
Philosophy of Einstein

The Naked Lady
lady sofia

"Philosophy is like a mother who gave birth to and
endowed all the other sciences. Therefore one
should not scorn her in her nakedness and
poverty, but should hope, rather, that part of her
Don Quixote ideal will live on in her children
so that they do not sink into philistinism."
-- Albert Einstein, Letters



Quoting Einstein out of context,
they say that good and evil are relative;
that there are no moral absolutes.
They LIE!
Only two laws are needed to change the entire universe:
NEVER use initiatory FORCE, and never CHEAT.
The people who run our world constantly break both.
[ A.Grant, ''Metamorphosis'', Anarky 2 (June97) ]

It's Getting Colder.

 "I believe that the horrifying deterioration in the ethical conduct of people today stems primarily from the mechanization and dehumanization of our lives - a disastrous byproduct of the development of the scientific and technical mentality. Nostra culpa! I don't see any way to tackle this disastrous shortcoming. Man grows cold faster than the planet he inhabits.".
-- from  Albert Einstein's letters


A Very Strange Thing

 "Strange is our situation here upon earth.
Each of us comes for a short visit,
not knowing why, yet sometimes
seeming to divine a purpose"
(Albert Einstein, 'Living Philosophies', p.3).


The Source of all Good things

 "Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition
or from a mere sense of duty;
it stems rather from love and devotion
towards men and towards objective things."
-- from  Albert Einstein's letters


On Using Those Little Grey Cells

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition
from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand
it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit
to hereditary predjudices, but honestly and
courageously uses his intelligence."
-- Albert Einstein (in defense of Bertrand Russell)

On the priority of freedom:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."


A Message for the Future

 Dear Posterity, if you have not become more just,
more peaceful, and generally more rational than
we are (or were) - why then, the Devil take you!<
 Having, with all respect, given utterance to this
pious wish, I am (or was) your Albert Einstein.

On Not Doing It Right.

 "You ask me what I think about war and the death penalty.
The latter question is simpler. I am not for punishment at all,
but only for measures that serve society and its protection.
In principle I would not be opposed to killing individuals who
are worthless or dangerous in that sense. I am against it
only because I do not trust people, i.e. the courts. What I
value in life is quality rather than quantity, just as in Nature
the overall principles represent a higher reality than does
the single object." -- from  Albert Einstein's letters

space ... the final frontier

Einstein on Infinity:

"Only two things are infinite,
the universe and human stupidity,
and I'm not sure about the former."
-- Albert Einstein




More Einsteinian Theology:



the prophet einstein on government:

the only justifiable purpose of
political institutions is to insure the
unhindered development of the individual



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