The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

End the normalcy bias

Things do not improve on their own so long as people are allowed to commit crimes. Things cannot improve without checks and balances.

The cascade has begun

Famines are man-made

Staged: A Nightmare of Fraud, Theft and more War.

We’re gonna make it, so long as we stick together, and be honest with our practices.  Have courage with what is true.


Obama admin. wins case, lifting taxpayer funding ban on stem cell research; process usually destroys embryos.

Up to a million Catholics show for beatification of John Paul II; last step on Sunday.

Tornado lifts car: couple survives being spun in mid-air.

Mother and two girls survive storm in tanning bed.

Congress gets to together to tackle the PlayStation Network security breach.

AP: FAA orders air traffic cntl. management shake-up.

Nik Wallenda performs high-wire act at AC casino.

TX bill would make invasive pat-downs a felony.

United, Continental raising fares again.

NRA to call for Eric Holder’s resignation.

Fewer stock awards reduces Yahoo! CEO’s pay 75%.

AP: China’s new indoor smoking ban takes effect today.

AP: BYU researchers hope twins unlock AIDS mysteries.

Less-than-optimal sleep ‘ages’ the brain.

AP Med./Lauran Neergaard: Simple checklist may spot signs of autism by age 1.


Qaddafi forces take a city.

Morocco faces similar threat of “man-made disasters.”

AFP, Ciudad Juárez: tall walls separate rival gangs in a prison; tensions are higher than before.

Tornadoes in the south: one in Mississippi was measured as an EF-5 (Natl. Weather Svc.).
Billions in damage, over 300 dead—254 in AL alone; power out knocked out in half a state (1 mn.).  Scientists say cooling in the pacific will promote more tornadic weather in May.

AL leaders seek to nullify “racist language” from constitution, eliminate Jim Crow (segregation) laws.

Appeals court: NFL lockout is back on.

4.29 17:43 EDT: Gold, 1,556.4; Silver, 48.599; Copper, 4.1790.
Oil, 113.93; Gas, 3.4648 (natl. avg., $3.91/gal.); Heating Oil, 3.2558; Natural Gas, 4.698.
To USD: Yen, 81.17; Euro, 1.4805; Pound, 1.6701; CAD breaks 0.95 to 0.947.


Dems. raise funds to “protect” Pres.

Failing to raise the deficit won’t mean defaulting on debt; tell that to the talking heads.

Trump to attend W.H. Correspondent’s dinner, wants to be positive— I don’t want to do anything negative.
Five, six dollars a gallon—someone’s gotta tell OPEC not to raise the price of oil.  None of our elected leaders are going to Saudi Arabia, sit down and say, You’re not gonna raise that f---ing price. [cheers and applause]
F, bombing: We can’t get a f---ing school built…  Listen, motherf---ers, we’re gonna tax you 25%.

25% tariff on China?  That’s part of what created the Great Depression!

From Commoner to Duchess of Cambridge: Kate Middleton and Prince William wed.  The first time a “commoner” stepped onto the balcony...oh, monarchy...a sedated form of fasc...

“How many signs do you need?”

First Marxist slogans, and in knowing what they’re doing, getting the media to ignore it.  Then, one way or another taking control of every financial sector.
MAS students take over council with Ché Guevara stuff, wanting the restoration of a class that violates three terms, as it’s anti-white, pro-Mexican.  One away from becoming the standard.

EPA is now regulating the gas necessary for plant life.  That’s ridiculous— hey, we should just get it over with— like Britain, have a King— I mean, we could have just got health care through immediately if there wasn’t all of this debate stuff.

Movie, Comic Book, TV

Fast Five earns $83.6M at B.O.

Super-Man’s creators have an idea: have the hero in tights renounce his citizenship in issue #900, and go to the U.N.; “the American way is not enough,” says the new “revitalized” character, joining the 2009 protests in Iran...they do know that he’s virtually invincible, right?
GOP: this is an outrage!

Just under 23 mn. Americans watched the royal wedding.

June for FX: new episodes of Louie; new series, Wilfred, starring Elijah Wood.

Will Farrell, as a guest on Conan: On May 2, I’m gonna cut that beard off!

It’s Steve Carrel’s last day at The Office; Will Farrell (again) to replace him as the “somewhat” incompetent boss.

Whistleblower Thomas Tamm on Democracy Now!: I admire Eric Holder…  They, of course, made it all about the former administration, wireless wiretaps, even though the current admin. does all of that and worse.  Wake up.

GOP Hangover: Cenk Uygur criticizes Trump calling the political “leaders” stupid; Uygur then calls Repub. “leaders” stupid.  Think that this way not that way.


Have courage.  Rolling your eyes indicates that you won’t stand up.

Export pipeline on Egypt-Israel border blown up.

Qaddafi now arming civilians in Tripoli.

U.N. comes together on Syria—new violence, but fail to come to an agreement on action.

Flooding in TN; tornadoes stretch across TX, killing 11.

Massive AL tornado outbreak kills dozens.

Body of Krista Dittmeyer, missing young mother, found in duck pond.

“Right to offend”: it’s now illegal to play “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting” in Britain.

A different kind of segregation: refusal to serve “enemies” now happening.

San Francisco may vote on banning male circumcision.

Woman tries to get out of jury duty w/ excuse of attending one of final Oprah episodes.

Roaming restaurant alleys: fryer grease rustling up due to oil price hikes.

2011-Q1: Great Britain GDP grew 0.5%.

1PM EDT: Silver, 46.5; Wheat, 785.8 (somehow dropping); Gold, 1,530.6 (16:00 EDT).

W.H. urges Saudis to pump more oil; Gulf rigs sold to many countries; blame Cos.

FOMC keeps “extremely low rates” policy.

G.E.: profit growth will be fastest in a decade...cheating.

Berkshire: Sokol made misleadingly incomplete disclosure(s).

Union board tries to stop second Boeing-making factory because it’s in non-union state SC.
The govt. is telling private companies to screw contractual obligations...

Insisting they’re “liberals” and that it would save over $100 mn., MA Dems. vote to strip most collective bargaining rights under the HC law.

Loony security shakeups: Leon Panetta to replace Robert Gates (Defense secy., June 30), Petraeus to head CIA.
Ryan Crocker likely to replace ambassador to Afghanistan.

The next chapter, Rumors of War: Endgame, starts at 9 p.m.

Watch the markets: bond markets closed for Bernanke

What kind of dramatic move will be “necessary” for the Fed to come out, not seen for 97 years?  Ben Bernanke in his first post-closed conference: we are in a moderate recovery.  They will maintain our current monetary policy, flooding $600 bn., with a goal of achieving maximum employment at a sustainable inflation—not zero.  And the projections of 8.4% and 7.2% employment— this is all crap; they’re not responsible for these things!  And so long as changes keep getting made, they can blame it all on things “transitory.”  A stronger job creation moving forward, letting QE-2 end without tapering, and make sure that people get our policy the way we think, and get that we’re in control.

Gas prices add to inflation?  I’m sorry, but you are insane. There isn’t much (that) the Federal Reserve can do about gas prices per se.

One distraction to rule them all

Pres. holds a press conference for the original, long-form birth certificate from 1961, as if any of the “birther” stuff was honest to begin with.  I’m very proud of myself today, said Donald Trump...and said he was proud of himself ten times, only to give his own presser ahead of time in NH—this coming after his “researchers” finding “surprising things.”  Yeah, the President, not giddy at all, coming out will end it; the “birthers” won’t find some other problem, and “victim” Trump will become a viable, honest candidate, not already proud of himself every day.  Right...  You are being played for political reasons.

The Fed decision at noon conveniently coincides with the dual press conferences at 9:50 A.M. where rising prices are blamed on oil companies (Obama) and OPEC (Trump).

At least Wingnuts Jon Avlon admits the “birther” stuff came from the Hillary camp.  And how the Ds love this— a way to “discredit the right” by pretending to be on the ‘right.’


On the premiere of South Park, god strikes Cartman with lightning.  The writers compare Apple’s treatment of its users to “Centipede” a bit literally.  ...nus-to-mouth-to-anu...

Larry King appears on at least three programs, Larry O’Donnell adds some hate to his funny (“and don’t tell me it’s Donald being Donald”), and the fodder from this morning means all o’the networks would go overboard.  Maddow went nuts—every smear tactic in the arsenal, and rapidly.  Less passion for DefExpensive Afghan war...it’s really sad.

Five steps back: the “disappearing middle class” again...

And the redundant battle of egos starts again.  TheGrio.com: he shouldn’t have had to release his birth certificate— he didn’t have to!  Okay, that’s it.  I’m stopping here.


Distractions: why didn’t the Google or the Pres. recognize Easter?

Levees strained/broken, tornadoes touch dn.; weather wipes a community off the map.

CO pipe bomb suspect arrested.

Fundamentally worse than Romney-care: VT passes bill for single-payer system.

Group pushing secret ballot law despite NLRB lawsuits.

Alaska dept./board of game bars use of stun guns when hunting.

Change your passwords: add video game hacking to telephone and E-mail scams.
The PlayStation network has been compromised, Sony having to temporarily take it offline.

Ron Paul to announce his run for President again, creating an exploratory committee after appearing on Colbert Report last night making him eligible for upcoming debates.  Progressive Republicans like Mitt Romney have, others have not.

You’re a f---ing liar! is what was heard at one town hall meeting, a good many of the town hall meetings today have the speaker telling the audience to sit down and shut up...

