The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

The Federal Reserve has bought 80% of U.S. debt so far.

Those saying theyÕll Òfix the problemÓ are involved in created them.Ê Just as globalists divvy up the world for power.

Imam (n.): 2.a. A male leader regarded by Shiites as a descendant of Mohammed divinely appointed to guide human beings. b. An earthly representative of the 12 such leaders recognized by the majority form of Shiism.


Rejecting the beliefs of others doesnÕt stop people from believing.

The shaky dollar: investors are turning to tail funds.Ê TheyÕre willing to lose 15%.

Radiation: Ocean water off coast of Japan 4,358 times legal limit.

Not living up to its ideals: U.N. Human Rights Council wrapped up its session worse off.

Corner of the reptile area: Missing Bronx Zoo cobra found alive.

Marion Berry has been using old plates on his new car for six months.

World Cup cricket: India beats Pakistan.Ê Many not showing for work due to celebration.

Qaddafi defiant despite weeks of resistance, a no-fly zone, and regime defections, including the countryÕs foreign minister, leaving for London.

Central Maine Commerce: the new location for the Dept. of Labor mural that Paul LePage took down is still undisclosed.Ê City council considered LePageÕs plan to ÒloanÓ the mural to Portland City Hall on the 25th.

From ÒShame!Ó in Madison, Wisconsin, to ÒShame on You!Ó in Columbus, Ohio.Ê More moves to limit collective bargaining Òrights.Ó

The Advocacy Presidential Administration

Wishful thinking of transparency, getting a Transparency award, even though he signed a secret executive order and refuses to give press access.Ê And thatÕs just the past few weeksÑno mention of all the disastrous stuff going on behind the scenes, as this Administration predictably hires socialists to do whatever they want, special favors et al.Ê Someone that fired more cruise missiles than any other Peace Prize winner.Ê We should take him seriously on how he talks about peopleÕs rights all the time, since everything he advocates is already in the crossfire.

Hillary Clinton has a 61% favorability rating because she answers questions...Obama wonÕt answer questions Õcause, after all, heÕs not a leader; he makes sports picks, and gets some of the worst people on earth to do his job.Ê This has to be the least transparent Administration in the history of the United States.Ê And donÕt think Clinton would do betterÑsheÕs an 20th-century progressive whoÕs closer to George Soros.

Then-Senator Obama said it quite well in 2002, before the Iraq war: regardless of oppressionÑif the country is no threat, getting involved would make a dumb war.Ê He now meets that definition to a T.

Jim Messina is in charge of ObamaÕs reelection campaign, but itÕs other things on MessinaÕs rŽsumŽ that scares progressives, such as working for Rahm Emanuel...and having to sell their souls further.

The Setup Revolution

London School of Economics...
A couple of years ago, Cass Sunstein, his wife and Soros were asked to improve QaddafiÕs image.Ê QaddafiÕs son then got caught in the act of plagiarism.

Egypt runs on Butane gas.Ê And boy did distrust grow of the system when it developed a food ration card system, causing riots in 2008.

Then, during the last mid-term elections, the ÒReview of Democracy in the Middle EastÓ conference, when there was a convenience of having no press, all of the groups concerned are/were funded by Soros.Ê And once stability crashed in Egypt, the Admin. acted as if the instability was a surprise to everybody...eventually saying, stability there was always an illusion.

America is the Antichrist in the eyes of the Iranian regime

Appears to be of the actual messiah, from 70 A.D.Ê ÒWalk Uprightly,Ó foundÊin Jordan, where Christians had to flee.Ê Pictures of wisdom.
Something not happening before now, Turkey wants to have peace with Iran... that requires the Mahdi to destroy Israel, then the U.S.Ê ÒInstability to change the world,Ó the Iranian regime releases a new video saying, Òthe Mahdi is near.Ó

ÒReza Kahlili,Ó a CIA agent who infiltrated the Iranian regime as a revolutionary guard member, needed a voice disguiser when he went on television.Ê HeÕs the author of A Time to Betray.Ê 72 mos.-minutes till the return of the Mahdi.

Erick Stackelbeck, host of ÒStackelbeck on TerrorÓ on CBN News, helped in the coverage of today.
It doesnÕt matter if you believe any of this or notÑthe Iranian ÒleadershipÓ does.Ê They believe in the hastening of the Twelfth Imam.

Crap on TV...?

Mobbed on FOX: a cast of thousands...f**king flash mobs.

White rappers: ÒSposeÓ on 207 (NBC WCSH-6).


No longer secret: Pres. Obama signed an exec. order putting covert ops on the ground in Libya over the last few weeks, possibly arming the rebels.
ItÕs 1980s Afghanistan all over again.

