The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

Beware those who work to misunderstand.

That word thrown around...doesn’t fit

conspiracy theory (n.): A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act.  Guesses, educated or not, have to be made in order to complete the picture.  In other words, if the picture is completely, overtly factual, then it is not conspiracy theory.  Let there be no confusion.

I won’t stop uploading.  If nothing changes without notice for a month, then I’m either stranded or dead.

“Leave the trappings, so they would go along, thinking it’s politics as usual.  Make everything political.”  Get it?

What sat on Reagan’s desk, was It CAN be DONE, as well as There’s no limit to what a man can do, or where a man can go, so long as he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.


I discovered 1111angles[dot]com... Googling 11:11.  Read on, or not.  One session/reading reveals that jealousy and grudges are human in nature, but they must be resolved.
There is no purgatory or hell, only self-correction.  Better yourself in this life, so you don’t have to waste your time making up in another.  You can still conjure a hell, stick to dogma (human, but not logic-based).  What you do is always your choice.  It is a personal journey to correct what is wrong/flawed.

Dé jà vû is of the “Thought Adjusters,” where messages can be sent, but personal beliefs must always be left alone.  It is to mostly get your attention, and think outside your current situation.

Adjudication (judging) of the “Lucifer Rebellion” in the mid-1980’s (Reagan administration more than doubled the deficit, crony capitalism reared it’s ugly head, the militants in Afghanistan were empowered, tried amnesty for illegal immigrants... I was born...).
Some things did stick out: a one-world currency, based on commodities, such as corn, would be more stable, and conflicts between the progressive and religious sects in the other plane.

Has this changed?...Alaska has the fastest broadband (low pop.), while Washington, D.C. has the slowest (high, bureaucratic pop.).


Fires in CA can be seen for miles.
Broken pipeline in MI said to be fixed.
Al Gore off the hook for alleged sexual advances toward a masseuse; decision came down to contradictions in her story.

Flinch-worthy (even though ABC, covering this doesn’t): Anthony Weiner snaps on the floor over “obstructionism”, yells about the right thing to do (in a manner of limited choice).  The Republicans call it political theater.

Broadcast news adopts the sitting on cash rhetoric, still not getting why people are saving, performs the tactic used by CNN of talking to companies only by a phone (Caterpillar hires 3.6K).  DuPont and Microsoft are profiting billions, but not they’re not hiring.

Looking the other way for (who they think are) their guys, still, there’s a new scandal: a ‘D’ list of Jewish contributors for an ‘R’ candidate.


Modern Marvels Essentials (New): Jeff Starr may be the best safecracker in the world; he won —but never returned to— the 2007 competition.
Stern Pinball, Inc. (Illinois) is the last pinball mfr. in the world?

CoastToCoast AM coverage

The BP oil well leak/spill is far from over.
At such pressure (nearly a mile down), numerous “fixes” broke.  The seal is not secure.  They are going ahead with the Static Kill operation, and things could get much worse than before.  Nothing to see here, move along.

Hospice care; people seeing their loved ones before death, but also hitting marks.  The personal experiences, the descriptions, oftentimes w/ vivid, bright colors.
The sensations in near-death experiences that cannot come from the five senses, such as whiter-than-white, as amplified—something that would burn your retinas if demonstrated.
You get these major, sometimes violent corrections, curing a disease.  Other times, there are out-of-body experiences, and the message that, it’s not your time, before coming back.

Another phenomenon deals with people who blink off light-controlled street lamps when being near them.  I’ve found myself seeing street lamps go off periodically (not due to proximity, but heat, corrosion).

Then, there is a Bigfoot encounter (National Guard says nothing was shot...), and another “shadow person” encounter.


Body of 2nd captured sailor found.
Another oil spill: U.S.-to-Canada pipeline in MI broken; evacuations; people told not to drink well water.
After only 1 yr., Ellen Degeneres decides to quit American Idol; J-Lo may replace her.
Smokes sales in Maine up 5%.
Charlie Rangel says he didn’t intentionally break ethics rules.  So you are at least irresponsible, and at worst a liar?

Civil Rights actually means Basic Rights!
Fingerprinting system works; illegal immigrant crime down since implementation, but fake liberals will go as far as to let go rapists and murderers, while looking the other way.  And if you think that I’m saying that all illegals are R&M, then you are a fake lib.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Not about law enforcement, but about control: Goldman Sachs pays $550M in fines in settling w/ the SEC, and E-mails cannot have swear words, even with asterisks.  Despite the breaking of laws, nobody is going to jail; corruption is worse, and Congress is committing what GS can no longer do (deflection of responsibility).  These, quote, sh**ty deals.

Created or Saved is the phoniest thing ever.  The gimmick of 4K small businesses being created, when it’s really a matter of being forced to change status—a C-corp. or S-corp.
Government is not God; it does not bring things to life.  Government’s is at its best only when it represents the people as a referee.  To form an elite, where subsidizing and collectivizing become the same thing, you risk...

The end of the Republic by definition: getting rid of the Electoral College.  A new democracy, for a new world: world communism (You Don’t Need To Be a Weatherman To Know Which Way the Wind Blows).  Goals of radicals being met— where are you?
The SEC, in the new financial regulations, does not have to respond to Freedom of Information requests.  When pressed, the response is the it’s not been finalized rigmarole.
Cass Sunstein: Trying to change existing law, internet records.

The left gave warnings of violence ten years ago, but now they are desperate, and will use anything to silence any opposition.  Glenn Beck broke ground on George Soros’ Tides Foundation, so leftist media do as much as possible to pin recent violence by someone trying to break into ACLU/Tides on Beck, using the DNC operative photo to paint him as the joker, “TERRORIST.”  No police reports concerning the non-fatal incident—or any other to my knowledge—even once mentioned the talk show host’s name.

American Spectator: Valerie Jarrett picked Van Jones because he was a radical that could pull off initiatives but, more importantly, help with 2010 elections.
Jarrett influenced the creation and choosing of Chief Diversity Officer, something to go well beyond the Fairness Doctrine did, putting someone in a administrative position at the FCC.

Dreams of his father... his father’s dream was communism.
Communism: under one ruling authority, the regulation of all goods and services, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people or higher class.  The Leninist version advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat (what SDS does, what former member Andy Stern continues to advocate).
There’s no conspiracy theory here; the Russians aren’t coming.  The Progressives have co-opted both major parties, and we are pretty close to regulating damn near everything.  Wake your neighbors up; American Idol is not worth wasting their everything on.

First Amendment Rights being smothered...
Freedom of Assembly: you need a permit to exercise a Constitutional Right.
Freedom of Religion: people who believe in things politically incorrect (i.e., that homosexuality is a sin) are being forced to undergo diversity training.
Freedom of Speech: we’re being pushed into a culture where we can’t disagree in an agreeable way (fascism).
Freedom of the Press: most news sources kiss this A’s A.
...Do I have to define the other style, the final level of centralized totalitarianism?  Of course, I do.
Fascism: a system of socioeconomic ruling authority, suppressing the opposition through terror and censorship, typically holding a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Social justice is used to promote extremes, and all countries that have reached those extremist ends have undergone a period of socialism.
Religion of the State: with the global warming religion, people are literally worshiping false gods.

Okay...now listening to CoastToCoast AM (no cable news since Wed., q. after 6EDT)

EarthFiles coverage...that may have the government come after me.  The United States Gov’t continues to cover up cases regarded as “paranormal phenomenon.”  Other countries, including France, have admitted to seeing things.  It’s only a matter of time...as if anyone reacts in shock anymore.  Too many won’t even bother to look up UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

On Nov 4, 2008 (national election day), a woman, while driving, felt the car being pushed to the right.  When she got out, she saw that the left side of the car had been mangled/twisted.  Stranger cases involve UFOs w/ English markings, such as Sierra, as if part of a casual visitation.

John Murrow, and his abduction on Dec 26, 1980 is only now being disclosed.  In a forest, it was star-like, yet silent; an orange ball, hot enough to scorch the trees, gave off 7 on a 5-scale gama meter, but like any extraterrestrial object.  It spotted him, appeared to stare like an eye (as seen through night-vision).
Tapes of interviews, tapes of conversations and the encounter that lasted hours.  Some other names pop up, including Ted Conrad(?).  The orange, plus red and blue ball was shooting out molten metal.  Gyroscopic in a nature, it rested in a straight tripod formation on a slanted/sloped surface.  And in the blink of an eye, it was gone.
Higher-ups wanted to keep a lid on what happened from 1980.12.26-28.  Murrow still has nightmares.  There is every reason to believe that ET objects have been communicating with the government... it sounds like this object was breaking rules.

