"One of what?" Janet asked as she walked over to read the screen over Cygna's head (not a difficult thing, considering the height difference).

"We-ll, it's a Possession!Sue," Cygna said slowly, "and--"

Janet squawked, having caught up with her partner on the report. "She what?!!"

"--it features Tomoyo. Only not, because I don't think this tattoo-having, Good Charlotte-singing creature could possibly be Tomoyo. I hope. So, um, do you have a canon preference? The manga are the only things I've got on me--I got most of the series on VHS, and they pack really bad, besides getting ruined if they get wet, so I didn't bring them."

            "Cygna. You're babbling. Quit it."

            "Yes'm," said Cygna meekly, electing to take the path of least resistance.

            Janet banged the console, accidentally hitting the "Print" button. The machine proceeded to spit out copies of the report with what Cygna would have sworn was active malice. "Damn! Can you get this, Cygna? I've gotta get my stuff together."

            "Sure, sure." As she did so, gathering up the papers and shoving them in her room with the vague idea of using the blank sides for scrap, Janet burrowed under the console in search of the various objects she had managed to scatter in the course of repairing the Analysis Device.

            "Damn. I think I lost the brass knuckles somewhere." She yanked open the door to her room, then slammed it shut again when a wave of dark magic rolled out of it. "Mary! What the hell are you doing in there?!"

            "Sorry!" Called a voice from the other room. "Bakura-kun and Touzoku Ou had another bad fanfic experience, so I had to bring them back here until they calmed down. Unfortunately, Touzoku Ou reacted with more violence than usual." The two assassins could hear her talking quietly to someone. "Bakura-kun, it's okay, no one's going to hurt you, I promise. If you're looking for your blackjack and the rest," she said, raising her voice again, "they're in here, on the shelf, but I'm afraid I can't let you in here to get them. It might set him off."

            "S'okay, I'll do without," Janet said. "See you later, hon."

            "Take care."

            Janet turned around, grinning, into the face of her partner's interrogating look.

            "I was unaware," Cygna said as deliberately as possible, "that they made three-person Response Centers."

            "They don't. Mary's with Character Protection. She deals with the mental health of those two from that show with the weird monster card things, what'sitcalled..."


            "That, yeah, so the Response Center isn't exactly hers, but we live together. Make sense?"

            "Sort of. Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?"

            "It didn't come up. After she gets the Bakurae cleared up, and we sort out this...thing," Janet grimaced, "I'll introduce you properly. For now, though, we'd best just get this over with."

            "Right." Cygna's grim expression was nothing on Janet's, but it was a start. "Anywhere in particular we should go to start? Oh, yeah, and which disguises?"

            "We can probably get away with being students since a lot of stuff happens at school and get away from that!" Janet forcibly dragged Cygna away from the console. "I do tech. You don't. I will set it up. You won't."

            "But--" Cygna started to protest, then thought better of it. "Oh, okay. Seijuu High?"

            "That's what it says, so I guess we don't have much choice. I hate uniforms with miniskirts." Nevertheless, Janet set the disguise generator to "Students (Seijuu High)". "And, yeah, it starts in class. We should probably skip to the hallway after. No one else can see us, and we'll look enough like students that...she...won't notice. Plus, we get to miss the pre-story author's notes."

            "Sounds good to me!" Cygna agreed, more or less cheerfully. "So, we done? Lessgo."

            "'Kay." Janet still looked far from happy, but she stepped through the portal after Cygna all the same.

*          *          *

            Sure enough, the pair arrived in the hallway outside the math class where the canon characters were sitting. Almost immediately, the bell rang as loud and obnoxiously as it could manage to signal the end of the day. Cygna, who was used to school bells, barely flinched, while Janet, who was not, clapped her hands over her ears.

            “Ow! Why does it have to be so bloody loud?”

            “International educational law. C’mon, here they come.” Sakura waited outside of the door for Tomoyo, giving Janet enough time to recover and Cygna enough time to get out her notebook. “I’ll write down the charges for now. You just try not to get run over; remember, we’re invisible to everyone except the Original Characters.”

