The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

So long as you’re set right with the truth, nothing can stop you.

Represent yourself; make sure you get out and vote.  I will.

To actually believe in a right, you cannot be selective about it.

Officially in Weimar territory

The Federal Reserve now has inflation as part of its policy.
Billionaires are buying gold by the ton; gold hit an all-time high; the mint has run out of pure gold.
Debt is really digging your grave.


Sarah Palin calls out corrupt bastards in the media!

6.1-mag. quake off Papua New Guinea.
Iraqi forces storm a Christian church to end a standoff; 37 dead, 57 wounded.
Provincial Gov.: dozens of bodies found at Afghan (military) base.
32 injured in apparent suicide bombing in Turkey.
Parcel bomb plot, Yemen: 20-yr.-old student and her mother released.
Shipping co. says weapons heading to Nigeria came fm. Iran.
Swedish police arrest 2 men on terror charges.
N. Ireland police defuse 2 bombs.
Last westerner at Gitmo in sentencing phase?
Man arrested after bomb scare at Denver airport; airlines spox: he claimed he had a bomb in his luggage.

USD/JPY, 80.61 (21:05 E); Euro, 1.398 (23:21 E); GBP, 1.6065.
Craigslist ad helps return stolen Torah to synagogue.
Inflation, current formula, jumps 2.4%—produce prices rise as dollar drops.
Making Venezuela a Socialist state: Last week, Chàvez took over the largest privately-owned company, a U.S.-owned glass container manufacturer

Tanzanians go to the polls.
Saudi King hosts talks to resolve election stalemate.
Somalia approves Somali-American as new PM.
+400 electoral votes: 21 Gov. races leaning GOP; 10 toss-up; 6, Dem.
GOP offering offices to Tea party winners.

Boycotts come after Turkish reports consider Israel as a “strategic threat”; 9 were killed last mo. when a Turkish flotilla sparked clashes, attempted embassy break-ins.

Joe Miller accuses KTAV (CBS News affiliate) of smear campaign.
Voicemail recording shows the staff talking about proposed efforts to look for, exploit sex offenders in Miller’s camp, laughing about violence/agitation (Rand Paul supporter crossing the line w/ a MoveOn.org pawn, giving Soros what he wants).

Speaking of MoveOn.org... On 10.19, an agitator grabbed someone by the throat, the victim called out to police.  Stirring the pot: recall the incident where half a pinky was bitten off by a healthcare supporter?  A Jan Brewer supporter just got a rock thrown through the car back window.  And then there are the stolen yard signs... and the busing of teenagers.
Texans Together: Houston Votes —another George Soros-funded outfit.  Intimidation of voters.
Now Soros is trying to appoint judges through the state govt.; he funds the Secretary of State program, where S.o.S.s are picked.
In the name of democracy: the left mock claims of election fraud.  Keep showing how anti-democratic you guys really are!
Att. Gen. Eric Holder dropping the case: we’re not enforcing the motor-voter law.

An actual rocket scientist, Ruth McClung (R-AZ), goes against both GOP and progressive Dem. candidates; her mother is funding the campaign.

Francis Fox Piven: Obama has done things under the radar.  Not bad. Not bad at all.

The Pres. again reacted to pro-AIDS hecklers, w/ we already increased funding, the other side will decrease funding, we won’t. [predictable applause].  The Admin. actually missed the $1B raise it promised.

Almost regular weekday scheduling on Sunday

Don Imus on Sun. edition of Your World w/ Neil Cavuto...Richard Trumpka (AFL-CIO, Get Out the Vote), yesterday: Obama created more jobs than Bush, turned the economy around.  Right when we went off the cliff... You asked me a question, stop interrupting my lies.

Anybody’s watching?: Countdown goes after as many GOP candidates as it can, a half-hour neg. campaign show in DE against O’Donnell.
Rep. Keith Ellison, the progressive: the other guy is pulling the strings...w/ help of Ed Schultz (what do you say to the garbage, “Tea party is one of the biggest racist movements”).  Live applause and audience reaction to stuff out of context.
Mr. Ed: Sasha Obama is going as a turkey for Halloween...

Military scams on Kim Kommando Show

Need to sell a car; Help me buy a satellite phone; I just captured Osama bin Laden, need money to ship him.

Independent Lens

Out of 26K ad agencies in the world, there are only 4 holding firms.


Theodore C. Sorenson, a close advisor and speechwriter to JFK, dies at 82 from complications of stroke.


The lord’s name is not God but “I Am”.  Thou shalt not misrepresent.

AP: Arrest in Yemen in bomb plot; more suspects sought.
Yemeni authorities arrested a woman Sat. and searched for other suspects linked to al-Qaida’s Persian Gulf faction in the plot to mail bombs powerful enough to down a cargo plane.
Woman suspected in mail bomb case considered ‘amateurish’.
Origin of bomb caught early in UK and UAE, placed likely in Yemen.

Indonesian volcano unleashes biggest eruption yet.
135 missing Indonesians rescued after recent tsunami.
Haiti cholera death toll: 449.
Panamanian ships seized by Somali pirates.
AP: Mail bomb plot shows lax cargo, parcel security.
AP: Authorities lift fire evacuations in CO.
AP: Bickering political parties share China as target.
AP: Clinton pressures China over territorial disputes.
Schumer quietly staking a claim to Reid’s post.
Kristen Stewart says being a celebrity isn’t “desirable.”
La.’s Vitter cruises toward reelection despite scandal.
Turkey lifting ban on YouTube after more than 2 yrs.
Soft-spoken American teen wins Miss World Competition.
Portland Press Herald: NYA wins Class C field hockey state title.
Sun Journal: Cutler lands endorsement fm. former Gov. King.
AZ Sen. McCain led a rousing endorsement to bolster Angle’s credibility, particularly w/ moderates, in NV.

Amid soccer game: Gunmen in Honduras kill 10, wound many others; 4 deaths en route to hospital.

90 lbs of bomb making material—the IRA is back; incident from Fri. to all day today.

Kendrick Meek himself says that rumors of Clinton telling him to step out are ‘absolutely not true.’

AP: Obama warns of ‘progress’ reversed in voter appeal.  We’re not going backwards.  Yeah...1910s, 1930s, 1960s is where the progressives are... backwards.  Backward-thinking is believing that spending will resolve a debt crisis, or that govt. creates employment, and unlawfully penalizing companies helps.  We are repeating history because of narcissists and corrupt individuals.  Know anybody with a God complex?

The Portland Forecaster/John Christie (10.27): The next budget crisis: Pension ‘time bomb’ MIA from candidates’ platforms.
Fourth in a series by the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting about the state’s debt to teachers and state employees for their pensions and retiree health care—10% of the budget, 20% by next Gov. admin.
Global Matters: The Blaine House through a global lens by Perry B. Newman.  And then the local issuesop-ed stuff.  Edgar Allen Beem, Just for the sake of argumentThe constitutional issue: Behind the scenes at the statehouse; the most talked about solution to the problem is a change in the state constitution. … Waterville’s pensions are part of a statewide plan that is 98% funded according to the system.

The Moment: Abbreviated coverage of 10.30.


‘Liberal’ and ‘progressive’ are not the same.

4 p.m. ET: Pres. gives press conference on suspicious packages found on a cargo plane, DHS security.  Explosives more powerful than would-be Christmas Day bomb, electronics but no power source found.

Haiti cholera death toll hits 408.
North and S. Korea exchange gunfire.
Police officers targeted: gunmen kill 9 in western Mexico.
Govt. considers relocations over Indonesia tsunami devastation.
Dems. tried to use Pentagon to get info on other party candidates.
Clinton aide denies Bill asked Meek to drop out.

NIKEI, 9,202.45 (within 4 a.m. ET).
Dish and Fox (News Corp.) sign a contract and the blackout comes to an end.

NC election commissioner denies that their voting machines are preprogrammed.  The touch screen software is preprogramming!

CTV: Celine Dion/Rene Angelil named their twins on 10.13; “Nelson,” as a tribute to S. African anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela, and “Eddy,” after French songwriter Eddy Marnay.

ABC hires Andrew Breitbart to do Nov 2 election results, town hall reaction; Media Matters is on it like flies on fly paper.

USM of Portland plays games with local Tea party; they want to rally near the flag, but the head says it’s stored at a “secret” location.

50 ICBMs taken off-line

On some days in the 1960s...missile silos going on and off “at will,” no human control, security forces frozen still—aliens stopping nuclear war fm. happening all these years?
Orange red ball, warheads armed and unlocked, scaring the sh— out of the people who worked there to the point that they never wanted to go back.
The exposed vulnerabilities: equipment was made large and bulky to reduce sensitivity to electromagnetism in general.

Animal mutilations/drains have been going on world-wide for over a hundred years, but human mutilations?  There have been reports, and coroners not wanting to talk at all about what they’ve found.


To think outside the box is to erase the lines.

Dark Reading/Kelly Jackson Higgins: President Should Have ‘Kill Switch’ For Internet, Most Americans Say.

Militants behead fake Taliban.
2 teenage girls executed by Somali militants.
Anna Nicole Smith’s boyfriend, psychiatrist both convicted of drugging her to death.
BP admits 19 inspectors overseeing 13K inspection points are unqualified; 10K reinspected.
U.S. spy spending tops $80B.
Hezbollah calls for boycott the UN tribunal over PM ouster into 2005.
AK sch. official to resign for anti-gay Facebook page.
Palin visits AK to see, promote Joe Miller for Senate.
Alex Sink fires staffer for sending info during debate, making her look like a cheater.
FL: Bill Clinton reportedly told Kendrick Meek to drop out; he agreed, then changed his mind.

Jerusalem hosts its first ever breast cancer awareness race.
Google hires servants for its employees.
McRib back for limited—Nov 2—period of time.
Halloween lanterns recalled for overheating.
China claims to have surpassed the U.S. in supercomputing power.

New Apple MacBook Air: LED display, 2.2 lbs, 0.11 in. thin, 128 GB flash drive, no SD slot.
It surpassed all expectations in gaming tests.

Direct TV plans to drop G4 as early as Mon., despite deal pleas; the satellite company says it doesn’t see the value in G4 Networks.

Did you catch The Daily Show last night?  It drew nearly 3 million viewers.
Obama met with Chilean miner rescuers, progressive bloggers prior to this, went off script anyway.
The President admits that structure was put into every progressive bill.  And then we can progress.  “Some things were put in that you don’t even know about.”
Some want changes to constitutional Senate rules (point finger away).
“Larry Summers did a heckuva job.  Pun intended.”  Dude!  Obama blasted Jon Stewart for calling health care bill/actions timid.
Van Jones: minimum goals and maximum goals...

TV, Radio

Charlie Rose: Brain Series, 10/12: creativity.  Painter Chuck Close has damage to his parietal lobe so can’t recognize faces/places, but as a consequence he has a drive to paint.

Ancient Aliens: it remains unexplained how giant stone structures were built; a pilot experiences an electric fog, gray haze—an hour difference in time around the Bermuda vortex.  And then there’s the zone of silence; a missile, and others have been pulled in to that place; some kind of gateway in the shape of a fat ‘T’.
Like acupuncture, “energy lines” of the Earth have been drawn, locations down the line, sites all named ‘star’ in their own individual language.

Coast To Coast AM remembers Zacharias Etchison(?); he died at 90, but started the discussions, heavy research on ufology.  I can’t get his name, so maybe he didn’t exist ;( .


Bear orgy.
Expensive UNICRON theme (elaborate CG made in the 1980s).
Gawker: 3-yr.-old photos of C. O’Donnell; humanizes her more; writer got nothing.


Bomb plot to bomb Metro subway in WDC: foiled.
34-yr.-old Farooque Ahmed, a naturalized citizen (VA), faces up to 50 yrs. in prison after being caught in a sting; he thought he was joining a terrorist group.

Mex.: 15 shot dead at carwash, officials say.
Death toll for Indonesia tsunami hits 300.
Afghanistan: Floor collapse kills 40.
“Ninja” executions: premeditated break-in, Byrd and Melanie Billings murdered July 2009.
Sched. for execution: a 1989 theft and murder.
Mortgage, foreclosure and securities fraud: one entity ‘sold’ properties foreclosed.
Assange: a new group of 15K docs. will be released soon.
Sch. district forced to pay for legal fees of a lesbian student.
Banned: senseless Rand Paul supporter holds senseless female MoveOn protester on ground w/ foot.
Carly Fiorina hospitalized over what is considered an infection stemming fm. cancer treatment.

Hardware failures: Kentucky ICBM silos directly cut off on Sat.; the sys. is redundant, so the White House still had indirect access.

Gold/Silver price ratio indicates a long road ahead.
Rumors: Apple to buy Sony?  EA?  Adobe?
Indiana Jones to be rereleased in 3-D.
Wells Fargo admits to irregularities in 55K foreclosures.
Sunday 2 a.m. Fall-back: switch fm. Daylight Savings Time (DST) to Std. Time (ST).

SEIU is responsible for voting machines in Nevada.  Fraud has become so obvious that a candidate showed up on the ballot bef. one was even selected!  250 absentee ballots disclaimed...
Time extensions granted for NY overseas voting ballots, and they still haven’t appeared.

Debtors prisons, abolished a long, long time ago for being inhumane ’cause they didn’t stop the problem.  They’re coming back for “free” insurance to those who don’t work in this country.

George Washington said government is a fire that’s only good when the people are the master of it.
Joe Biden yesterday said that every invention/innovation in this country, 19-21st century, required government vision, as if Bill Gates was working for the government.  42,400 factories shut down since 2001.  Of all the cellphones in the world, 0% were manufactured here.  Since 2000, the U.S. has lost 1/3 of it’s job force to China.  Less than 12 million were employed in 2009.  1941 numbers again.
Remember a kid’s lemonade stand that was shut down because the kid didn’t have a permit?  Now a kid’s pumpkin stand was shut down.

Do you want more “blame the other guy,” more tactics of power, or do you want solutions, character and power restored to the people.  Ignore the ‘D’ or the ‘R’ next to the name, and pull for the least progressive candidate.
Obama: Punish our enemies and support our friends on November 2.  What president has ever said that before?

