The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)


India forecasts nearly 9% growth.

2010 Wi[copyrighted material deleted]

U.S. leads in total medal count: 37.
Canada unsurprisingly wins hockey.


8.8 mag. earthquake at Talca, Chile (near Concepción); hundreds killed, $30 billion in damage, making buildings lean, turning over cars as if they were toys.  A tsunami follows, remaking the landscape on the Chilean coast.
Two dozen aftershocks, including that of 6.2 and 6.9 magnitude on the Richter scale.
The quake damaged the Santiago airport, but only set the time that they’re open back for a couple of days.

Another quake in Argentina (confirmed that it is not one of the aftershocks in the area).

Hawaii braces for the tsunami affects of Chile’s 8.8 mag. quake.  Tsunami warning set for 4:05PM EST, so the cable news outlets overplay it, holding off commercial interruption for over an hour for... 6 feet vertical.  The waters receeded, fully came back slowly.

Around 7PM EST, Japan signals their tsunami warning.

Around 9PM EST, the Chilean president declares a “state of catastrophe.”


New season of South Park: March 17.

I thought the Feb 20th episode of Real Time w/ Bill Maher was a repeat — they had on the same frickin’ guests as before!
Would it have been worth catching?  Well, they’re back, already taking advantage of the ill-informed.


Toyoda cried.
Huge conflicts of interest regarding Toyota and the car companies that the gov’t and FIAT have control over.
General Motors and Chrysler “paying off it’s union buddies.”
“Bought by racial groups, by unions, by pay-off artists.”  U.A.W. and S.E.I.U..

Van Jones accepts the NAACP image award, has a message for G.B.: I love you, I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it.  Well, Glenn loves you too.

Obama appoints Andy “Globalist that lies to his own” Stern to the deficit reduction committee.

The New York Times still are treating Charlie Rangel like an angel, despite the way he treats his staff.

New York Governor David Paterson says he is “not running” shortly after his re-election bid.

2010 Winte[copyrighted material deleted]

U.S. leads w/ 32 medals, 8 gold.


Ukrainian inauguration.
Explosion in Kabul, near Safi landmark hotel.
Inventor of the Frisbee™ dies this week at 90.

Andrew Koenig’s body has just been found.  He apparently has committed suicide in one of Canada’s parks.

The power goes out around noon, so I can only pick up AM radio shtuff...
All I’m gonna dish as far as Mark Levin’s program goes (he sucks): westillholdthesetruths.org

Ben Shapiro in for Doyle (overnight) — he sure knows who the president is (maybe):
Only what Obama wants counts.
I know him, ’cause I’ve been to Harvard Law.  He’s the guy who sits in the back of the class making snide comments about you.  And then he turns to you and says, ‘You have a good point!’
He treats the American people like a drunk sorority girl.  Taking advanta

There was an earthquake felt at Okinawa?



Senate extends the Patriot Act for a year.

“Because the assumtions were wrong.”
$76 billion was added to “Stimulus” total estimates.

Tragedy and Hope: Mutually Assured Monetary Destruction...
Tax hikes kicking off next year mark financial irreparableness.

FBI raids three Toyota dealerships.
Chrysler to recall over 200K minivans over airbags.

Akio Toyoda scraps his prepared speech to listen to testimonials of family deaths...
The head of Toyota represents a big chunk of Japan’s capitalism; if he goes, much of the country goes as well.

Missing for two days, actor Andrew Koenig (Growing Pains), son of Walter Koenig (Star Trek) has not been seen since he got off of a plane.

Tragedy averted in Colorado, just 3 miles from Columbine

A 6'5" math teacher at Littleton wrestles the shooter to the ground.
Suspect “Brucco Strongeagle Eastward” was overheard saying “eating macaroni made too much noise”... disturbed in any way?

Tragedy unaverted at Seaworld, first of it’s kind in 26 years

Warned of a killer whale’s nature of pulling at things dangled over the water, it’s involvement of two deaths, a trainer naïvely holds her hair over the water, and is unintentionally drowned by the whale.
People were told to leave as soon as the incident got word; the place closed down.

