Theosophical reduces any multiple number to a single digit. The number 49 reduces to 4 as 4+9=13=1+3=4.The number 19 reduces to 1 as 1+9=10=1+0=1. Thus any number on a magic square can correspond to a Hebrew alphabet letter by reducing any multiple number to a single digit and then finding the 3 letters by AIQ BKR that corresponds to that particular square. The square of Saturn is a perfect magic square to illustrate these correspondences:

4  9  2
3  5  7
8  1  6

By AIQ BKR the following letters cluster in each of the 9 chambers as follows:

DMTh   TTzTzf   BKR

GLSh    HNKf     ZONf

ChPPf   AIQ      VSMf

Thus any name in Hebrew could be traced on the magic square of Saturn. By connecting lines between each point on the square in the order of the letters found in the name a planetary sigil can be drawn. The squares in the Abramelin rituals are letters drawn within various magic squares. Originally a blend of Hebrew, Greek and Latin, these squares were lettered by Crowley in Enochian. The Enochian system is a very complex system of deriving angelic and demonic names from letters upon squares. There is also a secret number value for these lettered squares as well. The 11th key of THE WESTERN MYSTERIES shows the pattern behind the 4 Enochian Watchtowers, which are only part of a very complex and obscure system. My advice, since you are fluent in Hebrew, is to work deeply in the Hebrew Qabalah. There is far more treasures, mysteries, and astonishment that can be found in the path of the Qabalah, that can never be seen in Enochian. Enochian is the darkest aspect of the Golden Dawn tradition, and has caused much mental stress and anxiety on the beginning student of magic. Paul Foster Case ultimately came to the conclusion that Enochian is a dead end street for Kabalistic research. Though I feel that knowledge and power can be found in Enochian magic, I have seen in my own research how limited Enochian is as a magical language when one compares its extant vocabulary, and its methods of numbering the alphabet to Sanskrit or Hebrew, two wonderfully complex systems of secret numerical knowledge.

Tibetan, Greek, Coptic, Persian, Arabic, and Latin are also very fertile traditions to mine for undiscovered knowledge in the secret tradition of numbers.
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