The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)


NE floods: Wellesley under water.  New England flooding drowns homes and dreams (AP).
A survey finds that many BlackBerry users are itching to abandon the brand.
A prize-winning physicist is helping the CIA confirm suspicions about Iran’s nuclear program.
A Vanity Fair story contradicts Tiger Woods’ claim that his inner circle didn’t enable him.
Chechen militant claims responsibility for Moscow bombings
European bishops urge victims to go to the police (AP).
Seniors fear health care overhaul will lead to Medicare cuts (AP).
In China, a rural tradition is eyed after the bodies of babies were found (AP).
Prosecutor: An undercover agent infiltrated that “Christian” militia.
The general who pushed the gay ban (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell) won’t be formally reprimanded.
Thrill seekers flaunt danger to see the erupting Icelandic volcano.

From away (Maine): Police investigate a Clinton shooting.
House vote changes plans for casinos- Sun Journal.

AP - Reversing a ban on oil drilling off most U.S. shores, President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced an expansive new policy that could put oil and natural gas platforms in waters along the southern Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and part of Alaska.

Albert Snyder, dad of fallen Marine, refuses a court order that says he must pay legal fees for a group that picketed at his son’s funeral.

Editorial revisionist William Allen White mentioned

At the Heritage Foundation in D.C., William Schambra, Ronald Pestritto and Sidney Milkis talked about Sid’s book on the progressive movement, and about how Woodrow Wilson also became a nationalist.


Emmy-winning writer David Mills (NYPD Blue, E.R., The Wire) dies at 48 in New Orleans, probably due to an aneurysm.


Moscow Metro train blast: two female suicide bombers kill 38.

Head of U.A.E. fund goes missing in Morocco.

The Hutaee militia, and a plot to kill cops thwarted; turned in by a another militia.
Garbage media call the bad one a “Christian militia” despite the lack of leanings... well, there are leanings to the left.


CNN State of the Union Sunday has improved since Candy Crowley has taken over.
The slot where Lou Dobbs was suffers under John King.

Surprise appearance in Kabul.  David Axelrod is proud of the President traveling overnight to Afghanistan, his first appearance there since the 2008 campaign.



DC Comics artist and executive Dick Giordano dies at 77 of cancer-related complications, painful leukemia treatment.


Amity Shlaes comes out to expose “HC” lies, explicitly, and not lightly calling them lies.
In cost, the CBO numbers are much smaller than they really are, less than 50%.


David Frum leaves AEI over passage of the new 2,700-page law.
In Iraq, al Maliki wants a recount.  Rejected.
New UBL tape reveals that Osama is taking Eric Holder seriously.
A N. Korean ship may have sunken a S. Korean ship.
President’s TSA pick withdraws.

On the list of what Americans use (and CA is putting pot on the ballot):
#5: crack
#6: meth
#8: LSD and heroin

Let me know when something new happens, breaking the glass ceiling on golf rounds.
Dodging talks w/ Israel, Obama is still pulling for a number of recess appointments... rebuking R’s... who still have no power.

Deceptive is as deceptive does

NYT squeaks by socialistic terminology with wealth inequality.
Max Baucus: this is an income shift... mal-distribution.
Castro cheers “Obamacare.”

A moment with Ed Schultz... 2009 Massachusetts Election Edition

I’d cheat to keep these bastards out.



U.S. and S. Korea prepare for N. Korean instability.
Russia and U.S. go along with nuclear stockpile reductions.
Stestak and Isa(?) are accused of bribery.
Barbie™ Mad Men?

No more worthy than gossip now — it’s poke, poke, poke

CNN continues rightist extremism stuff (without really looking), ignore leftist violence.
Passage Without Perspective: smiling over it, but fearing the reaction to it.

Story of a Congressman’s window being smashed out is bogus.
Office being several stories up, he was officially asked.  His response was “no,” but the story continues to be propagated.

Haters decrying hate

Ann Coulter is barred from speaking at a Canadian university due to hateful protest.


Johnny Maestro (the Crest and Brooklyn Bridge) dies at 70 of cancer.