Then, we have crop circles...  Three balls of vortex plasma, ionically programmed?  Plasma is the subatomic fluid state above the gas state of matter.  It obviously takes high intelligence to program plasma.  Field crops flattened (and kept flat) by ion streams, extremely advanced geometry used in representing message and star mappings.  I’ve seen a video of this, myself.  One report has one orb turning into a humanoid, then back again.  Scientist Michio Kaku will be attending an up-coming crop circle conference.

Neither blade, nor laser—the animal mutilations, extraction of blood may be due to a process of sound waves?  Completely clean, serrated and bloodless, there has been none of the carbon displacement (peppering) that you always see under a microscope from high heat.  The mutilations are always seen with silver discs (a.k.a. “flying saucers”), sometimes w/ basketball-like orbs.  Hmm...

EarthFiles, cont’d: the declines of bee populations (as the food supply depends on pollination, from bees and some birds) are due to certain herbicides, and pesticides that are designed to decrease or increase brain activity in insects, as well as some fungal diseases transported in the world economy (can hardly be traced).  From 2007, Colony Collapse Disorder, a crisis in HI; dying or not functioning, a 30% pop. drop.
Radio-cell antennae have been built since the 1950’s...but facts don’t stop bad media organizations/reporters from jumping on the “electro-smog” theory in India, using a badly conducted test: put a phone directly in (physical interference) each of only two colonies (you need at least 30 colonies for a worthy test).


Blago trial wrapping up; the IL Gov. may get at least 10 years.
ESPN plans to drop w/ TWC, TWC offers alternatives to its customers.

En route from Karachi, an AirBus A-321 crashes near Islamabad w/ 152 aboard; 6 hospitalized; it’s monsoon season.  Pics look like smoke coming out from between the trees.

Judge in Arizona immigration law suit case, picked by Clinton, rules in favor of...the federal gov’t doing even less to enforce its own laws.
Somehow it’s not okay to have laws that enforce federal immigration laws, but okay to have laws that ignore them (a.k.a. sanctuary cities).
Minority Report garbage: the law speaks of racial profiling, says this judge, who is now getting threats (inexcusable).  Where?  I’ve scanned it, and I can’t find anything of the sort.  As I put down last month, the AZ immigration law strictly prohibits profiling on the basis of race, color, or national origin!

Huffington Post: The place, Ljubljana, Slovenia.  The date, July 18, 2010.  The FBI had told the AP that 23-yr.-old Slovene “Iserdo” was apprehended after a lengthy investigation by Slovenian police, FBI and Spanish authorities.
The Mariposa virus—remember the name?  Named after freedom from...something “imperialist,” etc.  In the last two years, the software used to create the Mariposa botnet virus was sold to hundreds of other criminals, making it one of the most notorious in the world, says FBI director Robert Muller.  In Dec., 2008, the botnet virus infected hundreds of companies, about 40 banks, and by 2009, it could be found in at least 190 countries.  Cyber-division deputy assistant director Jeffrey Troy called the arrests a major break.
On Wed., three were identified...you will have to go to the website for names.


A new go after their advertisers bill, this time it’s with lobbyists.

Ahmadinejad says Israel and U.S. will attack at least 2 countries in 2 mos.
West Bank clashes between Israelis and Palestinians.
Afghanistan can’t defend itself...because their forces can’t stop getting high.
A new spill in Louisiana; a ship crashes into unused well.
John Kerry speaks in forked tongue, even when it comes to paying off unpaid taxes ($.5M out of millions w/ the yacht).
Barney Frank throws fit over Fire Island senior discount.
Some want public officials w/ absurdly high pay in jail; some states reach 90% reduction.
New stadiums financed w/ taxpayer money.
Elton John slams musicians that boycott over Arizona immigration law.
First Pres. to go on a daytime talk show; Obama criticized for it being The View... skipping Boy Scouts of America—learn anything?

bradass87 (Bradley Manning) flaunts about being the whistleblower that leaked ~76K(+15K) secret docs. to WikiLeaks.  Afghanistan, 2004-2009, some of the info. reveals that the Taliban may be using weapons they used against the Soviets, heat-seeking missiles.
Cloward & Piven?  When pressed, the White House doesn’t care, even when channeled through New York Times.

BP: CEO Tony Hayward to step down on Oct 1.  Bob Dudley, a guy that the Russians fired, will take over for Hayward.  Lamar McKay will take over for Dudley.

On Rick’s List, a liar and a spokesman— that really clears up the dialogue.

Revolutionaries must have: Students; Labor Unions; Working Class (eat the rich); Countries We Are At War With; Third World Countries; Oppressed In General.


The choice is presented again.  Freedom or socialism.

Tom Tancredo switches to Constitution Party.
First successful full facial transplant; man can barely speak; news footage has subtitles in Spanish.
$2M suit against Casey Affleck(?)
Fireworks display really lights up Salt Lake City.
A pilot in a Canadian air show manages to eject before aircraft crashes/explodes.
Inception opens at #1 at the box office w/ $43M.
Digital endangers the ‘book’ part in “comic book.”

MAP: Movement Action Plan.  The way of the activist.
Problem; Proof of Problem; Public Sees Victims of Problem; Trigger Event; Perception of Failure; Majority Picks Up; Success; Contribution.
At Perception of Failure, now is the time to stand against violence, to be as peaceful as you possibly can, as frustration looms.
You must reject any rebel—an enemy of individual rights.

Good and bad news for the same thing: the Cap & Trade bill is dead.  The engine to pull all of it off will be done despite Congress, ’cause that’s what 5,000 pages brings—Congress has almost been completely gutted, and the progressive programs and institutions can go around the American people to do something anyway.

Great Britain looks to decentralize their health care system, ticking off the unions; the trick was to put up rationing to save billions of pounds, and without surprise, it didn’t work.  We have it now.

BP say they’ve not made an official position to whether Tony Hayward will be out.  He may get $18M worth of euros from a pension and stock options.
New reports say that he will be transferred to a different job...in the same company?

In Apple iPhone news, a new patch to fix a security hole...Citi, and an app to unlock apps is now legal.
IBM suspect in European anti-trust probe.

The schizophrenia doesn’t stop

Anti-Wall Street sentiment, yet the DJIA reflects the economic outlook.  Are you for big business, or are you against big business?  The Dow Jones Industrial Average reflects Wall Street!  For and against the same concept.  Make up your minds!  Are you for free market principles, or are you not?  Let me make it easy for everybody: “Crony Capitalism” is against certain free market principles.

Oliver Stone remarks of imperial United States, and “the Jew-run media,” showing that he’s adopting anti-Israel diatribe of the socialist dictators he defends.  Hitler did more damage to the Russians than the Jews did, killing 25+ million.  I wonder if Sean Penn and Danny Glover will be seen in the new “documentary,” Secret History of America.

Standards on TV?

Jon Stewart, sporting a beard, chin-kisses with Wyat Sinat.
Break.com: a guy lights the inside of his nose w/ a lighter.  Bad.

Don..(Draper) Draper— I knew that

Rick Sanchez on the new Sesame Street spoof of Madmen (where the characters go, this makes me mad), says, the leading actor looks good even as a puppet on Sesame.. Seed.


New York Times corrects the case that a black legislator was spat upon and called the N-word.  It looks like Breitbart won’t be rewarding $100K for proof; the Times dead-ended.

Despite Robert Gates’ memo to the generals to “zip it,” about 90K secret (but not top secret) government docs. were leaked to WikiLeaks by a whistleblower, in a way similar to before (aircraft footage of gunning down some on the ground, including a Reuters journalist was passed as a Lady Gaga CD).  Gen. James Jones condemns the leak, but the White House says the content was already out there; open policy.

Number of dead/injured in German music festival stampede rises; 19 dead.
Bush cuts: Tim Geithner does the it’s patriotic for the rich to pay more taxes spin.
1 dead, 10 wounded in Bangkok blast.

Taliban claims responsibility for recent assassination; al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for execution of French hostage.


I updated w/o upload (by hand) here.  Parts of the text are incorporated.

I know it’s been corny, but here it is again...
Conquer the lies you tell yourself.  Be who you really are, not what I, or anybody else tell you to be.

Dramatic bus crash in India kills over 24.
Drone strike in Pakistan kills 16.
NATO: intel sources say 2 American troops are missing in Afghanistan.
Vessola to return to oil spill site.
Heat wave causes the closure of recreational/carnival parks in DE.
Lockerbie connections continue: BP may have had plans to drill in Libya.
CNN names its overexposure of Shirley Sherrod the Shirley Sherrod sagaEverybody’s leaving CNN...