            She found one almost immediately. “Put a comma inside the quote, please.” The comparatively small offence barely annoyed her. The next sentence she got a good look at, though, was worse. “Wait—Sakura’s friends won’t recognize Tomoyo? Did Erase happen to her or something? Last I checked they all knew each other. I think that qualifies as ‘Causing inexplicable amnesia’, don’t you?”

            “Sure,” Janet said, watching the hallway. “Original Character alert! Look inconspicuous.” She strolled closer to Cygna and looked over her shoulder at her notes.

"Hey Sakura, how's it going?" Mika said.

"Great. Where's Eriol, Syaoran, Chiharu and Yamazaki?" Sakura asked.

"I'm not su - oh, there she is!" Mika pointed to a Red-head running toward them.

            Cygna glowered. “Chiharu is not a redhead. Kaho is a redhead. Hikaru is a redhead. Chiharu? Not a redhead. This is red.” She tugged on the end of her braid. “Sakura’s hair is not red, Syaoran’s hair is not red, Eriol’s hair is even farther from red, and, unless Chiharu has recently had a dye job, her hair is not red either!” She added “changing canonical hair color” to the budding charge list, than turned back to watch Chiharu knock Tomoyo over “unfortuanately”. “Making up words,” she added, and then, almost immediately, “Reckless endangerment.”

            “Um, Cygna?” said Janet, still watching the words with one eye and her partner with the other. “Knocking someone down isn’t exactly dangerous.”

            “It could have been! Besides, if she hasn’t done anything to deserve it now, she will soon.”

            “Suit yourself.”

            “I will, thank you.”

            Meanwhile, Chiharu yelled at Tomoyo, whose name she apparently could not remember. Cygna slammed the heel of her hand into her forehead.

            “I may not know much about teenagers, despite personal experience, but I do know that most of them can remember the names of their best friends of five years before. Or even their acquaintances. You can know people by sight without knowing them personally. So that’s one charge of implausible stupidity, then?”

            “I’d say so, yeah.”

            “What’s with you? You’re all quiet.”

            “Ah, s’nothing.”

            “If you say so.” Janet, being without Cygna’s obsessive need to have the last word, didn’t reply.

"Her name is Tomoyo, Chi, and it was your fault" Sakura said, helping her best friend off the ground.

            “Write that down,” said Janet. “Isn’t ‘really stupid nicknames’ a charge? It better be.”

            “Oh, definitely.” Cygna wrote it down accordingly. The scene ended with Tomoyo deciding, when faced with Chiharu’s disgust, to go home instead. “Portal to the Daidouji house, please.”

            “With pleasure.” Sure enough, Janet was grinning as they jumped into Tomoyo’s bedroom. A freak bout of temporal logic meant that the two assassins were alone in the room until Tomoyo arrived on foot. Although her rising Sue possession would cut some time off the trip, they probably had at least a quarter of an hour.

            “That’s it, I need rest,” announced Cygna to the world. “We’re finally in a story with a few minutes of peace and quiet, and I’m using them.” So saying, she curled up on the sofa in Tomoyo’s video room (the room itself remained as it had been in canon, thanks to lack of Sue-description)  and shut her eyes.

            “If you’re sleeping, can I borrow the camera?” Janet asked. “It’s not my thing, but Mary would want pictures of the house.” She looked at her feet. “BesidesIwasgoingtowantitlateranyway.”

            Cygna parsed this. "Ohhh. Tomoyo luster?"

            "Of sorts. She's gorgeous. And sweet, and smart, and..." Janet drifted off.

            "Right. Here, camera. Wake me when she gets back." With that, Cygna dozed off.

            Janet spent a few minutes taking pictures of the outside of the mansion, Tomoyo's room, and anything else that looked interesting.

            All too soon, at least from Cygna's perspective, Janet heard Tomoyo's feet on the stairs and shook her partner awake. "Get up, she's coming. I don't think she's Sued-out yet, but she'll notice if she trips over us."

