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Carp Anglers Group

PO Box 69, Groveland, IL 61535 USA

Call us at 309-387-2277 (CARP)

Michigan Fishin June 1998

Kent Lake

Gary G."Carp-On", Tom Feeny, Brian Barlow, Steve "Carpsava"
An ugly bunch , but good company is what matters

Gary G. & Missy K.
Missy's first carp 11 lb.
Missy knows how to handle big fish!

Gary G & Carpsava Enjoy the beautiful surroundings

The youngsters can join in too

They can catch em as well (18lb)

The T.V. crew checking the tackle out
Tom Conner explains to Fred Trost how it's done, euro style

It took 6 people to get this carp in!

After that I was so hungry ! or always taste your bait,
if you like it the carp will surely like it too.

Carp come in all sizes, over 600lb's of soaked corn went into Kent lake
over a time period of 3 weeks....Carpsava was able to pull corn from the anal orifice of one,
it was very interesting and educational to see that done,
thanks Steve for all the memories.

Carpsava & Brian Barlow Came across the border
from London & Kitchener Ontario

A pristine Kent Lake Common, caught at 70 yds on a
strawberry cream boily. "Brian Barlow and Carpsava"
And they both were shown on TV demonstrating the
Euro method of carp fishing...

8lb and did she have a lot of spirit, fought like crazy I thought it
was much bigger than what it turned out to be, makes a bass seem kind of
small don't you think!

Dave Gillis and another 8lb carp, caught on a fly rod using a bolt rig
(down coat and long underware was needed that day)

I caught this one with .25lb test line using a 6inch long rod (6 eyes
evenly spaced) using a Micro Mighty mite ultra lite reel at 142 yards with
15oz of lead, yea that's the ticket.......(Tom G's fish 17lb 11oz)...

Tom Gass PB 17 lb 11 oz, we were very supprised to see this one
come out after catching little ones all day.

Two Carp Kissing each other (after we returned them they swam off & mated)

Who said you need camoflaged clothing? Claranne's first carp and on a 5/6 weight
fly rod using Chuck and Duck Salmon fishing casting technique.
She and her husband Mark caught so many that day I quit counting
I could only keep one to two rods in the water between four people it was hot
and heavy on the second day of the Michigan Fish Free weekend.

Can you find "Waldo"?

Chriss, from UK/now USA and he made it on TV too

Tom Gass again trying to make this one look bigger by holding it way out, 8lb'er

Mark Piasecki, Michigan President of the CAG organization. Mark likes to
start training our young one's real early in the art of catching carp
european style. Note: Mark's wife in the back ground bringing in another
one for Mark to hold and photograph for her...

Another fine carp put on the banks of Kent lake.

A Friend from Tom's fishing club

Scott with a very rare mirror carp. Mirror carp are
somewhat rare in the states and are a joy to see!

Brian Barlow with a fine carp caught on a
home made "non-swivelling swivel"

The carp are usually much better looking than the Anglers fishing for them
as this picture proves !

For more information on the Michigan Fishin, contact Gary Carp On.

For more information, contact MJK or Oat at the:
Carp Anglers Group

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Last modified July 1999 Oat

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