United States President Barack Hussein Obama to signs that historical passed 2,700 page pile of legislation into law.
But before the simplified signing (so many damn pages to sign...), there needs to be a podium speech, and Joseph Biden says to Barack, heard over mic, this is a big f—ing deal.

Suck’o’meter alert:
Sen. Chuck Grassley tried to vote against the bill, but also tried to take credit for it...
Senate passes reconciliation bill, 56-43.

As not predicted

Time Warner puts up a bid of over a billion dollars for MGM.


Reducing options in the name of democracy

HC Structure bill passes with that “barely” 7 above, 219-212.
The progressive D’s win a battle in their status quo, part of what leads to the status quo they keep complaining about.
Verrry funny: Sibelius says the reform will lower costs.
Laurence O’Donnel (Huffington Post) clarifies: we will talk about it honestly only after it has passed.
“Newscasters” try not to grin: parliamentarian denies GOP the ability to challenge.
Warned you: like alcohol speakeasies in the 1920s, watch for healthcare speakeasies...

As predicted

Immigration reform: more divisive, to be “debated” next.

This day in history

In 1775, Britain passes the Stamp Act.

This frame in performance

Arnold Schwartzenager: ~23% approve.
Harry Reid: 8% favorable.
Nancy Pelosi: 11% favorable.
Barack Obama: ~42% approve.


Spring starts Sat. 1:32 PM.

Red River to crest at 19 feet above normal.

Coverage of CorruptionBowl 2010!

Never in the history of federal government have you been forced to purchase something — health insurance.  And we are expected to believe that taxes are a form of charity?

Yes, get involved (so long as government approves).
Da Prez biting his lips whenever he talks of free markets.
CNN sources say former Pres. Clinton in for HC push.

The Little Monster That Could, and never stop.  Never...

Protesters chant “Kill the bill” at the capitol.
Smiley Pelosi, thinking they are saviors... all to rub it in?  **Sensational!**

Didn’t Saddam do that?

In one of the most critical agricultural lands in CA, where the spigot has been off, somehow two swing-vote Dems. in the “Healthcare” legislation have theirs up to 25% normal.
Arm twisting until arms come off.  **Incredible!**


I still hear war waged w/ C-SPAN, people abusing the call-in system.
2-hr LIVE Cost of Freedom from 10AM to noon on FNC.


CNN photographer Margaret Moth dies at 59 of cancer.


Drug User’s unions.  Yes, there’s are Drug User’s unions.

In order to survive, there will need to be made “fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion.”
Without dramatic cuts, there will be civil war, whether official or not.  Curb the violence; rollback spending sooner, not later.

Remember that the Soviets, once their gov’t was allowed to lie, cheat and steal their way through, the people eventually no longer felt that they had any control.


On a 2006 tape, then-Senator Barack Obama says, in front of a union-oriented audience, that, if the administration gets its way, single-payer will be in by the end of the first term.
In the Baier interview, Obama slips, in trusting that the mainstream media won’t repeat it, a government takeover won’t happen in one fell swoop.
Nancy Pelosi: Kick open the door; we will take the country in another direction.
Joe Biden: Hey man,... you know we’re gonna control the insurance companies,...


“Jihad Jane” pleads not guilty.
$5M bonus, 100 employees laid off at The New York Times.
Saying sanctions rarely work, Russia (Medvedev) will help Iran on nuclear power.


Real Time (3.19): Maher is a rationalist that acknowledges true love...


“Davie Crockett” dies at 89.


St. Patty’s day: the green!  Too Much Green!

Honda recalls 410K vehicles due to braking problems.
Amy Beck charged w/ unlawful sex with a minor.
Peeping Tom who recorded ESPN reporter Erin nude through room door peephole convicted.

Al Gore keeps changing the arguments, the facts, does not like to be tested.

Trying for accurate journalism, Media-ite gets it right more than 50% of the time?  Unheard of.


There’s less hesitation when it comes to the evil going on.

A Moody’s downgrade is coming; out of the last twenty years, we have not broken even for sixteen of them.