            "Mmmph? Hokay. I'm up."

            For no reason except narrative convenience, Tomoyo went straight to her mirror and stared at her reflection. Janet started snapping pictures.

            “Damn, but she’s gorgeous. I don’t see what’s wrong with her looks.”

            “That’s the point. Sue!makeover stories tend to be visited on characters who really, really don’t need them. Tomoyo’s fine as she is. However, if the phrase ‘curves in all the right places’ isn’t a charge, it should be.” She noted it. The two of them stayed upstairs, listening to the words, while Tomoyo ran down again to talk to her mother.

            “Right, what’ve we got?” Janet returned to her usual professionalism (such as it was) as soon as Tomoyo had left the room. “She’s using the exchange trip cliché, and are those normal American names?”

            “Not by a long way, though we should be grateful she’s not trying to pass them off as Japanese.” They were fortunately far enough away to avoid being deafened by the in-text Author’s Note, though Cygna wrote it down anyway. Cygna cocked her head to one side as she eavesdropped on Tomoyo and Sakura’s cell phone conversation. “Tomoyo is leaving in three days, which is not likely. She forgets to put commas inside the quotes, too. Poor punctuation, tsk.” She wrote it down. “Cruelty to the ellipsis, space bar failure, wanton destruction of the comma…”

            Janet glanced at the words and gaped. “Tomoyo had to be told that three months is a quarter of a year? Write that down, uncanonical stupidity. I’m portalling us to next morning, at the school. I don’t see any more charges here. Wait, what kind of shoes are ‘sketchers’? Do they draw?”

            “No, that’s an American brand. Not capitalized, though. Two charges; one for failing to capitalize, and one for cultural anomaly.”

            They reappeared in the school, still in uniform. Tomoyo was running up to the door, where Sakura was waiting. Janet poked Cygna.

            “How come we have to wear these stupid uniforms when she doesn’t?”

            “Because she’s a Mary Sue. Yet another charge of cultural anomaly.”

            “She’d look good in a uniform,” said Janet. “Wearing clothes that baggy with a body like that is just wrong.”

            “Janet. Drooling.”

            “Oh, shut up.” Janet watched Tomoyo and Sakura talk. “That was almost canonical for a minute there. Let’s get a reading.”

            “You’ve got the whosywhatsis.”

            “Right.” Janet pointed the CAD at the two canonicals.

            [Tomoyo Daidouji. Human female. Canon. Out of character 38.4%. Invisible.] [Sakura Kinomoto. Human female (magical). Canon. Out of character 13.2%. Sarcastic.]

            “That’s not bad at all,” said Cygna, reading the display upside down. She had practice at reading in odd situations. “It’s mostly the rest of the world that’s off right now, not noticing Tomoyo exists. This could be not too bad.”

            “I think you spoke too soon,” Janet said, as Syaoran appeared and asked who Tomoyo was. “He spent two years of his life around her; how could he not know her name?”

            [Syaoran Li,] read the CAD. [Human male (magical). Canon. Out of character 58.8%. Amnesiac jerk.]

            “Making Syaoran an idiot,” Cygna recorded. “Making the characters use the words ‘whatever’ and ‘totally’. Making Sakura not take Syaoran to task for not remembering Tomoyo.”

            While she wrote, Janet looked ahead in the Words. “Look out for the—woah!”

            The day went by fairly quickly and was soon over.

            The entire school day, compressed into one line, shot past them in a blur of color and sound. When it was over, Cygna wobbled, looking green. “Urgh. Hate distortions. Need a line break or something.”

            “C’mon,” Janet said, “she’s going to have a music lesson. Let’s follow!”

            “Do you really want to listen to Sue-song?”

            “She’s not a Sue yet, and you’ve got to admit Tomoyo can really sing. She’s so wonderful…” Janet drifted off, looking dreamy.

            “Ahem. Charge list?”


