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Carp Anglers Group

PO Box 69, Groveland, IL 61535 USA

Call us at 309-387-2277 (CARP)

Fun at the CCC in 2000

Hi Paul, (CCC Organizer)

You did a great job last year, we had a blast. I am already planning how I will prepare my self, gear and bait for this event of events, Sept 29-Oct 1, 2000 for the Seventh Annual Chicago Carp Classic.

I highly recommend going if you want to meet people from the CAG and CarpNet list and just chum with them the two days before the event starts. The day of the event is hard to meet and have a conversation with acquaintances from the CAG and Carpnet list. So many people attend that the venue is spread out almost a mile long. That's a lot of carpers

Friday night the annual CAG meeting is held. There you will be brought up to speed of the clubs growth and what new directions it will explore for the coming new year. And hear ideas of how the group could be improved. After wards you can buy great hard to find carp gear before the event. I was needing cage feeders and Nigel had them on hand. You can also see first hand some of the wares you have been drooling over in the catalogs. Seeing them sure helps in the decision making process. Fox had a large display and I really like their boilie needle with the rounded tip. I can't remember who the other vendor was, but what a great display of Euro match hooks, which I bought plenty of.

The day of the event a few vendors were set up just in case you were not able to attend Fridays meeting.

Remember too that you can fish with your friends, all you have to do is fill out an entry form listing the people you are going to fish with and sequential pegs will be given to your party. I fished with Becky her husband Big Al, who I thought was going to be my major competition! based on past fishing experiences and Tom Conners. What a great group to spend the day with. I have to say some thing about Tom.... My room mate reminds me all the time. Tom was using a chum that had it all. There was this little current in the water and it was coming from Toms direction. My room mate thinks it was all drifting over my swim and that brought the carp to me!! I'm sure there is some truth to it. I have asked once before but got no reply: Tom, what was in that stuff??? I think I heard you say chick peas, hemp, bread crumb and ???

The day after the event we fish where the really big hogs hang out! A lot of P.B's are had on these swims. Tom C. got his that day. So you don't want to leave early on Sunday, or drink too much on Saturday :)

Chicago Carp Classic is the premier Carp event to attend in all of the Americas and it is professionally and happily run by volunteers! So don't get on any one's case if you find your self a bit confused or lost. It is after all put on for us to enjoy carp fishing with like minds. Placing and winning is fun but it's not the reason of the event.

We all know how hard it is to find compassion for our sport! It will change some day, we just have to keep doing what we are all doing now! And that is conversing through carpnet, supporting CAG and helping each other out when problems come about. I believe and have witnessed, by example of proper handling and care of our catch the uninitiated will actively seek to belong to such a prestigious and up and coming sport. I'm your first example.

See ya in Chicago in Y2K

P.S. >suggestions solicited. Open up more pegs at the turn around basin!!! Maybe have a friendly chat with the owner of that huge ship to see if we could fish along the south wall! Is it possible to fish the breaker wall! The breaker wall would allow fishing on both sides of the turn around basin. And if you get anglers on the east side of the breaker wall, you may see a new state record come from the event?


Jan 2000

For more info on the upcoming CCC event email Paul Pezalla

Pat Kerwin
DC/MD Chair

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Last modified July 1999 Oat

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