For the first time, a TelePrompter will be used at the Hall of Parliament in India...  He needs to be kept on script because off script you get hints of the radicalism.  The “visibility problem” laid out in The Coming Insurrection talks of how the radicals cannot be exposed until they have enough power.

Co-opted by “Workers of the World Unite.”
People who have been unemployed for 99 weeks or more—being screwed by Democratic Socialists of America (99ers).  At least one company has said that for some employees, they “won’t be able to employ them until 2021.”

Juan Williams called George Soros the puppeteer

You know the media are corrupt when there is not one mention of the facts you know that are critical to a story, but hear things that Soros wants the public to hear.  Manipulation of the press... Soros bought 100 reporters—two per state capital.

From mkt. control with his “philosophy” of Reflexivity (after Karl Popper’s), to finding legal loopholes with the Fallibilism “philosophy” (Popper, again), there’s nothing Soros won’t try to own.  Everything he does as “a philanthropist” is to get people attached to him, but when a govt. fines him for things like tax and currency violations ($3M, Belarus), it’s part of a campaign to destroy independent society.  He continues to give money to “independent” media... that say what you may hear in the “mainstream” today.


Forbes 30 list of dead celebs: Michael Jackson tops, above Elvis.
Anne Akiko Meyers plays maybe the best stringed instrument on Earth...on Countdown.
John McCain has said “the system is broken” for 20 years.

AFP: Peter Jackson’s “Hobbit” movies will be made in New Zealand after the govt. struck a deal w/ Hollywood studio Warner Bros. to end months of union tensions, Prime Minister John Key said.

Randi and Evi Quaid are nuts— people are assassinating their celeb friends?  The Quaids are wanted for crimes in the U.S., so they ran to Canada.

Randi on the radio: those Tea party people who are calling for a revolution—they’re no match for our military.  Rand Paul says something, and then says he didn’t say it, says he’s been mischaracterized.  ‘Miss Characterize’.

New MoveOn.org thing w/ Olivia Wilde (of a rather leftist family): 2050, RepubliCorp, President Palin Declares War on China...

Bill Maher on George Lopez Tonight: drag that ignorant hillbilly half of the country to it. [mass applause]  Lopez responds, I agree.  I’ll never watch that show.


Cartoonist Alexander Anderson, Jr. dies at 90.  He created Rocky & Bullwinkle, and worked with his uncle Terry on Mighty Mouse.


Over 100 dead in Indonesia from tsunami caused by quake off Jakarta; many still missing.
Iran state media reports that fuel has been loaded into the Bashir reactor.
Weapons used at shooting near Pentagon and Marine Museum last week are the same
Iraqi Supreme Court: Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein’s right-hand man, will be hanged.
Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline settles at $750M for adulterated pills.
Protests settle somewhat in France, petrol stations coming back on-line.
Charlie Sheen caught drunk and naked in NYC hotel room.
Obama: the Republicans can go, come for the ride, but, they got, to sit in the back.

Aquarium to ashes in Germany: Paul the octopus has died; he was a long 1.5 years.  Paul predicted 8 games correctly for the 2010 World Cup.

AP/L.A.: NASA Deep Impact spacecraft readies for comet encounter.  The spacecraft is set to pass within 435 mi. of Hartley 2, a half-mile-wide comet, by Nov 4.
5 years ago, Deep Impact’s crash landing into Tempel 1 gave first sight into a comet’s interior.

Pythagoras Conference on 2011.11.11

Guest on Coast To Coast AM this morning: The energy that goes into the aurora borealis is rather local.  NASA said it’s from the sun, the poles, a predictable discharge... and when that was disproved, it was “cosmic bullets from outside, bombarding Earth,” but even that claim was brief—the guest doesn’t buy into any of NASA’s theories on this.

When planets form, they do one of 3 things: 1. fall apart; 2. its hard mass flies off to form a moon; 3. goldilocks—the crust/core goes through a lasting cycle of crack, cool, harden.  Because this planet is close to #3, there would be multiple seas underneath the crust, 800-900 miles down, where species we thought were extinct are showing up again (1,500 new species of stingrays recently).  Holes connecting the seas aren’t fixed; world-wide floods may occur regularly.  Oceanic depression.

The center of gravity of the Earth is really the center of the crust.  According to Newtonian physics, standing in the center of a planet would make you weightless because the planet’s gravity is around you, pulling at you from all angles.  People in Japan saw that the center of the Earth is a single solid crystal that’s rotating at a particular speed, and they measured its temperature—consistent.

Observation modifies the future

Observation is more powerful than you know.  Just think—the right action/intention at the right time...you can do anything.  It’s just a matter of having the information/tools.  And as everything spatial depends on math, everything physical is governed by the Golden ratio (gr=1/gr+1; ≈1.61803398875).

The guest talked about going to an alternate world (in a matter of state of mind) during meditation over the years.  Everyone can do this.  For whatever goal, you just have to set your mind on it, and the universe will give you steps on how to get there.  A caller says he was at one point “one with the universe” during an NDE, adding, “there is no beginning and there is no end” to the universe.  Seeing life from the perspective of a photon.  Empirical data that has to be matched up with the technical data.

Life in the multiverse

The science of quantum mechanics has gone fm. brane theory to multiverse-bubble theory, where bubbles of reality may bounce into each other, exchange matter, etc.
Most of the red sucked out: Sirius had to have been gobbled up by a black hole.


Good vs. evil: Ancient Babylon—the same tactics used today.

7.9-mag. quake, Jakarta; tsunami hits Indonesia after warnings raised for entire island.
The U.S. Pres. is still set to visit in a matter of days; pray for him.

“Hiccup Girl” Jennifer Ann Mee, 19, Laron Raiford, 20, and Lamont Newton, 22 charged with first-degree murder in a fatal robbery of 22-year-old male in St. Petersburg on Thu. Mee allegedly lured Shannon Griffin to a house where he was attacked, shot dead Sat. by two men, police told the St. Petersburg Times.

Millions of $ worth of heroin seized at TX border crossing.
ID theft: 500M sensitive records lost, compromised (exposed) or stolen in last 5 years.
Ford announces plant closure in Saint Paul, where the Ford Ranger was created; 750 employees.

If you use the inflation formula used in 1980, inflation is really at ~10%, not the 1.1% the government gives.  The formula was changed around during the Carter Admin. because inflation was rising beyond “a comfortable point with the public.”

The League of Women Voters defends Kathy Tate-Bradish, a teacher that scolded her students for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.  Part of the Tides-funded ACORN Project Vote effort, she was at first “neutral” (but as they did it, she omitted under god)...  Yeah, they’re so neutral that...they’re not.  Think Progress has since, not helped, but made sure that people attribute Beck to the death threats that she gets.

Sean Bielat compares gays in the military to short people in the military as the military rejects both, gets hate mail.

Karzai’s comments on Afghanistan’s ban of private security firms come by Monday as it became known that he has been accepting bags of money from Iran.

28,000 have been killed in Mexican drug violence in recent months.  The heroes that stood up, and stood for principle, and were gunned down, beheaded, blown up—make them known.

Pound/USD 1.5719 (18:06 E); USD/Yen, 80.77 (18:17 E); Euro/USD, 1.3945 (18:27 E).
BP says it will sell assets of 4 of its oil fields to Marubeni (Japan).
Lord of the Rings sequels: Industrial dispute may force production relocation.
Selling of cemetery land: Niarobi mayor arrested for questioning in relation.
Sony Walkman scheduled for discontinuation in Japan (origin of “Walkman”).

Obama stumping in Rhode Island.
Dem. RI Gov. Frank Caprio (Gubernatorial Candidate), in defense of his independent friend: I don’t need Obama’s endorsement money.  He can take his money and really shove it as far as I’m concerned.

GOP lions and Tasers, oh my!
On July 18, Trent Lot said of the Tea party movement, We don’t need any more Jim DeMint disciples.  As soon as they get in, co-opt them.

San Francisco, Chicago,...Portland, Maine is proposing a “solution” to “certain current-day problems” that gives non-citizens the right to vote.

The Washington Monument ploy.  (The reporter tells you they say “shut it down.”)
Union money, as in you, paid for this anti-“Republican Tea bagger” ad: they want to pollute the waters and release all of the terrorists.

One Nation, now One America (Tides)... U.S. flag being waived— I mean, waved...  Open Society Institute.
They are unmasking themselves rapidly.

Colbert Report intro caption: CINCO DE ME-O.


4.6-mag. quake rattles KY; no injuries, no word on damage.
Trop. storm Richard heads for Honduras, makes landfall in Belize.
TX tornadoes cause injuries, structural damage.
Haiti cholera death toll hits 253; waters contaminated.
Mex. shootings near border toll: 14.
5+ killed in Iraq car bombing.
U.S. swimmer dies during event in U.A.E.
U.S.-born al-Qaeda member Anwar al-Awlaki seen in new video.
Calif.: man electrocuted in botched copper wire theft.
Pirates hijack ship near Kenyan coast.
Georgetown dorm: police find possible meth lab.
Stuck British nuclear sub heads for port.
Shia Party rises in Bahrain elections.
Iran: trial set for next mo. for two captured hikers.
Holbrooks: nothing close to formal peace talks in Afghanistan.
Authorities investigate deadly helicopter crash in N. Ireland.
More details on the killer colonel Russell Williams.
“King of Heroin” Jose Antonio Medina Arreguin in CA pleads not guilty to drug smuggling charges; advanced Dec 9.

Yemen launches anti-al Qaeda operation: foreign minister says 400 al Qaeda militants are active in the country, and Saudis are among those that seek to cause chaos and destruction.

G-20 pledges “no currency wars.”
Geithner, China VP discuss relations, economic ties amid tension.
Regulators shut down 7 banks.
Student loan debt up 6% fm. last year.
MySpace moves against apps that give personal info.
Study: iPads sales to exceed home subscripts; 4.2M sold since Apr this year.
Barnes & Noble takes Nook E-Reader to Wal-Mart.
Tribune Media conglomerate files reorganization plans.
Randy Michaels replaced.
Celine Dion gives birth to healthy twins.

Gas prices are still much lower than they’re supposed to be, on account of lower supply (BP oil spill).  They have only gone up ~21¢ from last month.

FNS: Sports team owner Ted Leonsis picked Power Player of the week; he owns shares in AOL, works on getting documentaries to internet users, and says he reads all of his E-mails—even challenged viewers to it.

WikiLeaks: we edited out sensitive names this time.
Assange looked under the weather, “erratic,” said a reporter.  He left a set when the questioner would not get off of the subject of molestation (alleged rape case).

Hey— Mythbuster Kari Byron on America’s News HQ w/ Shannon Bream at 12:52 ET.  They talked about the W.H. hosting a science fair.

CNN’s critic gives Clint Eastwood’s new movie an ‘A’ grade.

Sunday House Call

Low testosterone in men linked to low bone density, premature death.  Isadore Rosenfeld put this check in his routine blood test check.
Estrogen-progestin therapy boosts breast cancer risk; “if you are desperate, take the lowest dose, and for the shortest period of time.”
Low dose (81 mg/day) of Aspirin lowers colon cancer risk, #2 on list of cancer deaths.
FDA approves Pradava, a warfarin substitute.

Fact of myth: should pregnant women avoid alcohol?  Sobriety is necessary during the first trimester.  After that, light to moderate use is healthy.  One drink a day is fine—but if you can do w/o, don’t start.

Trick-or-Treat tips: first thing, carry flashlights and reflective gear.  Make sure costumes fit and aren’t flammable.  Check for nut allergies, expiration date of chocolate (salmonella collects).  Don’t let the kids feed pets chocolate; pets can’t digest it.

Doctor D. (radio): suicide is impulsive; most attempts fix the problem—they never try again.

“What in the world?”

The caption reads, Freedom of speech is indispensable: GPS interview blacked out in China.  Fareed Zakaria doesn’t understand that China doesn’t have First Amendment rights.  (Maybe you shouldn’t take them for granted here?)

Two-faced liars on Reliable Sources again: fmr. PBS Media Correspondent Terence Smith calls Juan Williams’ comments abusive, Kurtz now asks whether views of corruption around Soros/NPR plays into a stereotype.  S.E. Cupp’s the only honest one; they all react when she points out the fact that Separation of Church and state is not in the constitution.  Read the First Amendment, and decide for yourself, says one, hypocritically.  Partisan hacks abound for broadcast in general: Smith clarifies what kind of partisan trash in place of “media” is put on PBS: Sarah Palin is a gift, Christine O’Donnell is a gift.
Unreliable Sources: women calling other candidates ‘unmanly’ is condescending, but ‘whore’/‘bitch’ is okay—and of course, those outside their bubble needs a lesson on reality.  Kurtz gives Frank Rich a lot of air time: “we can’t blame (Obama) on the economy.”

Politics—boring once you know what’s going on

McConnell hammers Obama in WV speech.
Al Franken adds his take on the “they GOP is driving this country into a ditch.”
Obama, Pelosi hypocritically blast third-party spending; who is responsible for the “lost decade?”
All the President’s Stump Destinations: CT, PA, IL, CO, DE (again).
Repubs. upset over limits to be set on WWE gear at polls.
Tim Kaine (DNC) and Mike Steele (RNC) think their party’ll win.

‘Schill’ in her name: Vivian Schiller, Pres. and CEO of NPR.  Juan Williams: she is such a coward that she couldn’t speak to my face; she got Ellen Weiss (Senior VP) to do it.  We warned him in 2009...and effectively waived the right to terminate him.
Even devoted ‘liberals’ are at odds with her decision.  And the FNS appearance completes the picture: Williams has neither a psychiatrist nor a publicist.
Calling someone insane is an old Soviet trick...reeducation.


Cholera outbreak spreads quickly toward Haitian capital.
Afghanistan: suicide attackers assault U.N. office; 2 civs. killed in crossfire.
Mexico: 13 dead after gunmen storm Ciudad Juárez party.
Kenya Red Cross: Stampede kills 7 at soccer match.
“Make A Wish sweepstakes” (no such thing) scams fm. Costa Rica tgt. millions of elderly.
Google “Street View” mapped car “private data.”
Obama: Consumers will lose if fin. law repealed by GOP.
By 2050 (future news), 1/3 adults expected to have diabetes.