            “Bringing Eriol back from England to be a Designated Love Interest,” said Cygna, snarling at the Words. “Making Eriol—Eriol!—not acknowledge Tomoyo. Don’t even bother to get an OOC reading on that; I don’t want to know. Ignoring Eriol’s real romantic relationship.  Creating another redhead to be the music teacher. Abuse of hair color. Making Tomoyo write a song.”

            “How do you know she wouldn’t?” Janet asked. “It’s the kind of thing she’d do.”

            “Fine. I’ll strike it out. Ooh, song!”

            Possessed or not, Tomoyo could still sing. The song wasn’t bad, either: one neither of them had heard before, not particularly angsty, and far from the usual range of Evanescence and Linkin Park so beloved of songficcers. The Agents enjoyed the practice, and even stayed for a while after the exit of the OC teacher to listen to Tomoyo practice. They needed the break.


*          *          *


            The section ended in an unattractive row of brackets that Janet said reminded her of barbed wire, and the unwary assassins were dumped from their relaxation into Tomoyo’s farewell to Sakura at the airport. It was more or less in-character, and not even Cygna could find any charges.

            “Portal to America when she arrives?” Cygna asked.

            “No,” said Janet, “portal to America before she arrives. I need some sleep.” As soon as they were in the American airport, Janet curled up on the floor (which looked much more comfortable than the chairs) and went to sleep. Cygna stayed to take notes, talking to herself and keeping an eye out in the Words.

            She didn’t bother to wake Janet when the plane landed, and Tomoyo was introduced to her host family: Jordyn, her parents Eleanor and George who asked Tomoyo to call them Mom and Dad (“I don’t think that’s normal,” said Cygna. “Tomoyo already has a fine mother, thanks ever so.”), and Jordyn’s twin brother and sister, Bailey and…Volkers.

            If Cygna had been drinking anything, she would have done a spit-take. “Volkers?” she said, only barely quietly enough that the Original Characters didn’t hear her. “You have got to be kidding me. How much did these people hate their kids?”

            With that, the chapter ended. The loud Author’s Note at the start of the next jolted Janet awake. “What happened?” she asked, then the words she was hearing registered. “It’s summer, but when she gets back it’ll be spring? What?”

            “The Author is confusing America with Australia, methinks,” said Cygna. “She doesn’t even know that the seasons in Japan and America are roughly the same. That’s a charge of cruelty to the weather. The Author says this is the only chapter in America. You want to take it?”

            “Sure.” Janet portalled them to the McAllister house, where Jordyn had just woken Tomoyo up.

"You know what? I'm gonna bring you out of your shell. When you get back to Japan, you be a whole new girl. I'm gonna take you to get your belly pierced and, oh my gosh! We'll each get tattoos! Just small ones, big ones look really dangerous and tryhard" Jordyn clapped her hands together.

            “What’s tryhard?” Janet asked.

            “Stupid, Sueish, and painful,” replied Cygna. “Get her for failure to add a comma at the end of dialogue, will you?”

            “And the bad plot devices, body piercings, and tattoos? That better be a charge.”

            “If it wasn’t before, it is now. Do you want to watch them get poked full of holes? I’d as soon stay here and read.”

            “I’m with you. I brought an old CAD that needs fixing. I’ll take the charges through the Words. I really, really do not want to see this.”

            “Nor do I.” Cygna pulled a volume of the Card Captor Sakura manga from her pack and started to read. Janet dug through her own for her tool kit and the old CAD.

            Tomoyo had gotten her bellybutton pierced. As if that weren’t enough self-mutilation for one day, she had also gotten a rather tacky tattoo. The decription made Janet cringe.

            “It says you could just see the top of it when she wore hipsters. If those are cut the way I think they are, that sounds like a very, very painful place to have a tattoo. Ow.”

            “So charge it,” said Cygna, deliberately ignoring the Words. “Causing unnecessary pain and suffering. You might want to get her for presuming that Sonomi would ever let Tomoyo get a tattoo, while you’re at it. And your/you’re confusion.”

