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4th Annual DC CAG Fishin May 2000

Many Familiar CAG Faces showed up this Year

Phil Saunders with the big carp of the weekend
a 37 pound DC BFC

DC Fishin host Pat "Krazy Karp" Kerwin
with the night lights of the Washington
Monument and a tidal basin carp

DC fish-in 2000. As just about everyone knows the DC event is held amongst the monuments of Washington, D.C., in the heart of the city, at the Tidal Basin, home of many, and the occasional monster carp. In contrast to previous years, I decided to avoid the hassle of a Friday pre-fish-in and concentrate on the weekend. Gary "Carp Champion" Gillis (MI) arrived at my house shortly after I got home from work. We set about finding Gary a license, and were soon down to the Basin for a look around. There was ran into Murphy "the Kid" and Mac "Superdad" McHugh (DC), who were trying their luck. Visiting with them, all the way from Ohio was Bob "Buckeye" Bernowski. After proving to Gary that there were in fact carp in the Tidal Basin, me, Bob, and Gary made our way back to my house for some pre-fish-in festivities. Shortly thereafter we were joined by none other than Nigel "Eurotackle" Griffin (CT). True to DC fish-in tradition, Nige, Gary, and I stayed up way too late and were rather late getting down to the Basin on Saturday morning.

Mike Malone, Murph, Nigel of Eurotackle, Pat Kerwin and
Gary Carp-On Gillis the New North American Carp Champion

We arrived, sometime in the morning, and found Al "Brotherly Love" Kowaleski (PA) and Mike "the other White Meat" Malone (PA) fishing near the inlet (green bridge). Mac and Murphy were there with them, and a bit further down the path we found Dave "BritBaits" Dicks and his partner in crime Catfish Rodger (VA). As usual they were accomponied by their most patient spouses.

Al "Brotherly Love" Kowaleski (PA) with a 22lb and 26lb tidal basin BFC

Before setting up Gary and I took a walk around to see who was fishing near the outlet bridge. Rounding the corner we found Phil "Frapachino" Saunders fighting a fish near the memorial. After helping him land that one we walked along and found Stewart "Manchester United" McKenzie (VA), Buckeye Bob, Jack "Oatmeal" Blackford (WVA) and Craig "The Carpier" Semler (MD), Nick "Carpface" Simmons, Dave "Overnighter" Plauche (MD) and "Carp Cocktail" Stewart and his two sons Bill and Joe (VA), Bob "Doughnut" Elias (MD) and Joe "Tonnage" Edwards (PA), Warren "Floppy Hat" Bird (VA), and Christain "The Chef" Gautrois (VA).

Stewart "Manchester United" McKenzie (VA)
with his new 21 pound DC PB

The fishing up to this point had gone pretty well, Phil had caught a few, including a couple of low 20's; Al had done well, taking a few with two 20's up to 26; just about everyone had caught a carp at this point and Gary and I saw several carp landed during our short visit.

Bob "Buckeye" Bernowski with a 19 and 21 pounder

I stole Phil and had him come around to the inlet bridge with me. We went over and talked to Nigel for awhile, and while we were talking to him he had a big fat 26lber on tiger nuts. Having seen enough of people catching, I set up across from Al and Mike on the east side of the inlet bridge.

Dave "BritBaits" Dicks (VA) and Gary "Carp Champion" Gillis (MI)

The fishing was relatively slow to start with, but it gradually built up over the course of the evening and by 9 PM I was getting a run every few minutes. Highlights were a low 20 and a nice little mirror. Nigel and Gary hung around with me, and picked fish for most of the evening. By all accounts the outlet bridge fished well, Dave and Stewart fished through the night, and had some nice fish.

Murphy "the Kid" and Mac "Superdad" McHugh (DC)

Getting in late Saturday night, combined with the obligatory beers, meant kind of a late start the next morning, which was compounded by a road race around the Tidal Basin which shut the roads down. By the time I got down there I noticed Phil floating over the tree tops. We got him back down to earth and he informed us that he'd had a new personal best of 37lb. Luckily with the advent of digital cameras, we were able to relive some of the moment.

Nigel of Eurotackle with his 26 pounder getting ready to give
it a big Rasberry he was so happy!

Most of the same the people were down, with the exception of Oat, Craig, Dave, Stewart, Bob, Joe, Nick, Mike and Al. Everyone fished the outlet bridge and we were lucky enough to be joined by Maryland Department of Natural Resources biologist Angel "Cool Camera" Bollinger. Angel and her cool camera were fortunate enough to be present for Phil's 37, which made for some great video and pictures. I think Angel found the whole thing really interesting, and she's promised to do a nice write up for the Maryland DNR Web page.

Dave "Overnighter" Plauche teaching 16 Year old new carper
Joe how to catch carp and doing a good job of it

The fishing was on par with the day before, I took another low 20, Christain had one or two 20's (like he does), I know Stewart M. had a couple of 20lbers over the course of the weekend, at least one of which was a personal best. Bob B. managed the 20lber that had eluded him most of the weekend. Gary struggled a bit, but finally put a nice carp on the bank. Gary, Nigel, Christian, Phil, and myself fished into the dark, taking a steady pick of carp.

Warren "Floppy Hat" Bird Chair of WV says size doesn't matter, its just fun to catch carp.
Nick "Carpface" Simmons with another Tidal Basin BFC

All told it was a great weekend. I can't remember a time when the fish were so evenly distributed, just about everyone caught. There was a nice smattering of 20's about, and Phil's 37, the biggest ever at a Tidal Basin fish-in, was the icing on the cake. We talked to innumerable tourists and others walking by, and on occassion even shoved a rod into their hands and let them play a few carp.

Oatmeal Jack and Craig the Carpier with a few of the many carp they caught
They said that they caught more carp on Saturday than in all the previous Fishins combined

A special thanks to those who helped with the baiting, Mac, Murphy, Stewart, and Phil. To those who drove a long way, Bob and Gary. To Angel, for coming to work on a Sunday. The biggest thank you of all goes to the Tidal Basin carp, who are ever so obliging, and nice enough to throw up a big surprise once in a while.

Tight lines,
Patrick Kerwin

If you have more DC Fishin pics please send them to Oatmeal Jack to be put in with the story

DC Fishin Host, DC/MD CAG Chair, Pat Kerwin.

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