
The truth, just is. We fabricate and play games inside and outside ourselves. But, when we quiet the internal dialogue and look deeply into the mirror of ourselves there is just yourself and the universe. Who do you think you are fooling?

Faerimuse (sometimes known as Julie) is a 25-year old writer, poet, and sometimes philosoper who lives with three cats, a huge fishtank (which the cats watch often) and her fiance, Karl. Her favorite poet is Richard Braughtigan and her favorite prose writer is L. E. Modessit. You check out her personal websites at The Tribe [URL: http://www.tribe-atlanta.org./tribesb1.htm] or Stepping Sideways [URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/faerimusing]

Comments and Feedback on her poetry should be addressed to: [email protected]

Works Presented



Hand Me Down

Melted Barbie






Sins of the Flesh


Night Grrl

Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.


Laser lights penetrate and
dust the evening
There is so little to grasp
with baby
inexperienced hands
and so
few concepts that piece together

Waves reflect and gather like
lost lambs on my brow, begging me
to understand
and looking pitiful in their wanderings.

Eyes reach the pain, but lashes lance it away
daring it to touch retinal routes

There is no wondering
There is no contact

Eyes close to old commercials
and the cable flickers

Faerimuse � Copyright, 1999

(863, 990505)


Hand Me Down

My dreams are multi-colored birds
that flavor my sight and sing

solitude that I would never speak
or share
with even you

Horizons of pinks and greys that blend and curve
to the wing of wandering flight

I can find no purpose

I find only pain

Words whispered in my ear-between REM and waking
the somewhere that is not here and
the place where I

walk freely

Where I wear my pain like garish make up
and dress in clothes my aunt would shutter to forget

Limited to a few waking cognisance and whispers of what I saw
I wonder what truths my waking eyes lie and pervert

Faerimuse � Copyright, 1999

(865, 990505)


Melted Barbie

I am not your lover.

I am not your lost wonder of a dream,
you thought you had once upon a time.
Nor fairy winged princess to drape on strong arms
at loud and oversexed parties where no one
I repeat
no one seems to listen

I don't understand your drama.
The way your eyes light and catch pain
like children catch colds.
I don't want to be your pain. Your punishment.

I am cold. Not hot. Not dangerous.
I sleep late on Thursdays
and drink hot coke when I don't want ice.
I am comfortable with uncombed hair

and sleepy eyes.
There is no justice in magazine glamour.

Go find your not so aging cheerleader,
with white teeth that snap words

from closed minds and closed ears.

Go find your carbon one dimensional dream date,
and let this melted barbie sleep alone

Faerimuse � Copyright, 1999

(877, 990506)



We scope out the floor
and the lights glimmer poetically
while our feet try to glide
to the
beat of

the dance dj.

My hand tucks into yours and the tight
circle we form seems
unpenetrable- so permanent

Your eyes flash joy and
you barely notice
my feet crushing your toes

The song lingers in the air and
dissipates and the crowd trickles
off the floor

in search of food,drinks, and conversation.

We flock like birds
full of noise
and a sense of

I did not notice
the other girl

the one who sat behind me in

I laugh a little to loudly at a comment you make
and cover it up with a quick kiss to your

the other girl
walks to the reception table, trying to mingle
so that others will
not see
that she is alone
She clings to the crowd like saran wrap
trying to share glances and false smiles

She can only stand for so long
and eventually ends up at a table by herself

But my eyes do not see the other girl
my eyes are only for me

Faerimuse � Copyright, 1999

(906, 990513)



The universe spreads her wings
as I gaze with
arms outstretched and eyes unashamed

My feet grab leaves and dirt in curling
barefoot toes-glorying in dandelions that drip summer
This is my wandering backyard world

that yells life and demands deeper understanding

Honeysuckles and fence climbing roses rise to

smell and tastes that beckon enter
and please return again

Concrete and commercials wilt colorless.

my body
wants to rock that cradle of fresh sown dirt

where seeds are tucked safely
by my smudged hands and
dreams of green and growing things

The universe bids me welcome-
motherhood and maternity

water more potent than breast milk
Sun Father-a solar step ladder

And they grow.
leaves peep- then curl
to greet the day.

Proud mother, pulls weeds and pushes back
her straw hat with with a smile.

Julianne/Faerimuse � Copyright, 1999

(924, 990516)



Phantom feather fingers sweeps across the page
nose wiggling at too much dust
a room untouched and unloved for so long

Sanguine curtains lie still
and spiderweb window sills see little sunlight

the creaks and aches of an old house echo in
this drafty room
the chair creaks as you flip one more page

Hands and feet seem foreign here
as if breaking the solitude of
this sanctuary

Your grandfather had sat there, at least
he did many years ago

He would push up his glasses on his nose

and lick his finger, just as you did
when he flipped a page

You even read in the detailed, absorbed way he did

The world disappearing as another takes over-
My knock reverberates on the door

and you raise your conciousness to the here
and wave me into
your dusty rememberances.

Julianne/Faerimuse © Copyright, 1999

(943, 990520)


Sins of the Flesh

Pray for release
Know that there will be a time that
you can not find me

That you will not touch me

You should know that my anger
will stretch and shape like a tempest
that will

not simply abate

There is no hiding
there is no place to quietly
creep away

So think now
Put a brief thought of regret
before you lift that hand

I am where I am right now
But this will not always be so

my words are promise
my strength will make yours pale

like a poor disapated bones
left to bleach dry
There are other times
and that time will be mine
not yours

So I ask you again

put those hands together
dream of a time
that you did
not know me

Because if you lift that hand to me

My name will be the only one you know

Faerimuse © Copyright, 1999

(972, 990525)


Night Grrl

Feather ferret she smooths so quickly
the ruffles of the night

What a lazy stranger
feet heavy-- eyes long
What sort of creature is this?

Territory is mine
travel the concete and tread the turf
Sandwich every look of saavy business into
one little glance

What are you looking at?

Wow, what a little weasel.

See the way that tie chokes
right up his tight little neck.

Predator prowess, hips sway

and red fingernails are talons of tawdriness

Did you come out to play?
Aren't we the brave one?

I am an exotic flavor.

Rhinestones and red fast cars is what this little girl is made of.

Faerimuse © Copyright, 1999

(1103, 990626)


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English Suite No. 2 in A-, Allemande

Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Sequencer Gary Bricault, � 1997.
It was obtained from http://members.tripod.com/~MrMaestro/midi.html.
Filename: bach8.mid; File Size: 9 KB.


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