Clashes in Jerusalem; Palestinians throw rocks at Israeli soldiers in protest to settlement expansion.
New American Idol judge’s father running for Senate.
More New England floods.
Rationing Pringles™ as one airliner was stuck for 16 hours.

Limbaugh breaks his rule not to tell the audience to call their representatives.

Now, the Slaughter rule (named after a woman w/ such last name): deem already voted.  All saying that they can bypass anything, claiming “routine maneuver.”
Chuck Schumer caught on tape speaking of ways to override the constitution.
Pulling all stops, jamming the phone lines.
Gutting Congress, you can see the legislators scrambling.

Bret Baier to interview the President; viewers can send in questions.
Already, as of 6PM, 10,000 Q’s were sent.

“Shills” are still selling “HC” legislation as a moral thing.
It’s “blasphemous” to tell it like it is about health and poverty.
It is a moral thing to be against slavery, but they keep fueling this insanity.
The hacks on TV are the people who think if it wasn’t for this government, these fringe groups and conservatives buying in their own exaggerations would..., and so on.
Not just convenience over honesty.  How dare you promote yourself with facts in this new era.  An era of political figures making sure voices of honesty are distrusted.

Dennis Kucinich gets a ride w/ the President, and now all of a sudden he’s changing his position from “no, this bill doesn’t have single-payer.”
So far, the administration has gotten some form of each and everything it wants.  Danger.



Google shutting down its offices to China, breaking censorship agreement.

Lady Gaga gets 15 million hits... because of all the sponsors, or because she shows her—.

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame injects Genesis, Abba into its right vein.


After distorting the Tea, CNN tries to promote the Coffee Party.  Yes, a Coffee Party, one that ends up having all sorts of, well, progressive B.S. attached to it: I see a Woodrow Wilson scholar speaking code language.

Habits of hiring compulsive liars

Well, Wha’da’ya’ know, the main character in Green Zone is based on a NYT reporter.  A magical reporter.
Cheering Sunni generals.


Theodore C. Olbermann dies at 80.


Progressive Democrats vow to pass “HC reform.”
25 killed in Mexico violence.
Another Nor’easter wreaks havoc, floods, outages.
Fake Russian invasion broadcasted.
China sets guidelines on bank bonuses.
Israel to probe new settlement announcement, the uproar over timing.
Three connected to the U.S. Consulate of the America[n]s killed in Mexico.
EU finance ministers meeting in a matter of hours to discuss Greece.

Agenda, agenda, agenda

“Black agenda,” Sat., March 20 at Chicago State U to criticize Obama... for not spreading the wealth around enough.


How to train your dragon out in theaters March 28.

On The Simpsons, entitled, “Postcards from the Wedge,” Bart manages to topple the school, (sic) Elementery School, and the ep. ends w/ an “In the world of tomorrow” sequence for the credits where you can freeze your child and get busy w/ your spouse.


Actor Peter Graves dies at 83.  He was known for his roles in a number of television series, also as the pilot in Airplane!


Spector vs. Stestax.  Those’re some great names, eh?

“Final push” for “HC” push, as Obama holds off another trip... for another “HC” push.
Ban for abortion funding was dropped, stalling “debate.”  Great, more “HC” pushes.  Est. 211-220, but Nancy Pelosi thinks it’ll pass.

In response to the firing of all teachers in one school, Obama says he supports the firing of bad teachers... of course not defining what makes a bad teacher.

NYC to pay $657 million in WTC health settlements.

Extremism in Somalia grows, but the officials of today here don’t want a repeat of 1993.


Despite NY’s Bloomberg’s “addiction to salt,” putting salt on even saltines, the crackdown on salt continues in the state.

Taking DNA when arrested?  Naïveté encroachments?
Fingerprints, when using a good number of points, are more reliable than DNA when it comes to the fact that no two people have the same fingerprints — not even identical twins, and identical twins have the same DNA.


Who’d think between Bill Maher and John Stewart that Stewart would be the harsh one?
Yes, yes, it makes sense to think that Beck’s 5PM show is nothing more than trade gimmicks, being on for over a year, getting twice the ratings of The Daily Show (11PM).



