The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)


Some atheists do not want Saint Teresa put on a stamp, along w/ other religious icons already on U.S. stamps, including MLK Jr.

Actually Older News

Conan O’Brien selling his show on Craigslist?  Tickets sold, only one guest?

Apple® is going with the 4G iPhone, featuring a better camera, while the price gouging at both AT&T and Verizon continues.

More cellphone viruses/Trojan horses.  Also, China’s army of hackers hit 30 U.S. companies, taking advantage of a hole in Internet Explorer’s “normal” security setting.


E. “Rip” Torn is arrested again, this time the police say the 76-year-old actor broke into a Connecticut bank intoxicated, carrying a loaded weapon.

“Obama Girl” lets go of Obama, appears on Hannity (01.28), Huckabee.

Miss America winners: #1, VA; #2 CA; #3, TN.


State of the Union Address

Laying the groundwork for delusion, a whole bunch of screw you’s, then Obama says he’s hopeful about America.  Hopeful that “the people will need to understand, as to help me help them.”  Heh, hehhh, as if that ever works in reality.

Labor Unions and Amtrak Speed Train: a (not-really) better, (not-really) faster train that will cost more, but save you... a pretty small percentage of your time.
With this system you’re setting up in effort to compete with China, we cannot compete with China!
These people don’t seem to care whether this stuff will send us into a third-world position ’cause they buy into the “we ought to bring us down, balance out the scales with other countries.”  We’ll never get out of the socialistic sh-- if it comes to fruition — there is no going back if it’s accepted, and oh, is it rejected.  And they’re response is, “oh, you’re just being a fearmonger.”
Irresponsible is an understatement.

Other Stuff At Home

Ben Bernanke is re-confirmed.  New under Bush, now old, but still arbitrary.

Robo-Hog (now this is funny!): PeTA wants Punxoton— Punxi— groundhog Phil to be replaced w/ a robot.
Phil’s caregivers say the groundhog gets more care than most children in the U.S.

“Opposing party retreat,” the Prez makes it easy to tell where he’s dishon—WE NOW INTERRUPT THIS SENTENCE FOR A SPEECH BY OUR PRESIDENT.  It’s “more important for our democracy.”  We now head back to the paragraph, already in progress. —ou know what I mean?  This can’t go on forever.

Stuff Overseas

Thai sale — China is warning that the sale of military items may harm relations between the Communist country and the U.S.
Items include helicopters, parts.

Osama bin Laden is now trying to use climate change dreck against the United States.  Wow, is that pathetic.  But still, UBL is a killer.


Jerome David Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye, dies at 91 of natural causes in his home in Cornish, New Hampshire.


Ben Shapiro puts all of Barack Obama’s “lexical speechifiers” together into one column!!
The ultimate (artless) lawmaker-turned-president will add “Executive order to repeal Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” to his State of the Union Address.

Elizabeth Edwards is splitting up with fmr. presidential candidate John Edwards.

65th Anniversary of the liberation of the infamous Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp.

Toyota will stop selling some of their models, blaming a manufacturer in Indiana for a “pedal malfunction” that may actually be a software malfunction (switching to neutral stops the car).

How dare you point out ‘Socialism’ in its name:
Social Security was created by a man under F.D.R. who was supported Soviet (Mis-)Leaders.
He was appropriately accused of being a spy for Stalin’s regime.


Sick of the iPod sounding like it came from Bodysnatchers?  “i..Phone..Home..?”
Well, say hello to the iPad: a tablet that sounds like a feminine product, costs $500+, and doesn’t even have USB ports.
Thanks, Apple, Inc.!


James O’Keefe was caught off guard; he, and a few others did much the same as journalists in trying to catch Senator Mary Landrieu hanging up on her constituents (esp. over structure bills).  The media pounce on a story that never happened (slander), “those mischievous conservatives again.”  Equivalent to the Soviet media.

