The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

Have goodness in your hearts

Prepare (Full Circle), Borders, Counted, Courage, Teachers, Mileage Taxing, the real heroes versus UBL— he used human shields... and the institutionalizing of corruption, spoon-feeding terrorism.

Federal Reserve, the largest corp., weeks ago: America’s about to become insolvent

Mexico is now getting out of the U.S. dollar.  How many pesos does it take to buy a hundred tons of gold?  Well, Soros has 11 tons and hasn’t sold much.


Hacking, Google, G-mail...China’s campaign, and the U.S. to start treating such hacking as a form of terrorism, even if it’s a bunch of teens.  And the weapons, using them, and the Pres. will have to sign off on the changes to the definition of cyberattacking.

And then you have Homeland Security wasting taxpayer money on brain scanning tech.  Anti-transparency: No recording devices allowed during testing.

The (current) common enemy: Israel; Shi‘ia and Sunnis, putting differences aside

Islamists and socialists working together against the western way of life: man on tape, talking about his involvement.  The godless helping those with faith mixed with criminal insanity.  (And only those with faith survive.)  The Marxist bribe: “liberation” of Palestine.  What is happening is not only good for the region but good for the whole world.

Seen waiving for months, the Palestinian flag in Egypt, Greece, Italy... “Plight of the oppressed,” act like peaceful protesters (with knives, guns, rocks on the ground, rockets fired into Israel).  The Palestinian “leadership” is the problem, but of course, you’ll only hear, kill all the Jews when you open your ears.  (The media here are ignoring all of this.)  Never forget: 2/3 of all Jews in Europe were murdered by 1945.  Marx coined anti-Semitism for the point of ending capitalism, and some of it is coming to pass.


Memorial Day.  Remembering those that fought for our...trying to get some sleep over the weekend—worst sleep pattern ever.

MAINEiacs planning to dissolve.

Obama at Arlington Natl. Cemetery.

Palin touring, showing up on a Harley at a Memorial Day rally.

Muammar Qaddafi meets with African Pres. Zuma(?).
Ordered to violate: former Libyan soldiers admit to rape being used as a weapon.  And with school girls.

Book, TV

Iranium.  Need I say more?

FX: final season of Rescue Me, starting in July.
Louie, Louie, you’re gonna die: New episodes of Louie, 6.23.

Jason Sudeikis hosting MTV Movie awards, followed by the premiere of some Teen Wolf series.

War movie Saints and Soldiers on TBN.  Dubbed: get your chicken stuff out.

Bob Beckel agrees with possibility of a flat tax.  Same percentage across the board, and in return no loopholes; G.E. will pay.


Egypt opens Gaza border.

F-5 twisters leave 12-mile path of destruction.

CA firefighters have wildfire 25% contained.

Bible, cross only things left at Joplin church.

Cindy Anthony takes the stand, Casey breaks down at defense table.

Marmites to be banned in Denmark(?).  Single-item storage containers?  Banned?

Don Lemon comes out as gay.  And?... that’s it?

Smoking changes fetal DNA during pregnancy, raises cases of asthma by over 150%.

Howie Carr: with Obama, bar lowered to a level difficult to calculate.

Chuck Schumer caught lying on camera as if it’s normal politics, with a clear of the throat and a look, when it wouldn’t be necessary otherwise.  David Gregory (NBC) does not challenge him, of course—progressive.


Two astronauts to do final space walk.

Once “allies”: Russian Pres. Medvedev wants Qaddafi to step down.

Autopen, “Dangerous precedent,” “worrisome trend, becoming too detached” (on CNN): Obama wants a machine for signing bills?!

Mitt Romney’s appearance cut short due to a fire alarm.

Evacuation at sen. Snow’s office due to “suspicious package.”

State “dairy ambassador” is lactose intolerant.

Bachmann feels like running, while Palin tries to stay in the spotlight— new bus tour.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz voted for auto bailout, but owns an Infinity (Japanese).

New TN bill criminalizes discussing homosexuality in the classroom.  Teachers that continue to break this rule could get 30 days in jail.  This thing passed in the senate.


Overview of Founders’ Fridays.
Deconstructionism: unfairly challenge history by accentuating the negatives, and ignoring the positives, such as...
Women in at least one state could vote in the 1700s if they owned property.
Ben Franklin built the first hospital with the dare of matching funds, privately raising 2,000 pounds.  He also did the lending library.

Marquis Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, a French black founding father, served as a general alongside George Washington.  Lafayette was a double spy, giving the British bad intel, giving Washington the good intel.  Nearly executed when opposing some of the more radical revolutionaries, he returned to politics after the exile of emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.  A U.S. army officer, speaking at the tomb of Lafayette after United States forces had arrived in support of France in World War I, returned the favor.  “Lafayette, we are here.”


Uganda, China and coffee beans

More tornadic activity, and 231 still unaccounted for in Joplin, down as...the death toll increases.  Oklahoma death toll: 10.

Pakistan gives CIA full permission to search UBL compound.

Sanctuary city, Austin, TX: Escobar(?), who raped and stabbed a woman ~46 times, to be executed.

Fun Nazis are clamping down on me: Jell-O™ wrestling put on Natl. Science Foundation tab.

Census: Maine and Vermont the oldest U.S. states.

Casey Anthony brags about her “lying abilities.”

Rod Blagojevich appears in his retrial.  Hearing all the cursing on tape, I’m an effin’ jerk, he said.  At one point, he was speechless— when the date of his future wife was announced, way back when.

Mladic, responsible for the deaths of maybe 8,000 Bosnian men and boys in one area alone, will now have to face justice.  He was hiding inside the home of a relative.  Mladic made a father eat his son’s liver?

Beyond spoon-feeding children terrorism

A Nazi party is rapidly growing in Egypt.

Ethiopia: why can’t we have a revolution?  Unlike Kuwait, Ethiopia will allow it.

France will head the G-8 summit; protesters are gearing up.

Fedl. government, subsidizing on health care premiums

Provisions in the Patriot Act set to expire were extended for three more years today.  Wire taps for any phone you use, library and business records exposed for citizens.

Unconstitutional, ignorant Supreme Court: holding down the AZ immigration law, judge(s) say state powers are subordinate to federal powers, that immigration is a federal thing, and that bill SB 1070 discriminates based on differences of appearance.  Wrong, wrong and wrong.  State powers are supposed to be different, and the federal govt. applies to borders; the states take immigration.  There is a small technical reason for the law to be changed on what can do what, but most of the law, as I’ve said before, is valid, getting the fedl. govt. to actually do it’s job of enforcing the border.  Instead, you have the same old racism charges, making it clear that the left wing of the Supreme Court refused to read the bill!  As Wisconsin “lawmakers” chanted earlier this year, Shame.

Barney Frank defends getting/keeping boyfriend on the Fannie Mae payroll in 1990s by saying, everyone in Congress has a conflict of interest.  The “Federal Reserve,” Fannie and Freddie are all private companies, cooking the books, and if you list examples of this corruption, they will use Frank as an example in calling you a homophobe, racist.

You’re now supposed to believe the Rs are literally pushing the elderly off a cliff— didn’t that fail in the 1990s?  Well, Paul Ryan responds to the cartoon: Obama-care killed Medicare.

Second Amendment

Walgreens fired a store owner for owning, carrying a gun—an unconstitutional regulation on the books.  One of the robber’s guns backfired; the owner stopped a gun robbery, protected others there.  Few are ungrateful of what he did.

The Progressive edge of Reagan: under the radar, the Obama admin. is taking after the wife of the man who was shot during the Reagan assassination attempt by pushing for yet more gun control.

Range check — check

French philosopher Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de Tocqueville wrote, in Democracy in America, “America is great because America is good; America ceases to be great when America ceases to be good.”  Rediscovery is key in restoring the free world.  Good can be seen in Joplin, as neighboring states.

Christians for Israel will be held on July 19...in Washington, D.C.


Actor Jeff Conaway dies at 60.


YouTube chaos on the rise: vandalism, beatings and fights “for kicks.”

U.S. sues oil traders for alleged price manipulation.

DoJ goes ahead and files charges against John Edwards.

Revolutionary Cuba now laws sand traps for Bourgeoisie(?).

Man with stolen identity told charges can’t be pressed against ID thief due to a loophole.

Senate votes on Paul Ryan’s budget plan; Ds say “it will end Medicare as we know it.”

Clinton: you cannot have health care devour the economy.  He was caught siding with Paul Ryan.

Because of pressure, Obama will tour the natural disaster rubble in the south...on Sunday.

Maine now has two marijuana dispensaries.  Police more on look-out for people not wearing seat belts.