Qaddafi appoints Sandinista as new Libyan representative to U.N.

Supplement TPN: IV bag bacterial contamination results in 9 Alabama deaths.

Bronx Zoo Egyptian cobra escapes cage.

NASA shuts Mars Rover program after a year of non-response by the robot.

MTA may put welfare recipients to work cleaning subways.

Rolling Stone caught committing libel by running an anti-U.S. troops story contradicted by original footage.

Do I need to say it?

Our biggest ally in the Mid East is in major trouble.Ê A country so important Òthe size of a postage stampÓ geographically.
Israel intercepts a cargo ship fm. Iran containing navy ship-sinking missiles made in China.
Taken down: Facebook petition for a third Palestinian uprising against Israel; hundreds of thousands signed it.
Obama NSC met with Egyptian advocates of the Muslim Brotherhood, a heterogeneous umbrella of various groups...secular.Ê That was last November, marked from 2009...all George Soros affiliates.

Mohorovicić discontinuity: named after Croatian geophysicist Andrija Mohorovicić

Fault lines, tectonic plates.
The NOVA special detailing what hit Japan is now running.Ê Water-rushed debris tore through and filled the tsunami-proofed wall after the floor level dropped 3 feet due to the magnitude-9.0 quake.Ê With the ground split, the phenomenon known as liquid faction could also be seen; water would come up through the cracks in seemingly dry areas, even along roads and parking lots.

Cascadia along the west coast continues to compress.

History also runs its natural disaster section of Revelation.Ê ItÕs been three decades since the last major eruption in the U.S., but that natural disaster pales to compare to what will happen in the future.Ê Not a potential but a certainty; scientists say weÕre long overdue for a supervolcano.Ê Quakes follow volcanic eruptions when not enough pressure is released.Ê Disasters in New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, and indicator eruptions in Hawaii are not letting off.


Mr. Simon of CBS News in for Charlie Rose; Rose is on assignment in Egypt.

FUEL ME ONCE: TRMS speaks of Obama Administration scandals, Ònot reported anywhere else.Ó
Okay, okayÑ I get it.Ê Blowout preventers, as designed, in properly working order, canÕt prevent a catastrophe anyway.
KNOW NUKES: Three Mile Island is repeated as the only nuclear accident despite those in MI, PA (1980), NJ, AL, NY (2000), OH (2002).Ê For the U.S. there have been 56 separate safety violations in the last four years alone.

GodÕs handiwork.
Diagnosed with AspergerÕs, Jacob Barnett attempts to disprove the Big Bang theory.Ê The child prodigy is said to have an IQ of 170, and studied college material at age 8.


The Vietnam war ended 38 years ago today; the Communist north took over.

Germany: Angela Merkel loses reelection over nuclear fears.

Same photos of 5 bad soldiers released by Der Spiegel now released by Rolling Stone.

Terry Jones burns a Koran, extremists in India kill Christians, burn Bible.

Gunmen storm area in Tikrit, Iraq, killing 53, prompting action by security forces.

Debt crises in Greece and Portugal lead to S&P downgrading their credit ratings.

Palestinian Pres. Mahmoud Abbas said heÕd give up millions in U.S. aid for unity with Hamas.

Syrian govt. resigns, new cabinet to form.Ê This comes after a week of protests.
After losing the ally of Egypt when the Egyptian people in the streets outnumbered the police, the Syrian authority tries to show their backup, including the King of Saudi Arabia.

Dramatic losses in Libya: rebels pull back sev. kilometers, trumped by Qaddafi army fire.
Susan Rice explicitly states that the Admin. has not ruled out arming the rebels.
SoS Clinton in London for Libyan Conference: still no decision by the Obama Admin. on turning Òkinetic military actionÓ over to NATO.

WSJ says the Admin. came up with ÒnewÓ ideas on how to solve the debt crisis:

  1. Inflate the money supply (further).
  2. Force people to buy T-bills.
  3. Cash for Keys: give up your home.

Legal conflict of interest in Wisconsin: First blockingÑby injunction on 3.18Ñthe law that replaces most collective bargaining ÒrightsÓ for unions, a state judge says there will be no more implementation of the law.Ê Gov. Scott Walker says some of the law has already been implemented.

International Crisis Group (Soros) advocates w/ extremist groups in the Middle East...
Institute for Policy Studies (Soros) wanted Obama to act via executive order.
Bill Ayers is giving speeches in Beirut.

Prove the difference with confusion and hypocrisy

Rachel Maddow lays out a sharp distinction bet. Bush and Obama...by some lines in ObamaÕs speech, hollow words and phrases.