People at the NetRoots convention in Nevada mention Glenn Beck several times, but to say, oh, it’s nothing, he’s nothing—in other words, the people empowered—you are nothing.
Guess who’re disappointed and frustrated.  They are.  And you can’t join a force that’ll corrupt everything, so don’t consider it cruel to not let them get what they want, as it destroys self-control.  Progressivism is the evil here.
Al Franken gave a, We have to fight back against the radical GOP agendZZZzzzzz.  Next stop - NetRoots 2011: Minneapolis.  Well, you can’t really visit my house.

Dell settles with the SEC for $100M to settle the SEC’s charge that from 2002-2006, Dell met or beat analysts’ earnings expectations by not accurately disclosing payments received from Intel not to use from Intel’s rival AMD.  Michael and former CEO Kevin Rollins agreed to pay $4M in fines.  Former CFO James Schneider agreed to pay a $3M fine, as well as a suspension from acting as an accountant for companies that file to the SEC for 4 years.  Nicholas Dunning, fmr. regional VP of finance for Dell, agreed to a $50K fine.  A 3-yr. suspension went to Dunning and Leslie Jackson, another accounting staff member.


They have your life (rationing in the healthcare law), and your pursuit of happiness (financial oversight with no bottom); if you give up, then they will have your liberty.

2 killed in helicopter crash in OK.
Earthquakes, aftershocks ranging mag. 7.2-7.8 off the island of Mindanao, Philippines.
Arab man posing as a Jew to seduce women gets convicted of rape.
S. Korea and U.S. are prepping for possible conflict with North, North does not like it.
Connections between minerals and conflicts in Congo exposed.
Mexican authorities find 38+ bodies in mass graves.
Teachers unions battle: 241 teachers fired at once, 737 on notice.
Rigging contractor found not guilty in crane collapse.
Production of white Apple iPhone delayed again; no answer why.
John Kerry does the do you know who I am when asked about his yacht, Isabel in RI (lower taxes).
Illinoians are fighting against possible first time a bank (ShoreBank) is bailed out by a state.
The Public Option is coming back to life.
Journalism “pioneer” dies at 93.
It looks like Prego® has permanently removed HFCS from its sauces.

Part of Defense Department budget went to porn, high-level employes could be info blackmailed.
Some of the pornography is child porn.

Charlie Rangel apologizes for getting caught on camera, his reactions to Luke Russert (Tim Russert’s son), saying that his career may be over for him, as ethics violations charges were filed yesterday; Rangel wants to be remembered the way he wants people to remember him, and Nancy Pelosi stands by him. It doesn’t sound like NBC, asking me (all of these) dumb questions … (a channel that) used to have (some) respect.  You could tell that both NBC and Rangel are corrupt by the string of admissions alone.


Missed Charlie Rose: Disordered Brain.
Neistat Brothers finally gets to ep. where they’re picked up by HBO.
Tim Wise (Colorblind) on CNN: Sherrod and Obama are only attacked because they are black, calling for action.

Complete projection on Ed Show: Alan Grayson does the innocent act, all while calling others Satanic— this guy doesn’t even know what Satanic means.
Some guy (who should be fired) under Bozell put up $100 to punch Grayson in the face.
Keep up the good work!: I agree with Michele Bachman saying that she likens to being a receptacle.

Audacity of Hope was the name of a boat... and speaking of boat names, a Howie Carr listener, over John Kerry’s cheating in RI: How ’bout The Botched Joke.


The Republic as you knew it is over.

Past the plateau.  Financial Stability Oversight Council; power to seize any financial firm seen to be in danger of default.  I wrote a transcript for what I could record of today’s ep. of GBP.
If there was one message to get across, here it is: you must be self-sufficient.

Ben Bernanke: The outlook today remains (pretty) uncertain.  Looks pretty certain to me—bad.
6 dead, 34 injured in Greyhound crash on CA highway.
Bobby Jindal declares state of emergency for LA before new storm hits.
Underwater filmmaker dies filming in FL.
No charges filed for death at London G-20.
Hundreds of penguins show up on Brazilian coast.
Pastor Rick Warren hospitalized after his eye(s) got burned.
Detroit Police chief resigns.
GM engineering secrets revealed.
Bizarre words to the opening in national suit against AZ.
NAACP reconsiders position on Shirley Sherrod; President Obama personally apologizes to her.
Alaska man faces terror-related charges.
AmEx shares fall despite rising profits.
Move over Naked cowboy...his copyright expired in 2009...meet Naked cowgirl.
First time the red phone rang: a listener; phone no. was on the bottom, phone was lifted.
Is it just me, or is everybody going blind?
Back to shooting mud: “static kill,” mud to blowout preventer.

1st Lt. Dan Choi gets discharged for being gay; admitted in March of 2009 (on The Rachel Maddow Show), cuffed hands to WH fence.

Legislators rush Unemployment Benefits bill so Pres. can sign it early...even though these laws don’t go into effect until later.

South Carolina candidate Alvin Greene was never deployed in his time serving in the Air Force because, according to a report, people recognized his inability to contribute to the wartime mission.

Lawsuit culture: an American Idol contestant to sue Simon Cowell.
Shirley Sherrod plans to sue Andrew Breitbart if he doesn’t apologize, as she sued the government for ~300K and won.  Read below—she has no case.

Anatomy of a Smear Campaign...against non-progressive conservatives

The timeline: speech made in March, about 43 min.; received by Andrew Breitbart in April from an unidentified local news operator, held off; put up Monday at 8:19AM on BigGovernment.com in retaliation to NAACP’s insinuations of racism in the Tea parties (either call out the racist elements in your ranks or be branded racist as a whole); Sherrod was harassed to resign in the afternoon; Sherrod officially resigns at around 7:30PM; first mention on cable news by Bill O’Reilly at 8:49PM, unaware that she had already resigned (probably a tape, as it’s The O’Reilly Factor).

As far as editing goes, there were only deletions, but the last clip makes the context obvious: then, I realized that it wasn’t about blacks and whites, but the haves and the poor.

’Cause you are going to be on Glenn Beck tonight... Beck was unaware on Mon., stood by her on Tue. (context matters).  And as far as the “smear job” charge goes, Van Jones called himself a communist, was forced to resign before on a Saturday night because he talked too much about the transformative plans, wrote about his beliefs of 9/11 conspiracies.  Repeating baseless charges will get you fired at FNC.

They want you to explode...for the purpose of exploitation

The arrogant, new old crap.
Another bombshell has dropped: Rachel Maddow continues the seemingly unnecessary intellectual warfare, with real smears in the story, gradually goes into making them herself, taking after Sherrod’s comments posted on MediaMatters, saying, one of the goals of FNC is to make white people afraid of blacks, along with Van Jones was attacked because he is black, collecting liberal scalpsIt’s not about ratings, it’s about facts.  Yes...and Bill O’Reilly has said it’s about the facts many, many times.
Desperate for attention?  And she is the one that does the routine in a way that seems kind and reasonable.  Burying fiction in a news story as if it’s known to be true is propaganda.
Another case in point: a banner during tonight’s Countdown read, Right Wing vs. Black Farmers, or did I not get the context right?

Suddenly, they care about the deficit: GOP wants to extend the Bush tax cuts.  Now I know that Republican is code word for “blue dog,” because the GOP has no power.

“Actually, I think some people disagree”

Rick Sanchez’s Thu debut...ick.  Refused accept O’Reilly’s apology, can’t even do the spin right.
Dan Abrams, to the point of having visible tics (how you can tell someone’s a regular on MS-NBC): when it comes to Fox News, this isn’t surprising.


The administration used the phrase sitting on cash.

Only an informed people can be trusted with their government.
  — Thomas Jefferson.

Vilsack, extended profound apology: we get tens of thousands of claims, I did not think.
Floods death toll in China tops 700; thousands of homes toppled.
Power plant attack kills 2 in Russia.
2 dozen injured on United Airlines flight, as severe turbulence forces landing.
Severe thunderstorms, tornadic activity rip across North East, power outages; 11 strikes/min.
Somali pirates release 2 ships.
Total for “war on terrorism” tops $1T.
BP to sell $7B in assets to rival drilling op. Apache corp.
PR guy for BP caught doctoring photos, try to add color and spice.
Chicago corruption: no big witnesses called to testify at the Blago trial, including you-guessed-it.
Lindsay Lohan in jail, will only serve 14 out 90 days.
At one beach, dead jellyfish sting 150 people.
Russia: human-forced hang-gliding donkey, and allegations that the U.S. kidnapped one of their citizens.
Mac® sales attributed to Apple Q2 gain.
Facebook surpasses 500M members; future ownership of site is unclear.