Found incompetent: madman Jared Loughner had an outburst, most likely reacting to psychiatric reports, shows himself to be schizophrenic, and those that know the traits say he has schizophrenia.  He will be evaluated for four months.

This is the endgame for the Western way of life

The U.S. is running out of allies.  Somehow, a best friend speaks behind the other friend’s back, forces the other friend to respond half a day later while you’re overseas.

Palestinians are no saying Israel has declared war on them.  The English sent us these pieces of filth, “disgusting Jews” on Hamas TV—children shows that are even promoting hijackings of planes.  Delayed until mid-summer, maybe 150 ships as a sequel to the “humanitarian flotilla,” where soldiers were stabbed, tossed overboard, provoked.  While finding ways to provoke violence, they fear actual righteousness...and now eyes will be set on 8.24.

No matter how childish the actions of the criminals are, the good people responsible.  No matter what is said or done, you have to be peaceful, respectful in the presence of others, and you have to lock arms.

You can’t just absorb the information given, you have to live with it, respond and act.  Challenge, one way or another.


“Candy Land” board game to be adapted into a movie...dark, like Lord of the RingsFor kids/people who can’t read or write.


California Supreme Court orders release of 33K+ inmates (up to some 100K), and the press candycoats it (happy-go-lucky felons, released slowly).

Reuters: Heavy clashes erupt in Yemen capital; 9 dead.

AP: Tunisian army fires tear gas at border to Libya; U.S. aides rebels amid withering airstrikes.

Storm sirens and warnings, more tornadoes: death toll for Joplin now 122; ~1,500 missing.

IAEA: Syria tried to build nuclear reactor.
Reuters: Pakistan finally returns U.S. helicopter from bin Laden raid; confirmed on the weekend.

Reuters: Russian court upholds Khodorkovsky conviction.

AFP: Aung San Suu Kyi decries war rapes.

Up to 12 mn. girls aborted in India, study claims.

DNA on hotel maid’s shirt matches sample fm. Strauss-Kahn.

Netanyahu says he’ll make ‘painful compromises.’

‘Smart aleck’: U.K. police say their alias for the president was randomly picked by a computer.

Snowe, Collins to vote against GOP budget.

AP on NY (district) 26: Hochul (D) defeats Corwin (R).

NY 4th graders discover 11,500-yr.-old mastodon hair.

It’s the 24th, and Camping is wrong again.  He’s revised the date, and will likely revise it again— October 21.
Left Behind co-author Tim LaHaye: his predictions are not only bizarre but 100% wrong!  Bible verse Matthew 24:36: but about that day or hour no one knows except God, LaHaye told AP.

Raw evil starts with relentless opportunism

Russia, the biggest ally to Iran joins Fatah and Hamas, already having pipelines to Europe— have them by the throat.
Venezuela is building missile platforms, China is playing their hand, and the U.S. is not a player but a card.
Soros, the capitalist that has control of the media, has made everything about money.  Little do the greedy know that faith trumps money every time.  And Islam is a faith; they will beat all of the players.


After 25 years, the final episode of Oprah runs tomorrow.  Today, Maria Shriver and...Stedman(?).

“Unreal worlds” on Ovation: Renaissance (oversimplified), Waking Life (dreamy), Millennium Actress.


20% of all “Obama-care” waivers go to San Francisco.

75% of one town turned to rubble by one tornado; ~116 dead.  2 mn. crops destroyed.  Self-reliance: people aren’t waiting for FEMA— some made levees.  Despite the fake story of Bush blowing up levees after Katrina, this president actually did blow a levee in IL, and for ‘good reason.’

Attacks on faith, destruction of edu. system: teacher teased, sent to rubber room, then fired for prayer study with other teachers, reading the Holy Bible privately in the lunch room.  Her union is appealing her firing.

Bill Ayers is involved in the “controlled” treasonous activity in Tucson, AZ.

As predicted, Europe is being transformed on behalf of radicalism, joint partnership of the socialist left and Islamists.  Greece, Spain and Italy are being degraded from within.

Tim Pawlenty officially enters the GOP race, plus Herman Caine a day ago, and Mitch Daniels is out.


Bob Dylan turned 70.

Howie Carr appears on the Factor.
They can find bin Laden but they can’t find James J. “Whitey” Bulger, nor Billy?  [The corrupt agents in the FBI going to show up on Wanted posters, are they?]

C-SPAN covers PM Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at AIPAC.  It unites America. …Thank you, Joe Lieberman. …defend itself, by itself [applause]  Regarding the interception of rockets fired into Israel, For the first time, a missile defense (system) worked in confidence.  He also talked about the medical research that comes from his nation.  On the possibility of replacing gasoline, …and if we succeed, we can change the world…  The problems in the Middle East are not rooted in Israel.  …they want a better life.  The man that set himself on fire did so, he says, “because of decades of indignity, decades of corruption.”  Israel is not what’s wrong with the middle east, it is what’s right with the middle east. [strong applause]


Tornado death toll in Joplin, Missouri: 24-30.  Record-breaking tornadic death toll for May, 11 in one area alone.  1+ dead in MN.

Pakistan, large fire: major terrorist attack at key military base.

Iceland volcano erupts, practically shutting down their main airport.

Flooding at cemetery results in floating caskets.

Blind sided: beaten giants fan (B. Stone) in critical condition, police take in those that match two descriptions.

An extra tweak to suppress the press in MA, and David Axelrod’s nephew was hired for a journalist’s job.  Oh, what am I kidding— that is much of the press; the admin., the Axelrods, the left can do whatever they want with the corrupt media we have.  Virtually anything.

TV, TV-covered

It’s not what you create, but what you do with it.  — Ub Iwerks, the man behind Mickey Mouse and the technical feats developed (and stumbled upon).  Able to figure things out quickly, draw perfect circles, draw, assemble and put together the parts so efficiently that what normally took months was done in weeks— 700 drawings in one day, even.  He’s the guy behind the sodium filter method (replaced with blue/green screen), and the perspective effects that brought 2-D to 3-D, to life, long, long before computer graphics.  The sodium traveling matte process was used in Hitchcock’s Birds, and in other films where a normally difficult three-channel matte process was done well and unparalleled.  His projection technologies are still used.

Hand Behind Mickey Mouse, on Ovation, presents his life’s work.  It’s the documentary on the genius that, along with Walt Disney, turned animation from a novelty art into the art form we know today.  Walt and Ub were a perfect team, inseparable.

The Prez makes a speech to largest Israeli lobby?  Well, the audience that was there was applauding the magic trick— Obama trying to get people to put the divide Jerusalem plan out of mind.  And then he has the nerve to state more crap as fact.  And CNN has the boringness to focus on Barry’s Irish ancestry...1/32 Irish.  Let me be clear, as I reverse my position, and demand the reversal of the 1967 borders, as if I had any clear position or credibility.  Who cares if people can no longer see the holy sites in Jerusalem?

A man sets himself on fire, and the President of the United States compares him to Rosa Parks?  The U.N. convenes in September, where they will inevitably condemn Israel.


How little sleep I get these days.  Bad: I feel like I’m wearing a jacket, yet have only the sweatshirt on my torso.

Syria: 34+ protesters killed.

Quake hits Turkey; 3+ dead.

Protests in Portugal follow social program cuts, required in the IMF bailout.

China gives Pakistan 50 fighter jets...as Pakistan “conceals” the tail of our chopper.

Va.: Suspicious device found near nuclear plant.

DHS: al-Qaeda’s interests in targets include oil tankers, oil infrastructure.

IMF head out on bail today.

Some Mississippi homes build their own levees, some become islands.

Middle Schools students in NJ threatened with sex offender charges if caught sexting.

Gigi Goyette comes forward, mistress #2, involved w/ Schwarzenegger after he got married.

“Miracle on the Hudson” plane to be placed in the NC aviation museum.

Somewhat stabilized, Japanese Yen/USD (81.65).  And CNBC continues its practical advertisement for LinkedIn (+48 to ~94, yesterday).

Ted Kaczynski literally has crazy in his name: he’s now refused the FBI’s DNA request that would put him at the center of the 1982 Tylenol poisoning case, or exonerate him.

Unstable: you can’t tell me the name of the leader of Syria in 6 mos., maybe even Saudi Arabia.  And the Pres. can’t tell us that the U.S. isn’t standing with Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or any other group that this govt. has declared a terrorist organization.

At AIPAC, before he was in the thick and thin of being POTUS, Obama started with, let me be clear, for a speech that calls Israel’s security sacrosanct, and that Jerusalem cannot be divided.  Two, three days later, he tried to immediately correct the interpretation.  “A contiguous Palestinian state” means Israel will have to be divided.  A setup.