From talking about obesity just days earlier to...

Oprah turns her set Godiva® chocolate!

2010 Winter O[copyrighted material deleted]

Lindsay Vaughn crashes at the slopes, breaks a pinky finger.

Beltway mentality...

Now it’s reconciliation, another thing that didn’t exist until the 20th century.  Use of reconciliation as a tool was planned, says a guy from the progressive Center for American Progress.

Mark Levin and one of the guys at National Review “don’t get Beck’s philosophy,” regarding the spokesman gig content at CPAC.  Well, probably not anything in context, so it must be in regards to what progressive Republicans are shouting in these guys ears.  Let’s see... the basis is very much based on Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism (works at National Review), and Levin wrote Liberty and Tyranny.
Do these guys take everything via sound bites?

Starts with, my father asked me to kill him.

Along w/ a temporary name change for “Worst Persons in the World” to “Hall of Shame,” comes another Special Comment about Keith Olbermann’s father’s medical situation.  Who doesn’t want to hear of infected abscesses totaling nearly 1.6 gallons of fluid.
“I’ll say to you what he said to me:” Help.. Help.. Help.. Help.

And speaking of sports commentators...

ESPN commentator Tony Kornheiser gets in trouble over comments made about a female host, her appearance.


Prince of Darkness in the middle of the night: Ozzy Osborne will be on Redeye (at 3AM).


World Conflict

Baradar caught, Taliban’ Mullah Muhammad caught.

Turkey coup plot?  Sound too much like a food dish?

Police arrest 40 people in eight cities.  E.U.-nominated Turkey wants to show democratic stability.


ACORN name change at the state level.  The prediction came true.

2010 Winter Oly[copyrighted material deleted]

Shaun White wins snowboard event, big.


The agreement Conan O’Brien made w/ NBC that prohibits him from making TV appearances until September isn’t stopping him from touring the U.S. and/or Europe.

The Daily Show addresses G.B.’s claim that “progressivism is the disease” with Sam Bee sporting a beard and a Swiss army knife of a gun (dental floss w/ trigger).

The Other Big Story at/over CPAC: Andrew Breitbart’s verbal exchange...

Rush Limbo

Did you know, that in 1879, four of Karl Marx’s children starved to death while he was out “researching” communism?
Well, I do know that Marx/Engels saw it necessary for some to perish.


4/5 of the country says “Washington is broken.”
5 R’s say they’ll join 57 D’s in “HC reform.”
Strikes in French Airports.
Camera footage of Sean Penn hitting and kicking a reporter...
AP - NYC terror suspect says he received ‘martyr’ training for subway plot, pleads guilty.
AFP - Dalai Lama says ‘no problem’ in ending his position.


World Conflict

Man throws bomb in Cairo synagogue.

UAE vows to catch killers of Hamas leader.


Two arrests have been made in the pattern of Texas church fires since Jan 1.


After 10 years, Sinbad is back (new Comedy Central stand-up special).

Attracting a lot of young people, college students, Ron Paul will be 75 in Aug.

California run by loons: Redbox kiosks blamed for decline in Hollywood.

CNN covered Cyber Shock this week, a simulation w/ actual officials, conducting what it’d be like if a cyber-attack happened.

Short Takes

Bode Millder is finally king of the mountain.
Endeavor lands in FL.
Test & Treat: new way to treat HIV/AIDS patients by taking on cases as early as possible.
Director of Fish & Wildlife Service dies.
Heart attacks linked to Avandia.

O-Limp-ic Lead... Pb, atomic number 82

Days after one of the columns failed to erect, one of New Hampshire’s own wins Gold.


World Conflict

Tactically stronger, strategically weaker, the revolutionary guard may have taken over, the Iranian regime has become more isolated.

12 NATO dead, 120 Taliban killed in new offensive.
Shots being fired from vehicles in Marjah.

Israel 99% confident that their “hit squad” killed a Hamas leader who is responsible for arms smuggling for Gaza violence.

Natural Disasters

A well-known century-old mosque collapses, killing four dozen.