Wanted Kennebunk man turns himself in—Portland Press Herald.
Rumford: fire damages vacant house In Rumford—WMTW 8.
Lynne Ramsey honored “Volunteer of the Year”—Sun Journal

Philadelphia Police Bomb Squad faces possible bomb plot, takes pictures of a pair of sneakers next to a U.S. Mail box.

5 Fights That Proved Size Matters: Brock Edward Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez, another easy win?—Bleacher Report.

Frustration with GOP “boss” growing: Even as his party anticipates a political resurgence, GOP chairman Michael Steele is under fire again.

Japanese Yen (May) Falter If Lack of G-20 Accord Opens Door for Intervention

DailyFX(FOREX)/John Rivera: The Japanese Yen ended the week virtually unchanged against the US$ despite seeing extreme volatility on speculation surrounding the size of the Fed’s expected quantitative easing efforts.  The USD/JPY would reach its lowest level, below the all-time low of 79.70 on the back of broad-based dollar selling if rumors that the central bank had already outlined a $500B Treasury purchase prog. to be executed over 6 mos.

It’s about the truth

Julian Assange says an ongoing “attack on the truth” made it vital to release the “secret” documents.
There is too much for the press to keep track of at this point; it will be days before everything is known.

Skeptics don’t disbelieve something secret is going on

Area 51 appears to be more of a toxic dumping ground more than “a site for stockpiling alien bodies, man!


You have to respect in order to reflect.

More NATO/U.S. oil tanker attacks.
District Gov. in Afghanistan is slain.
French Sen. approves retirement age raise to 62; it was 65 up to the 1980s.
$60B, 20-yr arms deal w/ the Saudis moving forward.
Astronaut ‘checks in’ via Foursquare.
Mass chess match record broken: chess champ wins 454 out of 523 in one area.
Fresh Medicine: Gov. Bredson (TN): both parties to blame for HC law.
‘Elders’ visit Israel for peace talks.
Howie Kurtz calls NPR/Soros connection corruption into view.

Cholera outbreak in Haiti; mortality rate of ~8%; >1,500 infected, 140 deaths, some patients dying within hrs past first symptoms of the disease caused by Vibrio cholerae.

First shark attack since 2008 in CA; this one was fatal; a (male) surfer bled to death; the shark was 14-20 ft long.

WikiLeaks docs. suggest a weak and unstable Iraq.
391K docs. released on the Iraq war in 2007: mutilations in prisons, 691 civ. deaths at U.S. checkpoints, links bet. Nouri al-Maliki and “hit squads,” and reports of the U.S. govt. tracking deaths they said they hadn’t.

With taxpayer money: AFSCME, a public sector union, is the largest donor to Party campaigns at $87.5M; Chamber of Commerce, ~$75M; conservative American Crossroads, ~$65M; SEIU, ~$44M; Natl. Education and NEA, <$40M.
Welcome to Nevada: Harry Reid says, “I know it’s difficult for people to hear that if it weren’t for the likes of me, we would be in a world-wide depression.”  NV’s unemployment rate—not underemployment—is at 15%.
Sharron Angle has been caught...only saying things regarded as ‘insensitive’.

Marijuana prescription docs advertised on billboards; only small percentages of those who say they are sick actually are.  DoJ insists that Federal laws will be enforced.

Cheech & Chong, look away: Mex. authorities burn a giant pile of pot—over 310 tons.

What pilots won’t tell you.
50 secrets revealed in Reader’s Digest/article by Peggy: things regarding turbulence, the plane being struck by lighting, why they tell you to turn of laptops/phones...

In a landscape of Fs

Politico allowed another false story to go up yesterday: Beck ditches Palin on book.  The call for retraction fell on deaf ears.

Welcome to Massachusetts: Howie Carr speaks of his experience at local channel 2; one slip, one out-spoken conservative guest, and the network gets boycotted by the Boston Globe, with the header, Poison Politics.
Paying for something that I never watch, NPR, Howie also says his head would have exploded if he didn’t get to his destination, away from this crap.

Perversity: NPR/CAIR have a celebration party over the dismissal of Juan Williams. It reflects airline profiling...Juan spoke as a passenger; he doesn’t work in the airlines industry!
On FNC since 1997: At least he’s getting a $2M contract.

Races: FL Gov.: Alex Sink (D) v. Rice Scott; OH: John Kasish (R) v. Ted Strickland; MD: Bob Ehrlich v. Martin O’Malley.

Radical change: Van Jones looked and even sounded like a different person 12 years ago.  He called for the overthrow of the United States (read his words for yourself).  Calls for violence now could mean the end of the country.  Denounce/report those who call for it.

Insidious: the FreedomWorks website was taken down by a paid hacker when the sponsor read was over the radio yesterday.  The security biz for the company say they haven’t seen anything like this level of sophistication for 10 years.  FreedomWorks now uses Pay Pal.


One of America’s greatest trial lawyers: James F. Neal dies at 81.  He prosecuted key figures in the Watergate trial (Watergate Hotel—Nixon Admin. breach into DNC HQ), as well as Jimmy Hoffa (Teamsters union).


Fight thugs with love, come out of retirement to teach.

Floods fm. heavy rains kill 2 in Greek Islands.
South hit hard by droughts.
Buss explosion kills 9.
Bodies of 2 trapped Ecuadorian miners found dead.
Pkg., Toxic substance w/ swastika found in Rep. Grijalva’s office.
Thousands in streets, hundreds of areas: protests in France continue.
Ahmadinejad, Chàvez talk of “new world order.”
Egypt receives new Gaza-bound aid convoy.
Penthouse creator Bob Gucciano dies of cancer.
Computer failure disrupts Continental flights.
W.H. to release report on recession’s impact on women.
Peruvian soccer players say opponents may have drugged them.
Dem. Candidate defends HC law at debate, gets booed.
Rapper Rhymefest to run for office in Chicago.
Morgan Stanley beats estimates but misses on revenue.
Giants lead in NLCS; Yankees still in ALCS.

The push by Soros’ organs to silence people

Juan Williams has been fired from NPR for his comments on The O’Reilly Factor exploited by Media Matters, his views of Muslims taken out of context.  Political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you do not address reality, said Williams.  About an hour after George Soros gave money to Media Matters, about a day and a half after making his comments, he was fired.
On Tuesday, Glenn Beck challenged Soros to come on his TV and/or radio program.  What does Mr. Soros, practically a govt. now, do but send $1 million directly to Media Matters, the tax-exempt org. created by Clinton, to try to shut people at FOX News up.  Previously, the money would just be laundered through Tides connections.
What does NBC Nightly News do but repeat from the head of Media Matters For America: right-wing lies, efforts to undo the 2008 election results, Beck may call for violence...  Every single sentence is fraudulent, but NBC repeats it unchallenged.

$1.8 million to own journalists, journalism

Four arms of the White House are doing whatever they can to silence Beck, and another arm of Tides Foundation (Soros) has stuck a tentacle in Huffington Post via Investigative Fund to go even further, and anonymously.  $1M doesn’t compare to the accumulated $60M+ at Media Matters.
You cannot regard these “sources” as anything but propaganda, even though CNN uses HuffPost as a source.
Taxpayer-funded propaganda: Tides is now used to buy journalists at NPR.
Anybody who says, ‘hey, wait a minute‘—they’re (immediately) taken out.
At this point, it isn’t difficult to see that intelligent voices are disappearing in the news biz.  The power, and the ignorance is why.
David Axelrod: Don’t treat FNC as news; if you do, we will treat you the same.

Already, Arianna Huffington does not believe in the First Amendment; she is selective, saying that some should have their right revoked, repeating the extremism rhetoric as a justification.  Some still naively dismiss her words because of the smile and accent.  Please get that these are corrupt individuals and propagandists; they work to get people to close their eyes, one way or another.

It’s crazy to think that there might be another Islamic extremist attack.
Vivian Schiller first says, “working at FOX News,” then insulting Williams’ intelligence and sanity: it’s not up to me, that’s for his psychiatrist or publicist— take your pick.  “We have ethical standards.”  Standards like, it would be good if God infected a GOP Sen. and family with AIDS (Nina), or things would be better if millions of Christians suddenly evaporated.  This scandal defines the term ‘double-standard’.
Heterodoxy will not be tolerated: Speech and diversity are so great at National Public Radio, Juan Williams was the last African American there.
Mara Liasson is the other FOX News contributor that works at NPR.

Such an objective source picked by NAACP to (predictably) find racism in “the Tea Party”: IREHR condemns “so-called Christians”...Berghart sides with DSA.
On AC-360, Cooper reveals how messed up Ben Jealous is: his answer on several occasions was, “he won a MacArthur Genius award.”
And speaking of repeating talking points, Alvin Greene on Last Word kept answering, “Jim DeMint caused the recession,” even for questions that had nothing to do with DeMint or SC’s economy.  Several times in 6 min.

Your tax dollars at work.  PBS Kids: Loop Scoops w/ Annie Leonard (Story of Stuff) features over-calculating cartoon kids that are subjected to tests via trapping them...the tests teach kids that entrepreneurial spirit hurts the planet, and mercury in video game consoles/handhelds is worse than any brain-atrophy video games promote.  Grand Theft Auto good, Nintendo DS bad.

In a landscape of Fs, companies can somehow buy an A+ rating at the BBB for $350?  People like Anthony Weiner will say anything to attack sponsors.  Now Food Insurance is being targeted (and “reported” on MS-NBC).

Starvation and death.

TIME.com: will the Federal Reserve cause civil unrest.  Ben Bernanke plans to drive down the already low interest rates by buying bonds—by our debt with more debt.  The writer paints a broad brush by going on to say that Tea parties and militia groups make up a powder keg looking for a catalyst (no mention of leftist, revolutionary groups).
There is a point in crazy; the largest spenders in the country tend to be individuals, and the vast majority tend to be in lower income neighborhoods.
This isn’t compassion; this is suicide.

The things you are seeing now are not about the election, they are about preparing for what is to come.  The brewing civil war is coupled with the debt.
A slave to the red giant: China is starting to reserve their mineralsChina owns 95% of all the rare minerals.

George Washington said that those who call for the overthrow of another become tyrants themselves.  Stand for equal justice.

The films of Frank Capra (1897-1991)

It’s A Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, It Happened One Night (1934), Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), You Can’t Take It with You (1938).
Those that only wish to mock have no soul.


The system is broken.

JPY, 81.08 (18:39ET).
Typhoon in churns past China, kills 11 in Philippines.
10 infants dead in CA whooping cough outbreak.
Ciudad Juárez: Young woman decapitated; body of U.S. soldier also found.
30 hurt in flight fm. Vietnam to France.
Protesters hit streets of Jakarta.
Afghanistan: more than 1/5 ballots cast were thrown out.
NATO containers recovered in Pakistan raid.
U.K. reduces its coalition forces by 10%?
DADT reinstated.
Govt. Defense overhead: 40%.
British aid worker released in Somalia.
Britain sentences a Saudi prince to life in prison.
Court rejects Vatican Bank’s appeal on fund seizure.
Steven Slater was burglarized during trial.
200 extra bullets were found on Ft. Hood shooter.
PG&E to buy burned San Bruno homes.
3 NFL players fined for wknd of violent hits.
Display of rage: jealous of Cameron Diaz, fan storms onto field.
Study?: most dope dealers started in using pot.
NY: apartment second-hand smoke considered health risk.
2 clerics nominated for cardinal post?
Admitted yesterday, Margaret Thatcher to remain hospitalized.

E-mail “spam” down, virus transmission up, Google says.
In a world pop. of about 7 billion, 2 billion are online.
Apple releases MacBook Air: 3 lbs, 64GB flash drive.
EA buys Angry Bird publisher.
Toyota recalls 1.5M vehicles.
Univision pulls ad asking Latinos not to vote.
New ALS registry launched.
5 of rescued Chilean miners proposing for marriage.

2 million Graco strollers recalled after 4 infant deaths; “They can slide down, and once they get to the tray, are strangled.”

Terrorist at the Pentagon: In 2001, as part of the (moderate) Muslim outreach program, Anwar al-Awlaki was a guest at a luncheon in an area that Rumsfeld was responsible for.

TSA bribery case: one count of theft; one count of conspiracy to commit theft; this employe treated women flying to India differently.

“No Naked Photos” to TSA: a pilot refuses scanners in an informal protest, calling it an assault on my person, calling the aggressive pat-downs molestation
“I was trying to go to work on Friday, and this is what happened.… I make less money than the avg. pilot.”

Boeing HC fees passed on; hush money in waiting until after Nov elections for disclosure.

19 years after the Clarence Thomas trial, Ginny, justice Thomas’ wife, asked for an apology from Anita Hill over voicemail.  Hill still stands by her “words of honesty.”

Tom Tancredo is running for Gov. of CO under American Constitution Party.
Huckabee goes to IA for midterms.
Ed Rendell on P&S: we’re a bunch of wusses.
Debate: Sestak and Toomey act like children.  No I didn’t; Yes you did.
Meek catches Crist flip-flopping during debate, spar on use of ‘Obamacare’.
Pres. Obama to appear on The Daily Show Oct 27.
CPS Bribe: students, 3 vanloads taken to Dem.-only voting place, then for ice cream.

Obama repeats “they want fees raised”—who seriously wants credit card fees raised?

Gary Condit expected to testify in new Chandra Levy case

Still upset about the way he was treated, Condit however admitted in 2002 that he had relations with Levy, and did not want to talk about it.  Ingmar Guandique, known for watching women walking past him, is suspected for her murder after a jailhouse snitch (unreliable) spoke of admission, although no phys. evidence has been introduced at trial.  Police in 2001 dismissed the trail connected to the initial search of an area by the road Levy said she would be driving to; the search was limited to ~100 ft.
The original trial was obliterated by the tragedy of 9/11 that year.

Colorado Abortion Proposition: even in cases of rape and incest

A new political ad crosses lines: running exciting music w/ words and disturbing imagery.  Morphing Obama into the Joker-faced Obama (2009)—it doesn’t help anything, to say the least.

