The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

The Storm Is Here

Have peace in your hearts—don’t give into anger, and support your neighbor.
The global players, those that see life as a game, are in it for keeps; whole ethnic populations are at stake. Those that control the food supply control the people.

Honest people can be wrong, facts can be incorrect, but the truth is timeless and has no agenda.

Serious, they do it. Denial allows it to happen.

They tell you what they’re doing, not just caught behind closed doors, but on C-SPAN as well. In their own words, and then they do it; dismissive, some still deny that it’s happening.

Caliphate (n.): the office of jurisdiction of a caliph; an Islamic state of rule.
Caliph, calif, Khalif (n.): a male leader of an Islamic polity.


AP: Libyan leader’s regime clamped down in its stronghold in the capital, appears to be maneuvering to strike opposition-held cities.
‘No-fly’ weighed in new sanctions.

nzherald.co.nz: Christchurch earthquake death toll likely to be about 240 (third worst in history).

AP: travelers at 4 airports may’ve been exposed to measles; NM woman on 2.20 had it.

AP: Charlie Sheen says he wants a raise to return to show; lengthy segments on morning shows.

AP: Obama offers states leeway to meet health-care bill’s provisions.

AP: Gene therapy raises hope for a future AIDS cure.

AP: Buckles, last WWI doughboy, dies at 110 in WV.

Rivals (Yahoo!®): AL’s Greg McElroy scores high on a standard NFL exam.  Is he too smart? asks Matt Hinton.

AP: Son of African dictator (Equatorial Guinea, of 30 yrs) orders $380M luxury superyacht
Father, and President Teodoro Obiang, who took over the region in a bloody coup, has an est. wealth of half a billion dollars, according to Forbes.

AP: Gov. warns of ‘dire consequences’ for WI if Dems don’t return.
SLAC members demonstrated at the Madison state Capitol on 2011.02.27.

AP: Kids left alone bef. Houston day care fire that killed 4.
Jessica Tata, 22, who runs the day care, has been charged with reckless injury to a child involving serious bodily injury—a charge that carries a sentence of 2–10 yrs in prison.

San Francisco news:
KRON-4: San Mateo police wound suspect in Monday shootout.
BC: America’s Cup (yacht racing) vanguards begin their preparations.
Curbed: California College of the Arts buys up more land.


Preliminary ratings down for Oscars®.
Kirk Douglas’ appearance at the Academy Awards can be summed up in two words: “you know...”  The guy added at least 4 minutes to the long-running awards show.  And then others started doing it...

For the season 7 premiere of No Reservations tonight, Anthony Bourdain met up with Sean Penn in quake-torn Haiti.


AP: Libya rebels gear for fight in city near capital.
Hundreds of armed anti-govt. forces backed by military defectors who ctrl. the city closest to the capital Tripoli prepared today to repel an expected offensive by forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi surrounding Zawiya.

AP: WI governor says protests haven’t swayed him; workers prep to clear the capitol.

AP: Oman clashes promote protests in Gulf.

AP: Soldier impersonators targeting women in Facebook scams.

AP: Secret military op helps Germany rescue 132 fm. Libya.

AP: Search resumes for pilot after vintage jet crashes into the Hudson.

AP IMPACT: (more) past medical testing on humans revealed.

Domestic violence in aftermath of N.Z. quake.

AP: Lieberman calls report on Army mind tricks ‘weird.’

CBS News: Chris Christie believes in collective bargaining.

Analysis: Tiger Woods may have to settle with mediocrity.

Portland Press Herald: Boiler co. offers to lock in pellet prices.

Brazilian medic entertains fans on his way out to tend a fallen soccer player.

Strangely costumed super-fan becomes college hoops celebrity.

Black Swan takes top honors at Spirit Awards.


Exhausted, after more sleep deprivation to get daxaif to play >66KHz sound, but moving forward; shoveling an entire pathway with atrophied arms... and we have a long driveway.

Armed gangs roam Libyan capital; U.N. weighs sanctions.
Reuters: As the embattled Libyan leader lashes out at his own people, world leaders seem stuck in place.

Major setback at Iran nuclear plant; New info on arms program.

Reuters: Leading Yemeni tribal figure says Saleh must go.

‘Monster’ solar storm erupts on the Sun, scientists say.

New Zealand earthquake death toll: 145.

Anti-whaling activist chases forced halt to Japan whaling season (2011.02.18).

Congressman condemns question about shooting Obama.

Toddler freed after 4 hrs trapped in bank vault.

Bush cancels Denver visit because of Assange invitation.

Ex-Cub Scout leader sentenced in child porn.

Conviction in Arizona: Why Iraqi woman, Noor al-Maleki, fell victim to honor killing by father.  Here’s TIME’s take (on Yahoo!®).

CBS News: Protests are scheduled around the country today as the group moveon.org (Soros) organizes noontime rallies in all 50 state capitals as a sign of solidarity for the workers of Wisconsin.

Every one of these “solidary” orgs. are paid by or affiliated with George Soros.  Every one.

“Conservative” Kathleen Parker leaving CNN show, Spitzer to stay.

Nintendo 3-D handheld goes on sale in Japan, ahead of global rollout.

Charlie Sheen says he’ll fight to get paid for the unproduced “Two and a Half Men” episodes after CBS canceled it over his drugged up lifestyle, tirades.

An NFL player jumps 3 feet up, balances on a ball, as part of his training.

There is no democracy without stability

Without stability and restrictions against federal powers, there is no democracy.  That’s why the United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.  The founders called Democracy, with a capital ‘D,’ “mob rule,” because real representation requires as much consent and stability as possible.  They learned this after being duped during the French Revolution, where Thomas Paine came close to being beheaded.

Too many here take our Republic for granted, mistaking rights for privileges.  Again, and again, I hear “bargaining rights” with the unions—and the same doesn’t apply to federal workers (the Jimmy Carter admin. was responsible for that).  If it’s to hold back government, it’s a right; otherwise it’s a privilege.


What they’re teaching in school these days: how Republicans are the problem.

