 17-yr. tenure as co-host of the network’s Sports Tonight.


What they’re teaching in at least one L.A. school to kindergartners: unionizing.

Deadly crash: a semi plows into an Amtrak train.

Hackers target border security over lies in the media about SB 1070.  Papers please, my a—.

FTC subpoenas Google over alleged conflicts of interest with advertisers, burying competitors in search results.

Not only did the “self-help guru” that ran a sweat lodge get a manslaughter conviction, but an infomercial king that got rich off others got his day.


Peter Falk, 83, the actor who played Frank Columbo, dies in his CA home.  He dealt with eye cancer.



Saudi Arabia heading toward nuclear energy because they’re running low on oil?  IAEA supplying oil for the world and we’re paying for half of it.

Hizb Ut-Tahrir, what overshadows al-Qaeda, scares even the Muslim Brotherhood.  Conferences in Great Britain, Australia and the U.S.  They’re not afraid to express the violent anti-colonial messaging in plain English, but it’s not like Pakistan already has nukes and Iran has no trouble building their own, right?  (Ahmadinejad says they have no trouble.)

Minot, ND underwater: 12K forced to evacuate, told to stay away for the entire summer.

FBI arrests: 2 men that pledged loyalty to UBL plotted to attack a military site in Seattle.

Marine reservist who shot near Pentagon and museum now hit with shooting charges.

A CNN reporter known for exaggerating says Casey Anthony’s parents believe she’s guilty.

“Winter kill game,” using “Whitey” Bulger as an informant, although he tipped off and was tipped off.  Everybody that double crossed him was promptly killed, and now he’s being transferred to Boston, where they have jurisdiction over him.

James Bulger was a father figure to some, a monster that mutilated and shot his brother in the head to everyone else.

The “how corrupt can you go?” game

How irrelevant Congress is: the executive branch is now executing its own immigration policy similar to the Dream Act, just as the EPA took over for “climate change.”  Nancy Pelosi says our freedoms are/have been strengthened w/ Congress.

CBS, CNN and NYT will be on the summer Flotilla, covering “how evil Israel really is.”  The progressive fair and balanced.  And Rolling Stone goes after Michele Bachmann by going after God in general.  And they wonder why they get low ratings.

Not only does TIME do a piece on how the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant, Fareed Zakaria (in bed w/ Soros) says we should be like Iceland, rewriting the Constitution on Facebook.

Only a 4% drop in oil as the Obama admin. opens the Strategic Petroleum Reserve —meant for the military!  Undermining self-defense, 30 million gallons, only two days worth on the national scale, for political reasons.

Woolsey and Cynthia Ann McKinney border on treason with what they’ve been doing.

WSJ: TX Gov. Rick Perry to announce Pres. run in Aug.


The two-episode Futurama premiere: gender swapping (Scruffy the janitor missed out on reversion), and a quintillion Benders through 60%-scale duplication of himself.

Sifting through politics on GBS: Rick Santorum is the “rare politician” of a guest, getting a no. of things right, however, “The Federal Reserve has to deal with inflation.”  (The Fed is the source of the inflation these days.)  I could kiss you.  Okay, moving on...


From Republic to mobocracy—an actual, well-established term.

James “Whitey” Bulger, 81, has been caught in Santa Monica.  Girlfriend Catherine Kreig, 60, has been on the run since 1995.  Bulger’s so notorious that Jack Nicholson’s character in The Departed was based on him.

Al Qaeda militants escape holding in another middle eastern country.

6.8, 6.7 quakes hit off west coast of Japan; tsunami warning issued.

The levees have breached for flooded areas in the south.

Fed chairman Ben Bernanke warns of impending cuts, takes questions.

Apple thefts on the rise.

Al Gore wants pop. control, putting it up to women, slams the admin. on global warming “inaction.”

Underemployment at 16%, as 3 million have stopped looking for work.

Some women’s tennis watchers want less grunting...over 90 dB?

Beyond lost cause: Pres. Obama wants 10K troops out of Afghanistan by year’s end, 33K by summer of 2012.  From 100K to 66K, the resulting total will be about double what it was when Pres. Obama was sworn into office.  Out of over 280 provinces only 29 are in control.  Many countries in history have tried to tame the Afghan lands but have always failed.

Not only does the admin. pile on to the skyrocketing edu. costs, but they’ve made being hired as an intern more difficult as well.  Apprenticeship?  [scoff]  Don’t be a...

When Federal Express started, they couldn’t get a loan by any bank.  The banks told them why: “no one wants something overnight.”  How wrong they were.

Casey Anthony is doomed: they story of daughter Caylee drowning in a pool turns out to be stolen from another inmate.  And according to drug testing from hair samples, there was no intoxication.  At the very least, everyone was well aware of the abandonment of Caylee.

Book, TV

Now a New York Times bestseller: Joshua’s The Original Argument, the modern translation(s) of the Federalist papers.

The new season of Breaking Bad starts 7.17.


As Greece debt and violence of austerity measures...the Euro is doomed.

Electronic sabotage: did’ya’know that hackers plunged Brazil into darkness?  Electronic theft’s now more frequent than armed.

Miners trapped for 14 hrs rescued.

Dust on only one side of the brain: Casey Anthony defense witnesses show not to be so reliable.

Man urinates in Oregon reservoir, Portland dumps 8 mn. gallons of water.

Boston mayor wants ban of Nike T-shirts that say, “GET HIGH,” “DOPE” (w/ joint) and “FV(K YOU.”

Gabby Giffords’ husband, Mark Kelly is retiring from NASA and the U.S. Navy.

EPA started regulating coal in 1999, and now exports are at a record high— energy going out of the country for the resource that makes up on average ~45% of electrical costs.

Those that simply call for the end of the polluting energy sources typically take them for granted.

Seven in Heaven street: three words, and atheists are Up in Arms, with nonsense.  There is no reason for debate on the existence of heaven here, this is a three-word title.  And once again, separation of Church and State is not in the Constitution!  No religion is singled out or promoted with a superficial title meant to commemorate those who died, you superficial—...

Newton Leroy Gingrich’s million dollar tab: Washington Post reports of two Tiffany’s accounts.  His campaign is in worse shape: an additional $1M in debt and two more defections.