Senator Chuck Schumer gives ÒextremeÓ marching orders: says to use ÒextremeÓ tactics against ÒextremeÓ Tea party Republicans.

Said to be at one of those ÒBunga BungaÓ parties: some want George Clooney and his girlfriend to testify for Italian PM Berlusconi.Ê Berlusconi will stand trial for alleged sex with an underaged prostitute.Ê Some 200 witnesses are to be called.Ê For a man in his 70s, the possible sentence would be a life sentence.

Willie Nelson is busted again; new pot charges.

TV, Book

The ÒDudley Moore TrioÓ in 30 is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia (1967) on TCM.

Jon Stewart: the not-war Òkinetic military actionÓ called by some in the military a Òturd sandwich,Ó but rather, a Òbread-based feces containment operation.Ó

This Burning Land by author Greg Myers (NPR?) and reporter Jennifer Griffin (Fox News) details what itÕs like in war zones, and why reporters want to risk their life to cover them.


Product of fission: plutonium reportedly found near Dai-ichi plant.

New crimes from ÒUK-Uncut,Ó and Soros media goes from Òreporting misinformationÓ to guerrilla warfare and sabotage, as another Soros-affiliated ÒJewishÓ leftist group is created with the goal of taking Glenn Beck off the air.

Libya has the highest foreign fighters per capita, well above Saudi Arabia.
We are now helping al-Qaeda, arming them like in the late 1980s against Qaddafi, enemy first, then ally, then enemy again.

Pres. Barack Obama had to explain himself, nine days into the kinetic military action (a.k.a. third active war).Ê And its the ÒrightsÓ stuff again, only believing it selectively, if at all.Ê And Gates says Libya was of no strategic value; there was no threat.

No ÒIÓ in ÒTeamÓ Congress is now irrelevant, as the Prez uses ÒIÓ 25 times, not counting ÒmeÓ or Òmy.Ó
ObamaÕs support made the speech out as one of the best again even though it bombed, just as Òhe is being clearÓ when heÕs not.Ê Even the perception of failure be damned; moonbats only watching moonbat media.

When the reality starts to turn into South Park.
FL fundraiser: Joe Biden staffer told Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers (awful) to wait in a room/storage closet.Ê Despite, being told he could leave at any time, Powers was discouraged from exiting for about an hour.

NewtÕs line, on FNS, CBN, ISB: ÒIÕm 67, I have two granddaughters...ÓÊ So heÕs done having affairs, you can trust him; give him more money for spending, not winning.


Annual Earth hour...yawn.

AP: Air raids force Qaddafi retreat, rebels seize east.
Pentagon: US-led strikes help rebels retake city.
Libyan woman dragged away after telling reporters she was raped by soldiers.

AP: JapanÕs govt. criticizes nuke plant operator.

AP: Syrian port city rocked by unrest; tensions widen; 6 dead in port city.

AP: Talks on fate of YemenÕs embattled president snag; 32y of growing poverty, conflict.

AP: 250K crowd central London in budget protest; anarchists clash with police.

AP: Some 200,000 in Germany protest nuclear power.

Fox News: Report: 230K displaced by Mex. drug war, half mayÕve taken refuge in U.S.

AP: Impatient Palestinians eye Arab world in flux.

AP: Ford to idle Belgian plant for 5 days.

AP: Jimmy Carter to visit Jewish community in Cuba.

AFP: Australian Labor Party loses election in biggest state.

Reuters: Canadian election campaign kicks off, to be held May 2.

Daily Ticker (Yahoo!¨)/Peter Gorenstein: DetroitÕs radically shrinking base made natl. headlines, but the reasons for it are simple.Ê An oversupply of housing in multiple states: the Census Bureau shows that 18% of all FL homesÑmore than 1.6 mil. propertiesÑare vacant.

ABC News: Women v. Wal-Mart?
High court to decide if millions of women can sue Wal-Mart.

All I want to do is watch March Madness.
The Lookout/Brett Michael Dykes (Natl. Affairs Reporter): OH man, Daniel DeVirgilio, hit with $16.4 mil. cable bill from Time Warner.Ê The kings of the hill for billing errors are still those with quadrillion-dollar credit card bills; Jon Seale received a notice that he owed a sum of $23,148,855,308,184,500.

AP: U.S. states continue to look overseas for scarce lethal-injection drug.
Jared Loughner Googled Òlethal injectionÓ bef. his rampage.


AP - Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman vice presidential candidate on a major party ticket and a barrier-breaking pioneer for women in politics, dies at 75.


Damascus, Syria: 55 dead as protesters clash with security forces.

