/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/3 / 13March99 /
/ Ngz: alt.religion.christian.biblestudy, alt.christnet.bible /
>> textman wrote:  A PRIMER ON HOMO-HERMENEUTICS/3
>>              3. These Will Not Inherit the Kingdom
>>  Or do you not know that the unrighteous ones will not inherit God's
>> Kingdom? Do not be deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
>> nor adulterers, nor effeminate appeasers, nor sexual perverts, nor
>> thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers
>> will inherit the Kingdom of God. And these some of you were; but
>> you were washed and sanctified and justified in the name of the
>> Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.
>> [1Corinthians 6:9-11 / Prophet Version]
>>  Now the homo-interpretation of this passage begins with the
>> recognition that the two Greek terms that I have here rendered
>> into English as 'effeminate appeasers' and 'sexual perverts' have
>> been variously translated in 25 English versions as 'unmanly',
>> 'decadent', 'homosexuals', 'sodomites', 'perverts', 'male
>> prostitutes', 'catamites', 'pederasts', and so on. From all this
>> the writers observe that "Apparently, lesbians are not included in
>> this condemnation." But this suggestion clearly does violence to
>> the passage, since Paul is obviously being deliberately inclusive
>> in this list of unrighteous people ...
> JohnJ <[email protected]> answers: I've clipped the rest of this silly
> post. If Paul did not mean males where you rendered it "sexual
> perverts", why did he write in Greek, "male-bed".
 Dear JohnJ, 'arsenokoitai' does not mean 'male-bed'. According to my
lexicon, 'arsenokoites' means 'one guilty of unnatural offenses'. Now
I have seen definitions that make reference to this obscure 'male-bed'
thingy of yours, but this obviously harkens back to the original root
meanings of the root words. Which is to say that centuries later, when
the Koine Greek was being used everywhere, the word had developed
new meanings and uses. Thus when Paul uses 'arsenokoitai' he is
obviously NOT referring to 'male-beds', but rather to sexual perverts
in general. If Paul had wanted to be more particular by focusing
specifically on gays, he would have said pederasts (or 'paiderasste') or
sodomites, or something to that effect. So there is a very good reason
why Paul chose the term 'arsenokoitai', and it certainly wasn't to make
reference to something as absurd as male-beds!
> Now, if you want to render it "sexual perverts" that is fine with me.
 It is? Please excuse my skepticism ...
> That does not mean "homosexuals"!
 According to JohnJ, no, of course not. But according to the Word
of God it most certainly includes homosexuals of all genders and
transgenders and subgenders, all gays and bi's and dykes and femmes,
and even all the many stripes and colors of the pervert-rainbow.
Moreover, the Lord does not make special provisions for "consensual
and committed adults in 'loving' same-sex partnerships".   . . .
> If you folks do not think so, go to the online dictionary page
> which will let you put "pervert" in the seach line and select "all
> dictionaries" and you'll find out that "sexual pervert" is never
> equated with homosexual.         http://www.onelook.com/
 That's true enough. Modern dictionaries would not dare to be so
politically incorrect as to link the two words together directly.
However, the various definitions of 'pervert' (that I found by way of
John's recommended www.onelook.com) are *very* suggestive ...
 From Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:
Topic: Perverse, Pervert -> "to turn away" is used metaphoricallly
in the sense of "perverting" in Luke 23:14. "to distort, twist" is
translated "to pervert" in Luke 23:2. "turned aside, corrupted," in
Matt. 17:17; Luke 9:41; Acts 20:30; Phil. 2:15. "to transform into
something of an opposite character" as the Judaizers sought to
"pervert the gospel of Christ. "to turn inside out", "to change
entirely," is used metaphorically in Titus 3:11, RV, "is perverted"
(AV, "is subverted"). See SUBVERT.
 From Webster's dictionary: PERVERT -> 1. To turn from truth,
propriety, or from its proper purpose; to distort from its true use or
end; as, to pervert reason by misdirecting it; to pervert the laws by
misinterpreting and misapplying them; to pervert justice; to pervert
the meaning of an author; to pervert nature; to pervert truth.
2. To turn from the right; to corrupt.
 From Merriam-Webster Dictionary: per·vert -> 1 to cause to turn aside
or away from what is good or true or morally right. CORRUPT: to cause
to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted.
MISDIRECT: to divert to a wrong end or purpose. MISUSE: to twist the
meaning or sense of. MISINTERPRET: synonym see DEBASE. per·vert·er noun
 Hey, John, does any of this ring any bells with you?
> I just ran through all the dictionaries and nowhere did I find
> homosexual for sexual pervert. I did find 'pederast' and 'sodomite'
> in a synomym section, but not 'homosexual'. You translate good,
 Why thx, John. It's very good of you to appreciate this. I suppose
then, that you would not want to be so ungallant as to suggest that
homosexuals ought to be counted among the Lord's Righteous Ones ... ?
> whoever you are. <G>
 Oh ho! So you don't know who textman is, do you? This explains a lot.