Jon Huntsman campaign flubs: name spelled ‘John’ in at least one place, mic malfunction.  Mitt Romney and Huntsman are both Mormons.

Bam M. of the Jackass team blasted back at Roger Ebert on his insensitive comments on Ryan Dunn.

TV, Movie

Colbert Report intro caption: LESS TALK MORE ROCK.

NOVA scienceNOW: Can We Live Forever (PBS.org) delves: protein scaffolds for growing a virtually unlimited no. of organs for an individual that aren’t rejected by the body, white when bare without cells; the FOXO gene, basically the superintendent of the other genes for cells, multiplies a cell’s life span up to 3x (on G/G gene match, 2x for partial).  Other topics include avatars that simulate people that have died, and hibernation, increasing the survival rates of certain heart attack patients.

First Herman Caine, now Anne Coulter makes Bill O’Reilly look foolish and uninformed.
Howie Carr (Hit Man) on the Factor again over the new TV spots the FBI are using to try and catch “Whitey” Bulger, the fugitive wanted for his involvement in 19 murders.

In order to say Michele Bachmann is promoting socialism with the (literal) pork industry, Larry O’Donnell had to first admit that the HC bill passed last year “had elements that are socialistic.”  It will be the loose lips that get these guys fired.

Peter Jackson finally into the production of the Hobbit, w/ (Nicole) Evangeline Lilly as an Elf.


Demonic touches on something pretty real...

50 MPH winds aid wildfire(s) in AZ toward Sierra Vista.

Supreme Court blocks class action suit against Wal-Mart by women because the range of “victims” was too broad.

Duct tape after death: judge delays Casey Anthony trial, warns trial attorneys of mistrial over behavior.

Another smoking ban/proposal, and a bill that’d force building owners to clean graffiti if the tagger isn’t found.

Resignation letter lost, then found: Anthony Weiner’s resignation is effective Tues., midnight.

Naked bike riders in Portland, ME...

Barack Obama is now writing his own tweets.  — BO.  Another fmr. H. Clinton aide now a porn star.

Astronauts arrive for preparations ahead of final NASA shuttle launch [for the shuttle].  There are [almost] no future plans for NASA...other than progressive transformation.

Protect and serve crooks capable of bribing anyone while you starve

Van Jones shows his real self: Anger, envy and hate, all to point the finger elsewhere.  The cloak is coming off for the radical left.  After nudge, now shove, pushing the President into “doing what he knows is right,” pushing the admin. while saying the admin. is moving right.  Recognize the danger here, folks.  The revolutionaries are rallying their “pawns.”

The U.N. exploits its “food vault” of hybrid seeds, and George Soros has the nerve to pay people trying to destroy the careers of anyone attending 8.24.

Finding a way to cut off military funding: House appropriations bill over Libya, 90 days in.
Who’s calling for an end to the action in Libya?  Harry Reid: “the War Powers act doesn’t apply to what’s going on in Libya.”

For decades, the U.S. has eliminated all but 11 varieties of apples.  14,000, gone.


“Premature evacuation”: Tonight Show writers caught cribbing Redeye material again.

Rachel Maddow on how the feds are trying to capture James J. Bulger: go after the girlfriend, WANTED ads on The View, in beauty shops...a B’woston dennal hygienist.

Like Maddow, NBC tries to broaden the narrative, not taking responsibility for removing “under God, indivisible,” on Sunday, instead drawing attention, taking the affected audience as imbeciles.

Ed Schultz tries to Don Imus Neal Bortz by deliberately making sure common sense and sense of humor doesn’t exist in the clips played.  Does Edward O. Dubose of GA NAACP, guest on Ed Show, think Bortz’ comments were racist?  Of course.  He’s supposed to.  Does he accept that Bortz says he was talking about self-defense?  Blah.  Just as Mark Lloyd said, somebody needs to step down so somebody else can get a chance.

It’s just the way it is, conservative radio stereotyping— yeah, stereotypes of conservatives.  Fighting people who won’t fight back, mocking libertarians.  That makes you a bully.

Van Jones was on to show that he’s not backing down in shame this time— the “smear campaign” waged against him (i.e., playing his words in context), and how Glenn Beck won’t take him on his offer to a debate...because Jones isn’t capable of having an honest debate.  And, of course no one will even bother with the facts on MS-NBC or any other progressive propaganda outlet.  Jones uses the opportunity to lasso more useful idiots (just a few; low ratings) with his new progressive movement, the “American Dream Movement,” bringing back progressive values, and helping the little guy...stay in poverty because no one can fail anymore.

Jones still hasn’t disavowed his own words of being a communist revolutionary.  He distracts at best, all to say the other guy is distracting.  Unlike Beck, I’m still calling for the firing of all liars on television, even if I’m not successful.  A loser like Schultz, yet I’m honest.  You’re not America! Jones said on the weekend, after carrying the stereotype of people that call him un-American.


Jackass co-star Ryan Dunn, 34, and another passenger were killed in a fiery car crash in PA.  Professional or not, there was drinking prior to the +80 MPH action.  Eleven drinks update: his blood alcohol level was a rare 0.196%, over twice the legal limit.  If not a crash, the risk of alcohol poisoning...


Sunday is Father’s Day.

Four-story bomb making factory: Pakistan has been tipping off militants.

Most of crowd booed when it was revealed that Ron Paul won ‘R’ straw poll.

The game on who can make the most hate-filled slam against Sarah Palin: Depak Chopra, of all people, compared Palin to chairman Mao Tse-tung, the communist dictator that killed up to 80 mn. of his own people in peace time.


Society continues to break down, and NBC Golf Sports helps...by cutting “under God, indivisible,” from Pledge of Allegiance audio, covering an event at the Capitol.  Syracuse...  The words, “under God” were added to give the Soviets the finger.  Intentional or not, nothin’ like promoting communism at NBC, eh?

Mike Huckabee fans “borrow” Cee-lo Green’s “F--- You” tune to make, “what would..Huck do?”  A clever GOP steal.  Ain’t that somethin’?