Progressive audience reveals ignorance in reaction

Christine O’Donnell asked Chris Coons the trick question, “Where in the U.S. Constitution is the Separation of Church and State?”  “Separation of Church and State,” or as Thomas Jefferson put it, “Wall of Separation,” is not in the Constitution!  The First Amendment only limits federal powers in regards to religion.
O’Donnell still hasn’t memorized the amendments though...what’re the 14th and 16th Amendments again?

And then Evolution was brought up... Ann Coulter calls it is a heckling point.
To show how much more smarter or legitimate you are by making it appear that you know everything...by backing something with racist intentions (eugenics, the “smarter of the species”).  Politically correct racism...
Progressivism depends on ignorance, therefore it is about manipulation.  Andy Stern, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama even emulate dialects to say I’m one of you.

Let me clear up what is observationally true regarding evolution.
Cases of generational chromosomal addition has not been documented, therefore certain parts of special evolution cannot be stated as fact.  However, epigenetic evolution, the study of generational changes in DNA gene markers, has been proven fact through observation.  These switches make sort of a “software” type of adaptation that is limited in scope.  And because of these inevitable limitations in scope, the sort of “natural knowledge” stored is very limited; we are unable to really evolve without adapting our communications into education, writing, and parental guidance.

How do you progress from We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights?  The answer: you don’t.

Dimensional Shifts, Utah

Guest on Coast To Coast AM says 2012 marks an outpour of dimensional shifts?
The more we envision chaos, the more we bring it about for ourselves.

Cue the X-Files music: At 3 locations, identical formations of lights, and in broad daylight.  Seen at different times of day, a light comes down, splits into 2, 3, 4.  Four hours of activity, including a triangle formation, bef. they simply disappeared.  An impersonation of Art Bell...
The Army Golden Knights have taken responsibility for the one in TX, claiming it was one of their skydiving jumps...with lights.  People that have seen their footage don’t think so.

Documentary, Book, Neither

Not As Good As You Think: good neighborhood and ‘good school neighborhood’ are not one in the same.  Lance Izumi (Pacific Research Institute) was featured in Waiting For “Superman”.

The Kennedy Detail: an agent w/ machine gun was startled by Lyndon Johnson, came close to shooting the new Pres.

Almighty Debt, another Black In America special, airs tomorrow on CNN.
“Porta John for Jon” on LKL: making up for lax bathrooms...a showcase display.

LIVE CoCo cam—24/7: Conan O’Brien stands, eats things, while performers perform next to him.

Michael Barone has changed his mind about the Tea parties, complementing their sharpness?


Bus and trailer truck crash in Mexico: 19 dead.
Senior Taliban leader killed in Afghanistan.
CIA admits precautions not taken in Dec; suicide attack killed 7 agents.
Investigation into collapsed Chilean mine starts.
FBI examines foreclosures; criminal pressure, or overwhelmed by housing bubble.
Actress Kim Novak diagnosed with breast cancer.
Celine Dion hospitalized, expecting twins.
New poll: only 51% of Obama voters are dedicated to turn out.
Crystal Cathedral Ministries files for bankruptcy in S. California.
New Tylenol recall linked to shut plant.
Disney pays $115M to comic-book titles The Avengers, Iron Man 3.
Fmr. Surgeon General is calling for pot legalization.
Study: airline flight delays cost passengers $16.7B.
Audrey Hepburn stamps amount to $606K in charity?
White House hosts science fair.
First Lady raises $1M for Dems. at NY fundraiser.
Christine O’Donnell says the GOP establishment is not helping her.
Viagra may help muscular dystrophy patients.
DARE gets kid to snitch on parent(s) smoking pot.

Shooting near Pentagon deemed ‘random event’; comes after shooting yesterday at Marine Museum.

Tim Geithner: “U.S. will not devalue its currency to compete with China.”  They’ve already deliberately devalued the currency!

DHS disputes a report that sheriff Paul Babeu says is true: a warning memo from May says Mex. drug cartels are hiring 15 assassins/kidnappers into AZ; DHS statement came yesterday, a day that two kidnappings occurred.  Things this Admin. denies tend to come true...

Marijuana in Tijuana: 11 suspects, 10K packages of pot.
Far-west drug bust on the Mex. border yields +105 tons, seized by Mex. authorities.

Secretary of State Act: Soros money was responsible for MN Sen. election going Franken’s way.  More ballots cast than there are in the state...Dem. Party took $1M from a foreign-linked PAC...‘D’s take twice as much foreign money as ‘R’s.

New unprecedented civil suit waged by Supreme Court against John Ashcroft: abuse of FBI powers to arrest people off the streets, detain Muslim accusers.  All fees go to the taxpayer.

Some schools mandate bkgd. checks for parents, daily checks for violations—$33/check in taxpayer money.

“The voters aren’t thinking clearly.“

W.H. spokesman Robert Gibbs turns fm. honest uncertainty to certainty of wins for House and Senate.  The Pres. has omitted endowed by our creator four times; Gibbs only responds w/ the non-response, the President believes in the Declaration of Independence.

Out of 6 Dems. that voted for HC bill (abortion loopholes), Gehaus goes after a billboard that simplifies his record (voted for taxpayer-funded abortion).

Another international union (broke, so even it out, globalize it)

Leo Gerard of United Steelworkers For America on Ed Show goes after Chamber of Commerce, got his Ed’s support after calling Republicans liars, and so Ed says projects, “it is amazing to me how many liars there are in the media.”  Brian Kilmeade awkwardly steps back from a comment after sharing Bill O’Reilly’s Islamophobia.
Nancy Pelosi spoke at special interest USW: socialistic rhetoric, of course denouncing special interests.

MS-NBC removes endowed by our creator in “United States of come as you are,”.  New slogan: Lean Forward.  In other words, Biased & Dishonest (progressivism moves sideways; simply existing is not forward).

A tenured professor at Lincoln U (PA) is saying that Israel needs to be dismantled, only preferably in a peaceful way.  I can’t even remember what he called the state.

Good Candidates

How about Justin Manah, 30, who follows his principles and posts his reasons on Facebook (transparency).  Or, Allen West, who held himself accountable for his actions when he ran out of options and decided to break a rule or two in war time.
30 Congressmen sleep in the Congress building because they don’t have the money to pay for things like D.C. residency.

Recovery and Reelection or Radicalization (1936)

There are only two copies, meant for F.D.R, and they were typed, the charts hand-colored.
The parallels of now and then.  “People are afraid,” listening to silver-tongued devils.  The extreme moves are already being done before the breaking point.  This is definitely the original playbook, predating Rules For Radicals.

On TV, Radio

The Motorcycle Diaries (Sundance): where Ernesto Guevara became Ché...The people of Péru, a united America.  And just where did the insane killing begin?

Seattle Starbucks sells beer and wine.
Eva Longoria Parker raps to promote MTV Europe awards show.
AOTS, TDS/CR are all off this week.
Scott Rasmussen, author of Mad as Hell, on OF.
The 2011 Mediocrity —an actual car!
Magic 528 Hz the resonance freq. of water?

Parker & Spitzer: Van Jones; later, Economist Simon Johnson: even Greenspan said, ‘break up the banks.’


Actor Tom Bosley dies at 83.  Best known for his role in Happy Days, he was last seen in...infomercials.


Redistribution of wealth is really redistribution of greed.

Major typhoon hits Philippines amid flood alerts; China braces for Megi.
2010 tied for warmest year on record so far, report says—LiveScience.
China: 37 dead in coal mine leak.
Pakistan: 3 dozen dead in target killings.
Afghan air strike ‘reportedly’ kills 10.
DHS Janet N. at U.S./Mex. border, day of two assassinations: Mex. official, son.
Post office shooting: 2 workers killed in Henning, TN—AP.
Insurgents stage attacks against Chechen govt.; 2 dead.
Chàvez visits Iran shortly after signing deal w/ Russia.
Pentagon asks media not to publish classified war files—AP.
After threats to prosecutors, Italy braces for a mafia war—TIME.
NATO claims it’s choking off insurgents’ supplies—AP.
Soldier: Ft. Hood gunman did not specifically target anyone—AP.
Chandra Levy case (wiping off the cobwebs): Ingmar Guandique looked at.
Iraqi PM visits Iran.
Doctor to ‘Octomom’ faces license revocation hearing.
Got some ’splainin’ to do in San Diego: Junior Seau (Baseball) crashes his SUV.
Fmr. pilot Russell Williams pleads guilty to murder, sexual assault; charged also w/ aggravated assault, battery, and mental distress.

Kuwait: Scope TV broken into by 100 people w/ guns and knives; equipment broken; station has been critical of religious leaders and rule of al-Sabah.

Oil workers, youths, truckers defy French govt. as fuel shortages loom—AP.
Petrol (gasoline) stations start running out of fuel; the country is depending on its monthly reserves.

Constitutional grounds: VA D.A. Ken Cuccinelli challenges HC law (mandates the purchase of health insurance); 29 states are on this bandwagon.  Fedl. judge in VA to rule within a year.

All seven New York governor candidates meet in debate; candidate for The Rent Is Too (Damn) High party steals the spotlight.  Candidates include ex-madam Kristin Davis (Eliot Spitzer case), libertarian Warren Redlich (“I’ve not done (business with) a prostitute, I’ve not broken any laws”), and a former Black Panther.

Spending cuts in Europe: 40%, 192 govt. agencies in UK.
Apple sales top $20B—a new record.
Citigroup earns $2.15B (Q3) as failed loans decrease—AP.
Maine vitamin maker Dr. Newton’s Naturals donates to Chilean miners—Portland Press Herald.
New book details conversations w/ Amanda Knox.

Report: pop. Facebook apps gave personal user info; most private setting may not be enough; Zuckerberg and company are trying to fix the problem.

Critical thinking wanted.

Disturbing study: over the past 20 yrs. Americans have been losing their ability to think out of the box.
Leading 21% of 69% that say we are losing our creative edge in the world say the innovative workers are just not there; the dreamers have left.

Multiculturalism has utterly failed

Chancellor Angela Merkel says Ger. is being overrun by foreigners; “the promise to eventually leave” cannot be met?
If the United States is a melting pot, then what is Germany?

New Special On George Soros (György)

Will it be front page news?
The back-story on the currency speculator that became known as the Man Who Broke the Bank of England after he made a reported $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday U.K. currency crises...after his speculation pushed them over the cliff.  He has collapsed four currencies.
Rose Revolution...Soros helped Hungary transition fm. Communism to Capitalism in Hungary (1980s) but is pushing us into some sort of “green capitalism”?
To him it’s fun to look like a philanthropist, appearing to help, weaving his growth into entities, even whole countries, before consuming them, or at least profiting off of their demise.  Hedge funds...

Arrogance: thinking that you can get away with it, and sometimes you do because some that depend on you don’t want to hear the truth, not wanting their world to change.

Had enough yet?  “Do-Nothing Congress” (1936)

A bloated, out-of-control budget may be pushed back to Dec so elections don’t make the nightmare clear to voters.
“Failed policies of the past“ is something this Admin. is guilty of, taking from mistakes not seen since F.D.R.’s Administration.  Of course Soros could say that we, as Americans, have fewer options—a one-party system of elites that know better, and are “for the worker”...defines democratic socialism.  (Out-right communism requires killing people at random.)
Our govt. hits the budget deadline, what, once every 36 years?  To be shut down?  (It’s a good thing.)

Prices to be sent even lower, employment to be lost, taxes and “debt ceiling” to be raised in 2011, and the captain is not telling you to prepare for the crash landing...riots in the streets (labor unions).  And with no accountability, of course the culprits aren’t blamed; no matter what happens, it’s the opposition party’s fault, the Tea party’s fault…your fault.

Well at least they don’t kill spies anymore

Spy Anna: Maxim video (and pending mag) coincides with Russian mag with her on the cover.

Alaska: Joe Miller’s security handcuffs a reporter; no charges filed.

Another spotlight speech by this Pres., making CNN useless again (no “Update”).
The White House says an ep. of Mythbusters, taped on July 27, will air Dec. 8 on the Discovery Channel.

Megan McCain has the experience of being the daughter of a Senator, and...that’s it.  Speaking as a 26-year-old woman of O’Donnell: No matter how lack of experience she has.

He never removes the still camera: Barney Frank’s boyfriend heckles ex-marine candidate Sean Bieler.  James was caught a year or so ago growing pot in his backyard.

Ignore the issues, attack their religion: Aqua-Buddha story against Rand Paul in an official campaign ad.  Why was Rand Paul a member of a secret society that called the Holy Bible ‘a hoax.’  A frat/cult that happened to be Jewish in College—more boring than the title.
Jim Norton on Rand Paul refusing to shake hands at the end of the debate: How do you work/argue with someone with no logic or speaks no logical sense?

NYT writer Maureen Dowd complains about bullying over a week after the story of Meg Whitman being called a whore, and whore regarded “acceptable” by Women’s League- something.
There is such a thing as criminal harassment, where it’s persistent, and persistent to the point of suicide.  But on the pol. stage?


There’s an app for that: a (Latin) band uses iPods for instruments on a subway.

At least there was laughter...and Jonah Goldberg.  Todd Seavy delivers most-watched program on C-SPAN, talking abt. his sparring rel. with another panelist.  Catholic moralist, dating others when we were together for two years.

Gutfeld/O’Reilly Interview

Things to take from the interview: Lassie never pooped, Timmy was prissy, and the Mothras are pinheads.  Benjy... Gutfeld was first seen on FNC/O’Reilly Factor in 1999 as part of Men’s Health.  Book: My Affair With Bill O...


Broke by Glenn Beck is set to release next week.  Over a year in the making, 400-something pages, 50 of which are footnotes; a council of historians, and their sources...and there are five more books currently in progress.

On Dec 9, 1914, fires just about destroyed Thomas Edison’s plant.  Did he curl up into a little ball?  No.  At 67, he said that you’re never too old to come up with new ideas.


Violence amid Karachi elections: gunmen kill 21 in 24 hrs.
Pakistan: Suspected drone strikes kill 13.
Russia: floods kill 11.
Gunmen kill 2 officers in Iraq.
WikiLeaks donation site shut down by administrator?
Fmr. CountryWide head gets largest fine for CEO ever; over $60M.
Judge orders rapper T.I. to prison.
2 suspected dissidents arrested in Ireland.
Tiffany Hartley wife meets w/ Mex. officials.
WikiLeaks to disclose 400K documents.
Early voting begins in Nevada.