“The more I screamed the more violent/inflamed they became,” said Lara Logan, when she was raped in the middle of the crowd, men chanting, “Jew!  Jew!”  As Jews are taught in schools to be the same as dogs and pigs.  And so the more Israel screams, alone, the more they’re harmed.  Obama does the bidding of the Arab League, at least to reward Syria.

The largely corrupt media continue to sell out Israel: it’s only “differences of opinion,” as Netanyahu visits the White House today.  Israel rejects the idea of giving back land because they are occupiers.  No mention whatsoever that the dividing lines divide up Jerusalem, thus exacerbate.  Not just Jeremy Ben-Ami of J-Street (Soros) on Democracy Now!, but on CNN as well.

You don’t see uprisings within Israel because the Muslims who live there, yet a social justice extremist says, Muslims aren’t visible because they’re cleansed from today’s Israel.  And we are “a partner in crime.”

Destruction of the Western way of life: Martin O’Malley (MD) wants Holocaust proof of restitution so companies Volkswagen(?) must pay, redistribute its wealth.  “This is really well planned, and the best organized wins.”

According to the New York Times...the admin. will try to make things work with the 1973 War Powers act (60 days of war with approval of Congress), after bypassing Congress with Libya.  Cass Sunstein at his very best.  Finding ways around it: plausible theory for justification, or temporary halt.  And to remove the spotlight, the admin. will not try to justify something that’s already “internationally approved.”

With your tax money: the CDC is running a commercial with zombies, as in to say, food storage is for people that believe in fictional things.

Almost like it is a complete and total sham: the guy who said the world will end on Saturday...is publishing his book on Saturday.  And neither Harold Camping, nor those of other radio stations that have gotten money sent in from listeners will refund the listeners, as he makes excuses, drawls and uhhh...  A former MTA worker spent some $140K on advertising in California, despite the fact that it is told explicitly in the Bible that people will not know the date.  Camping proclaimed the end of churches in 1994.

Certain details announced for 8.24

After the prayer gathering on Sunday (8.21), the main event will happen at the Southern wall of the excavation site and temple walls.  There are only two approved sites, and the some 600 tickets (U.S.) of ~1,500 are only available via the GlennBeck.com website.  Be aware that scammers have been active for days.  Gates of Hell will open up...Gates of Heaven will also open.

Movie, TV, TV/Radio-covered

Super 8 trailer shows little of the destructive force in the movie.

Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence, tomorrow on Ovation.

Exclusive: Maen Rashid Areikat, PLO chief representative (ambassador) to U.S., on Special Report, reacting to Israel’s statement, that Fatah/Hamas unity is a blow to peace.
Yunis al-Astal: the Jews were put in Israel for their massacre.

Paul Gigot (WSJ, News Corp.) now saying, with high gas prices, that people don’t feel the upturn, recovery.  What recovery?

On C-SPAN, then cable news, Obama makes another speech, this time regarding the CIA taking out UBL, congratulating them.  It’s rare that a secret is kept.

Spectator in Casey Anthony trial yells, she just killed somebody anyway.  When brought to the mic to explain herself after being held in contempt (up to 6 mos. in jail), she cries and pleads, tells the audience that she has a 3-yr.-old: I am so, so sorry.  The judge then dropped her contempt charge.

Von Trier, canned at Cannes: he “understands Hitler,” little else.  Sitting next to actress Kirsten Dunst—“oh, my god, that’s terrible,” she utters.  [He was joking.]

Jino: Jewish in name only, especially those that don’t care about Israel.  The “Liberal Democrat” religion, where they will not even talk about certain important things, and even defame.


Wrestling superstar Randy Savage, 58, killed in car wreck.  Family say he had a heart attack.


Strauss-Kahn steps down as head of the International Monetary Fund amid rape allegations.

Sexual abuse is more a natural crime, yet the Catholic Church blames the 1960s “free love” for it.

Giants fan gets beaten nearly to death by “fans” of opposing team.

ME: Regulatory Reform & Fairness Committee on health care legislation…mess?

Recognize the country?  You won’t recognize the world if you don’t stand

Building against “the little Satan” (Israel) and “the great Satan” (U.S.), you have to take the extremists at their word.  So-called ordinary people in the Middle East are calling for the deaths of all Jews.

Violating a treaty?: Obama declared in his speech that sells out Israel, ...and Israel must be able to defend itself, by itself.  The “important” reminder/double-speech that the admin. isn’t pro-Israel, while saying they are to Israeli lobbies.  12:06 eastern, Obama describes an “old” problem that they let happen today.  Selling out both our country and the strongest, most stable ally in the Mid-East, while touting rights that they don’t believe some people should have— it’s a top priority to change the game, change the def. of fairness, promote the Palestinian side, then reflect ignorance here, that the conflict is somehow none of our business.

“Transitions to Democracy”...at least some acknowledge that the Arab Spring isn’t really a good thing, even something for the purpose of destroying Israel, that dictators would gladly step down for the democratic uprising to democratically agree on killing all the Jews.  The Muslim Brotherhood is now expected to win, just as Hamas did.  Hope and Change— nothing like changing what works, reaping the rewards, then telling “the little people” to go to hell, with nothing but false hope.  It’s no wonder many Jews that endorsed Obama now believe him to be a sociopath.

“Syria can lead the way”— belaying sanctions?

Repeating the 1930s, little laws here and there

Repeating the 1930s, little laws here and there: San Francisco seeks to make circumcision a misdemeanor.  And the actual anti-Semites call people like me anti-Semitic.

The White House punishes another news outlet.  Cartoonist Ted, who criticized the Bush admin., is now feeling the heat from “his own” after criticizing the Obama admin.  He can’t get his ’toon published.

As Dick Trumpka is the most frequent guest at the White House, one of the AFL-CIO surrogates admits to intercepting E-mails, somehow, and the city council applauds the crime.  It was bad when Bush intercepted communications, but now it’s okay to “know everything they do”?

Superintendent overseeing treasonous, anti-white racist, communist class in Tucson steps out of it.


Katie Couric signs off for the last time.  She’s apparently signing a deal with ABC for a talk show in fall, 2012.

Newt Gingrich owes Tiffany & Co. half a million dollars.  Stephen Colbert: The guy clearly buys his engagement rings in bulk...prior to John Lithgow doing the entire Gingrich press release, and Aaron Shock’s abs in Men’s Health (Get Fit for Life, or at least until September where we return to alfredo-based life forms).


Greek deputy foreign minister open to “soft” restructuring, if needed.

Sixth soldier charged with killing Afghan civilians for sport.

Osama bin Laden praises Tunisia and Egypt uprisings in final tape.

Zsa Zsa Gabor hospitalized again; more surgery.

Arnold Schwarzenegger puts two of three upcoming movie projects on hold to deal with family matters.

Study: 1/3 students at Berlin Univ. would do sex work as a living.

First Taboo, then Sen. Colburn questioning the benefits of a man with baby fetish (lives at home literally like a baby).

To make things worse for Dominique Strauss-Kahn, he went for a maid in an AIDS house.  And blood was found on the sheets in his room.

Crash through the debt ceiling, food shortages that include the mass floods in the south, where corn is directly affected, thus almost everything else on the shelves, and now we are sending wheat crops overseas.

We don’t have museums for our entertainment.

Each day it becomes clearer— evil is rearing its ugly head.  The intentions cannot go ignored.  The “Arab Spring” cannot produce stable democracy, and has only peaked opportunism among extremists.  Hamas leader al-Qaradawi is serious, and it gets difficult to tell the difference between his words and Adolf Hitler’s.  Actually, his depiction of Jews is worse: vermin, bacteria.  And with the cooperation with the far left, the fake compassion will set in, just as Hitler executed the infirm for “humane reasons.”  And the excuses will pour in, just as the New York Times dismissed the bad for the so-called good in 1933. 

George Soros, the messianic billionaire, and Petrobras, the Brazil’s nationalized oil company: he sold his shares when they were exposed, but now Forbes reports his Petrobras Q1 earnings...

Virtues are silly or irrelevant— these people.

The downward spiral: it was taken from us, so we’re taking it back.  Then others do the same.  Social Justice is really a vicious cycle.

Your federal government hard at work: the Secret Service interrogate a middle school student for telling the Pres., “be careful, there could be another suicide bomber,” right after UBL was killed.

Michael Moore mentality: screw hard work—you can’t win without some random luck.  Man who won $2M lotto still on food stamps, and was told he can stay on them, but he gets angry that he has to pay taxes.

A Vietnamese immigrant gas station owner lost $21K in 3 hrs on Sunday, as a computer glitch put Premium at $1.10.  Did customers tell him, thank him or pay him back?  No.