$4/gal. gas expected this year, as oil surges past $95/bbl... gas could go as high as $6.
Threats from Muammar Qaddafi that he may burn oil the fields, and Saudi Arabia is getting pressure from all sides.  Now Qaddafi is releasing prisoners (for chaos), ordering tanks out on to the streets, and replacing army defectors with mercenaries.  Evacuations for Tripoli...

Teenager arrested for shooting of FL officer.

Ahmadinejad to visit U.S. next week...Mahdi and Sharia.

The Admin. says they won’t enforce another law that Clinton signed into office: Defense of Marriage act.


It’s been some time since Larry King has been on CNN; he was on Piers Morgan Tonight... saying Hugo Chàvez would make a good U.S. politician in a conversation regarding bad dictator interviewees (Qaddafi is nuts).


Amplifier (Yahoo!®): Bob Dylan’s muse and Freewheelin’ cover star Suze Rotolo dies at 67.  She was his girlfriend during his fledgling days, 1961–63/64, and reunited with film editor Enzo Bartoccioli, sticking with Bartoccioli until her death.  Rotolo died of lung cancer, according to Bartoccioli.


Label them a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ even if everything they say is proven true.

Christchurch, New Zealand struck by 6.3-7.1 magnitude earthquake; 70+ dead, hudreds trapped in buildings.

Al-Qaeda sets up ‘Islamic emirate’ in eastern Libya.

Most debters to default, an analyst says.

Anti-immigrant killer Shawna Forde sentenced to death.

Wild game Bulletstorm released.

Libya is on fire, and it’s a member of OPEC.  Qaddafi did a 40-sec feed, with an umbrella, denouncing rumors that he’s in Venezuela.  I’m in Tripoli, ya’ jerks...  Unstable, he can literally be seen in crowds, outside, out in the open, while some people want him oustered, if not dead.

In first two years of Obama’s Presidency, has not talked to six of his advisors.  He is instead talking to Rich Trumpka (AFL-CIO).


Some docs wrote ‘out-sick’ notes for protesting teachers; a CNN reporter called the fraud “helping,” but their actions hurt intentions.  The doctors are now being investigated.

History Channel’s It’s Good To Be President tells again that false sense of history: F.D.R. and staff, saving the economy from the Great Depression.

At least Frontline lays out something of the Muslim Brotherhood threat.  Also: footage of police turning their backs as protesters stop to pray, out of respect.


Libya is in danger of breaking into pieces; over 60 killed, 200+ murdered this month.
Muammar Qaddafi’s second son, Saif al-Islam (literally, “Sword of Islam”) Muammar Qaddafi, says, violence was caused by a mistake by the Libyan army, criminals control the streets, illegal immigrants are involved in protests, and some ‘were taking drugs.’  Tanks spreading around with ‘drunken people.’  ‘Today we are at a crossroads.’

Acapulco, Mex.: 80 drug-related deaths just recently.

3 kids die in meth fire.

2 killed when sch. bus skids off road, crashes in S. Calif.

Four states, including NJ, were waived in the HC law.

Anna Nicole Smith opera opens in U.K.

Study links high fiber to longer life.

After suing the Congressional cafeteria for bad (olive) sandwich, Dennis Kucinich has to pay $52K (fine) from unmatching (campaign) funds.


“Jolly John” Pulsifer, 74, died Saturday, of pancreatic cancer, at Gosnell Memorial Hospice House in Scarborough.  He was well-known in Maine for his goofy but legendary car commercials.


The House passes a $1.2 trillion budget.

France 2, Updated News: Deposed Tunisian President Ben Ali Died in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, after family fled (1.14), 23-yr. reign ended, and he suffered a stroke.

Protests in Wisconsin: coming to a city/town near you.  Oh, the carnage!
“It’s bad for the kids, but it’s good for the teachers,” one WI teacher protester says.  Social justice field trips for the students—even dressing the kids.  Carr: How can you support public sector worker strikes when they’re doing it for Viagra?  Support Working Families?— They’re not working!  The avg. WI teacher makes $80K 51K, and some can’t even spell words on their signs correctly (‘negotiations,’ for example).  And, of course, Bill Maher has to say nuts and criminals are all on “the right.”  IA Gov.’s tires were slashed—blame the right for what another leftist does.

Once again, it takes one to not know one.  Idiots carrying Nazi swastikas in the crowd.  It takes quite the denial to believe the stuff these people believe today, however inconsistent, bigoted, irresponsible... An “existential moment,” Maddow calls it.  “An assault on (public-sector) unions,” the Prez calls it.

That Planned Parenthood sting footage is actually four years old

There are dozens of the tapes, and only employee has been fired.  The girl’s face is posted like a Wanted poster.  Eugenics, during the early-20th-century Progressive movement, made “the imbecile” into a science.  Eunice Shriver, over her disgust of what she overheard, of what was going on, founded the Special Olympics.  Planned Parenthood continues to cover up abuse cases.


VW Beetle Bug, introduced this day, in 1972.

6+ killed in monarchy Bahrain since Monday; hundreds wounded in police attacks.

Scott Brown comes clean on being abused as a kid by stepfathers, a camp councilor.

Supporters of the RoboCop statue raise $50K+.

Mex. brewery produces the first “gay beer.”


The Daily Show: Asif Manvi does a Muslim version of The Cosby ShowIt seems like the best way to combat Muslim stereotypes is to confirm Muslim stereotypes.

Honest Tea: low calorie, high taste, USDA organic, fair trade ingredients (stealing fm. formulas round the world, the creator admits).  Founded in 1998, Coca-Cola Co. purchased a 40% stake in 2008.


Pound/USD jumps to 1.6172, to 1.62.

Police clash with protesters in Bahrain; protesters killed.

Protesters in Libya are now being fired on; protesters call for “Day of Anger.”

Protests rise in Mexico.

Eurozone is finally “thinking of the consequences.”  “Regional state development”...

Authorities are still looking for Mex. gunmen that murdered some ICE agents.

Feds say drug cartels are using Americans to buy AK-47s.

Japan cancels annual whale hunt this year.

PBS/NPR funding on the chopping block; Big Bird appeared on Capitol Hill.

Eric Schmidt, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg among those meeting the Pres. today.

Large detail study of bear hibernation—remarkable temperature tolerance.

