Page Seven

Works Presented



To Ed!

Challenge Poem: Dream





First Class Lover

Cravings of the Heart


The Imperial Rose of Wales

My Heart Lies...(re-write)



Ode to My Baby Blue Marine



Rising Sun



Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.


Tick, tock, Tick Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, tock!!!
Adrenaline rising!!!!!
Like tides of little beads of sweat
Rise upon my forhead!!!
Eyes move back and forth in perfect unison
Like one of those Felix the Cat Clocks My mother had in her kitchen!
Precision, PRESCISION!!!
Heartbeating like a trapped butterfly in a jar!!!
Faster, Faster, FASTER!!!!I wonder how far, how far Can I go in one hour flat!
GULP!!!! I THINK I AM FLYINGThose little pills are marvellous!
I got to get this done before half-past one!!!
Got to do it right! Got to do it Now!!!
Sleep, sleep...what this that?
It is an ancient passtime ritual Long gone, long gone!Who has time for slumber?
Oh! I have an 8 0�clock deadline!!!Will I ever get this done???
Goodness knows my fate
If the boss does not get this report by 8?
ARRRRGGh!!!! I forgot to set my alarm clock!!!Now I�ll be late ...
My head is spinning!!! I can�t get my eyes open..Oh, goodness! I need coffee!!! I need..I need
Call the ambulance!! Another one bites the dust!!!
When will this madness end?
When we all learn to take it easy..When we ease up on the eccelarator of our souls...And relearn to breathe and smell the flowers!
Perfectionism is like a timebomb
It builds pressure deep inside
Gaining momentumAbiding its time...Waiting for a certain silent signal To go POW!!!
And in an instant all ..All you�ve worked all your entire lifetime for
Goes off in one explosionof metal and gunpowder
A heap of twisted, mangled steel upon your feet!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1541, 990904)

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To Ed!

I think of you often
You are the first thing that pops up in my head
When I arise; you are like a wren..
Who awakens
My every senses with its presence..

You occupy my thoughts throughout the day!
As I dress
I can feel your essence....
Your soft caress..
The taste of your breath
Like the finest vintage wine
Upon my lips..
The Oriental silkness
Of your hair as I run my lacquered nails and fingertips
Through ..
Even in my aloness
You are there.

You are in my soul
You are under my skin..
You are everything and all
The air which I breathe without, within..
You, Ed...are omnipotent...
At night upon laying my head
Upon my pillow..
Your spirit, Ed it seems
Hovers over me like an angel..
To sweeten my dreams
and give me a nocturnal glow..
Which rejuvinates me with youth
Your home lies within my heart...
And there it shall linger..
For you are very much a part
Of the very nature
of my anatomy...

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1592, 990912; 1605, 990913 revised)

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Challenge Poem: Dream

In the stillness of the night
The muse in me took over
And between darkness and light
I did have the sweetest revarie ever!

The sound of a cascading waterfall
like booming thunder..
Took over my soul
And the wonderful sounds and sights of Eden;

All the earthtones and soft pastels
Painted the scene....
Soft pinks, blues, and russet browns and dark egg-shells
Were the predominant colors of my dream..

Underneathe the over-sized basin
the babbling brook ran past in gentle motions
as gold fish swam on by in the stream near the Garden..
On their way to aqua-green oceans;

Sandwhiched in between,
Two lovers stood bathing
Like a modern couple in a Biblical scene..
A sea of passion..
overwhelmed them
And the Forbidden Fruit of desire
was purified
And made pure again
With love�s fire,
Making right that ancient rite
Which our ancestors made taboo..

He was manly... a broad-shouldered warrior
And his physique overpowered her
Protecting her like some clustred pearl found in that paradisal shower
And she, being with child...almost a mother
Was exceptionally beautiful..
Like the First Eve....fragile, yet bold and mystic like the woman that she is..
Made to feel loved and special
By the magic of his kiss
Upon her navel!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1541, 990904)

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A gentle mist pours down upon humanity
In gentle streams
Of pure vitality
Nourishing our souls with healing rays
Of comfort, love, and peace

Swish, Swish!!!
The droplets fall upon the thirsty earth
And we, as fish
Accept the gift of Aquarius
With so much gratitude and happiness
As the wet, cooling droplets of water fall upon us
To rejuvinate our senses
Like gentle kisses

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1659, 990922)

[Top][Bottom][MGonzalez01 Index]


How perfectly round and supple
Are her crimson cheeks!
A scarlet belle, so plump and sweet, the apple
Smiles at you with dimples which seem to speak
Of savory, forbidden delights
So moist, so luscious, so succluent
Your mouth seems to water upon her sight.
How, you wonder, can such beauty seem so innocent
Yet provoke within you such erotic pleasures
Just by smelling her delectable scent?
You want to tear upon her fleshy skin
And taste her sweet nectar
And relish the smooth, juicy texture
So satiny and paper thin...
Yet rich in flavor!