            Janet looked ahead in the Words. “Ooh, they’re going to go ‘hop in the spa’. I’m going to go watch that. So I can get all the charges!” she added to no one in particular.

            “Right,” said Cygna, raising her eyebrows. “It’s just coincidental that Tomoyo’s going to be in a bathing suit.”

            “You should talk, after last time!”

            “Just don’t let Jordyn see you—or Tomoyo, either. She might not be fully possessed yet, but then again, she might be. Enjoy yourself, and don’t get the charge sheet wet.” Cygna curled herself up on the McAllisters’ couch again. The Uncanonicals, not under direct Authorial influence, had frozen in the dining room.

            Janet snuck into the ‘spa’, which looked from the description more like a Jacuzzi, to watch Tomoyo talking to Jordyn. They were exchanging life stories. Jordyn’s would have passed for ‘typical teenage girl’ if the names had been more normal. As for Tomoyo’s…

"I don't have a boyfriend, obviously, and I only have one friend, which is Sakura. She, and one other teachers are the only people in the whole school who know my name. I love playing the piano and singing and I dance and go to my gym to keep fit" Tomoyo replied.

"Your gym?" Jordyn asked.

"Yeah. My mother is very rich, so she used one of the rooms to make me a private gym and dance studio" Tomoyo said meekly. She hated talking about her family's wealth.

Jordyn whistled. "Wow, I never knew you were THAT rich!"

            Janet blinked. “Her family has a spa in their house and she’s surprised that Tomoyo has a private gym? And since when does Tomoyo dance? She might, though, so no charge there. One for wangst. Sorry, hon, but not even a girl as gorgeous as you can get away with a sob story like that.” Fortunately, there was no dialogue for the next half an hour, so Janet amused herself by watching Tomoyo, who was still showing some signs of canon.

            It didn’t last. An unattractive line break later, Tomoyo had been dressed up by her Suefriend in clothes that Janet declared were a waste of good fabric. “Not even she can make that look sophisticated,” she said to Cygna. “I mean, look at it! Eurgh.”

            “Weird clothing,” Cygna noted down. “Ladies and assassins, I think we’ve just seen the last of Canon!Tomoyo. Check up for me, will you?”

            Janet muted the CAD before pointing it at Tomoyo, which was just as well.

            [Tomoyo Daidouji. Human female. Canon. OOC 99.4%. Bad girl.]

            “Nope, she’s still there…well, six-tenths of a percent of her, anyway. But that won’t be for long.”

            Cygna looked ahead in the Words. “Hey, she’s ditching this whole bunch of OCs right after this. We’ll need to do the whole bunch. House fire?”

            “Sounds good to me. You got matches?”

            Cygna smiled widely. “Ohhhh, yes, I have matches. Lots and lots and lots of matches. Mmmm…fire…”

            Janet looked at her strangely. “Right. No more charges for this bit?”

            “Rampant and persistent comma neglect, total destruction of Tomoyo, fashion crimes, stupid e-mail address, and abuse of technology,” said Cygna promptly.

            “I got the technology one already, but I’ll do the rest.” In the background, Tomoyo left America, and her Suefriend and family were left in a mist of authorical distraction.

            It took the two assassins some time to get everyone back to the McAllister house and torch the building, so they missed Tomoyo’s return and Sonomi’s joy that Tomoyo had become more outgoing. Oh, and Eriol had dumped his OC girlfriend, and somehow this meant that Tomoyo should try out for the cheerleading squad. Cygna, reading the words, banged her head repeatedly against Janet’s shoulder. “Can we charge her yet?”

            “No. We haven’t gotten to the really bad stuff yet.”

            “Did you read ahead?”

            “I don’t have to. Look at the Words. She’s got Eriol checking her out. Back to Tomoeda?”

            “If we must.”

            On their return to Tomoeda, Cygna looked thoughtfully around. “You know, this is going to go on for a while. We’ll never finish at this rate. What say we pick up the charges from the Words and skip around a bit?”

