pit of sh... shush...

	Nat.Geo Taboo: non-sexuals—some of the women make Soros look like a woman.
	I’m still butchering songs: Get up, stand up; or-I’ll punch you in the lights.
	JBS: Jen.Anniston, L.GaGa are reportedly on the baby food diet.
	Comedy Central’s new Copyright-like logo c), like the new Democrat party logo in
progressive destruction (D)—I beat them all to it w/ my Coqyright (Q) in early 2009.
	MyMatchChecker.com: put a background check on your date...
	Keep living in the shadows.  You haven’t a life to live.

 ***SPOILER***  Go to 12.15 to skip.

	The Book of Eli is...
	We thought that all of them were burned already, says the ruler of a town.
	Twist: el dictator loses it all for a fever (infected leg), a book printed in braille;
the only person who can read it won’t.  Denzel’s char. recites the King James Bible fm. memory bef. death.
Wait...was he blind?

	Usher laughs off being kicked in the face by a fan.
	Charlie Sheen hotel probe...
	Scarlet Johansen and Reynolds split.  On CNN, to T.J. Holmes: I know!
	Delivery man decides to deliver mail naked, “a woman needs cheering up,” now calls the move stupid.
	Mkts awaiting announcement by the Fed.  I missed it?
	It’s Miley!  Smoking from a bong.
	Fist …: Men’s Race is bad.  Brain dead bad.  A Fantasy clone that’s brain dead bad.
	Diablo III: more of everything.  More crap falling fm. the sky, more battles.
	AOTS: pixelated fake schlong swingin’ out of Kevin’s pants to one-up web video transition shtuff.
	Social-smiley faces: actor audience sings along w/ a singing Vladimir Putin.
	ABC canceled The Whole Truth early in its season.  Too much flash, not enough brains.
	Rockin’ around— the Christmas tree, and a Christmas parking lot.
	Brian Wilson was fired in Sept?
	Mail Online: Mark Chapman had been recruited by CIA, trained during his travels round the world.
	Ed Show: another B.S. story; one thing true: the word “jokingly.”
’Nothin’ like wasting your life on picking apart jokes...Soros-paid.
	“You can’t trust U.S. citizens ’cause of people like (recruiting ctr attempted bomber).”
	R-Limbo “strategery”: So Obama wins no matter what; unemployment helps the Pres.
	Bieber talks about his love life on B. Walters special.
	Answer Man: Luke Scott on Nugent, hunting and Obama origin.
	Big music overused in commercials.
	NH textbook calls Jesus “wine-guzzling vagrant,” does “Jesus the socialist” crap.
	Don, Howard and Frank.  Newscasts, give name long enough?
Somebody dies at 73 of brain hemorrhage; he did something for the Dallas Cowboys.
	Traditional Comics: “Adventures of Maureen Dowd,” the NYT pundit as a superhero…
	Bristol Palin slams Dancing With the Stars (ABC) costar Margaret Cho over insinuation.
“My mother didn't force me to do dancing.”  Then, gay dig on Facebook...
	VH1 Divas: Best Dressed?  Kathy Griffin?  Katy Perry?
	Sugarland and Danica McKellar "trending."
	Dude gets back at cheating girlfriend...via Netflix—technolog.msnbc.msn.com.
	HuffPost: A real jaw dropper at the Federal Reserve: Socialist Ind. Bernie Sanders drops the bomb.
	6-min. Harry Reid speech.
	‘Some recovery except for some areas.’
	Paul Krugman delivers more bull.
	R. Watts: You got the f-, sh-, f- on the sh- -you got a f- sh- stack, a f- sh- stack.
	Spox. Robert Gibbs is just awful—can’t he just say, Obama has no position on WikiLeaks.
Your job, uhh, is to dodge questions, uh, as much as you can.
	Dashboard Obama for $1.  Prices so low, we can’t even say them over the air!
	Kardashian ‘kard’ ‘kanceled’ by pun-loving sisters, blah.
	Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie arrive to attend the Megamind Paris premiere yesterday in Paris.
	Justin Bieber movie’s sneak preview tickets went on sale.