Ed Asner on The O’Reilly Factor.  Being a self-avowed socialist, he was asked whether or not Obama is a socialist.  Response: oh, God, no.
Mary Tyler Moore isn’t doing as well, being operated on.


Saif al-Adel is the new acting al-Qaeda leader.

Another Qaddafi regime official defects.

Egypt to release Mubarak’s wife from detention after she relinquished her disputed assets.

Syria: tanks storm southern city as U.S. adds pressure; U.S., E.U. ready new sanctions.

Pakistan protests after clash with NATO helicopter, but kills 5 suspected suicide bombers.

New post-bin Laden threats worry U.S.  Waterboarding did not directly lead to the raid.

Mex. police in Chiapas find 513 U.S.-bound migrants in trucks.

Guatemala hunts for killers of 27 on ranch.

IMF chief under suicide watch at Riker’s Island in NYC; wife put into spotlight by scandal.

WMTW 8: Maine marine died from self-inflicted gunshot wound.

8 trapped Colombian miners rescued alive.

Coast Guard reopens part of Mississippi River.

Casco house, barn destroyed.

Scientist that warned about global warming now a skeptic.

Queen Elizabeth II makes historic peace trip to Ireland, honoring independence fighters, nationalists...

Paralyzed student goes to graduation, walks on stage w/ robotic exoskeleton.

Gang of Six, Tom Colburn out; Key GOP sen. quits bipartisan group seeking to cut deficit.

Rep. Paul Ryan decides to not run for U.S. Senate.

Conan, the adulterer: a love child (over a decade ago) adds to the separation bet. Arnold and Maria.  Maria trying to rebuild...

Liar Eugene Robinson: Strauss-Kahn almost gives socialism a bad name.

New, “bright enough” LED bulbs to cost...wait for it...$50 each.  Stock up on incandescents.

Rare pink diamond fetches $10.8 mn. at Swiss auction.

Biden starts to admit that the stimulus missed its goal of employment: the public sector gained 450K while the private sector lost 1 mn.

Reuters on Canada:
Alberta wildfires hit oil output.  PM to name cabinet, fin. minister scraps U.S. talk(s).

FDA conducting covert ops: apparently Amish milk has crossed state lines.  Oh, the horror!  Despite how safe the milk is (tested safe here), the FDA and big business lobbies seek to eliminate the option of unpasteurized milk for consumers.  Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord talked to George Noory about the arrest of an Amish farmer this morning on Coast To Coast AM.

Celebrating the birth of a party: GM/Cadillac makes a propaganda film for the Chinese Communist Party.  After all, the Red giant owns $1.1 trillion of our debt, and the U.S. keeps buying crap.  China has been building “ghost cities”: construction projects, malls, whole towns, no people.

Borders being challenged: more Islamic clerics comparing Jews to bacteria, call for caliphate.  Plazas of Syria’s ancient cities, public squares, such as Tahrir Square, have been at the center of the Arab Spring.  Opportunism won’t die.
More and more, disruptions, shout-downs, bullying of those with faith—the patterns seen before are now seen at Churches.  How much land have you stolen?, the social justice extremists, as Texas is being spelled Tejas.  Esperanza, once funded by Soros, gets money from Texas Commission of the Arts, the National Endowment For the Arts.  Taxpayer money is going to paying bullies.

There’s no magic 8-ball; people are just taking the left and the Islamists at their word.
Prohibited ballistic missile items?  Well, with the joint partnership bet. Iran and Venezuela, Ahmadinejad can make missile threats against Israel, and Hugo Chàvez can make missile threats against the U.S. if sanctions are made.

Get Ready: What is, and what time is left

“Cosmic soldiers/warriors” Paul Eno in the multiverse, and some forty years of research and experience on Coast To Coast AM.  It comes full circle, and the breakthroughs keep coming on what the world we call the universe really is.  One, of several ended up meeting relatives from the nineteenth century, or so (alternate universe, offset or distorted slightly).  Several people went on this trip, so there are plenty of witnesses to the phenomena.  The classic models of the universe, the atom—Stephen Hawking is stuck in the past, if I may say— the Western “understanding” of seeing things only a matter of matter.

Negative EMF fields have indicated a multidimensional shift— there are plenty of times where Paul felt things were off.  And so true is the tension growing today, the running out of time feeling people have.  And the interactions with full, solid humanoids...  Triangular, multi-purpose portals are formed from points, and sometimes those triangles can drift, producing interesting effects, leaks, that to the uninformed viewer...still is “out of this world.”  Paul’s son, Ben, is a shaman...don’t touch him when he’s active.

Deceit, and the immortal convictions of truth

One of the first things in the teachings is to know what deceit looks like, because there are imitators.
Part of the imitators are the Parasites, or “feeders,” or “eaters,” as some call that feed off negative feelings/auras, but are repelled by positivity, love.  There are over eight species of them, and those that make themselves look native—as they can make themselves look like a number of things, including those stereotypical “grays”—don’t speak the spoken language, and that is the easy way to tell whether you are facing a parasite.  There are no such thing as “ghosts.”

They destroy worlds when they’re done...this is yet another reason to get rid of all the crap in your life—have goodness in your hearts.  For what I know now, I can no longer take anger for granted; I will have to stop it altogether.  Frustrations melt away when you realize just how pathetic the bad really is, I figure.

While jotting, I’m scared enough—yet determined—that I’m quaking.
The “Good world,” of nobility, goodness, holiness, what’s right and true.  A presence appears that meets with many species for discussion, and the flashes of light into the sky when beings (ancestors/relatives?) are taken to safety, to that Good world, where parasites can’t go.
Is the light, crossing the Rapture?  Well, perspective’s different for different people, and written scriptures are reflectional.  The 1,000 unaccounted for nukes after the Soviet Union fell will come back into the spotlight, unfortunately.

All of the info, converging on a timeline that Paul puts at 2012–2016 comes from the similar alternate worlds—the most reliable.  Good vibrations…until eyes are open— the future probably won’t look like “Sesame Street” or “Barney.”  Think something more like, “War Zone.”  In the end, all will be well.  If things don’t go smoothly, a dark period will come before that “all is well,” and a lot of people will die, but life will go on.  Survival persists with God.

In the mean time, do what you do best.


Secrets of the Dead (PBS): Nuclear tests.  For one island, one Hiroshima bomb was detonated every day for 25 years, or worth that much.


‘Dougie’ rapper M-Bone killed in California drive-by.  This came after partying in Boston.


The people are restoring things, actual grassroots, not the politicians nor big business.

We are officially broke as a country...@ 4 p.m.  The Treasury, Fed, whatever still have tricks up their sleeves to hold some programs, hold off default for some months.  Geithner sure has a knack/role for denial.

The people or figures promising peace will come out, only to attack your faith.

Iran to control the Mid.-East: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to become President of OPEC.

Syria: snipers firing on civilians.  Footage shows rescue of a man, first removing his motorcycle.

“International Court” goes after Qaddafi.

AP: 9 final New Zealand earthquake victims declared dead.

What may end life insurance as we know it: a new blood testing device that can tell you how many years you have left.  And the socialized healthcare systems round the globe will love it too...no point in treating grandma, she has only a few months.

Constitution on a thread: Indiana Supreme Court strikes down Fourth Amendment rights, saying “timely” restrictions on governmental search and seizure goes “against public policy,” and resistance toward authorities would “possibly lead to violence.”

IMF head accused of sexual assault, rape of a maid.  Then there are the bribery accusations for the maid...  Would-be French presidential candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn allegedly jumped out at the maid naked, eventually dragging her into the bathroom.  Innocent until proven guilty, he had affair(s) before, has a parent accusing him of attacking a daughter in 2007— Strauss-Kahn will be stuck in the U.S. for some time.

Engine fire: Jakarta-bound flight fm. Singapore forced to land.

Pakistan is returning chopper damaged during UBL raid.  Check for missing parts: reverse engineering.

Two NYPD officers with a history are eyed in the missing/murdered prostitutes case.

In Florida, Imams charged: six indicted for supporting terrorism.

Mother that injected daughter w/ botox for “beauty” pageant loses custody.  Only one parent caught in this.

TX House passes “anti-TSA” bill.

Wal-Mart challenger: Sam’s Club rebounds after CEO change.

Donald Trump will not run for the oval office, ahead of finale.  Oh, what a relief that is.  Plop, plop, fizz... and a regular person, on camera, said to Newt, Why don’t you get out before you embarrass yourself.  Whoa.

Good stuff, said Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, as she watched the shuttle launch in FL.