Madeira: 40 dead in Portugal island mudslides, many others missing.

On Monday, credit card companies may up penalties in light of new rules.

Security for the winter Olympics in Vancouver could top $900M.


Facebook experiences glitches, slowdowns, downtime.

NAACP elects new chair.

On Jan 12...

Google got word of hackers, thieves trying to break into accounts of Human Rights activists opposed to China’s policies, the company then threatened to end the Chinese (government-censored) version of Google.

CPAC Coverage... as if I cared

Boos delivered to Bob Barr for declaring that waterboarding is torture, boos delivered to an anti-gay activist.
Shatter the window of big government, says the crappy politician, Tim Pawlenty.
FOX News runs a practical rerun of two episodes worth of time on stage for the keynote speaker, w/ chalkboard.  Progressivism is the cancer, and it is eating away at the Republic.
Sarah Palin crashes in the straw poll results (7%), where Ron Paul leads (31%) over Mitt Romney (22%), Tim Pawlenty (6%).


Vets remember Iwo Jima.  Over 4,800 died that day, February 19, 1945.


Alexander Haig dies at 85 due to complications with an infection.
Haig was Chief of Staff under Nixon, Secretary of State under Reagan.


The IRS plane-boming in Texas has killed at least two.

Case Closed: the FBI rules that chemist Brian Ivans, who killed himself in 2008 when authorities were about to indict him, was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attack.

Tiger Woods does a press conference, apologizes for his actions: there are no excuses, the rules apply to him like anybody else, telling the media to leave his wife and kids alone.  I thought that I was entitled.  If only some followed in those (verbal) footsteps...

Healthcare “debacle”

Sen. Lautenberg (D-NJ) is taken by an ambulance for stomach cancer, but signed his name on a provision that would restrict ambulances in the area.

Arlen Spector says, in reconciliation, he will vote for the Public Option.  Haven’t Arlen Spector and Harry Reid already become bad words?


The IAEA has come out to officially say that Iran is building “the bomb.”

In Texas, at around 9AM, a man burns down his, or his wife’s house, steals an aircraft, drives the aircraft into an IRS building.
Software engineer Joseph Stack gradually lost everything (including his marbles), blames and cites things and others — the news drove me to insanity, Ben Franklin’s definition of insanity (doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results)... goes out and does something insane.
Individuals don’t suddenly turn into killers, let alone suicidal ones, but the irresponsible impostors in the partisan press predictably pounce on this, trying to pin it on a political platform.
The Associated Press reduces it to “anger,” my mother believes this lie, the illogical notion, believing what she reads.
Hardball has on— gasp! —that guy from the Southern Poverty Law Center, paranoia on the “left” for righty-whities is alive.  Try to get into this man’s politics, confident in their blindness.  Dangerous all over again...


With China now holding back (not good), Japan becomes our largest debtor (more than $800 billion).

In a new CBS co-sponsored poll, only 6% think that the “Stimulus” package did any good.
About the same % think the moon landing was staged (moonbats), 7% think that Elvis Aron Presley is still alive, even though it’s 2010, and I think he’d be dead by now either way.

It appears over for Akio Toyoda, apologizing yet again; now their Carolla model has been known for two years to have power steering issues, veering off to a side w/o the driver steering so.

Eight of those ten missionaries held in Haiti were finally released.

An Italian chef tells of a time in the 1930’s and ’40’s, where he ate cat.  The talks of “feline delicacy” got the woman on the program to cringe, and got him an indefinite suspension.

GBP: Something to replace that old horizontal line?

A circle, where the average person is on the bottom, and the killers are on the top.  The irresponsible political figures are on the sides, blaming the other when things go bad.


U.S. military reports that they have captured a chief Taliban leader, Pakistani.


President’s Day: remembering George Washington, Abraham Lincoln.  Actual honor, versus those of decades past.

Now on the look-out for terrorists who speak English (as if I didn’t know that we were dealing with Westernized figures, the corruption of mind):
They are gunning for an attack in 3-6 months.

World Affairs

Marjah, Afghanistan heating up; the city has become a place for sniper fire.