The Dream Act work-around

Calling Cass Sunstein: make the documented undocumented.
FederalRegister.gov: Getting a passport will become more difficult; Office of Budge Management calls for all addresses—not just your own, plus personal detail, any religious ceremony at the time of birth; they will require the name, county and telephone nos. of the places you worked for.

If you think all of what’s going on is the result of incompetence you are a moron.

Sam Powers’ “Responsibility to Protect”

There’s no sovereignty, it is the responsibility of the international community.  And they will create a Palestinian state in a matter of months.

We militarily trained the Afghans that became al-Qaeda, and we trained what became drug cartels, and all progressives do is demand for a dictatorship.

Evil on the Mexican border: the no. of fatalities in the Korean war (35K) since 2006, and 15,200 killed in the last year alone.  Mass graves found.  Most bodies, execution style, not with bullets (and not because of a shortage), but blunt trauma—sledge hammer.  Dragged off buses, stripped of IDs so the bodies can’t be recognized.  The drug cartels are executing terrorism, knowing the families of the targets are not able to pay ransom.  Setting up checkpoints, and getting kicks off their sadism.

Most IEDs built in Iran—the same place where Hezbollah came from...An IED that looks like a pineapple was found, and In Memory of Our Martyrs...Zetas blamed for hundreds of kidnappings, and can be seen in 230 cities in the U.S. now.

If you can’t go around the Constitution, destroy it— have Mexico sue the gun manufacturers, not stop the illegal transport of guns, not stopping the cartels, make things more frivolous, more corrupt on all ends and therefore more welcoming of criminal activity.

The Biggest Theft of Money in World History

First press conference of the Federal Reserve in 97 years, and they will not be asked of their role, being responsible for the destruction of the dollar.
Velocity of M2 Money Stock defines the uptick in inflation, and thankfully it’s low now.  The largest printing of money in history, and it’s sitting in the banks (TARP, Stimulus, QE-2).  You don’t want that money released—it would dramatically drive up inflation.  And then you see radicals boycotting the banks, demanding that they make loans.

For the purpose of federal involvement, toppling of drug companies.
The executive order being drafted now: disclose your political donations of over $5,000.  Don’t you dare call it socialism or thuggery, forcing private companies—except the Fed—to do things that will likely put them out of business.  How can you not call this a setup?


Audience for Royal wedding est.: 2 billion.  Wall-to-wall-to-wall coverage started at night.
Even ads that promote Turkey can be seen on Sky News (Fox News sister network).

Same crap, different day.  John King treats Rand Paul like a child; dragging Rs into a circus over at MS-NBC; indirect support of drug addiction on FX—Two and a Half M— well, Katie Couric quit, so something’s changed; Scott Pelly of CBS’s 60 Minutes already picked to replace her...still old for one of the youngest there?

Starting 5.08, Same adult characters, new show: Aqua Unit Patrol-1 on adult swim (Cartoon Network).

Colbert Report intro caption: WORD HURDLER.  The guest, author of The Good Book: A Humanist’s Bible.  A Bible w/o God...isn’t that plain conjecture?

I pay more attention than they do...
Now it’s outside the studio to make the promos/begging/script selling more humanistic... and still fail.
When Larry isn’t trying to discredit Jesus Christ, he’s incorrectly quoting him, this time abt. tax brackets, that Christ loved taxing the rich.  O’Donnell has discredited himself to the point that I’m laughing out loud; he is making no impact at all.  Keep up the bad work!


Creator of the TelePrompter dies at 91.  First used for actors that couldn’t remember their lines in soap operas, the first President to use it was Herbert Hoover.


Gold, $1,508/oz. (up 30% in 52 weeks); Silver, $46.7x; Oil, $112/bbl.; all several times what it was in the 1990s.
NBC News: the U.S. dollar comes last in world currencies, may end soon.  No two years of warning.

Afghanistan: 450 break out of prison, most of them Taliban.

Syria sniper fires on anything that moves; W.H. may get involved.

Japan: Over 24K troops deployed to search for tsunami victims.

New computer virus targets Iranian nuclear facilities.

Anti-Semitic New Black Panthers “leaders”: blacks are the real holocaust survivors.

College course teaches violent union tactics.

NATO air strikes destroy key Qaddafi buildings, Conference Centre still smoldering; 44+ hurt.
Jim Carney denies the regime change allegation, reiterating the fact that the U.N. resolution to hold Muammar Qaddafi back (#1975) prohibits regime change...“by force.”

Al-Qaeda claims to have a nuclear weapon in Europe and 9/11 plane #4 was to take out the White House.
A new book details the mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (has +50 aliases).  Critics of the book question its accuracy; “enhanced interrogation” was used.

Doc Conrad Murray’s court date: May 9.

Smiles from a web “sensation”: Antoine Dodson appears in court.

Judge orders end of NFL player lockout; NFL to appeal.

Stripper that falsely accused Duke Lacrosse team of rape in jail for stabbing boyfriend.
After all the pages of “conviction,” NY Times runs only two paragraphs on this.

The Federal Reserve is responsible for rising prices

The admin. erects an expensive Gas Price Fraud Working Group for the DoJ, FTC to get to the bottom of raising prices...it’s another distraction if you remember the prices will necessarily skyrocket line.  Rich Trumpka: “forget the law.”  The shell game goes on.

The correlation of the Quantitative Easing (digitizing money) and the motions of the markets is clear.  If you’ve seen the graph, you know this without a doubt.

You are being sabotaged from the front and the back, party and media.
Mike Huckabee let some his fraud flag through, taking offense when confronted with, politicians shouldn’t act like parents, telling children what they should or shouldn’t eat.  “You should stick to conspiracy theories that can’t be easily backed up with facts,” Huckabee followed.  The gutting of actual conservatives in the ‘R’ party.  The Tea parties aren’t in the way...until the 2012 race.  The merging of government and religion, the empty judgmentalism, the war on individual freedom—evil.

Rick Santorum refuses to shed the “social conservative” title, saying there are moral obligations in society.  Other Rs make everything about political points.

“Group” is the root word of “fascism” in Italian

The camera phone video of a beat-down by a group and the seizure that followed in a McDonald’s last week still stings.
To make matters worse, the fact that the victim is transgendered means special interest groups are pushing hate crime legislation...and the media exploitation that follows.  Excuse me for being “politically incorrect” but a violent crime is a violent crime.  What kind of animals are we as human beings when something like this is allowed to go on, regardless of groups?

“We must be who we were born to be, not what we allow ourselves to become”

The “flash mobs of kindness” did show.  The barrier of politics over charity needs to be broken.  Stop blaming and start helping.  All must do as much as they can to be self-reliantI do not have to defend your faith to defend you, and vice versa.

To really believe in God is to be one with truth, love, life, principle, soul, spirit, infinite mind.  (Mary Baker Eddy’s research into the definition.)  If you believe in all of those anyway then you believe in the real God anyway.  You need God, not necessarily religion; I welcome all agnostics anyway.


Comedic actor Michael McDonald on Redeye!

When homosexuality was criminalized: American Experience: Stonewall Uprising on PBS.


Easter: commemoration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection after death on the cross.

150-800 homes destroyed: Lambert airport (St. Louis, MO) now accepting arrivals; no departures.

Libyan troops forced out of Misrata by NATO forces; indirect fire continues.

Guards to a Catholic church in Baghdad targeted.

Palestinian police not following protocol lead to death of an Israeli.

For Easter, Pope calls for end to fighting in Libya.

The CDC has not tested the long-term effects of tainted drywall; due to the high levels of sulfur released, imported drywall from China can be corrosive enough to turn bare copper black.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ remarkable recovery, beating all odds: still missing part of her skull from the Jan. shooting, she will be attending the shuttle launch, seeing her astronaut husband, Mark Kelly, go into space in FL.

Solomon was the King of Israel in tenth century B.C.

Solomon was famous for his wisdom and his architectural projects, including his Temple in Jerusalem.  One ring to rule them all: the structure of the temple was designed to trap demons, putting them in their place, have them work for good, while good works for good.

So long as you don’t add to the problems everything will work out well.  The big secret: all are saved, even those in hell.


Drama Treme, set in New Orleans, returns on HBO.

Godspell on TCM.  At least the hippie movie’s better than Fame (Ovation)...

Life-changing: Passion of the Christ, uncut (TV-MA-V) on Trinity Broadcasting Network.  While it’s not entirely accurate as far as the history goes (Christ was nailed closer to the wrists, not the palms), the portrayal of what was written is realistic; Jim, who played Jesus, did experience pain, whipping.

What came on after was very informative.  The Fabric of Time reveals the new paradigm in science, including 3-D holographic mapping from 2-D data, reexamination of how matter is composed, and it all comes down to the shroud of Turin.  Forensics detail line up—the 120 lashes with “small barbells,” for one; all but the unreliable carbon-14 test (piece of fabric that doesn’t match the cloth type) show that the shroud is authentic.  The physicist says the body would have to be levitating in order to achieve the virtually zero distortion in the radiographic projection onto the main cloth.


Christians killed for being Christian, even those merely carrying a Bible, while Islam’s put on a pedestal.

A govt. that dares conduct five undeclared wars: Pakistan, Yemen, Libya (no Congressional approval)...
Report: White House lobbied S&P.  And new airline rules will mean higher fares, more waiting; United-Continental is dropping its luggage deduction.

Worst in 44 yrs.: 1+ tornado touches down in St. Louis, closing Lambert airport; no serious injuries.