NFL and TV star Merlin Olsen dies.
Strong aftershocks hit Chile as the country inaugurates a new president.
Hundreds killed in brutal attacks in Nigeria.

Harry Reid’s wife and daughter suffer a car crash.  Wife Landra, broken neck and back; daughter Lana, an injured neck, facial lacerations.

A moment with Ed Schultz...

I don’t care about Senate procedure!  Put your egos in your pocket and pass the damn bill!!


Cute propagandists telling you what to think.  Just like Newsweek.


Top Sunni Imam dies in Iraq?
Thomas Edison among those removed in Texas textbooks.
Cadillac wants to disassociate itself from former parent GM.
Senate approves jobless benefits.  On to the House.
U.S. House passes Chile tax break law.  (As if it works over there and not here.)
Convicted of bribery, Monica Conyers is sentenced to 3 years.
Patrick Kennedy melts down on the House floor.

CBS News “Bombshell”: Amanda Knox was not present in the room when Meredith Kercher was murdered... says a killer?

Power Grabs

Land grabs through executive order, only known because of a leak by The New York TimesCass Sunstein is the most dangerous man in America.
The Federal government is being used to take as mush resource-tied land as possible in preparation of the pending economic collapse (due to unsustainable Federal debt).
The Census twisted, upping the bar on the definition of ‘poor’: less than two TVs and a DVD player.  (Other countries don’t compare.)
The progressives need you to think that capitalism is just about winning, not about the benefits of competing for something better.

Final push by the administration for “HC”: insurance fraud.  How about getting rid of all fraud?  Nothing is being done about the underlying problems.  Nothing.

Stained of the Union

Justice Roberts doesn’t like the rule that the justices must remain silent during the State of the Union Address, as they must sit on their hands as a U.S. President can just scold them.

Hearsay clarity

Without evidence, the E.P.A.’s Lisa Jackson says that climate change is real, and that we must work on establishing a price on carbon dioxide.  We sure need incentive when it comes to driving up energy prices by 54%, don’t we?
Jackson calls a question on whether Cap & Trade is a solution a trick question.  The Chicago-White House is pushing through Cap & Trade, but it’s not going to help?

Toyota cover-up?

Attorney who defended Toyota in negligence, liability cases is now fighting back after being fired in what he calls a cover-up.


Panasonic, 3-D television, 3-D movies, about $300 more w/ feature for same set type.
3-D content won’t be broadcast (mainstream) until June.

Lindsay Lohan is suing E*trade for $100M over an ad that features a loose “milkaholic” baby named Lindsay...

Keeping serial killers honest

A.C. 360 had on an actor who sat on the same panel w/ a killer on The Dating Game decades ago.


Teen idol Corey Haim dead at 38, found in one of the larger Canadian parks, of an apparent suicide; drugs were found in his system.
He had trouble finding success, say those who knew him.


Anonymous failure day!

Can beverage taxes save state budgets?  No.


Ohio State University shooting: 1 dead, 2 injured.
Today marks the first day that gay marriage is legal in Washington, D.C.
Union “liberals” picket health insurance execs.
Shots fired at Ukrainian consulate?
Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham push for a mandate that calls for a national ID card.
Apollo buys Citi Reit unit.
C.D.C.: “Genital Herpes remains a serious health threat in U.S.”

Colleen Larose, calls herself “Jihad Jane” on her myspace page, becomes part of charges that are first of their kind: using the web to recruit, conspiracy to commit murder abroad.  A supporter of UBL, the Penn. woman apparently dyes her hair blonde to distract.

Case Closed

Joe Halderman takes a bargain in the trial of his extortion of David Letterman.  Letterman says he’s grateful for the efforts of everyone involved.

Convinces Who?