It’s Unreliable Sources part I (before a useless part II on CNN): after Bob Gates, Jon Stewart on Fox News Sunday, returning the favor (Chris Wallace on Daily Show mos. ago).  Smarmy is as smarmy does: he reduced bias in the media down to mere “sensationalizing.”  Fox viewers, the most misinformed; the most misinformed, FOX— all polls, he said, though PolitiFact ranks Stewart’s show much lower than FNC programming.  But all’that does makes great fodder for Thom Hartmann propaganda, Jon! ;(

Miss California wins Miss U.S.A., based primarily on...looks, of course.  She’s not sure about legalizing pot, like any other...

MPBN (PBS) replays an ep. of You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx.  To the 50 million out there, watching.


Long-time Springstein sidekick Clarence Clemons dies at 69 on Saturday, a week after having a stroke.  He recently played one of Lady Gaga’s songs?


Of the elites, by the elites.

Discussions of a new world order.
International Economic forum, includes: China’s $200 bn. (in some decades) deal with Russia.

Possible terror plot against London Ritz hotel.
Suspicious vehicle found near Pentagon; Ethiopian taken into custody; threatening notes found at scene.

Israel: top floor of 4-story building collapses after gas canister explodes; 4 dead, dozens injured.

AZ wildfire, probably set by a camp fire, has now burned a million acres.

Missouri River waters pour through another levee; most still holding.

War On Obesity/the individual: due to new study, progressives have sitting to regulate.

State shuts down kid’s lemonade stand, fining the kid $500 while public official gets no fine in keeping old inspection sticker.

38-yr.-old man used fake/stolen ID for airline job.

Man kicked off flight for saggy pants.

Operation Fast and Furious (illegal guns, insider): Rodriguez’ body found in Chihuahua.
About 1,800 guns were allowed to cross the border, the ATF hoping they could track them.

Because Osama bin Laden’s dead, govt. prosecutors have dropped over a dozen charges against him.
The death toll for the WTC attack in 2001 hits 2,753 as one dealing with medical conditions of toxic smoke inhalation from the site dies.

As a matter of internal security concerns (undisclosed), Britain bans UPS from shipping to specific areas in the island.

AARP drops its opposition to Medicare cuts...and then says they’re against reform.

Chris Shelton “apologizes” for comments he made that caused his support to shrink.  He made New Jersey out as Nazi Germany.  It’s going to take WWIII to get rid of Adolf Christie.

Treatment plants in Japan are running out of room to store contaminated sewage.  Radioactive substances apparently leaked from Fukushima through sewage pipes.

TV, tabloid

Rescue Me, the final season, begins July 13.

It’s Glenn Becks’s crappy quiz show, this time hosted by Greg Gutfeld (Redeye).  Final Exam contains some answers the “normal” host has forgotten.

Even if it’s true, you glorify it to some by drawing attention to it: a French intellectual made anti-Semitism charges against Peyo, the Belgian creator of the Smurfs, that he gave Papa Smurf a beard and red hat in homage to Stalin, and Gargamel represents the Jewish stereotype of, ugly, dirty, with a hooked nose, fascinated by gold.


Austerity protests in Greece turn violent, show volatility in the Euro.

Vancouver riot: setting fires, overturning vehicles, smiles over losing a hockey match.

$6.6B for reconstruction missing in of one of our war-torn countries.

War On Obesity/the individual: Social Justice to protect against...chocolate milk.  Yes, chocolate milk.

Wells Fargo becomes the latest to drop reverse mortgage support.

Anthony D. Weiner tells friends he will resign from the House of Representatives.
This afternoon, he made a presser, announcing his resignation, but was interrupted by a couple of hecklers.  Anthony didn’t bother look at the loudest, Howard Stern-praised heckler that turned around to “ask with the press,” Are you seven inches?  The Congressman that only trained to become a weatherman thanked his family, and will get over a million in benefits.

Even the Howie Carr show reflect the breakdown in society with Carr saying you’re ‘stone cold’ if you don’t laugh with the hecklers forcing Weiner to pause several times.

Attacking Palin by attacking the truth...again

Bad political historians have a hard time reading Paul Revere’s letters since they instead expose the desperation in the historians.  Some of them have actually gone as far as to say that Revere was lyingFacts sh-macts— I’m right!  And many other kinds of bastards that’re given a microphone are still trying to smear people for pol. reasons, coming up with details out of thin air, such as who’s rejecting what, regardless of whether anybody was even asked.  (And Bill Maher will continue believing the “scholarly” know-it-alls.)

Liars, like any enemy of God will destroy themselves; they are an enemy to Him, not to you.  Don’t engage them.


7 Tipping Points That Changed the World by Chris Stewart.  “In this day in age, people of faith will make the difference,” says Joshua.


Only 12% of 12th graders given the standard history test got an adequate score.

Pakistan arrests 5 informants who helped find UBL.

W.H.: cost of our military involvement in Libya will hit $1.1B by Sept.

Greece is now 8 notches below junk status by Standard and Poors, ranking the lowest worldwide.

Obama promised to reduce the number of special interests, but allowed them to grow.

Over 200 of Obama’s campaign donors got federal contracts— plum jobs in the admin.

Damascus Gay Girl blogger has balls...literally— it’s an American man “on vacation.”

The CIA web site hacked, taken down.  “Lulz security” also broke into the Senate site again.  Mission Impossible stuff — Who targets the CIA and expects to get away with it?

AZ repr. Gabrielle Giffords released from the hospital today.  Her rehabilitation is now out-patient.  New photos of her have been released since a couple of days ago, some hair grown back after the recovery of her skull; surgery was performed in Jan. to remove bullet fragments from the left side.  She’s one of many shot by Jared Loughner on 1.08.

Repr. Capuano leads a lawsuit against the President over the War Powers act.

The House is now on the floor for 2012 Agricultural spending.

Fahrenheit 451 can’t touch what’s happening now

U.N.’s Agenda 21: taken globally, every area at which humans impact the environment.  Developed countries should be helping other countries.  Socialist International’s Gro... and that’s her name, Gro.  Promoted by Hillary Clinton, Gro coined the term, “sustainable development.”  The next person was one of those figures disclosed in Crime Inc.— the guy who said having children should have a license.  Chairman Mao would be proud.  Over 1,200 participating governments are on board with this crap that started in 1990.