Tornado damages church, but doesn’t stop Easter.

TX wildfires destroys 150 homes, 1.4 mn. acres.

Syria opens fire on people attending funeral; 120 protesters killed in 36 hrs?

Casey Anthony trial set to begin.

British tourists mysteriously murdered in FL.

Body of Phylicia Barnes found; family grieves.

YouTube helping people steal gas: syphoning on the rise as prices close in on record.

Protests topple another dictator: Yemeni Pres. to step down in 30 days, hand power down to deputy.  In stepping down, Saleh will get immunity from prosecution...

Boyfriend of Chinese exchange student horrified; in Toronto, helplessly watched girlfriend’s murder via webcam half a world away; suspect at some point turned the camera off; body of victim found naked fm. the waste-down.


Huckabee special, TRIBUTE: A Celebration of Life.  George Steinbrener (w/ Derek Jeter), Dom Deluise (w/ Burt Reynolds), Tom Bosley, Barbara Billingsley, and a football player’s mother (couldn’t catch the name).


This day in history: in 1864, In God We Trust was put on U.S. coins.

Health risk in bullying: depression; two girls made a suicide pact.

Police release photo of CO bomb plot suspect.

$600K fairy-riding-toad statue scratched.

Rabbit season in U.K., as the animals are blamed for crop destruction.

Washington Post: cabbie offers trip(s) fm. NY to Los Angeles for $5K.

WA High Sch. student fakes pregnancy as social experiment.

Trump slams Seinfeld over charity event.

Lindsay Lohan in legal trouble again: judge reduces theft charge to misdemeanor, (up to) 120 days in jail.

Syrian govt. lifted its 1963 “state of emergency,” deciding to fire on protesters, killing dozens in a matter of hrs.  “Free to protest,” the regime says...permits that’re needed to do so may be revoked.
There may be trouble during the funeral held tomorrow.

One awarded over $30 mn. in damages...PG&E CEO is stepping down 7 mos. after the major natural gas pipe explosion.

Natl. gas avg.: $3.85.
AAA notes the 18% increase in people running out of gas for the reason of not filling up due to the cost, not thinking about it.

13+ states, at least hundreds of cases of don’t drink the water: fracking is exempt in water safety.  Oh, evil lobbying—lawmakers made the change.

Coast guard now involved in Transocean mess; safety regulations blamed.

Transit worker who was fired for burning some pages of a Koran in response to news of the near-Ground Zero mosque gets his job back due to help fm. ACLU and an Islamic group.

Try to change the laws, exploit a crisis and bleed them dry anyway

Darrell Issa rejected: ATF now refusing to answer questions from Congress.  Mexico to change our laws regarding guns?  People on the border are scared to death.

Irreversible damage: what’s left after the transformation of the Republic is an illusion of one; pissed off or not, the public will be given the perception that the usual suspects will be “ratted out.”  Keep a hard, unmodified copy of the constitution.  Apathy, ignorance and hatred would be its undoing; don’t give in.  Beware the actions made to look like they’re out of Democracy...stomping on the Republic’s individual liberty roots.  Be a slave to the truth, only.

Staged demonstrations and riots in the streets.  You will see them here.

Encouraging people to not pay their mortgages—it’s happening.  What’s used to be named ACORN in New York is targeting JPMorgan.

Tea pot calling the kettle black at every turn now

Don’t expect the progressives on either the left or right to consider the teaching of raw facts in school.  Evolution and creationism are still theory, but natural selection and cross-breeding are fact.  The very people who call you ignorant for not believing in either are the same people who have no idea what’s going on in the real world.  How about we go back to effectively teaching the basics of math, science and language over theory and junk that shouldn’t need to be taught K-5.  Nah—test scores will continue to decline, “leaders” will only point fingers, fight for cradle-to-grave govt.


Super-gory Raw Meat (1972) on TCM.

Hannity: The History of Liberal Bias...is quite mild.  If you’ve paid as much attention as me, this doesn’t do much...except make Anderson Cooper look bad, pulling the “he said” context out.

Kate Middleton and Prince William both graduated the same year at the same—and that is the amt. of coverage I’m committing to the Royal Wedding.


Globalists: don’t prepare, take this bribe.

3K acres in a million: 2nd firefighter killed in Texas wildfires.

Japan declares area containing Dai-ichi “restricted.”

AP: Libyan rebels claim control of post on Tunisian border.

AP: Obama approves use of armed drone aircraft in Libya conflict.

AP: MT judge: voter-approved constitution vs. lawsuit by gay couples ‘seeking rights.’

AP: NV Sen. Ensign, 52, to announce resignation tomorrow amid ethics investigation, effective May 3.

AFP: Kate Middleton’s parents meet the queen.

Lewiston Sun Journal: Buckfield shooting death of Gregg Belanger, 51, under investigation.

CNN continues to “help” in the 2012 reelection campaign: Obama’s worst fears.

Queen Elizabeth II, 85, has served for almost 60 yrs., may be new record holder on Thu, her birthday.

Stunning mishap in Scotland (AP): cruise ship rescue takes harrowing turn, as an ill great-grandmother, 73, plunged into icy sea waters.

“The dollar falls without a parachute, and Europe is the ground.”

Pegged to the dollar, oil is raised (OPEC) as US$ falls; the markets climb with oil. The markets rise with Quantitative Easing-2 (the Fed inflating); the markets will crash when it ends in June—and so they will insanely go to Q.E.-3...$1 mos. ago, is now 79¢. And already, one of the biggest actions in over 90 years.

The Big banks used the National Recovery Act code to destroy smaller banks.

NYT: Investors surge to gold for safety.
Top holders: IMF, Germany, Federal Reserve in low, low (below SL) Manhattan.
The Pres. says he wasn’t elected to bail out the banks, but he did.

Why don’t we root out the bad guys, instead of, “it’s the banks.” After “blame the rich”—but not Soros ($14.5B), Geithner (≤$1.7M)— “it’s the system,” you don’t like the system, and would rather want it trashed, all to rebuild it into something you do like. (And ultimately fail.)


New episodes of South Park: Wed. @ 10 p.m.

Two hard to forget 1970s classics on TCM: Network, followed by Dog Day Afternoon.


One year later: the worst oil disaster in history; 206 mn. gallons spilled into the gulf, 11 died on the spot.

“One shock away”: S&P says we’re in worse shape than in 2008.

Seeking death penalty in U.S.S. Cole case.

CBS News transparency: only 5 of 30 mins. of hot mic audio released, Obama and Mark Knoller.

Obama holds Town Hall at Facebook HQ.

Insult: work force agency sent out red capes to jobless in FL.

Journalists killed in Libya: Tim Hetherington, from RPG; Chris Hondros, 41, from head injury, worked for Getty Images, did Afghanistan, Pakistan.

“Philliebot” robot will be throwing the “first pitch.”

Charlie Sheen questions the validity of Obama’s birt—oh, no. Another “birther.”

Inmate wants CA state to pay for sex change.

Anti-smoking activist demands apology fm. smoking wrestling star, acting in character.

“Friday” singer Rebecca Black now getting death threats, crossing the line for something “annoying.”

Wind power, man—get a job at a wind mill

Soros ain’t a communist; you have to be a dope to think he won’t kick you to the curb.

Dennis Miller: Al Gore, major phony, with the recount—the people who knew him best didn’t vote for him.

Abraham Lincoln said what is taught in classrooms of one generation would be the policies of the next govt. Some teachers want Marxism taught, but “carefully,” is in, not to get caught.

Just like good ol’ Teddy, more of ’em are wearing glasses

Other than bragging about killing a man with his bare hands, Teddy Roosevelt was a bit of a racist, but they excuse that with, oh, it was a different time. What, as it was a different time with the founders, but they must be discredited? You can’t pick and choose your facts... heh, something Laurence O’Donnell said, even though he does that and worse. Dare I repeat the fact that progressives, most notably with Woodrow Wilson, exploited, grew the mistreatment and segregation of non-whites.


Pierce Morgan Tonight: Larry Flynt (Hustler magazine).

TCM: what looks like Robert Stack in Great Day in the Morning.

For MythBusters...seen in a viral video, running on water like a basilisk lizard: BUSTED.
Surviving blast waves—3 lbs of C-4: table, car or concrete blocks are “bomb proof” (injury in death zone, virtually unscathed in injury zone).

Thom Hartmann bashes Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, after saying he saw the movie. A sociopath calling others sociopaths.

Directly from Soros ops, caught: Eric from Media Matters goes on MS-NBC after Dylan Ratigan was “too nice” with Andrew Breitbart. Questions were prepared directly from the web site.


Indiana native Madelyn Pugh Davis, co-writer of I Love Lucy (well over 100 episodes) dies of a brief illness.


The debt hits an all-time record; $34B in one day, yesterday, tax day, yet the Fri. “cut” “battle” came down to $38.5 bn.—from an extra trillion in 6 mos. China, the largest holder of our debt, holds $1.1T. Invest in toilet seat covers—that’ll save us.

Don’t worry, the govt. is here to protect us from...dodge ball and freeze tag—over $200 for a state-approved summer camp. As massive amounts of bullion gold (expensive, physical) are bought after it becomes known that the U.S. credit rating is going to be downgraded from AAA.

Gold tops $1,500/oz. Who saw that coming?

Two air traffic controllers caught watching straight-to-DVD movie.

Obamas got $1.7M in 2010. First Lady’s plane flight aborted...air traffic controller error.