Caprica (SyFy) has the same workings as the modern Battlestar GalacticaOh, my frakkin’ Gods!


Eternal Campaign Mode

Obama puts TelePrompTer in the classroom.  Still don’t think he’s out of touch?

Somehow writing columns all over the country, die-hard Obama supporter “Ellie Light” has an IP address in California.
Newspapers are going out of business over missing a “B.S. detector.”

Distraction #1: of “how many jobs were saved or created.”  Three to four million in employment were fired; even the larger 2 million saved/created makes a net loss.
Distraction #2: spending freeze.  Yes, a proposed spending freeze... after raising spending!

Medical Field

Average birthweight is dropping, despite “healthier, more informed mothers.”  Doctors can’t figure out why this is happening.


Bill O’Reilly, and the word of the day: ‘nimiety’ (ni-MY-ih-tee).  He mispronounces it again as ‘nim-et-tee’.


A standoff in KY comes to dramatic end.
Osama bin Laden tries to take credit for the “underwear bomber.”
Joe Biden tries to overturn the judge’s ruling in that Blackwater case.

Reporter Steve Harrigan shows his emotional stress in Haiti, feeling sad and ill over the elimination of family members in the story he was reporting on, the indiscriminate burying of bodies.  You see blurred footage of body parts, as machines are used to carry and push it all, with trash from the street, into a manmade ditch.


German movie Black Book (2006).  A jewish rebel movie that came out years before Inglourious Basterds.  Thank God for those conveniently placed chocolate bars (the main character gets injected w/ a giant dose of insulin).


Former Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher has died.  Mosbacher was a fundraiser, and served under George H. W. Bush.
He died at the age of 82 of pancreatic cancer.


On the day that rescue ops. in Haiti end, another person is rescued.  A man was found trapped in a/his fruit and vegetable shop.
More cases of people eating the food their trapped with...
The official death toll has passed 111,000.

Britain is accused of selling fake bomb detectors.

A husband is suspected in the killings of a mother and small child(ren).

A day after John Edwards admits to being the father of a love child, just as one of his aides admits to being involved in the theft of a diaper for paternity testing... the National Inquirer wins a Pulitzer Prize (investigative journalism).


Great Britain raises its terror alert level, bracing for a possible attack.
Clyburn calls the yesterday’s lifting of corporate political restrictions part of a growing corpocracy.
TWC continues its channel-by-channel switch to digital.  Oh, joy in... digital breakup.

An 82-year-old woman is pulled from the rubble in Haiti after being trapped for ten days.
Gang violence has picked up in the corruption-riddled, quake-ravaged country, as gunshots can be heard from a distance.



The White House “party crashers” plead the fifth... 31 times.

More stringent regulations on banks while evoking “too big to fail.”  There’s nothing like incompetently killing and supporting at the same time.  As if anti-capitalists will magically fix things... they do fix things, though (neuter).

The Supreme Court lifts long-standing restrictions on corporations from giving money to political campaigns.
This is a gray area.


Non-disclosure agreement between Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, NBC (and vice versa) leaves Conan to vent...
Rounding off his days, O’Brien milks the NBC cash w/ expensive “characters,” like an expensive car w/ ears (a mouse-car), and an expensive racehorse watching restricted-access NFL SuperBowl™ playoff content.
Among the guests of the final week: Peewee Herman (Paul Reubens) plays with dolls, Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks.

To you, sir!  Jon Stewart pokes fun at Keith Olbermann going off the rails, the baseless name-calling using several pairs of goofy glasses.  I go by the pompous name, poopyface.


Air America is bankrupt; they abruptly end all programming tonight at 6PM?

Don’t interrupt me!
Arlen Spector (sounds, looks like Rectum) rudely confronts Michele Bauchman.

Someone at the NAACP has stated that MLK Jr. was a socialist (in praise)... raising the stakes, since socialism is baaad (treat people like sheeple)..., or was Martin a plagiarizing lefty?
Send all of your complaints to the NAACP.  They started it.


