Page Nine

Works Presented

there r so many things

in the irrepressible youth

gerald waz shy

he grunted

charles' death

1 fine particular sunday morning

Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.

there r so many things

there r so many things
here on the floor
why do u come over here
if u will not help me clean?

u read the poems 2 me
"what did u mean by this?"
"that’s a crazy image"
i tell u
that poetry iz about initial feel
more about sound that actual words
in many instances
"bullshit!" u say

u r always smiling at me
sitting there
on my bed
in my shirt
and socks
u leave plates for me
and cups
and take my sweaters home

u say
"i want a poem just about me!
when u gonna do that?"

u say
"write a poem about my ass!"
i look up from what I am doing
u fall on the bed
u roll in the covers
u say "come over here"

i say "no"
u r quiet 4 a while
watching the news
& humming
i ignore the first
i look at you
u r smiling
hanging off the bed backwards
u stick your tongue out
& laugh loud

i say
"i am writing this poem
if u don’t mind?"
u r quiet again

i hear u asleep
stretching in2 dreams
in the incense on my small place
the afternoon is waning
more gray than blue now
more orange than bright clear city
i see shadows gathering in the corners
i hear the traffic outside
birds making the last call before
they r replaced with stars

the open window iz cool
there iz a palm outside
it reminds me of everywhere i
have never been
i see a plane’s light high in the
smokey mauve blue
like a sentry for stars awaiting the all clear signal

u turn in your sleep
u r beautiful
craziness always a hint in the curve
of yo mouth
yo hair all around u

last year i did not know u
now i bear your voice against silence
on the long stretches home
or when the bus clatters with
people & children

many times
in the evenings
before u have 2 go
when we have spent all afternoon
blurring sex & memory
i feel like i am a tourist
or i am at least
a stranger new here
stopping through
waiting 4 the next city
& the next exquisite sorrow

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1979, 991210)

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in the irrepressible youth

slow jazz
will take us throughout this city
block by velvet block
all alleys bottom in coolness
all laughter bright windowpanes
looking out on night
this journey
with its scheduled sounds
a familiar stroll across wide avenues
will present the faces in truth
this truth resilient
present and stoic az bricks
vibrattoing under cadilac hoods
iz either al jarreau in exquisite expatriate joy
or it is antonio carlos jobim
in residual infinite blue sorry
we r so eazy tonight
in the streaming silver
we wear the shadows
we lay flat against the languid backbeat
we romance delirium &
whirl against the lights
we flash like beautiful faces in the
cacophony of churning crowds
we imprint mauve & move
in the exhale of blue stars

here iz my hand
filled with polished coins
laughter & magic mix in r breath
i unhinge at the dreams
we extend in2 midnight like listened 4 music
we turn copper corners
& disappear
then flash across the periphery
of the moon’s vision
jazz cauldrons around us like incense
we r beautiful
we r jealous of no one

against the wide night
set tall & shimmering 4 only us
in the photographs that catch us
in brief seconds between breath
& running
we r a million actions against a panorama
of shades of darkening blues & night
electricity freezes me at every corner
we r always so late
so late with such little time

all this piano & youth
gold stifled in the corners
glowing red in expectant possibility
i see us in the windows
running along the downtown trains
waving 2 anyone at all
we r a sharp hand clap
& a rim shot
i see us singing az we press
in2 the shimmering vermillion of
the midnight height
everything scatters
like high hats discarding sound
i see us Katherine dunhaming with
the strange smoke said shadows
everything jumps & yells
like staccato bass
& i watching u live with me
az we fly over the tall city
we r a whistle & a wink
& a trumpet scream
the universe reflecting itself
in the illusion of water
& me falling slowly in the private autumn of yo kiss

& i
between the park
& the shore
& the closed shops
pushed back yo hat
& we met
kiss 2 kiss
like thought
like language losing distance
like quiet translucent fires
like the brevity of a lone keen cigarette
lit just outside the
failing light of the marquee

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1980, 991210)

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gerald waz shy
(written purely 4 the joy of it!)

