Dew drives, rain falls

1: Computer Science T.A.

Washington D.C. June, 1998

Professor Walsh sat at her desk watching the screen monitoring the confrontation room, the room where the soldiers got their first encounter with a hostile, usually a behavior modified vampire. The soldiers then either got terrified and was let out of the room and never contacted by this part of the army again or they fought the hostile and were either beaten breathless or were among the very few who actually managed to hold their fear under control and shoot the hostile with the taser gun and those were the men professor Walsh picked out for her special unit.

This time, however, something had happened that nobody in the building had ever seen before. The soldier they were trying had killed the first vampire before the vampire even had a time to react. They had sent in another and another and when the soldier dusted the third vampire, the commanders went in and took the wooden stake away from him and told him to try use another weapon. Well, he did, he decapitated the fourth vampire after a brilliant fight. It was obvious this soldier was highly trained in the martial arts.

After the forth vampire was dust, they had run out of vampires and therefore professor Walsh had ordered to send in another kind of hostile, another kind of demon. As in the previous confrontations the soldier fought very well, but showed sign of tiredness and after a beautiful roundhouse kick he finally came to his senses and used the taser gun.

Professor Walsh sat back in her chair, a smile on her face, as she watched the now stunned demon being dragged out of the confrontation room. "Very well, agent Miller, welcome to the Initiative."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sunnydale, December, 1999

Willow glanced up at the clock on the wall, sighing a little when she saw it was 40 minutes left of the class. A theory class in JAVA was exactly as boring as it sounded when you thought of it, Willow thought and longed for getting to a computer and get on with it in reality instead of just listen to her professors ramble.

She sighed again and looked over towards the window where their TA sat looking almost as bored as Willow felt. She smiled a little when she saw that and gave him a closer look. Oh, he was handsome all right, that she already knew. Not the nerd you expect to TA a computer science class, no, Graham Miller was really good looking. He was maybe a little taller than the average male and very well muscled. He had dark brown, very short hair and those amazing crystal blue eyes. Oh, he was gorgeous....*and so way out of your league!* Willow mentally kicked herself for just looking at him.

Willow actually managed to concentrate on the professor's speech for the remaining half hour, but was so relieved when the class was dismissed. She stood and collected her books and out of the corner of her eye she saw the other two girls in this class walk up to Graham, probably to ask something totally irrelevant while flirting with him. Willow rolled her eyes and wondered if anyone could be more obvious. Then she sighed for the third time in one hour while Graham, as usually, smiled and seemed flattered by the girls' attention. *Well, what did you expect?* Willow scolded herself and left without looking back.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Graham sighed inwards while forcing himself to smile and answer the girls' very basic questions. It wasn't the first time he asked himself how some of the students managed to get into the class. Take these two girls for example, they didn't have the slightest idea what an object was and he doubted they had ever given the JAVA hierarchy a second thought. They also took almost all of his time during the classes in the computer lab because they didn't seem to be able to write a single row without help. Oh, but they were pretty, or so Forrest had told him after meeting them on last weeks party. Graham had never thought about their looks, he just thought they were annoying.

*If only they could be like that girl.* Graham thought and followed the tiny redhead with his eyes as she left the classroom. When the two girls finally left he went over to the desk and picked up the papers he was going to grade this evening. He smiled to himself as he thought about what Willow's paper was going to be was always a joy to read her papers. She was really smart and maybe she had found solutions on the problems in the assignment that he himself never would have thought wouldn't be the first time for that.


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