Page Six

Works Presented

Left Half empty


Particle of Death

on St. Patrick's Day

Hello and Smiles

Note: (000, YYMMDD) = the approximate Yahoo Message Board entry number and date.
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and line phrasing are as originally posted by the author.

Left Half empty

This is what it is called,
a moment of truth,
something not seen,
only felt from inside.
Wandering mindlessly from spirit,
this persistent feeling of peace,
gives some sense that everything should feel as it does.
A quick turn with a fixed gaze up into a tree,
leaves and branches moving ever so slowly,
the sea washes inside of ears to mind,
back and forth treks of noise,
giving a direction meant for heart.
A slight wind caressing the face,
as even it seems to know.
In thought,
every conceivable meaning in milliseconds,
as to the why something as this needs to be expressed,
yet not want to except for own selfish ways.
The essence begins to move up and grow in height,
as well as in strength,
making fear move in front of peace,
but that is only for a short time,
because when the eyes finally take in
what is seen,
nothing matters anymore.

Not the ocean,
nor the wind,
not the heart,
nor the spirit it lives for.
Everything has made its final relevance.

Although as sitting upon the large rock,
and knowing what is seen has its purpose,
there is still something missing,
something wrong in the way it needs to be felt,
deserving, seems to be the only word of day.
Why do I have this privilege?
In what frame of the total picture does it,
become meaningful and given for my spirit?
The voice knocked me off the rock,
there was no one,
but the essence making an image,
as quickly as a blink of an eye.
"You have asked for my attention."
Was said of the voice.
"Um, I did? Oh yes, I did."
"I love to use the shock event for my presence.
Seems a more dramatic effect for the spirit
to grasp hold of, don't you think?"

"I am in no position to disagree with anything you wish to convey."

And the image of a wolf,
then to an eagle,
thus to a bear,
ending with a woman,
dressed in a pure white gown,
a beauty beyond any word used
for what it means,
stands before me slightly above the earth.
The sea is seen to flow as usual, through,
and behind her.
"This is not what I expected."
"No, but for your mind to accept my intentions,
it needed to be this way,
and you will not be the same from here on."
"I can understand that."
Moving to the rock again,
she slightly moves as well,
there is a grace, as does so,
hands and arms do not seem to be real,
there is so much elegance in the way moved.

Bowing head,
feeling somewhat humble and not worthy,
"Do not look away,
I am who I am,
and you are not to feel anything but love,
because I am here for you, for your concern,
wanting to give what it is you need in heart."
"That's the problem,
I've lost the love, only to be filled with loss,
discontent, and a feeling of despair,
for the direction seen I am heading."

"No, nothing is as it is to be seen,
because of your physical mind doing the talking.
Rather than listening to me,
through the spiritual minded way of thought I presented.
The path has already been set;
everything you want and will get is in line,
waiting for your heart to receive it.
Stepping beyond the false road of life,
beyond the false realism you gave yourself,
and listening to my truth,
there is only one path which leads your spirit,
to the highway of heaven,
out amongst the energy life lives on,
and gives for your faith to exist. Believe not,
in how the mind seeks the analogy to find answers.
But in what you bring through your spirit first,
for the truth in how to make life what it is,
could be, and finding love as the door in which
the opening leads to an everlasting happiness."

"Whoa, if I had any inclination in making that happen,
what would be the consequences,
if failed,
finding the right choices along the path, I so chose to take?"

"Right or wrong, my son,
is not the pretense, nor the evolution of thought,
a choice you make is not to be seen as right,
and it cannot be a wrong decision,
another deception for spirit from the mind.
Believe this,
if you make the decision to be evil along this path,
that is a perception of what you wanted in spirit,
whether right or wrong is not the question.
Had it served your spirit, as a truth

evil was the real choice to be made?
Did you accomplish everything love was intended to bring,
rather than what evil set love aside for?
Always use love in making decisions for the spirit's path.
Doors open as none were before,
compassion seeks every part of your surrounding beliefs,
compromise for the good of living, is not let go,
nor will it ever feel like you have lost it.
Evil does not exist.
Except where you think it to exist for your selfish ways,
and falsehoods on why it is there,
just for a benefit. A gift to be something you are not.
Listen to my thoughts and intuition,
for you cannot fail me, and all else will be relevant."