gerald was shy
a closed hand in a
beckoning world
a little whirl in a
sky of tornadoes
a baton twirl amid the ferris wheels
a hill before the procession of mountains
a spill in the roar of
a tumbling river
an autumn chill against an endless siberia
gerald waz not a talker
but sang endlessly
& that rang across the sand & sea
of himself
he hummed in the alleys
running sticks along the fences
he wore harmonies like
hiz ribs balancing hiz head
& the things the neat songs said
the red they illustrated
the bed they softened in2 sleep
the deep steep valleys their
winding colors fed
oh, the stones in perfect voice
the asphalt dutifully holding notes
the trash drums & cars & people
the trees floating & at night
rumors of jazz in the bars
what waz wonderful
what stayed & what waz played
waz gerald’s choice
the rull & roar against the chiming phones
then the lone coffee pot screaming from
a neighbor’s stove the loud young men
that drove mr. morrison 2 madness
the monody bloating on tuesday gray
the explosions of tiny miracles resplendid
in the afternoon greetings
but gerald waz silent among the callers
who yelped songs who constructed wrong notes
& the auditorium shivered
who awed the awnings in2 absolute abstraction
whose audaciousness & ambiguity gonged
& shook the whole evening
oh, the bevy of songs 2 sing & simmer & soon soar
what sullen sin & sarcasm above the tin of
the basket at the grocery store
gerald swore by music
he bore the composer’s lore
& really heard the heavenly hymnals hallelujah
& the marching bands rant & roar
he would watch the bass drums thundering
announcing various victories
booming sound so tall az if time tore
then there waz more
the whole notes in babies’ eyes
the sopranos shimmering in the sky
the elevating tenors
the bass vibrattoing the ground
flooding the feelings like a fog
or an indulgent earthquake come ‘round
oh, sound upon perfect sound
cry upon tumultuous cry
theme songs & shadows following spies
gerald sat by the tree
the summer concert tuned its noises
he watched the milling in music
the monotone tubas
the piccolo revelry
violins sneezing at horsehair
occasional thunder from an errant tympani
bass clarinet & cellos in wet eroticism
gerald sat listening
calling his senses to get every sound
he let the late afternoon abound
he set his toes 2 tapping
& when the violins swirled in2 the 1rst
selection he almost left the ground

but that day
among the many days come & went
that spent their prodigious charm
then sent evening in full décor
through the city streets
that day in the palm of golden music
where language is heightened
& cathedral bells bent baroque barcarole
that bellowed bobby blue bland blue
across the brazen & busy avenue
gerald knew every clue
every rise of an aria
every short shoe tap timing the
temerity of a city denying the tenuous
tra la la & creating old things anew
the music blew through him
tiling hiz bones in many hues
& gerald stood
by that tree on that day
& az the polite people swayed
az the elegant maples dreamed of may
& that orchestra beautifully played
gerald began to sing
so loud that the crowd left their gentile
arabesques & let the lemonade loiter
& gerald rose 2 forte bracing hiz arms
2 carry him there
eyes closed sinews tight
ringing in the air
singing across the elderly trees with all hiz might

what a sight gerald waz
shirt open at he edge of the warm night
singing those words & gaining height
emphasizing diction 2 be polite
it waz beautiful
replete with diamonds & shimmering things
it waz gorgeous
simple a pleasure az getting mail
2 hear gerald sing
it had wings & thousands of miles of
unimpeded daylit air
it was like putting water in hiz hair
& watching hiz youth bloom clear az greenhouse roses
it likened 2 declaring summer here at last
or recalling kisses on the eyes in the
mauve memories of a traveling man’s past
or maybe beginning a journey & hoisting
the sail up the mast & catching first wind with
a whole wonderful world to wander
gerald cast hiz voice in2 that sunset
under those incipient stars
swelling in the new season
swarming like bees in the late atmosphere
ink gathering in the eves
inverting trees in children’s eyes
swooning sound in symphonies
succulent az secrets in the soothsayer's cheek
eazy as sparks floating in2 african skies
laying across new darkness like luminescent flies

Romus © Copyright, 2000

(2046 and 2047, 000106)

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he grunted

he grunted
& stood still
the eye watching me
focused & listening
the hog eye
800 lbs breathless in the mud
az fences waiting 2 run rural roads
i threw the feed in
it overflowed the troughs
he ate
i filled the water hatches
& leaning on the fence
watched him 4 a while

the next day
i returned
he was reluctant to move
in the dusty corner
snout puffing dust
eye watching me
finally convinced by the
pour of the food
he came slowly
i reached & scratched hiz ear
he felt it
then in the food
he ate, his vigor returning
like an instinct developed in
poverty like this is all he could do
& be pure
i went to get the water hose
seeing him from the side
hiz testicles were gone
hacked off,
blood on his hams & hoofs
no one had told me
they had come during the day
assessing room in the freezer
bantering about the smoking
& curing of meat
i saw their footprints
circling the pen
saw the cigarette buds flicked near
old tires
they would be back in a few days
when he was free of testosterone
when his rebellion spun unattached
& withered in the drowning blood

two days later he was still there
the slow eye watching
puffing in the dust
he knew he knew
i opened the gate
bade him leave
threw rocks
cursed him
he stayed
frightened by me now
hiz weight
hiz mouth
the coming night
shadows consuming the pasture