Father jailed for inciting son to fight bully.

Happy Days merchandising royalties went to others instead of the actors.

There might not be an NFL season this year.

Like last July, bodies in the streets of Nigeria; a reelection turns into an assassination, with deeper divisions bet. Muslims and Christians.

Arizona: gov. Jan Brewer to veto “birther bill,” however, there’s a ‘circumcision’ loophole. In Louisiana, Bobby Jindal said he would sign the similar legislation (sans circumcision) being proposed if it’s passed to his desk.

Intrusive, totalitarian, Czar/Tsar, whatever else Rachel Maddow says

Mandatory drug testing in TX, FL, NC, SC. Also, corporate takeovers, and Arizona “Papers, please” (not really) legislation in Georgia now, as well as tighter voter registration proposed in 37 states. Regardless of what people say they’re going to do in office... And then the guest, Democratic mayor of Lansing, Michigan, calls Maddow a patriot. Dangerous— now trying to insert “Soviet tactics” for “what corporations are doing.” Now we’re supposed to accept this shallow understatement? Again?

How to tell if there’s a disgusting person on your screen: they attack you for doing the same—if not better—the last time, the last administration. Anyone who dared address totalitarian tactics was painted as a nut case, even explicitly, “nut case.” The hypocrisy— I can’t wait until the monsters are unemployed. And don’t tell me they’re capable of helping people. Picking the right targets to get away with libel is a major personal debt. Some of them are sociopaths—no self-examination, expressing no remorse for personal damage. The Yes, but…

Faith and faith alone will save you

A new documentary on PBS (seen 4.13) shows the progression of Catholicism to Christianity, Puritans.
William Tyndale’s translation of the Bible: faith, hope and love. He was burned alive shortly before his translations were legalized in his native England. The pilgrims came to the North American shore to live out the promise by God described in Passover, to be delivered from bondage, and put real faith over any “state-approved religion.” There was no time for the bread to rise; the loafs looked like large crackers.


Intrigue: Eight Centuries of Financial Falling. It’s all a shell game, moving money from one place to another, within.


Today’s 2010 Tax day (for 2011). Passover begins at sundown. Lead His people out of bondage.

Standard & Poors lowers U.S. outlook from positive to negative. After all the warnings...
A weaker credit rating means it’ll be harder to get loans. This is nation-wide.

President Goodluck Jonathan gets reelected; opposition leader calls for recount, violence.

Natl. gas avg., $3.83/gal., roughly a quarter shy of the $4.11 record.

Some Most say the tax code’s too complicated: Internal Revenue Code, is +8,000 pages.

U.S. Postal service scaling back today; the cost junk mail is higher.

Man saves drunk man (later arrested) fm. subway tracks, got shocked as 3rd rail was touched.

Research suggests Maundy occurred on Wednesday, not Thursday.

Thu is Queen Elizabeth’s birthday.

Super-Day of weather: 245 tornadoes were seen across the mid-west, killing 45+. And that’s just the weekend.
Gov. Rick Perry asks for fedl. help, and authorities look at a homeless man for sparking Texas wildfires.

Congressman Jackson (D) rants and raves about how the iPads are killing Borders Books & Music jobs; not too long ago he wanted the government to give all students iPads.

Image sent in E-mail depicts Obama born from chimps; CA GOP fig. apologizes, CNN keeps no one honest.

David Carr: digital revolution has made being rude fashionable.

Turning on the 9/11 “truthers,” Charlie Sheen’s show might be interrupted by their protests.

Gary Busey said he would vote for Trump.

It’ll all stop once we shut our opposition up. We promise.

Al Jazeera praised for not having arguments—a network that was considered a danger just 3 years ago—now they’re on just abt. every TV from Qatar to some areas in Washington, D.C.
Corporate welfare, part of The Administration: Petrobras—Brazil, where a former Marxist guerrilla was elected. (She’s now just a Marxist.) Ethanol productions sprinkled around Chicago, exhausted. Burning the food supply—that doesn’t concern people who have a brain and use it. Stop being a fearmonger, stop being correct most of the time.

13-yr.-old girl and National Anthem booed by union thugs.
Louis Farrakhan: the white devils are thinking, “how do you create a n----r president?...Yes, I said it...Well, that’s what they’re thinking.”

Anti-Semitism in Vanity Fair: a writer attacked all of the Jews that appeared on the Glenn Beck show last Friday.

We just know, without regard for facts cont’d

Bill Ayers downplays acts of terrorism during 1960s & ’70s as “extreme acts of vandalism”—deaths of police officers (“pigs”), others, including some of the Weather Underground—when the purpose was/is using fear, meeting the def. of terrorism.

Van Jones was at Power Shift 2011, a mob that shut down a gas station: Green For All, Al Gore—held in the cabinet room, as the Pres. wouldn’t meet with his actual cabinet. Can’t get past the adults, go for the children. Don’t listen to your elders. “There are some things that you know about our world that your parents don’t know,” and using segregation as an example of current day problems—Albert Gore, then and now. I know a ‘D’ killed Harvey Milk. This mob doesn’t break your legs with baseball bats—they get richer, then poke and prod those who came in through the front door.

Environmental rights, health care rights, internet rights—all “civil rights”—an insult to the actual civil rights movement. How do they get away with it. “Shift the power at the table,” where “uncle Joe” (who used to be the fig. of Joe Stalin) watches Fox News, Van Jones says. Oh, the reaction, the ignorance. Martin Luther King, Jr. is spinning in his grave if he knew that the lynchings of blacks would be compared to salary negotiations.

More regulations include telling you what you can do for sport under the Second Amendment.
You are free to worship, unless...

“Price of Partisanship”

More and more, the media blame “partisanship” for the out of control debt. It shows that neither the lawmakers nor the news media care. Well, it would be more progressive if they all agreed, practically became all one party…as with commu—but it would ‘fix’ the problem.

Cenk Uygur goes on about how “we have a spending problem” “doesn’t make sense,” using declining revenue nos. under the Bush admin. Yes, G.E. paid less and less, and since the Comcast deal, is now paying less of Uygur’s undeserved salary. Tax breaks for the rich, just giving money...back after taking more.

Awe, very little evidence to back up claims again: going after David Barton now, with an “EXCLUSIVE” guest. Guilt by association upon guilt by association: not just the “fringe” that watch Beck’s now canceled show, but members of the Repub. party.


Heavy rain screws up my schedule.

Over 100 tornadoes make rubble of 6 U.S. states.
Death toll for mid-west storms tops 25; NC gov. declares State of Emergency.

New Orleans: small plane crashes into minivan, and Nic Cage gets arrested—tattoo parlor hustle.

Virginia: it appears there are people still running in memory of the VA Tech shooting victims.

New FAA rules for traffic controllers to reduce sleeping on the job: 9+-hour breaks bet. shifts.

Zsa Zsa Gabor to be a mother at 94?

After the Wii’s released in 2006, Nintendo® will finally release an HD console.

Battlefield 3 is out of this world. Real enough for ya’?

Now out, all Wi-Fi: the iPad 2 starts at $499, has a camera, dual-core A5 chip,...shipping delays of up to five weeks... BlackBerry® Playbook™ out for the same price, same 16GB storage; Motorola Xoom™ for $599.98 has a larger screen with 32GB of storage.

The Prez’ words mean nothing: “we should live within our means.” Since when has this or the last admin. actually done that? This one can’t live within $1.5 trillion of our means.

Maine lawmakers make proposal on telling transgendered which bathroom to use.
Don Lemon: to “drill it into their heads.”

Kate Meyers gets the scoop on cousin Seth Meyers heading the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on 4.30.

TV, Movies

Like Canada: “Who do you trust in the next health accord.”

“Welcome Back Kotter” turns 35, gets awarded at the TV Land Awards.

TCM star of the month: Ray Milland.

Secret Service history (Discovery): uzis were replaced with very accurate FMP-90 submachine gun.

USA, 5.01: In Plain Sight (season 4), final season of L&O: Criminal Intent.

Bridge burner “Man-cow” on Huckabee: “get rid of the unions, get back to education.”

Today’s critically acclaimed, drama/suspense/comedy is Bad Lieutenant: Port of City New Orleans (2009), starring Nicolas Cage. This may partly explain his recent arrest. The film also features Alvin “Xzibit” Joiner as a drug lord, Eva Mendes as a prostitute...and iguana hallucinations.

24, the movie, “is in the works,” says Kiefer Sutherland.


Only you can really solve your own problems. Don’t put it on someone else. No “Yes, but…”

This day in 1726, Isaac Newton released the start of his proof on gravity. Normal people got the basics of gravity, but Newton put all of the math together in his head, detailing the orbits of planets.

Journalist kidnapped in Gaza found dead.

Starving for jailed family’s freedom: mother launches hunger strike in Bahrain.

Tornadoes sweep across OK and AR, killing 9, injure more.

Secret photos of Caylee Anthony’s autopsy & remains released.

Protesters temporarily disrupt House floor proceedings.

AZ legislature pass “birther” bill.

Postal service makes Statue of Liberty mistake, but continues printing stamp.

Heavy losses on residential mortgages results in a 38% decline in Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

In just a one year change: tomatoes, +10%; strawberries, +50%; asparagus, +39%.

Syria: Protesters headed for Damascus beaten.
New allegations from a rights group of torture.

Bodies turning up: investigators don’t even know if they’re looking for one or more killer; four prostitutes were found in Dec alone.