            “Sounds good to me,” Janet agreed. “We’re less than halfway through!”

            “We could probably sit around Seijuu High for a while. Tomoyo-Sue is too busy with her romantic life to notice us. Besides, what would she notice? We’re just students.”

            Accordingly, the pair set themselves up in a deserted classroom to observe the fic. The first scene they watched was Tomoyo and Eriol skipping school after having a singing practice together.

            “Making Eriol and Tomoyo skip school,” Cygna noted. “Making Eriol into an idiot. The ‘word’ ‘dan’t’. You’re/your confusion again. Making Eriol have been in Japan all this time. Yelling at Eriol. Giving yourself a reason to yell at Eriol. Saying anything ‘flirtaciously’. Loving heavy metal. Having a stupid, sappy conversation. Bad romantic clichés.”

            Janet took over as Sakura, Syaoran, Eriol, and Sue!Tomoyo talked after a soccer game. “Giving Eriol a habit of going out with cheerleaders. Obsessive descriptions of clothing. Making Sakura OOC. Making Eriol OOC. Creating a clingy ‘other woman’ stereotype. That reminds me,” she said to Cygna, “do we have to get Mika too?”

            “Probably. And dig Kaho out of whatever plothole she’s fallen into. Hey, look! Tomoyo-Sue’s breaking and entering!”

            “At least that’s in character. Remember the Silent?” Janet looked at the Words. “Uh-oh…Gary Stu at twelve o’clock.”

            “Lovely. Now we’ve got to deal with this Kei Azumi as well as all the rest. Toss you for it.”

            “I’ll do him,” said Janet with a sigh. It’s a pity we’ve gotta kill him and Mika. It’s not their fault a Sue with delusions of canon created them for no purpose. Oh, look. Sakura’s telling Tomoyo about boys. I’m portalling ahead.”

            “Can I come with you?”

            They arrived just as Eriol was telling Tomoyo that he couldn’t understand ancient history. Cygna flailed.

            “But he was Clow Reed! He lived half that history! Fujitaka became an archaeologist because of that, for crying out loud!”

            “Charge it,” Janet said simply. Then she looked at the words. “Oh, ew.” Eriol had just said he loved Tomoyo. “That’s it, I can’t take this anymore. We’re going straight to the finale.”

            “Must we?”


*          *          *

            There was a concert going on. For some reason, Good Charlotte was there. Cygna tried to poke herself in the eyes with her pencil. Sue!Tomoyo was going to sing with them. Of course.

            “Tell me you brought headphones,” she muttered to Janet. “Please, tell me you brought them.”

            Janet shrugged. “Sorry.”

            “Great. Just…great. Do you have anything I can use to stab out my ears?”

            “Not on me, no. Why don’t you go find Kaho? She’s probably in England somewhere, where Eriol’s supposed to be. I’ll let you use the RA this one time.”

            “Excellent!” Relieved, Cygna vanished, on a quest for the missing love interest.

            Of course, this left Janet alone in the concert hall, forced to listen to Sue!Tomoyo sing, first alone, then with Good Charlotte. It wasn’t, she was forced to admit, all that bad. Unlike most Sues, Tomoyo’s singing abilities weren’t exaggerated. There was some strange formatting to the Words, though, that had given her a splitting headache by the time the song was over and Tomoyo was kissing Eriol. She was not in a mood to watch it.

            “That’s it,” she said, jumping up onto the stage. “I’ve had just about enough of this! You two, get out here. We need you for something important.” She stepped up to the microphone. “Sachiho Mika and Azumi Kei, please come to the stage. Thank you.”

            The four people—Possession-Sue, victim, and cardboard Original Characters—did as they were told. It figured that someone as hungry for attention as the Sue would, and none of the others was in any state to disobey orders.

            “What’s going on?” Sue!Tomoyo said. “I was busy!”

            “It is my duty as a Protector of the Plot Continuum to charge you, Sachiho Mika and Azumi Kei, with the following crimes: aiding and abetting a Mary Sue, causing sappy romance, being a clingy stereotype (in Mika’s case), having no character development, and being plot devices and nothing more.”

