Page Four

Works Presented

go in to that night charles

we hold hands

in the broad daylight


last night

i waz young in 83

james the dreamer

the kiss

Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.

go in to that night charles

i am not a brotha
who will 4get yo name
or define yo charge before u speak
in u i see myself
coming throught that door
from the darkness where trouble
honed & fine
waits at the corner like a fire
in the strung out city's early am's
out there
where the streets r lined with frail brothas
like weeds against the chainlinked fences
of an addicted memory
who await the death & the deeper night
in r mahogany hands
half opened in a desperate understanding
there is no discrepancy az 2 who we r

& here u r
still with the wildness exclaiming
its charter in yo alert eyes
u look out the window
yo clothes an obstacle
at the speed of your expostolating urgency
who's coming, charles?
who wants u?
what did u do?
iz the asphalt angry
consuming the midnight men
& producing beautiful black pavement?
r the half men wantonly killing brothas?
iz whatever it iz such beautiful death
that u recognized it from a dream?
waz it fantastic & ultimately terrible?
waz it southern & az deliberate az time
which iz meticulous
its precision an assassin
a surreal murder in the morning mundaness?

out there brotha's hands r on fire
they ignite the city
everything the touch
a lover or a stranger burns
they carry anger
the television of their eyes
out of tune & blinking
their straining mouths open in
inarticulate static
something iz killing them slowly
they r winding down
each morning 1 of their bodies is found
& the staring still gray glass eyes
reflect the world & the metaphors
run the abandoned lot screaming truth
but oh, the collage of a city immuned
2 nameless death
the twisted faces in a madness so pervasive
that it iz wisdom
in a deafness so heavy
that clocks seem to float
in a placid clear numbness where speech
iz gutteral & irrelevant
something iz killing brothas
& the people go about their business
like machines that process boxes
after a holocaust like eating in the wake
of murder like casual conversation in
the human ovens
& u charles here like a discarded knife
with the hot memory of some nigga's belly
have come 2 my door from the night
the child in u asking to be hid from
brutal men from men who kill out of habit
from men who kill az a
solution 2 their discomfort
from men who r automatic & not angry
from men who r calling yo name
through cold shadows in cold terms
with out of tune television eyes that
turn channel after channel in the red
starless night
& u r 1 of them charles
lacking plausable language in the vast &
irredeemable collective of thieves
& becuz u r a thief
& a hustler
who traded artistic brilliance & honor
4 the stuttering terror of an endless ghetto
becuz out there u r corrupt & impetuous
becuz u charles
r the killer of the common women's sons
becuz this resolute clamoring death 2night
iz yo birthright
u must leave my house
i say
u must leave my house

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1090, 990623)

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we hold hands in the broad daylight

we hold hands in the broad daylight
we laugh so easily
the short trees r in ecstasy
r beautiful selves in an afternoon
so tall & clean that clarity seems
2 run ahead & gather blues
feathering them around the golden hill's ears
we r in the white light
this iz a dream like recreating morning
in languages so accurate that foriegners
qualify their curried memories & close
their eyes 2 see the sun
& we r beautiful
gathering even ground & standing in
the quaint traffic of little breezes
wearing colorful garments
where an orchestra of laughter
tunes its various instruments
in the red lesser broadening foothills

i love u
becuz u see the world
& run toward it
u call it by name
& it calls 2 u like speaking at yo birth
its incantations follow u like
a white linen gown
yo word grow churches wherever they r heard
& us
outlandishly 2gether in the brilliant day
summerclad in r mutual constituency
colorful & loud
in referential existence 2 1 another
i want 2 lay down in the grass
& dream pastels
oh, i want 2 make love 2 u in the eazy hills
i want 2 wander the collective memory
of all things natural & unblind
i want this magic
this countryside like a new conneticut dream
this sky with its breathlike blues
& we would be so alone
just u & me
the high birds
& the explosions of
daffodils then the bright yellow laughter
of sunflowers in multitudes of unimpeeded joy
gregariously rioting the countryside
we would move among the
aloof trees that beg everyone's pardon
& r kisses would mark time
like short seasons
that layer beauty in2 an elaborate fullness & oh,
i would be well
laying in the blue velvet of yo arms
where this crystal quiet moment is cool sunlight
billowing curtains across a naked country

