This small pamphlet was originally intended as an appendix to the 13th and final key of the Key of it All series. Instead, it was published as a stand alone work to fully document all of the major systems of modern numerology.  Everything you need to know about modern numerology is found in this slim volume. One of my readers once remarked to me that it read like a college dissertation over modern numerology, rather than a brief how-to manual. In its pages you will learn about the threefold traditional numbering system of giving value to one's own personal name by numbering the vowels, the consonants, and then all the letters contained in your name. You will also find a way to reduce your birth date to a symbolic number.

Modern numerology is in essence a reduction and simplification of two complex number systems, those of ancient Greek and Hebrew, sometimes referred to as the Pythagorean system and the Qabalistic system. Where both of these ancient and sophisticated numbering systems gave symbolic meaning to the entire range of numbers, modern numerology can only give substantial meaning to the first 9 numbers. In "The Truth About Numerology" the reader is first given the traditional meanings for these 9 numbers, and is then presented with many ancient alternatives to viewing these symbolic numbers, including Chinese Taoism, the lore of Pythagoras, the Hebrew Qabalah, and the Hermetic Tarot.

Beyond the regular values for the 26 letters of the English Alphabet of 1 through 9, the reader will find many older systems of numbering English, many based on the Greek and Hebrew systems. Finally, a new approach to numbering English, based on the serial order of the English alphabet is offered to the reader.

All in all, this slim volume contains a treasure-trove of esoteric wisdom concerning the English alphabet, and a must have read for anyone interested in the principals of modern numerology. It can also whet the appetite of the reader for the many and varied number systems of the ancient world, which can be found in the pages of "The Eastern Mysteries" and its companion volume "The Western Mysteries".
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