Alleged Sexual Assault

The Julian Assange case.  Two leftist women, and an anarchist.

Coercion of sex—Sweden’s ever-changing version of rape, sexual assault, molestation...
Kind of like in the Steig Larson book series—all men are “pigs” until proven innocent.

Ever heard of The Swedish Brotherhood, the anti-Semitic socialist group?

One of the two women accusing Assange does a seminar: seven ways to legally kill a man, your victimizer.
Woman #1 allows Assange to stay at her appartment; she goes, comes back, he’s still there.  Sparks fly, a condom was used, but it broke during consensual sex.

The woman holds a party in honor of him...after her far-left seminar—and there’s a video of it.

Democratic Socialist journalists in attendance...

Woman #2: Assange is kind of famous (or infamous), rich—I’m gonna woo him.
She tries to catch his eyes.  And again, sparks fly. She has sex with him, this time without a condom—now they got him.  What are the odds?  (SETUP.)

I’ve got to get to my party, Assange says...a party of organized women who hate men.  (The Swedish title for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo literally translates to The Woman Who Hates Men.)

How to receive advice on these matters...

IT'S PRETTY AMAZING! #2 posts on her twitter page.
Assange needs cash because other forms of money can be tracked by governments.
Both parties were consensual, so the case was closed...until a Democratic Socialist (self-serving, insecure) lawyer in Sweden wants the definition of rape to be even broader.  All of the sudden, “he doesn’t love me!”

Assange is really an anarchist

Are we writing a new law for this guy?  A new law that’ll do even more damage?
Ron Paul, like many Libertarians, are supporting Assange.  Either way, the system collapses if you play their game.

You must look into this story for yourself.  Be careful about the talking heads, or me, because the globalists will use absolutely everything to trick you into legally signing up for even more control over every aspect of your life.  Control yourself.

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

I don’t do conspiracy theory.  If something doesn’t work in context, I don’t type it, period.

I fight for individual liberty, they want social justice.
I wrote months ago, the enemy of your enemy is not really your friend.

2010/ .. 10 11 12

There are no guarantees on the content put here.  Never treat the content on this member account as whole; take from the original sources instead.
(Maybe instead of suing me, you could point out the error[s]? I have not been sued.)