“Fighting pollution and poverty at the same time”...George Soros in the picture.  Green is red.  Van Jones knows that this progressive movement will have to go local.  The people who want more govt. control don’t say it in public.  Don’t be tricked, and pay attention to what’s happening in your own community.

Gone “postal.”

An “idea” from a Postal union leader: what would relieve the Post office’s deficit isn’t workforce cuts, or taking off Saturday.  It’s monopolizing the govt. services; employees could be the Census, would help the police— even take the positions of police or firefighters for places that can’t afford them (or have their priorities out of whack).  It would be a Homeland Security Civilian Defense force, equipped with (not so expensive) radiation detectors in case a bomb went off.

Yeah...Obama called for something like that several years back.  Well, the high-radiation scanning down some streets has already been done w/o anyone’s permission.  A govt. of the elites, by the elites, and for the people elites.

San Francisco, the place where a proposal to put birth control into bird seed to deal with the pigeon population wants to ban the owning of fish as pets, particularly goldfish, to “help the global fish population(s).”


Covered on NECN: Dimasi guilty verdict.

Keith Olbermann made a guest appearance on Colbert Report to promote the 3-hr. version of Countdown that premieres Monday on Current TV...  Difficult to work with, he was rehired multiple times in his life.

Circa 2004: naked bicyclers.  Not a lot of them look like they ride the bike a lot, says Dagen McDowell on The O’Reilly Factor.

On NBC’s Today, a fawning Ann Curry takes Obama’s blame the ATMs and Kiosks for losses in employment as something deep.  As Stalinists would say, when it takes 12 people to do one thing: at least people have jobs.  Never mind efficiency, or the fact that it takes people to make the machines.

On Daily Show, prior to Trey Parker and Matt Stone confirming that South Park isn’t being canceled (next season in Aug.), Jon Stewart takes on the Pres. losing the fake accent at pronouncing “Puerto Rico.”  7-hr. flight for a 4-hr. stint w/o Joe Biden (what made it so fast), for what?


“Where are the voices of condemnation on the bigotry?”

Pres. Obama is in Puerto Rico.

AirBus unveils translucent ‘plane of the future.’

No Playboy marriage this time: Crystal calls it quits with Hefner.

A. Weiner opts for ‘treatment’ as new pics get out.

From the WI Supreme Court: the gov.’s law that limits collective bargaining rights can go into effect.

Hack attacks on citigroup using a backdoor method, used tens of thousands of times.

I think we’re in trouble.
What comes to the core definition of evil: slavery.  All “expert” scholars on the Koran say sex slavery is legal, and is the only way to deal with the “forbidden fornication with women.”  A no. of women are calling for such legislation in the Middle East, w/ the irony of not having their children going through tough times.

Mark Rudd of the Weather Underground knew what was ahead...

Leon Panetta being moved from the CIA to the Secretary of Defense position— a socialist, a numbers guy for the budget, and rather ignorant when it comes to intelligence (a CNN watcher).  Rudd said to wait for about 3 years before intl. involvement, where cuts would be made to the military.

Stephanie Wiener of a different kind of Wiener: the Revolutionary Lemonade stand that only sells anti-Capitalism paraphernalia. International Peace and Justice club and SDS, a member of the Progressive party at the univ.— with Joel Rogers.  Stephanie’s husband is in SEIU...and Bill Ayers is in the picture.  It’s like one big happy —revolutionary— family.

It’s got to be bad when the national security eye (FBI) starts conducting raids on the “peace” activists and Labor organizers over extremism, such as ties to Palestinian Liberation groups.  And so, the guy who inspired the brown berets calls the FBI names and organizes against the raids.


1,000th episode of Redeye... Gutfeld: Can a Weiner be a boob?  Can a Weiner be an ass?  Answer: they can be both.

Stephen Colbert, his character not aware that he’s beyond ‘not resisting’ marshmallows from the bag: “Where the f--k are my marshmallows?”  And to dip them in Marshmallow Fluff after eating a broccoli floret...dipped in the white stuff.


Muslim Brotherhood’s name change to Freedom and Justice Party was SEIU-related.
Higher-Ed. California: an anti-Israel resolution in 2009 was crafted by an anti-Israel Iranian immigrant, who called for (or still calls for) the boycott of Israel, just as the California teachers union has been trying to get cop killers out of prison while teaming up with politicians for unreasonably high pensions that bankrupt the state.  Why, oh why would they do that...

7,000 residents relieved: Springville, AZ given the “all clear” from the wallow fires.

Disturbing trend on the rise: mob robbing, where a large enough groups overrun stores.

Tourists told not to be told to go to one of Chicago’s great sites due to violence.

Bad pesticides: washing apples ineffective, organo-phosphates linked to cancer.

Hedge funds and land grabs: George Soros is betting on higher food prices.

Complaints to FEMA: houses, “safe to live in,” but have no roof.

Surface waste: the govt. has 2 million websites, and Obama wants half of them gone.

Congress back in session, A. Weiner absent.  He’s opting for treatment as new pics get out.

Vintage WWII plane crashes off Chicago; all 7 on board O.K.  Less than 15 still able to fly.

NJ Housewife sued over brawl.

Operation Fast and Furious backfire: thousands of guns into the hands of cartels.  Whistleblowers affected, showing it goes to the highest level.

“Anonymous” members accused of hacking PS Network, Nintendo Network, PBS and RSA may have hit the Senate.gov website as well.

Another CA judge challenges a fmr. judge’s ruling that overturned a ban on gay marriage in the state.  The former judge left over a conflict of interest in having a gay relationship.

Last seen at age 69, E-Street band’s Clarence “Big Man” Clemons is now being treated for a stroke experienced over recent hours.

Only 99% of bags make it, millions do not: Americans spent $5.7B on airline baggage fees.
Unclaimed baggage is legally sold or given.  Anything goes.

Media and Administration since 2002: preparedness, awareness and innocence be damned

More insecure than the Patriot act, Eric Holder gives the Feds more power: they can search more accounts/records, your trash, and even appoint surveillance teams w/o a warrant.  Leeway does not require strong evidence of criminal behavior.  The ACLU says the FBI’s track record is not good, as records have gotten lost or stolen.