Most of your sort have sense enough to steer well clear of the prophet.
Lest the Lord smite them with a most awful and terrifying smite-ing! :)
> It is clear that sexual pervert cannot meant homosexual:
> "Overt homosexual practices are still regarded as perversions, from
> a legal point of view in some communities. However, the presence of
> homosexual tendencies is considered within the normal range by
> clinicians." Dictionary of Psychology, J. P. Chaplin, Ph.D., 1985
 Gee, the faithless servants of the Evil One think that homosexuality
is not a perversion at all, but indeed is "normal", do they?  . . .
Wow! I am, like, sooooooo shocked, Uno! [insert copious sarcasm here]
> As far as the legal jurisdictions, Alabama still has it outlawed for
> blacks and whites to marry!  <G>
 And this relevant to the current discussion how?
> The Roget's International Thesaurus, 5th Ed., 1992. "heterosexual,
> straight" are in section 75.13  "homosexual; bisexual; lesbian"
> are in section 75.14   In section 75:16 are the synonyms:
> "sexual pervert; pervert, deviant, deviate, sex or sexual pervert,
> sex fiend, sex criminal, sexual psychopath; sodomist, sodomite,
> sob <Brit nonformal>, bugger; pederast; paraphiliac; zoophiliac;
> pedophiliac; sadist; masochist; sado-masochist; ......."
> on and on, but not homosexual!
 Well, John, I guess you're conveniently forgetting that the original
root meaning of the Greek word 'arsenokoitai' (ie. male-bed) clearly
indicates that homosexuals are to be considered as foremost among
those sexual perverts that Paul is referring to.
> Textman, if I were you, I'd hold to that comic's job before quiting
> to become a Bible translator or expositor.    <G>     JohnJ
 Well, John, I don't have a job (or indeed any means of acquiring an
income), and my "wit" has not gained me even so much as a milligram of
gold. In any case, while I am already a translator and expositor of the
Sacred Scriptures, that is certainly not my primary function. No indeed,
for I am called by the Lord of Glory to be a prophet unto His lost and
wayward People; and *that* is my vocation (now & unto my final breath)!
             the one in very short supply:  textman 
/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 14Mar99 /
/ Ngz: alt.christnet.bible, alt.religion.christian.biblestudy /
>>>> [email protected] wrote: A PRIMER ON HOMO-HERMENEUTICS/4
>>>>  4.  The Problem With Jude      <snip the whole thang!>
>>> "*** Joe ***" <[email protected]> replied: There is No problem with
>>> Jude, however some people have a problem understanding Jude.
>>> Jude 1:1 Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ ...
>>  Dear Joe, about your translation: VERY FRAGGIN GROSS!!!!
>>    the one who despises bad translations:  textman  ;>
> *** Joe *** <[email protected]> replies: Hello textman
 textman answers:  Hi Ho, Joe ...  :)
> Please tell us who you are to make such a bold statement;
 textman: a slave of Jesus Christ, and a brother to the prophet James.
> please post your credentials?
 My WUT?! Credentials? Oh, good grief! ... Well ... ummmm ... That is,
I used to have credentials, but I seem to have misplaced them  . . .
However, if you have the faith to believe that the Lord of Glory is
able to send upon His wayward People a lowly and worthless prophet
(such as textman), then be advised that any authority I may have comes
solely from the Holy Spirit Herself; praise be Her grace and generosity!
> It's good to have you in the group.
 Thx. It's much appreciated. But I'm not actually new to this group.
Not by any means. In fact, a.c.bible used to be one of my favorite ngz.
But I've been avoiding posting here lately because the UseNet censors
and moderators have been going out of their way to give me grief,
and indeed practically forced me out. But I am now returned (though
doubtless only for a short time), because there is no ng in cyberspace
that needs me more than this one! That's why I posted Primer on Homo-
Hermeneutics here, as well as to a.r.c.biblestudy. May it make a
lasting impression upon those who need it most!
> book of Jude (KJV) 1:1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother
> of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and
> preserved in Jesus Christ, [and] called:     <snip rest of epistle>
 This is a slight improvement; in that the KJV is a *marginally* better
translation than the one you presented previously. But this too is,
alas, woefully inadequate; and indeed a rather shoddy piece of work.
The Prophet Version is, by comparison, vastly superior in every
conceivable way. After all, who is more able to translate the words
of a prophet than another prophet? Neither scholar nor bishop nor
committee is thus fit to do justice to the wonderfully synthetic mind
of the prophet Jude! ... Therefore, receive thee the IEV with faith
and gratitude; as befits a true disciple being worthy of the Name:
 "From Jude: a slave of Jesus Christ,
and a brother to [the prophet] Jacob.
To those Called Ones: loved by God the Father,
and kept in Jesus Christ. Mercy to you!
And may peace and love be multiplied."
 -- The Universal Epistle of Jude v.1-2 / PV
    - the one called to call the half-called ones - textman ;>

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