Page Eight

Works Presented

downtown at midnight

yr poem becuz u r beautiful

african gothic

nancy's husband down the street

the world could fall blue

malcolm x

when gerald dies

poem 4 city lovers

in this city, my city

midday joy

Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.

downtown at midnight

downtown at midnight
an emptiness a thousand feet high
& az round az a dark earth
the streets dive down inclines
then leap in2 futher in2
deep shadows the office buildings
accumulatively straight
windowed in perpetual mathematics
the reflections 2 an infinite power
1 eye closes
another opens
something moves across the clean avenues
& the stoplights hallucinate the
burden of traffic & the trauma still twists
sculptures & scaffolds build the night
against silence

where r we?
generating tall shadows against
the sargasso lonliness
men die & the city evolves
& paints the parking lots
a single car
az cool parker center in the desolate
pan of its emptiness lays still
the failing echoes & ominous concrete
this iz time used this iz skin
pulling back in2 plastic

something comes
its labored revving through
the chronological stripes of cold neon
it iz the blueline carrying ghosts
it iz a train roaming the vacant city
then it goes the bells like quick
seconds illustrating the shrill space
between them & in the returning stillness
3 traffic lights away
a bus crosses between the sharp buildings
its lights flicker like the
eyelids of the dreaming

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1757, 991016)

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yr poem becuz u r beautiful
(sundays with u)

beyond the shore
on the pier laughing
the ocean & the inconceivable
distance across
the channel islands like
yr smile & the definitionless
brightness & clarity
of sundays with u

i am music
& u hum me
u count me in2 rhythm
i am a song about possibility
& 4 background singers r
singing yr name
oh, sundays with u
in the watermirror world
oh, the luxury of living
& loving in the late morning laziness
& how i want 2 see u happy
all the crazy things i say 2 see u smile
& breath & taste yo food
then talk 2 soon & laugh outloud
& be concerned then elated

somewhere roses r in full bloom
somewhere a window iz open
& through that quiet window
someone can see the beautiful coast

i want to hold u at the edge of the world

the world iz moving toward something eloquent
& very beautiful

sometimes i feel that way
about u
sometimes i feel that way
about u

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1774, 991020)

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african gothic
(4 marie paule enembe)

u r dying
the lights sistuh
the cacophony in the nightclubs
the calamity of traffic outside
the men whose deaths announce
themselves on the marquee
under the 2 drink minimum
shadows turning coat tails
the water in the gin & scotch
whose sex r u?
what faceless mr.
calls u by a child's name 2night?
u r dying
the disdaining ceramic faces crowd shadows
dead eyes follow u through the smoke
heroin exhilarates u
brings the jazz running
makes u a star & an event
then brings absense
makes u weary
makes the haunches willowy
turns the fingers 2 vines
brings a sheen 2 hungry skin
eats the gums then the speech
it iz charming acid
counts the neat spoon laid corpses
long legged sistuh
behind a torrent of dirty hair
u r dying
everywhere the city's arguments
rise like abandoned tenements
its confrontations r unsettled endless walls
midnights among the clocks
strange hands climb yo ribs
a sharp tongue carving a wound in yo cheekbone
pilfering death
pronouncing errors in the skin
slowing the eyes & the conversations
in greasy velvet
at the edge of the pusher's shadow
u r dying
languid movement through red rooms
slurred darks & grays
music monotone az an addicted pimp
whose hustle haz become scripted--

i can hear u coming
u r lean
marbled in rancid leather
u hardly move the air
the frenzied fresco of night behind u
like brazil like morocco
u r barcelona empty & lit
u exit all the doors 2 night
the concierges do their duty
they open the night 2 u
they open rome where ruins
lay beheaded in beautiful silence
they open the columned city
i can hear u spilling years on asphalt
sistuh sistuh
i can see u lost in the hotels & fountains
i can see u losing time in loud rooms
i can see men changing faces &
approaching the night in sinister ritual
i see women painting sex on their mouths
& following heat with their tongues

u r dying
a hemisphere away from home
exotic thing
african girl
sassy talker
entertainer hostess
european black girl lost in the cadence
of perpetual war
lost in a sea of curious hands
dark nipple woman
belly like cinnamon
eyes like inverted night
shooting heroin in the alleys of europe
shuddering in rooms where yo sex
iz passed around like a joint
gaunt harlot shaped by brutality
sistuh silent on the verge of deportation
sistuh in berlin
in that city with no incense
sistuh wandering paris like a darkness
seeking death
u r dying
stop while gabon seeks identity
stop while nigerians perm their hair in london
stop while brothas in chicago burn the sky
stop while black argentinians r not seen as viable citizens
while canada reluctantly tolerates jamaicans
stop while we offend helsinki
while cuba fashions a blackless dictatorship
sistuh sistuh sistuh
dragging night across europe
in a crown of sirens & screams
u r dying
      u r dying
           u r dying
                u r dying
                     u r dying
                          u r dying
                              u r dying
                                   u r dying
                                        u r dying
                                             u r dying...