Man lives with knife in skull for 4 yrs, blade pointing upward.

You were warned—look for a moment of provocation: Iranian warships headed for Suez canal.
Funerals in Bahrain, Iran; Iranian regime: “U.S. can ‘bully’ others but not Iran.”

While Egypt was celebrating The Ouster of Mubarak, CBS’ Lara Logan was beaten and raped extensively by a crowd of men, as women there are treated as second-class citizens.  She was saved by a group of women, and has been brought back to the U.S.

An NYU professor gets fired for making fun of her rape, but like any radical, drops the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends, as Van Jones would have said.  Nir Rosen “apologized” for his tweets.

Glee smashes record: cast members sold more than Elvis (Most Top 100 Hits).

Borders Books and Music (Borders Group Inc.) filed for bankruptcy (NY court) last weekend, closing up to 275 stores... $0.5B loan from G.E. capital.

Zinc could help fight colds, but sprays can have serious side effects.
Observational study seems to show nutritional deficiencies rather than cold symptom alleviation... and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

The Nation praises... protests continue in Madison, the birthplace of the Progressive movement.
Students who don’t even know what they’re fighting for—Lenin called his students, “useful idiots.”  All up in Wisconsin—a state known for being pro-union, pro-bargaining rights.

~25K Protesters showed at WI state capitol, Senate Dems. did not; comparisons made of Walker to Hitler, Mubarak.  It takes 20 Senate votes to pass a bill, and 14 D’s are in IL.  The bill being put up replaces most collective bargaining privileges with merit pay.

Awful cont’d: A “prominent” member of CPAC denies the existence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., despite the chicken pox-like map of their whereabouts here.  And Jimmy Carter says, “there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Submit or Die

Khomeini banned the Twelvers in Iran, even killing some of them.  Guess what happened this week?  Khamenei, the current Supreme ruler, and Twelver, says the Mahdi (12th Imam) has come out of the ancient well and is talking to him—to hasten the “promised one” and “wash the world with blood”—the goal of the Twelvers.  A dangerous game.

Then you have the Islamic Unity conference (2011.02.19-21), where hundreds of scholars will attend.  As clarification: Shi‘ites (composes Iran) prefer direct descendents of Muḥammad, Sunnis (what composed Saddam Hussein’s Baath party) don’t care.

Then you have the Twelvers’ Mahdi.  Ahmadinejad cites him in every speech.  He’s almost identical to the Christian Antichrist: kill Jews/Christians (submit or die), 7 years of tyranny, make peace with Israel bef. breaking the treaty, a global seat—mount of the temple, kill and behead non-believers, the mark of the beast, he’s “right, and you’ll die if you don’t believe him.”  In the general sense, the exact polar opposite—someone sat down and wrote the Mahdi as a defense/face of the Antichrist.

MSNBC: Leaning Forward...into the furnace of hell

The smeartastic Cenk Uygur is looking like a perm for the currently-unnamed slot for 6 p.m., doing Ed Schultz bidding, after being moved to 10 p.m. due to Olbermann’s departure.


Len Lesser dies at 88 of cancer-related pneumonia.  He played “Uncle Leo” on Seinfeld, and appeared on a no. of other TV shows, including The Outer Limits, Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Get Smart.


Unrest in Bahrain.

An est. 44 mil. pushed into poverty due to rising food prices.

Italy’s Berlusconi indicted in prostitution probe.

Influx of refugees fm. Tunisia entering Italy; could “devastate Europe.”

From Mexico City: two U.S. agents shot this afternoon.

Cuts: L.A. schools to lay off ~7,000.

Senate approved extension of certain provisions in the Patriot Act.

Dr. Conrad Murray wants a new lawyer.

Personal responsibility?: Billy Ray Cyrus blames Disney/Hanna Montana for destruction of Miley.

Hackers hit Day’s Jewelers.

If the Suez canal is shut, tankers will have to go around Africa...where Somali pirates have been hijacking ships...and our military, that has been reducing hijackings, is under the budget chopping block.

Iranian lawmakers, along with other pro-govt. forces, chant opposition names, including Mousavi, followed by “Death to them.”  Thugs chanting slogans for now.

From Cairo to Madison, Workers Unite signs.  Students around the world influenced into unrest.
Unrest in WI; calls for the Natl. guard.  Trumpka calls the cuts “radical,” calls for radical marches on the capital.

Days of Rage: Saturday, March 12.

Stop playing politics

One of the options in lowering the deficit is to lie about inflation...add cotton to the list of items exempt from the calculation formula.  Gasoline and food are already subtracted, making the percentage as much as 90% less than it actually is.

IL appears to be doing nothing but wait for other states, countries to buy more debt.  Worst ratio: less than half in pensioning actually paid.

Impropriety and Bias.  You are, of course, a racist for pointing out a likelyhood of the Muslim Brotherhood winning elections, as there aren’t any alternatives despite their 15% approval rating...and the fact that Hamas won in the Gaza strip, some years back.
With the New York Times, Rachel Maddow goes after the Koch bros., Scalia and Thomas, preps with, “I’m not attacking…”; Laurence O’Donnell considers Bill O’Reilly a joke…most of the time.  (Notice that the self-avowed socialist took a step back.)  Fox—so-called—News.  It’s a title, you transparent propagandist; like a slogan, you needn’t say, “so-called.”  Put that in your (history) Rewrite segment.

You know it’s propaganda when you’re not allowed to make up your mind, not getting much factual information.  Russian Television (RT) America is an example, where I’ve seen enough guilt-by-association, anti-American content—being piped through the network.  They also carry Thom Hartman at 9 p.m., where he can smear people all (hour) long.


We are the bigger buyer of our own debt, the deficit nearly tripled in three years ($458 bil. to $1.1 tril. now); biggest debt jump in a long time.

“Protest mentality” on the rise; some want Mubarak’s tongue cut out, among other things; one shot dead in Iran (brazen butality.
Iranian regime puts fmr. Pres. candidate Mir Hussein Mousavi put under house arrest.
“Spontaneous protests,” my ass: 2008 WikiLeaks cable(s) show radical plans for Egypt to overthrow Mubarak.
Google has gotten so far in bed with the U.S. govt. that other countries are kicking the co. out.
Italians increase their protests against their PM over his scandal after controlling the law and the media...“alleged” ties to the mafia.