Libya: food supply to have more impact than military.

Jordan: unrest, calls for ouster(s).

Yemeni ÒleaderÓ says heÕd leave if his country was in safe hands; no longer at end of year.

A bomb sits in a Detroit Lost & Found for days.

Police: married veterinarian kills vet tech. teacher.

Donald Trump gets more heat for attaching himself to the ÒBirtherÓ movement.

One of JapanÕs nuclear safety officials say that the reactor core at one of the Fukushima plants may have breached (#4).Ê This news comes after the official death toll from the recent quake-tsunami was upgraded to over 10,000, and plant workers hospitalized for radiation exposure are diagnosed with second-degree radiation burns.

G.E. paid no taxes last year, after $14.2B profit.Ê Big corporations that buy loopholes...presidents.Ê Corporate loopholes, amounting to 24,000 pages in taxes (partly a result of, say, just under a million employees).Ê And the left try to use ObamaÕs biggest (televised) support group to say all corporations are evil.

Majority mob rule.
First to BBC, then to Amnesty Intl.: Virginity test by Òdemocracy loversÓ in EgyptÑthe new regimeÑripping the clothes off a women in public.

Whoever has the most passion will even win elections: The young are no longer the influenceÑthe Muslim Brotherhood are gaining control.Ê Soros group links Õem with the military?


The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin.
When he started back in 1994, he thought it would make a nice little book...it got really thick.Ê The absurd/offensive things the actual Òbig bad bankÓ doesÑthe inflation excuse: well, the money generated out of thin air is in the banks, so inflation wonÕt happen as long as itÕs not spent.Ê That doesnÕt explain how itÕll be put back, if ever, as putting the funny money back was the plan.

Control of interest rates means more bubbles to cover up the damage of previous bubbles.Ê The ÒNew World OrderÓ has been the language of those involved with the Fed.


More snow.

Relicensing Cass Sunstein-style: Petrobras, a company that does business with Iran, gets first dibs in the Gulf, U.S. is in the dark.

Soros puts millions put into April.

U.S. soldier sentenced to 24 yrs in Afghan murders.

Without controller help: only one air traffic controller, and he fell asleep.

CNBC: Bond Market Revolt?
Speculation grows of a Portugal bailout.

5AM Gold (Future) tops 1,440, currencies fluctuate like crazy; USD to YEN, 80.88; Euro, 1.41.
Platinum, 1755.9; Brent ICE, 115.70.

SoS Hillary Clinton was sched. for 6 oÕclock to speak of a NATO Òdeal,Ó but spoke at 7PM.
Special forces are already on the ground in Libya; Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer warns of a Òslippery slope,Ó that the conflict may turn into another Bosnia.

An admin. spokesman says Saddam Hussein is worse than Muammar Qaddafi...
Saddam was practically nothing more than a spy in the end; the paranoid sociopath had little military loyalty in Iraq in the 21st century.Ê In a number of ways, Qaddafi is far worse.Ê In Libya you have no rights, no educationÑthe dictator sucks life out of the region to stay in power for a lifetime.Ê QaddafiÕs more intelligent than Saddam was.


WhoÕs Afraid of Virginia Woolf? on TCM.

Paul of The Hard Times of R.J. Berger on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Ovation runs the Fame series.

Adult Swim (Cartoon Network) to run cult classic The Room again...a marathon.

Kate Couric out as news anchor at end of contract.

Mike Huckabee on TBN.Ê Again?

Prior to the reiteration of ÒFox News is a conservative outfit!Ó with guest Bret Baier, Daily Show does a number on the G.E. product line after they find out that the nuclear plant in Japan...was, in part, made by General Electric.
Made by the parent company of this network.


Police: explosive found near central bus station.Ê Israel is being ignored.

Planes land at Reagan National airport w/o controller help.

Pedophiles busted: FL sex sting results in 22 arrests in just 5 days.

Mossad predicted a year of Òturnarounds,Ó revolts in the Mid-East.

A resolution, and a resignation at the Prime Minister level in Japan.
Unsafe: Nikkei drops 2% as news gets out of tap water contamination, 2x Ònormal limit(s)Ó for radiation exposure in infants.

First major Palestinian attack on Israel in years: a rocket attack ignored.
Also, the attaching of a bomb to utility pole, destroying a convenience store.

Der Spiegel ÒcoincidentallyÓ goes after U.S. troops after the U.S. gambles on Libya...many more events to set the Muslim world on fire to go.Ê ÒHelping al-Qaeda,Ó one says, as hatred of the U.S. grows again.

Eric Holder condemns rise in rate of police officers getting shot to death...after lowering (or allowing the lowering of) competency requirements.

