Acrostar MiniJet

Acrostar MiniJet

  • Vitals:

  • Make: Acrostar MiniJet
  • Use: Octopussy mission
  • Optional Extras: Air-to-Air Missiles, Machine guns
  • Status: Filled with gasoline & Stored at Q's lab

    After being busted by the real Gen. Luis Toro, James Bond escaped the clutches of the Spanish military by jumping onto the vehicle of his aide, Maria. The Range Rover, pulling a horse trailer, eludes the military vehicle but several more begin pursuit. 007 climbs into the Acrostar MiniJet (housed in the trailer) to escape. Soon, bond finds himself the target of a Spanish heat-seeking missile. After some crafty maneuvers, Bond finishes the tailing missile (and Gen. Toro too) once and for all by performing a fly-by through Toro's operations warehouse. While 007 was able to make it out of the warehouse, the missile was not; sending General Toro and his operation up in flames.

    Production Note- The Acrostar MiniJet was originally scripted to be in Moonraker where 007 eludes Jaws on the Amazon River. However, the scene was scrapped when the river bed dried up and the scene became unusable.

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