[Scene: A room containing a couch, a smaller couch, an armchair or two, a very well-stocked bar, and a big-screen TV. It is empty. Outside the door, however, a conversation is clearly audible.


Voice 1: (a rather snotty voice) Absolutely not! I refuse to sit through this...filth...and especially not with him!


Voice 2: Oh, shut up, Malfoy. I'm not exactly thrilled either.


Voice 3: Both of you shut up. My incriminating photographs, my rules. Now get in there.]


[The door opens and three people walk in. The first is Draco  Malfoy, who is looking like his aristocratic nose has been  put even further out of  joint than usual. Rather like each year when Gryffindor wins the House Cup. The second is Harry Potter, who is just as unhappy but less sneering. He is glowering amateurishly at the last person to enter, a redheaded girl in black.


Harry: What photos do you have, anyway?


Cygna: You. Ginny. Drunk and disorderly. Taking advantage. Need I say more?


Draco: (laughs nastily)


Harry: But--we never--


Cygna: I know that, but her brothers don't. Photoshop is a wonderful thing, Harry. C'mon, it's not that bad. I'm not actually going to pass them out, as long as you sit here, don't kill Draco, and commentate. And, Draco, I didn't even have to edit those photos of you and Pansy Parkinson after the Yule Ball.


Draco: (blushes) (blonds blush almost as incandescently as redheads) (hastily changing the subject) So, what are we doing exactly, Muggle girl?


Cygna: We're MSTing, and don't call me that.


Draco: Well, you are.


Cygna: Shush. Sit, watch, comment. Like a Quidditch match, only with bad fanfic. Surely you've had this explained to you before?


(They sit on the sofa. Cygna sits between Harry and Draco, to keep them from mauling each other.)


Cygna: Roll fic!]


Disclaimer: I do not own anything! Nothing!


[Draco: Well, there goes my plan to sue you for all you have.]


 Not Dumbledore, not Harry, not Hermoine,


[Harry: I should hope not!


Cygna: Poor little mini-Aragog.]


 not Ron, not Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Seamus, Ginny, Sirius, Snape, McGonagall, Lupin, Narcissia, No I don’t even own Voldemort


[Draco:...Is there some reason you would want to?


Cygna: Well, if we mean 'own' in the netspeak sense, then it's what Harry's been wanting to do all series.


Harry: Joy. Look, another mini-Aragog!


Draco: There may be some reason 'Narcissa' is difficult to spell, but I can't think of one.]


. ……..But I do own Celeste so hope is not lost yet.


[Draco: And who might Celeste be?


Harry: I have a bad feeling about this.]


Warning: this does contain slash! dont like dont read.


[Draco: Now I have a bad feeling about this.


Cygna: What's a 'dont'?


Draco: The opposite of 'wont'?


Cygna: I am dont to do my homework on time, meaning I tend not to? Works for me.


Harry: You people are weird. And pretentious.]




[Harry:...Does this come with explanatory subtitles?


Draco: Some Quick-Quotes Quills do that, if they get over warranty. They start writing out random letters.


Cygna: Actually, those are the couples. I think. Or maybe they're the people who are going to slice each other into fine strips. They are 'parings', after all.


Draco: What couples are they? (in an undertone) Please not the Mudblood, please not the Mudblood...


Cygna: Well, there's you and Harry--


Draco: Crap. Worse than the Mudblood.


Harry: WHAT?!


Cygna: That's what it says.


Draco: (shrinks into cushions) I hate this already.


Harry: Never thought I'd agree with you on something.


Cygna: (continuing the pairing list) Ron and an Original Character, probably our not-at-alll-dear Celeste, someone with the initials 'O.O.' and Dean, Blaise and Seamus--


Harry and Draco: WTF?!


Cygna:--Ginny and...Theodore Nott, maybe? Hermione and Krum, Sirius and Tonks, and possibly Remus and your mother, Draco.


Draco: (stunned) Wait, what?


Harry: Ew! He has much better taste than that!


Draco: It's not his taste that's at issue, it's Mother's. To even consider a werewolf--"


(Harry and Draco attempt to hex each other. They miss.)


Cygna: Ow! Hey!


Harry: (profoundly unrepentant) Sorry.


