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Carp Anglers Group

PO Box 69, Groveland, IL 61535 USA

Call us at 309-387-2277 (CARP)

Philly CAG Fishin 2001

Penn Warner, a new Swim full of BFCs

The Philly Fish-In 2001 was a good time for all.We had a good turn out 15 anglers fished from Fri to Sun.We caught alot of nice fish and best of all every body caught Fish.I would like to thank Andy,Flip and Rob Miller who baited up for me on Thurs (after a 2 week campain)I could not do it on the last day due to work.I want to thank Andy,Phil,and Pat for making some new Swims.Bob Elias for helping the new members Flip and Nigel for advice and some nice tackle.Jimmy Huber,Ed Wagner and Rob Miller for Fishing a New Swim that was not fished before and just got bait introduced into it for 2 weeks.I thank Frank and Bill Dowler for fishing and giving us the support of the NJ. CAG I can't forget the new members Pete V. Pete D. and Bill D.for fishing their first 54 hour Fish-In I hope they attend more. Dave from Conn., the Youngest angler there was on Fish most of the time.

Phil's 30lb

Frank's 10lb, NJ

Jimmy's 24lb, NY

Phil's 29lb

Wayne Martins Penn Warner lake 1st in 2001, Eastern PA Chair

Bill's 21lb, NJ

Frapachino Swim (Phil Saunders had one Frapachino and dug out the side of the hill and made 2 Swims in 10 mins

Bob with a 88" long 35" Girth Fish that tiped the scales at 6 lbs

Pat's 22.5, DC CAG Chair

Philly Fishin Host, Eastern Penn Chair, Wayne Martin.

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