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Carp Anglers Group

PO Box 69, Groveland, IL 61535 USA

Call us at 309-387-2277 (CARP)

Philadelphia Fishin October 1998

Schuylkill River

Wayne Martin (CAG Chair East PA), Flip, Nigel,
Donald R. and grandson chanting in unison
the BFC prayer prior to the start
of the 1998 Philly Fishin.

Nigel with the BFC pool carp, first fighting it and then gently tending
to the hook on a unhooking mat made just for unhooking big carp.

Brian N. (CAG Chair AZ) fighting his Philly 18, unhooking his prize (too late
to enter into the big fish pool) carefully on an unhooking mat and
finally showing all his Philly trophy.

Jack joining in on his first fishin.

Eurotackle open for bankside business.
Take advantage of the bargains the bankside
Euro style tackle dealers offer at many
of the fishins.

Our host Wayne just before being chased around the park
with the American version of the Cobra stick while we were
waiting for Nigel to show up and catch a carp.

Donald R. and grandson, CAG from Honeybrook, PA.

These two are not twins! Oat and Manayunk Jake.

Philly Fishin Host, Penn East CAG Chair, Wayne Martin.

For more information, contact MJK or Oat at the:
Carp Anglers Group

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Last modified July 1999 Oat

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