Benjamin Netanyahu is dead serious when it comes to defending Israel, not taking guff from Iran.
Iran pushes further into military dictatorship.

Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Crisis/Whatever-they’re-calling-this-fraud-now

No consensus: one of the pivotal figures in it, the guy who took measurements says that there is no statistically significant warming since 1995, and the readings are less certain when trying to look over 150 years into the past, let alone 1,000.  Also, that there has been a slight cooling since 2002.
Oh, the political ramifications in exposing the biggest “science” scam of all time.  And who said taking temps. in parking lots was a good idea?

The new Stimulus Jobs bill

Using the remaining 2/3 of the “Stimulus” money for evermore gerrymandering?

Senator Bayh (D) says he may be stepping down over what the Dem. party has become, the “missed opportunities to reign in spending.”

The shooting in Alabama: a female professor w/ PhD kills over entitlement-based grudges.
Being denied tenure, not getting the last I.H.O.P. booster seat, Amy Bishop threatens, then decides to go shoot the woman who got that last booster seat.  There is also word of involvement in pipe bomb explosives, even plans to kill more than the three she murdered at the scene.
With a troubled past, she latched onto the political surreality, becoming obsessed with Barack Obama to the point of being off-putting, even to her liberal coworkers.

Obama comes out and says that there is no reasonable expectations of privacy on your cell phone.
The progressive politicians are losing control of those they’ve “encouraged” that now threaten conservatives over cell phones (how did you get this number?).  And then the politicians encourage more, thinking it’s just the way it is.  Throw the bums out.


Ground gives way as a man falls into Mount Saint Helens’ crater.

The True meaning of ‘selfish’

What should make the definition of ‘selfish’ clear is the ‘ish’ part.  Selfishness is being not true to oneself.
Arbitrary, ill-informed goals that one may stick to; not taking advice, not minding how much misery those goals have given them.
There’s a clear distinction between a person’s self-interests (in separation of wants and needs), and selfishness (misleading).
I take “concerned chiefly or only with oneself” as an oversimplification.  Selfishness does not really benefit oneself.


World Affairs

Strategy using NATO in securing Afghanistan, efforts to topple the Taliban, a fight not seen since the battle of Fallujah (Iraq).
Man who plotted a terror attack for 2005 was sentenced in Australia to 28 years.
Hillary Clinton is diplomatically on Iran’s case.

Both V.P. Joe Biden and former V.P. Dick Cheney are irresponsible.  Do what you legally can to rid the world of blind trust.


Newly discovered footage included in a new remastered version of 1927’s timeless Metropolis.  There are helicopters in this ’20’s silent film!

But I’m Not Wrong.  Yeah, you are wrong.
Bill Maher spouts off... quite predictably.
The “media” no longer report, they repeat, as to not offend people in a politically correct society... a society that only barely exists (because of the repeating).  ’Cause the publications say so, believe what you read, and so on.


Taliban stronghold under fire.
Anarchists against the Olympics continue to grow in number.
Astronauts finish the last space walk (Endeavor).
USD boosted by retail sales.


A new offensive against the Taliban kicks off.


Iran’s “Punching of the West” is... the regime has declared Iran a nuclear state, confirming 20% enrichment, denying freedom for their own people, fearing their own people.
The citizens chant “referendum,” flying in the face of the anniversary of the 1979 revolution.  An information blockade, action is taken against them, rocks and bullets exchanged.

Greece trying to be more like China, just like the U.S. is trying to be more like Europe, just like Europe was trying to be more like us... independent.  The world on the surface is mad.


Deadly accident at the Olympics luge; going deliberately faster than normal, something went bad — Nodar Kumaritashvili went flying head first into a pole, died quickly.

Bill Clinton, who has a history of eating fast food, has been hospitalized due to complaints of chest pain.  In NYC, two stents were surgically implanted to keep a major blood vessel open.  Clinton had quadruple bypass surgery a few years back, where all major blood vessels to the heart were blocked, prompting a new one going to... the groin.

More footage of teenagers/young adults beating another into the fetal position, kicking her in the head.  This time, you see two security guards doing almost nothing but observe and report.