“Mainstream” (available everywhere, but trash) media picks Romney for Repub. nomination.  Yes, the guy who, like Obama, also screwed many businesses.

Van Jones goes on the American Dream tour, how Progressives define it.  A place where lobbyists define what you can or cannot do is not America, and it started under Woodrow Wilson.  It’s always the ones that call you racist that push what racists like Wilson started.


CBS News is trying to go back to the golden days.  (No tabloid-type stuff.)

CNN holds the NH Presidential Deba— Zzzzz.....

Henry Kissinger on Colbert Report.


Syria: Bashar Assad has killed over 1,500 of his own people.

Health concerns in AZ: soot from wildfire(s) “off the charts.”

Monsoon season only 4 weeks away.

Smoke grounds flight in San Francisco over Fri. night.

PBS and Lockheed Martin hacked in the new...trend?

Hacker manages to view women showering with a “error, need to steam clean sensor” trick.

Fox News Sunday: Tim Pawlenty coins “Obamneycare.”

Happy Tenth anniversary, HALO.  And congrats to Trey, Matt and the others that put together Book of Mormon— they won the Tony® for Best Musical, and eight others.


Struggling for consciousness with my sudden illness.  Must sleep...

U.S. condemns, but U.N. refuses to call war crimes by their name: Panic in Syria as the regime burns fields used for food and sustenance, shut down communications, internet access to keep word from spreading.  Acting like Iran...

Robert Gates warns NATO could face collective military irrelevance.  Munitions shortages means U.S. taxpayers are paying up 75% for war in Libya.

Hamas reporting record numbers for their summer camp, indoctrinating children, paramilitary training, especially for suicide missions.

AZ wallow fires: over 400K acres burned, 30 homes destroyed, only 5% contained.

Afghanistan: attacker kills 4 policemen, injures 6.

Dana Perino was told Britain has fewer planes than bef. WWI.

France’s Lagarde looking to be the favorite for IMF head.

Russian capsule returned to intl. space station.

Move from NJ to NC, the wreckage of Flight 1549 (“miracle on the Hudson”).

Power outage delays flights at one airport.

Arenas fined by NBA for blind date twitter comments.

DJIA falls below 12,000, down some 600 points for June alone (worst in 8 yrs.).

Due to “crowd sourcing,” AK releases 24K E-mails from Sarah Palin.  The worst the ‘monster’ has ever done: wanting a tanning bed with state funds.  *Gasp!*

Men arrested in Spain, part of a bigger network called “anonymous” caught; they are suspected of being the hackers behind the PS Network hacking.

Marketing study: New Hampshire ranks most free while New York ranks least.

People giving up their freedoms on Coast To Coast AM

The guest says the chances are good that the dollar index will hit or fall below 70.
Patriot Act v. Fourth Amendment... selling tiny RFID-like chips in people will come in the form of: the ability to track your kids in case they’re kidnapped.  Now that’s mutilation of your child.


Historian David McCullough on Charlie Rose.  Wow.  Writer of John Adams and 1776 (not the musical), his new book is titled, The Greatest Story, Americans in Paris.  Never feeling like he’s working, he’s painting.  He puts education at #1 for keys to success; the things he’s done he learned in college.

Singer/actor Marc Anthony joins the cast of Hawthorne, starring Jada Pinkett Smith.

How many jokes will the writers of Tonight Show steal from Redeye?


Rolling thunderstorms, distant lighting ruining the radio experience.

TX makes up 38% of all employment created last year.

Avg. gas prices dropped abt. 20 cents in May.

9 in 10 polled put the economy in the “negative.”  9 in 10 home robberies occur during the day.

Casey Anthony trial: duct tape and skeletal remains photos.  Compelling enough, Casey tears up.

Gingrich staffers leaving: personal use of money, refusing to do an aggressive campaign; fmr. GA Gov. ditches Gingrich for Pawlenty.

Covert ops widen in Yemen.  Congratulations, people, we have War #4!  The Yemeni govt. claims to have killed 12 al-Qaeda.
Irrelevant Congress... another war, another, ‘screw the War Powers act,’ and the press brush it off— they don’t care; they’d rather see how far will Obama go.

Copyright loopholes, as if.  A bipartisan effort to make singing or even lip-synching Copyrighted songs in YouTube videos a crime; the legislation could land people in jail.  Had enough?  No?

What Charlie Crist tried to stop: state bribery?  Unlimited “contributions” to pol. candidates, now signed into FL(?) law.


Colbert Report intro caption: YOUR AD HERE.

Chris Matthews: unlike Mitt Romney, who believes in global warming, [T]he Republicans on the right, hate science, remember?

Jim Rogers on GBS: U.S. is largest debtor nation in human history.
Oil reserves in the world are in decline, and shortages will be seen soon.  The agriculture industry has been bad for the past 30 yrs.  We already have low supply, and the additional problems, such as E. coli, compound the larger problem.  Prepare for food shortages.

Cash to disappear within a year?  Rogers doesn’t see a one-world currency, but if nothing’s trusted, gold would be the world currency.

Tips on how to prepare: Be fluent in another language.
You don’t need college, especially if it’s garbage for $300K in debt.

Adding to additional details from Stan Lee’s Superhumans: “Area 44,” the math part of the brain, Broca’s area.  The Human Calculator has his math center placed in the “quick motion” part of the parietal lobe, the lobe underneath the sides and top of the formation of the skull.  This lobe is close to the eyes, and is used for fast and accurate calculation, such as eye targeting.  To demonstrate, think of something to glance at, such as the display of a clock, close your eyes and move your head a little so your eyes won’t hit the target at first.  Open your eyes.  You’d be surprised how fast your eyes lock onto target, even dead on.  You can’t time this with a stop watch as motor skills/fingers aren’t nearly as fast.


AZ firefighters trying to stop wildfires from reaching power lines the entire state depends on.

Lightning strikes at those in direct training in Mississippi.

Volunteers join search for missing Indiana U. student Lauren Spierer.

Carrie Shafer, 39, will not be punished for sex with minor student.

Facebook embraces facial recognition software.

Second round for NFL player lockout talks...