Christopher Nolan’s third Batman will have the Riddler as the lead villain; Joseph Gordon-Levit is one of the candidates for the role.

Control of your financial future, $600 or more: Gone

The President signs financial bill into law; rules go into effect next year.  Mark this day.
Anthony Weiner goes after gold companies (but when asked, says only GoldLine), calls those who carry their ads shills (the purpose is to shut people up).  The moves of bad representation may lead to the gov’t regulating the gold industry, but Weiner calls the people stating that fact names, and goes as far as to say the BBB is a scam for giving GoldLine an A grade.  The 1933 act under FDR was declared null and void in 1974 under Nixon (taking us off the gold standard).  And now to enter a frequency of law changes...

You Don’t Need A Weatherman To Know Which the Wind Blows

Another old progressive playbook, this time from the terrorist group The Weather Underground.
Indoctrination of victim mentality.
There’s that word ‘piecemeal’ again.  Used in the anti-G.B. ad (for things he’s never said), the word used in this 1960’s manifesto.  The usual suspects are there, as the practices of the radicals are sticking out.

Double meanings complicate Mosque building in NY

Two different languages.  One, in English, says, this is a normal Mosque, for peaceful purposes.  The other, in Arabic, laments victory...

Witch-hunt: Pornographer of propaganda, the Scum Andrew Breitb—

Our savior Keith Olbermann breaks from his (paid) vacation to do a 12-min. Special Comm...

Journology Psychopathy

A female producer for...NPR says that she admires her hatred for Rush Limbaugh; she said that she wanted to see Limbaugh’s eyes pop out as he has a cardiac arrest, keels over and dies.
A number of people have repeated Michael’s to protect the First Amendment, we must take tribal FOX News off the air, ask the FCC to revoke their license.  Sorry, but none of that makes any sense; censorship kills free speech (no way around that), and since FNC is a cable channel, there is no FCC license.


The ignorance in media is staggering, doing everything possible to assist smears.
Protecting political figures.  Desperation.  And the more desperate they become, the easier it is to see how corrupt it all is.  Hold back on reacting; observe.

I came close to screwing this up too

A farming program... Shirley Sherrod (Georgia State Director, Rural Development) was harassed with at least 3 phone calls from Cheryl Cook/Tom Vilsack (Secretary of Agriculture), told her to even “pull over” while in the car on Monday, and resign from the USDA.  Jumping the gun?  Don’t review anything, just fire her.  Andrew Breitbart couldn’t get the full tape, but didn’t get a damn thing from the “mainstream” before this vilification opportunity came to fruition.
Sherrod was telling an NAACP audience a story, part of it from 1986 about how she came to realize that equality didn’t come down to race, it came from helping the poor—some of the history told explains how race is used to divide.  You have both the farm family and Glenn Beck defending her, but those who selectively pay attention will not know who the good guys are.  This is a setup.  Context is everything.

Corroboration: only one clip of Shirley Sherrod, but so much on Van Jones.  Remember that pivot points build character.  Due process has been thrown out the window again, as character is seen as a mere obstacle to some.

Who’re the ones repeating a narrative?  Bill O’Reilly is part of it (one segment), yet Kirsten Powers obliterates that with her politically correct denial: not only does Powers refuse to admit to the news blackout as being scandalous or dangerous, she states that if she did what she wanted, she’d go back to working at the White House.  Living in an upside down world, she also calls exposing people for who they are character assassination, expressing an Overton window.

Ben Jealous continues the victim narrative, does the “extremist elements in FNC” jive, Rachel Maddow bashes FOX News the heaviest, saying, FOX does what FOX does, even though FNC did not cover anything before Sherrod was fired.  Snookered would fit if Breitbart knew what was really there, but no one called for her firing.
More anti-free speech fodder; trust us, the media conglomerations, while the executive branch is handed the ability to control speech on the internet, thinking it will help... may I say that free speech is unregulated speech.
An implied fourth branch of government (free press) is dead without intellectual curiosity.

A press that loves misrepresentation, guilt by association, hatchet jobs... today reveals a lot; they would have not run this had it been completely true, like before—this is not coverage.
A “journolist” gathering, where Nation’s Richard Kim called George Stephanopoulos a rat for asking a question about Jeremiah Wright: tell ’em to pick their conservatives—Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares, and call them a racist.
Spencer Ackerman’s idea isn’t dead, and it isn’t even his.  Corruption never goes away.  It moves.

I don’t want to watch the childish, deplorable ranting on MS-NBC, but I have to...
Ed Schultz: it’s because of the Republican policies that jobs are moving overseas.  False.  High taxes make it unaffordable here.  Democrats had control of Congress since 2007.
Then, it’s class warfare, which is in his book, Killer Politics.
In a time when the private sector is shrinking, let’s get them on the gov’t payroll.  Is it socialism—I don’t care!
The Republican game is, they lie, they obstruct, and they will do anything to vilify the majority party.  Yeah, saying what the progressives say is vilification...

Pray with me for peace and enlightenment.

There may be disagreements, even deep disagreements, but pray for the safety of the President, and everybody else.  Hope that they see the light.
Hope depends on liberty, depends on integrity, depends on virtue, depends on enlightenment, depends on truth.


Drug cartel terrorism picks up South of the border, as a child’s birthday party is riddled with bullets; a gunman stormed an area yesterday, killing 17.

Millions facing hunger in Niger.
Shopping mall built on Gaza strip.
Maine: 2 dead, as a plane goes down in Portland Jetport.
Small group in California linked to identity theft.  Safe havens...
Great.  Now there’s a bouquet bandit.
Alvin Greene finally speaks, even pokes fun at himself (image awards)...a written speech at the SC podium.
Obama to meet w/ British PM, David Cameron Tues., after inviting WNBA champs to White House.
Mexican man tries to smuggle 18 monkeys in jacket.
Despite 1GHz SnapDragon processor, EVO has weak response time, billed for 4G (used or not).
Yahoo’s profits are up.

Assassination Program, Covered on Dylan Ratigan (6.28— Fix It Week?)

A government program from April, the ability to assassinate anyone deemed a terrorist, even if they are far from a battlefield, even if they are an American citizen.  Even Salon.com guy Glenn Greenwald is disturbed by this, and both of them are in the tank for this administration.  SharpElbows.net.

GBP: Called the White House about the assassination program.  Response?  Call the CIA.
What defines a dictator?  Well, you have better come up with a definition.
No due process, no constitutional legality—that’s murder.  Where are your apolitical neighbors?
The first segment, for the first time, was 21 min.

Not picked up by the national press: 4 busted in S. Africa for transporting caesium-137 in a lead case so radioactivity isn’t detected, concealed like a wine transport.  Not just a “dirty bomb” risk: the police there say that there is a detonation device.

Barney Frank on Charlie Rose: small banks would have to increase their dividends.
Frank and Chris Dodd caused the housing crisis, creating a Fed bubble for big banks, and now they want to do the same to small banks?

Racism in the Tea parties...only seconds of footage found

Center For American Progress spends many, many man hours to put only 43 secs. together, with some sequences repeated.  They conveniently edit out the part of a Klan member being called out by Tea party goers, that he doesn’t represent them...and after the guy with the camera called the Nazi swastika disgusting, this guy, in a specialized jacket, fired back, saying, it is a symbol of love.  No.  Stolen from ancient culture, it was turned from a symbol of peace (going in the other direction, with dots), to a symbol of—by the words of the Nazi perverters themselves—evil.
It is so fitting to have a Klan member in the piece (of sh—), that Paul Joseph Goebbels’ trick of subliminal messaging was used.  A woman with Thank GOD for Glen (sic) Beck was crammed in.

Rpt: BP decides to break up after spill.
Also, BP PLC tried to hire all of the scientists at one university to defend/downplay marine damages, but the school declined...  Could it do with the fact that the contract had a non-disclosure agreement of three years?


Union members are so limited in numbers these days (rich [mis]leaders...) that non-union workers have to be hired to carry picket signs in protests...the SEIU-transported rent-a-mob.

My closest definition yet; progressive (n.): one who promotes progress of a movement despite the loss of control to the individual.