Muslims gather in WDC for Islam on Capitol Hill.
Major turnout in France; Sarkozy is not the fav. here; people fill streets.
Turnout here for Obama-Biden voters: only 25%; same for McCain-Palin voters; outcome unknown.

Christine O’Donnell says she has 12 yrs. federal govt. experience; more than her opponent.
Carl Paladino says the right thing: he will follow the law, not press his beliefs when in office.

Bed bugs feared at ME Medical Center(?); extermination, none found since.
Vitamin D by itself cannot maintain bone density, growth.
What resulted in autism-link w/ vaccinations turns out somebody manipulated the data...days old news.

Password breaking companies can make up to thousands a month

Occasionally change your password, use illegible patterns w/ non-alphanumerics if you can, at least 8 characters.

Empire calls the opposition an empire

Obama stumps in Mass., says Tea party opposition wants Wall Street bailouts; part of the movement is based on being against such bailouts.  Flat-out lying to the public—no one can have an opinion like this after paying attention to the daily...trash—oh, yeah—buying into MS-NBC you will.
The empire is the force of something government-sized and oppressive; the Pres. has a supermajority, but the little people are in the way—they’re an oppressor.  No, Progressivism represents oppression.
These supporters will buy into anything.

Making things up is in the playbook: the mystery ad campaign money could be coming fm. insurance companies—villain no. (I lost count).


Barbara Billingsley of Leave It To Beaver (1957-63) died Sat. at 94.  She portrayed June, the mother of “the Beaver”—a true pearl, and also had a cameo in Airplane! (1980).  Her husband, Hugh Beaumont, died in 1982.
Billingsley on O’Reilly Factor in 1997: I got my dresses at J.C. Penny’s — they were not expensive.


Where did all of the money for Haiti go?

2 found guilty of hate crimes in death of immigrant.
3 due in N. Ireland court over weapons offensive.
Great Value among recall of frozen vegetables found to contain pieces of glass.
Swiss say longest tunnel ‘taking shape.’
New Guinness World Record for shortest: 25.8 in. tall Nepalese 18-yr.-old.
All but two of 33 rescued miners out of hospital.
Mex. officials suspend search for David Hartley’s body.

Hungary red sludge disaster: despite questioning and release of MAL’s CEO, officials announced that production would resume Oct 17.

Tim Geithner calls claims of (growing) socialism ‘nonsense’.
Bernanke says the Fed must buy more treasury bonds
GE posts 29% increase in net income.
GM recalls 300K Chevrolet Impalas.
Virgin Mobile, Virgin Galactic: $200K for a trip to outer space.
Exec. of bankrupt Tribune resigns.
About 71% of tweets are ignored.

Going viral w/ modified blender tests, WillItBlend multiplied sales by 7.  iSmoke— highly toxic, don’t inhale.

Dirshewitz the novelist...
Current TV runs movie The Constant Gardener; no significant frame rate adjustments.
Comedy Central premieres 18 Year Old Virgin.  That reminds me; there are 18 days till elections.

Non-sequitur was pulled in several papers this week for a Where’s Waldo approach of revealing actual Islamophobia.  Where’s Prophet Mohammed?  No such figure was illustrated.

American Journal/Robert Lowell (10.14): Auburn city councilor Michael Ferrell (Ward 1) faults Gorham after a speeding citation was issued.  He says two police vehicles didn’t have rear plate lights...after wife was pulled over on Route 237.

Soros Lemmings

From the people who brought you Story of Stuff (Tides Foundation, in 4.5K schools) comes Let there be...Stuff?, an age 13-18 curriculum that depicts humans as consumers needing regulation.  Some truth, mostly nihilism (man at the bottom of the food chain).
Thankful to the waters, not for them—the new Stuff? (propaganda) is coming to a church, synagogue or mosque near you.

Ton of Bricks to Come Down (Controversial)

There are already attorneys for...plants.  You go to jail for killing an endangered species, but are protected in killing a human fetus.  Reverend Wright’s church has a room for failed abortions (leave the baby in the room until it dies).
Let there be...Stuff? can already be seen in non-denominational areas.

Clouds are part of a balancing act in the self-correcting environment; they provide cooling.

Those who predicted the weather controlled the lands.

Crops are tied to weather.  And with some worshiping a god similar to the god of Babylon, the 21st-century marks limited control of the weather.


Natl. Dessert Day.

Terror Alert: chatter is high, different; officials are “having trouble sleeping at night,” but no targets have been specified, suspect has not been located.

World Bank: floods in Pakistan caused $9.7B in damage.
6 FEMA disaster areas declared due to floods; NC.
N.E.: gale force winds, poss. hail across MD and MA.
Death toll in Pakistan drone strike: 8.
Police: plot to kill Pakistani PM uncovered.
CVS agrees to pay $77.6M in fines; leading drug provider blamed for meth production.
Dozens caught posing as doctors, among professions; $163K in Medicare fraud.
11th suspect arrested in Bronx anti-gay attack.
Indictments for 2 airline employes.
Would-be Christmas Day bomber represents himself in court.
French strike rolls into day 3.
Ahmadinejad makes first state visit to Lebanon.
Iran to prosecute 5 alleged spies.
Judge approves of trial, args. on HC law.
Obama Admin. offers higher premiums to insurers.
Hospital: drill bit accidentally left in patient’s head.
Porn star tests positive for HIV.
Utah teens struck by lightning walk away w/ only some scars and temporary paralysis.
Quake rocks OK; Dan Reeve’s sports bloc (predictions) interrupted.
TX think-tank have a theory on what happened to the Hartleys.
Reid, Angle face off in only debate; Reid laughs at Angle’s economic solution.
2 of rescued Chilean miners speaking out despite planned blackout.

Skype adds Facebook tab, group video chat.
DOTA to be released in 2011 for PC/Mac.
Google quarterly earnings higher than expected for both lower and upper lines.
Bank of America hires small biz bankers.
RGA reports big cash haul?

30 Rock Live: the cast pulled it off well.  Hi, I’m blonde.

Comedian Greg Wilson teaching the trade...was asked to stop because he was giving too many secrets away.

When this Admin. targets someone, you know that someone makes a difference

The Chamber of Commerce has never been attacked like this before.  Guilty until proven innocent.  Prove to us that this isn’t happening, says Biden.
4/5 of the CoC’s members are companies that have less than 100 employes (small businesses).
Making history this morning, the son of a CoC member donated $10K, calls for the biggest donation day in the CoC’s history—one hour surpassed 100 years.  Working for a company of ~45, it was...  All of the servers crashed, including SmallBusiness.com.

A Deranged Obsession

Hardball’s Chris Matthews: if the people in the hole were members of the Tea Party, as only some of them are good, it is every man for himself—that is no more Social Security, no more government, no more safety net, no more nothing, they would have never gotten out; they would have been killing each other.  AFL-CIO Pres. Richard Trumpka then said, Exactly.
Bill Clinton: people are angry and confused; and when people are confused, they don’t think.
Michael Moore sold bunk on LKL; King asked why he says those things.

Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg walk off the set of The View because guest Bill O’Reilly stated the fact that the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Muslim, and public opinion leans toward the community center and mosque near ground zero being a bad idea (70% polled).
Goldberg: (this is) such bullsh—!

New MoveOn.org (Soros) ad targets Target: No way, We don’t like that!  Childish to attract loons; more ‘trying to steal our Democracy’ rhetoric; the character w/ a target head carts the Statue of Liberty, the major Parties, the flag...
Target gave money to a group that makes their own decisions; that group donated money to a candidate that’s against gay marriage, and MoveOn.org is a tool for scheming against capitalism, so...yeah.

Invited by anti-Tea party “independent” Charlie Crist, crackpot RFK, Jr. calls Tea partiers crackpots, and is not ashamed.  The danger that our democracy faces...  This is a guy who said pig farmers are more dangerous than UBL.

“Cranes that dot the sky”: in a 1996 book by Bob Woodward, Hillary Clinton used séances to try to talk to Elanore Roosevelt.
Michelle Obama: there are people who are keepin’ the spirits clean around us.
High on spirits is an alcoholic reference.

Everything rested on their shoulders—wait, no it didn’t!

New PBS documentary on Abraham Lincoln portrays him as some kind of fallback.  One photo of a man that defines “skin and bones” shows a hell that politicians are not supposed to be responsible for.  What msg. was God sending him?

Oprah appears on The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart (via screen) so the sched. merge of two Natl. Mall rallies on 10.30 can be merged into Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear.
After screaming, etc. (Winfrey told the Show audience of tickets under their seats), Colbert: the rally calls for restoring sanity, but that applause was insane.  Stewart: it’s sane to normal people.  No it’s not.

Path Of Least Resistance: Life In A Multiverse

Guest Paul (BehindTheParanormal.com) on Coast To Coast AM: of all the phenomena, we are seeing a multiverse in action; alt. realities, humanoids.  And in this period of awakening, more will leak in.  Those you’d never see living may find you, guide you.  Be respectful, and reject what you would normally reject.


Great men forgive, apologize and never hold grudges.

Ahmadinejad waves to crowds on the streets of Beirut; its govt. has extensive ties to Hizballah.
All 50 states, AGs: joint-probe on housing mortgages over foreclosures.
Ancestry.com: Barack Obama and Sarah Palin are 10th cousins.
Carl Paladino owns at least one gay strip joint?

Wheel turning on wood; after 69 days, it’s finally over

First of 33 trapped Chilean miners rescued at around midnight local time (11 PM ET last night).  It ended over before 9:40 PM ET (<23 hrs).  The rate went from abt. 30 to 60 min. each.  Many of the miners are in remarkably good shape for living in an environment of limited water, methane contamination.
Nearly 3K showed at Times Square to watch the last of the miners coming up; cheers were heard, tears were seen.
Some guy at MS-NBC tries a “magic helmet story”—the kid was only holding a balloon w/ signatures.

Don’t allow yourself to become subhuman

Due in court tomorrow, the group of young adults, 16-23 yrs. old, that attacked, invaded, burned and sodomized three men involved in gay sex—two 17-year-olds and a 33-year-old in the Bronx.  And now there’s another attack.
Stop tolerating the escalation, the hatred of humanity; don’t engage with hatred; apply time-tested laws.  The wrongs of life start with and live on mistakes, misunderstandings.

Greece: to cut costs, diabetes patients are given an option to have their feet amputated.  Obama has already talked of that happening here—preparing us for the hell that is to come?
Corrupt political figures are doing whatever they can to change the perceived reality.

There are real people with real problems...and then there are politicians

Mass. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) took free trips, vacation to Virgin Islands; $25M jet on taxpayer money.

Richard Wolfe on Countdown regarding pros and cons of the Administration’s history so far (for New York Times magazine): I cannot think for the life of me why the W.H. would want to engage in this kind of article.
Chuck Todd: this is something you would do after the election.

A housing crisis—poor Obama.  It’s not the responsibility of a president; but with this press, it’s all about him.

Delhi 2010

Where the British empire competes against the countries it conquered...this event has had plenty of setbacks.  First, the water in the pool for speed swimming was tainted, resulting in contestants having diarrhea; then, there was a snake in a team’s room; finally, there was a bridge collapse.

Who are we?

What any generation tolerates, the next embraces.
Will we have to become an unflagged nomadic group to survive MAED?
Young adults talking to each other, right across from each other, over text msg.!
Living in an on-screen fantasy.

No Logic

McDonald’s food is so art. that a woman left some out for four months to see how it rots... it doesn’t!  No mold, no odor, just hard as a rock.

“Maybe it would have been a good idea to talk abt. the constitution before you elect them to office?” says Olbermann of Bachman.  She did.  But why would you ever notice, doing nothing but painting them as violent racists, showing how ignorant you are by relying on progressive “news sources.”
How dare Glenn Beck say that historical reenacting is okay or over hiding a Nazi uniform in your closet is logical!  After all, I’m Keith Olbermann, the most logical man in the universe!


Bonhoffer turned to Gandhi for answers...love is the answer.

10th anniv. of the U.S.S. Cole bombing, where militants suicide-rammed the ship, killing 17/18 sailors.
Now al-Qaeda has released a terror magazine.  A terror mag that calls for attacks on WDC.

Ukraine bus crash kills 40.
8 police officers killed in Mexico.
Ft. Hood shooter faces military hearing on charges.
OK Coast Guard searches for person/people who fell off boat.
A federal judge issues injunction stopping enforcement of DADT.
L.A. County adopts an ord. requiring inspections for mobile food trucks, letter grade display.
Wal-Mart overhauls workers’ benefits.
George Michael released from prison.
Oprah disappointed in S. African school abuse case verdict.
Sarah Palin endorses John Raese for senate.
Helen Thomas on a radio program says her apology was only made to ease offense.

US$/Yen: 82.08 (6:07 ET).
52-in. Sharp® LED, 120 Hz HDTV selling for under $1,500.
GAP goes back to classic logo after outcry.
Laura Ling to host new E! Entertainment show.
iSwifter for iPad: WiFi access to Flash games.

With the left in control, the schools are teaching obedience, the rhetoric has gotten to the pt. of having no basis in fact—and Bill Clinton says half the country is insane?  And needs to be medicated?  The Republicans hope for amnesia and apathy, and half of them are deranged. [laughter, applause]
Obama: they want blacks to stay home.
Conyers spoke at Democratic Socialists of America during the 10-02-10 weekend, sporting one with the world rhetoric.


Anti-business: When did the Chamber of Commerce become some silent evil entity?  Oh, yeah—since the Admin. needed a villain for bringing about redistributive change...
The AFL-CIO has many worldwide affiliates, and now this xenophobic story.  No one knows all of\ the identities that posed as one woman in donating up to $175K to the Obama-Biden 2008 campaign, according to the Washington Post.
You can see it in Juan Williams’ eyes last night as he pointed out polling and turnout expectations for Dems. being low: they’re gonna throw out whatever they can, even if whatever they are throwing has no basis in fact.  The FEC says that there is no illegal activity whatsoever, but the Admin. doesn’t believe in a nation of laws.

