Website Idea - boulderimages

Summary - photography page and also can schedule a shoot

Content - photos my dad has taken, will get them from my dad

Competition - Gemma Williams, I like how she has a part that is about her so you get to know her and also a part where she has her different portfolios. Lukebatemanphoto, I like how he has a different area on his page for the different photos he takes, his photos are also bright and vibrant and attracts the eye.

Purpose - The purpose of this is to get a page for my dad to share what he likes to do in his free time and also possibly have some side income

Desired Results - I would like users to see the photos my dad has taken which then leads to them contacting him about a shoot and him making money. The goal of this site is for my dad to make some side money doing what he likes.

Target Audience - The target audiene is anyone, he has experience from sport shoots to wedding shoots.