The nitty-gritty in the Casey Anthony trial comes to...a 3rd computer forensics expert for a blog posting timeline... chloroform in web search history.

The left’re too stubborn to admit anything for at least 10 days... Obama: “the path of recovery that we’re on isn’t” —a recovery?  $2 bn. to be spent on job training, as if that’s what’s missing.  Righteous Indignation (Andrew Breitbart) is no longer observable fact of the present.  Moving on...

Decades after Anwar el-Sadat was gunned down

The Muslim Brotherhood took a page from the progressives by rebranding themselves the Freedom and Justice Party, along with a logo akin to the EPA logo.  As one Islamic cleric there says, true compassion is chopping off the hands of the infidel.

Dead asleep: you can’t wake the idiots in D.C.  The progressives there say the Brotherhood is O.K., even though they’re just a degree or two from some Aryan Brotherhood.  It’s damn obvious, but that part of America is dead asleep, and engaging the control freaks only makes them more paranoid of you.

Taxpayer-paid GM and the taxpayer-paid insurance pyramid sch— I mean, insurance pool

Protesters outside Georgia court as battle over the healthcare law continues.
30% of companies “probably” cutting HC plans as of 2014, the year “benefits,” such as the unconstitutional mandate to purchase a good kick in.  30% dumping everybody into Obama-care.  “It almost seems like Mission Accomplished for Pres. Obama, doesn’t it?”  A couple years back, Barack was explicit: “I don’t think we’re going to” eliminate employer-based coverage immediately.

“Like trying to put back an omelet” at GM: after all of the tens of billions put into the carmaker, the president noted $1/gal. gas tax, and the VP can’t keep track of the company’s funds.  Efficiency requirements will mean the price of cars will go up $3,500.  But don’t worry— only Republicans buy cars or gas.

Looking up all’the Universities (for where the missing student may be), Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Progressive Movement, has 26 (1993).  Academia.  Can’t live with it, can’t live with it.

TV — in real-time

4 p.m.: CNN host tries to corral Jesse Ventura into talking politics after he made it clear that he doesn’t believe bin Laden is dead.  Excuse me, sir—exc— well, CNN hosts aren’t that polite (how dare you question their judgment), but what about Michele Bachmann?  She lives in your state.  Being left-leaning (hence, Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura, a show that tends to wax certain sensational things), Ventura responds, I’ve never voted for herWe can all get around voting for Ron Paul, can’t we?  Well, other than someone like Christie, I certainly will.  Even if I’m the only one who does.

The “news” keeps showing the Weiner photos, one with their own blurring or pixelating method for something indescribable out of context (his package in gray drawers).  I certainly couldn’t tell what it was.  You can’t get this picture out of your head, says Neil Cavuto, as the whole collection is shown.  I didn’t ask for anything anyway—You guys keep showing them!

5 p.m.: On GBS: the only politician Beck wanted to meet, and over a “get it off my chest” speech (instead of a self-satisfied one), Herman Caine, radio talk show host and C.E.O. of Godfather’s Pizza.  Caine was also a chairman of the Fed in KS.  Not “part of the cabal”: We did our job  back then.  We didn’t make these mixed decisions that would add to the problem.  He knew he had to run for office after the birth of his first grandchild in 1999, and ran for the Senate but lost.  He was diagnosed with stage-four cancer in 2006, was given only a 30% chance of survival.  Alive and well today, Herman Caine is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. President, 2012.  I take back certainly voting for Paul.  Yes We Caine.

6 p.m.: Jason Sudeikis foretold it well: welcome back to “the 37th rebroadcasting of the MTV Movie Awards.”  A show that for each and every category has computer-generated animals performing a sex act.

7 p.m.: without Breitbart’s permission, the literal Weiner picture is out.  Someone took video of the erection photo when he brought it up (as proof of its existence).  On the Opie and Anthony show...

...And she’s pregnant; Huma Abedin, 35, found out around the time of her trip to Abu Dhabi.  Anthony apologized to the other Clinton for officiating Anthony and Huma’s wedding?

10 p.m.: South Park’s season-ender literally turns sh---y, as Stan (the cynic) grows unable to see life as nothing but sh--.  The crude is washed with a Stevie Nicks no. at the end... and I don’t think that was Nicks’ voice.  A way to go out with a turd bang: ripping Jim Carrey (Mr. Popper’s Penguins) and Adam Sandler.

11 p.m. encore, and covered for more than a day: AC-360 gets into the “Sissy Boy” experiment, where gay and effeminate boys were “corrected” into having masculine traits.  At least one suicide stems from the govt.-funded program of the past.


Dollar falls on China comments; the 97% T-bills (temporary)...gone.  Inflation, and money into Latin America for oil, food and minerals, as China also buys European food companies.  “We are now heading for a Great Great Depression.”

Flooding(?): 2,000 asked to evacuate.

NATO intensifies airstrikes, but Qaddafi vows to never give up.

Tim Geithner doles some $60-$80 billion to his favorite special interest banks, 0.01% interest.

Casey Anthony trial: chloroform and decomposition evidence (distinctly human fats) in focus.

Congressional foreign travel tripled over last decade, primarily for the Dems.

Boehner wants specific cuts before...they inevitably raise the debt limit.

9 in 10 say economy has negative status/outlook; 6/10 disapprove of Obama’s handling.

Avg. gas prices dropped 20¢ in May.

A “grave” finding at a home: “reports” of as many as 30 bodies of children found near Houston.  A tip by...a “psychic” was given to Liberty County police of dismembered bodies.  They found blood…of a guy that slashed his wrists.  The father of the girlfriend of the drunken wrist-slasher explained what really happened to the police.

A. Weiner’s P.R. advice: he gave money to porn star Ginger Lee, telling her to lie.
The utilitarian has been useless to the ‘D’ party for some time, and will probably be booted; Nancy Pelosi has pushed for an ethics investigation.  Using govt. messaging...


NBC put out nearly $4.4B to buy exclusive rights to the Olympic games.

Insanity at MS-NBC: Laurence O’Donnell exposes, elaborates and explains “tax lying” from the evil Tim Pawlenty, and Rachel Maddow does It’s Okay If You’re A Republican (IOKIYAR).  The beast certainly came from the Reagan admin.— 35% is egregiously high for a tax rate!

