Website Idea -

Summary - It is a trucking company for power only and flatbed. In the future it will provide any additional services with open contracts with local and natinoal companies

Content - The mission statement will be on this site, along with an email to get in contact with perspective96.

Competition - The competitors are Cox and Andrus trucking. On COX Trucking, the websites pictures are all blurry and the text color blends in too well with the pictures so it makes it hard to read what they are providing. They do have a breif histroy of their company and how they got started and the layout is easy to follow. For Andrus Trucking, their pictures are much better and you can see the products and drivers clearly. They also have the problem of the text color blending in too well with some of the pictures. They have testimonials from various people talkinga about their experiences with Andrus Trucking.

Purpose - The website will allow anyone to look for a transportation carrier. It will also all people to interface with the company and possibly make contracts with perspective96

Desired Results - The main goal is to advertise perspective96 when someone needs things transported in the Southwest

Target Audience - The target audience are manufacturers, distributors, or any company that uses semi trucks to deliver or receive products