Draco: (likewise) Sorry.]


Notes: this takes place in 5th year, Umbridge is not here(because shes and evil witch),


[Harry: Can't argue that, if it says what I think it's trying to say.


Draco: She says 'witch' like it's an insult.]


 and sirius IS NOT DEAD!


[Harry: Or capitalized.


Cygna: Ah, the prices we pay for our lives.


Draco: Actually, that sentence rather reminds me of you, Potter. Wasn't the random capitalization your thing?


Cygna: (fwaps Draco) Stop it. It's not polite, even if it's true.]


To Our Good Sides!


[Draco: May they never come to the surface at inconvenient moments!


Harry: Too late on your part, Malfoy.


Draco: Oh, shut it, Potter.]



Dumbledore was just about to retire for the evening when he heard a knocking at the door.


[Harry: I don't like this.]


‘Odd’, he thought, glancing up at the clock above his bed. 3 A.M. flashed before his eyes


[Cygna: He's still up at three in the morning? That man works too hard.


Harry: Wait, wizards have digital clocks?


Draco: No.


Harry: I was afraid of that.]


. "Who would be up at this hour?" he asked himself before fully realizing the irony of that statement.


[Draco: I was going to comment, but it really isn't necessary.]


Carefully he set the mug of hot chocolate that he was carrying down and walked to the door. As he opened it he found, much to his surprise, a young girl, no more than 15 years of age.


[Draco:...Does Dumbledore often get underage girls delivered to his doorstep in the middle of the night?


Harry: Malfoy!


Cygna: (fwaps Draco) I was wondering about that myself. But no, it says he was surprised.]


 She was dripping wet and soaked with blood and had bruises lining her face and arms.


[Harry: Why isn't she dead? Or isn't it all her blood?


Draco: How does one 'line' one's face and arms with bruises, exactly? It calls to mind the image of a bow with black and blue lining.


(All visualize Box!Mary Sue. They laugh.)]


She had shoulder length chestnut brown hair, though it was matted with blood. Her warm hazel eyes, which held a scared look to them, looked up cautiously.


[Cygna: How does one get wet and have one's hair matted with blood? Wouldn't the rain work on the principle of a shower?


Harry: Logic, it is the weapon the Suethor knows not.


Draco: (rolls his eyes)


Cygna: (laughs)]


 She had two suitcases on either side of her person, and had her arms protectively wrapped around her body.


[Harry: Who runs out into the rain with four suitcases?


Draco: She was planning this, wasn't she? Runaway!Sue.]


"My goodness child, come in. What happened your soaking wet, and bleeding.


[Draco: Wait, what?


Cygna: I think he just asked what happened to her soaking wet, whatever that is, and Bleeding, whoever that is.


Draco: Oh. (contemplatively) I wonder if Mother would get me a soaking wet for my birthday.]


 You must be freezing."


[Harry: The Dumbledore I know would be more worried about the fact that she's bleeding.


Draco: I always knew the old man had no grasp of priorities, but this is ridiculous.]


 He led her to a chair by the fire and picked up the mug of hot chocolate that he had previously disregarded. "Here drink this, it’ll warm you and chocolate is a curl all.


[All: (stare blankly at the screen) A what?


Cygna: A curl all? Like the opposite of hair straightener? It makes it curly?


Draco: What would she need hair care products for at a time like this? And since when does chocolate have anything to do with hair?


Harry: Maybe her hair was attacked by Dementors.


Draco: (sniggering) She's certainly demented enough.]


 I shall call Madam Pomfrey at once, she’ll fix you right up."


[Harry: Wait, they're at Hogwarts? Since when can you just wander all the way to the Headmaster's office without running into someone?


Draco: Maybe it's summer. But with four suitcases, while bleeding? Please.]


 As he was bustling around a frown plastered on his face, a small tinkling sound reached his ears,


[Cygna: Ewww! Good grief, girl, there must be a bathroom around here somewhere! Use it!


Draco: (facepalms)]




[Draco: See? SEE?


Cygna: Thank gods.]


 ‘What a brave girl, to bear all this and still have the will to laugh’, he thought.


[Harry: Bear all what? What happened to her?


Draco: For that matter, what is she laughing at? Did Dumbledore put something in that cocoa?


