                             PRIMER4CRITICS - PART ONE
/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 14Mar99 /
/ Ngz: alt.religion.christian.biblestudy, alt.christnet.bible /
>> textman wrote:    A PRIMER ON HOMO-HERMENEUTICS/4
>>     4.  The Problem With Jude        <snip the whole thang!>
> "*** Joe ***" <[email protected]> replies: There is No problem with
> Jude, however some people have a problem understanding Jude.
> Jude 1:1 Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ ... <snip epistle>
 Dear Joe, about your translation: VERY FRAGGIN GROSS!!!!
        the one who despises bad translations:  textman  ;>
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      / Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 14Mar99 /
> [email protected] (JohnJ) wrote: Joe, this is not as simple a text
> as it seems and there are differing views on it. <snip da rubbish>
 That's right, John. There are views that have the ring of truth to
them, and there are views that are false and deceitful. It's not very
hard to figure out which category yours falls under ...
> "In the same manner as they" seems to be referring back to the angels
> of v6. Some of these passages have perplexed scholars for centuries,
 So what? Even a milligram of spiritual truth is more than enough to
perplex the scholars ...
> since v9 is not recorded anywhere in the O.T. record. Verse 14 hints
> that some of these remarks are based on Enoch. There is a legend
> recorded about angels wishing to take daughters of men, 1Enoch 6-8
> which is apparently based on Gen. 6:1-4. It appears that Jude is
> speaking here using Jewish legend which his readers would know.
> Therefore, it seems far fetched to see "strange flesh" as same gender,
> when the legend of the angels desiring daughters of men has been
> brought into it. It seems that the Sodomites desiring to rape male
> angels may have been an element of this sin. It is not a very solid
> Scripture to use in order to condemn homosexual orientation or a
> caring expression of it.  -- JohnJ: A Christian friend.
 It is not "far-fetched" in any way. What Jude is describing is two
separate and distinct sexual crimes. However, I will allow that the
bare term "strange-flesh" in and of itself is insufficient to condemn
all homosexual activities. BUT when verse seven is taken in conjunction
with the rest of the epistle, THEN it is a powerful and irrefutable
expression of the divine mind on the matter of homo-expression!
         the one who reads between the lines:  textman  ;>
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      / Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/3 / 14Mar99 /
>>> JohnJ <[email protected]> answers: I've clipped the rest of this
>>> silly post. If Paul did not mean males where you rendered it
>>> "sexual perverts", why did he write in Greek, "male-bed".
>> Dear JohnJ, 'arsenokoitai' does not mean 'male-bed'. According to my
>> lexicon, 'arsenokoites' means 'one guilty of unnatural offenses'.
>> Now I have seen definitions that make reference to this obscure
>> 'male-bed' thingy of yours, but this obviously harkens back to the
>> original root meanings of the root words. Which is to say that
>> centuries later, when the Koine Greek was being used everywhere,
>> the word had developed new meanings and uses. Thus when Paul uses
>> 'arsenokoitai' he is obviously NOT referring to 'male-beds', but
>> rather to sexual perverts in general. If Paul had wanted to be more
>> particular by focusing specifically on gays, he would have said
>> pederasts (or 'paiderasste') or sodomites, or something to that
>> effect. So there is a very good reason why Paul chose the term
>> 'arsenokoitai', and it certainly wasn't to make reference to
>> something as absurd as male-beds!
> [email protected] (JohnJ) replies: Strong's Greek Dictionary of the
> New Testament, 1890 Ed. "733...arsenokoites, ...from 730 and 2845; a
> sodomite" "730..arrhen ...or ..arsen.. from 142; male(as stronger for
> lifting)" "2845..koite...from 2749; a couch; by extens. cohabitation;
> by impl. the male sperm"
 The "male sperm" you say? ... hehehe ... So let me get this straight:
'sodomite' comes from 'male sperm' which comes from 'couch males'? ...
Is that right? ... hehehe ... Okay then! ...
btw: They had strange ideas in 1890, I guess?
> Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon: "[arsen], a male; [koite] a bed,
> one who lies with a male as with a female, a sodomite"
> The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, an
> enlargement and revision of the German 'Theologisches Begriffslexikon
> Zum Neuen Testament'...1986 "(arsenokoites), male homosexual,
> pederast, sodomite"
 I think all this is a good example of the persistence of stubborn and
erroneous interpretations. This word clearly arises from this idea
'a man who beds other men'. No one is disputing this. The essential
questions are: How does Paul use the word? And what does he mean by it?
eh? Does he use it the way these modern authorities do, to indicate
gays? And only gays? Or is he using it in a more general manner? Thus
we have basically two viable options available here: (1)'arsenokoites'
means "one guilty of unnatural offenses" (Liddell & Scott). (2)
"(arsenokoites), male homosexual, pederast, sodomite" (NIDofNTT). Or is
it just a matter of taste which definition we accept as true? No, it is
not! The only reliable authority to decide the matter is the Spirit of
Truth speaking through the Believer and the inspired Word of God acting
in his/her heart. And does it matter if whether or not "gays" is a
better translation of 'arsenokoites' than "sexual perverts"? I think
so. At least it does if you care about the Lord at all ...
> "On this term BAGD 109 s.v. ajrsenokoivth" states, "a male who
> practices homosexuality, pederast, sodomite 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Ti 1:10; Pol
> 5:3. Cf. Ro 1:27. DSBailey, Homosexuality and the Western Christian
> Tradition, ’55." LN 88.280 states, "a male partner in homosexual
> intercourse"‘homosexual.’...."  Taken from notes on:
> http://www.bible.org/netbible/welcome.htm
> The BAGD is A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other
> Early Christian Literature, edited by Bauer, Ardnt, Gingrich, and
> Danker. Notice, a bisexual can practice homosexuality, a heterosexual
> can practice homosexuality. Also, the "homosexual intercourse" phrase
> as 'homosexual' being used as an adjective.  Again, if one is to
> restrict themselves to just one word to translate 'arsenokoites', it
> is accurately a "pederast" or "sodomite", NOT homosexuals as the NASB
> and NKJV make it.
 But John, 'paiderastes' is the *accurate* translation of "pederast";
*much* better than 'arsenokoites'. Or are you seriously suggesting that
Paul could not have known that word, and was thus left to resort to the
more ancient 'arsenokoites'?!
> Now, Textman, as to you making 'arsenokoites' mean "sexual perverts",
> you're off base.
 But John! Didn't you earlier say that I am a good translator, and that
"sexual perverts" is indeed a good match for 'arsenokoites'? Wut? Are
you now taking it all back? Will you now say that you were just kidding?
> I know of two translations which have "sexual perverts" in 1Cor. 6:9
> and they each one combine "malakos" with "arsenokoites" to make a
> broad term, "sexual perverts":  the 1973 RSV, and the 1989 REB. They
> do not translate 'arsenokoites' as "sexual perverts".
 Here again it is your logic that is skewed, not mine. It is the
inclusive sense of the passage as a whole, and Paul's thinking in
general, that justifies the logic of combining Paul's terms (ie. the
meanings of these neighborly peoples are likewise, if you get my
drift). But actually, REB&RSV "slip 'malakos' underneath" (as it were)
because (a) they had no idea what to do with the damn thing. (b) it is
a long and established tradition in Christian translations to hide,
suppress, ignore, misdirect, etc, any and all sexual connotations of
any and all words, whenever possible, wherever possible, because hey
why shouldn't the Word of God be as embarrassed about the divine
awareness of human sexuality as all us good and faithful Christian
type translator guys ... The SWINOZ!
> Now, I'm going to paste in a quote from your other post, and it
> exposes you for just what you are:
>> On 14Mar99 textman wrote: Well, well, well! I art so overcome, that
>> I art at a loss as to how to begin. What can we say about such a
>> huge and smelly pile of bullshit?! Dare we suggest that religious-
>> tolerance.org has not the faintest glimmer of understanding as
>> regards the unfortunate epistle of Jude? <snip remainder>
> You are nothing more than a fake cult leader of some type.  -- JohnJ
 That's the spirit! 
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/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 15Mar99 /
>>> [email protected] (JohnJ) wrote: Joe, this is not as simple a text
>>> as it seems and there are differing views on it. <snip da rubbish>
>> On 14Mar99 textman answered: That's right, John. There are views
>> that have the ring of truth to them, and there are views that
>> are false and deceitful. It's not very hard to figure out which
>> category yours falls under ...