            “What?” They both said.

            “Try to keep up, can’t you? You’re being used to destroy canon characters, and for that you deserve to die.”

            “What?” said Kei. “It’s not a crime to be pushed aside for no reason!”

            “He’s right,” Mika agreed, although true to her described character, she was beginning to cry. “We’re victims here! That cow took my boyfriend away!” she pointed at Tomoyo.

            Janet sighed. “He’s not your boyfriend, Mika. He never was, or he never should have been, anyway. But I guess you two have a point. You actually haven’t assembled that much in the way of a charge list, even between you. Go stand over there for a bit, will you? And keep out of the way.” They obeyed. Something in Janet’s voice compelled them to, or possibly the fact that she was pulling a long knife out of her pack.

            “Now. Hiiragizawa-san, please step away from the young woman.”

            “What do you think you’re doing?” Eriol started to demand, but the sudden appearance of a portal directly in front of him startled him into silence.

            Cygna popped out, pulling a confused-looking woman by the hand and talking earnestly to her. “No, everything is under control, Mizuki-sensei, I promise, it will all be taken care of—ah! There you are!” She grinned at Eriol. “Recognize her?”

            Eriol’s eyes went blank for a moment as he fought the Sue’s influence. Janet helped him to do so by hitting Tomoyo!Sue lightly on the head with the pommel of her knife, distracting her. Then Eriol blinked. “Ka…ho?”

            “It’s about time!” Kaho said, but she was smiling. “I was worried when you vanished just like that.”

            “Sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t intend to.”

            “I can’t let you go anywhere alone, can I?” said Kaho affectionately as all traces of the Suefluence left Eriol. “Come along, I’ve booked us plane tickets home.”

            As the reunited couple started to leave, Cygna called after them, “Stay here a minute, would you? We might need help. So,” she said as she turned to Sue!Tomoyo and the others, “where were we?”

            “I was thinking about recruiting these two,” said Janet, gesturing at Mika and Kei. “They haven’t done anything really bad, and we can always use more people.

            “Works for me. So, to business. Have a volume of manga. Have two. New kids, you want to help?”

            “Um…help what?” asked Mika timidly.

            “Take these.” She tossed them each a volume of manga. “Now do as we do.”

            She and Janet stepped up on opposite sides of Sue!Tomoyo, who was looking understandably out of her depth, and whacked her on the head with the manga. “Get thee gone, Sue! The power of CLAMP compels thee!”

            With a wail, the misty form of the Sue Spirit appeared in the air, driven out of Tomoyo’s body by the proximity of canon. “What’s wrong?” It moaned. “My story is good!”

            “No, it isn’t,” said Janet. “You two, take over for me. Just keep the manga near her head, so the Sue can’t take possession again.” Mika and Kei, too shocked to disobey, did as she said. “Right. Sue formerly known as Daidouji Tomoyo, it is my duty as Protector of the Plot Continuum to charge you with the following: causing inexplicable amnesia, making up words, changing canonical appearances, creating an exchange student plot, using weird names, possessing Tomoyo, giving Tomoyo a piercing, giving Tomoyo a tattoo, making Tomoyo dress like a slut, really stupid nicknames, reckless endangerment, acute comma neglect, you’re/your confusion at least three times, bad songfic, possessing a PPC Agent’s Lust Object, creating secondary OCs, half a dozen cultural anomalies, abuse of diction, and several other grammar and punctuation charges besides.

            “Also, you are charged with bringing Eriol to Japan when he was in England, you idiot, making all the characters stupid, causing character ruptures in Eriol, and probably some other characters as well, bringing Good Charlotte to Japan, singing with Good Charlotte, using bad romantic clichés, sending everyone hugely out of character, redhead abuse, breaking up a canonical romance, to whit, Eriol and Kaho, ignoring Tomoyo’s previous romantic interest, to whit, Sakura, making Kaho disappear, making Tomoyo vastly unattractive, and, finally, with being a Mary Sue. These charges warrant death. See ya.”