1967 borders of Israel are being tested

Exactly what is being taught before the borders: liberation theology; the language of the oppressor and the oppressed.  The same type of mess that’s being taught in Tucson, AZ, and so it will eventually happen here as well.  “The oppressors (shall) have no borders,” so they cross, illegally.  The U.S. President will meet with Netanyahu, and he will have to have something to show for first.  The two-state “solution” would give the Arabs all of the holy land.  One person said, when the dust settles, Iran will have control of the Middle East, maybe except Saud Arabia if they get help.  And we’re not helping.

The ’67 borders are all that are holding back the elements from touching Jerusalem, the site, and the antiquities.  “Forced to take action” with the Arab Spring, Iran’s fingerprints are all over the unusual influx that occurred May 15.

The time to be counted is now

First, they came for the Jews, and I said nothing.  Stand.

Restoring Courage in Jerusalem, the follow-up to Restoring Honor, (2010.08.28).  The August date will be announced on Friday.  As the Israelis already have it, this is about restoring our courage.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in doing all he could to hold back Hitler—and from his first day as ruler, was only able to gather six people of faith.  God will not hold us blameless, Bonhoeffer said.  And so, to stand up for Israel, people are getting passports for Jerusalem.  It’s all coming together, said David Barton.  Damn expensive: not counting security or the 1,500 troops, this will cost over $5 mn.  Permission’s already granted: the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, was on Beck’s flight back to New York, and was seen on the TV show.  There is no point in negotiating with people that seek the destruction of your country, he said.

The Palestinian Center For Public Opinion poll shows that the majority of Palestinians appreciate the freedoms that exist in Israel, and don’t want Jerusalem divided.

“Outrage” came in a matter of minutes.  Hey, Media-ite, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  Keep trying.  How much compassion have the critics, not caring if the ‘target’ gets killed, but I can no longer hold that gainst them.

TV, Movies

Major networks to dole out bumper sitcoms.

NECN, and some other outlets, bring attention to an idiot that says the world will end (with earthquakes) on Saturday (some 6 p.m. local time).  The last supposed end time to this guy was 1994.  Some have sold most of their life savings because of this.

Lying then or now?: Fareed Zakaria, on In The Arena W/ Eliot Spitzer last week, gave up the name of the person that set up the meetings with the President.  Zakaria then downplayed this on his weekend show.  Obama did not ask for advice on anything specific.

Carried on C-SPAN (4 p.m.): John Yoo on Congress, U.N., and the War Powers act.

Disney bought the rights to Seal Team 6, and like G.I. Joe, will be distorted, made “pol. correct.”  At least three bin Laden films are in the works, and not just with Disney...

Deathly Hallows Part I: David Yates hints of scene(s) in the movie of the Elder wand that aren’t in the book, and Rupert Grint tells of scene(s) where the trio are 19 years older...kind of like a war film.


Nakba (catastrophe) day: Clashes erupt near Syria-Israel border, as many protesters are organized to pass through borders, going beyond repeating their independence day for Israel is a day of mourning.  Soldiers, under pressure, fired tear gas.  A total of four protesters were killed.

Arab world organized against Israel, U.N. to promote a two-state “solution,” where people will be pressed into buying into the false notion that the violence will end.

Mandatory evacuations ordered for LA.  Spillway opening to affect 25,000 people.

Tunisian security forces arrest two suspected al-Qaeda members.

Jury selection for Casey Anthony trial continues...

DoJ: Google took ‘illegal’ ad money; the fine?  Half a billion dollars.  A record settlement.

More health care law exemptions, this time with the HHS.

Millions of compromised PlayStation Network users to be compensated by Sony.

Twitpics service changed: they can now use your pics w/o your consent, regardless of Copyright.

TMZ: paintball course replicates UBL compound, Seal raid.

Miss Wisconsin drops out of pageant.

Major brawl at Minor League.

House Speaker John Boehner tears up at Catholic University commencement.

CNN poll of likely voters puts Ron Paul above Obama.

Mike Huckabee will not run for “2011” ‘R’ nomination: all of the factors say, “go,” but my heart says, “no.”

New TX bill that requires ultrasound and development description prior to an abortion fails.
In order to make sure it died, lawmakers added egregious provisions, as if any of them read the bills anymore.

Over 9% of the U.S. have some form of diabetes.  In the blood: diabetes linked to cancer.
Heavy coffee drinking linked to lower breast cancer risk.

Book, TV: the people are silly, say bastards

Albert Brooks told Parade, I don’t like those Armageddon stories, yet he told of an apocalyptic “the big one” in 2030: The Real Story of Happens to America.

Leading story for ABC This Week w/ Christiane Amanpour: Handicapping the GOP.

NBC, contradictory politicians: other than racism, Newt is tapping into current extremes.

60 Minutes “investigates” the Sovereign Citizens, tries to blur violence of the few, even those that don’t understand the Second Amendment with all on the right—“the climate since the shooting in Tucson.”

Bizarre Reliable Sources: all in red, women that look alike, for political wives, scandals.

Family Guy runs the entire music video for Dancing In the Streets w/ David Bowie and Mick Jagger: “1985 gave us the gayest music video of all time.”

PBS: Bill Cosby gets the Mark Twain prize.


MS-region residents setting up makeshift levees.

Muammar Qaddafi claims he’s wounded.

Pornography found in Osama bin Laden’s compound.  And the terrorists call good Muslims “hypocrites.”  Extensive: 90% of the content on the drives is porn.

illegal alien criminal activity in AZ; one head-on collision instantly kills a person.

After being hospitalized, Rev. Billy Graham in is fair condition, says the hospital spokesman.


Obama admin. & Endangered Species act, live tomorrow on C-SPAN...

“Good move”: CBS plans to replace Charlie Sheen with Ashton Kutcher for Two and a Half Men.  TMZ says this will kill the show for good.

Political ad in promoting a politician: races, Koreans and Jews should stick together.

An audience of students on GBS...teachers tenured so they could say the world is round... teachers that go beyond taking tenure for granted “say the world is flat.”


Debt ceiling violated, no one cares.

Possible synagogue terror attack foiled.

Mortgage fraud count hits record.

Obama admin. wants electrical grid oversight.  Kill ourselves before the terrorists kill us.

Like out of an Ayn Rand novel, Congress puts on a show: oil execs grilled for what the lawmakers implemented, not getting taxed as much.  The profit margin is about 6%, but that doesn’t stop the “subsidies” lie, progressive ads.

Fox News network doing 3-part series on Soros; he’s put in $8 bn. of influence.  Totaling some 30 news outlets, he has ties to NYT, NBC, ABC (Christiane Amanpour).

Jim Lehrer, 76, to leave PBS News Hour in June, will be the oldest journalist to leave.  He was the first to voluntarily remove his name from his own show.


“Obama’s so thin-skinned he’s almost see-through.”

Subprime mortgage crisis 2.0.  “Reinvestment Alliance.”
Unions, Admin., Federal Reserve pushing banks to give loans to those who can’t afford them.  And the New Blank Panthers are involved?

Mex. mass graves: 8 new bodies found.

Wildfire damage in TX the size of RI and DE combined.

Massive efforts to shore up MS levees, prevent yet more flood damage.

Suspected of killing Krista Dittmeyer, Anthony is caught.

Some members of Congress given permission to see dead UBL photos at special location.

“Head on a stick”: Raj is first Wall Street “big wig” to go down since 2008 meltdown.

Newt Gingrich announces his Pres. candidacy-run thing via twitter...bit.ly hash link.

President Obama tackling immigration reform: all this stuff they asked for, we’ve done.  Not only are they racist, the Republicans will want a moat, and alligators in the moat; they’ll never be satisfied.  Yeah, next they’ll want the government to enforce the border lawsThe fence is basically complete.  And some of the audience that buys into everything Barack says said, “tear it down.”  Just like Reagan, tear down this wall...separating a free nation from a drug lord nation.

To make matters more “changey,” the rapper known as Common shows at the White House during National Police week; complaints...he’s written some “poetry” of the “cop killing” sorts... being part of the Trinity Church, looking up to Rev. Wright, appearing on Sesame Street, FoxNews.com.  Johnny Cash and Ted Nugent had expressed some “shooting” of their own, but not with glorification, low standards.

Istanbul used to be Constantinople, after Constantine

The battle over man’s freedom will come down to Jerusalem, and the Temple mount.  Taken by the Turks in 1453, Constantinople was previously founded as Byzantium in 660 B.C. before being renamed in 330 A.D. by Constantine the Great.  Istanbul was chosen as the official name in 1930.  This is just one in many examples of religion being used to conquer other religions, and radical Islam is sacking symbols again; money, defense, now faith, mostly in writing.