"I am sorry for not doing so,
listening to you,
all I can ask is to be forgiven."

"O' have you not been forgiven from birth,
has the days into the nights shown you ways
beyond your wildest dreams?
Why do you not believe in me,
as easily as the mind's way of evil?
I come to you now,
giving love and more,
for you to walk along the sand,
with my Son,
knowing there will never be a time you cannot seek,
seek the love within your heart,
for the path to be ever more filled with goodness.
And choices made freely from your known truth,
of how much I love you,
and want everything your desires show are true to have from faith.
Let faith be your guide, everything else will follow."

The tears would not stop,
and praying all this to be held inside my sanctuary,
even though, God was standing before me; smiling.

I knew, She knew, it was meant as a thank you.

The waves where making their presence more resounding,
coming with a force and touching the sand
as if sent from within a storm,
It is a blue sky though,
warm and beautiful.
I think it is a way for God to send a hello as I sit here,
raising up the waves for me to know everything is well,
even amongst all the turbulence and misguided directions,
living has to be,
lived in by.

The healing came from beyond the farthest galaxies,
farther yet where the essence resides somewhere in soul,
and it is meant for one purpose.
Given as that special touch love can only make happen,
when letting go of the mind's falsehoods,
when removing the ego's untruth to happiness,
when all else fails
while moving down many of life's long roads,
and looking very...very, lonely,

faith takes you upon the back of God,
and carries you as far as needed,
for your soul to be filled and never left half empty.

©2000 Albert L. Wade, Jr.

Brought to you by: Enchanted Words "The Written Way"

Note: crowstouch signs his work with various pseudonyms. Albert L. Wade, Jr. is one of many.

crowstouch © Copyright, 2000

(2128 through 2131, 000211)

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Particle of Death

From around the mountain,
fierce, and filled with particles,
small dust like entities,
and coming for one purpose,
to instill the people of earth,
there is another matter to contend with,
and it is not good,
nor does it harbor the ways of life,
seen at their moment of existence.

The wind removed everything before the mountains,
nothing exists as it did,
no cities,
nothing to be seen for hundreds of miles,
only dirt and dust with particles of waste.

Off in the distance though,
someone is running, confused,
then stops, runs in another direction,
stops again, standing for what seems like an eternity.
One lone girl amongst the vastness of nothing,
she is kept away from the wind’s particles,
they cannot touch the young one; having tried to remove
her from the wasteland, tried and failed, they are angered.

The girl can see the mountains ahead,
knowing there is something beyond them,
she prays the wind’s particles have not gone there,
and prays to have her mother back,
the grass on which she laid in summertime,
the spring’s rain leaving the droplets of freshness on her face,
that warmth felt as her mom hugged her,
the day she died.
What happened, she thinks, why is this done?
Just as that thought came and went, a sound was heard from behind.
The young one slowly turns, her eyes tired,
and not responding as quickly as her mind, sees a massive wall,
a blackness coming toward her

enveloping every particle of dust and waste.
It was the girl’s thoughts, that special part of her,
filled with what goodness could be found inward her soul.
Be still my heart, was her response.
And it felt like her time, was not to be alive anymore.
Closing her eyes,
thinking of the beauty that once was there,
touching the flowers with her tiny hands,
smelling the ocean from her bedroom window,
the blackness engulfed the body with an immense noise.

Particles evolved along the base of the mountain,
collecting little tidbits of molecules and life force.
Suddenly, the destruction stopped.
A wall of dust and waste from the earth,
to the infinite black space above, set...waiting.

Something this way comes,
and it far reached the powers this evil could ever have,
more devastating than what the particle of death

