Real Talk

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Discover New Opinions

Find out not only what the Demnocrats and Republicans think but also what other parties such as the Libertarian Party, Green Party and Constitution Party think about today's world and how it can be better. Do you think your Party is correct with everything? Come check out our podcasts to see if you agree with anyone else.

Discover Other Countries

Though we see our country every day, it is also good to discuss and lean what is happening all around the world. Though we may think that other countries are not very influential to us, you may come to see that they are. Check out our podcasts to see the information that you are missing on other countries or how some of their policies can help our country to become even better.

Find our Unity

With all of the confusion that we have today sometimes it is hard to tell that all our Political Parties want is peace, kindness, and a safe place. Some blame the media, some blame the political system as a whole. Check out our podcasts to see who you think may have a better idea of what the root cause is.