Dates are important to the extremists

Europe setting up Israel: Quartet from April to May 15, the “Day of Catastrophe” for the “Palestinians.”
Egypt and Jordan took the land designated to Palestine...but of course, the Jews were blamed.
Hamas as the expert witness to “Israel’s crimes”? That’s called, persecution. But unfortunately, too many are stupid enough to think that the Arabs will play nice once Israel’s destroyed. The region, in its prev. form, held back all sorts of hell, and now most of them have fallen to the revolution. If the truth isn’t important to us, we’re all dead, plain as day.
Did 9/11 not happen? Israel was first to help Japan in the quake/tsunami aftermath, but no, they don’t have a right to survive.

Israel defends itself by itself. One religion is trying to erase the others in Jerusalem, and that must not happen. Jerusalem is under the best protection possible.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in Chief

Obama didn’t know he was being overheard when he asked why he wasn’t seeing fancy buttons, other stuff of Hollywood movies.
At least Chris Matthews admitted that he’s helping Obama: major news outlets don’t think the unscripted remarks will hurt him.

Pain in the ass

Many Bostonians hate the Boston Marathon; corporatized, “anorexics” run down streets, technically jaywalking, all to give the finger to the natives. And the smell... Howie Carr is taking a break from there to avoid it.

The other pain...if people run for Donald Trump, Barack Obama will be reelected, creating the destruction Trump warned about.

“Take from the rich, give to the poor”: many economists are calling for a “Robin Hood tax.” Another way to sneak in Socialism. “Fairness” on CNN International. Legalized theft.

Last resort measures: after three days of failure I managed to get the monitor to turn on by setting the brightness level to 10%. The CFL’s still flickering.

The Supreme Court was a church building

National Day of prayer restored...Obama appealed the motion that considered it unconstitutional.
257 idioms in English used today come from the King James Bible.
Shakespeare referenced the Bible thousands of times.
Tell the teachers this Shakespeare “thing”: tell the students to be nice, obedient workers so they could get a good grade.

TV, Movies

George Michael unveils royal wedding song.

So many millions, so destructive.
A virtual army, the growth rate of wild pigs is hard to calculate. Up to abt. a quarter ton each, from S.E. Asia, partly. From 19 in 1900, they populate 40 U.S. states today.
The rate is so high that it takes killing 7/10 in order to make an impact.

Atlas Shrugged (the movie) scheduled to release nationwide today.


In Defense of Israel by John Hagee.


“Burlesque” actually means, “to mock.”

Qaddafi forces shell Misrata.
Libyan rebels are now urging the U.S. to have a larger role in the war against Qaddafi.
Opposition speaking in D.C.—a so-called leader.

S.E. Asia inflation: Singapore dollar jumps.

Overcrowding of prisons leads to more releases of violent criminals, rapists.

“Punch his eyes out.” Dad urged 16-year-old son to fight.

Convicted of Obstruction of Justice, jury can’t decide if Barry Bonds lied.

Cyber-theft: the Growing threat of the Chinese stealing 1,000 Encyclopedias of information.

Budget battle of today, no drama this time: Sen. passes 2011 budget, 81-19. 59 Rs voted ‘Nay.’

Man runs out of porn store on fire.

Condoms for ages 11-19 in Philly: “let’s face it, sex is more fun when no one gets pregnant.”

Apple’s stock is at 331,40, down ~4. Content providers are “changing their tune.”

Clooney film based on “Bailout Czar.”

Bruno Mars releases new single, “Lazy Song.”

Dragon voice recognition software bundle now $74.99.

To boost profit: Chocolate bar makers have been using air to fluff it up.

“Troubling,” say those there.
Trying to pull rods out of reactor #4 w/o causing more damage: radiation levels and temperatures continue to rise at Fukushima.
Provisional: $12K compensation for each household forced to evacuate.

Sentenced to 22 years in prison: 36-yr.-old Jose Antonio Medina Arreguin, the so-called “King of Heroin,” plead guilty to the charges.

A third air traffic controller falls asleep, leading to the resignation of the FAA Organization Chief.

Like gold, and rust in the system.
Bust in massive chip heist: as many as 10 suspects in the theft and transport of Intel microchips.

Planned Parenthood, “the Lens Crafters of abortion” The company says it doesn’t like being dragged into the abortion debate, even though the remark was off the cuff.

Even the unspent money—they’ll find a way to spend it

Only this president could call an increase in taxes a “spending reduction in the tax code.” Home loan interest deductions to be eliminated—you’re going to have to sacrifice, not the “millionaires and billionaires” he’s friends with. And then the MS-NBC hosts carry water for him, about...his friends, complaining.

They have no idea just how cruel they are, destroying small businesses, and instead of living up to their mistakes, smearing those who cover the damage. Bastards.
All the children end up living with their moms, not paying attention to the taxes or gas prices, buying into the media that tell them to vote a certain way.. This is the real 2011: total enlightenment or total denial.

No expectations of standards with this admin. Even if 100% of the so-called “wealthy” were taxed, the deficit this year could not be paid off. In all mindless “pragmatism” (a.k.a. flip-flopping, then making it look like it was your idea), there is no principle and all expectation of the people to forget—if they pay attention.

Lesser of two evils B.S.—to be called an extremist again for having principles. The Pres. lies, lies again and basically tells you to go to hell. “Green Energy” means his millionaire and billionaire buddies at General Electric and Google—legal loopholes, where the innocent are penalized further.

“Gang of six” working at the 2/3 spending cuts, 1/3 tax hikes bull.

Hearing on the Muslim Brotherhood was held yesterday.

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: the Brotherhood are the cancer; CAIR is a great example of extremists who claim to be representative of Islam.

Spencer: They’re poised to gain power in Egypt, other Middle Eastern countries, and it’s affiliates are long present in the U.S. They’ll set up an even more oppressive Islamic state in Libya once Muammar Qaddafi is gone, one that is more hostile to the U.S. than we’ve seen in the worst of Qaddafi.

Misunderstand the point, call it all fearmongering, then hear, “I told you so” after more damage occurs. And partisans remain ignorant.

Remember that campaign promise of “most transparent ever”?

Pres. Obama won a “transparency award” recently, yet whistleblowers were put under the spotlight, and more lobbying and twisting of laws than ever before has included making sure info. doesn’t get out. 194 E-mails for Open Government Directive were censored.

Net junk, TV

Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues, Sat. on Ovation.

Nancy Pelosi: “elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do.” How anti-Democratic.

Keith Olbermann backpedals after tweeting, ‘S.E. Cupp should have been aborted.’

Kobe Bryant fined $100K for gay slur.

Joy Behar show asks the question, “Revenge Plastic Surgery?”

Dennis Kucinich is a trained ventriloquist.

All My Children and One Life to Live are being canceled, replaced with chat and lifestyle shtuff. Will this change get people off the couch? No. Americans are too lazy...(Not a good thing.)

68,000 signed up for Colbert-PAC, but Viacom says the program has already spent enough of its dough...Colbert-PAC is now Colbert-SuperPAC.

The Egyptians were obsessed with consistency and order, and that was shown not only in the images carved into the walls but in the culture as well. They used a grid to make the reliefs: 2.5 squares for feet.

Rev. Jim Wallis (Sojourners) treated as legit again: a budget is a moral document. Faith, spiritual focus, and God George Soros.

Great Movies

Arn: the Knight Templar. One of, if not the most expensive Swedish films, it’s based on a trilogy set in the late-12th century.

synecdoche (n.): fig. of speech substitute for a word, such as cutthroat for assassin.
Philip Seymour Hoffman stars in Synecdoche, New York: an endlessly produced play of a drama teacher’s life. Sam Morton’s character buys a place that indefinitely remains on fire.


Long-time Wall Street analyst and wise market strategist Joe Battipaglia dies suddenly at 55.  He’s spent many decades in many positions at many companies.  Traders everywhere will feel the loss of his presence.


“007” kicked off in theaters 58 years ago today.

New quake/aftershock of 6.1 on Richter scale in Japan.

“Stalemate” bet. rebel and Qaddafi forces.

Rift grows bet. U.S. and Saudi Arabia.

Libyan-American rebels help hijack Qaddafi’s phone network.

State of highest employment faces mass flooding: Burlington, ND residents told to evacuate.

Police in FL looking for missing cadet recruit.

Rod Blagojevich’s retrial set to begin next week in Chicago.

Suspect in Natalie Holloway case reportedly stabbed by other inmates in jail.

Authorities target “Coreflood” virus.

Gasoline national avg. >$3.80/gal.

Nymex crude trading at $106.12/bbl.

Goldman(n) Sachs called for Brent to fall to $105 but rose to $122.

G.E. target of press release hoax.

Nintendo cut its WII price by $50 to $149.99.

College loan debt could delay when people get married.

“Eco-friendly” factory in Sri Lanka: Brit. retailer launches first “carbon neutral” bra.

Inflation rate: 18.4% (9.8+8.5). 3% with newer formula, discounting easily affected commodities, food/gas.

Report: 2 suspects arrested over Minsk bombing.
Belarus interior ministry says one of those arrested for the most recent Minsk bombing was behind another Minsk attack some years ago that injured ~50.

Conviction in San Francisco: Baseball star Barry Bonds found guilty of obstruction of justice; up to 20 mos. in jail, likely none will be served.
The decision on whether there will be a mistrial on May 20.

Cops say domestic disturbance preceded tragedy: mother drives into Hudson, killing 3 kids. One child managed to escape.... Young and Unique Daycare owner spoke out.
The 10-year-old that escaped said the mother said, “We’re all going to die,” before plunging the car into the river. “You’re all dying with me.”