President Obama signs the $14.3T debt ceiling raise.
Triple murder at the University of Alabama.
Father of chief suspect in Natalie Holloway case dies.
The Census’ orientation is being changed over prisoners.


Study: Botox (Botulism Toxin) may reduce cognizance of emotion.
News to Charlie Rose, his guest saying that only half of the healthcare industry is private.
Michelle Obama on childhood obesity, calls it a threat to our national security.
A robot actress has starred in several S. Korean films.

For it well after I was against it— we were against it.  V.P. Joe Biden, Prez Barack Obama trying to take credit for “the surge,” after all the years of “it’ll never work.”
I’m one of those people who say, ya’ll crazy.  These guys were closer to the reality (but no cigar), and now their completely out of touch with it.

Mounting Hollywood’s decline, the progressive economics that are spending California into oblivion.  Taxes push filmmakers out of the state; many of the recent major movies were made out-of-state, but of course, the progressives would call that irrelevant... not hearing the reasons as to why they went out-of-state.


We are at 84% Debt-to-GDP!  90% is regarded as a trigger point.
HC costs are still rising faster than inflation.
Greece is still a ticking time bomb, noting The Coming Insurrection, made by the Invisible Committee.
Vladimir Putin warns of a communist insurrection in his own country, reason to “strike them down.”

Now there’s talks of recess appointments (big with Bush and Reagan), bringing up its history.
Haitian judge rules that the ten accused of “kidnapping orphans” had no ill intent.
Van Jones, as a person who learned his lesson (yeah, right), to speak w/ a legislator.
Bullsh*t is now Showtime’s longest running series.
Vagina Monologues progressive feminist (ain’t that a lot of baggage) says it’s sad that Palin hasn’t evolved, because she denies climate change, and whatnot.


Depicted in Charlie Wilson’s War, 76-year-old Wilson dies of a heart attack.


Craptain O.

Marvell Comics’ Captain America pulls racist crap by making it an “angry white people” thing, taking advantage of a photo, TEA BAG THE LIBS BEFORE THEY TEA BAG YOU.
Anti-government, anti-IRS “Watchdogs” — sound familiar?  Touching on something... stereotypical.
Into more lefty paranoia, a black super hero infiltrates as a tax collector in effort to provoke violence.
There’s a Good Captain America and a Bad Captain America.
Really irresponsible of you.

Helped bank run by donors, Senator Menendez (D-NJ) under fire.
Failing to get cloture for Craig Becker’s nomination on NLRB 52-33 (60 votes needed).
Leaked by Senate Democrats, some of Obama’s proposals are left out of the so-called “Job Creation” bill.


Robert Gibbs takes a jab at Sarah Palin writing a few words on the palm of her hand.  Milk, eggs... hope and change just in case.
Dé jà vû when Jon Stewart crosses a line with Newt Gingrich.  Stewart wants the terrorists tried in New York, reducing them to idiots.
On Colbert Report, Chris Dodd looks inept.

MS-NBC continues the racist element, as to say it’s the convention Republicans who race bait.
“Even prominent leaders of the party...” calling the GOP nothing-but-crap (NBC?) all these years, but now say that they started out good?  Control the message...


Awaiting ST 130 Space Shuttle Endeavor... blast off.  Ah, there’s nothing like 4 miles/second speed.

California’s fiscal responsibility, as if there is any, raising taxes even further, driving out business even further.  Into Nevada.

Neilson Ratings Record Broken

SuperBowl™ attracted 106+ million, breaking the previous all-time record (M*A*S*H).
The Saints beat the Colts 31-17... I think.

DJIA dips below 10,000 for first time since Nov. 2009.


Congressman John Murtha dies at 77 as result of complications during gallbladder surgery.


It felt like an earthquake.
A CT plant explosion kills 5, at least a dozen injured.  The 620MW power plant that carried 50-60 employes was still under construction.