5.9 aftershock in Haiti.  More damage, more politicians blocking goods and services.

Erroll Southers stepped down from the TSA on the 1st of January, now he withdrew his nomination over light was shed on his abuse of power: using the FBI to get dirt on the boyfriend of one of his exes.



CitiGroup posts $7.6B loss.
Cadbury accepts Kraft buyout.


Artie Lange stabbed himself earlier this month.  Looks like sis(?) Stacey saved his life again.


Charlie Rose: Brain Series — emotion and behavior, relations.


Big upset, as if politicking is a sport!  Scott Brown (R) beats Martha Coakley (D).

We know better than you, ’cause we have channels (as if that isn’t being handpicked).

Oh, the people who call themselves intellectuals who’re really know-it-alls with money.


Quake off the coast of Argentina.
Drone strike kills 20 in Pakistan.
Prez Obama already taking advantage of Martin Luther King Jr. Day (tomorrow).


Earthquake in Haiti

Buildings collapsed, tens of thousands dead, a million affected after a 7.0-magnitude quake hits Haiti 15km off of Port-au-Prince, with 5.9 of aftershock(s).  The home of Haiti’s President was destroyed.
Burying bodies before identification, the real numbers in casualties will never be known.

Immigration limbo looms as some (in this admin.?) want visa extensions for Haitians living in the U.S.
200,000 people live in the U.S. illegally.

Gang violence and looting expected to rise.
Politicians wanting to get recognition pack landing strips, blocking army forces used partly for the transmission of goods and services.

In other news

There was an Airlines tuberculosis scare.
5.6-mag. quake in Venezuela.
Unions, Amish to be tax-exempt in hc package.


Mel Gibson is back, this time in a really violent movie: Edge of Darkness.
Denzel Washington plays a sociopath in Book of Eli, another violent movie, but in a wasteland way.

Dumb Entertainment

SuperNews rolls its credits w/ I am the Finder.  Windows Explorer, you can explore my ass.


Underemployment (adding those who’ve given up): 17.4%.
Simon Cowell is leaving American Idol for one of Britain’s judging shows.
Sarah Palin lands a job at Fox News as a commentator.  McCain camp is still throwin’ crap at her.
Mark McGuire comes clean about his steroid use.

Jay Leno’s ouster (from his 10PM slot) in 17 weeks: when the Winter Olympics coverage on NBC begin on Feb 12.  He’s never been fraught before...

Progressives are going back into hiding?
Harkin reflects F.D.R.’s failed “Second Bill of Rights,” that Healthcare is a right, and not a privilege.
Growing parallels of this administration (& Bush Admin.) to Chàvez’ administration: oil takeover (cited by gov’t figures here), banks reeled in (but just not nationalized in the U.S.), silencing critics (oh, they’re going after talk radio).
Opening that bag of tricks.

Steadily but surely, underemployment and federal employment lines crossed in 2007.  All for those cute and cuddly, corrupt political figures to stay in power.

On FNC, scheduled for 2010.01.22, GBP’s first documentary: a full-hour history of Marxism, its similarities to Fascism, Communism — the world’s most proficient killers.


Abdulmutallab pleads not guilty.  I think.
6.5 magnitude quake of N. Calif., 33mi from Eureka, 11 aftershocks, largest being 4.5 on the Richter scale.
More drone attacks in Pakistan.
Joe Biden’s mother dies at 92?

On FBN, American Icon Special: DreamWorks Animation Ltd.
The company has a deal w/ Intel for making graphics chips, effectively reducing what would take 8 hours, now done in real-time!
How To Train Your Dragon is scheduled for release in March.


Unemployment rate stays at 10%.
Terrorism suspects captured in Pakistan.
A fake lawyer almost got snuck in for the Ft. Hood shooter.

Sam Waterston finally gets his star on the Holywood “Walk of Fame.”
It’s Elvis’ birthday — but then, Art Clokey, creator of Gumby died at age 88.