Cygna: Drugged!Hysterical!Sue. I like it.]


After he notified Madam Pomfrey, retrieved a blanket, and made another cup of hot chocolate, he sat in the chair opposite her's.


[Draco: Now do you see why he should leave the school?


Harry: Should not!


Draco: The one in the story, idiot.


Harry: I'm not an idiot, ferretface!


Draco: Why, you--!


Cygna: Boys, chill. Go get a drink or something. Wine to start with. Draco, there should be a nice Cabernet at the front.


Draco: (fetches the wine) Here. (pours two glasses)


Cygna: (gives Draco a Look)


Draco: (pours a third)]


 She sipped at the hot chocolate and pulled the blanket tighter around her small frame as she gazed quietly into the fire. After a long pause she sighed and looked up into Dumbledores twinkling, blue eyes.


[Harry: Wait, he's plural now?


Cygna: The other one's his brother.]


"I have some explaining to do don’t I grandpa?", she asked.


[Harry: (spits wine halfway across room) What?!


Draco: I'll have you know, I know all the pureblood family trees in Britain for a century, and Albus Dumbledore has no children and, thus, no grandchildren. That girl does not exist.


Cygna: Duh. She's a Mary Sue.]


"Yes, Celeste, I believe you do", was the cryptic answer she got in return.


[Cygna: How is that cryptic?


Harry: By Dumbledore standards, that's blindingly obvious.


Draco: By anyone's standards, it's blindingly obvious.]




[All: Wha?


Cygna: Scene break, maybe? I hope?


Harry: What does it mean?


Cygna: Slytherin and Gryffindor, I bet. OTP!


Harry and Draco: (look askance at her) (sidle away)]


It had been a week since Celeste had shown up in his door way. Dumbledore was deep in conversation with Professors Snape and Pomfrey


[Draco: Madam Pomfrey isn't a Professor. Duh.


Harry: Shows how much she knows.]


 when the doors to the great hall opened and in walked Professor McGonagall followed by a young girl who looked nervous, confident, and excited all at once.


[Harry: No matter what Hermione says, I don't think you can feel all those things at once, much less look them.


Cygna: How do you look nervous and confident at the same time, anyway?


(They try. It only results in some very interesting zombie faces.)


Draco: (sniggers)


Cygna: To quote Calvin and Hobbes, real zombies never give each other the giggles.]


 Dumbledore stood up and raised his hand indicating he wanted silence. "Students and teachers, we have the honor of having a new student join us today." An excited murmmer


[Draco: A what?


Cygna: A murmmer. One who murmms.


Harry: You people are crazy.]


 went around the great hall. "Meet Celeste Riddle"


[Draco and Harry: (sputter)


Draco: A Riddle? What--how--the Dark Lord doesn't--ew!


Harry: No. No way. Please, please, no. I refuse to go to school with the daughter of my worst enemy!


Cygna: And Dumbledore's her grandfather, right? So either Tom married Dumbledore's daughter, or Dumbledore is Tom's father. Or mother.


Draco and Harry: Ewwwww! Stop that, woman!


Cygna: I was just extrapolating from the data.


Draco: Well, don't. Some of us may at some future point have to look one or more of those involved in the face, you know.]


Mcgonagall had put the chair down and indicated for her to sit. Celeste sat with such grace and poise it could of made Malfoy jealous.


[Draco: Say what?!


Harry and Cygna: (sporfle)


Draco: (immensely dignified) I do not get jealous of people who sit on chairs with particular grace and poise, especially not when they are incapable of telling the difference between 'have' and 'of'.


Cygna:...Okay, that's not bad for poise. How about grace?


Draco: Quiet, Muggle.]


 She was wearing the blue pleated skirt, black mary jane shoes, a white blouse, the matching blue vest, and the black Hogwarts robes.


[Harry: The? Is there only one or something?


Draco: That is not uniform. The uniform skirts and vests are grey. Is the author colour-blind?


Cygna: Probably not. Most Mary Sue writers are female.]


 As the hat was placed on her head on raspy voice whisperd in her ear, 'Well it's not very often I am woken up in the middle if the school year, what can I do for you?"


