Leigion CVII


One of the few who weren't born with powers, Lightly57 was trained by Hepheastus and Gaia in the form of crafting along with combat. These carry on to his ability to heal and heat up metal. His illusions and such aren't the only benefiting to combat though, he can use them to make sure people don't catch suspision of who he really is by decoys and other options.


Known as being the son of one Hades, Atrocity was left in the scandinavian winter for not being considered strong enough for his then thought father, Omnicron. He was saved by his ability to burn things and his pure unrelenting drive to survive to make sure others don't. Now he hunts for the man that left him in the woods those many years ago.


Possibly one of the worst humans that ever lived, even if he could be considered a human. He turned himself into a cross between a human, half-man, and a primal demon. He is now just a fog covered beast that only has his mind to show that at least one time, he was a human