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1788, 991024)

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nancy's husband down the street

nancy's husband
down the street
would not
let me be expensive
or right
he would have me stay in at night
& with the
same difference
approach the day
4 sure
he could be heard
2 mumble low
through hiz straight teeth
& say--
they r less
2dark indeed
& r poor
criminal & plotting
given 2 vices
the bear the mark
of ham's seed--
nancy's husband
down the street
thinks we r simple meat
served with rum
in pickle jars
he would not smile at
the memories
of my grandmother's hair
threadbone bare
infinite with smiles
cavernous seas
no nancy's husband
down the street
would tell u so
then unleash his legions
of angry men
let them go
& no
i at best surmise
they would come hard
ranking the reasons high
4 us
& r dearest words or dinners
could not turn their angry tide
nancy's husband
down the street
pain's the god 2 take
give him power
& leave us strewn
unangelic in hiz wake

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1789, 991024)

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the world could fall blue

the world could fall blue
if i could not kiss u
u see
i am saving all my beauty 4 u
this iz love
not the hot irregular rhythms
of the sun
not crowds where we meet then
move on 2gether
nor is it the summation
of a child's smile
looking 2 turn u out
not the soft affirmations
of the moon
polishing iron &
spinning silver at midnight
but this iz love
a world falling blue
in 2's

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1789, 991024)

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malcolm x

in the intricate corridors
of the cold city
like fire in2 fire
where evening distinguishes
between dusk & manlit infernos
malcolm in prayer
az alleys form viens that
extend themsleves in2 night &
thrust silence
in2 the nostrils of shadowless men

he lived
we r certain of that
in an amerika begging
integration in jazz tinged lies
he waz the intellectual who
dared be efficient
he waz an acrobat in a dnagerous game
he is the blurred figure
exiting the photograph
the ache in r collective memories
he left his scent & his smells
prohibited harvests & made
the machines stop
he made the way 4 new incense
& stood against the lore of amerika
while death hunted him in the
mosques & streets

the slow angry august
birthing assasins in
the empty morning
trumpet horn
& harlem waz alive
tha audobon ballroom
its chairs
curiously straight
the girls
the new york febuary
of brown steel & crisp air
the clear horizon north
tolerant or the building's interruptions
men singing
& all along
he never wished the day would not come
the worn velvet of hiz red body
that day in the audobon ballroom
far from the world & language
the worn velvet of hiz red body

& yet
he waz alive
az conspirators took hiz jacket
& greeted him with
false smiles
he waz malcolm
coming full circle
an obelisk among lesser things
all praises due allah
all praises due allah
only the mistakes r mine

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1789, 991024)

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when gerald dies

when gerald dies
when breath iz but relative memory
& the sky turns itself from watching
sunsets will run routinely
over sparkling golden seas
& oceans will cool off in2
sleepier blues
& the world will repeat itself
& fiegn astonishment at the news
& another black boy will be born
& inconspicuously run the course of hiz life
will wait in midnight shadows
& flash through diamond moonlight
like a knife
will not escape the vast & ignoble city
no matter how hard he tries
life will continue 2 be immaculate
when gerald dies

& gerald waz a leaper
faster than gold catches the eye
ran & played
waz loud & frayed
tassled & torn about
& happy
gerald strolled through lazy days
& grew & grew
hiz new hair on hiz chin
oiled & nappy & defiant
he & a thousand others like him
he & a thousand other black men
in the unemployable summer
in midday where despair & handicaps meet
where men inexplicably loose their form
in the heat
& graduate 2 stoic obstructions
along the noonday street

& in this summer
there will be a thinning
downtown a serengetti
a numbering down
a raking
a private holocaust
a watering from black 2 brown
by way of bullet
or some even more intimate steel
a taking a reduction
by attrition & deadly action
by fists by elbow by bootheel
a shaking
a falling off
an unmaking
throughout the summer
& gerald
with hiz new manhood so grand
that he can feel himself tall
& expanding
the world waits
4 gerald 2 be taken
2 find himself 2 be concrete bound
2 be swallowed by sound
2 learn the dance of insolent steel
& wounds that never heal
& patient men know that this iz
the only available wisdom
in a city where no one iz wise
& life will continue 2 be immaculate
when gerald dies