“Towelie” (South Park) edges closer to a reality: a company has created a chip for keeping track of hotel towels.

CBS News poll: independents over partisans think there will be another American revolution within the next century.


$3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax hikes (as if that math adds up).
The Obama plan (as in, none): $4T cut in 12 yrs...that’s $33.3 bn. each year, the same rip off as the “cut” last Friday.

Wage inflation isn’t better. The talking heads aren’t better. Now we have people that are carrying water for someone carrying water. We need people that think, verify—not repeaters.

The no. of stories reported in the press declines with New York Times, as the paper continues losing readership, pages... and Vice President Biden falls asleep again.

Loss of innocence and masculinity...no, the reiteration that the media are corrupt.
J.Crew ad shows 5-yr.-old with neon nail polish. That’s called, “adorable.” Even Keith Ablow, of all people, has an issue.

Even today, the Espionage and Sedition act(s), from the Wilson admin. on, are used to silence people.

Popularr (sic)

Lady GaGa says she’s never had plastic surgery.

Justin Bieber headed to Israel to escape paparazzi...they caught up, started “hounding” him.

Oscar winner Catherine Zeta-Jones seeks mental health treatment; admits she has bipolar-2.


TV Land Awards, Sun. @ 9 p.m.

Prince on George Lopez, Michio Kaku on...Democracy Now!

“The dangers of stereotyping” on Dylan Ratigan show...what— what’s done every day on MS-NBC?

“Malcolm in the Middle Earth” on MAD.

“MANswers” isn’t completely useless: termites produce the most methane for animals.

On MythBusters...brought to you by the Chevrolet Silverado...
The Jason Bourne trick of “the magazine in a toaster”...yeah, it takes at least three times the time it took in the movie for the fastest time, and the biggest impact, from 6% to 9% concentration of methane, the gas explosion doesn’t look anything like the obvious pyrotechnic explosion in the movie.

The other experiment was to see if, in the event of a (highly unlikely) catastrophic failure of waste on the pilot’s section of a plane, where the blue water freezes into a big chunk, and eventually falls off as the freezing temperatures increase, resulting in deadly, intact chunks of ice...that was Confirmed.

Some rather interesting music in an ep. of Later…with Jools Holland.
“The Rain” by Yusif Islam (wants to be known by 1st name only), née Cat Stevens.
Song “Daniel” and “Sleep Alone” by Bat for Lashes.
“The Old Devils Are At It Again”...

Lee Fang of Think Progress (Soros) on Astroturf Wars...well, talking crap on the Thom Hartmann show. Was Fang giving away secrets on RT America, or was much of it a distraction?


Fort Sumter, in the Carolinas: 4 a.m., this day in 1861, kicking off the U.S. Civil War.

Fight over cigarette(s) resulted in bus crash into vacant building in MA.

Lawrence Taylor declared level-one (lowest) sex offender; he won’t be seen on the registry.

Small nick as a plane pushes a smaller one on the runway; no one hurt.

Donald Trump considering running as an Independent.

Julian Assange threatened to sue commentator who criticized him.

Blogger Lori: it’s not just women who have abortions.

Navy shows off powerful new laser weapon, setting the engine of a boat on fire.

Ivory Coast in transition: violence fell since arrest of Pres. Gbagbo. Forces prev. under him pledge loyalty to new intl. “leader.”

Crazed sex offender Lonnie Hyrum Johnson released; allegedly raped 17-yr.-old and 9-yr.-old continuously within 5 yrs.
From Utah to Oregon, Lonnie’s not alone. Four of the girls sued him, defense say he did not intend on emotional harm, ‘they were having a good time.’...on to Matthew Mallory.
Sex offender, w/ abducted teen girl, 14, caught. Pregnancy...so much for not caring about your children.

Cisco shuts down its Flop video division.
Cisco Systems didn’t say why it discontinued the popular Flip Video only two yrs. after buying it up.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Repub.’s plan literally “a death trap for seniors.”


Dirty Pictures on Ovation, some of it blurred.

Norm MacDonald’s Sports Show premieres.

WDC mayor Vincent C. Gray goes on the Factor after being arrested.

Mo’ dramatic music w/ E.D. Hill: “Parker/Spitzer” in renaming process...In the Arena.


The False Promise of Green Energy by Jerry Taylor (CATO).


First human went into space 50 years ago today. Single orbit, the Russian success was celebrated. Some time later, John Glenn went further.

Senator Obama voted against debt ceiling raise in 2006.
The $38.5 bn. was cut out of $1 trillion in 6 mos.!

Minsk (Belarus) subway bombing kills 12, injures 200+.

American detained in North Korea.

Cracks in NATO over what it’s (not) doing in Libya. NATO must “intensify its air campaign.”

U.K. banking: Lloyds recommends selling more branches...as the United Kingdom may sue Iceland.

The search goes on: NY police hunt for suspected serial killer; body count could be as high as 10.

Winklevoss twins lose appeal with Facebook.

Appeals court upholds decision overturning SB 1070, the AZ immigration law.

Pentagon estimates Libya cost at $608 mn.

Father saves daughter fm. sex offender by body slamming, giving choke hold until police arrive.

Mitt Romney announces his Presidential run via twitter...

Dennis Quaid says cocaine was part of movie budgets.

Space Shuttle Endeavor’s final mission on Apr 29—museum, NYC welcomes retiring shuttle...pieces.

After recovering surgery, Bob Dole was awarded for his service for this country.

Euro/USD, 1.4431 (18:15 EDT); Oil tops $112/bbl.; Pound/USD, 1.6258 (18:25 EDT).

U.S. aluminum maker Alcoa says demand continues to increase.

Exports deficit for China: imports exceed, as they buy up resources.

IMF warns U.S. of credibility drop if cuts aren’t made; growth drops from 3 to 2.8%.

Japan’s growth, 1.4%—not much affected by 3.11 quake-tsunami.

6.3-7.1-mag. quake and aftershocks force evacuations at Fukushima; 22 dead after new tremors, 7:08 p.m.
Tsunami warning after new 7.1-magnitude quake hits Japan.
Japan nuclear agency: extern. power restored to reactors 1-3.
Nuclear threat level raised from 5 to 7, same as Chernobyl in 1986.
Cement being transported to Japan...treating it like Chernobyl, although the comparison is still crude. To calm the population, maybe.

15-mo.-old with a 0.10 blood alcohol: a margarita in a sippy cup at AppleBee’s.
Last time it was a Long Island Iced Tea (potent)—gave another kid “AppleBee’s nightmares.”

Govt. fits all

One step forward, three steps back: France ban of burqas and niqabs (any Muslim garb that covers the face) goes into effect today; the fine is 150 euros. It wasn’t long ago that getting married meant forcibly changing their last name to the husband’s.

Chicago external food ban at Little Village Academy elementary school forces students to eat only food from cafeteria unless having doctor’s permission. It’s in effect while the principal says it isn’t. And the children just throw it away.

Libyan State media reports that 82-yr.-old Hosni Mubarak had a heart attack when interviewed, confronted with allegations of atrocities conducted by Egyptian regime while he was in power.

Most “at risk to be refugees as result of climate change”...the populations increased in such areas.

Only nuts and those for this admin. care abt. the “birther” “issue.” It’s D.O.A., but that doesn’t stop Chris Matthews from doing yet another “Let Me Finish” on it. Now Mika of Morning Joe is calling for a Donald Trump ban as if Trump is the exploitive one...well, exploitive problem.

Peter Orszag acknowledges that this admin. is no better than prev., now working at citigroup...

Geithner: “hardship” if debt ceiling isn’t raised. We need a credit card to pay off the other credit cards... We barrow as much as the “cut” in one month!


Katie Couric is out, but hasn’t said goodbye yet. She may look for a talk show of her own.

Jon Kyl said abortion is over 90% of Planned Parenthood’s funding; it’s actually closer to 3%.

Gross-out competition (not really): Denny’s “Baconalia” includes the Maple Bacon Sundae.

Bill O’Reilly spends a couple of minutes debunking crap on the net—the hard facts about the Obamas. Barry’s (now Barack’s) birth certificate is on file, Honolulu, Hawaii. No foreign aid went into his education. Tell all’that to the Donald.

In a 1983 ep. of Computer Chronicles: HP-150 has a touch screen...still text-based. The ELIAC, and the first solid-state computer, developed in the middle of the 20th century...it used only a “modest” 5 kilowatts of power compared to the vacuum tube prototype. The supercomputer of its day—64 parallel-processing power, quickly surpassed today with a small network of inexpensive PCs or PS3s.

Jeff Baxter and James Montgomery on 207. In the WBLM news.

A Mickey Mouse-like character as “Mouse, MD” on the Mad Cartoon (Cartoon Network).
The “Count”: one puke, two pukes, three pukes, h-a, h-a, h-a...

Disgusting, comparable to “the Negro after the ape”: Thom Hartmann steps up the pseudo-science distinguishing a diff. bet. “conservatives” and “liberals.” Essentially, it’s “more fear” vs. more “Social recognition” (more like, naïve). What I saw’s worse than what I can type. This Progressive mentality that led to eugenics, classes of “the imbecile,” treating people literally like animals.


NATO planes destroy major Libyan supply route.

The rebel forces we’ve armed are essentially gangs, “the most incompetent,” says Geraldo Rivera.