Certain provisions of Patriot Act passed.

Anti-immigration activist Shawna Forde found guilty of murder: 9-yr.-old girl and father; used Minute Men for info, kicked out.

Tiger Woods fined for undisclosed amt. for spitting on the green.

TN legislator credits Hooters for her success.

Post-divorce surgery on the rise.

For...something that will fall apart anyway

Nic[k] Robertson did all he could to try to inject Obama into the question, asking people on the ground in Egypt, “what do you want to say to him.”  Each of them kept responding, “he had nothing to do with this—we did it w/o him.”  That didn’t stop Robertson from saying the people there were giving Obama credit.  They’re seriously happy about the U.S. President.

The Prez insults the people’s intelligence by putting up a record $3.73 trillion budget...saying it will lead to a balanced budget.
Obama promised to cut the fedl. budget in half in Feb 2009...$1.6T investment (spending) to Win the future.  He continues to ignore the results from the debt commission.
Paul Ryan says it’d be better to do nothing than pass this budget.

Another lefty blogger—who denies that she’s far-left and says you’re far-right if you’re to the right of someone else on the the left—runs with Media Matters ratings numbers, only to deny that she pulled them from Media Matters.  2.2/3 isn’t half; it’s not even a 30% drop.  Maybe she has trouble with math like many idiots on the left.  Nah, she’s such a warm and cuddly Progressive (manipulative) that she had to talk to the comment posts by making comment posts for her own blog.


New Colbert Report intro caption: YAY-HOLE.

Cinemax (AOL Time Warner) looking to shed its Skin-emax past.

Chris Matthews’ (Softball) President of the World (fmr. Pres. Clinton) promoted on NBC.

Desperate to control public perception, the left are pulling the race card again: Bill O’Reilly interview with the president—asking a sports question is shoved into the ‘racist’ category on Real Time w/ Bill Maher.  (And the large-Afroed nut nods some more.)


One Archduke (Franz) Ferdinand moment after another.

It spreads, as predicted: Algeria opposition says to hold weekly rallies.
Yemeni police block protesters’ march; hundreds marching to presidential palace in Sanaa.
Egypt’s military rulers suspend constitution, dissolve parliament; more protests planned...

Chants of “death to the dictator” heard in Iran again, as calls for a repeat of Egypt are made.

New York City stabbing spree suspect headed to court; kitchen knife used as weapon.

Court rules that rancher must pay illegals that crossed onto his property.

New developments on the case of fedl. attorney Joyce Chiang, who was murdered in ~1999, first missing; two persons of interest have been ID’d.

AP Source: Obama to seek changes in Pell Grants, make marginal annual deficit cuts.

Frank-and-Dodd ready for congressional close-up.

Foes seek to de-fund, discredit Planned Parenthood after pro-life underaged prostitution sting.

AP: Laughing gas returning as option for laboring moms.

L.A. County probes Playboy Mansion respiratory illness reports (suspected outbreak).

AP: Boehner urges Obama to back immediate budget cuts.

Winds sustain WA wildfires; dozens of homes destroyed; stack of logs caught fire.

Feds asked not to release new mugshot photos of Jared Loughner, as if they’ll ruin the defense’s case.

Huffington Post sold to AOL for $315M.

AP: 1st “PlayStation phone” coming to Verizon Wireless in Apr., Sony Ericsson CEO said today.

AP: NASA craft set for Valentine rendezvous with comet.

With 3 noms. but no wins, Eminem is likely to win Grammy® for album Recovery (2010).

AP: Tiger Woods has new swing to work out after disappointing Dubai.

Reuters: Boeing Co rolls out new jet of a 40-yr.-old model in hopes of sales boost.

AP: First lady says laughter’s key to togetherness.

Canadian Ice hotel becomes a hot attraction.

NASCAR driver admits driving while impaired, apologizes.

Everyone laughing: Boston’s Glen Davis messes up one of the easiest plays in basketball.

AP: Newark mob arrests raise issues of crime, port security; police call stretch bet. Port Newark and Newark Liberty International Airport are the most dangerous 2 miles in America.

Reuters: After NYSE Euronext, Sen. Schumer told NYSE to lead merged exchange, in talks to be acquired by larger rival Deutsche Boerse.

Reuters: G20: European Union documents show likely agreement in two steps to tackle global imbalances.

Reuters: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attended a Ramallah (West Bank) PLO exec. committee meeting yesterday; Abbas’ cabinet to resign on Mon., sources say.

The worst spokesman:
The Saul Alinsky tactic of humiliating your opponent, and doing it on Fridays, the day used to bury or evade: Robert Gibbs’ entire career has literally been I’m not good at math, I’m not a Chinese historian, I’m not a scientist, “I’m not [fill-in-the-blank].”  The audio clip of all of those instances is pretty long...

The “ruling class” took hold of CPAC.  It was awful.  The HC law was not made a major subject.  Pot smokers... Ron Paul won the unreliable straw poll.
The candidate poll had Chris Christie at #1, Donald Trump at #2.

Sunday House Call:
Eat fish 3+ times a week to lower stroke risk.
Smoking increases LDL count as well as cancer risk.
Waiting 5 years after menopause symptoms virtually eliminates chances of breast cancer.


Nowhere Boy is the true backstory of John Lennon: the love of rock and roll (going back to the days of Elvis), raised by his aunt but lied to by his mother.  I didn’t even know it was abt. Lennon until the end of the movie—typical biopics don’t come close to this film.


Thomas Edison’s 164th Birthday...also the 32nd anniversary of the Iranian Islamic revolution...

IMF calls for a replacement of the U.S. dollar.

Both Shock and Awe and overthrow of Egyptian “leader” took about 18 days.

Media go after Sarah Palin on things she never said of Christina Aguilera.

Pregnant teen given old abortion pill by mistake instead of antibiotic.

High taxes, horrible real estate: If you own property in NYC, you’re now regarded as a full-time resident—was ~183 days.

Keith Olbermann heads to current_tv, will do “the news”; ABC uses him as a legitimate figure in a story.