Raw milk: The town of Sedgwick, Maine is promoting food sovereigntyÑlegally severing themselves from food regulations.Ê Those that control the food supply control the population.

Rick Scott doesnÕt do E-mail.Ê He does letters to avoid Òthe embarrassment ofÓ not knowing whatÕs what with E-mail.

Use the politicians, people, blame the banks

To be executed in May.
ACORN pushed the banks into lending to people on the idea of listing people by tax ID instead of SSN...undocumented immigrants that couldnÕt pay back the loans.Ê Getting a crash by stirring up those that donÕt speak the language, and those that do get blamed for the actions of corrupt union leadershipÑuse the politicians and blame anything corporate.

The solution is to not be honorableÑdonÕt live up to your contractÑitÕs them, not me, and two wrongs make a right.Ê Stephen Lerner, one of those at the top of the Òradical ideasÓ food chain, pushed all of this, and so far he isnÕt being sued.Ê No longer a union member, says a na•ve columnist at the Washington Post, since the paper didnÕt regard the story as something that should be out there beyond calling Lerner a good guy.

ÒIt will kill them,Ó Lerner said.Ê Destroy the system for Òtransformative changeÓ of of the capitalist system.Ê Revolutionary talk for, Òoverthrow the U.S. government.ÓÊ Our money isnÕt real anymore, and more people on the left are using LernerÕs words.Ê Even Joel Rogers and Wade Rathke quoted Lerner.Ê Stephen Lerner is at the top besides Soros.


Larry King on Hannity, promoting his book.

Colbert sells his multi-portrait (with ÒOBEYÓ spray painted on it) for $26K.


Elizabeth Taylor, 79, who battled weight, near-fatal pneumonia, dies of congestive heart failure.Ê The violet-eyed actress was born in London, her family settled in Hollywood(?).Ê She starred in 50 films.Ê Her first Oscar¨ was from her role in Butterfield 8 (1960), and she was the first to get a million dollars for another film.Ê The last of the great movie stars started at age 14, fought AIDS before it was known that Rock Hudson had it, raising $100 mil. in her lifetime, and fought for Michael Jackson through his media scandal.Ê She gathered enough strength to watch the recent Academy Awards show

Joan Rivers: she had it allÑfame, family.Ê Where do I sign?


Under the weather...literallyÑitÕs snowing in Spring.

Enemies Within

DoJ says their arrest of a counterfeiter was the result of a zero tolerance policy, calling his activities an example of Òeconomic terrorism.ÓÊ As if.Ê That guyÕs facing 15 years.

One of those speaking at the Left Forum on the weekend, spoke of Francis Fox Piven: Òcreate conditions of ungovernability,Ó and then you win.

Stephen Lerner, of SEIU Justice for Janitors, is the guy who ÒspearheadedÓ efforts of going to Òthe targetÕsÓ home, and was behind the incident where the son of the ÒtargetÓ was at home, scared to death.

Literal def. of sabotage: to put a boot in the wheel.Ê Lerner recently spoke of that, in this period of transformation of capitalism.


A third war with a Muslim country....bad news

Barack Obama the Constitution doesnÕt authorize

Farrakhan, a Òphoto friendÓ of Qaddafi, says the dictator feeds his people, gives them jobs and has friends all around the world.Ê Qaddafi: The coalition conducts Hitlerisms.

Reality: Qaddafi treats his people only like pawns; there are no freedoms, no human rights there.Ê An estimated 1/3 of the Libyan population lives in poverty.Ê When one of the richest men in the world (>$40 bil.) wanted something done, heÕd get it doneÑeven if itÕd mean getting soldiers to terrorize the people, such as cutting limbs off random citizens, and guessing the sex of a child in a pregnant woman before cutting the fetus out to Òsee who won.ÓÊ Qaddafi even tried to have Ronald Reagan assassinated; the Libyan ÒleaderÓ is a terrorist, but not funding terrorists anymore says Hillary Clinton.Ê Uh-huh.Ê ÒWe donÕt want to help terrorists,Ó yet we are.

ÒDoes the change make it less or more evil?Ó

The newer edition of Rules for Radicals, promoted by the NEA, omits Saul AlinskyÕs praise to Lucifer.
Ben Netanyahu spoke of the anti-Israel stance that the far-left shares with the Muslim world.

China steeply reduced exports of 17 mineral elements that make cell phones, TVs, computers.
ItÕs pollution rates make cancer the highest cause of death.

Burning the food supply (ethanol), while the world starvesÑtheyÕll love us when things get bad, right?