[Harry: So...it was the middle of the school year, and Celeste Gag-me Riddle got all the way up to the Headmaster's office, carrying four suitcases and bleeding, without anyone seeing her?


Draco: And she was dripping blood and water all over, yet Filch didn't catch her? I don't think so!]


"Aren't you suppose to sort me?"


[Cygna: (as Sorting Hat) Gee, what tipped you off? Was it the name, you know, 'Sorting Hat'?]


"Well that depends..


[Harry: It does? On what?


Cygna: On whether or not the person wearing the hat needs a Deus Ex Machina sword, that's what. Any comments, Harry?


Harry: Er, no.]


.let me see Huffelpuff is out of the question as is Ravenclaw.


[Draco: (as Sorting Hat) Because you're a bitch queen and dumb as a troll. A particularly stupid troll.]


 You are smart no doubt yet Ravenclaw is not for you.


[Harry: No doubt? I doubt plenty.]


 You are couragous like a Gryffindor, yet as cunning as a Slytherin.


[Cygna: Couragous?


Draco: It's the particular Gryffindor blend of courage and stupidity.


Harry: Malfoy!


Draco: Shut up.


Cygna: If she's cunning, consider me something I'm not.]


 Difficult, very difficult indeed."

"I can try to help, I'd like to be in slytherin, if you dont mind me making a request."


[Harry: Why do they always get to choose, anyway? Stupid Sues, stealing my thunder.


Cygna: Oh, just you wait.]


"Slytherin? Not many would choose to go there, it is a dark house."


[Draco: Hey, the lighting in the dungeons isn't that bad!]


"See thats why I want to go there, to prove to people that not all Slytherins are evil."


[Cygna: Way to prove the opposition's case for them, genius.


Draco: Not all Slytherins are evil! Everyone knows that!


Harry: Yeah? Name two.


Draco: Zabini and Professor Slughorn.


Harry: No fair! This is set in fifth year!


Draco: You didn't mention that.]


"Thats very couragous of you, I think you couragousness would be better suited for Gryffindor..."


[Draco: Yup, the feckless idiocy that does more harm to its friends than its enemies definitely goes to Gryffindor.


Harry: Now, see here, Malfoy--!


Cygna: Be a good boy and drink your wine.]


"No', she interupted, "I can feel it, Slytherin is the right choice."

"Yes perhaps your right, all right then. SLYTHERIN!", it shouted.


[Draco: Damn and blast.]


"Thank you" she whisperd right before she hopped down.


[Cygna: She what'd?


Draco: Whisperd. It's a nerdy kind of whisper.]


 She glanced at the Slytherin table as they cheered and smiled as she caught one persons eye in particular.


[Draco: I have this sense of impending doom. I need more wine.


Cygna: (pours) Enjoy.]


 Then she looked at her clothes and then back at Dumbledore. He seemed to know what she wanted because he simply rolled his eyes and said "only this once", as if he was used to her antics.


[Harry: Poor Professor Dumbledore.


Draco: I wouldn't wish this girl on even you, Potter. He's used to her?


Cygna: Some people build up immunity to Mary Sues through prolonged contact. Though, in that case, I'd expect you two to be completely immune by now.]


 She closed her eyes in concentration as a white light surrounded her for a second. Instantly the lining of her hood was green, her tie had green stripes and the Slytherin crest was now on her robes.


[Draco: How'd she do that? Even Metamorphmagi need to change clothes.


Harry: So this doesn't happen often?


Draco: If it did, we wouldn't spend half as much on robes.


Cygna: That was a magical girl transformation sequence, that was. Flash of white light and all. This isn't Celeste Riddle any more; it's Magical Girl Sparklypoo. Which, when you come to think of it, explains a lot.


Harry: I will pretend I didn't hear that. There are too many Sailor Moon crossovers already.]


 A collective gasp went around the great hall as she made her way over to her new table.


[Cygna: (as students) Gasp! Another one! Wait, was she naked during that transformation sequence?]


Halfway there she stopped dead, for infront of her was, Draco Malfoy.


[Draco: Oh, damn it all. Please kill me.


Harry: Happy to oblige.


Cygna: No Unforgivables in the movie room!]


"Malfoy" she said cooly, "How lovely to see you again."