Calorie Bombs

Pizza Burger, a 2,350-calorie monstrosity that’s 24 cm (61 in) in diameter, carries pepperoni and mozzarella, in a sesame seed bun of 4 burgers—$13 at Burger King; 30-cm (76 in) cheeseburger foot long by Hardee’s (hard to eat all of it w/o vomiting—look at the YouTube video); Red Robin sells burgers stuffed w/ mozzarella sticks; KFC’s “Double Down” doesn’t go far enough for some.  It made them seem edgy, says Brian W. of Cornell U.’s Food and Brand Lab, author of Mindless EatingThese extreme foods are oftentimes just a stunt, something to think about their restaurant.
A larger food portion is foolishly taken as a larger challenge, and a larger flavor, but nothing can “taste longer.”  And these bombs certainly don’t taste better.

TV, Radio

First Coast To Coast AM guest: isolation is the real soul killer.
Jon Stewart: CNN: what you’re watching when your flight is canceled.
Premiere of Nick Swardson’s: Pretend Time: Toyota PEEUS; sexual harassment at a donkey sex show; using “my kid has chromosome syndrome” excuse to get a creep to stick his...into a bowl of pirañas.


Columbus Day, also Canadian Thanksgiving Day.

Hurricane Paula expected to make landfall on Tues.
Jeremy Morlock is accused of killing Afghan civilians.
Hungary: calls for resignation hit MAL’s (alumina company) CEO.
Avg. foreclosure span fm. non-payments is abt. 15 mos. (2010) from under 380 days (2005).

Wanted by the Hague ICC on 11 counts of war crimes committed in 2009, Callixte Mbarushimana has been arrested in his Paris home.  Mbarushimana is the Rwandan rebel leader of FDLR, a group allegedly responsible for thousands of rapes and murders in the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Over-Exuberant: Wanting the Pres. to read his book, a guy throws it at Obama in a rally; secret svc looks into him.

Google s/w drives a car 1,000 miles w/o a human driver.
Microsoft unveils Windows® 7 Phones; one for ea. of 30 countries.
Dark Horse has struck a deal: canceled shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer can be renewed in comic book form.

What looks like a giant bed of sunflower seeds for an art exhibit is really made of 100 million hand-painted porcelain beads made to look like sunflower seeds; over a thousand willing individual Chinese, the work of 2.5 years.

New MI-6 book, declassified documents: the idea of using semen for invisible ink came from—and this is no joke—George Mansfield Smith-Cumming in the early twentieth century.  And they wanted to keep up stock.

Carl Paladino made ‘brainwashing’ comments regarding homosexuality...right after the attack on 3 gays in the Bronx.  Confronting the anti-Semitism charge, he spoke with rabbis... one of the rabbis has since retracted his involvement.  Paladino did remove the line “homosexuality is a sin” from his speech.
Charles Krauthammer says Paladino is one of those candidates that retire three weeks in.

Bernie Goldberg: Gloria Allred never met a microphone that she never liked.
Goldberg also said the slobbering love affair will pick up again once you see Obama running, esp. if he’s against a conservative.

Pot calling the kettle black

Rich Iott grilled on AC-360 for reenacting German S.S./(Viking), among other historical figures; the director of the video you see on the web works in theater, and is known for over-the-top performances.  Matthews: is this some kind of homoerotic thing?
Speaking of Anderson Cooper, the silver-haired former host of “reality” Mole was over-the-top offended by the non-sexual use of the word ‘gay’ in a movie preview, not keeping himself honest on Ellen, going as far as to link recent violence to a joke.  Universal has cut the scene in the preview for a new Vince Vaughn movie that also co-stars Kevin James.  It was reported that GLAAD, when asked, wasn’t offended at first.  Paul Blart: Mall Cop is what’s really offensive.

Parker Spitzer hits a wall: after the press demonizes, marginalizes candidates, then these idiots ask, “Where are all of the ‘good’ candidates?”  Some of the guests manage to insert some sense, but that doesn’t do a narrative well...
Reason magazine’s Nick G. was on...some time ago...and before Red Eye.

Eugene Robinson makes the lies clear as day.  And w/o the ‘violent Tea party’ rhetoric, the left are done, finished, through...so long as people don’t forget.

The Obama Factor, The Supremacist—the 10.11 issue of Time, a Special Investigation on the rise of militias (in the neg. sense) by Barton Gellman: Brian Banning, who led local and interagency intel. units that tracked radical-right-wing violence in Sacramento County, CA, says, The person who’s interested in violent revolution may be attracted to a racist group or to a militia or to the Tea Party because he’s anti-government and so are they, but he’s looking on the fringe of the crowd for the people who want to take action.
Carry the insult, and start with future news: It’s 2010, and…

Answers are now rushing in

Coast To Coast AM: What are the chemtrails made of?  AlO2 (aluminum dioxide)?  The flight patterns are rather circular, and don’t stick to the FAA-drawn “highways” that planes are obligated to stay on.
Contrails are rare: planes are too high in alt. for water to condense, and when it does happen, you see it on the wings as well as the tail.

Gone Viral

Kite snowboarding: someone goes higher than expected; letting go, he plows into the snow.
Who Owns My Heart: Miley Cyrus made another provocative video...maybe.


Grand Ole Opry turns 85; Dolly Parton led the celebration.

Climate talks wrap up in China.
4 Mex. police officers killed in grenade attack.
Head-on collision in MI kills 5, injures 4.
India: train crashes into taxi; 2 dead.
Gang related: 14-yr-old girl shot.
Central Washington U.: 12 students overdose at party; one still hospitalized.
Hartley case: Mex. govt. suspects 2 members of the Zeta group.
Passenger removed fm. flight over security concerns; no arrests.
North Korea: big celebration thrown for successor Kim Jong Eun.
The U.S. President is at yet another rally for votes; 2 of 4.
Campaign ad spending may go over $3B, fm. $2.7B in 2008 to $2.4B in 2006.
Juan James Rodriguez, 24, offered $1M to streak/wear only a website at Obama rally.
Chile looking to strengthen rock wall for smooth extraction by Wed.
Mercedes recalls 85K cars over steering problem.
2011 Soc. Security costs of living not expected to increase.
2010: average ~2.9K foreclosures daily; up to 40 states investigate bank paperwork.
Drug Meridia was withdrawn from U.S. market.
Those w/ blood pressure meds must take them at night.

Israel Cabinet approves new law requiring non-Jewish immigrants to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state.

Some feared that ’10.10.10...10:10:10 would mark a big virus hit that would take down the net.  Didn’t happen.  But 60K viruses are released each day.
Thousands reaffirm their marriage on this special day.

Duke grad “sex list” goes viral, creates massive public backlash; Owens list included 13 athletes.

American Sociological Review: blacks in NJ were more likely to get risky subprime mortgage loans than white borrowers w/ similar credit during housing bubble; many poor neighborhoods were targeted.

Diana Dimond, author of Cirque du Salahi, on Reliable Sources: Bravo held back footage disproving ‘party crashers’ story sold in gossip media.
Howard Kurtz is moving fm. Washington Post to Daily Beast (online)—it fits given his latching on to a paper that recycles Dinesh D’souza’s book.

Tea Party Patriot poll: Chris Christie, 14%; Sarah Palin, 13.5%; Ron Paul, 12.5%.
Death threats against Palin prompts tighter security.

Election Results

After a coup in Apr, and riots in June that displaced hundreds of thousands and killed 400, Kyrgystan held elections today.  Democracy may have arrived in Central Asia.

CIA World Factbook: results fm. 10.03 confirm ethnic division; voters cling to sep. camps, joint Bosnian Muslim/ethnic-Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and autonomous Serb Republic.

Iraq: PM Nouri al-Maliki’s mainly secular coalition boosted by cleric Muqtada al-Sadr; neither Sunni nor Kurds won a clear majority; it has been 7 mos. since parl. elections in Mar.

Runoff for 10.31...Brazil’s presidential race is still going since 10.03; Dilma Rousseff got only 47% of the vote over pop. Pres. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Same unbelievable garbage, different day

Fareed Zakaria GPS: one guest preaches social justice; “good” populism, as Tea party populism reflects those who only want the white little man helped.  You know it’s bad when Peggy Noonan is the “sane” one, needing to “defend her credibility” by calling Glenn Beck a shiny sparkly thing.
The leftist on the panel used the fact is for things that aren’t factual.

TIME’s Zachary Karabell (The Curious Capitalist) pooh-poohs the notion that businesses aren’t hiring over lack of clarity in federal policy.  That’s nonsense.

Bob Lloyd Schieffer of CBS (Face The Nation) has David Axelrod on, does not buy into the new anti-Chamber of Commerce DNC campaign ad, says that whatever evidence for the charge is peanuts, taking after NYT.
Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove: Bush Cronies; Chamber of Commerce: Business Cronies.  Tell the Republicans and Chamber of Commerce to stop stealing our Democracy.  There’s the “stealing our Democracy” language again (there are taxpayer money-funded union ads everywhere with it).  The U.S. has never been a Democracy.  Speaking to the democratic soc... Axelrod does the J. R. McCarthy route of do you have any evidence it’s not?


Great singer Joan Sutherland dies at 83.  She debuted with Beatrice di Tenda, was well known for her operatic performance of the mad scene in Lucia di Lammermoor, and also had fun singing with Luciano Pavarotti in The Daughter of the Regiment at the Met.

Solomon Burke dies at 70 natural causes in the Netherlands.  If You Need Me... Legendary producer Jerry Wexler said he was the best soul singer of all time.  After the death of Sam Cooke, and Got to Get You Off My Mind (1965) in tribute, Burke’s spirit leveled off by the 1970s; it wasn’t until the turn of the millennia that he managed to turn it around, and release the Grammy award-winning Don’t Give Up on Me (2002), featuring songs from the like of Bob Dylan and Van Morrison.
Rich and lusty Tonight’s the Night (1965) shows you just how great this Philadelphia-born singer could get—a perfect showcase.


John Lennon’s 70th birthday.

Currency wars.
Global finance leaders fail to resolve the latest currency dispute...world economies vow to act in effort to bolster the IMF’s role.

Costa Rica: 5.9-mag. quake.
Gunman wounds 2 Elem. students at CA school; gunman captured.
U.S. repeatedly weighed option to ‘nuke’ N. Korea since the 1950s.
Chile: explosives may have to be used—official; drill pierces ceiling to trapped miners.
China frees last of 4 Japanese nationals.
Nobel Prize winner’s wife to visit her jailed husband.
Penalty phase for Steven Hayes on Oct 18.
Cop arrested in 2-state shooting spree.
FBI allegedly used GPS device to spy on student.
Danny Lampley, 49, spent 5 hrs in jail; held in contempt for not reciting Pledge of Allegiance.
Stamos extorter gets 4 yrs.
After theft of Jonathan Franzen’s glasses at book evt., ransom of $100K asked.
BofA pauses all foreclosures.
James Jones to be replaced with Tom Donilon.
Facebook co-founders give $170K to pro-marijuana measure.
Peace talks: Arab League backs Mahmoud Abbas.
British lottery winner gets record 129M euros.
Auction, expected asking price, fossil of allosaurus (cousin of Tyrannosaurus rex): $1.1M.
CNN, People and Cartoon Network coming together for bullying special.
UK now recognizes the ancient pagan tradition of Druidry as a religion...abt. 10K Druids live there.

W. Hungary sludge reservoir of alumina plant in Ajka expected to completely collapse; the est. 700M liter (185M gal.) break of red sludge that stretched half a mile has killed 9, injured 150, destroyed hundreds of homes.

NATO extraction fm. 9.26 failed; aid worker Linda Worgrove, 36, was killed yesterday in Kunar province; her Afghan colleagues were later released.  U.K. PM David Cameron revealed Oct 11 that Worgrove may have been killed by a U.S. soldier’s grenade...initial reports claimed her death was caused by the detonation of a captor’s suicide vest.
Over 2,014 NATO svc members have been killed in Afghanistan since the war started, according to the Associated Press.

Last month, the U.S. Defense Department spent $47K in destroying 9.5K copies of Operation Dark Horse, a memoirs book of an intel. officer’s time in Afghanistan.

Facebook’s newest feature, and pitfall: you may have been added to a group you’ve never heard of.


A team of researchers using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells—the newest type of stem cells, made fm. adult skin cells—report that they have overcome a major obstacle in bringing treatment to the clinic.
A new process—versus using viruses to transfer genes into a cell’s genome—uses RNA, making it up to 100x as efficient (RNA does not integrate).  If all goes well, human trials could be as early as 2014.

A film observation of 242 embryos led to the identification of 3 factors in determining whether an embryo is viable for transfer, resulting in a 93% accuracy over the general guessing game where the success rate is only 30%.  Traditionally, technicians would wait for up to 5 days to see which embryos (usually out of several) are good, risking abnormalities as they develop.

In working toward an ability to control allergies, researchers fed mice a gut protein that quieted immune cells and trained the body to accept common food allergens such as milk and nuts.


Only 3/5 of calories consumed by ages 2-18 have any nutrients besides fat/sugar.
39% of Amer. adolescents over 8 say that the info they find on the net is always correct.
Low testosterone in males associated with Alzheimer’s.
Persistent noise factors (stress) associated with heart disease.

Tai Chi [Chuan] can reduce stress levels while increasing phys. activity; easy on joints; requires no equipment; doesn’t leave you breathless.  It is now officially used in some hospitals.


Oprah visits MJJ’s mother for interview.
Tina Fey to do live 30 Rock on Thu, E. and W. coast.
Gloria Allred mocked on SNL.
Mariah Carey sprains ankle, has to use wheelchair after tripping on stage in $10K shoes.
Night of Too Many Stars (for primarily autism awareness, research) was taped on 10.02.  It will air right bef. 10.30.


Unemployment unchanged, 9.6%; underemployment, ~18%; 95K lost.

