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1999 Wisconsin Fishin

by Becky Byla, WI CAG

Don Forbes, Ron Case, Mike Keyes, Steve Holmes, Juan Aria and
Lyn Matthis at the First Annual Cafe Carp Classic, Aug 7th, 1999.

Saturday, Aug 7th, was pretty amazing. Gary Gillis, Mark Goudy and I arrived at the Rock River in Fort Atkinson a little after 8 a.m. in the pouring rain. We found 3 notes in different places along the path from Don Forbes saying he was having coffee somewhere and that he would be back. We got the Carp banner strung up (thanks for farming it out Bud!), so it was visable from the bridge and Gary, who seems to be ready for everything, had a tarp that we strung up for shelter.

Mark Goudy, Whitewater WI, didnt realize how hard it
was to catch carp, it was his 1st time targeting carp.

As we are doing this 2 guys walk up wearing carp shirts and introduce themselves as Steve Holmes and Ron Case from Beloit. They proceed to set up, never mind the rain, and commence to catch carp.....after carp, after carp, after carp on hair rigged sweet corn. They kept this up all day except for a maybe 45 minute lag somewhere around 2 in the afternoon.

Steve Holmes from Beloit WI, he and his partner
Ron Case caught the most carp of the day

Bob and Sandy Matthes arrived and made a similar spectical of catching carp also using sweet corn. Pat and Lynn Degroot, Phil and Bev Duscheck, Juan Arias, Mike Keyes and Don Forbes all made it on Saturday and nobody that fished was skunked. Neither venue was pre-baited and with Saturday's catch of more than 50 fish, I guess it wasn't needed. The river was running about 3 feet higher than normal with a pretty stiff current obliterating most of the eddies. The largest fish caught was 9.5 # with an average of 5-7 #, down from the usual average of 9-11#

Ron Case, Beloit WI, with one of the many carp he caught

Sunday the 8th was not the day to fish. Carp jumping, rolling, basking and cruising all over the place on Trippe Lake in Whitewater. It looked like it would be great fishing, but no, the carp were flat not interested in anything any one was offering or how they were offering it. Bob and Lynn, Don, Pat Degroot and a friend, my Mr, Mark and Gary showed up for Sunday's fishing. Long day with only 3 takes.... Was it because we forgot the beer?

Philip Duscheck (l) came without a rod and Gary Gillis lent him one so he could enjoy carp fishing.
Bob Matthes (r) caught almost as many carp as Steve and Ron

Becky Byla

Wisconsin Fishin Host Becky Byla.

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