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Kentuckyana Fishin 2000

Hi all....with all the rain today decided to put up a little about the Kentuckiana Fish In...Richard Summerville...CAG Host will be sending a write up and pictures in for the NACA; he doesn't have a computer. I've gotta be in a certain mood to "write" and am not in that mood right now....thinking too much about wanting to be fishing....but, here goes..

View of cove we is part of Lake Celina...a very nice size lake with several fishing area's you can drive up to.

I arrived in Corydon, In. about 3 was beautiful and Richard had said he wouldn't be home til about up the road to Celina Lake (fish in location) I went; it was about 30 miles north of where we were going to camp. Didn't spend but a little over an hour observing/checking out various portions of the lake, but saw plenty of activity and the water definately looked carpy....

Departed the lake about 5 and went to Walmart to pick up a fishing license and arrived at Richard's right at does he have a beautiful place. It's out in the middle of had to trust his directions as he definately lives in the "outback."....He has a small farm right on the Blue River and he had mowed a campground, right on the river bank, for us to spend the weekend on. When I got there, Paul Binkley (Ohio chair) and his friend Mike, and Tom Riley (Chicago) were already had already caught a carp, some bluegills and a bass....all just waiting for Richard to come home. When he got there we all set up our tents and he proceeded to haul in some wood and the fixin's for a nice BBQ....Tommy brought some great smoked whitefish too. Another Indiana CAG'r...Daniel Wilson...showed up around 10 and Mike...using a bluegill for bait..caught a nice 3 lb flathead catfish. Well, we spent a great evening around the fire bulljiving about most everything and finally went to bed around midnight; with the plan to get up at 0430.

Buckeye Bob Bernowski with a 20 pounder Kentuckyana Fishin Carp and A 14 that I caught 10 pm...cheapie flash camera and coleman is on unhooking mat/weigh sling combo from gardner tackle.

Wake-up call came quick and on time....I had set my "screamin meanie" (a super loud alarm) and found that Richard had stayed up all night getting his gear together. Well out to the lake we went....Todd Carlander (a previous CCC champion from Chicago) and Gary Gillis (Michigan; last year's CCC Champion) were already there....Gary was sound asleep on the bank burrowed deep in his sleeping bag...I think someone got some good pictures of that...all I know is he didn't wake up when I walked up and said Hi. A couple other Indiana CAGr's showed up throughout the day but, I never got to meet them.

Daniel with a single

Todd Carlander started the day out with a 15 lbr; using a float....he caught that before I was even set up and in the water...couldn't have been much after 6 am. Anywho....there were lots of fish in the water...Richard caught 4 or 5 around 15 lbs...he caught them using a float; Tommy caught 4 or 5 (ledgering), ...largest was 19 lb 6 oz....I was right next to him. Paul Binkley caught a 14 lb and a couple of others were caught by some of the other guys. I had the privelege of bringing in a 20 3/4 lb on Tommy's rod...he was on the other side of the lake and when it started it's screaming run...he told me to go ahead a bring it in...he got back in time to net it. I stayed after dark and the activity of the day had settled down and caught a 13 lbr. There was lot's of fish activity all day....but, getting them to bite was another story. I used everything....doughbaits, sweetcorn, chick peas...feeders filled with my groundbait....strawberry meilie boms...several different flavors....they just wouldn't turn on for me. But, it kept the day fun; watching, as they rolled out in front of me.

Tommy Riley with 19.5 and 2 Brownie Girl Scouts....they were having their annual fishing derby too. They were really excited and took a group photo with Tommy...he'll be on their cover of their next publication....the BIG Celebrity.....Tommy lives in Chicago.

One of the highlights of the day was the arrival of.........157 girl scouts.....for their annual fishing tournament. They were right next to Tommy and I and boy did they get excited when Tommy brought in the 19. The girl scout master jumped right in there on top of hooks and all thinking the fish was going to get back in the water before the pictures were snapped. They even took a group picture with Tommy and the fish....he's going to be on the front page of their newsletter....Mr. Celebrity. It was great.

Buckeyes Carp Wagon

Back at camp that night...Gary caught a 6 lb flathead...a new PB. We all went to bed a little earlier and started Sunday morning out pretty much the same way. Daniel caught 2 10's (the largest was a new PB for him), Tommy caught 1 double, and the hotrod again...Richard caught about 4 -5 fish...this time ledgering. Everyone broke down around noon and headed their seperate directions. A great time had by all.

Although I didn't catch a bunch of was a great trip. Meeting and exchanging idea's with fellow CAGr's: Richard was a fantastic host and the venue was great too...lot's of fish.....just have to find the right combination. I highly recommend attending next year.

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Last modified June 2000 Oat

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