
/ Newsgroup: alt.christnet.evangelical / 16July98 /
[ snip some ]
 Human beings "detaching themselves from moral struggle and indulging
in the search for beauty and pleasure remain within the realm of
unreality and dream. Everything becomes play, passive enjoyment, or
poetic delusion. History assumes the shadowlike contours of a myth,
while reality loses its true character. The aesthete constructs for
herself a fictitious world of dreams, lives only in the immediate
present, and finds herself ultimately rejected by life's moral
realities, as Nietzsche's later tragedy illustrates. It is a dead-end
route that leads to boredom and disgust and deprives life of all
meaning" (W.Hubben, 'Four Prophets of Our Destiny', p.31).
              the one who resists boredom:  textman  ;>
P.S.  Freedom & Liberation - sayeth the Beast - is never having
      to say you're sorry.

] Philosophy Forums > General Philosophy
] Subject Thread > Re: Thinker and Prover
 On 26Feb07 cybrwurm wrote:
. . . When Sophia Takes Over
I tend to think that philosophy is bigger AND free-er than
both science and religion. Science is limited by its own
methods and achievements, and religion by the irrationality
of its own ideologies/theologies. But both science and
religion draw strength and inspiration from philosophy.
And more than this, Sophia can embrace science and religion
with equal sympathy and understanding; and yet remain
relatively uncontaminated by either one. Yes, it is when
philosophy fails to keep these two great systems in balance
that the troubles and errors start to creep into our
practice of philosophy.

] Philosophy Forums > General Philosophy
] Subject Thread > Re: The language of philosophy
> On 26Feb raqus say: ... But if others have a different preference
> then we have the seeds of some misunderstanding
wurm say: So then it would appear that even "simple" words are perhaps
not so simple after all. Scientific-minded philosophers like to make a
nice clean break between language and perception ... but in reality, in
everyday life, the two are far more fluid and dynamic and interconnected
than most people would like to believe. In Philosophy language is king!
It's not just a matter of precision in the use of words; it's also a
matter of style and direct-communication. True, many of the great
philosophers are bad writers, but the best of the best know how to
communicate with the general-reader representing the general-public.
Think Russell would have such power within philosophy if he were a bad
writer? ... I don't think so!

] Philosophy Forums > General Philosophy / 9March07 /
] Subject Thread > Re: What is beyond doubt? /
] Post Title > On the True Nature of Doubt
MANY things are beyond a *reasonable* doubt. Indeed they are
far too numerous to mention here in a list. Please consult
your nearest encyclopedia for copious examples.
"Doubt is a very useful small boy, and should frequently be
made to sweep out the store. But it is a totally impossible
beginning for philosophy. You cannot be sure even of your
doubt if you doubt everything. ... One can hardly say that
the inability to think is the beginning of thought.
... If there be no truth, no opinion could be doubtful."
-- from 'The Unrealists' by H. Wickham, p.140

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