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1105, 990627)

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1:30 downtown

little sistuh
ancient eyed & beautiful
stars & suns cooing
becuz u live & r well
little sistuh
made of the finest earth
& the finest labor
little sistuh
with inherited quilting hands
linking a patchwork history
calling lands in2 kinship
africa in in2 blackness
poverty in2 morning
little sistuh
from a lineage generous az jazz
little sistuh
watching the sprawling city
with afternoon laughing blues
where yo eyes see the adolescent day
expand & create shadows az intricate
az swahili spoken on
the tongues of common niggas
little sistuh
i see u looking at me
at the stoplight from the backseat
i see u documenting me among the
people that r automatic
receiving signals & turning corners
that lead 2 the end of their lives
& i am looking at u
at yo braids
yo watersoft cheeks
the circus of barrettes in yo hair
yo hands against the window like
small brown birds in the clarity
of prophetic dreams
& i know that u r just beginning
time still chanting each seperate
minute around u each journey a
myriad of colors & spinning things
& i wonder who u look like
what child r u come back 'round
what things culminate in yo
perfect universe
r u yo grandmother here again like
harriet sure of the way
led by shadows & starlight
& will u be alright
& where r u going on this tuesday
where we r all mired in mutual obligations
& how much u r like so many other
perfect little sistuhs
who discover language & speak
truth in the midst of r mounting denials
& will u meet them in a great future beyond me
little sistuh
looking at me
we touch & leave 4ever
all those faces in the dreaming blue meadow
of my sorrow all those dreams gathered
then lost in ritual carelessness
the millions whom i've noticed
then 4gotten az the minutes photographed
my life & caught me losing time in the
frenzied masses all the kisses
left to flower in the lonely bright hills
the light iz green
little sistuh
& yo car iz inching 4ward
but i hope that u know that i wish
u the most exspensive of gentle love
& the most adamant of tenacious luck
& i hope that u will be smart & enjoy
being that young i hope u will be
generous & understanding
& gather a sense of yoself & yo sisterhood
& that u travel through many more summers
& that the ancestors hold yo hands
at the avenues of life
& that yo daughters be brilliant
& that u continue to inspect the world
with serious eyes & that u read this poem 1 day
& know that it waz me who simply adored u
in that moment where yo face waz so clean
& yo momma's kisses still shown glitter
of yo cheeks & that my goodbyes 2day
be just 1 of the many thousands & thousands
u pass through
& that in passing through
little sistuh
u pass love on

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1124, 990701)

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last night

last night
under the moon & stars
on the blue cafe patio
with the late luxurious people
high in the floating jazz
there were snare drums stirring silver
beneath yo chin at the poured skin
diving in2 the dark of yo cleavage
feeling u breath
the powdered pan of yo shoulders
rising like yo hips last night
like yo mouth in2 the frail light
from beneath the music
then falling & falling

