
/ PhilosophyForums > General Philosophy > etc /
/ Topic: Worst Famous Philosopher In History /
        NOT the worst!
 On 17March03 the very peeved one didst reply thusly:
Anybody who thinks that William James should be included
among the worst philosophers obviously hasn't got the first
clue as to which way is up. Same goes for Hegel. Same goes
for most of the others named above. There are NO worst
philosophers. They ALL added something that made further
progress possible. What a bunch of ungrateful a**holes we
have here! Sure Descartes' Meditations are hard to take, but
he, like all the other philosophers, were men of their time.
They are all wrong to some extent. On the other hand, they
are all right to SOME extent. Philosophy is self-correcting
because no one philosopher can be right all the time!
     - the one who is right all the time - ccybrwurm ;>


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Look out through my eyes.
Look at the things you made.
All things shine!”
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