could ever conceive.
It had too.
She is riding atop a spirit with a vengeance,
beauty beyond imagined, wings so filled with strength,
the world moved, as spread and grasping for more air,
an angel with a little girl,
her arms raised high,
the eyes were no longer tired but filled with energy,
the angel’s movements were immense.
The young one is the bright light
found within the darkness of good,
that special part of the soul,
when given everything it cannot bear,
the terrible demise of life that comes through evil,
where nothing is seen but hate and death,
a soul’s touch of goodness then becomes
the right hand of the creator.
That essence has nothing to fear.
The young one is the princess of God’s will,
a small, yet strong being of life,
the force residing in all of mankind’s heart,
if wanted bad enough.
Those particles of evil are worried,
can hear the noise of life coming,
they sense what was the inevitable,
because of not stopping the young one.
The blackness moves with lightning speed,
replacing everything that was destroyed,
crossing the earth with life,
removing death, giving the souls their sanctuary’s vessel,
trees, flowers, people, the cities, towns, and animals,
all of what was taken,
comes back, back to that one time where was,
so not to loose a thought, removing evil’s hand from spirit,
the only hold where evil can do its harm.
They try to hide within the wind’s wrapping of strength,
the particles make way toward the center of its will, and cannot.
Will not.
It is the young girl’s passion to keep what evil was,
away from where the wind came from,
even evil has a limit to what can be done to its own spirit,
Then it happened,
a burst of light so bright, one could not look upon it,
the colors changed to everything imaginable,
an incandescence began to flow from the earth,
rising slowly upward to the sky and space itself,
with leaving in the wake of its beauty, the girl,
standing on green grass,
looking to the sea outstretched for hundreds of miles.
A new beginning for her,
because now, she must keep it this way. And she will.
A guardian of earth, as said from the creator himself.
The wind felt now is soft and sweet to the face,
caressing the body with a warmth,
such to the way her mother did,
and may well be her mother’s touch from heaven,
giving the heart an occasional well deserved love.

Quietness begins to fall with the night’s touch to day’s end,
removing everything with it,

so not to be too exhausted for sleep,
a journey that will make the young girl,
just that,
one small girl with a passion to be in her mother’s arms,
and if the passion comes as did to save the earth,
her dream will be everything it must in reality,
the love felt at that moment, rises as a thank you,
and mother is seen walking toward her,
then setting alongside,
looking out to the ocean with her daughter,
from the bedroom window.
The young one takes a deep breath of the sea’s essence,
both gazing out with tears of joy,
even if,
for only a moment,
amongst the young girl’s dream,
nothing has changed.

Except having the angel above them.

©2000 Albert L. Wade, Jr.

Brought to you by: Enchanted Words "The Written Way"

Note: crowstouch signs his work with various pseudonyms. Albert L. Wade, Jr. is one of many.

crowstouch © Copyright, 2000

(2139, 000215; 2140, 000215; 2141, 000215)

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Hello and Good Day!

The beauty of St. Patrick's Day
comes with all the intentions luck
has for the person whom believes,
in fairies, those tiny special people,
that carry the goodness to which befalls
upon the hearts for faith and truth.
The wonderment is felt as love,
happiness, joy, and comfort.

Not all that hard to find,
really doesn't take any luck,
just the knowing those fairies
have given the touch,
for the heart to feel from
another's good intentions.

Be well throughout the day.

Brought to you by: Enchanted Words "The Written Way"
Words of a poet flow serene as do colors to canvas.


(not posted, e-mail received: 000317)

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Hello and Smiles

Ever wonder, what it is that makes life as it is,

the turmoil, or the love, or even the given touch nature
has set upon the soul, as a way for life's words to be read?

Ever wonder, what it takes to be,
as you are, in this plane of life,
if it would be thus,
as it is in the other realm of life?

Ever wonder,
why you are in flesh,
the same,
yet not,
the same as any one else?

Ever wonder,
why you love life so much it hurts,
then the night comes and there is no spirit left,

to take that hurt and pleasure it?

you open your mind up,
and know what has been missed,
can see the vision for the experiences felt,
will feel, and have not come close to being felt.

looking down a road so long,
the ending has no beginning,
the past sights,
has no direction from whence it was,
but still evolves from being a part of your spirit.

Seek not what lies in the past,
go forth to the beginning of all experiences and live them,
as yourself,
the spirit of love, compassion, truth,
the willingness to expand the mind,
beyond the farthest galaxy of heart's space...

for it is not what you think it is,

Ever wonder?


©2000 Albert L. Wade, Jr.

Brought to you by: Enchanted Words "The Written Way"

Note: crowstouch signs his work with various pseudonyms. Albert L. Wade, Jr. is one of many.

crowstouch © Copyright, 2000

(2268, 000403)

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