& i waz easy az
the turn of a hand
like a turn hurtling wind
in2 a ballad laced in air
i waz an inhalation of yo perfumed hair
almost a sigh then a smile
between the whispered & wonderful talk
we shared a kiss
i, reclining in yo lap
reached up & met yo tongue
& the talk continued in a cadence unbroken
we punctuated every sentence
were correct on every comma
r syntax instinctual & dreamy
then yo tongue again stirring in my mouth
yo beautiful eyes half opened like
luminous omens over a sensual land
like seeing pleasure in the smoke & shadows
u whispered
"u want this?"
yo hand moved from yo cheek
down yo blouse across yo leg
2 the buckle of yo belt then disappeared
the 2 fingers telling secrets between yo thighs
"do u want this?"
& u were not laughing
yo lips forming words against my nose
yo tongue a question mark
"u want this baby?"
yo fingers working the silk into creases
pressing into that darkness
u were biting yo lip & looking at me
yo slow eyes moving across the patio
& recognizing no one & nothing
the bar the waitresses without meaning
the jazz working u harder
& i listened 2 yo breath taken in heat
yo thighs a little wider
my name muddled beneath yo tongue
"do u want this, baby?"
& the trumpet answered "yes yes!"
screaming so the city could hear
&the piano fondled itself in2 minors
& the high hat lost its balance & crashed
& the mallets thrashed a roll through the
avenue of drums & the saxophone lashed its
mouth 2 an unmatched bending
yo fingers rolling the darkness around until
night turned its face 2 you
"do u want this?"
& u kissed me again
yo tongue indiscriminate across my mouth
yo fingers slowing not out of shame
but out of further defining the pleasure
pressing that dark inch linking u
beautiful thigh 2 beautiful thigh
yo eyes lost in mascara & liner
like a sexual painted face in full womanhood
yo eyes though yo hair like
slow moons through the midnight forest
like the wet hot exchange of voyuerism
like knowing that moist valley between yo hips
yo fingers hurrying the night in2 running
the long srokes diving in2 darkness
then rising hungry
"do u want this?"
& the sax waz pleading "yes yes!"
& the symbols were erections with golden tips
& the bass thumbed a be-bop across yo hips
& the trumpet hopped a measure ahead
the piano skipped a chord & almost tripped
& the night with its quiet stars showered
the earth in eerie opulent light
az yo mouth trembled against mine
& the longing lost its plight
settling around the city like a deep & weary
night & the drums slowed 2 a stirring
& the tumpet straightened its bell
& the shrieking saxophone fell beside the
falling fight & the moon waz a kite reflected in
black water it waz high & staring in2 infinity
yo breath & the volume of it in
slowing rhythm yo heartbeat like a kettle drum
drifting farther and farther away
& sleep waz an incense laden caravan traveling
here from a mystical starfilled night
& i held az u wandered the quiet corridors
of yo velvet satisfaction
az yo eyes closed
& yo hair held u like a lover

i love u like that
daring & lost in memory
& such a worldly woman
such a worldly woman

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1169, 990708)

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i waz young in 83

i waz young in 83
1 of many little boys
that crowded the summers
often shoeless
& never unclaimed
the photographs speak 2 me
the names & noises
the stolen kisses
the illiterate romances in the alleys
something pure & eager az
waiting breath
the world waz so far away then
cities like foriegn countries
a universe of rich action
strangers in relative celebrity
the awe of freeways
& booming construction
open fields & secrets
silence & vacant houses
in a world of back streets
where the senses took pomona
& created a domestic landscape
of elaborate longings

my brother waz at ucla
playing football
my other brother a marine
calling across the world
& us at home
with so much music
patti labelle
anita baker
luther vandross
there waz love like light
in the streets
& a richness lay gold
in the indentations of
r young memories

we were together then
mere variations of 1 another
strange but crystal nonetheless
we sang "i'm in love again"
& "angel"
& "a house is not a home"
& r voices became obelisks
standing on late evening corners
& r voices strewn stars in the
great shadows of freeway underpasses
& r voices were the mysteries
all men decipher between women's thighs
& each day in the river of that summer
we walked through
a community where men
despite their intentions
reached 4 one another in cadilacs
that turned corners like
slow orchestras

charles waz my man
a brotha from 3 streets away
a brotha labeled delinquent
a brotha in a legacy of
languid loneliness
a brotha who never made high school
who disappeared before
he ever knew there people out there
who disappeared while hiz skin
waz soft while the action waz eazy
who waz jailed
who waz lost while hiz
mother sat unimpressed
in the dark kitchen
& lit joints 1 end 2 the other