Piers Morgan tries to nail Ann Coulter, saying she’s refusing to answer questions...as he interrupts her, and the questions were already answered in her new book anyway.  After he basically calls Tea partyers stupid, she ends up nailing him with the how do you know? with Jared Loughner, as there is no legal way to tie pol. groups to a madman.  (She’s a lawyer.)

Bleeding host on one show, co-host on another: Jon Stewart and Bill Schulz get flesh wounds.
Loss of REM sleep plus tolerating dishonesty amounts to major losses in coordination.  I sure keep bumping into things.


James Carville on CNN: civil unrest is imminently possible.

Saleh recovering from surgery in Saudi Arabia.

5 Americans killed in Iraq blast.

Withdrawal in Afghanistan: Pres. Obama set start in July.

Wallow fire in AZ is still burning w/ 0% containment for over a week.

FL HS teacher who punched student won’t be charged.

Police posed w/ Patti LaBelle after the entourage assaulted a cadet.

Bono to be targeted by tax protesters at upcoming concert.

Newt Gingrich found on cruise ship, bet. Greece and Turkey.

Rick Santorum announces his bid for ‘R’ nomination.

Missouri (River) threatening to topple levees.  Action: strengthen levees, release pressure.
Worries over nuclear plant in Nebraska rise after neighboring natural disasters affect the state.

Ex-IMF head Strauss-Kahn faced people chanting, shame on you, on his way to the courtroom, where he pleaded not guilty to the charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid.

China holds 97% of treasury holdings.  There’s also no long-term vision in MAED as Europeans feeling the financial pinch flood the U.S. with money/debt.  And China beat Syria to the punch on rolling tanks out into the streets to quell protests.  While promoting the problems, Obama wants more “change.”  (And blames Bush again.)  As Europe dumps— just bulldozes food over an E. coli scare...“prices will necessarily skyrocket.”

Just as Steve Jobs (Apple, Inc.) announces the Cloud interface where, for example owning a song would mean being able to play it on any Apple® device, Nintendo says their internet-based network has been hacked like Sony’s.  Reports say no personal data was compromised.

Study finds drugs that help fight skin cancer.

Breast cancer vaccine, could be helpful for 50% in remission, could go into phase three.

Merck & Co. tackles bone and soft sarcoma— where no treatment is currently available.

“Set back” day, and Foreskin Man

Naksa (set back) day—not to be confused w/ Nakba (catastrophe) day—is what’s in the picture now.  One condemns the Israeli borders after 1967, the other condemns the formation of the democratic state.
Syria said they will go after women and children, and have, and as an alternative to killing protesters (well over 75 dead), paying them to storm the border to Israel, where 25 were killed.  $1,000 U.S. is a lot there.  Gee, I wonder who the U.N. will condemn...again.

The guy who wrote the bill banning circumcision in San Francisco also wrote a comic book—along with trading cards for kids—that looks like Nazi propaganda: blue-eyed, blonde (Aryan) man, hot redhead sister of a woman that married a defiant Jew.  Their Jewish son is at risk of a bris by the “monster Moil” (Rabbi with evil looks).  Foreskin Man turns underground (you’ll never stop us from circum…), and the end of the issue is punctuated with the burning of a Menorah (akin to the burning of a Cross), made up of small figures of people (insensitive to the holocaust).

Santa Monica is crafting its own bill that would make circumcision a federal crime.  Hate festers if you don’t stand up to it with compassion.

TV: teach the same, lame, old rhymes, or else

New season of Futurama starts 6.23.

“Mondays with Trump” on Fox & Friends?!

Some time ago, before the secret funding outside allowable campaign spending was out there in the open, The O’Reilly Factor exposed John Edwards for trying to exploit wounded vets for pol. gain.

’Turns out Brian Williams—and most of the ignorant press—are wrong, even after denying coverage of “Weiner-gate” to “cover” Sarah Palin on the road, campaign stop footage of her talking about Paul Revere warning the British, the bells and so forth.  Looking it up, Revere did, in fact warn the British to stop after being captured.  Anderson Cooper put historian Douglas Brinkley on for such a serious campaign stop.  Tackling gotcha questions, “keeping them honest”— more like, attacking the defenses of the “politically incorrect.”  Lanterns, not bells.  It was actually all of the above.

I am not resigning: Anthony Weiner admits in a press conference to sending six women lewd photos over a 3/6-yr. period, one as a joke, bef. and after his 1-yr. marriage to a Secy. Clinton aide.  He takes full responsibility...not to be confused with accountability.  Oh, if only all dishonest politicians fessed up after...ten days—rather, years on every.... leaks are a necessary thing in Washington, D.C.  Weiner/Spitzer, only on CNN, the least watched name in news.

Chris Matthews doesn’t blame the pig, but places some blame on the pig’s wife.  As soon as Uma left for an overseas trip with Hillary, Weiner sent a 21-yr.-old woman (Megan) pictures of himself...  Andrew Breitbart, who started the exposure, demanded and got his apology for the lies of hacking and alteration.  Breitbart also released a leaked photo of the Congressman’s chest, and is holding a copy of a photo he’s only threatening to release if the Congressman tries to go after the messenger again.  That picture is reportedly Weiner’s photo of his...uncovered erection, from below.

Vindictive O’Donnell: Weiner apologizes to (Andrew) Breitbart, of all people.

On GBS: Danny Danon (The Likud World) risking his life coming on and over, and Joe Lieberman for 8.24.


Exit of wounded Yemeni leader sets off celebration.  Analysis: Yemen yet to see worst.

Northern Syria: 35 reported killed in crackdown.

Bombings kill 24 in NW Pakistan.

Nairobi blast: 1 dead, 29 injured.

Gates says U.S. support troops should go home first.

Libyan woman who claimed rape leaves for U.S.

E. coli outbreak blamed on German veggie sprouts.

Peru vote: Fujimori daughter or leftist ex-soldier.

Greek austerity plan draws 80K to Athens square.

AFP: sprouts may be responsible for bacteria, say German officials.

AP: evacuations planned after Haiti lake bursts banks.

AP: ex-Tijuana mayor taken by troops over gun cache.