Eric Massa denies... what he said about the groping... Words get taken out of context.
Gone: his credibility.  First getting the Beck treatment (trying to get some sort of confession, or at least some honor out of the guy), where Glenn, for three times, wanted to just say, “Get out!”  You’d expect Eric to be honest over the phone, but no.  The rigmarole continued into Larry King live, as Massa digs his grave even deeper over who said what.
It breaks my heart that someone so close to the family would do this, says the now-retired Congressman, saying he had just now heard of the charges laid against him by the Deputy Chief of Staff.
Oh, gauhd, now I hear tickle fights as a catch phrase.  Snorkeling?  Sick.


Tonight’s ep. of Lost was maybe a little shoddy.
Tosh.O’s Daniel Tosh strikes his new iPad w/ a golf club, yells “fore” too late.

Sony is holding a Geek Developer’s Conference ahead of E3.


5.0+ magnitude earthquake in Turkey.
Treasury Department to remake the $100 bill.
Children in Berlin win a right to be noisy?

Rahm Emanuel yelling at Eric Massa in the shower room?
Massa is a loose cannon?



Sumo wrestler rips out cash machine.
A dictator’s son wins Togo election.
Millions vote, 25 killed in Iraqi elections.
Scientists say aftershocks in Chile may go on for years.
ACLU are against trying KSM in NY?
Skeletal remains of 14-yr.-old Amber DuBois found in CA.


Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin host, Sandra Bullock wins Best Actress (in a leading role).
Best Picture went to bomb-defusing movie The Hurt Locker.


After months of trial and error, OK-Go does it again.



John Alpert Gardner III is on trial for the rape and murder of 17-yr.-old Chelsea King.
Barbara Walters is ending her Oscars™ Special program.
FDIC closes four more banks.
Indiana workplace shooting, man opened fire on co-workers.
6-yr.-old suspended for making gun w/ hand.
CDC: 99K people die a year due to hospital-aquired infections.
Apple® to release iPad April 3.
Federal Gov’t racks up $655 billion in deficit for just 5 months.
Bombings in Iraq, ahead of parliamentary elections; al Qaeda warns voters of attacks.

Investigators are looking into a bus company for a crash near Phoenix, AZ, where the driver didn’t have the right license.

Iranian Truther

Holocaust denier M. Ahmadinejad now denies the Islamist role in 9/11.


Unemployment remains at 9.7%.

World Affairs

More aftershocks in Chile, more mourning too...
In a time of financial crisis, Obama is getting rid of private loans for government ones?
Charlie Rangel blames his travels on his staff...

Pentagon Metro Shooting

The gunman who shot two at the Pentagon has died.  Suspect appears to be 36-yr.-old John Patrick Bedell, a pot-smoking “9/11 Truther” who ranted before he tried to shoot his way in.

“Organize for Education”, also “Defend Education”
(looking like a Societ Union era posters)

Violent protests in California put a spotlight on the “entitlement society.”
History is being reshaped into something completely false.  The removal of history in the classroom, in textbooks so that the students are more vulnerable to indoctrination.
SDS is part of this mess, the group that Leninist Andy Stern came from, a group that had a pretty violent past; associated w/ The Weather Underground, they detonated bombs.  And now they have grand influence on, what Communist dictators have called, useful idiots (people who lose track of thinking for themselves, always turning to some sort of ruler).

“Bail out the people, not the banks,” another sign reads.  Neo-communists keep trying to promote communism, trying to reform something with something that has never worked in history.

New York’s Massa resigns

I am guilty, said Democratic Representative Eric Massa to a Corning, NY, newspaper columnist about groping a male staffer, using language “that would make ... blush.”  His resignation takes effect Monday.

Over their heads

Michael Moore appears on Real Time again via satellite.  Maher says his show isn’t nearly as good as Moore, and Moore says that regulations are key to why Chile can recover faster than Haiti.  Yeah, comparing the strength and size of economies based on strength of government...  Socialism “squeezes the middle-class.”  A man of the people whom turns his back on them.


Starts with should America be scrapped?

The Rachel Madeaux Shaeux

With satire of false al Qaeda connections abound (poking at Liz Cheney), Rachel bin Maddow gets arrested on air by the Just Enough guy in police uniform.