	Justin Bieber explains Michael Jackson AMA shout-out.
	Justin Bieber gets hit in head w/ bottle—
	Obama does an i-view w/ Babara Wa-wa to curb misperceptions of saggin’ poll numbers.
	Chris Hayes, in for RM all week, tries to mix N. Korea insanity w/ Tea parties.
	The Villages, “America’s Frendliest Home Town”...old people sex...the last time I want to write about that.
	In live action: Angry Birds treaty...level failed.  Large barely interactive puppets, a
major mess.
	HuffPost: The New Nonprofit: Pencils of Promise.  (Such horrible people.)
	Tribune’s Sam Zell vs. Tina Brown (Newsweek/The Daily Beast).
	Pres. Barack Obama made a weird comment abt. diverting Air Force One to go see Hugo Chàvez.
	James Carville: “I’m not sorry and I don’t apologize” for off-color Hillary/Obama joke.
	Justice Antonin Scalia: I own an iPod and an iPad.
	Gloria Allred enjoys TSA groping??  “…and actually, it was the first time anyone has touched me.”
	New billboards tout rainbow trees for “gayer” Christmas.
	Evidence may suggest the vote-on-abortion stunt’s a hoax.
	Real-life Quidich (from Harry Potter) team wins... players running around with sticks bet. their legs.
	Candie’s Foundation PSA/Bristol Palin: no sex.
“The Situation”: safe sex... I practice a whole lot.  And I mean a whole lot.
	Ed Schultz—America’s most-loved nutjob: Sarah Palin’s propaganda show draws millions, Rush’s raci…
	Colbert defends Garfield: he only hates Mondays.  He loves vets more than he loves lasagne!
	Drool bucket—press’ characterization, “hillbilly hicks,” give/take a guffaw.
	Uh-oh.  “NEXT DROPPING OF JOURNALISTIC PRETENSE IN”, a ticking 6-min. clock:
Signature: BEELER ©10 The Washington Examiner.  Pen guy’s doodling a stick figure, sun.
How old is it?  (Maine Sunday Telegram.)
	“Angelina” fm. Jersey Shore comes out with a horrible rap song.
	Kanye West, at the mic, goes on, and on, and on,…
	Squirel attempts to leap onto a high roof, fails.
	CheneyStar: a clunky retro action video game where Dick Cheney is a giant evil mechanized overlord.
	Handshake-gate: a conservative Muslim man wasn’t supposed to shake hands with Michelle Obama, but he did.
That’s it??
	Jesse Jackson on Ed Show, calling those against the health care law oppressive:
“Creeping genocide…The kind of human destruction (of likes) we’ve never seen before.”
	Another unnecessary shout-fest: Keith Olbermann on The View.
	Rick Perry, unavoidable tonight (On the Record, The Daily Show).
	Rehash of Adrianne Curry on AOTS...for a videogame tester reality show?
	I recall my Simpsons spoof spoof: “ho-hi, ho-hi, we’re off to just go die.”
	Howie Carr Show drowning English: I know, you know, I don’t know —ya’ know?
	G-Beck takes on Bill-O’s bet, goes as queen/king Joy Behar for Hallowe’en...well, the I’m better than you in general figure.
	Grandpa’s Oven: really fat, dense.  I can’t wait to get into sh— I don’t like.
	Laura Ingraham Obama Diaries Live, same day as Insanity rally.
I ain’t goin’ no place tomorrow.  Y’all suck.
	Joy Behar: we use ‘bitch’ as a term of endearment...no actual apology made.
	Joy Behar: I’d like to see [Angle] do this in the South Bronx…She’s going to hell— this bitch!
	CNN: Joe Klein’s Road Trip Across America.  Conditionalize readers, listen to those who agree with you.
	He wanted to be an icon: these progressives are giving Tim McVeigh what he wanted!
	Smells like a new low in “journalism”: “I am a self-described right-wing extremist,” says pastor.
	Tape of OF Thu, Megyn Kelly: smacked her bum, —Hard.
	In 2008, band MGMT sued Nicolas Sarkozy for use of their song Kids.