Time.com: Ratko Mladic faces genocide survivors in court w/ smile.

AFP: Aus. says rights are key to Malaysia refugee deal.

“Horrific” AZ fire blankets towns in smoky fog.

Trace Adkins’s home a total loss after fire.

Ex-Army football player sues R&B diva Patti LaBelle.

Reuters: U.S. okays restart of TransCanada Keystone pipeline.

Suggested retail value for an LED 100-watt replacement bulb now $30.

Waste: over $100K in the fedl. budget to study shrimp on a treadmill.

Corporate lobbying in UT: woman may be fined $1K-$2K for unlicensed hair braiding.

Golan Heights, West Bank pro-Palestinian marches met w/ force, 20-3 dead in Syria/Israel influx violence as Israeli troops defend the border.

Reuters: Socialists concede defeat in Portugal election; PSDs win.  PM Jose Socrates’ Socialists sought 78 bn.-euro bailout.

Reuters: Macedonia’s ruling VMRO-DPMNE conservative party claims victory in early parliamentary elections but’d likely have to seek coalition partners to form stable government.

AFP: IMF grants Egypt 12-mo. $3B loan to help put economy back on track, announced Fin. Minister Samir Radwan.

HIV patient ‘cured’ by extreme procedure.

Rafael Nedal beats Robin Soderling, winning 2011 French Open for 6th time.

Pro-Israel parade in New York required a lot of police protection; the anti-Semites and ultra-Orthodox Jews also showed.

Volcanic lightning seen over the Puyehue volcano (Caulle Cardon chain), 540 mi. south of Santiago, Chile.  With an ash cloud is est. to be 6 miles high, 3 mi. wide, authorities have evacuated abt. 3,500.


Ovation: The Book of Mormon gets awarded at the Drama Desk Awards w/ Harvey Fierstein.  What’s next, a Tony?  [Update: yes.]  This show gives out an award for the shortest acceptance speech.

A repr. for 20th Century Fox Television told Parade they pay $15K to $30K per song on royalties for Glee.


Laurence Eagleburger died June 4 at 80 in Charlottesville, Virginia.  He was the 62nd United States Secretary of State, 10th U.S. Deputy Secy. of State, and was 12th under Secy. of State for Political Affairs.


Unemployment rate: 9.1%.  Dire report of stalls in the private sector.

Yemen Pres. hurt in attack.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad withdraws from oil ministry.

California paper calls for Sharia, stoning of Arnold’s mistress(es).

Cindy McCain says U.S. should be more like Libya...

More calls for aiding pro-bin Laden fighters in Libya, as if UBL’s death helps.

Tornadoes in Maine, include: Hampton.

Jersey Shore ferris wheel accident: woman passed out, fell to her death.

John Edwards indicted, charges of using campaign funds on mistress.

Christian Science Monitor: Atheist confab in Ireland comes as Europe confronts religion in public life.

Thailand wants to ban tourists from getting Buddha tattoos...

New audio: Van Jones just day or so ago: our founding ideas, 100 years ago (Progressive founding).  Paul Ryan’s plan destroys our progress...and other socialist/progressive sheep herding made to look plainly political.

Learning only potentially useful things on Coast To Coast: the “grays” are not friendly.  They probe, extract resources, blood, and that’s about it.


Jack Kevorkian, the defiant “Dr. Death,” dies at 83 after having been admitted for kidney and respiratory problems.  The man who helped people commit suicide was listening to Bach...

Gunsmoke legend James Arness dies at 88.


A horror show in the markets last week, as data fell.  Hyperinflation around the corner as the Federal Reserve gears up for Quantitative Easing-3 to “help the markets,” even though the last two times only added a bias that couldn’t solve the problem...

Syria fires live bullets on protesters in Sanaa.

Yuma, AZ: 73-yr.-old man goes on shooting rampage, killing 5 and himself.

Illegal immigrant charged in Houston police officer’s death.

EU produce banned: E. coli outbreak a dozen people, Russia blocks imports from France and the like.

Goldman Sachs subpoena—they say they’ll comply.

Former presidential candidate John Edwards likely to be charged tomorrow.

French politician allegedly involved in orgies with Moroccan boys.

Anthony Weiner calls the cops...on a reporter.

Change of hands, Commerce Secy. position.

A day after shuttle Endeavor’s final mission and return, the crew are greeted with celebration.

Ugly propaganda promoted, tolerated; darkness grows

If you thought The Big Picture w/ Thom Hartmann was bad, a new “Liberate Palestine” propaganda music video (gospel form), is being played in churches...not just promoted by Coldplay.

As the old hatreds bubble up, Mein Kamf becomes the bestseller in Turkey, selling 50K since January.  And all that book is how to look at and kill Jews.  The Germans knew.  Do your neighbors know?  Apathy is an evil, and I see and feel that evil everywhere now.  The ignorance cannot be tolerated.

New fighting in Syria

The Syrian regime clashes with protesters in Sanaa, refuses to let victims even carry off wounded and dead.  Now there’s response to the story of the regime asking the father of a son the regime killed for support of the regime, it’s actions.

...And the regular face at CNN is more of Fareed Zakaria, another hack that gets his talking points from Soros.  I did not  give  specific advice to that President, Mr. Obama.

“Patent Protection”

Rules are being changed to make it more difficult to file patents and keep actually them.  It will be the G.E.s and the G.M.s of the world that will get the patents, as the U.S. govt. reaches a new low on picking winners, what companies may beat you to the punch on invention.  We are the most inventive country in the world...with a cost of ideas being stolen.

Fear as a substance again

Out of all of the wrongs of the world, apathy and fear (in a detached manner) mentioned— how about easy mischaracterizations?  Nah.  Hypocritically complain.  And that goes for everyone, as usual.

Al Sharpton guest hosted The Ed Show...


Car bombing in Libya, near diplomats in the vicinity.

Iranian cleric: killing Israeli children O.K.

Tornadoes hit MA.  All Joplin unaccounted for now accounted for.

United Airlines flight returned after fight over reclined seat.


Un-f@#ing bleeped.  Comedy Central shows off it’s further-loosened standards by presenting Entourage with unaltered audio.  Mondays @ midnight. ... The intro is a little shorter than I remember.