Finally, the pledge

Until at least 8.28, the pledge of faith, hope and charity.
Faith: get down on your knees and pray at least once a day.
Hope: have faith that the truth will set people free.  Question with boldness.
Charity: do something for your family members at least once a week.
Be kind wherever you can.  There is also the pledge of non-violence...


I can see the paradigm shift.  Things’re getting pretty obvious, and gloves are coming off.

Nelson Mandela Day: S. Africa’s first black President turns 92.
93-yr.-old Zsa Zsa Gabor hospitalized for at least 5 days after falling out of bed, a possible stroke.
USGS: A mag. 6.7 quake hits off the coast of Alaska.
8 killed in Muslim/Christian violence in Nigeria.
Death toll in recent mine accidents in China hits 30.
CA Gov. Schwarzenegger orders state National Guard to S. border.
Tsunami warning after mag. 6.9 quake hit Papua, New Guinea, another in under 24 hrs.
Thousands stranded after tour operator collapse.
FEC fined Biden $200K on violation(s).
Scientists are baffled by upper atmosphere shrinkage.
19 escape in Afghan prison blast.
Over 43 killed in and around Baghdad, 16 in Pakistan; Sunni extremists target other Muslims.
Obama to head back to WDC after vacation in ME.
Venezuela TV (now all state-run, thanks a lot for not sticking up for the media there) shows skeleton exhumed of a past leader.

Reliable Sources: Mort Zuckerman said he aided Obama, wrote a speech for him, among a number of politicians.  Also, FNC pushes stories...like the DOJ/NBPP story—one that the Post’s Ombudsman regrets that the paper didn’t cover it earlier.
Everything is about votes on CNN...and CNN = POLIT1X.  Candy Crowley is caught calling out racism in the GOP, giving the ‘D’ (Steny Hoyer) a virtual free pass.
Campbell Brown is being replaced with Rick Sanchez, as he’s being moved to the 8PM time slot (Thu).


The First Amendment does not apply to homicide; commands should not be counted as expressions.

Drug cartels in Mexico officially turn terrorist, as they target police with rigged bombs, traps.  A video shows a car bomb going off via phone near the Texas border, Juárez.

School bus crash on Kansas interstate; several injured, one child in critical condition.
40 arrested in Iran after bomb(s) go off to disrupt a funeral; 27 killed in blasts.
Feds seize terror suspect Al-Awlaki’s assets.
A bus falls down a cliff in Albania, 87 miles from Tirana, killing 14, injuring a dozen.
In new address, Pres. Obama goes after GOP again, even though they have no power.
Actor Wesley Snipes loses appeal on tax evasion, faces a possible sentence of three years.
Blagojevich prosecution rests; new revelations about the Obama admin...
Scientists use X-Rays to study the Mona Lisa; they find that Leonardo da Vinci used 30 coats of paint.

New York Times: time after time, you will be able to keep your doctor.  Nope.
With all of the wealth inequality jargon (i.e., Marxism), you don’t have much choice...say, but it’s for your own good, for the collective good, the evil collective salvation.  And they are in so much of a bubble that they actually believe that an ulterior motive is behind saying it.  I will say it again: collective salvation is evil.

Venezuela denies having a permissive attitude toward guerrilla groups using Venezuelan territory as hiding ground.  The communist FARC aim to attack the country’s neighbors.
Speaking of Venezuela—are uranium factories still being made under Chàvez’ command, since the South American country carries a lot of uranium ore?...Purified and sold to Iran for years.

Sounds like a left-wing fantasy, say Margaret Hilda Thatcher’s children about a new film that portrays the British Conservative politician as “old, dementia-riddled,” the “evidence” being Thatcher talking about her dead husband as if he were alive.

It was a heated Geraldo At Large, trying to cram several subjects into an hour.  Incendiary remarks, old footage of bigots, talks of hate crime legislation over a murder/mutilation case of years ago, new footage of bigots, legacies and how personal responsibility should trump groups.  Al Sharpton, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Mark Williams and two other Tea party organizers, VP of NAACP.  The racism condemnation resolution came from Kansas city branch?


146 dead from flooding in China, 40 missing.
Mag. 3.6 quake hits Maryland in Rockville/Washington, D.C.
Female pastor in Germany may resign.
Cuts in Philadelphia may threaten fire departments...fire dept. unions.
Congress is calling for transparency in airlines fees.
Wall Street Journal: Overreaching Financial Reform bill will change every aspect in making transactions; it dwarfs the Patriot Act.

BP says that there is no oil leaking since the cap, even though pressure isn’t as high as they’d want (probably due to depletion).

New Soros-backed site pretends to be faith-based; it makes everything political, considers Jesus a five-letter word because only (at the time of this writing) the ad campaign against people like Glenn Beck uses it.  Teach the whole (Marxist) gospel.

King of death: Larry King Live does Mel Gibson; Gibson’s career is dead after the leaking of a 5th fanatical phone call... and King’s hair was very black in the 1990’s, obviously dyed.

A moment with Ed Schultz...



The BP deep-water Horizon well oil leak flow appears to have stopped w/ new cap.
Apple to introduce iPhone reception fix: a case for free, holes where antennae reside.
NY Post: Taliban has tried to train monkeys to fight infidels; this story is dismissed by U.S. forces.

Goldman Sachs settles with SEC.
Report: Financial reform will give unions more power over companies, company boards.
The President has a press conference (4:45-4:53PM), shows that he doesn’t understand much of anything.  Pervasive incentive says it all on how Obama looks at capitalism.
At least 20 offices of “inclusion”—exactly what led to the crisis in the first place (and of only 500 pages of the over-2,300 page law).  Another SEC, more programs that act like chemotherapy when the cancer is within the government.
Whatever point stated is irrelevant; power and control is the real point, always has.

The truth: Uncertainty is in the way of hiring.  Companies don’t know what will happen where regulation is forced down your throat as the solution.  And there is something wrong with you if you deny itThe Daily Show is partly responsible for today—yeah, I said it, finally.
Fighting sanity, with the help of Ed Schultz... again.
Remember the historic market crash of 1929, but not 1938?  It is to blame business after failed policies target and crush them, never thinking of the dependencies smaller companies have.  It is to point fingers at each other, then at the public, you, ignoring consequence.  I’m sorry, but blaming others before connecting, doing what you can to never work things out with the supposed enemy, and only rarely practicing intellectual honesty, if at all, are all forms of insanity.  Get help.
F.D.R. said, these companies are sitting on all this cash, we need to tax it out of them.

Schultz is, not surprisingly, joining Michael Savage with the “crocodile tears” proof of opportunism.  Here, over the Nancy Pelosi Tea Party rhetoric—this is the first time I’ve heard that Harvey Milk was part of that story.  ’Can’t stop complaining, blaming, making failings and jealousy obvious (possibly w/o recognizing it?).

The man can’t keep his word in speech or writing; high-risk abortion pooling is instituted in at least two states (PA and NM by August), and Kenya.  We’re paying for abortions in Kenya.  If electing a by-definition liar is normal to you, then what is wrong with you?
Ever get the feeling that things are getting out of control?  That’s progressivism.  If that doesn’t fit you, then don’t call yourself one.

Van Jones on July 7 tells the crowd to turn off the idiot box, saying the President is the country.  Calling for openness, as if Van Jones is ever open—as if internal change ever occurred.
Stop CNN from echoing FOX News: Colorofchange is now attacking CNN for merely covering the New Black Panthers 2008 intimidation story.
Van got so choked up about how beautiful this country is...compare that to his imperial U.S. statements.

Last throes...really with the other...hopefully.  The Daily Caller, w/ Tucker Carlson, acquires KeithOlbermann.com, changes the name.
Saw the other smear coming: Beck is an anti-Semite... for explaining Black Liberation Theology, and Countdown cut out the if he was a victim, and this theology was true part as much as they could, saying it’s all him.  Let’s see Anti-Defamation League go after socialists and wanna-be’s, since anti-Semitism and socialism go jointly.  But, of course, ADL won’t, as they depend on some of the wrong people.
Then, there are yet more awards to prop up failures...
Bill Press says Obama’s poll numbers are down because the public is spoiled.

Shahram Amiri sticks to his claim(s) of kidnapping, that he will be able to “one day prove that U.S. public officials lie.”  It’s clear enough that he got millions of dollars for info., and that he probably got death threats against his family, that things would happen if he wouldn’t denounce the United States.  I say phony public officials...
He went “missing” in Saudi Arabia.


Al Arabiya showed a tape of Faisal Shazad laying out his plans to blow up Times Square to an extremist group...Pakistan also leads the world for porn searches.