J. Street (60% Soros) wants a two-state solution that ultimately means Israel giving up Jerusalem.  And the next flotilla has supposedly been delayed till June 20.

Courage and compassion

Obscenities in textbooks.
Loretta Hunnicutt, of TU4SU (Concerned Citizens) appears on Glenn Beck TV show.  She’s the one mentioned before, a “liberal” Democrat that believes in social justice, and she knows that what started out as a “jobs program” has turned into “overthrow the govt.” with attacks and distractions, being called a racist.  The insanity and resentment toward our country comes to Critical Race theory, the theory that everything that happens to you is because of your race.

It’s what the 9.12 project was all about—principles and values above everything else.


South Park no longer bleeping the S-word?  Well, the tooth decay beast has been killed... and that followed the “Canadian traditions” of the prince pulling off one of the princess’s arms, shoving it up his a...


Obama admin. knew they’d have to send in a large enough Seal team in case they’d have to fight their way out of Pakistan.

NATO unleashes largest barrage in weeks on Tripoli.

Refugee boat capsizes off Libya.

Stay away from the water: toxic chemicals in mid-West flood waters.

Chuck Schumer wants a no-ride list for trains, like the no-fly list with planes.

Newt Gingrich announcing his run for the Presidency.

25-year marriage: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver “amicably” separated.

Voting on ability to buy health insurance out of state?  Now?

Terror Alert app unveiled.

Diverging paths of Fed & ECB.

Gold, 1,514.2 (7:21 EDT); petrol (gasoline) in Europe is over $9.

Unaffordable pensions in CA: 25% fewer lifeguards, making $200K.

Because of inflation, Mid-East turmoil, $10/gal. gas... It’s coming, says (guess).  Despite Trump’s bitching and moaning, OPEC ties oil to the dollar—the Fed and Islamism.  And Israel will be blamed, refined down to that anti-Semitic, “the Jews.”


Joe Scarborough writes eulogy for his father.


On this day in 1940, Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill replaced appeaser Arthur Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister of Britain.

Pakistan’s PM speaks on killing of UBL, threatens retaliation if U.S. tries anything clandestine again, but allows U.S. to question UBL wives...  The ISI was in on protecting bin Laden...the terrorist leader took “natural Viagra.”
Pakistani media tries to out CIA station chief in Islamabad.

Security scares on 3 flights: passengers take down “unruly fliers,” one yelling, “Allah akbar,” tried to enter the cockpit, open the exit door, had to be subdued by four people, and made passengers uneasy before he caused trouble.

Coffins displayed, house-to-house removal in Syria: protesters topple statue of [Bashar] Assad’s brother.

Firefighters battle blaze in L.A.; large-structure building.

Woman only bruised when porch collapses; 12-15 yrs. old, poor maintenance.

49 days of snow and trail mix: Canadian woman Rita found in stranded van.

SUV crashes dn. 300-ft cliff; hours to rescue 4 people.

Casey Anthony jury selection starts; impartial jury selection difficult with media.

Environmental disaster: 1 in 38 children fall into the autism spectrum.

Incentive by kickbacks to nursing homes and drug companies to medicate: half of recent (2007-on) cases of antipsychotic meds given to the elderly with dementia (fatality risk) were unnecessary.

Ford F-150 recall: rusting metal could lead to the ignition of fuel.

Transportation Dept. announces $2B in high-speed rail.  “Buy American: Bad For Business?”

Gold passes 1,500 mark to 1,508.6 (14:26 EDT).  “Silver loses its shine.”

Price of gas drops, 4th day in a row; could drop up to 50¢.

NYSE: today is the day for shareholders that bought by last week, for the 7.07 vote.

Samoa changing time zone away fm. American Samoa, closer to trading partners, such as Australia.

With iPhone and iPad sales, Apple passes Google to #1, ending the search site’s 4-yr. winning streak.

Microsoft neither denies nor confirms deal to buy Skype.

Entertainment, Junk

Holy Sh— Martin Bashir (Nightline, ABC) now has his own show on MS-NBC.

Kenny Warmald in Footloose remake.  The next dance step is in October.

Paula Abdul joins X Factor.

Whitney Houston is back in rehab.

Pres. Obama to speak in TX tomorrow.

Hasidic newspaper edits out Hillary Clinton from White House photo (UBL mission) for “risk of offending women” reasons.

Rosie O’Donnell makes a similar argument as Mike Malloy: the killing of UBL violated international law (one world govt. stuff), uncontroversially, Bush killed more.


TIME commemorates prev. death covers: UBL’s face, crossed out with a red X.

Obama admin. security/defense spokesman: killing Osama with our values, “enhanced interrogation is not.”

Mississippi River set to hit near-record levels.

NJ: commuter train crashes into platform (overshot); 34 injured.

TCM remembers: Jackie Cooper, May 13.

Omega-3 fatty acid caplets (i.e., fish oil) may increase risk of aggressive prostate cancer.


John Stossel gives some of his critics air time over the Freeloaders special.

Alice in Chains performed “Check My Brain” and “Lesson Learned” on Later w/ Jools Holland.

2-hr. premiere of Falling Skies—6.19 @ 9 p.m. on TNT.


Beale Street underwater: Memphis told to evacuate.  Good news: the playoffs win.

Cult of bin Laden: concentration, control of image, control of people; U.S. releases video of UBL watching himself, sporting an undyed (gray) beard.  Another video, out of the rehearsals, was a blooper.

Instead of transparency...#2 in code of ethics for journalists: resist the temptation to run photo op. videos.  AP and CNN carried photos generated by the Admin.

Coptic Christian Church in Egypt firebombed: mob believed Christians converted back a convert to Christianity from Islam.

Man carrying suspicious packages disrupts Dallas transit.

Houston: two police officers shot in shoot-out.  Pictures just in at 7:50 p.m.

Tornadoes and flooding across South and Midwest.


New episodes of Host in Cleveland start June 15, on TV Land.

TCM runs documentary: Elma Hitchcock was ‘central’ in Alfred’s works.

John Yoo on Huckabee: Obama admin. would rather kill than detain—a real blow to intel, especially when you count the age of those already detained.

Another documentary rejected by the “scientific” community: Dying to Have Known.  More proof that plant-based diets reduce and cure most chronic diseases, including the top two killers, heart disease and cancer.  Well over 52 well-documented cases prove the Gerson therapy works.  The FDA is an arm for the lobbies.  The therapy is practiced in Japan, denied here.  Because of the vanity, cancer is an institutionalized death sentence only because the cures are feared by drug companies, disbelieved by look into it.

Max Gerson died in 1959.  Richard Burton “Rich” Cronin died September 8, 2010 from chemotherapy.


Seve Ballesteros (Seh-vay Bah-yea-Stare-os), golf legend, dies at ~54.


Unemployment rate went back up to 9%, from 8.8% in March.

New details: first shot at UBL was a miss—he threw one of the human shields at the Seals.
Al-Qaeda’s aspirations: attack NY, L.A. railways on tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Uncovered intel may lead to other terrorist members.
Before the raid, Obama says had to consult with Islamic law.

CNBC: Buy, Sell, Hold—the circle of life.  “Capitalize on it.”
USD/Yen, 80.26 (4:09 EDT); GBP, 1.6368 (4:17); Euro, 1.433.
Palladium, 718; Platinum, 1790.3; N.Gas, 4.229 (4:29), Gold, 1,492.5 (15:12 EDT).
Oil falls to 97.59 (15:12).

Euro fell on speculation that Greece will walk out of European Union.  1.4308 to USD....and then, “Greece committed to Euro zone programs.”  Luxembourg never discussed a separation, they say.

U.K. clothing price inflation highest since records began.
University sues over toilet paper; CU: clogging damages amounts to $40K.
Credit fraud ring bust: man from Bronx caught after some $6K charge, racking up $100K from someone else’s credit card(s).

Stony Brook, New York: annual cardboard boat race.

Teachers don’t have much say in policy

A whole live audience of union teachers.  Problems: culture (i.e., Philadelphia), bosses, “non-existent” parents, bad policy— teachers these days are under tremendous pressure.  And tenure doesn’t help much.  Union state dues: top-level in PA make $2 bn.  It’s supposed to be for the little guy.

A lack of critical thinking: logic and ethics aren’t taught anymore; you make money, then it’s good.  And the politics and ideological games are out of control.  “No child left behind”—the name is such bullcrapThere are those that taught virtues, and I remember them as if it was yesterday.  Everybody else is such a blur.

Solutions: some like the idea of a voucher system, but ultimately, teachers and parents have to stand up so the kids learn what matters.