& they sang there 2
the music mixed sorrow
& elation
it tended 2 r losses
& r acquisitions
they were in my head
in even volume
& i remember them like
second voices
like something az natural az
a dizziness in a bright dawn

if any of u ever reads this poem
know that we r made of the
beautiful statuesque things u
placed in r paths
know that 83
with all its open spaces
held us singing &
know that those things
creep in2 the quiet stretches
of latenight road where
we want simplicity &
old aquaintances & the chance
2 be innocent & be recognized
& acknowledged
in the brief continent of r youth
before the booming crowds
steal r faces
& some of r lives

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1177, 990709)

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james the dreamer

james iz a worker
profoundly straight &
wonderfully green
heavily wieghted in good
he ignores the names
thrown at him
the occasional scream
4 often he daydreams
he wanders
hiz boss claims
he is often not here
that james' aims curve
in2 clouds & clear skies
that hiz eyes sometimes
wander the wharf & peer
through telescope lenses
that his senses love routini & roses
& the religion of business & its cries
fade 2 rivers running wild & wide
& crystal blue or sleepy lagoons
with silent tides or merchant
ships with fishing nets tatooed
2 their sides
james dreams of games of catch
in parks or paris shimmering
in the moments before dark
monks in eretria
market places in senegal
taiwanese skeyscraper builders
in a shower of sparks
indeed james' boss claims
that james is not in the game
sayz each day there iz more of
the same clear-eyed daydreaming
more hours awash
more of the deep afternoon
a new window in the office each day
oceans at the shore of james' desk
children at play
caravans of camels in the narrow halls
fields of unharvested hay
new england meadows
diego rivera murals in mexico city
with tall burros panting 4ever in plaster stalls
oh, james does travel sometimes
he iz a nomad with all the gobi
desert to call home all venice &
rio de janeiro & libeville 2 roam
all kitty hawk 2 stretch hiz arms
where the wright bros. have flown
james carries the world in hiz pocket
cairo to dallas capetown & the czar's
winter palace millions in haj 2 mecca's
sacred stone
james suffices 2 be alone
& while serengettis bask in the heat
of a beautiful day
& az the great wall of china reclines
in its strength az a perfect couple
in a convertable drives the coast & sparkles
sunlit along its picturesque length
somewhere a long lost friend iz on the phone
4 james there r afternoons everywhere 2
call hiz own
oh where iz your working?
oh, james"
the boss exclaims
"effort has gone amiss
there iz nothing much plainer than this
would u much rather kiss
rich ladies
& remain 4ever in that bliss?
would u rather nap
or tote tea
while yo coworkers hiss?
that iz that
& this iz this!
james, i see flowers in yo hair
i see air between yo ears
i fear, yes i fear
what i see & what i hear
the nothingness from yo desk
the lack of hurried mess
james, i fear not meeting projections
at the end of the fiscal year!"
oh, the apologizing james
abandoning the mediterranean
hitching up horses
& trekking in from the plains
kissing paris goodbye
regretting kilimanjaro's high trails
leaving fijiian skies
& confronting stacks of files
leaving hiz laughter at the nile
& piles & piles of figures
at hiz lonely little desk
hurrying from parades in new york
mountains stitched together with
cascading railroad ties
majestic dragonflies
samuri warriors waving heartfelt goodbyes
& james handling insurance claims
with fading foreign lands in hiz eyes
& james
with a little brazillian sand
& the great grand wide open pinwheel
of afternoons everywhere
spinning in hiz eyes

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1222, 990718)

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the kiss

it waz like late fall
all silver & velvet
languid az speech in
the drowsy delta
eazy & calico az an
upstate new york back road

cool water made its way
down my bones
& the joy
oh, the refined joy
uninterpreted mauve leaving
roses laced in my hair
dusk & quiet surrounding me
in a perfumed soprano

yo kisses spread over me
like new skin
i place them on my eyes
& in the corners of my mouth
i wear your love like rare silks
r yesterdays taste me like
residual blessings

then i waz almost asleep
there escaping in2 air
the beautiful echoing longing
swirling in the vacuum
just beyond r parting lips
it amazed me...

we were smiling
the secret forming around us
an implicit hush & recognition
moons coming in the dusk
soundless & slight electricity
& in the darkening trees
little eager stars

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(1240, 990719)

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