Gas leak the probable cause of the destruction of a CA home.

Baseball-sized hail in Charlotte, North Carolina.

102.3 ft Lego™ statue built in Brazil.

Rahm Emanuel to be inaugurated mayor of Chicago mid-May...the same time as anti-Israel flare-ups during the anniversary of establishment of Israel.

Spending cuts est. $38.5 bn., and is meaningless.
Anthony Weiner: “It sounds an awful lot like a tax cut deal. I have a bad feeling about this.” Such a liar...It doesn’t sound like it, it partly is it.

Ask Marilyn®: All of the gold that has ever been mined would probably fit into a cube less than 75 ft long each side.

It took a lot of effort, some manual sector copying (all of that for mere experience in the end), some bypassing, but I managed to salvage some floppies for file transfer.

Consequence: adding to the (personal) record books on how long I’ve been up. It’s the 9th, I remember awakening on the 7th. Sleep deprivation through the 5th. ~7+9.5(Sat)+3(Sun) hrs of sleep for four days.


Looks like Asif Manvi had a small role in Random Hearts.

A “Global Warmer” character in a Nick cartoon show...

Wall to wall to wall coverage of “the shut down”...that didn’t happen (again), even filling time slots you wouldn’t think would be filled. Redeye came on at 2 a.m.

First annual Comedy Awards (Comedy Central), TV-14 with un-bleeped S-words. Falling standards.
Some Will Ferrell movie wins some award.
Best Sketch/Alt. Series goes to Childrens Hospital (Adult Swim).
Auto-tune the news wins for Best Web short (series).
30 Rock gets Best TV Comedy writing and Alec Baldwin gets Best Comedy TV actor.
Eddie Murphy wins “Icon” award.
The Daily Show wins Best Late Night Comedy Series.
Louis C. K. wins for Best Stand-Up special.
Kristen Wiig wins Best (Sketch) Show Actress, SNL, thanks several Lornes.
Modern Family wins for Best Comedy Series.
South Park wins Best Animated Series...Parker/Stone: “from Comedy Central—it’s like a student of the month award and your mom is the teacher.”
Tina Fey wins Best Film Actress, Date Night.
Dave Letterman was awarded the “Johnny Carson award.” Carson’s rainbow curtains were put up.

TCM Schedule change: Elizabeth Taylor memorial tribute, started Sunday at 6 a.m.
A very young Dennis Hopper, co-starring in Giant.
The tribute ends with Ivanhoe.

I finally got to see Face in the Crowd (1957)

Written by a communist, the left were influenced in 2009 by Soros media to see this movie for the “Lonesome” Rhodes character as the template of Glenn Beck, as none of the ignorant really listen to who they’re attacking. Facts aren’t important to those without common sense, dignity, making it all about who and never about the substance. So many missed opportunities to set it right. That’s sure cowardice, sure progressive. You’re in denial if you think what I’m saying here is an insult.

There are plenty of problem areas in Face, such as being able to control masses through “being American ordinary,” with a “Cracker barrel” show. A political position of the Senator character really shows something of the writer. Somehow you’re to think for yourself w/o seeing the reflections of life?

“They must be a fraud, you see”

Leftists only want you to hear what they want you to hear. At least with a dictator you’re hearing it before it happens...No. History says otherwise. And to call you names for exposing the shadows that admit their manipulative intentions off camera, not merely show that you’re a half-fraud by calling the American public names off camera.

A Face in the Crowd promoted the “cradle to grave” Social Security, and conveniently left out what would make it plausible. And even half-fraud Rhodes is better than the complete frauds you see on television. Where some of the ideas on moving the public have come from—Edward Bernays, out of the early 20th-century progressive era. (There is such a thing as Google...why don’t you continue to not look that up either.)

While the honest ones are cast as pariahs

It’s people like Michael Moore that say, I’m just like you. Excuse me for being frank. I’ll mention names—I’ll expose them. I don’t get paid for anything, so I’ll have nothing to lose if they try anything. The only thing we have to worry about is whether I, rather we’re on God’s side; only God clears the way and is the promotion, the survival of life, love and spirit. We would survive assassination attempts.

In all natural order of life you must believe in such a God, for if you don’t believe in your soul then you risk losing it. If you don’t believe in individual liberty, only then do you risk becoming a sheep.


The Bible is surprisingly accurate on what’s happening.

The Fed says America is about to become insolvent?

Targeting Qaddafi’s tent, failing, ticking off the Saudis—now targeting leaders of the countries?

Brazilian Elementary school shooting: Gunman kills 12 in Rio de Janeiro. Police prevented more deaths.

Deraa, Syria: at least 23 anti-regime demonstrators killed.

Oil tops $110/bbl.; Gold hits $1,472/oz.; CitiBank downgrades rating for auto market.

“Searching for scrap metal,” a woman knocks out the internet for Georgia and Armenia.

Trump hosts “birther” meeting.

Nancy Pelosi said 6 mil. seniors would go w/o meals if the government shut down. She got a 4/4 on the “Pinocchio” scale; only 2.6 mn. seniors would be affected.
Another “representative” of the states: shutting down the govt. would be the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians...the Pres. is going on vacation again, which is exactly what he did when we started bombing civilians.
Ne’er do...anythin’: some of a million or so fedl. workers may have to postpone their vacation.

They made a deal. No change, more “winning the future” bullsh--. More meaningless speeches and destruction. And it’s another temporary solution—Thursday is the new deadline.

Hard-line P

Andy Stern speaks out against checks and balances, that people can’t make decisions for themselves.

It’s not hateful to leave trash at John Boehner’s house...or threaten that bullets will show up at Eric Cantor’s office, while claiming to be the god of Ra. No-that’s not hateful...or weird. Nah.
Slaughter, who sought FCC changes after the Tucson shooting: after the NEA, now they come to Washington to kill women. As if abortion helps women at all. As for the other end, the admin. has said there are too many cancer screenings as it is... ’sure care about health, alright.

Hater Ed says, “Government shutdown would stop paycheck to troops.” Awe, I didn’t know you cared...and I never will—you still don’t. And Obama said he would veto any bill that funds the military, so who’s holding who “hostage.” Well, look at what they’re doin’ now—we have another war with another Muslim country. Barack Obama is the Commander in Chief; he made those decisions. Blame Bush. There ya’ go —you’re a moon-bat already! :)
One guy said only non-essential soldiers won’t get paid, as if “non-essentials” should.

Dylan Ratigan proposes “Robots for Congress.” Replace lawmakers with machines that “do the more efficient parts of what they do, except I would program them to be less influenced...”

Hands in the WI election?

“Missing” votes, just waiting to be filled. 10K for Prosser, 3K for Kloppenberg. It turned out legit—ballots that were there were overlooked, and the Dem. making the change won’t lie. Reuters: all of the sudden, an astonishing turn of eve—oh, why bother, we’re for the Ds. Paranoid conspiracy theories to follow. We’re not losers!

Movi—oh, God!

Fast (and Furious) Five. Need I say more??
I can’t even watch two whole scenes of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider—I find it so unwatchably bad in premise and timing, and now this?

Certainly better for a sequel: Kung Fu Panda 2, out 5.27.


Agatha Christie code: hypnotic trance from 10+ characters, instructed by repetition of words, concepts. Found in just one or two paragraphs: Remember, remembrance, remembered; live, die, life.


Are we headed for more unrest or less?

7.1-7.4 aftershock in Japan kills 3+. IMF said Japan was one of 10 countries that “cannot withstand a disaster, natural or manmade.”

Revolutionaries are setting fires around oil fields.

Setting up infrastructure: Iran’s visits to Central America doubled since 2005.

A former 1970s guerrilla combatant is now a Central American “leader”.

Saudi Arabia making a deal with China (oil), Iran and Russia (nukes), neighbors.

After corn: China burning 98% of their casaba(?), 1/3 of the world’s food supply type.

Cass Sunstein questioning the right to produce foods and contain foods of their choice.

Portugal is being bailed out again.

Some Libyan rebels killed by NATO.

Too insane, Utah: rapist, sex offender released due to not being competent to stand trial.

Mitt Romney tops the awful GOP poll numbers. The Presidential election is next year.

NYC councilman wants ban on Happy Meal toys after getting fat.

Use, deaths: synthetic pot, from 155 (2010) to 2,122; bath salts, 302 to over 1,100.

No adults in the room: if not by Friday, govt. shutdown on Saturday. A bad thing? It happened a couple of times—we survived the 1990s. Or did we??...
Can’t get more partisan: lawmakers won’t even agree on disagreement!

“Pipe bomb in Santa Monica today”

George Soros setting up two big ones, one in Bretton Woods, NH., after two big radical ones. National Conference on Media Reform (more media reform) and another to change international finance rules in his favor. I might as well capitalize ‘His’ because he wants to be God. We’re going to Ohio to control the Churches.
...Versus Astroturf: Confronting the Koch bros. The Koch brothers are nothing compared to the Tides Foundation wanting as much global turf as possible for its own reasons. “Social Justice and Movement” building, invitation only...Michael Cox —now that’s Astroturf™...sit down and shut up, they say. Don’t. Someone who wants to be God is only delusional.

Is there anyone in the media that will take an honest look into Soros in the media now? No. He built a campaign against the Kochs for turf—they’re nothing compared to him. Yet one voice terrifies him. A delusional coward.

Like a prostitute...hey!

Everything’s good for the “messiah.” That’s why this won’t get much press in the U.S.: one of Obama’s golf buddies, Titcomb, was arrested for soliciting an undercover police officer.