[Draco: (as himself) Yes...lovely. By the way, exactly how much of a reward is awaiting the person who returns you to the Dark Lord in several piece?]


 "Riddle, and unexpected pleasure". He spat the word pleasure as if it left a bad taste in his mouth.


[Cygna: (sporfles)


Harry and Draco: Ew! Drop it, woman!]


 They glared at each other for what seemed like hours.


[Harry: It was. In the meantime, everyone else ate dinner and left. The end.]


 Finally Draco's sneer gave way to a smile and Celeste started laughing.


[Draco: I just want to know who aimed the Cheering Charm at me while I was distracted.


Cygna: That's really all you want to know?


Draco: No, but there are people who can find the author's address for me. I don’t want to know, I will know.]


 She ran to meet him and he picked her up spinning her around.


[Harry: And around, and around, until they threw up on each other as a sign of their true love. The end.


Draco: Not funny, Potter.


Harry: Oh, I think it’s very funny.


Draco: You would.]


The great hall was shocked into silence.


[Cygna: I nearly think so! Weird freak girls named Celeste Riddle getting Sorted in the middle of the year…If that doesn’t shock people into silence, what does?]


 Malfoy NEVER smiled, and weren't they just glaring at each other a moment ago?


[Cygna: Yes, they were. Glad you can keep up. What is the school coming to? Students with no short-term memory! I never!


Draco: I do so smile!


Harry: No, you don’t. You smirk, you sneer, and you look smug. You don’t smile.


Draco: Yes I do. Not when I’m around you, obviously, but when I’m with my intellectual and magical equals.


Cygna: (observing) Harry, I think you just got owned.


Harry: What? No I didn’t! I don’t belong to anyone!


Cygna: Whoops, netspeak again. Sorry. What I mean is, you have just been beaten most mercilessly.


Harry: Oh. Okay. (pause) Wait, what?! I was not!


Cygna and Draco: (snigger)]


 He finally put her down and kissed the top of her head.


[Draco: (as himself) Ew! Sue germs! Get them off of me!!!


Cygna: Draco, those were more exclamation points than strictly called for by a rational individual.


Draco: I just kissed the Sue’s nasty glittery hair, how rational would you be?


Cygna:…Point. Pour yourself some more wine.


Draco: (does so)]


"Couldn't help showing off, could you?", he laughed.


[Harry: Can they ever?


Draco: Have any of yours?


Harry: Well, there was that girl who was self-conscious and wore baggy clothes…No, wait, she got a makeover. No, not that I’ve noticed.]


 "Nope".When she saw Pansy and Blsise


[Draco: Who?]


 she squealed and ran over to engulf them in a giant hug.


[Cygna: Mini-Aragogs do not liiiiiike it when Sue hugses them, nooooo, preciousss


Harry: Cygna. Wrong series.


Cygna: Ooops. Sorry. I get attacks of Gollum every now and then. They pass.


Draco: You are insane. What is a Gollum?


Cygna: Character from a book series. You wouldn’t have heard of it.]


Up at the head table, Dumbledore's eyes twinkled mischievously,'perhaps this year shall prove to be quite interesting after all.'


[Draco: That man…I always knew he was off his rocker, but aiding and abetting Mary Sues? I would never have guessed it, not even of him.


Cygna: I think he must mean ‘interesting’ as in ‘May you live in interesting times’.


Harry: Sorry? What?


Cygna: It’s a curse. You should be able to see why. You’ve spent years living in interesting times.


Harry: Oh. Got it.


Draco: I still think he’s encouraging her.


Cygna: Think of it as a sure-fire way to get him fired.


Harry: (interrupting) Hey!


Cygna: Do you really want a Headmaster who lets such undeniably Dark creatures—


Draco: They are not! The Dark Arts have better colour sense.


Cygna:--such undeniably Urple creatures into your school?


Harry: No, I guess not.


Draco: Hah!


Cygna: Right, I’m going to make popcorn before we do the next chapter. Don’t kill, maim, injure, curse, hex, jinx, bespell, enchant, charm, punch, kick, slap, bite, scratch, pummel, or otherwise inflict or attempt to inflict injury on each other, please.


Draco & Harry: (try to think of a way around this prohibition) (fail)


Cygna: (marches off to the kitchen)

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