Jeopardy Q: This mustachioed FOX News host was kicked out of Iraq; some say he gave troop positions away...Geraldo Rivera.  No, Rivera was not kicked out, and I’ve yet to hear anybody say that there was nothing really useful made in the sand.  (It must be true if NYT reported it, FNC is evil, etc...)  The media are stuck in 2006.

The director of The Dark Night is back with Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page, a mind bender that has 87% on the Rotten Tomatoes® website.


Entering a new age of enlightenment?

TX city mayor found dead.
EU approves big airlines merger.
NEA put Rules For Radicals on its recommended reading list.
CBO warns of government of, for and by the regulators.  A little late?
In FOX v. FCC, the higher court of appeals rules that the rules on words are too vague.
Vatican set to publish new rules on abuse, after the Pope called collective salvation demonic.
Last week, Richard Cheney had surgery to implant a heart pump.
Rizzo blames others for his demotion; had a salary of over $0.75M.

A mother, trying to marry off 31-yr.-old son (that’s been living with her) via website, appears w/ son on national news.

Nancy Pelosi goes after...W.H. spokesman Robert Gibbs?  Gibbs states the truth: Dem. seats are up for grabs.  Gibbs shows political ineptitude.
Obamer uses the nixed term radical Islam...to say that al Qaeda is racist.  That’s it.  So it’s not the terrorism, corruption—morally and monetarily.

Something out of South Park (remember Ike?): Sex Ed in Montana.
More than biology and anatomy... sex objects, positions...grades 1-5.

It’s official.  Rick Sanchez is CNN’s Keith Olbermann, if you stretched out the condensed baiting into 2 hours.  Rick’s List U Don’t Want To Be On...
Sanchez also makes the exploitation obvious: you must be a hater if you’re in a Tea party because CNN tends to only show the provocative stuff; you have to stick out in order to be recognized.  Stories like 9.12 are avoided because they only want to look for where the narrative/stereotype appears to fit.
Jon Stewart was right when he said the media was becoming more like The Daily Show—fake news.

Sick and tired of these hatchet jobs...
24-yr.-old David A. Graham, hired by Newsweek, tries to belittle the NBPP story, the rule of law as much as possible, putting emphasis on White, Conservative, and George W. Bush.

Kathy Griffin joked that Scott Brown’s daughters are prostitutes, Bravo legal dept. tells her to make a correction.  The actual offense: CNN’s Dana Bash “laughed”...


Live-Aid 25th Anniversary.

Not even August, and the trade deficit has hit $1T.
Sleep apnea deeply linked to heart disease.
Now-retired Michael Kundu said, some races have bigger brains than others...

Rare case of getting away in a police chase: a pickup trucker getting away.  He went off-road, and ran by foot.

Why that $20B was so familiar when it comes to British Petroleum...
The oil company is said to bank $20B in contract security, was used in the Lockerbie bomber transfer to Libya.  The excuse has expired; doctors say the terrorist may live another ten years.

Obama Administration may file a second suit against Arizona.
DOJ to go after three police officers in New Orleans (plead not guilty) in the hurricane Katrina bridge shootings.

Census worker whistleblower states the obvious: temporary Census hirings were made to inflate employment numbers.

62-yr.-old wife of an oil executive seriously injured by a pipe bomb disguised as a box of chocolates.  Nails could be found in the roof of the building.  The “mainstream” refuse to cover this story...

A couple of Consumer Protectors confirm that the iPhone reception problem is hardware-based.  With their own tests, they have concluded that holding a finger over the antenna side(s) will block up to 20db in signal strength.  Apply a small cut of duct tape...

After some time with the legalization of gay marriage in Mass., a judge rules that straight marriage in the state is unconstitutional.

Harry Reid first calls the President weak, then says the statistic that 17% of union workers are undocumented doesn’t apply to Arizona...AZ has the worst grade for a state.


The Yankees loses another.  “The Boss” George Steinbrenner dies of heart attack at age 80.  He pushed the Yankees to be the best from 1993 to ’97, and in 2004...


Al Qaeda-linked al-Shabab group claims Uganda World Cup blasts.
After a week-long break, lawmakers face a full agenda including a contentious financial reform battle.
Olympia Snowe completes 60 Senate votes for financial reform bill.  I am ashamed of my Senators.
Chicago’s strict new handgun ordinance goes into effect, despite Supreme Court ruling.
Roman Polanski is out, as Switzerland rejects U.S. extradition request.
Lawsuits may reveal critical data on the diabetes drug Avandia.
LeBron James gets booed at a wedding.
YMCA rebrands itself as the Y™.
Study: Few correctly cover coughs and sneezes.

6 dead, 4 injured in shooting at an Albuquerque office building, including the shooter and apparently the shooter’s ex-girlfriend.

Spending percent to GDP (deficit pct) has broken another record, going over 10% (est. 10.64% for FY2011).
Under the Republican super-majority (prior to 2007), deficits were under $200 billion.
Total debt for 16:07 EDT is $13.18078 trillion, with Kentucky picking up 31.8%.
Unfunded liabilities: $109.51T; $353,577/citizen.
Sources: usgovernmentspending.com, usdebtclock.org.

The big sinkhole that emptied a Tampa condo building swallowed up a car in the parking lot, forced the evacuation of 11, appears to be growing.

Media complacency, corruption.
Time: How the Tea Party May Hurt GOP Senate Prospects, blah.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will propose a resolution this week condemning racism within the tea party movement.
The NBPP case on Countdown: blame Bush.  Yes, an injunction that was filed about three days before Obama’s inauguration = blame Bush.  You should negate all of the evidence, the reality that extremism is rising from the left, deliberately ignored.

A week ago, William Morris Endeavor dropped Mel Gibson as a client, citing his misconduct and no longer having real monetary value as reasons.  The new tape has him shouting at his girlfriend (blame after better life with wife?), sounding like he’s having a heart attack in all of the panting and threatening in a low voice.  The girlfriend claims being hit, yet her dentist sees no bruises, or signs of bruising.

Malik Zulu Shabazz called Glenn Beck a neo-racist... because Beck has second thoughts about Mel Gibson movies because of the actor’s racist rants, not even being able to watch a recent one?
Now both Mel Gibson and Danny Glover are ruined.
The New Black Panther party will be at the 8.28 event, adding to the intimidation, and god forbid violence, since people who support Beck have been getting death threats for not openly denouncing the talk show host.

Reporter Sara Carbonero attempted to interview her boyfriend, Spain’s Iker Casillas after the 2010 World Cup ended.

Google stopped its practice of automatically redirecting mainland Chinese users to the uncensored site in Hong Kong before the June 30 operating license expiration date.

Librarians train on patrons’ want of legal guidance.
Fire extinguished at Maine Yacht Center—Portland Press Herald.
Man wounded by stolen gun; 3 face charges.


Real-life Comic book writer Harvey Lawrence Pekar dies at age 70, found shortly before 1AM by his wife, Joyce Brabner, in their Cleveland Heights home.  The story of his life, American Splendor, was illustrated by Robert Dennis Crumb, and the title was turned into a movie starring Paul Giamatti.


102 killed in Pakistan attack.
10 suspected Al Qaeda militants arrested in Yemen.
Russian press shun spies going home, some children may be left here dangling, may be deported.
Air France flight diverted after a threat.
Oil flows unabated as BP works on new deep-water cap, to be installed by robots.
Barefoot bandit (Colton Harris-Moore, string of robberies) caught in Bahamas, police shot boat engines out.

Benjamin Netanyahu could care less about preconditions in talks with Iran at this point, saying sanctions aren’t going to stop the theocratic state’s nuke-making process.

Susan Collins surprised that the administration wants more power.  Obama is requesting the ability to veto specific measures in a bill.
Even Democratic Governors are concerned about the feds being used to sue a state (and for the first time in U.S. history).
For James Carville’s “Democracy” group poll, 55% of those polled say that the President is a socialist.

Wow: Paul the Octopus was 100% correct in his “predictions.”  Spain won the World Cup versus Netherlands.  Some are scrambling to buy the sea creature.
There were a record of 14 Yellow Cards for violations/injuries.
Ugandan police suspect al Shabab was behind the attacks at two restaurants that killed 76 during World Cup finals.

Rush Limbaugh finally sells the 10-room apartment, posh pad over 86th in New York City for $11.5M.
He vowed to leave due to high taxes in the state.


Yankees announcer Bob Sheppard dies at 99.  Sheppard announced 4,500 games, for over 55 years, ending in 2007.