Japan: American English teacherÕs body found; was told she was alive.

Paris HiltonÕs D.A. arrested.

AT&T to merge with T-Mobile.


Colbert Report intro-caption: STRONG SWIMMER.

Wet Dream (somewhat unrealistic) programming on MTV: Hard Times of R.J. Berger, season 2 premieres Thursday.


Legend Willie Pinetop Perkins dies at 97.


Some good news from Japan: 2 found alive in rubble.

4 hurt as camera falls on crowd in Austin music festival.

William & Kate invite Ôold flamesÕ to wedding.

ÔKnutÕ the polar bear dies; death being investigated.

Amtrak CEO gets stuck on Amtrak train.

WhereÕs MuammarÕs marbles?
QaddafiÕs mercenaries are paid $2K/day, and he says civs. on the ground are all al-Qaida.
Charlie Sheen interviewed him?Ê NahÑSheen replaced the interviewerÑfootage of an interview.


Crackdowns in Yemen against protests calling for ouster of their U.S.-backed autocracy.

U.S. security official: Libyan air defense Òseverely crippled.Ó

114 Tomahawk missiles have been fired on 20 locations in Libya.


Warren Christopher, 85, dies of complications arising from cancer.Ê He worked in past administration(s).


Nuclear power makes up 14% of the worldÕs energy.

Cease-fire followed gunfireÑQaddafi attacking his own civilians.
They say they canÕt believe what Qaddafi says; fire increased in cease-fire.

Hillary in Paris for G-8, agreed with positions, even as those positions kept changing.
U.S. govt. has turned its back on Israel.
France being the one wanting a fight, the U.S. coweringÑHillary Clinton has had it, and will not seek any new political position...besides working for Soros (Secretary of State project).

Oil workers in Oman striking for Òhigher wagesÓÑunions have them.

Operation Tomodachi: U.S. helps Japan with Dai-ichi

Death toll in Japan, post-quake, tsunami: 7K; 10K missing.
Honda will not reopen plants in Japan, other companies as well not reopening.Ê This has affected operations here, as Japan is a manufacturing source for products here.
U.S. has 30x the lawyers than Japan per capita...

The light always trumps darknessÑthe existence of energy.
Light a candle for the Fogul family, massacred in Israel.


A heartwarming skeleton wrapped in electrical tape: Give It Up for Greg Giraldo.

Mariska Hargitay in Ghoolies...on Turner Classic Movies.Ê And ÒDickÓ is played by Keith Joe Dick.


Artillery fire in Benghazi reported before the U.N. Security Council adopts a measure for a no-fly zone in Libya.


AP: More governments advising citizens to leave Tokyo.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Naoki Tsunoda said new power line to Fukushima Dai-ichi is almost complete.Ê However, several ominous signs have emerged: a surge in radiation levels, unexplained white smoke and spent fuel rods that U.S. officials said could be on the verge of spewing radioactive material.Ê Workers suspended themselves earlier over radiation fears after some containment was lost.
Rolling blackouts could last six weeks.

Bank of Japan pumps another $60B into the countryÕs stock market.
U.S. to start flying Americans out of Japan.
Michio Kaku: if I were PM, IÕd say, put down squirt guns, sent out planes to pump the area with sand and cement to make a sarcophagus like the Soviets did in 1986 to trap the radiation.

AP: Police say 230 children rescued in pedophile ring busts.

AP: Abbas offers to visit Gaza after Israel intercepted arms shipment from Iran.

AP: Four NYT journalists covering fighting now missing in Libya.

AP: ÔBlood moneyÕ frees CIA contractor in Pakistan.

Emotional testimony: Petraeus reveals his son served in Afghanistan.Ê You know, 15, 16, 17 years for God sakes...

AP Exclusive: Muhammad Ali asks Iran to free U.S. hikers.

Sun Journal: Maine State Trooper injured in accident on Route 133.

AP: Dad of gas-soaked stun gun victim sues PA police.

AP: Ger. natl. Christian Carl Gerhartsreiter to lawyer: I didnÕt kill John Sohus.

Portland Press Herald: Cape E. considers food carts at Fort Williams.

Hawaii: tsunami killed thousands of sea birds at Midway.

AP: Shawn Mohney pledges to fight for terminally ill toddler son after ruling.
Suit says 24-year-old Levi suffered burns on 98% of his body.

AP: Squirrel attacking residents of Bennington, VT.
Vermont Public Health Veterinarian Robert Johnson says thereÕs never been a case of a squirrel passing rabies to a human.

Hillary Clinton will not run for 2nd term as Secretary of State, and will try to get out of the public eye, out of politics.