Toyota recall total: 8.1M.
Costa Rica may elect its first female president.
N. Korea releases a detained American.
Facebook gets birthday Face-lift.  Blech.
India rejects the IPCC.
Two bombings in a Pakistani city kill 18; car bomb in Karbala kill two dozen.
Plane-Towing Collider, deadly collision w/ another aircraft.
Obama actually addresses members of the DNC... after excluding them in name in his State of the Union.
Mudslides in CA prompt evacuations totaling 500.
Palin speaks at TEA party convention.
SNL reacts to Rahm Emanuel’s f—ing retards rip.  Bill Hader spoutin’ off.


Major cancelations around D.C., Maryland.
Panel falls off a plane, plane skids, front wheel emergency [crash] landing.

Cohen: Dems. unknowingly nominate someone with a criminal record.
Propophol: MJJ’s doctor charged with involuntary manslaughter, could get a couple of years in prison.  Geraldo says that he won’t let go.
Four British lawmakers charged in expenses scandal.
Self-help guru arrested in role of sweat lodge deaths.


Google getting in bed with the TSA.
Congress pushes the (official) debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion.

Obama and SBA expand initiatives.
5.9 magnitude quake hits Humbolk County, CA.
New Poll: 54% want HC reform reset, no more than 23% want it passed in its current form.

2 feet of snow paralyzes D.C.
“TEA party” becomes most common name in web addresses.

Department of Defense pokes into Small business

Unemployment rate drops to 9.7% from 10%, but previous loss is updated to over 8 million.

Should illegals be counted in the Census?

Let me put it another way: What brings out the misleaders (corrupt political figures), the racists (pick a side), those that own sweatshops?
This goes all the way back to the Founders, and why they wanted slaves to be counted as zero for the purpose of ending slavery (the slaveowners wouldn’t be able to manage them), but arrived at 3/5 of a person.  Purveyors at the southern border are like slaveshop owners.
Three words: Fast food beef.

Teacher needs a lesson in common sense

Following the zero tolerance policy of no guns allowed, a kid gets a suspension for a 2-inch Lego™ toy gun.


Redeye w/ Greg Gutfeld exceeds the number of episodes of Star Trek.
X-Play celebrates 1,000 episodes, noting that’s more episodes than The Simpsons.

Dahhrr, Why didn’t I think of that befo’e.  Replacing the departing Simon Cowell with... Howard Stern.  Not gonna happen.

“Firestorm” over pro-life ad:
A football player, and his mother that might have had an abortion.  Powerful.
A “pro-choice” political group decides to make their own ad, but it doesn’t make the SuperBowl™ like the first.

Stephen King can’t touch the progressive society, a.k.a, DreamCrusher

Today would’ve been Ronald Reagan’s 99th Birthday.

“Only if someone put a gun to my head,” eh?  A judge forces an ex-aide to John Edwards to turn over said sex tape.


“Jon Stewart skull@#%!s bloggosphere.”

Stewart criticizes blog headlines, particularly the overuse of the word ‘eviscerate’.
Maddow: I love me some Jon Stewart, but she won’t apologize for...
These bloggers (*gag*) take technocratic B.S. seriously... should I have put this in the “Out of touch” cannot begin to describe it category?
Ah, the destruction of the meaning to words.  Bad.

Other tricks

Stephen Colbert, in support of a satiric segment, “go to Urban Dictionary, and change the definition of ‘Canada’s History’ to the most jaw-dropping... definition you can come up with.”


Coroner rules Brittany Murphy’s death an accident.  Cause(s) of death: pneumonia, anemia.  Some drugs cause pneumonia.
We are shipping pandas back to China.
Al Franken criticizes Obama Administration advisor David Axelrod.
MJJ’s doctor agrees to surrender.
A memorial is set for the deceased Casey Johnson.


Obama speaks of Navy Corpsemen a couple of times.
The ‘P’, as in President, is silent when you have three consonants in a row.

The official name change was made in 1935

What was Iran’s old name?  Persia.
Who suggested the name Iran?  Adolf Hitler.  Iran is literally Persian for Aryan, in all destruction of language, reality (the actual Aryans didn’t even think of ethnic cleansing).