Veteran driver Mark Niver, 60, of Phoenix, killed Sunday at Pacific Raceway in Seattle, Washington after a parachute malfunction occurred with his race car.


Day 81: Officials say tar balls found at coast of Texas are not from the spill.

General James Mattis has been nominated in filling Petraeus’ seat.
Divers find second body in barge crash aftermath in Pennsylvania.
Standoff w/ police in England.
Floods displace tens of thousands in Mexico.
Spy swap successful of ten Russian for four U.S. ones.
Unerring Paul the octopus says that Uruguay will be defeated...

$300K, and growing, 10K donations from all states to Arizona since DOJ started their federal suit against the state.  20% are internal.

Out of reasons (or excuses), our problematic progressive President says that people are turning on him because of his middle name, Hussein, as if it matters at all anymore.

Not just BP, but “disturbing patterns with the entire oil industry.”
G.E. is among big business that's now saying (temporarily) that maybe the administration is going too far.

White cop, black man: DOJ now investigating the Oakland transit case (Jan. 2009) where a police officer has already been convicted of involuntary manslaughter.  Protests erupted over the loose conviction; the other option was second degree murder, and people have seen the video: an officer shot an unarmed Oscar Grant, in the back, face down.

Spiritual Wake-up Call

Collective salvation is on the side of Sa’tan.  The more you promote it, the worse the future is.
It is exploitation.  It is, “get behind me, a DICTATOR, protector of corruption.”
Individual salvation is on the side of God.  The more you better yourself, the better for all.
YOU will be judged.  It is, “get behind me, JESUS, individual savior/helper.”


Day 80: Florida Governor calls for legislation to ban oil drilling.

Wrigley’s to settle gum gum suit.

CNN fires Olivia Nadr after making sympathetic comments on her twitter page about Hezbolla “spiritual leader’s” passing.

Fannie & Freddie warns people that green home loans are too risky?
Rpt.: Gov’t paid A/C bill for 11K dead people...
I thought power companies were asking for energy conservation: Con Ed can reprogram your thermostat.

8 arrests in 2 days for the Al Qaeda subway bomb plots; three yesterday, five today, the plots targeted at least the Gotham subway in New York, as well as a location in England.

Only FOX News has even bothered to cover the New Black Panthers case, the only one to do the NASA Chief story (The Washington Examiner linked to it).  Confirming the overton window, the media landscape sees what they think is far-right-wing, so they refuse to even show the footage.

Guest for Countdown, one the reporters— I mean, propagandist from The Huffington Post on “Beck University”: So we know that David Barton is a liar because he promotes Christians, right-wingers, blah.
This comes after CBS attacks the website service — it’s not an actual university, for those that seem to only believe in names but not context.


Anniversary of the 2005 London bombings.

At least one Israeli secret weapon suitcase has been stolen or lost; contains guns.
Ben Nelson voted down unemployment benefits extension.
A new kind of solar plane, this one can fly at night.
Alvin Greene suggests action figures of him as means of stimulus.

Heat wave blamed for power problems at a New Jersey hospital.
Temperatures are getting so high that some people’s shoes are melting on pavement.

Media voice for SEIU: Ariana Huffington calls Americans to arms against banks.
Unions step up ad spending against government cutbacks, $9.4M v. $3.4M w/ corps.

Dr. Donald Berwick, new appointee for “health care czar” says that any just “health care” must, must redistribute wealth, from the richer to the poorer.
The decision will not come down to rationing care—the decision will come down to rationing with our eyes open.
Quit denying that this President is a socialist.

Department of Justice made its suit against AZ official.
Showing that it’s all rhetoric, all about power and control, racial profiling is not part of the suit.

“Spy swap” to move forward, part of the reason for it is how short-lived we can legally hold them.
One of the Russian spy techniques: security through obscurity; be as ordinary as you can.  You never know—I may be a spy.

Speaking truth to power honestly on behalf of power, King Samir of the New Black Panthers to a reporter (courtesy National Geographic Channel): I HATE CRACKERS!  ALL OF THEM.  EVERY LAST IOTA OF A CRACKER, I HATE ’EM (because of our conditions here)... IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE, YOU’LL HAVE TO KILL (some crackers)!  YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO KILL SOME OF THEIR CRACKER BABIES.  “We going to have to get our act together.”
Out of two New Black Panthers in paramilitary uniform in the 2008 voting intimidation case, Rory “Samir” was the one w/ the club.
The DOJ won the case (the members accused defaulted), saying that they should not be appearing at polling stations, but dropped the case because a female social justice interest in the Department of Justice refuses to follow cases where the offender is black and the victim is a “cracker or Uncle Tom.”  Former DOJ J. Christian Adams, now whistleblower, left out the Uncle Tom part (SEIU beat-down of a black man selling Don’t Tread On Me), saying that the DOJ under this administration is ignoring motor voting law, that DOJ complaints go back to DOJ to be ignored.
Kenneth Gladney also sold pro-Obama memorabilia as well as anti-Obama...

The connections are there for terrorist Bill Ayers (Chicago), Jeff Jones (NY fed, Apollo Alliance).  Connecting the administration to the Black Panthers is Charles Ogletree.
“FREE ANGELA” pin featured the real hard communist Angela Davis; she was freed in the 1970s.
Ogletree defended Henry Gates in the police acted stupidly case.
I can’t tell you the rest of the story because I don’t have it.  I don’t usually record audio...and I forgot.  I shall use the word ‘I’ once again to tell you that I suck.

Why was the Reconstruction era EVIL?

KKK and the paramilitary forces used voter intimidation for power, were mocked for “making conditions worse than slavery.”  President and unions, white workers against blacks.
Now only the races have changed; it’s now “revenge against whites.–
Learn from the mistakes, Heal, and move past them.


One of the alleged Russian spies, Nikki Valyez(?), could be released on bail.
Queen Elizabeth challenges UN to confront global dangers.
Israeli Soldiers’ prank (dancing in the street) stirs up trouble.
American soldier suspected of leaking military video to WikiLeaks (via Audio CD pkg.) charged.
Missed meetings could mean jail time for two Detroit parents.
Lindsay Lohan gets 90 days in jail for “rehabilitation purposes.”
Shakeup in LeBron James bidding.  And after all these years for the team...
Reality show The Bachelor is finally over!
Tiger Woods turns icy when asked personal questions in Ireland.
Progressives are now overtly working w/ Communist Party USA.

Man crushed by motor home—Portland Press Herald.
Jury awards $7.3M for emotional distress—Sun Journal.

Thumbing their nose at the law

Harry Reid’s camp puts up a fake Sharron Angle website; it has been taken down over exposure.
At least one school, parents could be arrested for not showing up at a parent-teacher conference?

First Amendment rights?  Any rights?

Cass Sunstein strikes again...
Homeland Security/Transit Security Administration to block “controversial opinion websites.”
As the literally communistic motions go, “controversial speech” will soon be banned on a computer near you.  It doesn’t stop internally because these administrations are security [in name].

RFID chips are back, and they’re in all new passports.  Guest for Coast 2 Coast traveled to Australia, had to undergo a pornography checkpoint (they take your whole computer if any is found!).  People would go nuts w/o privacy. Tyrants will always push; when will there be a pushback?


BP Oil spill, day 77: tar balls now found at every stretch of the Gulf Coast.

The monarch, Queen Elizabeth II to visit Ground Zero to honor those who died in 9/11.
Town in New Hampshire to allow people to “pack heat” at work.

Pre-existing expenses: not only will coverage for some cost as much as $900, but the fund could soon run out of money.  By 2012, all of the “health care” stuff will do almost nothing but empower corrupt political figures, as predicted.

The shell game of intellectual dishonesty

Another superior in the gov’t tells an audience that debt=wealth, and anybody who disagrees isn’t as smart as him.
Of all the condescension!  Chief of NASA, on Al Jazeera, wants Muslim countries to “feel good about themselves, their contributions to math.”
Throw the bums out.


The United States turns 234.

National Inquirer got police to re-open the case for the Al Gore “sex poodle” scandal.
U.S. embassy in Iraq attacked w/ mortars.
Female suicide bomber kills 3 in Iraq.
Hezbollah’s “spiritual leader” dies.
12 killed as bus crashes into S. Korea’s longest bridge.
5 killed in small plane crash in TX.
Pirates kidnap a dozen.
Man bitten by shark he catches.
HazMat team heads to JFK over a bomb scare.

Major heat wave expected this week on the east coast; temps in the 100s (F), possibly breaking records.

At a July 4th Parade, two horses get loose in eastern Iowa, killing one person, seriously injuring two dozen, including children.