Anti-Second Amendment administration

Justice Dept. Matthew Miller says Òsound, effectiveÓ measures should be taken in keeping guns out of the hands of criminals...something technically impossible.

In 1996, Obama said ÒyesÓ to the question of Òwould you sign legislation that would ban the manufacturing and possession of handguns.ÓÊ Now heÕs too busy with sportsÑcoaching, and making picks...televised.Ê Cass Sunstein behind that wheel nowÑjust wait until the executive order is made, with happy faces stamped all over the surface.

DonÕt change the laws or amend the constitution, just tweak the interpretation... CassÕs territory.Ê Anti-bullying regulationsÑgovernment knows best.

The new story of the Three Little Pigs, taught in school: it was a misunderstanding, letÕs talk.Ê You know itÕs metaphorical when pigs in a story build housesÑtheyÕre not beavers, theyÕre pigs.Ê ItÕs an understatement to say that wolves donÕt have the nature to Òtalk it out.ÓÊ A starving K-9 will eat you, period.Ê Calling a story scary doesnÕt change the reality, control freaks.


Hip-hop icon Nate Dogg, 41, dies of Òcomplications from multiple strokes (2007, 2008).Ó
The ÒG-FunkÓ rapper collaborated with Snoop Dogg collaborator.


Accidents are unpredictable.

Chuck Turner loses his appeal.

Gilbert Gotfried fired as AFLAC duck after making light of the disaster in Japan.

FabioÕs birthday.

Mike ÒThe SituationÓ gets boos and mere sympathy laughter at Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump.

Brush fire by nuke plant #4 in Japan; fire at #4 involves fire outside containment building.
JapanÕs Nuclear Safety Agency says 70% of the fuel rods in reactor #1 may be damaged.
Cascadia subduction zone & San Andreas Fault along Òring of fireÓ; a quake is due for Pacific U.S.
Plant fire reignites after not being fully extinguished yesterday.
Low levels of radiation detected 200 mi. from the plant.
Japanese official: workers unable to stay due to radiation risk; now a level six emergency.

Heroes of nuclear messes

During the meltdown of Chernobyl, a man that fought radiation poisoning and fires with a hose, vomiting.Ê Remarkably, he survived.Ê Now, itÕs 50 workers fighting in Japan to keep things from getting worse; normally, there would be abt. 1,400 workers operating the plant(s).

Chernobyl was no accident.Ê The Russian ÒleadershipÓ deliberately pushed the limitsÑworkers even walked through w/o suits!Ê There is almost no comparison of Chernobyl to any nuclear incident, because the worst had no containment vessel, no steel and concrete walls, and instead of water...they used graphite.Ê (Graphite sets on fire.)

The China Syndrome, starring Jane Fonda, is pure fiction, typical Hollywood; a meltdown = molten uranium pellets eat through the crust?Ê Even nuclear explosions are very limited in terms of eating through the EarthÕs crust, and are not plausible with moderately-enriched pellets, as a neutron-trigger is difficult without more enrichment.Ê With the modern design, a ÒmeltdownÓ doesnÕt go further than Òdamage.Ó

Oh, the protests: last nuke plant built in the U.S. was in N.H., 30 years ago.

Artificial trend lines and the soon end of the dollar

Be part of the solution and prepare yourself and others.Ê Otherwise, youÕre part of the problem...we have enough of those.


Nuclear power makes 30% of JapanÕs supply, 20% for the U.S.

Qaddafi forces bomb rebel-held city of eastern Libya.

Helicopter crash in CA.

C-SPAN: China takes Ôstrong stepsÕ in addressing inflation.

Man arrested for leaving nude pic of self at Wal-Mart.

Tips on beauty and picking up suicide bombers.
From feared to joke: al-Qaeda launches womenÕs magazine.

A bond market meltdown would make things much worse

Pimco(?), the largest in the bond-fund mkt, dropped all of its U.S. debt.Ê The decision was made by Bill Gross.
Given the deflation in the world, inflation would be a good thing, ÒexpertsÓ say...dollar worth less, worthless.


Japan quake, tsunami take dire toll on economy.
10K feared dead in Japan amid fears of nuclear meltdowns; 688-801 confirmed dead.
180K flee as JapanÕs nuke-plant crisis intensifies.
Many experience radiation poisoning, 9+ test positive; millions w/o food, water.
Workers are using sea water to cool reactor(s).
U.N. sent for Ôhelp.Õ

Yemen clashes and Bahrain chaos as protests deepen.
Police fire on Yemeni protesters, 100+ injured.
Qaddafi drives rebels from one of last strongholds.
Bahrain protests throw island kingdom into chaos.
Tunisia orders curfew in restive mining town.