Reagan modeled himself after John Calvin Coolidge

We’re going to need a new “Silent Cal.”  Things have gone so far down the river that we’re going to need dramatic change just to survive at this point.  Reagan, sans debt explosion, is not enough.  The by-party way isn’t going to be tolerated anymore; you are either on a libertarian side, or you are just feeding the progressive machine now in place.  Beyond nanny state, not being able to make financial decisions w/o permission— you tell me that a prison state isn’t being erected.

Social Security was initially intended for older widows, at a time where the life expectancy was not in the 70s or 80s as it is today.  With great power or liberty comes great responsibility and morals.  As the system breaks down on entitlements, painful cuts will have to be made.  It’s going to take leadership, yet no one is standing up.  Instead, the parties are gutting, co-opting or enslaving their constituents.

The Republican debate last night shows that the GOP are stuck in the 1980s.


W.H. releases demo of what went down.  CNN reporter: this is a fictional video; we often don’t show them...


Something’s closing in.  I don’t know what it is.

Eighth graders can’t tell you what the Bill of Rights are, have to Google Osama bin Laden—this is what happens when you shelter your kids from everything.

Both Bush and Clinton declined appearing at Ground Zero site.  I don’t want to spike the ball, aaand, then Obama spiked the ball.

Obama admin. to tax car mileage...who told you so?

For the purpose of promoting Green cars, taxes on mileage added, Chevy Volt exempt.
Unlearning the history of the Great Depression, the U.N. wants oil price controls for inflation, and Scotland pays windfarms to not produce energy.

From 81st to 5th on the Forbes top 400 list: Fannie Mae, a private corp. pumped with taxpayer money, is responsible for 99% of all U.S. loans.  A black hole: you can’t ask questions of them, people on the street don’t know what Fannie or Freddie are, and banks won’t even consider anything other than one of the two.

“Liberal” talk show host Mike Malloy (Michael Dennis Malloy): the deaths in Iraq…a million Iraqis…that was George W. Bush.…When does Seal unit 6, or whatever it is called, drop in on George W. Bush?  That will sure ruin this guy’s career...no.  “Capitalism will be torn to pieces because it’s driving Islamic extremism”...if you remove the substance from the picture.

Columbia offers its highest award for journalism to Al Jazeera.  The only network to deal with the complex issues of the Middle East.  They’ve lost couriers because...it’s propaganda.

Historian David Barton, who has the largest collection of original documents outside the library of Congress, taught Jon Stewart.  Stewart could only name one black founding father.
Have you heard of the Jewish founding father that was rich but died broke in funding the Revolutionary war?  That’s not taught in classrooms either.

George Soros is the biggest capitalist— how do you, while betting against the dollar, buy 11 tons of gold?  Through capitalism.

The things our armed forces go through—so many stories

A while back, Marcus Luttrell told a story where some 2,400 Taliban surrounded 4 Navy Seals...and all because they didn’t kill a child that would soon rat them out.  Lt. Michael P. Murphy died trying to make a phone call.


After the Pres. attends the WTC memorial site in NYC, Pierce Morgan Tonight helps people remember that day...with Michael Moore.  You don’t need to put quotes around ‘executed’ to say, bin Laden executed.


OR: moving train derails, crashes into parked train with ethanol, starts fire.

Natl. avg. for gas: $3.98/gal.

Time Warner revenues (TWX) for Q1 was $6.7B vs. $6.4B.

Eric Metaxas’ book on Bonhoeffer won Christian award.

Bret Baier is in Greenville, SC for tomorrow’s debate; thankfully, Donald Trump will not be there.

School refuses to allow a 5th grader to wear some red, white and blue face paint celebrating the death of UBL.

The compound ordered both Coke and Pepsi

Playing with the public: W.H. releases photos of bin Laden’s compound, dead bodies of those that were at the compound, coffins of dead soldiers, but not UBL’s body.  That didn’t stop Senators from being misled into viewing fakes, and media from being irresponsible.

There’s no evidence of med. issues, and reports indicate that bin Laden was unarmed.  They pushed the photos of Guantánamo, but the photo of a dead bin Laden would be incendiary?  Well, Reagan and Dubya signed into law the ability to act with as much force as necessary in taking war targets out.

The “Agents of Change” are the Agents of Destruction

Workers screwed: more kickbacks for GE, and GM leeches off workers.

Moody’s lowered the credit rating for Spain, and Greece by three notches—lower than Egypt.

Feds had to restore peace and order in Tucson.
Ward Churchill at an AZ school...coaching kids to act this way by a local professor.  A woman that’s pro-social justice is concerned the organized, hijacked effort.

Al Jazeera mouthpiece real news person: UBL’s death won’t change the stereotyping of Muslisms, and he hears “Jap” used of Japanese, people still wanting them in concentration camps, “all of the time”...

Witnessing the institutionalizing of corruption

As inflation rises, things will become more difficult, more complicated, more distracted.  The struggle becomes more clear as the regular person is squeezed, the dollar becomes worthless.

Many “leaders” have put a financial safety net over liberty.  That ship has sailed, said Soros.  And unlike what happened on the Titanic, for those on board, the keys to the doors for letting people out won’t be dropped, the doors will be locked.  People like Soros don’t care if you drown— it’s their God complex, not yours.  In fact, I’ve heard them laugh at the thought of their “political enemies” drowning.  And they say, Atlas Shrugged is for the heartless.

Not Yes I Can, Yes We Can: 1 in 7 are on food stamps.  Americans are not fair-minded, races need special interest groups because Americans are racistThe IRS is charity.  Be better than that, and prepare so you can be a shelter for others, not another part of the problem.


Don’t say, ‘pawky pig.’  You don’t want to insult the pig.

Tongue twister flub jar: Obama mixed up with Osama due to the one-letter difference.

PBS special: MLK Jr. assassin James Earl Ray grew up dysfunctional, was an outcast to his peers.

Canadian TV: how the Conservative Party won the majority.

I know I shouldn’t be giving him any attention, but ‘disgusting’ is too nice a word for Larry O’Donnell; another fake contradiction, smear for money again.  Misdirection at best: a pol. victory lap despite the 9/11 families (visiting Ground Zero); the victims cannot be “unmurdered.”

I know, I know, you know that Beck would not be saying this if it were a Republican Pres.  And how many times did he say it’d be disgusting if Bush did it?  How many times will footage be conveniently left out before O’Donnell’s out?  Too many to count.  Mr. Ed: for any President this is the right thing to do.

Chris Matthews: a Pres. should go after them (in this case, the terrorists), be cold-blooded— a sadist.


Is the U.S. becoming a country that just picks off dictators, terrorists?

Car bomb explodes outside a Libyan rebel’s HQ.

USD/Yen: 80.73 (9:45 EDT).

JPMorgan Chase introduces $5 fee.

Sony increases its compromised network user count: 100 million.

$115 bn. bailout of Portugal, as the prev. bailout didn’t work...rather, all bailouts don’t work.

Head of Canadian Liberal party stepping down.

New attempts to contact Mexican miners after gas explosion left them trapped.

Fmr. “Miss USA” Susie Castillo accuses TSA of “violating” her in second option of pat-down.

Rick Springfield (Jesse’s Girl) busted, driving while intoxicated.

Baseball player in trouble for simulating sex act w/ bat; Gloria Allred representing.

It’s democracy in action... Pew approval ratings, Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood, 75%; strict Islamic law, 62; U.S., 15%; equal rights for women, 39%.  Most agree on kicking the Google guy off of the platform.  Agree or disagree, this is Democracy.

Mother lode of intel at UBL’s compound: 10 hard drives, 100+ flash drives, phone nos. sewn on... there were no guards?
An elite team of Navy Seals completed the mission of getting UBL in just 38 minutes.  They were only 60-80% sure that he was there.  Before the mission, observers saw a family of the same size as bin Laden’s, and a tall man running for exercise purposes.

Stalling, a mosaic of mosaics in a mosaic of information: Waterboarding was involved in gathering the information that led to the killing of UBL; it took nearly 3 minutes before the spokesman for the admin. admitted to it...only on MS-NBC.

A propaganda tape that was made just before Osama’s death is about to be played.

“Deathers”: White House decides to release one photo of a dead Osama bin Laden.  The Pres. says it would become the most viewed photo of all time.

How is “ally” Pakistan going to explain the fact that UBL’s compound is under a mile from Pakistan’s version of West Point, sticking out in a residential area?


First Conan sans beard.
“First sign of Spring” in L.A.: Andy Dick arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

TCM: The Story of Seabiscuit (1949), starring Shirley Temple Black (actress and ambassador to Ghana) at age 21.  The film uses footage of the actual horse (late 1930s).  Seabiscuit is supposedly the most photographed of all figures.