Detroit mayor rejects request for RoboCop statue.

Revolutionaries in U.S. and U.K. call for end of their own govt.

WSJ confirms NYT’s confirmation of...what Glenn Beck said was his first time he said knew he was right...about the far-left teaming up with certain Islamic extremists...and the New York Times writer said it’s a good thing.  Great—now there’s a Red-Green movement.

“End of the repression”: corrupt media giddy, Iran takes advantage of (superficial) change in Egypt.
In the celebration, a “Mission Accomplished” was held up behind one of the reporters...
Mubarak’s Swiss bank accounts now frozen, and the military have begun removing the barricades from Tahrir Square.

New safety violations for Spider-Man show after actor was left dangling for sev. minutes.

HealthDay: Marrow donation from 19-year-old girl fm. Milwaukee that had cheek swabbed at summer rock concert stranger saves Jim Munroe’s life.

Middle East and N. Africa marketing manager Wael Ghonim: I’ll go back [to Google] if I’m not fired.

Woman arrested for selling flowers out of home.
Stopping the food police at the state line.

Barack Obama, with-your-money, and George Soros create Palestine.
Soros’ Open Society also funded the main opposition voice in Tunisia, Radio Kalima, which championed the riots there that led to the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

The Stroum disaster: questionable expenditures on travel, wine

According to an internal State Department report released Thursday, less than a week after Cynthia Stroum quit (1.31), Stroum’s management of the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg was abysmal.
Things are so bad, people should be urged into enlisting for Afghanistan, Iraq.


Russell Brand and Chris Brown do SNL.

The Sunset Limited on HBO.

Jack Black to host Kids’ Choice Awards.


You’d better believe in something as strongly as the radicals...

Dore Gold, fmr. Israeli ambassador to U.N., spoke on TV.
Mubarak transfers power to VP Oman Suleiman, the military man...part of the source of Egyptian torture.  Nothing has changed.
At 11:28, the Egyptian people chanted, ‘we brought down the regime,’ and that will echo throughout the region.
James Clapper: Brotherhood largely secular, against al-Qaeda, have no hidden agenda, gave up violence.  Yeah, they gave up violence...a number of times.  And al-Qaeda wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the “helping hands.”

Anwar al-Awlaki now considered “most dangerous.”
David Cameron: multiculturalism has failed.  Britain is affected most by a possible shut down of the Suez Canal.

Homicide/suicide bomber hits an army unit in Pakistan, killing two dozen.

Massive house explosion in Allentown, PA kills 5; gas leak sets line on fire, knocks out power; evacuations made.

Chancellor Merkel denies govt. cover-up of Sept 4, 2009 civ. massacre.

Repr. Christopher Lee (R-NY) resigns amid scandal of Craigslist ad flirtation, shirtless pic.

Jim Webb (D-VA) ruins hopes of Dems. keeping GOP out of Virginia seats by not running again.

Fort Wayne, Indiana: ex-Mayor Harry Baals’ name on the side of an office building?  People are voting...

AFGE Union boss says you’re mentally retarded if you want to cut govt. spending.

Company that makes Guitar Hero to discontinue the game this year.

U.S. Airways now charging $175 in baggage fees.

John Kyl says he will not run again.

Promised “sophistication and professionalism” to their cause: NYT’s guide to Egyptian revolt.
The New York Times validates research started by [guess], ‘Peace and Democracy’ only used as a cover for acceptance, communists and Islamists working together (but for ‘good,’ the writer thinks).  Admission of a hidden agenda by one of the people quoted...

New goal for Gabby Giffords after first speaking in weeks, asking for toast: by Apr., see her husband, in taking off, return fm. his Endeavor mission.

Deadly ass operation in NJ: woman killed by buttock injection in a hotel room...silicone, made popular by Kardashians—Liquid injections are illegal.  Most common problem: perm. scarring.  Police are still looking for the woman that made the injection.

The Coming Insurrection requires hard left and Islamists to join up

The battle against capitalism (or against sanity) requires forces to put differences aside.
Communism (no private companies) doesn’t work, and Fascism (control of corporations) doesn’t work for long.  The Greecian revolution failed because there was only one weak force.


Natl. gas avg., $3.12.

4/5 Egyptians agree with stoning people to death for leaving Islam.

Google’s Wael Ghonim released after being held for a week by Egyptian military.

Norway (local) fire likely electrical; sprinklers were off; owner has no fire insurance.

10-mo. Govt. investigation into Toyota acceleration yields no indication of electronics failure.

Chicago corruption: evidence of phone conversations with Rahm Emanuel have disappeared...

O. Snowe wants changes in FCC subsidies—more broadband...

U.S. manu. decline exaggerated; 2009 nos. show that, as an economy, #3 in the world, more than U.K. & Japan combined.

Govt. launches hotline for upset employees.

First Lady has negotiated for lower fruit prices.

Michael Moore sues his movie studio, Weinsteins over ‘bogus accounting,’ missing Farenheit 9/11 profits.

Obama denies he’s a socialist in latest interview, but says, American workers should share success.  The press tried to paint him as JFK, although JFK talked about lowering taxes, among things this president has no interest in doing.  To speak at Chamber of Commerce, but want control of it.  What?  Government helps business.

Defense Dept. Islamic extremism analysis considered “nearsighted,” “timid.”
There will be no Islamic victory until an Islamic state is (re)established... Ayman al-Zawahiri.
“Until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated…Jihad is the way.”—Muslim Brotherhood leader Mustafa Mashhur.  New 1996-02 translations are now available.
BeforeItIsNews.com: On Tuesday, two Brotherhood representatives participated in an opposition delegation that met with Vice President Omar Suleiman for the first set of talks over implementing political reforms.
You should see the dramatized Islamic/leftist video where they state, themselves, the common goal: ending capitalism.

