Page One

Works Presented

Voices from Rwanda


Kisses In Blue Water

Nothing Moves 2Day



That Sunday Evening


4 A Father

There the Black People Go


Caring 4 the Heavyweight

The Little Boy Next Door



Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.

voices from rwanda

they were 14
in a country that killed children
4 sport
in a country steeped in a perverted
they were 14 in a land
where blood waz colloquial
& women had no meaning
they were 14
taking gold from severed hands
& wandering the floating countryside
adorned in death.


"they were high when they came
in the bushes they painted their faces
their eyes dreaming
they presented their hands az choices
& 1 held death & the other
eternal absence
the radios
siren 2 siren with static
worshipped the killing
& in that screaming treble
sadness tilled the land
& in that procession
time waz a rotting corpse in the
mission yard each minute a meticulous
dissection of the dead & vulgar homeland
they kicked the babies with their boots
& hit them az if they were men
i hated the roads that gave them sure
footing & the everpresent indifferent air
the seasons beautiful & pronounced behind
the bellhung decaying bodies
it waz a madness examined & let loose
it waz a madness constructed & taxed
& in the end there were no children".


"he looked like my son
the way he leaned in the doorway
half shadow half my mother
hiz outline in the late evening sun
like r country desperate & cool
he waz so ordinary at times
hiz anger almost practiced & read
even after the rapes outside
even after hurling bones in jest
even after denying the old woman water
hiz smooth face in the doorway waz
like a placid moon in a swirling red universe
hiz eyes beautiful & precise
like my son
hiz ebony adolescent hands like a
uniform all these kids wear
like u could love them all
if anything at all could stop them
& erase the holocaust they create".


"i saw death 2day
& he looked right at me like
we had shared a summer of music
or had known someone in common
it waz a familiarity that countrymen have
that a township shares
i saw death 2day
waiting at the police depot
casually sitting tapping the bench examining
the large warm room
he waz a stranger who 1 knew waz well traveled
he waz comfortable & patient
he sat in the waiting area without fear
checking the creases in hiz linen shirt
turning hiz watch from 1 side of hiz wrist
2 the other he nodded at the women
winked at the children shared a laugh
with the busy constable
& i thought it strange that even death
would laugh in this large warm quiet room
seeing that i had traveled on a trail of bones
2 report such an inoffensive matter az a
disappearance in the midst of genocide
yet death waz congenial & patient
& among the thinning crowds
he recognized me".


"the machete iz an interesting weapon
it iz almost a half moon fallen 2 earth
when swung it trails light like thrusting
a hand from the sea i've seen it eat deep
in2 men & be bloody & panting i've seen
it slice so correctly across the hand length pan

of a small woman's shoulders that the
technician in me envied such effortless craft
& such work iz like the corona of the sun
it iz without beginning like a beast built
4 killing not like the gun whose distance
& shot leaves 1 longing in the howling shadows
of night the machete translates bone un2 yo bones
flesh un2 yo flesh it shatters the intellect
with its speed & intoxicates the efficient &
shadowless body"

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(698, 990412)

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Kisses In Blue Water

in the intricate blue
of infinite emptiness
through the endless
vacancies of a tuesday
night loneliness in the alluvial
silence bordered in shadows
where memory turns like
slow jazz through late streets
in the absences that are the
hearts of shadows
i wait 4 yo call
here where night sky iz az tall
az my sorrow & each searching
star shone blind & bright
& unwanted


the city
fallen across a grid
carelessly touching
& being touched
where are u?
call while the freeways
rise in privacy`
call while theive's eyes
have not catalogued the city
call in2 my dreams where
i swear u hold me &
we did not part in anger
there where ever u r
opening doors & closing them
behind u
understand that i am sorry
& sometimes silly
& am very lonely without u
sitting in my apartment
pooling kisses in blue water

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(851, 990503)

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Nothing Moves 2day

nothing moves 2day
not the calculations
that draw the highways
across my memory nor
the high pines that witness
loneliness in these
snow hushed mountains
ahead there are drifts
15 ft deep that separate
here & the world & that
whiteness like death
total & tall & frozen
& everywhere draws me
in silence like a flooding


through nights
across the back sides of stars
in country so vast
that men 4get their orgins
& believe they have always been there
in country so wide
that the sky seems 2 be contained
within the horizon
& now a slow universe of snow
the wheels whine
& both rig & i
r desperate


but somewhere back
i crossed a road
clear az children singing
& against that 4ever
silver of moon & snow
it amazed me
but that road went east i assume
& the sun haz not risen
4 3 weeks now & the dark gray goes
mile by mile
in residual alchemy
in2 starless night


but i
among the many men
cancelled in2 pellmelling
frozen whiteness
who pull loads across this
great winter must deliver myself
& though the season may not allow
seeing that we all r stifled
night building around us like
a coming blindness
i say i will come
somehow in death or life
in springtime or in shadow

