Website Idea - LevVeland.\com

Summary - A personal portfolio: currently for entry level web development

Content - A simple introduction, contact info, lorem ispum, hopefully a logo, and stock imagery.

Competition - Any junior developer looking for employment in the next few years, although there are several eyecatching sites in specific I want mine to be on par with. Sites I liked generally had a dark background, contrasting borders & nav, responsive design and NO gifs. I do have saved links to the above mentioned websites, for future reference and inspiration credits.

Purpose - The purpose of this site will be to showcase software and web development skills I am currently learning. In the future I will revise it to ensure professionality; but currently intend to make this website close to what small businesses or individuals looking to build their own website(s) would be looking for.

Desired Results - A basic portfolio that is clean yet visually appealing to prospective employers; to provide a landing page for links/screenshots of future projects and a resume, which will come as I learn more technologies. I think positive results would be users interacting with any linked content and/or utilizing my contact info.

Target Audience - In the present: Dixie State faculty, myself, fellow classmates, friends and family. In the future: Employers, collaborators and competitors in the tech industry. According to a 2016 survey by stackoverflow most of the latter traffic would be inbetween the ages of 20 to 40, and an extreme male majority. Since it's the world wide web; traffic may come from any locaton but, I would expect a bit of local traffic because that is where I would apply to jobs (excluding remote and freelance).