Obama joins forces with Al Sharpton’s Natl. Action Network, and double-speaking Sharpton doesn’t even try to make sense when joining in on the smearing, scapegoating of Beck on Ed Show Ed: the President farts farce, today, after O’Donnell said he wants Trump fired.

TV, Radio

Kate Gosselin sued by couples Council company for non-payment of fees.

Sunday, 9 p.m.: First annual Comedy awards on Comedy Central. Tina Fey’s pregnant.

Irresponsible Good Morning America: doom and gloom to inform more than us...in other words, at all.
Don’t worry about the markets, inflation, “Obama-care,” G.E., shutting down Gulf oil—nothing’s gonna happen. You have a tin foil hat if you say, “all of the above at once,” for all of the problems they admit are happening...crazy to tell your audience to prepare.

Larry King, on Howie Carr show, says he’s doing “poorly” after leaving the CNN prime time show. He talked to Ross Perot 6 mos. back but has never heard of Michael Savage even though King started out in radio.

Charlie Sheen shows up on Game Show Network, stands next to Drew Carey.


More snow.

FAA Team plane crashes in CA, killing both pilots.

Oil, $108.83/bbl.; Gasoline, $3.707/gal.

Regime kicks out journalists: NATO should change tactics; Qaddafi already has.

Obama spoke about half past ten after “emergency budget meeting.” It failed.

Sting leads to ouster of Vivian Schiller. She doesn’t like transparency.

Donald Trump gets trumped: “I would be the Tea party candidate,” he says, congratulating Nancy Pelosi only a couple of years ago. Backtracking, he tells the female interviewer that he wanted Pelosi to do well to “help the country,” honey.

The cascade has begun, the pieces fall into place

We’ve passed all of the exits. There’s no reversing the crash now.
Business with cartels, radicals. Many struggle, begging for anyone.

New York Times: Egyptians say life today is harder than before, “especially for the poor.”
Hard-line Islamists took control of mosques, attacked non-Muslims.
In France, the banning of religious symbols, first in schools: This fascist climate… “Sarkozy is looking obsessed with talking about Muslims.” And boy do the socialist groups come together with that. “Anti-racist” S.O.S., and a new wave of anti-Semitism.

“Watch for trouble in May.” A new flotilla mission, Free Gaza and Code Pink...Canada.
Netanyahu’s threat of force is a death threat against Canada and the international community, the Canadian [something] says.

Movie, TV

Keanu Reeves says Bill & Ted 3 script is 6 weeks away.

Fmr. The View co-host Meredith Vieira leaving Today.

Some movie myths for the MythBusters premiere...presented by Chevrolet.
Jamie F. Hyneman and Adam Savage prove plausibility with silicone face masks.
Grant, Kari and Tory bust Shoot ’Em Up’s merry-go-round (spin it with a handgun), but manage to do it with bullet-proofing and high caliber rounds. They confirm the trick shot of getting a gun away fm. “Buster the kid,” on tiles, pavement, dirt.

Are near-perfect CGI people becoming too creepy?
Marc-Lamont Hill saw it twice: “Mars Needs Moms” sucks.

Aah...that’s better...oh, it’s bleeding

If you think it’s a time to celebrate, you’re going to pray for the five o’clock slot.
Glenn Beck announces the end of his afternoon show by year’s end...to do more.
Disgusting: Howard Kurtz took everything Anderson Cooper said and turned it upside down.
Laurence O’Donnell...tried to be consistent with the fraudulent narrative built over some weeks, but failed. Even O’Donnell didn’t say Beck said ‘the world was coming to an end’ until lately. Exploit out of context, say I know better. Can’t beat the ultimate turd polisher, John Oliver.


Tuna that regularly migrate fm. Japan, and jet to the U.S. Pacific coast, are already showing “unsafe” levels of Iodine-131, Cesium-137.

Libyan rebels forced to retreat, insist Qaddafi family must go. Stalemate: 1 city 6 times.

Rpt.: Muslim Brotherhood call for “modesty police” in Egypt.

Prostitute murders: Cops find 3 more bodies along Long Island beach, out of 8 total.

Two Americans killed at Mex. border crossing.

Cindy Jackson boasts world record holding of 52 plastic surgery procedures.

WI Supreme Court race too close to call.

New NYC Health Dept. employee rules prohibit fried foods; cigarette black market growing.

Dr. Drew: more teens take sex ed. from porn.

Eric Holder asked to resign as natl. Attorney General.

Govt. shutdown on Sat., partial on Fri.: still no agreement on a spending plan; citizens want “grownups.”
Admin. proposes crappy spending cuts totaling $31-3 bn.: toxic waste cleanup, Statue of Liberty maintenance.
A Fedl. budget hasn’t been passed since 2009.

Obama replaces Tim Kaine with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, an “excellent” choice of propagandist.
Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein’s wife, believes in war as an instrument of power, has the President’s ear.

Piven’s hope of violent uprisings

Losers at best: a new low with the global unions: EAT THE RICH, having their children dressed up like zombies, some with blood. EAT THEIR BRAINS.
Blindly supporting the corporations, I forget his name. Another lie. The left starts and ends with the superficial—names, and the changing of them before admitting failure...actually anything before admitting failure. The primary source of paranoia, and 2011 marks the year that Soros has his money in everything “left.”

You know it’s pathetic when they use one of their propaganda outlets, G.E., as an example of evil corporations.


College student held captive in Syria.

FAA orders safety inspections of 175 B737s; now there’s smoke coming out of one.

House considering new stopgap measure to prevent govt. shutdown.

Michael Bublé’s home burglarized just after getting married.

Media continue to refuse report stories that prove them wrong, instead putting on loudmouth “experts” to call Tea parties racist haters. Difficult to find the fact that the person who sent death threats to WI Republicans was a teacher for the unions.

May 15, the founding of the Jewish state of Israel; another Facebook page put up for Arabs to rise up and dismantle the state after the page with the “opposite” message.
Wrong that it would spread to Europe? This just in: calls of overthrow in Europe.

Having the Islamists stand military trial would inflame the Muslim world, they said, trying to make the trial NY public.
The DoJ now comes out to say the 9/11 mastermind and co-conspirators will stand trial in military court, all after the U.S. goes to war with another Islamic country.

People that just know...not facts with but hearsay, entertainment, Politics

The Cenk Uygur show is actually titled as such, but unlike the other programs, the title isn’t put at the screen top-left...for propaganda purposes.
Everyone’s at MS-NBC’s giddy today, including the Morning Joe mediawhor— people just like you and me, as Obama kicks off his billion dollar reelection campaign. Class warfare coming from the left...as always...by definition...the Bush Admin. was a progressive Republican administration. It’s great that progressives on both the “left” and the “right” are doing what they can to reduce choices for the people. The people are stupid, and need to be guided by a ‘responsible’ elite.

Making decisions for you: deliberate removal of the kindergarten teacher story after first print, or at least the “Wisconsin teacher” part, if any reporting at all.
(There has been no coverage of this at all in the national broadcast news.)


I’ve made a bet that Glenn Beck won’t agree with me ever again—it pains him to even mention me. The footage they ran contradicts all of that.
Laurence O’Donnell has a large ‘L’ on his forehead; playing exploitive, fraudulent games while getting paid...slow and boring. Desperate for attention—no one wants to mention him.

He admitted that they’re “provocateurs”.......that it’s all an act......let me play it again (and again, and again, and again). Provocateur—that’s French...it must pain O’Reilly to use that word. Again, the footage says otherwise. The segment only shows, once again, that watching The Last Word is hard for anybody, regardless of the demographic. After becoming a self-avowed socialist on TV, there’s another term for getting paid to say anything: sell-out.


TCM did almost-lost silent films, including one of the best, Laila (1926, Norwegian).

MythBusters: Out of hand, arm and handkerchief, sneezing into your arm is best.

The 737 that “got a new skylight” was certainly not the first; some people died as “metal fatigue” ripped much more fm. a few planes in the 1980s.


Japan finds two bodies in quake-tsunami debris, a live dog on tsunami debris.

Southwest grounds 80 planes after the 737 decompression (hole) incident.

The start of Charlie Sheen’s “Torpedo of Truth” tour got boos by even the audience that showed.


TCM plays Some Tom Cortenay films. One, a 1983 film co-starring Albert Finney.

Dr. Drew sings operatically.


John Paul II died this day in 2005.

Fukushima radioactive water leaks: now trying to cement seal cracks—shaft behind reactor #2.

Federal Reserve made trillions for some foreign banks.

Natl. Weather Service confirms 9 tornadoes swept Tampa Bay area.

Eritrea declines aid fm. U.N.

Pentagon spending $600K on toad statue.

Footage of Julian Assange dancing poorly in 2009 leaked on YouTube; Assange pissed.

Wear and tear: fuselage opens up on Southwest Boeing 737; oxygen masks immediately dropped, worked; ~4 fainted/passed out.
Hundreds of flights canceled for inspections.

Kill all of your families (sic)

New death threats for the unions: a WI kindergarten teacher; state DoJ issues no arrests but did file papers.


Secret Ceremony (Liz Taylor, Mia Farrow) on TCM.


Half-day blackout.

Wacky Spring weather: Snowstorms here, tornadoes westward fm. here.

ATM fees on the rise.

Chuck Schumer: even Fox News agrees with me...conservative commentator Kristen (sic) Powers…

The light always destroys the dark.