White House press briefing moved to 1PM, then 3PM, then 4:30PM.  Janet N. sure is a dummy.

Power company employee shoots up plant, is fatally shot.


C-SPAN wants that televised “hc debate” Obama promised during the 2008 presidential campaign.
CT senators Dodd, Dorgan say they’ll step down.  Sweet deals amid growing public consciousness.

Doing all they can to dodge town hall meetings, Nancy Pelosi & Friends cancel at the last minute... every time.
Ahh, to sell the ‘Healthcare’ monstrosity as a family-oriented, racially equal... thing.  Anti-immigration and racism charges to be blown up again, all offending law-abiding citizens.  For the Children... yes, your children’s future — wiped away just like the Tides Foundation wipes away criminal records of left-leaning activists.
Those multi-language ads may get more extreme.

Obama said that Gitmo, which opened in 2002, inspired the Cole bombing in 2000?

I found Rush’s return sad and tired; dislodged discs, a history of nerve pain.  I couldn’t listen for long (well, I did have to sleep).


Airport lock-down over love interest, inattentive security guard.  Many had to be re-scanned.
Avatar becomes the 5th film to hit the $1 billion mark in gross.
Zacharias Moussaui pleads guilty, members in the court reject his plea.
Several Attorneys General look into Nelson bribery deal.

Man snaps over Social Security lawsuit, rejection, decides to “arm up,” gets killed in the end.  Incident happened outside a federal building in Las Vegas, caught on tape.

Chris Matthews is seen on 2009.12.22 saying, whenever confused, he turns to Saul Alinsky as one of his heroes.


Cablevision drops Food, HGTV networks.
Somali pirates hijack fourth vessel in one week.


An offensive in Yemen is launched.
Brazil rains leave 60 dead.
Iran demands nuclear deal be reworked.



Abdulmutallab’s last conversation was w/ father (obvious warning sign).
Bomb attack in Peshawar, at a volleyball game, killing 25+, powerful enough to topple houses nearby.
It doesn’t look like the exec. order Obama made last year to close Gitmo by the end of the month will be solved.
Rand Paul, eye surgeon and son of Ron Paul (R-TX), officially enters the Republican primary race.
Veteran serves his country in a new way: entering the field of education.
Kim Perez is asked ‘Will you marry me?’ on the Weather Channel on-air (actually in December).
A “blue moon,” the second in one month (Dec 31).

Bret Baier predicts that Rahm Emanuel will step down, and that Tom Daschle will fill his spot as Chief of Staff.


CES: powermat and beyond, new Apple tablet computer to be introduced soon, Google phone already unveiled two days before CES.  Also, a netbook that’s always connected to the internet.


Laws coming on-line as of 2010 in IL, OR, MA.  Laws include the ban of transfats (in everything but cake), texting while driving.
Lowering the minimum wage, one state becomes the first... $7.28 to $7.25.
A U.S. legislator aims to block the shipment of gas from Yemen (due Feb).

Global Conflict

As the Iranian gov’t threatens execution in failing to denounce the protesters, Mousavi says he’s willing to become a martyr for democracy.  And Ahmadinejad says there’s more freedom in Iran than in the U.S.

A federal judge dismisses all charges filed against Blackwater suspects in the shooting of 17 Iraqis; some Iraqis are studying how the judicial system works here (21st century isn’t great for examples of it), wanting them tried in Iraq.

N. Korea resolution: a nuclear-free N. Korea.

Hangover Tips

First thing, rehydrate!  Eggs help absorb toxins, milk helps block toxin absorption first thing (do milk 20+ mins. before alcohol).
Avoid pain meds; instead, go for B vitamins, potassium, highly-absorbable carbs.  Main thing is to get water and nutrients into the body.

The more safety nets someone has, the riskier they naturally become.

Yester-yesteryear   2010/02