> [email protected] (JohnJ) replies: The New Greek-English Interlinear
> New Testament, UBS 4th edition, Nestle-Aland 26th edition(1990) the
> literal translation of Jude7: "As Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities
> around them in the like manner to these [angels] having indulged in
> fornication and having gone after different flesh are set forth ..."
 Say there John, that's a darn fine translation U gots dere. Can we
have some more please? "... are set forth [as] an example undergoing
[the] penalty eternal fire. 1.8 Likewise indeed also these dreaming
ones on the one hand defile [the] flesh, on the other reject lordship,
and blaspheme glorious beings." ... Geez, I wonder who that could be?
> The Revised English Bible(1989) on v7
> "Remember Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring towns; like the
> angels, they committed fornication and indulged in unnatural lusts"
 A semi-good translation here, to be sure; but in this case the
clearly intended pointed-ness of "strange-flesh" is completely lost
to view in the all-embracing inclusiveness of "unnatural lusts".
 So much so that homosexuality can be denied; when that is *very*
NOT the prophet's intent!
> Can anyone point to where angels engaged in fornication and
> unnatural lusts in Scripture?
 Note to Reader: John is here reasoning from error to error ...
> Therefore, it must be to the apocryphal book of Enoch that this
> refers. Matthew Poole, 17th century, and John Gill, 18th century did
> not believe an actual apocalyptic book of Enoch existed. Manuscripts
> have since been found for these books of Enoch, with many found in
> the Qumran caves. They have recently been re-edited by Matthew Black
> (1970). I am taking this from The International Standard Bible
> Encyclopedia, Fully Revised, Vol.1, page156: "The main part of the
> first book is concerned with the problem of evil. Evil is traced to
> the fallen angels who lusted after the daughters of men. The fallen
> angels instructed men in many arts and crafts of civilization.
> Furthermore, all sin is ascribed to these fallen angels (10:8). They
> are allowed to plague mankind throughout human history, but Enoch
> foresees their final doom." Therefore, it is not generally thought
> today that Jude 7 is referring to homosexuality for now the mystery
> of the background is clearer.
 Good Grief already! The background may be "clearer"; but this has
obviously not helped the scholars and commentators to understand Jude
any better. No, not one whit better! Indeed, the only thing that is
clear is that the ubiquitious bias in favor of perversion is now
allowed to determine what the scriptures are *really* saying ...
> I conclude with the remark in the Harper Collins Bible Dictionary,
> Rev.Ed. - "If there is any identification of Sodom with homosexuality
> in the NT, it is in Jude 7 (cf. 2 Pet. 2:6-8), but it is more likely
> that the 'unnatural lust' mentioned there is that of mortals for
> angels (Lot's visitors)." page 433
 Well John, since the prophet Jude does NOT say anything about
'unnatural lust' in v.7, I'd say that the Harper Collins Bible
Dictionary, Rev.Ed. is an unreliable source at best.
 Nor is anything else said here correct in any way.
> But, I'm sure people would prefer to listen to 'textman' who
> speaks with a filthy mouth:
>> On 14Mar99 textman wrote: Well, well, well! I art so overcome, that
>> I art at a loss as to how to begin. What can we say about such a
>> huge and smelly pile of bullshit?!
> Prophet indeed!    -- JohnJ: A Christian friend.
 "A Christian friend", you say? Is that 'a friend of Christians', or 'a
Christian, also a friend'? Art thou a Christian, friend John? Then why
do you place such emphasis on one word so as to underline and underline
and underline my "filthy mouth" so as to demonstrate that no prophet
would ever ever stoop so low as to employ the "BS" word? ... Have you
ever stopped to consider that perhaps the Lord's idea of who shall be
a prophet may not be the same as yours? ... I'll wager not.
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/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 15Mar99 /
>> On 14Mar99 [email protected] wrote:
>> Dear Joe, about your translation: VERY FRAGGIN GROSS!!!!
>>        the one who despises bad translations:  textman  ;>
> [email protected] (JohnJ) answers: Has anyone looked in their
> dictionary to see what "fraggin" means? I can find "frag", but not
> "fraggin". I can find it by using search engines on the Internet. I
> suggest all put it in their search engines and check out the contexts
> where it is found. This guy is another "Michael Christ"...
> a fruitcake whose verbiage can snag the ignorant.
 "a fruitcake whose verbiage can snag the ignorant" ... LOL ...