Last weapon in the arsenal, the other ‘R’ word: Rapture

Jon Stewart takes on Chatroulette, a new website, where every—...everybody’s taking off their pants?  While one of the “correspondents” makes motions of [something], Jon, Relax.  I’m just playing Wii... while I mastur—. >>No!  Even Brian Williams pokes fun at himself.  I hate Chatroulette! yells Stewart.

“For every normal ... user, you get 25 weirdoes/perverts.”

New discovery changes thoughts about what killed the dinosaurs

A 15km-wide asteroid slamming into the Earth at Chicyulub(?) in what is now Mexico was the culprit for the so-called Cretaceaous-Tertiary (KT) extinction, something 1.5 million years ago.


A number of Sunnis are disqualified from Iraqi parliament on grounds of affiliation w/ Saddam’s Baath Party.
Homicide/suicide bombings in Iraq kill 31, wound 20.

Charlie Rangel’s “decision” to step aside from his Ways and Means chair (part of writing the tax code) as a financial inquiry starts.

What’s believed to be the body of Chelsea King is found.  Suspect “Gardner” was tried for molestation.

Nissan to recall about 1/2 million cars.

That authoritarian code word, “Social Justice”

Almost as if Beck and the guys read it from my website... not really.
Look at News: September, 2009, then go insane.
Progressives on the left and on the right, from freedom to total government.
So communism was very popular in our grandparents’ day, but they didn’t want to talk about it.  They were too embarrassed...  But then again, they didn’t talk about the great things they did as well.
In the late 1930s, before Communism and Fascism were discredited, Nazism was tried as a tool against F.D.R. and some of his communist advisors (look it up).  You can see Nazis filling New York, the Hamptons of all places.  Most of the authoritarian types moved back to a center after the dictators were exposed as the monsters they were.  It is also the reason to the, “oh, there’s Nazi swastikas in the crowd against [whatever lefty administration is in power],” and why both extremes are still here, partly in hiding.
One guy these days apparently calls himself The Bald Communist: I am sick and tired of people telling me to stuff my anger back in my pants.

Things didn’t go to script when it came to demonizing the TEA party, did they?

Dylan Ratigan of MS-NBC shows how much their network is propaganda by putting words in his guest’s mouth, then calling his answer (or lack thereof) propagandizing.  You are a [name calling]!  Cut his mic!
Also, the appropriately titled, “The Lying Den” on Countdown, referring to FOX News as a whole that lies, showing where the lies really are, w/ help of Anthony Weiner.  Heh, he actually calls himself “Wiener.”
Collectivists always collectivize their target.


Going Viral

The Mariposa Botnet virus has infected over a thousand companies.  The virus spreads throughout the network, records log-in info, sends it back to the hacker’s computers.

Actual Climate Change

Scientists say that the earthquake in Chile has marginally altered the Earth’s rotation, slowing the length of a day by 1.26µs, or about 1 and 1/4 millionths of a second.

Strong turn-out in Texas Republican primary

At 10PM, Kay Bailey Hutchison concedes; Rick Perry wins after a long-standing lead.


Emile de Ravine (Claire on Lost) promotes a movie on Late Nite w/ Jimmy Falon, a cute lead-in to a love scene.  Her Aussie accent is real, just as real as how oblivious she is to what’s going to happen to her character in the final season of Lost; the actors of the sci-fi/action/adventure/mystery/suspense series don’t get their script ahead of time.


Pointed out by JPMorgan, California is in worse shape than Greece, spending like they’re fat and happy.

Looting rises in Chile, the official death toll for the magnitude quake last month rises to 723.

Former Representative Harold Ford says he won’t run for New York Senate.

Bunning sure is cunning.  Blech.

Actually sticking to the rules (remember “Pay-Go,” media?), he objects to what won’t get paid for.  ABC shows him not answering question as he enters the elevator, as if he committed a crime...


Jay Leno’s back for Tonight Show, with Jamie Foxx virtual skiing all over the stage.

TIME finally “recognizes” the Tea party with pictures.  It’s March.

Only preparation can overcome fear and panic.

2010/02   2010/04