Another in Dependence Day weekend.
How does it feel to have a press that goes out of their way to call certain people racist, and then defend Robert C. Byrd?  How does it feel to have a black President that insincerely defends Byrd?  Put the past in its rightful place and move on.  But no, Barack Obama needs to literally act like a dictator on the balcony for the Fourth of July, trashing the Founding Fathers (they did it for wealth, until Abraham Lincoln came along..., the same progressive junk you’d find in the H.B.O. Robert Wuhl 101/201 specials).
Individual rights freed the slaves, not Lincoln.  These bastards likely blame their corruption on capitalism and individual rights!


Anniversary of the Korean war...

Unemployment rate for June: 9.5%.
SBA lending down as stimulus dries up.
Bankruptcy filings are on the rise.
1 killed in NY Boat Harbor boat crash.
Bar attack in Columbia kills at least 8 people.
Guineans await elections over conflicts.
Tibetan DNA sheds new light on evolution.

Apple says that their reception bar calculator for the iPhone is inaccurate (hold your fingers over the holes on the sides and at the top), saying this bug is easy, and will be fixed.

At least 21 killed in a Mexican border drug shoot-out (Sonora), part of a 6,500 death rate in the drug wars at the southern border, a number that far exceeds those seen with the terrorism wars.

Militants attack a popular Muslim shrine in Lahore, killing 42, injuring 180.  The Pakistani Taliban deny any involvement in the attack.

Mag. 6.8 quake hits Vanuatu (island east of northern Australia, ind. since 1980).

Report: Tehran gave radar technology capable of detecting missiles to Syria in est. mid-2009 to spoil a “surprise attack” by Israel.

Robert Gates wrote a memo prior to McCrystal’s comments, and now it’s out.
The new measure/mandate will set stricter guidelines on how and when members of the military can talk to reporters.  This means that getting info. will take longer.
Gates does this as Joe Biden lands in Iraq to “end bickering between Iraqi leaders.”

Rand (or Ron, CNN/JK/twitter/junk) Paul compares the collapse of the U.S. economy to the fall of the Roman empire.
I’m sorry, but we’re not an empire...yet.

The press treat former Senator Byrd like a saint.  Not on his funeral!  Yes, at the funeral of a man born in North Carolina, grew up in West Virginia... regressed to joining a terrorist group.  Not fully redeeming himself, this Cyclops instead recruited 150 to the Klan, and became a role model for politically correct racism by voting down black conservatives, such as Clarence Thomas, and Condoleezza Rice.
Bill Clinton, today, said that Robert C. Byrd’s motives were good when he joined the Klu (sic) Klux Klan...for political reasons...making things up.  No, neither doing something for political reasons, nor joining a group that reflects the last fringe elements of the compromised Confederacy (if not own blacks, terrorize them) is a good thing.  And the story told is a lie, anyway; another Klan member got him into politics, not the other way around.
The KKK was refreshed in 1915, after The Birth of a Nation, shown by Thomas Woodrow Wilson— my, God!  Wilson is history’s greatest monster—the ideas created during that administration are still active!

This Founders’ Friday: Women of the American Revolution

Did you know that NJ was the first state to legalize voting for women in 1776?  It went away in 1809, though, because some didn’t want people voting for the Federalist Party.
Martha Washington was on the battlefield half of the time, and she really loved George (the garbage out there was crafted to make them all to be loveless, godless heathens).  Abigail Adams was the first woman to hold a government position.  Deborah Samsom used wrapping to make herself look like a man in order to get into the army.
Books Mentioned: “The Wives of the Signers” by David Barton, and “the Faith of America’s First Ladies“ by Jane Hampton Cook, and a number of reprints of books that date before 1912.


The debt alone may destroy this country.

Public ownership of GDP debt: 62%.  We haven’t seen that kind of number since WWII.
Currencies (6:22 EDT) to US$: Yen, 88.35; Euro, 1.2327; AU$, 0.8486.
Commodities: Gas, 2.04; Platinum, 1513.7.

Pres. Obama to expected to sign tough sanctions against Iran.
Entering a new quarter of the year...and for the second quarter, DJIA dropped 10%.
Elin Hedegren gets $750M in divorce settlement w/ Tiger Woods.
Hundreds of thousands of Toyota cars recalled worldwide due to defective engine.
Cyprus: Christopher, of the recent espionage ring disappears via bail (only about $20K).
Tomas Berdych defeats Roger Federer, apparently cutting him out of the season altogether.
Multiple valedictorians for a school?  In Texas?!
Stray bullets from about a mile away Mexico land in Texas.
Arlington HS can’t do the pledge of allegiance because...no teachers will do it.
Judd Apatow to do new Pee-Wee Herman movie.
LKL, the final days: Bob Barker is an activist for animals.
This is the last day for the current director of Redeye?

Try to hold your lunch:
Friendly’s unveils a new high-cholesterol cheeseburger sandwich— what a disgusting stack of—...
On an airplane, destined for Charlotte, North Carolina(?), stale meat in a man’s luggage lead to maggots coming out of the luggage compartment.

Furthering the lies: when rep. John Boehner says, what this financial reform plan does is like nuking an ant, the Pres. takes after the “ant” part, saying that Boehner is downplaying the gravity of the economic downturn, and the garbage media repeats this as truth.
Obama downplayed the unemployment national numbers in Wisconsin...not knowing that the state unemployment hasn’t really shifted from May’s 14.2%.

This most Futurama-like speech ever by a President:
More status quo nonsense (this admin. represents the status quo).  “We should ignore laws on the books until we get better laws”?  He puts the focus on legal immigrants, but the issue is about illegal immigration!
The statue of liberty had nothing to do with immigration.  The “contest” produced the base, not the whole statue.  “..yearning to be free”...wrong.
The base text reading, “GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...” was to get back at the ignoble “Colossus of Rhodes.”  Lady Liberty’s moving forward, breaking free from the chains of socialism in Europe (as if it matters where socialism is).  “GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR,” so they can succeed here, not continue their misery over there (or now here!).
It’s not diversity that makes this country great, it’s unity; E pluribus unum: Out of many, one.  We’re not a “stew” (or a Stu B.), we’re a melting pot.

Joe Bite Me has made three “gaffes” this week— or should I say, slips of honesty.  From don’t be a smart-ass to a custard shop employee, who said in conversation, maybe if you lowered our taxes, to these GOP will use Blitzkrieg tactics, the tea parties will only slow us down, Joe Biden is our Vice President, unfortunately.  There is a good chance that Obama will drop him for 2012...of course, for someone less honest.  [Groan.]
When F.D.R. addressed the nation about the great depression in 1929 over TV, don’t know how the country will pan out in the 20th century...

More context filling...Deliberate misunderstanding expressed in the distract-athon: Part III.
Opportunist Al Sharpton is on again (last time was June 15).  This time, it’s remove as much context as possible, distort, fill in the blanks w/ lies—or even leave some blanks open so only the knowledgeable or fringe will follow...explaining the dropping ratings.
What is this we in “We will take back this country”?  Sharpton: I don’t know.
I’ll answer the question, even though I really can’t: the we are the people.  Not the stereotypes you want to believe in, but law-abiding citizens that believe in individual rights, see the need for restoration—and they don’t mince words.
Progressivism is a cancer, and its feeding on this republic.
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream was left unfinished; the movement was interrupted by the violent of your loons.
The next step, putting honor and character first.  Equal justice ignores race, creed, religion, etc.  God forbid this nation regresses to a full-blown class system.

Pulled God out in 1962, and look at the sudden change in test scores, unintended pregnancies, crime rates—Bad.  The replacement of God w/ Gov’t has destroyed every country that has tried.  Heed.

If the markets continue to take a nose-dive in the next couple of weeks, then we will enter another depression, otherwise the economy may resemble 1970s-like instability.

Jealous envy

Michael Savage is pissed that he’s not on the “Left’s Most Hated” list, of course doing the how dare “Mr. Crocodile Tears” be #1 on— who actually wants to be on this list??  I’m sorry, Mike, but you oversimplify things, then try to take credit for anything related, and go into a rage about it.  Beck doesn’t care who gets the credit, wants the restoration of the Republic—at least some kind of normalcy.
Heh.  All you get with a Weiner is condemnation. I’m pretty sure if Michael found out about this paragraph, he would only attack me.  Worse than Mel Gibson, he is a bad chauvinist—an unapologetic fanatic.

The two enemies of prosperity: lack of access, and “leveling the playing field”

2010/06   2010/08