One cannot attempt to explain such voluptuous artistry
Which provokes such temptation...
It is simply one of life�s best-kept mysteries
Which is just best enjoyed without question!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1697, 990928)

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First Class Lover

I am a First class lover
I will tell you why
I am loved the wide world over
And I get frequent flyer miles when I fly...


I have a love who is Canadian
And so in love with me is he
That when we get together, oh, that man
can make me so happy!


I have a love in New Delhi
And when we kiss it�s like heaven.
He makes sweet love to me
Sends my heart soaring sky-hi...that sweet man!
He bathes me in love like the Ganges River
As he makes my whole body quiver!


I have a man in Oxford England
There is no finer gentleman than he
Together we travel through London
And sip fine English Tea;
And cross the Thames on a tugboat while holding hands
Oh, so in love are we!


I have a gentleman waiting in Japan
He surprises me with silky kimonos from the Orient!
Oh, what a sweet, sweet man!
He makes me feel so elegant
As he kisses softly like lotus petals.
He makes my whole body explode like Mt. Fuji
With all his tenderness!


I have a guy in Melborne and Sydney
In the land down under
And underneathe a eucalyptus tree
We make love, ever intensely!


I am a world class lover
And I�ve been around the entire world--
I have travelled the wide world over
I am such a worldly girl
Yet am a true and virtuous lady!
Everywhere I travel
I am loved so tenderly
That I am the envy of all the belles
From Southern France to Italy!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1714, 991004; 1721 991005)

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Cravings of the Heart

In a pool of blood
I drown, a slow, agonizing death.
Engulfed within a flood
I draw my last breath
As I perish
For lack of what I truly crave;


Lust turns into agony
As day turns into night
And my soul raves in a sudden fury
I look in disdain at my plight...
A heart which loves profoundly
Has been unjustly denied...


And so it burns
With an all-consuming fire
For that what it truly years (yearns)
Is unattainable...
A love which in the distance
Of time and space
Has slowly murdered this old heart of mine
A slow and painful death
And has buried it alive with all its' passions
Yearning, oh, yearning to be forever satisfied!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1782, 991022; 1783 991022)

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The Imperial Rose Of Wales
(a Dedication To Princess Diana)

To-day all of England and the entire world
Weeps in sorrow and despair
The raindrops fall in every British glen and dale;
Today is a Day of mourning
For the World has lost a great wealth!
Today England has lost Someone valuable and
She came to us like a tender rose bud in mid July
At a time when the World was in desperate need
Of a modern day fairy-tale;
Though her life was not quite happily ever after
She became a symbol of royalty and splendor
She waltzed into our hearts and souls
with regal poise and opulence...
Her presence has blessed the world with a
tapestry of live
And yet, tragically this precious rose was ripped
from its fertile soil
Out of a cowerdly act of greed
Today is known throughout the world
As the day when the angels in heaven cried
For today, the Imperial Rose of Wales has died
Yet do not despair, England, dry your tears
For the Imperial Rose of Wales lives on inside
England's future Royal Heirs...
For now, the World bids her farewell...

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1793, 991025)

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The following poem has been significantly re-written and shortened to fit publishers requirements. You may view the earlier version of the poem on MGonzalez01-Page One.