To all our armed forces: thank you.

Al-Qaeda leader, funder: According to a DNA match, Osama bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan.  U.S. Special Operations were used, entering a barb-wired building, shooting and killing Osama bin Laden (once in the chest, then once in the head), two couriers, the adult, 24-yr.-old son and one of the women used as human shields (one of another’s wives).  One of UBL’s wives was wounded in resisting.  A helicopter crashed, those on board are in U.S. hands.  No U.S. soldiers or civilians were killed or seriously injured.

Large UBL compound (in the middle of a residential Abbottabad) on fire: body of Usama buried within 24 hrs to respect Islamic tradition, even though he was a mass killer of Muslims.  He was buried at sea this morning; shrines would’ve been erected for the “martyr” if he was buried on land.  Pakistani intel helped locate him; we tracked the couriers; the first step started in 2009, and ordered by the current President, and finished the attack yesterday.  UBL was one of the last to be taken out, on the third floor, fighting.

On the surface, it is a game changer; underneath, the #2 (Ayman al-Zawahiri) is still the brains of the terrorist org., and will become #1.  The threat level has been raised, and U.S. embassies have been put on high alert.

A mass murderer that was responsible for the WTC bombings (1993, 2001), U.S. embassies bombings in 1998, U.S.S. Cole (2000), Bali (2002), Kenya...now a corpse in the sea, with a bullet in the right eye.

Unfortunately, the news won’t help the conditions on the ground.  WikiLeaks, U.S. says al-Qaeda has a rogue nuke (the 24 scenario.  In Pakistan, the immediate response was anti-American, pro-UBL protests, where U.S. symbols were burned in effigy.

Qaddafi forces have destroyed the British and Italian embassies over unconfirmed or made up reports of relatives killed in a NATO air strike on one of Qaddafi’s compounds.

“U.S. to go to war with China” one of the things floating around in the crud.
It’s insane to politicize this right now.  Some on The View: we should just skip the 2012 election.  How progressive.  Then it’s, how dare you accuse us of making it political...after they politicize it.

Please— we’re not pioneers anymore

You can’t do it on your own, they say.
The FDA goes after Amish farmers for unpasturizing milk after purchases of unregulated milk.  And once again, I hear people equating Democracy with freedom.  Gee, fewer choices is freedom, right?


TCM: some Roger Ebert picks, including Shotgun Stories (2007).

Jimmy Fallon as Donald Trump: Obama ordered the CIA to hunt down bin Laden just to interrupt my show; that means I get the credit.

Democracy Now! guest: the U.S. is just a bunch of killers; killers killing a killer.


Libyan govt. says NATO forces have killed Qaddafi’s youngest son, 3 grandchildren; NATO disputes claim.  In response to the unconfirmed/contrived death(s), the Libyan ambassador to U.K. has been expelled in London.

Taliban kill 7 in start of Afghan Spring offensive, with bombings and shootings.

AP: Taliban use child bomber at start of offensive.

AP: Vandals attack embassies in Libya after air strike.

AP: Iranian commander (semiofficial news agency) warns Saudi Arabia of domestic unrest.

AFP: China pays price for world’s rare earths gobbling.

AP: 4 slain in OH; 8-yr.-old girl sleeps through massacre, relative suspect dies in police shootout.

AP: MO asks court to block levee blast, farm flooding.

AP: UT suing fedl. govt. over wilderness plan.

Black box found fm. 2009 Air France crash that killed 228.

Las Vegas teacher accused of firing shots at reality TV crew.

Activist sues Sarah Palin over tour bus traffic dispute.

10-yr.-old charged with murder in shaking death of baby.

Surveillance captures firebombing of marijuana club.

Volunteers racing to help tornado victims in the South.

Today is the day of mourning in Alabama.

AP, Ciudad Juárez: after acting on an anonymous kidnapping tip, police find a mirror-concealed arsenal in the basement of a gym.  The arsenal included three anti-aircraft guns, AK-47s, grenade launchers and grenades, money-counting machines, bulletproof vests, military uniforms and gas masks.  A button near the floor opened the mirrors.  The neatly painted room is decorated with a framed still from Scarface (1983)...Tony Montana’s (Al Pacino) face on a jumbo-sized dollar bill, resting on a bookshelf lined with heavy weapon cartridges.

On average, roughly 60 people are murdered each week...decapitated bodies, corpses hung from bridges.

At the Basilica: the Beatification of John Paul II.  Casket removed from crypt for all to see.
Late pope one step away from entering Sainthood; can be referred to as “blessed.”

Misc., Markets, Tech

AP: Space Shuttle Endeavour’s last launch’s delayed again.

Customers stay despite high-profile data breaches; large breaches may overshadow larger ones.

Q1 for Samsung Electronics falls 30% on chips, flat screens due to reduced profitability.

Apple juggernaut sends ripples through tech world; Apple Inc. stock, 350.13 (+.278%).

Dell Inc. closed down 12.8% to 15.47; Microsoft closed down 10.3% to 25.92.

Google Inc. stock, 544.10 (+.21% Friday), but lost nearly 1/5 in 3 yrs.

Prices (under): flash drive, $1.75/GB; hard drive (USB 3.0 HDD), 4.88¢/GB.
AMD Dual-Core E-350 CPU w/AMD Radeon™ HD 6310 Graphics + webcam, 3.5 lbs, 9.5 hr. battery: $379.99.

Sunday House Call

Simple CA-125 blood test helps fight ovarian cancer; symptoms come later.

Study: painkillers may reduce effectiveness of antidepressants.

Obese and tall men at risk for blood clots.

Picking the right targets to get away with libel is a major personal debt

I have the time to go over the details...something the journalists are supposed to be doing.

Washington Post ought to fire Dana Milbank for his character assassinations.  None of these “sources” will ever do that, given the similar lack of attention their colleagues give; Rachel Weiner repeated the numbers game: (via CBS News commissioned “estimate” of ~87K) just under 100K attended the Mall on 8.28, following, 10.30 (Colbert/Stewart) did about twice.  Conclusive numbers based on the aerial photos estimated about half a million.  Weiner made Glenn Beck’s influence nothing but a matter of popularity—I mean, an eccentric, middle-aged man with little control of his eyes?  She, of course, wrote him off as, yet another right-wing liar, targeting, forcing people like Yosi Sergant to resign (false).  An example in a larger case is not targeting— Sergant was thrown under the bus.

From 4.06: with Fox kicking him off (unconfirmed), there will be less of a chance for him to inspire off-balance characters to violence.… Beck, in losing his mass-media perch, is repeating the history of Father Charles Coughlin.  The Fairness Doctrine was made for the purpose of taking people like Coughlin off the air for promoting the Nazis.  (The purpose of such comparisons made are in effort to silence someone.)

This, and related publications repeat the messages of, worst crisis since the Great Depression (non-factual), angry, “imminent doom,” that the 8.28 rally was all abt. fear, ominous conspiracies (as in, dramatically getting people to think, actually read books for knowledge...tears you away from people like Milbank), food hoarding (food storage, you heartless...), and everything else must be anti-Semitism, even though people like George Soros are atheists.

But what do I know?  I have less concern for image, more concern for factual information.  Beck has more concern on whether the Republic survives, and doesn’t want people to be fired.  I, on the other hand, want people who knowingly peddle lies to be fired eventually.  The First Amendment does not protect perjury.

If you don’t want to read much more of the details outlined on this subject, scroll to the next header below.

The WhoRunsGov profile of Glenn Beck lists ABC’s lack of fact-checking: …and other stunts, like one in which Beck pretended to pour gasoline on a guest to illustrate the onslaught of government growth.  The “guest” was the “disgusting” co-host, writer and producer of Redeye, Bill Schulz—not to be confused with Senior Fellow Dr. William F. Schulz.

Race card: the National Park Service—the agency that didn’t dare give support to 8.28—stopped crowd size estimation in 1997 after being accused of underestimating the size of the Million Man March (1995).


60 Minutes: Lara Logan speaks out about her sexual assault in Egypt a while back in Tahrir Square.  Stop! she yelled.  I didn’t even know (that) they were beating me with sticks.  I can’t believe I gave upWhat can I do?  ‘They’re inside you everywhere.’  Cameras everywhere during the jubilation, the ouster of Mubarak, recording live, yet only a group of women did anything about this.

June 5: MTV Movie Awards, live and mature...well, intended for mature audiences.

Some films co-starring Liv Johanne Ullmann on TCM.  The Norwegian actress and film director is 72 now.

A bank note is not your work hours.

The more converted, the more lost (i.e, inflation); make everything about money, you will be lost.