Mex. drug cartels move into Central America.

L.A.-bound pilots lock down cockpit over praying passengers.

Official: riders contradict driverÕs story in fatal NYC crash.

Police officer shot dead by another in NYC suburb.

NBA player arrested for refusing to move car for ambulance.

Philip J. Crowley resigns as State Dept. spokesman over Bradley Manning remarks.

Researchers: legendary lost city of Atlantis may be found.

Legally Blonde gets 3 Laurence Olivier Awards.

Jason Momoa trading in surfboard for swords in Conan the Barbarian remake.


Potassium iodide (Ki) has a shelf life of only 4-5 years.

Japan: Fukushima plant #1 explodes from pressure; 200 more bodies found at coast.
Thousands flee as emergency is declared at second plant.
Sewage system malfunctioning; waterborne illnesses to rise.

North Dakota: 800+ stranded motorists rescued.

Major floods in NJ: gov. views damage, makes press conference.


Arab League calls for no-fly zone in Libya.

5th worst earthquake in recorded history, worst disaster for Japan.
8.9 (World Geological Survey)/9.0 (local) on Richter scale.
The following tsunami reached 10 meters vertical.
Scores of major aftershocks follow as well.


You always have a choice.

Unions using public workers

On Sept 24, 2010, some union members were arrested for conspiring to support designated terrorist group(s).Ê No surprise, the Justice Department didnÕt file any charges.


AP: Rebels reinforce key Libyan oil port in east.

SoS Clinton: Washington has info that ex-FBI agent Robert Levinson is alive.

AP: WI Dems threatened with police action, layoffs.

AP: Obama, Calderon pledge cooperation on drug wars (via press conference).

AP: Senate Repubs. push to oust Medicare chief.

AP: Kids stuffed into luggage, found in Fla. canal likely siblings.

AP: CO boy, 12, faces charges in shooting deaths of parents.

AP: Wandering spider find leads Mazda to recall 65K cars.

AP: Man takes box cutters onto JetBlue plane at NYCÕs JFK airport.

Portland Press Herald: ME exports set new record.

APNewsBreak: Harvard to let ROTC back on campus.


Our troops are about trapped in the Middle East.

Pro-Qaddafi forces bombing rebel outskirts of townÑby airplane.

Prominent Christian, Shahbaz Bhatti, murdered in Pakistan; was against blasphemy law.

2 U.S. airmen killed in German airport shooting; suspect is devout Muslim from Kosovo.

CNN: Provisional govt. launched in Libya today.

The arrest of a cleric Òsent markets on fire.Ó

22 new charges against Bradley Manning.

Former Goldman Sachs (board) member charged with insider trading.

Pres. to push fedl. property board to sell Òexcess propertyÓÑ$18 bil.

WI Dem. rescues GOP Senator mobbed by protesters.

Christian Dior firing: a designer unapologetically praises Hitler.

Socialist mantra in grade school ÒBuilding Fluency Through PracticeÓ chants.

Robert Gates: a no-fly zone in Libya would require more than a single aircraft carrier of jets, bombarding them; it would start a war.

Untraceable investors, Bear raidsÑThomas Friedman (NYT) for a Pentagon report

Electronic run on the banksÑeconomic terrorism the theory on what triggered the 2008 meltdown.Ê The trigger is debatable, but just about everything else in the report is already confirmed.Ê Done in 2009, only recently has it been released.Ê Following it, we are at stage 3 of the pattern given.

WikiLeaks cables that have gone viral showing U.S. involvementÑfive through banks; Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Bahrain.Ê Just think of the meltdown if/once info on the Saudi ways goes viral.Ê Goods are tied to the price of oil, but copper is going downÑnothing is growing.


Reagan warned of Russia piping oil to Europe because of the dependency issue.

141 Nobel Peace prize nominations for WikiLeaks...yet the 2007 helicopter footage of troops gunning down civilians was doctored; edited out of context, the original audio shows that the figures on the ground were [considered] insurgents, and permission was asked for many times to open fire.

So all three examples for the Russia Today ÒReal NewsÓ is propaganda; one is fraudulent, and the other two are demonstrations for socialism.Ê Pushing the U.S. over the edge...

Avocation of some websites in a school curriculum...not simply comparisons to Nazis.
FUIT(?) is actually the new AFL-CIO.
PoliceCrimes.com: slow and painful deathÑprotect (people) from the police.Ê And ÒF--- Police Brutality DayÓ.

Intl. police unionÑwhy would they be standing with these people?Ê The FOP says you have no choice?

I stand with Israel, the only free country in the region it sits in.