My Heart Lies Bleeding

My heart is pierced by Cupid's arrow
I lay bleeding here in this puddle
Of blood and tears and sorrow:
I'll die, dear heart,
If not today, well, then...tomorrow
If you leave me here in agony;
Please be my surgeon.
This sting is more than I can bear.
Won't you please put a Band-Aid
On this poor wounded heart of mine;
It was such a cruel wound
on the morning of St. Valentine.
Cupid pierced me with his poisoned dart
With cruelty he did put a gash upon my heart...
That only you can heal
Please be my physician, love
I have complete faith in you!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1794, 991025)

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The golden-sequened clock in Time Square
Ticks ever so slowly as we anticipate
For the coming of a new era in wonder
Our minds reflect like a projector...
Images of one hundred years of transformation...
Of poverty, war, and hate!
We have certainly traveled quite a distance
From the dawning of the space age
To the age of technology and innovation...
Now we stand in front of a new millennium
And face center stage...
Not much wiser than we should be
The scenes run through our brains like a documentary


Our primeval core remains untamed
Inspite of all the warnings of the Y2K
and the predictions of the End...
Yet we stand to embrace the New Millennium
With hope and expectation
Of a better alchemy of the soul

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1804, 991026)

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Ode to My Baby Blue Marine

His royal blue uniform is lovingly pressed
And sits ready for him on his easy chair.
While I stand by the vestibule, all heartbroken and depressed,
I smile proudly as I straighten his uniform with tender-lovin'-care;


It is hard to hide a brokenheart
When you say goodbye
And watch him sadly depart;
As you brush away a sad tear from your eye.


He is stationed in South Korea, so very far away.
Fighting a war that he did not start
But fighting with courage while giving his life away
For love of a Country which resides with him forever in his heart;


I in my rocking chair listen to the radio broadcast news from afar
In the distance I only hear the sound of guns and hand-granades
Is my sweetheart alright, I wonder?
His memory fades...
Oh, God! watch over him and the boys, I pray!


A decade later...war has ceased
Yet I still iron his royal blue uniform lovingly
While he comes down those stairs and puts me at ease..
With a twinkle in his matching blue eyes of his
He reassures me that all is well
As he stares down from heaven and blows me a kiss!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1869, 991110)

[Top][Bottom][MGonzalez01 Index]


My world was composed of
One eternal season.
And love
Could not survive within
This brusque atmosphere...
Winter reigned in my heart forever;


365 days of wintertime
My soul deprived of sun
Was frozen ice sculpture!


But, what miracle is this
That brought a ray of sunshine
And thawed this icy heart of mine
With the warmth of love?


For heaven opened up a door
And sent an angel down to me
With the loving chore
Of keeping me company
And lending me a helping hand
And a sympathetic ear


Suddenly my life was enriched
With all the richness one can hold.
My heart rejoices with the beauty of all seasons...
Because of the unselfish kindness
And heart of gold
Of one angel, most distinquished
And everlasting friend.
I must thank the Lord above
For this gift of love that I've been given.
For truly my newfound friend,
You truly are a Godsend!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1872, 991111)

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Rising Sun
(Dedicated to Joe Ho)

When the sun sets in the west
And heaven shines with its' artificial
I lay myself to rest
Upon sheets of satin and to my
I transform into an Emperess;
My bed becomes a sailing vessle,
My bedroom becomes a sea
And whilst I dine on wine and
I head East upon an exotic journey;
He comes to me upon an erotic
A most distinquished gentleman
We dance upon a silver moonbeam
In a foreign land;
My ordinary dress becomes a
silken dress
Spun from fine silkworms of the
I wear the finest Kimono in all
He makes me feel like royalty
For I am his honored guest
We dance together in sheer intimacy
Then make sweet love all through
the night
And our hearts rejoice in a fine
My heart basks in his constant love
Inside the Imperial palace I revel
in his hospitality.
I can never get enough
I just may stay here a whole eternity
In the land of the rising sun!

Size: 48,061
Filename: kissedbyrose.mid
Theme from Kiss From A Rose
Copyright (c) 1995 Tran Tracks, Inc.

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(1936, 991129)

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(...the True Meaning of Christmas)

A long, long time ago a Babe was born
In a stable, unrefined and cold.
Yet 'Love' pulsated from within that crude, cold and humble shelter.
The very essence of love was born that day;
A long, long time ago
Angels and a sparkling star gave the sign
To an impatient world below;
His coming was foretold
By prophets of days of yore...
This Holy Birth
restored the lonely soul of man
All because of God's loving plan.
At Christmas we remember
That Holy, sacred morn
When Jesus of Nazareth was born
At Christmas we remember God's unselfish deed
That for our sakes He gave us his only begotten Son,
To break the chains of death and sin forever
And give us each warm and loving hearts
And a fortifying spirit that is strong and bold!

Mary Gonzalez © Copyright, 1999

(2020, 991223)

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