Former Director General of IAEA Mohammed Elbaradei, who said Iran is no nuclear threat, is being held up as some sort of alternative to Mubarak.  So many orgs.—Egyptian National Association for Change is Elbaradei’s thing.
The press are increasing the chances of another holocaust in dismissing the Islamic extremist element being emboldened by the uprising; it will spread, and quickly.  Not once have they shown the video of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “spiritual leader,” an extremism out of Virginia.  The deputy leader of the Brotherhood: a nation that cannot excel at death cannot have life.  The corrupt press here treat Al Jazeera like a reliable source of news even though it’s really propaganda.  Black and white evil, and you won’t hear the danger.  Such “spiritual leadership” mentions “children bombs.”  Hizb ut-Tahrir, the next offshoot of the Brotherhood, overshadows its predecessor, al-Qaeda.

AFL-CIO opens its doors wide open to communists after banning them for a long, long time; the teachers unions went even further—they want even those that’ve called for violence in the past.
AFL-CIO “leader” Richard Trumpka writes, communicates with radicals in Egypt, praises uprising for the ‘labor federation.’  Revolutionary socialists of Egypt, with their own shadow parliament.

Communists now getting something of what they wanted under Lenin...yet people want his exhibited corpse buried, going as far as putting up a petition (last month).
“Capitalism is dead,” said Pres. of Brazil; “only a trolley” says others—a temporary stage.

State control of corporations the pivotal part of fascism

U.S. state bailouts proposed, in the form of changing rules, taxation and penalizing companies.

Gutting CPAC speakers; attacking DeMint, Palin, Beck

Washington Post reporting on TIME magazine that Rupert Murdoch/Roger Ailes that influencial Republicans are getting together to warn that…
Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol on MSNBC, ruins his credibility by denying the very content that’s available on the Weekly Standard website...

Cultural language course in Texas to become mandatory next year

Out of the things that parents have no control of, the new “help illegal aliens cross into the country app” just isn’t enough, is it?  Now grade school students in a Dallas-Fort Worth suburb will be forced to take Arabic, already taking Spanish, all w/o parents knowing, and no “mandatory U.S. history courses” to balance it out.  A language of the future.  No, it’s a rather old language, thank you very much.

Remember the Alamo.  They fought for their own Mexican independence, if you didn’t already know.  Once Texans forget, Texas is over.

Medical breakthroughs on spina bifida

Now a computer is used to choose whether surgery is done outside or inside the womb, effectively reducing the chances of growing up with the birth defect.


Nancy Reagan spoke at 2:35 p.m. at Ronald’s 100th birthday anniversary today; son Ron there for mother.

Train derailment, fire forces evacuations in OH.

1 dead, 11 injured in YSU frat-house shooting.

Candy Crowley interviews Egyptian PM.

Congress spent little session time in Jan.

Green Bay Packers win SuperBowl™ XLV at 10:07 p.m.  Update: second Nielson ratings record, 110+ mil. viewers.


Working my ass off processing, typing all of this at a public library computer.

US-Russia nuclear arms treaty takes effect.

India goes after “black money” hoarders; legal action against 17 people abroad.

AP: Eye on unrest, Iraq PM says he won’t seek 3rd term.

AP: US envoy says Mubarak has to lead Egypt to transition.

AP IMPACT: Explosion highlights lax pipeline rules.

AP: Nasdaq hackers target svc for corporate boards.

AP: House Repubs. go easy on Congress cuts.

Israel, Jordan gas cut after saboteurs attack Egyptian pipeline to Jordan.

More floods in Aus. as cyclone damage’s tallied.

Bank of America to pay $410 mil. to settle overdraft suit.

Amanda Knox’s lawyers seek to stop Lifetime network film from airing.

New York Daily News: Nassau County cop killed in LIE crash.

AP: Egypt: top leadership body of Egypt’s ruling party resigned Saturday, including the pres.’s son, but the regime appeared to be digging in its heels, calculating that it can ride out street protests and keep President Hosni Mubarak in office.

Reuters: Iran’s leader hails Islamic uprising in Arab world.
Iran’s supreme leader saluted on Fri. what he termed an “Islamic liberation movement” in the Arab world, and advised the people of Egypt and Tunisia to unite around Islam and against the West.

Reuters: Business executives killed in Iraq plane crash.
BAGHDAD: Relatives mourn the death of MerchantBridge CEO Basil al-Rahim, two JPMorgan executives, out of seven killed when a small plane crashed in N. Iraq, officials said on Sat.

AFP, media reports: Iran claimed to have the largest Middle Eastern oil refinery after the inauguration on Sat. of an expansion to an existing facility by Oil Minister Masoud Mirkazemi.
Other news on Iran:

Iran’s FM “too busy” to attend security conference.

Iran parliament plans dress code for female reporters.

U.S. hikers to stand trial Sun.

India, Iran resolve oil payment dispute.

2 top Iran directors urge reduction of fellow filmmaker Jafar Panahi’s sentence.

Casino heist sours rapidly for accused helmeted Bellagio bandit, Anthony Carleo, 29, the son of a Las Vegas municipal judge.
Police say Carleo’s shoddy plan, after stealing $1.5 mil. in chips, unfolded like a badly played poker hand.
On Dec 14, he brandished a gun and made off on a motorcycle...with poker chips.

Rpt.: Lohan facing felony charges over alleged jewelry theft.

With travel app, no one knows you’re a tourist.

Chicago residents call “dibs” on dug-out parking; longstanding tradition: break out the furniture, and sit.

O’Reilly previews his Obama interview that airs bef. the Super Bowl, tomorrow.

If Super Bowl goes to OT, new rules will get first test.


New bans, expenses, stalling with semantics.

Everything has gone to hell.  I’m unable to upload files from the home computer for good, for one.
First the eruption of violent protests in Egypt, Lebanon in Jan., the stated goals and ties go dismissed, the regime takes advantage of the media (thugs detain intl. reporters), protesters run over by army vehicles, and the radicals who want a caliphate erected don’t think doing so is crazy.

Tahrir Square blocked, red lights and Molotov cocktails, arson, riding horses and camels, explosions and gunfire, hand-to-hand combat in the streets, and the regime still thinks they can control the message.  Well over 110 dead so far, and you know that the military will severely punish whoever started it.  Theocrats, autocrats and the people in the middle.

Hammers and sickles all over in some of the photos, many groups are trying to co-opt the movements, and the Muslim Brotherhood is sitting by, waiting.