            She threw her knife through the Sue Spirit’s forehead, and the misty figure began to disperse. Before it did so fully, however, Cygna dropped her volume of manga and yanked her poker out of her pack. “Return to the shape you were meant to be in, Sue Card!” she shouted.

            The Sue vanished, and a slip of cardboard fluttered into Cygna’s hand, She grinned. “I wasn’t going to miss this one. It’s a perfect sample of its type, too.”

            “I still say you’re going to get in trouble for this.”

            “I disagree.” With canon restored, all the characters were staring at them, probably wondering who they were. The amount of noise they had been making would have attracted the attention of anyone for a mile around.

            Janet grinned. “New kids, eyes shut. You too, Cygna. I’m sorry about this, folks. There’s been a bit of a problem, but it should be fixed now, if you’ll just look right at me—“


            “Hiiragizawa-kun, Mizuki-sensei, you just decided to come for a visit because you missed seeing everyone. Tomoyo-san, you just sang a wonderful song of your own composition. Everyone else heard her,” Cygna explained quickly as Janet stuffed the neutralizer back into her pocket. “And we were never here.”

            Janet opened a portal back to the Headquarters, and the two Agents herded their recruits through it.

*          *          *

            Recruits? The Sunflower Official sounded like it would be smiling, if flowers could smile. Excellent! And just in time, too. You two will be sent to preliminary training immediately. A new continuum is about to be overrun. You will be useful.

            Kei and Mika left, still in shock, and the Sunflower turned its attention to Cygna and Janet.

            Reports have reached me that you two have been engaging in behavior inappropriate for an agent of the PPC. Drooling was mentioned. Now, the customary sanction involves No-Drool Videos—

            “No, no, please, no,” Cygna whimpered.

            But as most of the available ones feature Maeluiawen, it was felt that you might enjoy the experience too much.

            Janet flushed.

            An alternative penalty will be sent to your console. I would advise you to catch up on your sleep, Agents. You will need it. Dismissed.

            “Somehow,” Cygna said as they walked back to their Response Center, “I don’t like the sound of that.”

            “It can’t be as bad as the No-Drool Vids, can it?” asked Janet. “Mary, we’re back! I got you pictures!”

            “Really? What of?” A young woman came out of Janet’s room, running a brush through her short, wavy brown hair.

            “Tomoyo’s place. It was really nice. Sorry, have you met? Mary, this is Cygna. Cygna, Mary.”

            “A pleasure,” said Mary with a smile.

            Cygna grinned back. “Likewise. Look, I’m going to take advantage of a little quiet to go get some food and take a serious nap. If anything happens that isn’t absolutely time-critical, don’t wake me for it. If it is absolutely time-critical, still don’t wake me for it.”

            “Will do,” said Janet.

            It was six or so hours later when Cygna finally lurched Igor-like out of her room to see Janet looking at the console in horror.

            “What is it?” she asked.

            Janet turned to look at her, eyes haunted. “I think I’ve just found out what the SO’s special punishment for drooling is.”

-to be continued-


[Cygna’s Note: This was really, really bad. Be glad we spared you, the reader, most of it. It’s also longer than what I personally like to do—I’m a nit-picker, me, and this just had too many bad scenes. Tomoyo should never have a tattoo. That is all.]


[Janet’s Note: Yes, I am a Tomoyo Luster. So what? I am an Equal Opportunity Luster, and proud of it. Besides, she’s gorgeous. I really hate it when people take away all the good things about her to make her more like them. Especially the clothes. I may never forget the clothes., Oh and this awful thing is here. It belongs to Little Wings, which is fine by us. We wouldn’t have it if she paid us.]


Coming up on PPC:CCS—A mission into the Fandom that Spawned a Thousand Sues! Bad slash of the worst possible kind! Our heroines may never be able to lust again! Frankly, they’ll be lucky if they can ever look at the canon! And worse!

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