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(852, 990503)

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i would run
& find myself at
the 13 mile marker
between golden fields
on roads that
stretched themselves 2
give the bountiful land rest
& my streaking self
would be the difference
between here & there
& with each stride
i would harvest myself
gather a piece of the earth
az the world chanted
az the almond groves straightened
their rows in ritual
it would be dusk
& oh, what elegance
what power i knew
what fire i shared with
all extraordinary machinery
i would be chasing the sun
& be every bit its equal
i would be jesus
on the long road 2 nazereth
& there
flying there beyond all tangible things
& there chasing dusk across
the enflamed planet
i would hope to leap in2 the
heart of the sun
i would hope 2 be resurrected
i would hope 2 never know the night
& be consumed in the holocaust

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(853, 990503)

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That Sunday Evening

i waz at the airport
awaiting a flight
thinking of king
protests marching
through the selma of my mind
i saw delirium on all the faces
i saw people removing
their eyes in denial
& walking from dark in2 dark
i saw the blacks keloided marked
indiscriminately in brutal memory
& while waiting
looking 4 god in the high ceiling
a skycap hurrying by stopped
& pushed hiz radio toward me
something about 4 black girls in
alabama & an explosion
& in the churning mosaic of people
i leaned back til the sky
shone in my eyes

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(854, 990503)

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4 a father

u cannot protect him
cannot carry him
heavy az he iz
solid az he iz
loud az he iz
he iz yo son
yo contribution 2 the enormous world
he iz the speed the quickness
the insolence & outlandish magic
& wonderful mystery of dawn
the incantation of hiz birth
pronounced hiz freedom
& drew hiz flare from the wildness
often implicit in great men's eyes
the fascination & unwarranted spinning
of men shirtless in the city summers
who outholler traffic
who outblack deep shadows
& obliviously stroll through a cacophony
of scheduled alarms
he yells
& the city yells back
both of them grinning
standing against the weather
u cannot protect him
cannot prescribe hiz movement when
the girls call & moonlight iz lazy
across their faces & their hips hide
velvet pleasures
out there hiz shadow imposes itself
across the electric avenues
close 2 hiz face
hiz hand can cover the sun
& u watch him longing in the
deep wet kiss of hiz youth
& he iz yo child
& though u disagree
& warn him of dangers harboring
unused absences behind dark doorways
hidden & greedy along the night avenues
& though u bade him be careful
the iron of hiz shoulders iz impressive
& hiz height so sudden & pleasing
hiz eyes clear full of future
not aware of any loss
& u know that this iz hiz summer
az u watch him leaving the yard
in perfect skin

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(862, 990503)

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There the Black People Go

there the black people r
spangled amidst the jazz
sunday clad in their finest smiles
delicate & slow
mired in the morning miles
the wealth of them
the tender eyed promises
millions moving through muted manhattan
in unrepentive style
oh, there the black people r
a cacophony scaffolding a hundred stories high
beaded in whistles & hoots
marking time in alligator boots
in the most outrageous hats & suits
high hipped & big thighed
gregarious with great white teeth
sistuhs in a wreath of hotcombed hair
colognes & powders purpling the air
with haleahujahs at the hem &
the jumping jacket tails they wear
scornfully scholarly breathing their sidity sighs
christening concrete & marching up marble
& checking out the world with slow yellow eyes
yes, there the black people r
& there they go
descending on the city like evening
waking up still glass
eyeing the reflections az the pass
turning out turnstiles & legislating loudness
& alarms
embroidering the blvd with their charms
in unmatched elegance
choreographed & remarkable honed & exact
in their wild & winding show
the big legged women & the tall dark men
stopping traffic az the flow
& further bedazzling the bedazzled
pirouetting corners stepping off curves
moving in the out doors
caravaning in cadilacs
& acting az they act
& searing the city so
& depending on what u know
being beckoned by the frenzy of them
standing called & accused
by the beautifully alive blacks
trousers creased & ankles thin
on the cusp of that night that they move like
music in
& depending on how steep yo sin
or where yo matters lay
if u simply adore the things those people say
if u proudly herald what & where u have been
u would cast a sound in2 the cacophony
of their splendid din
u would grab a horn or hurl a holler
& throw yo music in

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(863, 990503)