Today, I accidentally bashed my middle finger in the door when closing it to leave the house, breaking a significant mass of blood vessels before the nail.
International hacking... It is also the first time I became aware of the attack on SourceForge, where by now I’m able to upload, even though there is no available Zip drive to transfer the files for MacFCEU 0.7d1, singlemath.a.gz, tim.a.gz (# cycles for a CPU instruction/routine).

I had everything packaged and ready, and then the library upgraded the computers to those with no Zip drive at all.  The computer at home is too old for USB, but still runs fine, and I’ve updated several pieces of software.  If you want things restored sooner rather than later, you could make a donation.

Super Bowl™ XLV (Reagan’s birthday); no cheerleaders this time.

Another sun may become (temporarily) visible by 2012.

A couple dozen new “Goldilocks planets” discovered.

Janet Napolitano, feds scrap color-coded alert system.

Whoopi Goldberg says Charlie Sheen hasn’t hit rock-bottom.

Valerie Jarrett asks uniformed officer, with many medals, for “more wine,” as if he was a waiter.

‘Status quo’ keyword repeated, reverb speech: Obama admits he doesn’t understand, calls Hosni Mubarak “a good man.”

People that believe in chaos as a good thing don’t understand non-violence; stoned calls for “Revolution Now!,” Clarence Thomas to be “strung up” by far leftists in Palm Springs.

Soros-promoted protests at Koch bros. meeting, Code Pink (Day of Rage is Friday, they say, being in bed with Islamic extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood), and Islamic Socialism—look it up.

FCC deal with Comcast/G.E. means NBC affiliates (at least) will have to include non-profit org. (tax-exempt) news by next year, such as INN (by Soros’ Open Society Institute); more tax exemptions for G.E. include EPA regulations (power plant exemptions).  Hello, San Diego...

The involvement of Marxist “free press” at the FCC has yielded yet more regulations.
Join Us, Cleanse Our Country gets a free pass; more injustice comes to pass.

Additional Headlines

Egypt: One reporter dead, sniper attack.

Confirmation of assassination attempt on Egypt VP.

Amid protests, views of post-Mubarak Egypt emerge.

U.K. officer fired after putting wife on terror “watch” list.

Lawsuit: Mets owners owe Madoff victims $300 mil.

Vatican says Pope Benedict no longer an organ donor.

Official: falling ice injures 6 at Dallas Cowboys Stadium.

Houston black leaders laud release of controversial police video.

Feds looking into who hacked into Nasdaq computer network.

Unemployment rate for Jan., 9%, fm. 9.4%.

NYC smoking ban extended to parks, Times Square.

5/6 prostitutes surveyed say they use FaceBook to find clients.

Senator Orrin Hatch: Kagan should sit out health care case.

Maine: Food Network show looking for Portland.

1,500-Year-Old Church Uncovered In Israel.
The Byzantine church located southwest of Jerusalem, excavated over the last two mos., will be visible only for another week bef. archaeologists cover it again with soil for protection.

Obama: Time to begin Egypt transition now.
The pres. says discussions have begun in Egypt on a turnover of the government; the World is watching.


Jeopardy’s man vs. machine special airs Feb 14-16.

David Pogue (NYT) for NOVA: Making Stuff Cleaner: nat. gas 40% more efficient than fossil fuels, leaf fractal designs for solar, hydrogen tech.

Ed Schultz Tells Jon Stewart ‘I’ll Stay Quiet if They Ship Your Ass to China.’

With Promise Of “Deviltry And Mayhem,” Keith Olbermann Launches “FOK News Channel.”

Fired: NBC employee that put 1994 clip of Katie Couric asking, do you know what the internet is?

Two honor killings last mo. alone.
The “spiritual leader” the Muslim Brotherhood looks up to: kill them all, “in divine punishment of Jewish corruption, Hitler put them in their place.”  It goes on, and on.  And it’s easily found throughout the Middle East.  And that’s just the Sunni sect of Islam.

Next week, the Mahdi

Two countries hold back the destruction of Israel.  All but Saudi Arabia and Iraq are compromised, and Saudi Arabia’s corrupt.

Too much of the world depends on the U.S. dollar; a revolution would necessarily occur in its end.


Oklahoma: SUV plunges off bridge, killing 3/8 people.

The Grammers (actor Kelsey) break up; He was too busy watching Fox News. He didn’t want to cuddle, Mrs. Grammer says.

Hosni Mubarak has now said that he will not run in the upcoming presidential election, and will step down in Sept.; however, he will supervise the new govt...for social justice.
He was supposedly urged by Obama not to run. Another Sunni regime, and the dissolving of the cabinet of Jordan; “one step ahead,” the King says, firing of the prime minister(?), and another in Iran.

Mexican drug violence spills over into the U.S.; Mex. police take the case, having a conviction rate of only <2%.
Janet Napolitano: there’s no problem at the Southern border; media are taking pol. advantage. What— like General Electric, the “left” using Ronald Reagan while if any conservative— oh, that’s a different double standard. Napolitano is ignorant and irresponsible. Or is “ignorant and irresponsible” another in the list of stereotypes that’s only supposed to apply to people like me.

Beginning of Regulation-zilla

What’s just for America—those that don’t know better getting health care. More people who don’t work—and the politicians are going to get those 99% who don’t work.

Mexico has to produce electricity for Dallas for Super Bowl™ week due to extreme weather. Rolling blackouts in Texas, not just in Dallas. Environmental regulations to blame. Windmills shut down in the cold winter.

There’s “Dancing in the streets,” say the media

Egypt, the origin of al-Qaeda in the peninsula, says John Roberts. Non-essential U.S. embassy workers told not to wait for a call from the embassy, and to leave as soon as morning curfew ends.

First shutting down the internet, cell phone service, the train system, and now foreigners, particularly journalists, are now targeted. Anderson Cooper punched in the head sev. times. “Without Borders” says to target journalists, after the Egyptian military detains two NYT reporters for their ‘down with Mubarak’ within the country. Fox News’ Greg Palkot and cameraman Olaf Wiig brutally beaten. Hospitalized, now leaving the hospital.

An order by the military to remove cameras to control the message. “We’ve got one, we’ve got one,” shout people who drag off one journalist mistaken for an Iranian, misreading his passport.