	Ben Affleck vs. Matt Damon.
	Weekly question: Is Christine O’Donnell a bad neighbor?
	Standards at NPR: Nina Totenberg (“reporter”) months ago called Glenn Beck a terrorist.
It’s a disgrace for him to promote any values, or lead any movement because he’s a terrorist.
	Al-Qaeda’s bad because “they refuse to pay on health care.”
	Delayed response: who’s the fraud?  Beck or Soros?
Will György put his mouth where his $ is and go on the prog. to show G.B.’s stupidity/craziness/zealotry/fraud/anything-else-inconsistent, or will “Spooky Dude” show his corruption.
	Behar/Goldberg/Stewart/Colbert/writers— all seem to believe that FNC controls 70% of the country.
	Acting like you believe in free speech: Scott McAdams, in response to Miller camp handcuffing reporter for “trespassing”:
the constitution applies to reporters as well.
	O’Donnell v. Coons on 1150AM— I’d rather watch the UPS We ♥ Logistics™ ad.
	Morning Joe squirm over footage of Sarah Palin of yesterday.  They will do Studio 8H (30 Rock) on Nov 3.
	Recognition on CNN: “Ugly Meter” app.
	LeShawn(?) Merrit caught doping.
	Bullying on the political stage?  Shut up.  It’s public, and the worst side loses.
	3 bald men on the CNN screen: host, Jesse “the body” Ventura, and...I don’t remember.
	Robert Gibbs has got to be the worst spokesman ever.
	Ed Rollins, when asked whether Sharron Angle was better at explaining how to create jobs:
It doesn’t matter; there are no jobs.
	Orange(?), evil Rupert Murdoch blah— *gasp!* The things he said to his...News Corp. shareholders.
	Willie Geist promotes his book, Freak Show.
	Wall-to-wall coverage of 33 miners rescue—up to 1 hr each...
	Again, Last Word and Colbert Report put B.S.er guests on.
	Castle is such a joke of a series that it should be considered a comedy.
	Plavix can cause bleeding when combined w/ certain gastric meds; crappy effects when taken alone...
I wouldn’t take it at all if I were you.
	Awful (ads): "My power trip to WDC".
	Nacho-Gate...oh, my Gauhd.  Bristol ate nachos— non-alcoholic nachos.
	Some lying IL politician says the debt/spending problem is a myth.
	J. Brown staffer suggests calling Whitman a 'whore'.  Aren’t they both political whores?
	Rangel: [blahleaders] and Tea Bagg’as are destroying the country; Frank: right-wing forces.
	The Nation rips off The Weekly Standard, ironically calling self a publication of sanity.
	The Ed Show: Anti-American Money Bomb! — foreign money = anti-American.
	Bill Press on JBS: O’Donnell is a monumental embarrassment to the GOP.
	Dé jà vû in adjusting "Joy Behar.."  Another, Bob Marley edit...
	Justin Bieber action figures go on sale in Dec.
	Dé jà vû moment: that’s "extremely unlikely," I think in "having to risk innocent casualties
to kill a terr."  I’m no fan of 24.
	AOTS: Two-car/pole nutshot viral video.
	No Boo-Gate; ABC says boos were directed at judges.
	Arianna Huffington on CNN again.  Eric Erickson dismisses 'ugly' facts.
	Andy Griffith: w/ the new HC law, "good things are coming."  Grossly absurd.
	"Dancing With The Stars"— Boo-Gate?
	When the moon hits your eye in a way that you die- that’s  amore.
	When..the..world steps on you and there’s nothing-you can do..
	When you beg, 'please no more,' then your head hits the floor..
	C. O’Donnell already being called a 'whore' by the l— on HLN’s "Joy Behar Show"?
	Characters of Two and a Half Men should get a sex change—"No Men"; the kid’s practically an adult now.
	Free Justin Bieber concert...*stick fingers dn. throa...
	KFC: s-o..b-single-a-d, Bad.
	Anyone want any "Zone Perfect" peanut butter sq- oh, wait, it just expired.
	Some things "The Doctors" (NBC) promotes is utter cr-
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