Iran’s equivalent to Hitler, M. Ahmadinejad speaks of The Great Satan (United States) and The Little Satan (Israel).
Disregarding what is blasted over loudspeakers as “merely rhetoric” may result in mushroom clouds.


State-run capitalism, China cutting back

Australia follows China’s lead...

A regime’s new capability of lauching satellites

The Iranian missile lauch yesterday was huge.  And while the comedians predictably make fun of what was carried (e.g., a mouse).

“Out of touch” cannot begin to describe it

Good at showing how out of touch these people are, “Pay Czar” Kenneth Feinburg goes on Cavutowon’t call it what it is: reflection of micromanagement out of control, vengeful restrictions pent on anger of Wall Street, socialistic policies.

Bumbling Biden says “another underwear bomber, we’d be able to stop ’em...” but not a more sophisticated plot.

Removing history in NC?

A proposal is being put up to start U.S. history at Rutherford Birchard Hayes (19th President).
“Kids would be more interested” — the missing common sense is what drove them away, and now you’d be making it worse.

Hypocrisy about Universal Healthcare

A “powerful” Canadian leader coming here to the U.S. for surgery.  Another one to come here after preaching about socialized medicine.


Beholden to China

Telling the CIA to look the other way when it comes to spys, hackers (daily attacks).  And when it comes to bootleggers, the communist country does very little.
China is now the superpower of the world, where our unfunded liabilities cannot be paid off.  Nothing in the past compares to our position today.  We long ago replaced Great Britain as the first-world superpower.

The reason why we can’t name the WTC replacement Freedom Tower, the reason why Obama is trying to stave off their economic forces by trying to double our exports — what exports?  Labor unions, regulations, “red tape”; manufacturing will end up costing more, Mr. President.


The premiere of the final season of LOST is on tonight.
James O’Keefe’s attorney has bailed on him.
Proposing a “small business lending program,” Obama still looks at government as the solution.


Frontline: The new digital frontier details the consequences of connectivity and addiction in the 21st Century.


12er Ahmadinejad issues a big threat/warning for the end of the month.

The Iranian regime hasn’t always made good on their threats, but... Ahmadinejad is a genuine nut.

50th Anniversary of the Woolworth sit-in

It symbolized people power over the extortion that was segregation.
A museum is open now in dedication to the non-violent history of sitting in whites-only seats.

Trying to Get Away with Things (“out of touch” is an understatement)

About to embark on a third stimulus package, but it must be called a jobs bill... no matter how much it drives unemployment numbers up.

The melting of the Himalaya Mountains by so-called peer reviews, picked by the IPCC’s head, all discredited in November, struck down in December, but now we have more “reliable” stuff being cited from a student who writes about “running around the world, saving the planet, sleeping w/ somewhat-dark-skinned women.”  Add ‘insensitive’ to the list.

The government of Haiti detains ten Americans on the charge of kidnapping orphans, saying that their Church is in the business of child trafficking.

Obama said No to no-bid contracts during the campaign... the administration has issued a $25 million no-bid contract to a Dem. fundraiser.
Nixing funding for NASA on returning to the moon, we are actually losing money in the process: $2.5 billion is the contract termination liability cost.  Individual legacy costs have never come close to half this number.


The last WWI veteran turns 109.
$7,000 sex robot unveiled.  Blech.
New report of the Pakistani Taliban leader being killed (this kind of report is wrong at times).
A female suicide bomber hits a city in Iraq.

Hackers for hire: the blackmarket of winking suns (what you may see when hacked)

Redirection to fake password entry webpages is illegal, but some will pay big money instead of letting their “significant other” be responsible for their own actions (spouses spying on spouses makes up much of this hacker use).  In short, always make sure that you are on the correct password entry page.
Don’t blindly take a photo of your undergarments and send them in.

Grammys™ Winners

Taylor Swift’s Fearless wins for Best Album.
Green Day’s 21st Century Breakdown wins Best Rock Album.
Zac Brown Band wins best newcoming album.
Beyoncé beats all for most won: 5 Grammys.

Evil is the centralization of power.

2010/01   2010/03