Mubarak: If I resign/leave today, there will be chaos, although looting, arson, rock throwing, military vehicles running over protesters are all current for conditions on the ground. The situation is now an all-out civil war...

This dictator plays his cards very expertly, and does not mean what he says. The regime is a system of a military, theocracy and autocracy; the people are caught in the middle of it. The media often play into their hands.

Obama said he doesn’t understand the Egyptian culture, and that Mubarak should stay. Something you may not hear in the ‘mainstream’ media: “Mubarak is a good man.” Well, at least the Pres. admits that he doesn’t understand.

There are reports that Hosni Mubarak has already left. He “wants out,” and denies that his regime is responsible for pro-govt. forces entering the crowd. Egyptian media denies the existence of violence in the country.

Eerie silence overnight after thousands march in Sanaa and Cairo.
Yemen Pres. Saleh stepping down in 2013 after 3 decades.


The polygraph was introduced February 2, 1935.

A rather communist bill of rights, “Pursuit of Happiness” bill voted on in Brazil.

Washington, D.C. tops U.S. locations of identity theft rates.

The Daily (News Corp.), the first iPad-only publication, launches.

Egypt: Mandatory evacuations of all nonessential govt. workers.

23 Dems. on the record for being for Obama-care, not signing ÒitÕs unconstitutional.ÓÊ Dick Durbin will find any excuse to be for it.
Get rid of the private insurance companies, says Bernie Sanders.Ê YouÕre not supposed to say that out loud!

MaineÕs senators signed on to the repeal of the HC law.Ê Playing devilÕs advocate, do they just look at poll nos., or put everything on focus groups?

“The Muslim Brotherhood are for peace and democracy”

In the early 1900s, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson got in bed with dictators, believing that people could not control themselves without “leaders” like them. The Progressives held back an end-times that is unfolding today, and the media are putting ignorance on display again, doing the lesser of two evils game. The Brotherhood explicitly call for Sharia, the Koran as their constitution and a Muslim caliphate to represent the Muslim world as a world dictator. Do I have to explain how all of that is at odds with democracy? They’ve made themselves educators and supply food. The unrest comes down to those two things.

We have to stop supporting dictators, pulling for the lesser of two evils—they’re still evil. Unfortunately, in holding back the worst for so long means fixing the problem will be painful. As power structures break down, possibilities grow: a Muslim caliphate for the Middle East, China control of Asia, Russia as a superpower again... Rich or free, The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

Then and Now

During the Carter years, when it came to the 1979 uprising in Iran, freedom lasted only one month; Khomeini took over. Nightline (ABC) was created for the hostage crisis. Similar to now, if you introduce hunger into this powder keg, it will explode. There hasn’t been a caliphate since 1923. Crazy enough—those there that want “change” don’t think it’s crazy.

The Muslim Brotherhood seal is a green circle, two crossed swords, and “Prepare” in Arabic. The Arabic version of the same website that has “Prepare” in English is sending quite a different message, given the context of goals: transformation of the Western world to an Islamic state and war with Israel. Prepare. And the left: War/arrest [merged] Join Us, Cleanse Our Country.

Repeal This!

Florida judge Roger Vinson the first to try to repeal the whole HC act, but fails to file an injunction (slower, more framework can be put into the bill). And then he’s called an activist judge. What— for the attempted repeal, or the fact that he said that Congress plays a role in the health care markets?

Nation of Laws, Not of Men... tell that to this admin., just recently dismissing the New Orleans judge that ruled that the administration acted in contempt, lifting the oil drilling ban.

More %#@!* Snow!
Global warming becomes “Global weirding,” as environmentalists have to cover butts, being proven wrong, as meteorologists generally get it right, not majoring in politics...
All states but Hawaii got snow in Jan.

Illegal immigrant, underage prostitute sting, this time by a pro-life group, catches Planned Parenthood employees giving them advice, ignoring the indications of violence, sex slavery. Planned Parenthood fired one of the employees.

A Google twitterer missing, last seen actively participating in the anti-government protests in Egypt.

Look in the mirror first, those on the ÒleftÓ

Media-ite mocks Òconstitution crisis,Ó as everyone in corrupt power at least disregard the U.S. Constitution.Ê The media prove the crisis to be fact in their own actions as well.

Two words: fact check!
Rhodes scholar (so much smarter than you or me) Rachel Maddow falls for a satire website, then the clips of her stating the content as fact gets scrubbed, then she points the finger at Glenn Beck, spending 9 min. repeating clips with little to no context.  If this can pass as news then it becomes so easy to be fooled.  The Coming Insurrection, out of context, and only one minute of an “apology,” where she doesn’t say she’s sorry.  She had a Freudian slip of, “this is not an excluse— an exclusive.”

The nuts move leftward, and then Òright-wing nuts are moving right while we move to the center.Ó
Chris Matthews says that there were no black founding fathers, becoming one of the dishonest shouters replacing Keith Olbermann.  “The racist Three Fifths clause,” again—a literal balloon-head calling Michele Bachmann a balloon-head; he was taught by balloon-heads, and manages to slam the ones telling the truth, having no clue about the actual history.  Three Fifths clause: anti-slavery representation; one abolitionist for every 30,000 slaves; the founders needed slaves to not be counted in order to end slavery.  And then Abe Lincoln—he was helped by an abolitionist president.  If you’re going to call the U.S. Constitution racist, either way, then you disagree with Frederick Douglass, someone who did read the Federalist Papers, and therefore got the point.  What—you’re gonna call Douglass stupid?

Thomas Jefferson signed into law the end of slave trade in March of 1807, before Great Britain.Ê With such belief in the Republic, our law was enacted later than BritainÕs, Jan. 1808.


Bill Cosby on Howie Carr Show.

Redeye’s Greg Gutfeld back from appendectomy, arrested—tried to sell appendix.

Mitt Romney on Late Show w/ David Letterman, did the Top Ten (2.01).

Barbara Walters on Piers Morgan Tonight (2.02).

SAG awards: Ernest Borgnine, 94, wins Lifetime Achievement award.
Betty White, 89, wins for her TV show role.