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2000 Wisconsin Fishin

by Becky Byla, WI CAG

The WI fish-in (Aug 5-6, 2000), was the best yet. Even though the fish were small they fought with lots of heart. Many new faces and a couple of new members (Welcome Paul Meske and Dan Sable!), got together on the bank of the Rock River in downtown Fort Atkinson.

Ginny and Paul Pezalla of Wacker Baits and NACA Publisher Tommy Riley

The day started nice and sunny and lots of carp were caught. Ron Case and Steve Holmes once again outdid everybody in numbers of carp caught. (These 2 guys pretty much adhere to the baitcasting methods using both hair rigged and side hooked sweetcorn.) Paul Pezalla and Tommy Riley came up next in numbers caught. Paul's Obsession for carp turned out to be some pretty amazing stuff. A must try.

It was a real treat to watch Bob Henke's son Nick (8-years-old), haul in a scrapper on Tommy's rod. Nick has a 22 pounder under his belt so wasn't awfully impressed with his catch.

Gary Gillis tried fishing "baitless" in that all he had was a piece of yellow foam soaked in Obsession for carp. He got one.

Bob Matthes caught 2 mirrors, both beauties of the linear type.

Well by early afternoon the rain started to fall, most were not prepared so packed up to leave. The rain quit for a bit and then came with a vengeance. I mean it rained so hard that for a while it looked like the rain was falling UP. The remaining 5 die-hards (Gary Gillis, Bud Yancy, Lori Schmidt, Tami Earley and I), fished through it.

Bud Yancey, CAG pres, got himself a scrapper about mid-big rain time.

When the lightning started we hung out under the bridge and watched the rain fall up and the street sewers spew like waterfalls. It was great! After the rain we figured the fishing was done so we headed into the Caf� Carpe for cocktails, dinner, talk and music by Piper Road Spring Band. A most enjoyable evening.

Don Forbes attended both days; a great ambassador, good at making all feel welcome.

Sunday dawned bright and clear and brought a couple of new faces along with it, Bob Kraft and Fred Rhodes, from Chicago.

Kelly Fred Warden.

Our friendly DNR Warden Cross and sidekick Barney Fife ( I can't believe his parents named him Warden! : )), showed up to check on license status of the participants. All I can say is that one person caught a $142.00 clamshell.

Tami Becky Lorirain.

Well, by 1:30 the sky was darkening and it was time to head out. It was a wonderful weekend of fishing and talking. Pretty much everyone caught and we're all surprised at the color variation of the carp in this stretch of the rock River.

Jim Steffen with the largest fish at 11 +.

We'll hope for better weather or more rain gear for next year. The owner of the Caf� Carpe, who kindly allowed use of the Carpe's restrooms, wants to do the special deal again next year, so plan on staying for it.

Becky Byla

Wisconsin Fishin Host Becky Byla.

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Last modified August 2000

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