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Ohio Fishin April 1999

by Paul Binkley

The 1999 Ohio fish-in once again proved to be both productive and peculiar at the same time. This year record overnight low temperatures plagued the weekend (in contrast to last year�s record highs). The days though were mid 70's and very pleasant fishing weather at least when the fish were biting anyway. Fishing got going Thursday evening with the arrival of Bruce Franke, Gary Marshall, and the KY /IN Chairman Richard Somerville (English transplant angler). Some of us fished till 3am. At that hour the air was a whopping 44 degrees and the fish were emerging from 83-degree water as steaming slabs. One of these smoking carp managed to wrap my line around some over-hanging roots badly enough it would not come free without the assistance of Richard who maneuvered through the thick brush and unsnarled my line despite the carps efforts to keep me there. Returning to the swim the next morning it was hard to believe he was able to get through the thorny thicket of blackberries and scrubby trees in the middle of the night! Later that evening Gary Marshall took a dive to save a rod and fish that had actually jerked his pole from the rod pod. This event seems to have been a foreshadowing of the next day�s loss of a rod for Gary's son earning him the dreaded "Greatest Misfortune" award.

Friday the carp were on all day till around 6pm when they rather suddenly stopped biting. Unfortunately this was also about the time that several other anglers arrived at the Fish-in. The true spirit of the carp angler came to light over the next 48 hours as the new arrivals refused to take no for an answer. They rebuffed the carp�s despondence with a series of marathon style fishing sessions. Steve Lojek fished non-stop (and I do mean non-stop) for 16 hours landing carp to 9 lbs. Mike Grumblatt brought along a novice carper ( Jerry Graham his son in law ) and fished an unrelenting 12 hours. They landing several carp including a PB 10 lbr to Jerry and lost plenty of rigging to the zebra mussels as we all did. Even though the pace was slow Saturday the carping was exciting enough that after a long day on the water Jerry declared his intent to join C.A.G. If it wasn't the carping that caught his interest it might have been the thong clad swimwear model in high heels that graced our venue with a lengthy photo shoot. That said, it would be remiss to not report she has no affiliation with C.A.G. and was not invited (though she may be next year! HA! HA! ).

Bruce Franke exhibited the greatest sense of fishing as a leisure sport. While most of us where wringing our hands and scratching heads trying to get the fishing to pick back up, Bruce found a nice sandy spot in a shady cove with a cool breeze rolling in off the lake. He set up his gear and pulled out a thick novel ( a �slow fishing for slow fish� approach ).

The Woolery�s, Tom and Jenny, came and selflessly cooked a fine breakfast for all that were hungry. Needless to say, next year the fish-in will be based at their house. Morris McKean took a break from his ongoing carping in southern Ohio to drop in on the fish-in and see how we were doing, and seeing how we were doing he headed back to his spot on the Muskigum River. Mike Tarbox fished an all-nighter landing some nice fish and Dick Laubscher participated in a local carp derby during his visit to the fish-in on Saturday.

Richard Somerville bested the Fish-in with a 14.7 lbr. Other nice fish include a 14+ to Paya Marshall and a 14.1 to Paul Binkley. Next year we are hoping to schedule at least two fish-ins with one up North on or near Erie and the other in the South or Central region.

If you have any suggestions or would like to help please give me a call (614) 848-4449 or e-mail.


Paul Binkley

CAG Chair, Ohio

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Last modified August 1999 Oat

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