"go & die"
i yelled
"let them come
oblivious 2 yr little life
let them come
smoking cigarettes
& cursing their wives
let them come
absent of incense
in a liturgy of hymns
let them come
with their infirmities
wearing their ancient wars"
he stayed
puffing in the dust
he knew
i think he knew that
the blue wall of night
would extend 4ever
& that maybe
in hiz pen
with hiz roots & mud
the stars don’t actually move
& that the ghost of hiz tomorrow
sits moaning beside the road that
leads to the prison where men r butchered
& that hogs were made 4 butchering
& that instinct does not exist beyond that truth
in men or in hogs
& that i waz just the caretaker
just a boy with my concerns
something lofty az the moon that
belongs 2 no one but seems to be
staring only at you

Romus © Copyright, 2000

(2052, 000109)

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charles' death

charles’ death
should have been international news
should have been a pebble in a
rich man’s shoe
should have been a channel & a chariot
dedicated 2 decay & decadence
should have been a whence of pain
in the president’s step
a stammer in hiz address
a talk lacking proper language
a stalemated interstate
an irregular stutter in neon
a button the meticulous 4get
charles’ death should have been a loss of breath
in the collective city
a hem at half mass on sistuh so & so’s dress
a dull ache in the hustler’s chest
the tiny truth preachers profess
it should have been a little mess the custodians
leave in defiance of the oblivious world
should have been an understated caress
from the patient waitress
or the first step of a southerner heading west
charles death should have been a
reflective moment in the lives of the careless
should have been wilshire blvd. with
all its traffic lights red
or a bandana around the homeless man’s head
should have been the 1rst thing the neighbors said
this morning before their coffee & grievances
before they read the newspaper
should have been a cold spot in their beds
or the article of clothing the stripper refused 2 shed
charles’ death should have been an engine refusing 2 go
or the violent night some folks will never know
or asthmatic rivers unable to flow
wetlands abandoned & low
or tugboats in still water
letting ships stand refusing them tow
dark track houses all quiet in a row
los angeles traffic heating at dusk
should have been something very slow
moving across the horizon
or a carnival closing the show
& the first fall of black snow
in the last winter of r urban memories

Romus © Copyright, 2000

(2068, 000116)

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1 fine particular sunday morning

oh, sundays
in tuscaloosa
this man iz lean at 84
exact az architecture
moving slow across
bright clean sunday mornings
wonderful quiet reverent sunday mornings
he walks
the pageantry among the women
who r beyond the earlier rush
who r easy in the light sunday morning greetings
who toe touch tap tap
& puff perfume & powder
az they mingle
along the sidewalks
he goes among their fine hats
& gloves & eyelashes & pounds of pearls
the morning rises & swirls
he iz 84
an opulent musk 84
a magnificent sincere 84
a christian austere 84
a smile 4 only u 84
the lawns glisten the roses sing
the rain shined streets
run the small town in rare mirrors
the bushes full of crystals
the trees hanging stained glass & poems

we watch him go among the adolescents
felt hat old tie
by the warm summer houses
black chin clean
hands loose from the ritual
of giving & praying & handling the
winters in alabama mornings that
came hungry 2 hiz door &
sometimes childless
we watch him mark the morning
we see the smile move across hiz face
like unwrapping a gift 2 find an ancestor’s linen

the little children gather
summerclad in their finest smiles
fresh az apples shined for market
beautiful az the promise of poetry
they hold to him
losing their fear in hiz shadow
he touches their heads
& bade them come follow
alabama hums in her early discourse
pines shapenote in the backwoods air
he looks our way 4 a second
smiles tips hiz hat
the small children following his coattails
look not recognizing us
then they wave
little bells in the silver air
they hurry behind him
curls & lace & little shaved heads
this iz the photograph
the image we will export around the world
him heading away from us in2 memory
in2 that sunday morning dream
with hiz reincarnations in tow

Romus © Copyright, 2000

(2074, 000118)

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