Dear John, your verbiage art verily snagglesome also forsooth ...
btw: Now I don't know about the contexts presented by your search
engines; but I do know where textman picked it up. Some years ago I ran
across a certain intergalactic scoundrel called Lobo. He's the ugliest
and meanest SOB you'd never want to meet; with pure white skin and wild
black hair and tough as nails, etc. ... Very NOT recommended!
> Joe, you did well to ask his credentials to presume on translation.
> JohnJ: A Christian friend.
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/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 15Mar99 /
>> JohnJ <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Joe, you did well to ask his credentials to presume on translation.
> "*** Joe ***" <[email protected]> answers: Hi John
> Yes, but I was hoping that he did.   --  Joe #7
 huh? Wut? U wuz hoping that he did ... WUT?! Did have credentials,
you mean? As in scholarly credentials so as to prove me competent to
translate? As in then your hopes would be realized? ... What?! ... I
think you are both missing something. Sheesh! Pay attention U guys!
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/ Subject: Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics/4 / 15Mar99 /
>> [email protected] wrote: <snip> This is a slight improvement;
>> in that the KJV is a *marginally* better translation than the one
>> you presented previously. But this too is, alas, woefully inadequate;
>> and indeed a rather shoddy piece of work. The Inclusive Edited
>> Version is, by comparison, vastly superior in every conceivable way.
>> After all, who is more able to translate the words of a prophet than
>> another prophet? Neither scholar nor bishop nor committee is thus
>> fit to do justice to the wonderfully synthetic mind of the prophet
>> Jude! ... Therefore, receive thee the IEV with faith and gratitude;
>> as befits a true disciple being worthy of the Name:
> "*** Joe ***" <[email protected]> answers: Wow, it is great to have someone
> who reads and speaks Greek. I have a few questions that maybe you can
> help me with. outoi de hsan eugenesteroi twn en qessalonikh oitineV
> edexanto ton logon meta pashV proqumiaV to kaq hmeran anakrinonteV
> taV grafaV ei ecoi tauta outwV
 Dear Joe, let me begin by making it clear that I never claimed to
be an expert in the Koine Greek, nor am I fluent enough to speak the
language freely and easily. Nevertheless, it did not take me long to
realize that your Greek is barbaric and atrocious in the extreme!
No doubt this was deliberate on your part; but, thanks to a wonderful
friend, your awful words were made recognizable and understandable.
For those who may be curious, here is an English translation of Joe's
alleged Greek questions: "These were more noble than those in
Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of
mind, and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so"
(Acts 17:11). In other words, there are no questions here. A pox on Joe
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/ Subject: Re: Reply to religioustolerance.org / 15Mar99 /
>> On 14Mar99 textman wrote:       REPLY TO RELIGIOUSTOLERANCE.ORG
>>          / Re: Primer on Homo-Hermeneutics / 14March99 /
>>> Bruce Robinson <[email protected]> of www.religioustolerance.org
>>> emails textman in answer to his criticisms of their online essay:
>>> <snip> The longer that I work in the field of religious tolerance,
>>> the more I realize that EVERYTHING depends upon your basic concept
>>> of the Bible. If you believe that it is inspired by God, and thus
>>> inerrant, then everything else follows: from a Christian's beliefs
>>> concerning equality of the sexes, concerning homosexuality,
>>> concerning spanking children etc.
>> Dear Bruce, I tend to agree. However, I must take exception to
>> your direct line from inspiration to inerrancy. The scriptures are
>> certainly inspired (ie. written under the guidance of the Holy
>> Spirit), but this does *not* mean that it is perfect in every
>> detail. Indeed, I firmly reject the concept of inerrancy; at least
>> in regards to matters of science and history.
> [email protected] (JohnJ) answers: I suppose the guidance of God
> the Holy Spirit is less than perfect.
 It is when you mix it up with such a silly beast as humankind ... Who
can foul up anything ... Even the grace and mercy and inspiration of
God! ... Check out some church history if you don't believe me ...
> mmmmm  a less than perfect God.
 I didn't say that, John. You did. So *please* don't put your ill-
conceived words and thoughts into my mouth. Okay? ... thx so much
> ... You are indeed a flake and a cult leader of some type.  -- JohnJ
 You're *still* missing the mark, friend johnny    . . .
   And you know what *that* means, right?   . . .           :)
           Please proceed to Primer4Critics/2 up next ...

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