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1789, 991024)

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poem 4 city lovers

they took city buses
& sat close
whispered the way
they nuzzled they pressed
such sweet delirium
oh, what fine bright days
they tangoed their 2's
in the wide streets
a simple mess
an afternoon in bells
the adventurous chance
they laughed they loved
& wildly danced

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1789, 991024)

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in this city, my city

in those cities
piling fervor & despair
in the common electricity
of a people tilted toward the future
i have been mired in circumstance
& gregariously met each trouble laughing
& when riots spread across the poor dens
& those people chorused in madness
that waz loneliness mixed in hunger
i threw my fire in2 the tumult
i churned in that violent crowd

across these cities
this iron in the eye of the blue sky
i have sought sanctuary
in places where men lay dying
& loved women in rooms
sparse az the city midnight
& when we ate bread hulled from mold
& shivered in dark places lined in dreams
i moved from desire 2 need
& nearly lost myself an undertow
dark az an old slave’s singing

i say
mine’s iz the history of the city
& i saw those buildings rise
saw avenues roll out of the vision
of cancerous men
i saw schools that instructed
boys in dying
& i saw them dissected
by automatic men
& left disfigured with the weekly trash

& i saw the people hungry
gaunt az corpses
i saw famine redden the day
& i saw soldiers come home
smelling of atrocities & chanting
death words in foreign languages
i saw war widow women
saw the naked willows populate the city
in bloodless winter & cast skeletons
like veins across the weary evening
& in those years where martyrdom
waz an all too common currency
& could not be traded 4 shelter
i set my face & the withering text
of my speech in the gray mountains
of disappearing numbers

somewhere along the river 2day
it is us
u & me
the sun makes gold run in soprano
like it is building & not rising
just coming unaware of its beauty
like it has no sense 2 build in2 the
atmosphere & overtake the city
birds shiver in the bushes
reeds offer their many fingers
in insincere profanity
we r in the only green
the only softness beneath the city’s breast
u r insincere too
gilded az the river who knows nothing expensive
but the reflection of lights
but that is yo tragedy & the river’s too
both oblivious in youth
uneventful in yo own memories
u are a statue with virgin lovers
taking first kisses at yo feet
i watch u restless & healthy
u laugh & scoff at the silly ducks
u liken them 2 the shadowy beggars
whose hunger iz questionable
u liken them 2 summers littered with
simple dumb inconveniences
u curse the languageless ducks
clamoring 4 food at the shore
u say the river bores u
i, looking out over my life & loves
feel old hungers limp in2 my chest
& suggest that we depart 4 home

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1970, 991204; Revised 1973, 991205)

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midday joy
(4 ardith)

in the park
in an afternoon
laden in pearls & diamonds
in the easiness of a large city
changing traffic lights in a
gregarious subtle hilarity
2day in the park
among the polite strangers
whose words lift the day in2 midsky
where we walk & our childhoods
speak forgotten truth from under
calloused skin
here where cancer does not exist
here where we r not eroded by hate
here where children are cherished
here in the rich expectant beauty
here in an cool oasis of trust
here in midday linen & language
where lovers lay out their longings
like white sheets dazzling in
the goldenrod day
i saw a man & a woman talking
laying on the grass
two people
lovers or longtime intimate friends
& i watched them
taking the tall bright day
& cataloging the colors
i saw them
with their clean hands
draw great blue panes of air
big az city blocks
& i saw them prepare their skins
4 the long walk of the infinite winters
& when some seagulls came
& lingered nearby
they threw food & laughed 2gether
& when sunflecked shadows tore shade
& strew the day across them like glitter
when the bushes shivered in the
earth’s midday revolution & smiled at
the afternoon’s cordial calamities
there where the hours received children
& spun color in accumulative intensity
this man and this woman
turned in2 one another

then he held her
and they watched the traffic
& they counted cars & were warm
& they inspected the buildings
& the trees the daylit horizon
& the empty homes

oh, life here among the men
the ocean’s blues & shimmering coasts
i drape myself 2day in the easiness
of a life lived in carnivals of incense
& gentle people
i stand in the vision of vast open spaces
where memory wanders & always returns
wearing ribbons of color speaking
languages that laugh in a clarity
lucid az catholic bells across the sunday morning

i hold my time here in the name of love

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1974, 991206)

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