Pakistan: 8+ dead in shrine blast.  (The fascistic Taliban destroys people and art.)
General James Jones leaving.
Jailed in Dec, Chinese dissident Liu Xiobo wins Nobel Peace Prize.
Bed bug problem is turning pandemic; now an issue in Maine.
Climate unchanging: Global cyclical activity lowest in 33 yrs.
Rick Sanchez speaks out on GMA...
Universal pulls “gay” quote from movie trailer.

Leaked photos of Congressional nominee Krystal Ball’s (VA-D) college years feature S&M.

Eliot Spitzer makes a head-splitting comment: Bill Clinton is our best, most real politician, I think, in 15 years.


Tim Cahill, 6% in polls, thinks his own operatives are working w/ opponent.


All of the smart money is going out of the U.S.

Fragile: All-time quarter is the second quarter; selling to buying, 2,300 to 1.
Study: U.S. owes ~$200 trillion; there is only ~$50T in world GDP.
Japan set interest rate to near zero
Oil, 81.67 (17:35E); 17:53E: Gas, 2.118; Heating Oil, 2.2518; NGAS, 3.617.
Silver, 22.52; Gold, 1,332; Copper, 3.6795.
Pound, 1.5871 (18:11E); Euro, 1.392.
IBM surges to all-time high after CEO change, word of mouth.
Intel hits record closing.

Senate Armed Svcs committee Rpt.: Pakistani spy agency informing militants of oil tankers.
Toxic sludge fm. Hungary reaches Danube.
Leak closes down South Bend, IN.
Can’t keep track of internal votes: postal union loses ballots in mail...
Waivers: McDonald’s, other big name companies getting a break in HC what have you.
Actual radicalism, pol. war: Obama uses “hand-to-hand combat” rhetoric.
The Pres. vetoes bill that would speed up foreclosures.
Witness backs up most of Tiffany Hartley’s story; Mex. govt. stonewalling.
$22M: thousands of dead, prisoners got checks.
Food Stamp Police: SNAP program rejects junk food as 41.8M are on food stamps.
McCain advisor joins Haley camp.
Cadillac Crossovers recalled over fire risk.
Chile: drill within 100m of miners.

Actress/singer Juliette Lewis hurt in felony hit-and-run, neck/head pain; police to arrest driver who fled from car.

$5K per ep., $40/day in travels, Kate Sanchez (voice of Dora the explorer) sues Nickelodeon for holding back on payments.

Sex offender list computer server crashed; total record count crossed 2 billion limit; they’ve since upped it to at least a trillion.

Yahoo unveils new Intelligent Shortcuts and Quickcaps tools.
And soon the darkness... trailer on AOTS.
Dan Akroid confirms Ghostbusters III; all of orig. cast set.
Panasonic returning to the video game sys. it abandoned 20 yrs ago.
Flo-cabulary postponed in TX for “Old Dead White Guy” lyrics.
MTV to do town hall meeting w/ Obama, screening adults on looks and political views.
Scientists discover +2K animals, plants, including the “tube-nosed fruit bat.”

Samantha Geimer on LKL, calls for the term. of Roman Polanski”s sentence, saying he served his time.

Deadspin/A.J. Daulerio: Brett Favre comes on strong to women in voicemails, caught sending text msgs. and pics of his junk to a female reporter.

Fox News Channel turns 14

O’Reilly Factor: Early clips played, originally, O’Reilly Program.  “The hair was a toupee,” says Bill.
Using a red-filter on Martha MacCallum’s bright red dress, staff turned her dress magenta, cyan-blue during multiple choice trivia game.
Audience P&P poll Q for Bruce Willis’ meat head top, David Letterman eating a bite on Late Show.  Word of the Day: Sophist.

Mortgage Bankers Association even closed their own HQ!

GMAC wasn’t reading the fine print, issuing 10K foreclosures in a short amount of time.
A house’s locks changed by the banker...it wasn’t foreclosed.
Sophie’s choice—a housing-based economy; in the legislation passed, Fannie and Freddie cannot take this type of hit.  It’s either housing, or the economy.  (In a house, or bankrupt.)


Church of body modification (circa 2008)—religion defense for ACLU, case of public school rejecting a 14-yr.-old girl for a nose piercing for the fourth time.

More of the unprovable on CoastToCoast AM

Burst, frequency hit/jump occurred on May 20.  Now extraction process fm brain to whole body.  Signals shot out through quartz?  Turning built-in bodily things on?

Remold it nearer to the heart’s desire

1912-1920, people had seen what progressives had done and were horrified.  It took 80 years to undo the damage to the name in eight.
Cold and calculated, Walter Lippmann carried his propaganda to the Wilson Admin.
Cecil Rhodes talked of a dream race, out of successful capitalists using socialism to slam the door shut on others; his company went on to own 91% of the diamond industry.
The idea of screwing people this way “lives on” with people like Soros and M. Moore.  And as Weimar was about legalizing everything to help distract as the sys. finally collapsed under the corruption...marijuana...we have drug cartels south of the border.

Guilt by Ass— Lying, buying time

The Nation’s Isabel MacDonald smears Lou Dobbs to ram home the narrative that he is a hypocrite, making the story abt. unreliable testimony instead of documentation (Lou is against illegal immigration, like any sane person).  Inviting Lou on Last Word With Laurence O’Donnell to face what else but insane persecution from everybody in the room, and the destruction of Isabel’s point as she admits that no laws were broken, and Lou is working w/ sitting pol. figures on solutions to the immigration problems facing the nation.
Amnesty??  Nightline buys into the ‘story,’ asks the audience does this make (Dobbs) a hypocrite?  Does this make ABC a subordinate?
The “progressive class” is dangerous in that it drags people into thinking that they must always be right.  (The know-it-all class.)

Christiane Amanpour acts like Chris Matthews on CBS, getting as many ‘extreme’ and ‘fringe’ out on conservative candidates, trying to bring out Islamophobia in Christians.


The gods of the copybook headings by Joseph Rudyard Kipling.


Decentralize or else!

Death toll for Asia floods: 140; 64+ in Indonesia.
Arizona: 9 deaths blamed on tornadoes.
FBI arrest 90+ police in Puerto Rico; largest raid in bureau’s history.
U.S. officials now admit to mistaking some civs. for targets in Pakistan.
Tanzania bomber, UBL’s cook was caught in 2004, but it has taken 12 yrs to get to court.
Jury to begin deliberations in synagogue bomb plot.
Gunman sought in IL, IN shootings.
Subpoenas issued in John Edwards probe.
Little Blue run concerns: water diluted, still toxic; no one wants to drink fm. the tap.
CNN Research Poll: 1/10 NV voters pick ‘none of above’.

Afghanistan: NATO forces say they have killed 16 militants over last 24 hrs...the country is to start a “peace council.”
Hamid Karzai condemns “enemies of Afghanistan.”

‘Take-back’ day (nationwide effort on 9.25) nets 121 tons of old meds; goal was to keep drugs from falling into the hands of abusers, criminals.

I’m glad I’m not a Supreme Court justice a commentator says, making the pvt. funeral/harassment v. First Amendment decision an emotional one.

DNC chair Tim Kaine compares Obama-Clinton ticket in 2012 to an NFL pick...it happened within hrs of the statement.
Tom Daschle backtracks after stating that the public option (govt.-run health insurance option) was removed in a deal w/ insurance companies in Jul, 2009.

2 states, 2 campaign ads use same photo of legal actors playing “illegals who are taking jobs.”

Charlie the smoking chimp dies at 52.
Motorola files patent suit against Apple.
Logitech launches $300 Google TV box.
Facebook unveils Group feature.
James Franco dresses in drag for transvestite mag Candy.
LKL: wrongfully convicted men.
Susan Sarandon says she “cried and cried” when she broke up w/ Tim Robins.
Rick Sanchez apologizes, or “if I may apologize to anyone who may have been offended,” saying that his comments were not intended to be narrow-minded.

AP: A material 100 times stronger than steel, but one atom in thickness.  Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov share a Nobel Prize for their research on carbon-based graphene.

Better transistors means faster computers, more powerful cell phones; super-light means improvements in aeronautics...—the list of potential uses for a mesh that resembles chicken wire—but at an atomic scale—is endless.  The two Russian-born researchers at U. of Manchester in England used Scotch tape to rip off flakes of graphene fm. a chunk of graphite.  (Researchers are trying to find practical ways of making pure graphene a commodity.)  We can’t even imagine the uses we’re going to find, says MIT chemist Michael Strano.  Graphene is so thin that it could be used to make virtually clear touchscreens.

The doctrine of “the inevitability of gradualism.”

Unlike Marxist socialism, Fabian socialism says to take a step back—don’t take over in line of ownership, but slowly, piece by piece, “we have to step in.”
Past member Tony Blair seen smiling before tempered glass for 150th birthday of George Bernard Shaw—Symbolism of Fabian Society, Socialism (circa Jan, 1884): Fanning the flames to heat the world.  H.G. Wells (had affair) and Shaw are over the globe, w/ hammer to reshape it.
Lord of Arms...emblems of wolf in sheep’s clothing, or turtle—slow to the point that all steam in public reaction is let out, and “it’s already there.”
The slogan Educate, Agitate, Organise attached to Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals on the NEA website came directly from the Fabian Society slogan.
Socialists all around the world: a prev. jailed Marxist guerilla is now a S. American candidate; Australia has theirs; origin Europe is a complete mess; the U.S. is fighting.

Legitimate Question?

The Ed Show: Are you worried foreign money is influencing our elections?  95% said 'yes'.  The Chamber of Commerce’s donors... the network wouldn’t even be mentioning this if CoC were siding more so w/ the donkey.

PORTLAND PHOENIX/Al Diamon, Look like twins: LePage and Pingree have each other’s foibles down pat.  But they both do lousy imitations of a public servant.

TDS: 10.30 will be at the Washington Mall opposite from the Lincoln Memorial—never been done before.
Asif Manvi on N. and S. split of Delaware: We call it cheeese steak, not cheesteak
Phillip Drey?

What sycophants

Red Eye gets higher ratings than Parker & Spitzer...
Kathleen Parker: Hillary as VP would be GOP’s biggest nightmare.  Not in this universe; the Democratic ticket would have lost to McCain if she was on it.
Dinesh D’souza was on, and Spitzer called Dinesh’s points factually wrong, and Parker just smiles.

Premieres On TV

Season, Mythbusters: you can fool a trained sniffing dog —BUSTED.
Season, racy cartoon South Park: NASCAR and Vagisil.
Season, Ugly Americans: lead [character] turned into aging woman.
Series next Tue., sketch comedy Nick Swardson: Pretend Time.


Stuart Chase warned wrote a book (The Road We’re Traveling) over 60 years ago to warn its readers of the insanity that was being pushed.  Chase enthusiastically came up with the New Deal into 1932, but after watching the damage for years, warned F.D.R.  Roosevelt didn’t want to listen.  1914-1942, he made a checklist; tell me what hasn’t been done.

Capitalism is the problem, the claim made by Marxists, works for those who don’t understand economics, even though actual capitalism hasn’t been practiced for 100 years.
It is like committing suicide w/o knowing it.


Teddy Roosevelt tried to ban football.

U.S. strike(s) kill 5 German militant targets in Pakistan; suspected plotters.
Terrorist groups, particularly al-Qaeda, are still recruiting fm. Europe.

Pakistan: closed border crossing (over alleged NATO incursion) to be reopened soon.
Taliban torches 4th NATO/U.S. oil tanker (Quetta?); NATO drivers warned.
FL shooting spree fm. truck: 2 dead, 5 injured; Clifford Miller Jr. killed self.
Body of American shot near Mex. border still missing.
Search for balloonists in race off coast to Adriatic Sea called off.
Iran to start the Bashir plant despite machinery-targeting computer worm Stuxnet.
12 Britons arrested in Spain on suspicion of drug trafficking.
Whistleblower soldier moved to solitary confinement.
Operation Failsafe: feds plan security surge for Amtrak.
Elena Kagan starts Supreme Court job, but recuses herself fm. certain cases.
Benefit abuse hits new low: needy aid spending used frivolously.
L.A. Times: 200 CA employes earned over $250K.
Treasury Dept. knowingly bailed out troublesome banks.
Ally under investigation; received $13.9B in TARP money.
Prudential sweetheart deal: what you’re getting anyway going somewhere else.
Port Houston still closed.

Dr. William Petit speaks out on the conviction of Steven Hayes on 16 counts, including the murder of Jennifer Hawke-Petit as the Connecticut home invasion and murder trial ends.  Apart fm. Joshua Komisarjevsky, Hayes is expected to get the death penalty, not seen in CT for 50 yrs.  2010/09: #22 #25.

Convict Faisal Shazad (would-be Times Sq. bomber) sentenced to life in prison.

Harassment issue, not First Amendment one, says father of slain solder.  People w/ God Hates… signs all over.

DoJ sues American Express, Visa and Mastercard for non-competitive practices—“swipe fees” for other cards.  Am-Ex fights suit, while the others settle.

Govt. reopens 2,927 sq. mi. of Gulf Coast after scientists say they find no oil there; it is east of LA, 40 mi. from the oil well spill.

Google, Apple take on cable box devices.
Sara Lee surges after word of equity firm buyout.
Closing args. begin for Anna Nicole Smith case.
Requirement: Brake override technology; one maker already done, 2004.
Palin called names for 2nd day in a row on Parker & Spitzer; Oliver Stone.
TMI: Too Much InformationThe Daily Show does excellent comparison of Rick’s List to The Office.

I thought I’d never see the day when Europeans retreat from cradle-to-grave welfare spending—Stuart Varney.

Astronaut “Guinea Pigs”: because of weightlessness in space, the lower flow demand causes the heart to shrink.

After Two Hindenburg Omens (Prepare For Hell)

WSJ has just released an overlay showing parallels between the stock market of today to 1937: buying trends before massive selloff trends (crashing); they line up well...we are before the last upturn before the descentWe are past the 30-day period.
It is due to major currency and earning shifts: China currency tariff, and a...chicken tariff?
As far as earning shifts go, the Bush-era tax reductions (that also give money to those who don’t pay taxes) will die on Dec 31.  The White House has a guy to explain, well, lies on a whiteboard.  “Objective” economists (i.e., yes men) would say that this larger pie thing doesn’t work.  Charlie Gibson (ABC) admits that the gradual lowering of rates since the Reagan Admin. have increased revenue...to then-Senator Obama at one of the primary debates, but Obama doesn’t care whether it works—he wants things to be fair.
Even Chris Matthews (MS-NBC) says that tax money is the people’s money; tax cuts are not handouts.
The ideal rate is 12%, all across the board.  Tax revenue would certainly increase.  Spending is the problem.

