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Carp Anglers Group

PO Box 69, Groveland, IL 61535 USA

Call us at 309-387-2277 (CARP)

3rd Annual DC CAG Fishin April 1998

Where Big Carp and New PBs Were the Rule

Everyone agreed it was a FishIn event job well done
by MD/DC/DE District Chairman Patrick Kerwin of DC

Read Pats Tale of the 1998 DC. Fishin
DC Fishin 98 Report

This is the first fully scaled mirror Wesley (MD) ever caught,
his third ever carp took BFC awards weighing in at 31 pounds

Murphy (DC) with his First 20.5 pounder at the Airport Swim on Friday

Pat K. (MD) two biggest carp, a 24 on Saturday and father
and son Stephen team holding a new Sunday PB BFC 28

This carp was caught two times by Criag S. (MD) and once again by our
host Pat K. (DC), they love that corn says Craig

Bob E.(MD) with a 19 and Joe with a BFC 24

Brian Carpaholic (AZ CAG Chairman) with a nice double and new PB goldfish of 8 oz

Nigel (CT) with a Friday Airport swim 20 common
and a Monument swim mirror that looks like a Euro carp

Dave (VA) with a 25 and Nigel with a double

Flip (Netherlands) with a nice double and a 25

Barry (DC) with a nice double

Bill D. (PA) with a nice double

Jerry (MD) with a nice double

Ramesh (DC) with a nice double

Wayne M.(PA) with a nice double

Oatmeal Jack (MD) doing the British look holding a double

DC Fishin Host, DC/MD CAG Chair, Pat Kerwin.

For more information, contact MJK or Oat at the:
Carp Anglers Group

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Last modified July 1999 Oat

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