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caring 4 the heavyweight

he fought 83 professional fights
lost nearly half of them
hiz skin a dyed oiled leather
covers him like a moan
scars screaming regret across the eyes
vision moving slow across the fading targets
he iz flesh pounded out from legislated beatings
the placid demeanor the small earthquake
in hiz shaking hand
he reaches 4 u
the gesture inches illustrating
the sweep & sharp yell fallen from a bellowing
vocabulary words & roughshoding dismantled
levers amputated from great machines
individual letters that hold no kinship in
understanding blows acquiesced in2
short desperate breaths
he needs something
u move quickly
he iz az large az the recliner
"what?" u say
u lean in2 hiz confusion
"yes?" u say
something in him iz dropping words
something 2 thick fingered 2 handle fine things
something guessing at shadows
something mixing a history of abstract voices
& childhood dreams
u take hiz large hand
u hold hiz hand
u bring him some water
& looking at him examining the small eyes
the head like a salvador dali painting
balancing between the table lamps
the shoulders perpetually lunging in2 sleep
something in the corner of the room
alluding 2 a shadow
u notice a softness in the mooncrust
bellcurving the nape of hiz neck
u rub that space that the fights haven't
encroached upon
he moves slightly 2 receive u
u smile he laughs
sounds throw off silence like unhinging iron
he laughs through plastic skin like an old
tractor dreaming of work like when rubbing that
spot u polish a space in the muddy window
of hiz memory where clarity falls across the mouth
like cool water like finding boundless
day through an error in the dark
infinite clouds
the cheeks hunch & recall joy
suddenly he iz coughing
oh, how hollow & huge a man must be 2 hark &
huffle so
what cavernous a man 2 exhale seasons
that exist within the ribs
u bade him
u lift the cup with him
"drink" u say
he takes half spilling the other
hiz eyes close 2 examine the coming quiet
u wipe hiz chin
turn on the tv & leave the room
& at the door looking back cataloging the space
between u & counting the dry leaves of the long
days wrapped in incense & stillness
hiz eyes catch yo's
like he waz waiting 4 u 2 notice
& hiz eyes smile
the message iz simple
"thank u"
from hiz heart like a faint hello
from 3 smokey rooms away

Romus © Copyright, 1999

(902, 990513)

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the little boy next door

the little boy next door
who iz 4 or 5
iz shadow & shyness
surrounded in longing
he iz an inventor a steward
a tarriff collector
a slow driver a diver
in the cauldersac corner
a whisp of troubled air across
the green afternoon
he waits 4 u
4 he haz no father
& watches yo car turn in2 the garage
in may he sees the spring spray colors
like battalions of brilliant men
& how u come among them like a god whose
hand he could touch
& 5:30 belongs 2 just u & him
just the 20 seconds from the garage 2 the house
he counts yo steps u smile in courtesy
& everything iz tangerine
the ballooning street the bushes
that need trimming the red roofs
the hills behind the homes that hint navy blue
& hide the universe
& the little boy next door
on hiz bike with hiz neat hair & eyes
in hiz new blue jacket & shoes always untied
iz waiting
but what strikes u iz what is tied 2 2morrow
& the coarse run in the drowsy traffic
& the clock impersonally measuring yo life
stealing whole treks of memory
collapsing the heart in articulate angled increments

& u r older 2 soon & there iz nothing heavier than yo hands
but that little boy next door watches everyday
counting yo steps looking 4 yo car
& the short hurl 2 the front door
that 20 seconds measured in acquiescing numbness
the dash devoid of breath & color from the
gaudy day's noise u move like a train 2 hurried
4 the slow rhythms of a flowering countryside
& the flowers r watching u like the little boy
next door & u r lonely like him
he in the wide empty afternoon among the
quiet houses & u
behind the stoic reflections downtown
& yes
the distance across a lawn
a year a lifetime a ritual that deceives intelligent men
& the dreams of lonely little boys lacking language
who watch windows go dark

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(903, 990513)

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my grandmother
sits on the couch
& we thought we were silly
laughter waz the invention
of r strong teeth
that we were lean black
homogeneous in r stride
& grandmother iz watching
we run in & out
bring the day back through
the living room
in shimmering bands
of gold yellow & blue
& how strong we r
fences fly beneath us
we chainlink the world cover cadilacs in single steps
& grandmother iz reading
while we dance the doowop
& throw r hands
oh, how straight we r
the elegant lines between r joints
r fingers crooking
in2 the air like knotty black branches

my brother john trips
hiz cut off shorts rip
& all r sides quiver
laughter wells up strong
but grandmother iz watching
we constrain r smiles we hide
we breathe in the dazzling morning
we fall apart inside
& what an unexpected sight
grandmother iz bubbling
tearing bouncing beneath her weight
& the common air between us
like an ocean come home
iz ancient
& beautiful

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