The best way to steal from the people is to manipulate the currency
 —Vladimir Ilich Lenin

George Soros, the Hungarian billionaire philanthropist-only-in-name who “broke the bank of England” in 1992 made billions off the collapse of the rouble... and other currencies after writing op-ed pieces, being a big part their fall; the new op-ed is for the U.S. dollar...America needs stimulus not virtue.  Spend more money so the USD will fall faster, as it has with the current spending.
Soros admitted to having a God complex in 1993, saying it is sort of a disease, but came to liking it... (Evil.)

“Gloria Allred looks for train wrecks”

Jerry Brown accused of being behind Diaz suit.
Christine O’Donnell ad: I’m not a witch....False claim of going to Oxford?
Miss-Representative: Lisa Murkowski is trying to block running of a TeaPartyExpress ad.
Bolivian Pres. kicks another player in benefit soccer match.
Vatican slammed Berlusconi for anti-Semitic, sexist jokes.
Rahm Emanuel to tour Chicago neighborhoods.
House Repubs. go up w/ ads in 45 districts(?).

Bret Baier moderated this senate primary (I think it was this one):
Linda McMahon says she’ lower the minimum wage...
Rick Blumenthal apologizes for comments of “misstated record” of serving in Vietnam, but has not yet done the same for all of the other times.

Alan Grayson knows what he is doing is wrong, likes the gamble.


The Greatest Words Ever Spoken: What Jesus Christ said in encyclopedic form.


Iraq: 5 dead in series of attacks; estimates in oil reserves increase.
Blasts kill 7+ Afghans.
Vandals torch West Bank mosque.
France seeks extradition of terror suspect (arms dealer?) in Italy.
More attacks on NATO fuel convoys; Taliban takes credit.
Church van in GA rolls over; 4 dead.
Police probe threats against Park51 Islamic center backers.
Classes canceled at a NC U. after student was fatally shot.
Hate crime trial of PA immigrant beating to begin.
Similar to what Obama proposed, a civ. militia force exists in Venez. under Chàvez.
Feds say U.S. judge bought drugs for stripper.
Colorado: Plane held at gate due to sick kid; fears of hand, foot and mouth disease.
Credit card ID theft on the rise; 214 IDs one car trunk, checks made, cashed them.
WI D.A. resigns.
NV: Steele rallies GOP; S. Angle urges ‘phony Tea Party’ candidate to quit.
DNC raises $10 in Sept.
John Conyers lost his license over the summer...
Ger. pays off the last of its WWI debt levied by the Treaty Of Versailles—$33B.

Verizon to refund some 15M customers; FCC to investigate ‘mystery fees’.
Robert Edwards, the man who perfected IVF 30 yrs. ago, won Nobel Prize for medicine.
Neil Patrick Harris speaks out on anti-gay bullying (after Rutgers suicide).
37% of teens polled say they have been bullied.
Casting underway for new Wonder Woman TV series.
ABC cancels My Generation; not an interactive competition show...
Naked Cowboy running for Pres. in 2012?
New sex survey, kind not done in 16 yrs, by the maker of Trojan...or Johnson & Johnson’s The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

IMF admits the west is at a near-depression and will try to unpeg.
Ben Bernanke: sorry the economy is not stronger; also, it would harm the economy to raise taxes or cut spending.
Paul Krugman...it’s clarity to tax the upper brackets at 91%?  You’ll stop innovation.  Once you take the incentive away, no one wants to do it.
One day you wake up, the America you knew would be gone, and no one cares.

El Mañana, El Parcial in the list of news outlets that have caved to the drug cartels.

How many warnings do they have to give?

One of the new Climate Change ads has a child being hanged, noose supported by text on top of the page (New York).
Of many articles from different publications, including one person from NASA have been calling for jail time at the least for Climate Change deniers.
A kid actor in the 10:10 ad was “happy to be blown up.”

Junk Stories

Jet-packs like in Minority Report?  LAPD ordered 10K?  Nope.  FOX & Friends reported on something fm. the World Daily News/Weekly World News mock tabloid.  The actual models presented are not stable (can buckle), and have only 30 secs of fuel.  The FAA standards are such that any kind of (personal) aircraft must be able to coast to the ground, like a helicopter.  L.A. can’t afford jack.

Ed Schultz tells people to not believe their own eyes: given CBS’s 87K, and NBC’s ~300K, I’d say our crowd size (for 10-02-10) was about equal to 8.28.
There is no comparison bet. the AP and Huffington Post aerial photos; there weren’t even any people on the greens behind the trees, as there were on 8.28.

USA Today’s Sherrod Brown slams The Tea Party as a faux populist movement that would roll back regulations (that are actually bad), and is driven by anger at our government and at our country.  Real populism fights for all Americans, while Tea Party populism divides us.

You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Parker & Spitzer certainly can’t, even after running that clip fm. A Few Good Men.  (Artificially) Holding smiles.  In the premiere, “journalist” Parker only goes after Aaron Sorkin’s mean in Sarah Palin is an idiot...astonishingly…incompetent and mean.  I’ve never been able to watch The West Wing; I say it sucks.
What celeb. would you elect President?

Fair use abuse; govt. funding to help the culture understand culture.
Walt Disney knew about communism in the unions.


Beloved entertainer Sir Norman Wisdom dies at 95.  Wisdom may have reinvented himself for std. British television, but he managed to even eclipse Sean Connery’s James Bond with his perfected art form of tripping, eliciting the praise of Charlie Chaplin.  He was nominated for a Tony Award for Walking Happy (1967).


Travel Alert: Americans traveling abroad, to Europe may be targeted for terrorism.

9 killed as African Union advances on militants.
Israeli police officer fatally shoots Palestinian.
Boston police make arrest(s) in quadruple homicide.
Ahmadinejad insults world leaders again, saying some should be buried.
Statue of King Tut’s grandfather unearthed in Egypt.
Harassers Ravi and Kei may get hate crime/bias charges.
The Pres. becomes the center of KY senate debate(s).

Egg allergy reaction to flu vaccine is rare.
Biphosphates can raise risk of rare femur fracture.
Study: work productivity isn’t hurt by fantasy football.
Rain delays Ryder Cup.
Anderson v. Nixon: Jack Anderson also bent rules, says Poisoning the Press author.
Tears of a Clown: another character hit piece; author Dana Milbank on Reliable Sources.

Eugenics is Compassionate?

A Dear Abby-like columnist on Sunday Morning Live (BBC-1) says her feeling/sensitivity of suffering is so great that she would put a pillow over a suffering child’s head—it’s “only a couple of cells.” The others are horrified, as she doesn’t see the problem in what she believes.  Shocking even for Britain, the response is growing.


Reason/moral philosopher Philippa Foot dies at 90.

Kenyan polygamist Ancentus Akuku dies.  He married 130 women, bearing more than 200.


Jamaica cleaning up after deadly tropical storm.
Floods leave Mexicans in peril; 35 municipalities declared disaster areas.
Flood warnings remain in parts of NC and New England; 7 deaths blamed on storms.
38 killed in Indonesia train crash.
Drone attack kills 18.
Explosions kill 8 as Nigeria celebrates an anniversary.
Mex. drug pirates open fire on Jet Ski couple (Hartley’s); cartels are ruthless.
Boy runs over mother and baby brother, killing baby.
Tyler Clementi’s parents speak out; moment of silence held at Rutgers.
Some lions out of control in Ukraine circus.
Publisher of a civics coloring book w/ “Tea Party” in its title gets death threats despite the book being mostly abt. the original one.

EU orders Israel continue settlement moratorium.
Ecuador police chief resigns after chaos.
Japanese protesters accuse China of invading disputed lands.
Inflation, borrowing up in Pakistan after flooding.
Al Jazeera says Jordan jammed its broadcast during 2010 World Cup.
Sleep linked to hypertension in pregnant women.
Ages 16-24: Suicide 3rd leading COD.
Plane fm. Heathrow turns, lands due to open door.
Trading program triggered ‘flash crash’.
Postal svc debts: failing to raise stamp price, Sat. delivery may be cut.
CA reaches deal on stalled budget (50-day impasse).
Debut of new $100 bill postponed.
Gold-dispensing ATMs coming to U.S.
Rpt.: News Corp. gave $1M to Chamber of Commerce (mostly backing GOP this year).
Ochicino: most 1-800 nos. are phone sex hotlines.

Recreating 2008: Obama used examples of milestones to quell impatience in a crowd; one of them was slavery.

Right On the Edge: unlike the “documentary” narrated by Chris Matthews, this one focuses on fresh activists; it includes ACORN-breakers Hannah Giles, James E. O’Keefe III—and Izzy Santa’s foiling of his ill-conceived plot to punk (seduce) CNN female journalist (Abbie Boudreau).

Are you one nation!?

One Nation Working Together rally @ 12PM.  Hosted by mainly Ed Schultz, then Joe Madison, it lasted about 4.5 hrs.  “Not an anti-Tea Party rally,” but Ben Jealous calls it an antidote to the Tea Party,…We want to make the mainstream visible to itself.  People who are really speaking out against the manipulation of others are dangerous?  Well, the U.S. President is endorsing this crowd.  Teachers gave students extra credit in attending.
Not only was it filled w/ socialists, union heads (but not union workers), some of them said to reporters that violence against capitalists may be necessary.  At least one reporter was attacked.
Fear of midterm shifts.  Jane Hamsher (FireDogLake.com) explains to the MS-NBC audience what elections are, so I turn to C-SPAN.  SEIU, and other union T-shirts common.  ~160K showed at the National Mall.  Unlike Restoring Honor on 8.28, people avoided the Vietnam memorial, and here’s why: signs read, Rebuild America Not War; Jobs Not War (w/ MLK)...fill-in-the-blank Not War.  Also, when it was over, the place was covered in litter, and a U.S. flag (or printout) was in the trash; a reporter at the end of the 8.28 rally could find no litter whatsoever.  There was more demonization of conservatives and less quality than at Al Sharpton’s 8.28 march.  Bill O’Reilly’s name came up in a rant of a sign about the ways of the devil beside Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are racist, as Joe Madison tells a half-truth on stage about the crowd size—“satellite photo,” someone tell...we have more people here than there were on the 29th (sic). [applause]
One sign worth noting: Gonna vote?  You betcha!

I recognize the “Worker” code words for democratic socialism—no longer wearing the communist card and gun, like Putin.


Endgame for the setup.

Osama bin Laden urges al-Qaeda affiliates to act.
Officials cannot say why they suspect UBL is involved in latest terror plot; Germany (Hamburg mosque closed), U.K., France, U.S.

Eco-fascism: 10:10 Global does a short film that ends in no pressure, but is extremely violent: students in a classroom that don’t participate in attempting to lower their “carbon footprint” are blown up; screams, blood, meat depicted in something directed by the guy who did Notting Hill.  10[-]10global.org is linked to 350 (ppm CO2), and...10-02-10.
Fabian Society: nice and cruel at the same time; monstrous in its nice derangement.  Franny Armstrong is out of it.  Committing terrecide.
At first trying to pass it off as a joke, they are now attempting to scrub it off the web; it is up on TheBlaze.com.

Pakistan: Militants hit NATO/U.S. ops. oil tankers, large flames; 2 killed.
Train derailment in Scandinavia: injuries reported.
Secy. of state Clinton apologizes for past U.S. STD injections of Guatemalans in 1940s.
Brianna(?) Greyhouse attempts to kill a man that made bad remarks about her on-line.
Bank of America to halt foreclosures in 23+ states.
Study: 1/3 of animals declared extinct appear again.
Auto sales struggle to gain ground.
35.5 mpg federal std. by 2016 could boost expectations to 62 by 2025.
Mitt Romney announces Iowa endorsements, contributions.

For all I know he doesn’t even write.

After losing the 8 p.m. time slot, Rick Sanchez loses his job after making comments on Stand Up! With Pete Dominick (XM) about Jon Stewart (calls him a bigot), and in regards (Sanchez is Cuban) anti-Semitic then sarcastic remarks about Jews being an oppressed minority.  Yeah'h. Low ratings + Klein’s ouster + fireable offense = fired.
The left side of his face subliminal transition will be missed.

Rahm Emanuel gives his last speech, some jokes, gets a dead Asian carp as a going away present—the type of fish Chicago is trying to keep fm. entering the Great Lakes/MI waterways.
In my family, ‘Blank’ you is used as a term of endearment.
Emanuel may testify at new Rod Blagojevich trial.

Entertainment news before getting into October...
Max Weinberg will not be band leader on TBS Conan O’Brien show.
Stone Temple Pilots postpone tour after Scott Weiland’s weird performance.
Preserved: Lady GaGa’s meat dress to be turned into jerky.
Paris Hilton lands Oxygen reality show.
The ep. of The Apprentice that aired on 9.30 was the least watched in the show’s entire run.

Minecraft may be only 5 mos. old, but it has a following.  From a Star Trek Enterprise model to a rollercoaster, the user creations and the blunder videos give this $10 aimless game a point.


FBI announces arrests for $70M in cyber-theft.
Amanda Knox back in court over claims that her confession was coerced (Nov).
Microsoft sues Motorola over Android phone.
United, Continental deal officially sealed.
Singer Mario charged w/ assault of his mother.
Police cited James Gandolfini for running stop sign, not having a license; truck impounded.
Lindsay Lohan avoids jail stay by getting third SCRAM bracelet.
Court: Chipendale’s can’t trademark costume.

Govt. outlook report: you won’t recognize the world in 2025

The role of global governance... a diminished U.S. role, looking at China as the model—state-controlled capitalism.


After battling melanoma, TV producer Stephen J. Cannell died in Pasadena at 69 on Thursday (9.30).  No only did Cannell produce hits like A-Team and 21 Jump Street, he was also known for writing.  He worked on dozens of titles, working as a producer on over 40.

The children are listening

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